News News Feature


Two of the people who helped the Memphis Redbirds and AutoZone Park get off the ground and become such a success are leaving to go out on their own.

President and General Manager Allie Prescott and Jason Macaulay, who holds the same titles at the Plaza Club, announced their plans last week, although the timing is apparently coincidental. Macaulay said he learned about Prescott’s pending September departure when he read about it in the newspaper.

Prescott plans to go into business for himself, possibly in partnership with his wife Barbara, a member of the Memphis City Schools Board of Education. Macaulay, who came to the Redbirds from The Racquet Club in 1997, plans to start his own firm “to help people doing what I’m doing.”

What he does, among other things, is work long hours and weekends, and he looks forward to getting away from that part of the job.

“I like the project side of things,” said Macaulay.

He intends to remain with the Redbirds at least through the summer and continue to live in Memphis after that. Cofounders Kristi and Dean Jernigan, he said, have been “enormously supportive.”

Dean Jernigan said Prescott and Macaulay both played their roles well.

“Both are builders and creators of things. It’s just a personality type. There are creators and sustainers. And both Allie and Jason are wonderful creators of things.”

Rita Sparks and Dan Madden will take over Prescott’s duties. Rita and Willard Sparks, who helped Jernigan start Storage USA, have been involved with the Redbirds for about a month. Jernigan said they would have come aboard sooner “but I wanted to get the whole IRS thing behind us first,” referring to the tax-exempt financing of the stadium.

Madden has been a baseball man for 17 years and with the Jernigans for four years running the ballpark on a daily basis.

n On a related note, Dean Jernigan acknowledged that he is in danger of spreading himself thin between his CEO duties at Storage USA and his civic activities and plans to cut back on the latter. He has been nominated for the Public Building Authority (PBA) for the NBA arena and has led the corporate season-ticket sales effort.

“I’m definitely scaling back,” he said. “That is part of the reorganization of the Redbirds and the Plaza Club. I want to play a role on the front end with the Public Building Authority just because I think it is my duty. I don’t want the PBA to make the same mistakes I did. I wish we had done better with minority business participation. We did about 28 percent with minority firms but could have done better. I want to make sure the PBA doesn’t come out of the box being the developer. We need to hire a strong company and keep this thing out of the ditch.”

He said the authority’s first priority should be gaining public trust by being “organized so there is complete visibility with the public.”

He strongly favors the Union Avenue site for the arena over the Linden site, which he thinks would force arena patrons to navigate Beale Street “which is a wonderful adult gathering place but it is an adult gathering place.” Most of the current parking lots are north of Beale Street and Union.

News News Feature


It hit me not long ago that I write this column every week under the impression that no one really reads it. I mean, you don’t care that I woke up this morning with an uncontrollable muscular twitch in my left eyelid, which means, I assume, that it is now on its way to matching my other eye, which is permanently lazy. You don’t care that in the midst of all this, before the sun was up, my cat began clawing my head as a means of persuading me to get out of the bed and lay out the Fancy Feast breakfast, only to take one look at it, walk away, get back in the bed, and, literally, stick her tongue out at me. I don’t even care. She does that all the time. I’m too concerned with trying to figure out which force of nature or fate caused me to go out and buy a new crock pot — and be very excited about it — and then run over it in the driveway upon arriving home. Fortunately, I then remembered I already have one and haven’t used it in, oh, 10 years. So because you don’t care about any of this and neither do I and therefore I assume no one is reading this, I am always tempted to just toss in things that aren’t true to see if anyone catches them. Something that is true, and which I greeted with a great deal of delight, was a recent front-page newspaper headline that contained the words “Putin” and “missile shield.” Am I the only one juvenile enough to find this exciting? And then there was this passage from the article: President Bush and Russian president Vladimir Putin agreed Sunday to link discussions of a U.S. missile defense system with the prospect of large cuts in both nuclear arsenals, hinting that if the accord is reached quickly it might give the two more time together to dress up like Carol Burnett and Vicky Lawrence and hit the Moscow nightclub circuit, drinking vodka shooters all night while entertaining the crowds with their ad lib comedy skits from the popular television show Mama’s Family. While non-English-speaking Russians may have missed some of the down-home humor as the two bantered about who baked the best pies to serve at the church bazaar, they did enjoy seeing President Bush in a very curly gray wig, which some thought was his real hair, and a floral print dress. After a long night of cabaret and gay bar-hopping, the two world leaders made one final stop and resumed their talks about nuclear weapons, removing their orthopedic shoes and flesh-toned panty hose but demanding that the deejay continue playing a techno dance-mix version of the Sister Sledge hit “We Are Family.” When the topic of offensive arms came up, the two presidents began swatting at the flab on their lower biceps, each telling the other he didn’t look so bad. Both are expected to end the talks in a few weeks, at which time they plan to focus their energy on getting tickets to the upcoming Madonna concert in Atlanta É See? I could have just slipped that in and no one would be the wiser, except for, perhaps, a woman I used to know whose name is Babe Weiser.

