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Commissioner Flinn Mulling Over a Race in the 8th Congressional District

GOP radiologist/radio magnate may still have a yen to be county mayor, too.

Commissioner George Flinn

  • Commissioner George Flinn

Make no mistake about it. Shelby County Commissioner George Flinn has some uncooked political seeds. Flinn, the successful radiologist and broadcast executive who won a niche on the county commission after unsuccessful runs at the county mayor’s office and the city council, is still hankering after higher office.

His interest in the county mayor’s position, which he first ran for as the Republican nominee in 2002, has not waned. Just last month he was one of those who applied for the position of interim mayor when the office was vacated as a result of incumbent A C Wharton’s victory in the city mayor’s race.

And Flinn has talked out loud about making a race for Shelby County mayor next year when it’s up for its regular place on the countywide ballot.

But he may be after other game, as well. Roll Call, of all people, followed up on some rumors that have been trickling through various Internet sources and called Flinn up, asking if it was true that he intended to be a candidate for the 8th District congressional vacancy which opened up when incumbent Democrat John Tanner announced last week he wouldn’t seek reelection.

Flinn, a Republican, gave the Capitol Hill publication this statement (which apparently also appears on his Facebook page):

“In the days since Congressman Tanner’s announcement, many people from across the district have encouraged me to run for the seat.

“I am deeply troubled by the direction the liberals in Congress are taking our nation runaway spending and taxing, as well as a stunning increase in the size of government, threaten our future prosperity and our freedoms.
“My family and I are praying on this important decision. Let me make one thing clear, I will be a part of a campaign to take back America and make sure our conservative values are no longer ignored, whether I do it as a candidate or in another role.”

The certain candidates inthe 8th district race so far are gospel singer/farmer Stephen Fincher, a Republican, and state Senator Roy Herron, a Democrat.

Fincher already has a head of steam but it should be noted that Flinn overtook attorney Larry Scroggs, the favorite of the local Republican establishment, when he captured the GOP nomination for county mayor in 2002. He was beaten in the general election that year by Democrat A C Wharton, who served the better part of two terms before being elected Memphis mayor this year.