Memphis Gaydar News

Booksigning by Angelia Sparrow


What do a World War II flying ace, a Dartmouth journalism school grad, and mummy’s fingernails have in common? Not much unless you consider local author Angelia Sparrow’s new LGBT romance novel The Curse of the Pharaoh’s Manicurists.

Sparrow is one of seven fantasy authors participating in the annual three-day DK Con at Davis-Kidd Booksellers through July 8th. Sparrow’s signing takes place at 6 p.m. on Thursday, July 8th.

Here’s a summary of Sparrow’s book from her and writing partner Naomi Brooks’ website:

In the roaring ’20s, Charlie Doyle, the ink still wet on his Dartmouth journalism degree, answers an ad for a job as secretary to Edward Kilsby, Lord Withycombe and renowned flying ace of the Great War. The ad leads him to expect excitement, but Charlie never expects quite so much.

When Edward is hired to find missing archaeologist Sir Alexander Spencer, Charlie is about to go for the ride of his life. A whirlwind tour of London, the Paris nightlife, a kidnapping by Edward’s jilted fiancée and rival, Cairo, the Valley of the Kings, even the Orient Express all pale compared to what awaits Charlie and Edward in the tomb of Ni-ankh-khnum and Khnum-ho-tep, Overseers of the Manicurists in the Palace of the King.

But not mummies nor jilted lovers, not malaria nor Anubis himself can stop their quest…or their growing love for each other…