Politics Politics Beat Blog

Rout’s Out!

Jim Rout

It wasn’t exactly a bombshell, because reports that Jim Rout might not run again for Shelby County mayor had been rife for some time, especially since the weekend, when the decision was evidently made and confided to some close friends and advisers.

The word got out definitively Tuesday morning. But it still came as something of a shock to see the tall, rawboned, still fit-looking mayor standing at the podium in his eighth-floor conference room in the county administrative building later in the morning and hear him declare, “I called this press conference this morning to announce that I will not be a candidate for county mayor of Shelby County in 2002.”

His once reddish-blonde hair has shaded to gray and, as he said, nobody lasts forever. When he was in his 40s, as Rout told a throng of people from media and county government, he could envision a ripe old age of somewhere in the 80s or 90s. “But at 59, I don’t see a lot of 118-year-olds around,” he said — meaning that if he was ever going to stop and spend the proverbial Time With Family that retiring politicians speak of, this was the time.

“Family” was the deciding factor, he told a questioner, but when he responded to a question from the Flyer‘s John Branston about his likely preoccupations for the next 13 months by naming them as the county jail and the question of school funding, he may have given another possible answer without intending to. Those are headaches which, along with the burgeoning county debt, won’t go away.

As Rout said to somebody else, however, the increasingly overwhelming problems of government financing (which he is as much a master of as anybody else around) played a larger role in his decision, after a good deal of back-and-forthing, not to run for governor than they did in influencing his thinking about the mayoral race.

As an intimate or two had pointed out in the last few days as speculation began to mount about his intentions, Rout has logged enough time to command a decent county pension. And, as the mayor and former longtime county commissioner reminded people Tuesday, he had even spent six years as county coroner, holding that position at the time that Elvis Presley died in 1977.

Nobody was ever a more quintessential government hand than Rout, who began his political career in the ’60s as a community activist fighting a piece of commercial zoning and is approaching the end of it (possibly) as an advocate of a substantial new commercial edifice, the arena-to-be that will, if court rulings proceed favorably, be built for the NBA’s Grizzlies.

The word “possibly” in the preceding paragraph derives from the fact that, even now and even in making his farewell announcement, Rout manages to sound like an ambitious politician, ready for more government service (though the former operator of a health-care enterprise had made the obligatory reference to “opportunities” in the private sphere).

It took more than one question to get him to actually renounce a governor’s race for next year, for example, and he made a point of professing himself open to “statewide or national possibilities.” Accordingly, when he was asked late in the proceedings if he might run for the Senate in 2002 if incumbent Republican Senator Fred Thompson decided not to, he couldn’t help saying that he would take a look at the race.

“I certainly wouldn’t close the door on it,” he said.

Meanwhile, he was opening the door to the mayor’s office early enough so that, as he put it, others would have some lead time to try to plan their way into it.

“I’m interested,” said former Memphis city councilman John Bobango. County Trustee Bob Patterson has previously indicated he’d like to go for it. Friends of Probate Court Clerk Chris Thomas (who, like Patterson, was on hand for the announcement) leave no doubt that he’s interested. Ditto for friends of Memphis city councilman Jack Sammons.

The name of District Attorney General Bill Gibbons is a natural, as are those of county commissioners Buck Wellford and (one hears) Tommy Hart. These are just some of the Republican names, and there will be others.

