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Reminder: Elvis and Lebowksi at Levitt Shell tonight

Elvis Presley: Badass

  • Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc.
  • Elvis Presley: Badass

The show will go on: Indie Memphis‘ double-feature of Elvis Presley‘s famous 1968 “comeback” NBC special (co-sponsored by Elvis Presley Enterprises) and the Coen brothers’ shaggy cult comedy The Big Lebowski (co-sponsored by the Flyer) will happen at 7 p.m. tonight at the Levitt Shell in Overton Park. The screening is FREE!

The weather looks to be dry but cool, so dress warm and maybe bring a blanket, but definitely show up. This should be a great event and, crucially, could be a precursor to future film events in Overton Park. We’ll see you there.

If you need further enticement, a couple of clips of what you would be missing by staying at home: