Blurb Books

The Dirty Good Book

f1cc/1247841135-9780061238857.jpg Did Abraham pimp Sarah? Was Onan a jerk? Did King David have a potty mouth? And were Samson and Delilah into S&M?

Those are the pressing questions asked, and answered, in The Uncensored Bible: The Bawdy and Naughty Bits of the Good Book, which is out in paperback this month from HarperOne, an imprint of HarperCollins.

The book’s authors, professors John Kaltner and Steven L. McKenzie, both of Rhodes College, with the help of reporter (and satirist) Joel Kilpatrick, do a hell of a job mixing bona fide scholarship and good-hearted humor, and “funny as hell” is how one reviewer described it last year. Here’s how the Flyer saw it.

Leave it to Kaltner, McKenzie, and Kilpatrick, though, to have the final say on a question that’s had other scholars stumped: Does the Bible or does it not command bikini waxing?