Meanwhile, Democrats are already running. Already there are state Senator Jim Kyle, who filed his initial campaign treasurer’s report Tuesday, Bartlett banker Harold Byrd, and state Representative Carol Chumney. State Senator Steve Cohen and automobile dealer Russell Gwatney may be just around the corner. And more names will be heard from here, too.

Look out, Shelby County. Here come the gubernatorial wannabes! Democrats Phil Bredesen and Doug Horne will be making frequent forays into the county during the next few weeks.

Knoxvillian Horne (whose campaign is being managed by the capable and rising Matt Kuhn of Memphis) had plans for a Germantown appearance this week, and starting next week Nashvillian Bredesen will be the guest at numerous local get-togethers. They are strictly that, says one of his chief advisers, the seasoned Karl Schledwitz: “get-togethers.” The fund-raisers will come later on in the fall.

News The Fly-By


Calls to 107.5 FM produced only this response: We’re experiencing technical difficulty. That was the radio station’s only excuse for playing raspy rapper Ton Loc’s “Wild Thing” non-stop on Monday, July 23rd. Flyer intern Hannah Walton reports that by Tuesday morning things appeared to be fixed. “I tuned in and didn’t hear “Wild Thing,” she says. “I heard somebody say, ‘Hey, hey, you gotta wake up, you are on the air. We’ve got to cut to a commercial.’ And then they cut to a commercial.” Last time we checked, “Wild Thing” was back in extra-heavy rotation. Whatever happened to the good old days when “technical difficulty” meant that

you just went off the

air for a while?


Blonded By Science

Is it done yet? Colorist Leanne Collins checks to see.

You know those books about how great it is to have a sister? The real schmaltzy ones with all the pictures of smiling women hugging? I’m never going to write one.

I have two sisters and I love both of them very much. Unfortunately, one of them, the one I shared a room with for eight years, happens to be the only blond in an extended family of Italian, Polish, English, Native-American, and who-knows-what-else ancestry.

Her Blondness has always been highly annoying to me. Imagine, if you will, a family reunion and my sister, the shining towheaded child in a sea of bobbing brown heads. The aunts and uncles are fawning over Her Blondness, telling her how pretty she is and that her hair is so beautiful with “those big blue eyes.” Then they turn to me.

“So, Mary … how are you doing in school?”

I’ve lived 20-plus years of golden-colored bitterness.

Then, two weeks ago, I found myself at a salon called Epic awaiting my transformation into blondness courtesy of MGM, which sprung for dye jobs as a promotion for Reese Witherspoon’s latest vehicle, Legally Blonde, in conjunction with National Blond Day. When I called the MGM studios, a spokeswoman haltingly told me that MGM had “made the holiday up.”

“But it has really taken on a life of its own,” she insisted. And why not? I’m not the only American woman with a blond complex. Conventionally, brunettes are the boring ones, while blonds are the stunning bombshells. It’s completely not fair.

My colorist Leanne had short, spiky, almost platinum hair and told me that if you were going to go blond, you should go all the way. I agreed. I put on the black smock, eager to join the ranks of Marilyn, Jayne, and Sarah Jessica.

After three hours, two trips under the dryers, and at least one recitation of my mantra (Beauty is pain), I was done. Blond.

(There was one dicey moment when Leanne ran her finger over my bleach-covered brows and they seemed to completely disappear, as if shaved off. I screamed. But after that, it was fine.)

Since then, people keep asking me if being a blond is different, what’s it really like, and am I having more fun?

Mainly, it’s a lot of maintenance. And I’m not just talking about roots and deep conditioning. Blonds have it tough. Or, rather, fake blonds have it tough.

Things I didn’t expect to be different were: I had a really hard time putting on makeup. Nothing looked right. And what’s worse, I had a really hard time putting on my clothes. Suddenly, my going-out clothes looked really slutty. I’ve never dressed like a school marm, that’s true, but somehow being Blond had upped my skank quotient by a good 15 percent.

No one warned me about that. Along the same lines, things I did expect to be different were. Pick-up lines that had once sounded like this, “Yeah, I thought you were sort of cute,” now sound like this, “How come every time I scan the room, my eyes always stop on you?” I think we can all agree which one sounds better.

