Sing All Kinds We Recommend

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It’s Friday, which means it’s movie night in America. What should you see? What should you avoid? SING ALL KINDS has got you covered.

It’s not recommended that you see the Jennifer Aniston indie romantic comedy Management, opening today. My review.

You may or may not want to see the Jennifer Biel/Colin Firth adaptation of minor Noël Coward, Easy Virtue, also opening today. Chris Herrington’s review.

You could take a flyer on The Taking of Pelham 123. Chris Herrington’s review. Or rent the original. It’s got Robert Shaw.

And it’s not too late to take in The Brothers Bloom, the con comedy from Rian Johnson, who’s previous film, Brick, was my 7th favorite movie of 2006. Addison Engelking’s Brothers Bloom review.