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Bonnaroo Recap, Day 3

Saturday we were running on fumes after two days camping in the muggy heat and walking back and forth from Centeroo. Staying hydrated was key to our survival and drinking beer helped to lighten the discomfort. I realized you kinda have to maintain a buzz if you plan to make it through the entire fest. Otherwise, the heat, lack of shade, crowds, long lines (for everything), and disgusting port-a-johns might get the better of you.

Alas, we trudged on, blistered feet and all, to hear some tunes. We caught the godfathers of grunge, The Melvins, who rocked the crowd with their sometimes off-key, unkempt guitar riffs and wailing vocals. Next, we stopped by to see Jack White’s newest project, The Dead Weather, before walking over to Which Stage for Weezer. Weezer played an awesome set, including lots of oldies like “Why Bother,” “Say It Ain’t So,” and “The Sweater Song.” Near the end, they covered MGMT’s “Kids,” mashing it up with Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face.” They closed their show with “Buddy Holly” as thousands of fans sang along.

Though we planned to see several other acts Saturday night, we were all exhausted. We walked back to camp for a nap, which (oops!) lasted until 7:30 Sunday morning. That’s the thing about Bonnaroo. It’s next to impossible to catch everything. There’s just so much going on, and only so much you can handle.