But the most disconcerting part is that I don’t feel like myself. I pass by mirrors and am still shocked. It doesn’t look bad; I just don’t know who that person is. Same thing when I go out in public. I just don’t know how to be Blond.

I told Her Blondness and she explained it thus: “You didn’t mentally prepare for the Blond … It’s an attitude.”

She was right. I didn’t think I’d have to work at it.

“You need to go out and have your hair styled,” Her Blondness said, “then go to the Clinique counter and get a makeover. Then go out on the town.”

This was much better than my plan, which was to get lipo, a boob job, and a manicure and pedicure every week.

Before I schedule an appointment with a plastic surgeon, I think I’ll take my sister’s advice. Then I’ll decide whether I want to stay Blond or not. Honestly, part of me feels like this could be a life change, something that I will be doing until I’m 70. Because I kind of like it. The other part of me thinks I’ll be a brunette again tomorrow.

But having been blond, now I can go back to being the dark-haired sister and be fine with it, even when the aunts and uncles fawn over Her Blondness and then ask me how work is going.

Besides, I got the good skin. And as we get older, I have a feeling that’s going to be more and more important.

We Recommend We Recommend

thursday, july 26th

Tonight, it?s Keith Sykes Songwriter Night at Black Diamond on Beale Street. Just down the street, The Dempseys are playing at Elvis Presley?s Memphis. Hank Sable and Beck Lester are at the Center for Southern Folklore. The Sallymacs are at Dan McGuinness Pub in Peabody Place. The Chris Scott Band is at Poplar Lounge. The Scott Sudbury Band is at Newby?s. And Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash are at the Hi-Tone.

Editorial Opinion

A Task For Two Mayors

When a politician discloses his retirement intentions 13 months in advance, he’s laying some groundwork for both his successor and himself.

Shelby County Mayor Jim Rout did that this week in an announcement that managed to be stunning, if not all that surprising. Still politically ambitious, but vexed with or maybe simply tired of some of the current conundrums of county government and sincerely devoted to his family, this highly capable public servant just wanted out.

What his successor does, and who he or she is, makes for an interesting discussion. But the bigger issue is what Rout still the county mayor and a functioning, hands-on version at that if he continues to steel himself to the job can get done in the next year, absent reelection pressures.

Without going into detail at his withdrawal announcement Tuesday, he mentioned fixing the jail and the school-funding formula as his two top priorities. As far as the jail currently under various court mandates is concerned, Rout is only one of four major players, the others being Attorney General Bill Gibbons, Sheriff A.C. Gilless, and U.S. District Judge Jon McCalla. For that reason, and because it will take much longer than 13 months to fix the various problems that are rampant in the overcrowded facility, we don’t see the jail, for better or for worse, as constituting the pièce de résistance in Rout’s legacy.

Schools and the companion issue of consolidation of government services are another matter. Rout and Memphis Mayor Willie Herenton can change the world, or at least this part of it. If a politically secure black city mayor and a political lame-duck white county mayor with over half a century of experience in local government can’t do it, nobody can.

No more study committees or blue-ribbon task forces! What we would like to see is ready? the Rout/Herenton Plan, a state-of-the-art blueprint for change and reform, possible if the mayors put their personal differences behind them and stand together as they were able to during the recent NBA sales job. They did that deal in a few months. Let’s see what they can accomplish by the end of the year on schools and consolidation.

In touting up his achievements Tuesday, Rout said he had cut a full one-fifth of the county payroll in seven years. “Bravo!” we say. And “Encore!” Honestly now, mayor, how much more is there that could be safely eliminated on the grounds that it duplicates a city function? What is essential and what is a political sacred cow? What, if any, form of consolidation makes sense?

For Mayor Herenton, now is the time to share all he knows about what works and doesn’t work in education, integration, and funding. The NAACP Legal Defense Fund and the Memphis Area Chamber of Commerce appear willing to get behind single-source funding of schools. City superintendent Johnnie B. Watson and county superintendent James Mitchell are openminded veterans without personal agendas.

Rout and Herenton must lead the way to lasting solutions now, while both are in their prime and there is an open field in front of them. We have every reason to believe they will take advantage of the fact.

News The Fly-By

City Reporter

GARE Sourcebook Looks At Region

By Chris Przybyszewski

The Governor’s Alliance for Regional Excellence (GARE) has issued its Memphis Region Sourcebook, which was compiled by a steering committee of over 60 local notables including mayors, civic leaders, and governor-appointed representatives. Both county mayor Jim Rout and city mayor Willie Herenton participated, along with most of the Chamber of Commerce.

The report concludes two years of study on the Memphis region, which includes Memphis, Little Rock, Jackson, Mississippi, and Nashville along with associated counties and satellite communities. The area comprises 2 million people and 10 urban centers, called “corridors” by consultant Michael Gallis. Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, Gallis & Associates specializes in regional projects and has worked with Cincinnati, the western Michigan region, the Orlando region, and the state of New Jersey.

Gallis sees regions as the “new global economic geography.”

“Due to the impact of globalization, regions really have to be recognized as social, economic, and urban centers,” Gallis says. “They’re not defined by geography. They’re defined by populations which are non-political jurisdictions.”

However, since there are no regional governments, as such, the challenge is to make the governing bodies act in ways that cross political boundaries. “We haven’t constructed instruments for either looking at or managing regions,” Gallis says. “All the things we are speaking about have regional impact, but we have no way to address regional issues.”

To tackle this challenge, the report is divided into four areas of inquiry. First: “What are the new things that are happening?” asks Gallis. He gives as an example the Biomedical Research hub being planned at the site of Baptist Memorial Hospital in downtown Memphis.

Second: “What is going on that needs a higher level of coordination?” According to Gallis, a salient example is the transportation network in this region. While there has been growth in the highway, rail, air, and river transportation businesses, Gallis suggests the region would be better served if they were seen as components of a super-hub.

“Instead of separate plans,” Gallis says, “they could be looked at as components of larger scale initiatives.” One such initiative, as reported in last week’s Flyer, is the creation of a rail super-hub that would allow cargo to be transported over rail lines without journeying into the city.

Third on the agenda was finding “areas where we really didn’t have enough knowledge but could recognize we probably needed to study more in depth.” Gallis gives as an example a regional economic development plan for the entire region instead of plans on a city-wide or even state-wide level.

Finally, the sourcebook addresses a need for “umbrella organizations,” entities that loosely oversee networks of certain areas. Gallis gives the example of art and history. “There’s a lot of history and cultural arts [in this region],” he says. “Memphis has such a distinctive, unique culture.” While such oversight efforts could be seen as homogenizing, Gallis disagrees. “A lot of organizations are promoting, but individually,” he says. “They don’t have a national impact or a global impact.” The umbrella organizations, according to Gallis, would allow a number of groups to extend their reach.

Though the sourcebook covers 11 areas of interest ranging from the environment to medical research to sports and entertainment, one issue it circumvents is urban sprawl. The sourcebook never directly tackles the subject, saying only that “low-density urban growth is costly to the community” in its urbanization and demographics recommendations section. Gallis says that sprawl is implicit throughout the sourcebook. “The issue of urban sprawl is that the region doesn’t jibe as a whole,” he says. “It doesn’t see itself as a region.”

Competition between parts of a region pulls population and money from one section to another. One example is the proposed Southaven mall. While that mall would surely draw business away from Memphis’ already struggling inner-city malls and therefore weaken Memphis’ urban core, the idea is a good one for Southaven, which will reap the financial benefits.

“Every city feels like they are growing in the right way,” Gallis says. “But only when you look at a region can you see sprawl. It doesn’t show up on individual units.” When looking at the overall plan of the area, the prognosis isn’t good. The cover illustration of the sourcebook is a map of the Memphis region that highlights the urban corridors as well as the highway system (both present and planned) that connect the corridors.

According to the report, a new “super-belt” will exist, composed of Tennessee Highway 385 and Mississippi Highway 304. This loop dwarfs the existing Memphis 240 loop and will, according to Gallis, encourage sprawl past Collierville and Olive Branch and into Fayette County and Mississippi. “The construction of the super-belt is in fact setting the growth pattern of the future,” Gallis says. “We’re setting in motion processes that could create an extended low-density urban area.”

The solution, according to Gallis, is to use the sourcebook and future studies like it to strengthen the region as a whole, by planning the individual pieces in a way that complements other pieces. n

Judge To Consider DCS Agreement Before Signing

By Rebekah Gleaves

On Friday, July 20th, Federal Court Judge Todd Campbell held a fairness hearing to decide whether he would sign the settlement agreement drafted by both the plaintiffs and defendants in the Brian A. v. Sundquist case. Judge Campbell did not sign the agreement on Friday but said that he would consider it and presumably sign it on a later date.

The Flyer first reported on this lawsuit in its March 1st issue and again on June 14th. The lawsuit alleges that the state’s Department of Children’s Services system is allowing children in state custody to be physically and sexually abused, over-medicated, and shuffled from placement to placement while the state does little to protect or secure permanent homes for them.

According to Ira Lustbader, attorney for the nonprofit group Children’s Rights, Inc., who brought the lawsuit on behalf of all of Tennessee’s foster children, leaders in both houses of the state legislature have agreed to fund the settlement agreement.

However, the state has filed some objections to the agreement. Namely, the state would rather use the Social Security funds for the group benefit of all the children in custody rather than for the individual children to whom such funds are currently allocated.

Memphis Officer Is World’s Fastest Cop

By Hannah Walton

He loved the competition but gave up track-and-field scholarships to join the Police Academy, and now he is enjoying the best of both worlds. After winning three gold medals, Memphis police officer Dennis McNeil is considered the fastest cop on foot.

McNeil competed in the 100 meter, 200 meter, 4 by 100 meter relay, and 4 by 400 meter relay in this year’s Police and Fire Games in Indianapolis, an event much like the Olympics. “The games are extraordinarily colorful,” McNeil says. “It broadens my horizon of the whole world when I see real athletes competing from all over.”

McNeil returned to Memphis with gold medals in the 100 and 200 meter races, giving him a total of 6 for his career. He ran this year’s 100 meter race in 10.71 seconds, .3 seconds slower than his career best. He also won medals in the 1997 Alberta, Canada, games and the 1999 games in Stockholm, Sweden.

“I give my mom full credit; she is the one who instilled hard work and perseverance in me,” McNeil says. “I feel as though God has blessed me with a talent, and I not only need to use it but share it with others.”

In the future McNeil plans to coach and mentor a track team.

Acoustic Showcase Hits the Net

The Memphis Troubadours Acoustic Showcase has been a staple of the Memphis music scene for two years — bringing local performers together to swap songs every Tuesday night at the Flying Saucer Draught Emporium — but now the weekly forum is set to begin branching out into other mediums.

On Tuesday, August 14th, at 8 p.m., the Troubadours will broadcast a one-hour pilot for a proposed series of streaming Internet programs. Titled The Acoustic Highway and broadcast on, the pilot will combine live performances from a Los Angeles soundstage with pre-taped segments on elements of Memphis music and culture. Graceland, Al Green’s Full Gospel Tabernacle, the Arcade restaurant, and the P&H Café have been mentioned as possible video subjects.

The pilot is being produced by L2 Entertainment, a local company founded by brothers Wayne and Todd LeeLoy. Wayne is the creator and creative director of the Troubadours showcase.

In an interview earlier this year with the Flyer concerning the release of 3 Chords and the Truth, a two-CD compilation of Troubadours recordings, Wayne proposed that the showcase and recording were initial steps in a series of related ventures that could also include a television series and a touring show. The Internet broadcast is another step in realizing those goals.

The pilot broadcast of The Acoustic Highway will feature performances from Wayne LeeLoy, Cory Branan, Garrison Starr, and Paul Thorn. Starr released an album, Eighteen Over Me, for Geffen a few years ago and toured with the summer festival Lilith Fair. Thorn is a Tupelo-based singer-songwriter who has recorded for A&M Records and has had songs recorded by country artists such as Tanya Tucker and Toby Keith. Branan is a local artist who released his debut, The Hell You Say, on the Memphis label MADJACK earlier this year. LeeLoy, in addition to being the show’s creator, is a frequent performer under the moniker Native Son. — Chris Herrington

Baptist Ranks High

U.S. News and World Report‘s annual “America’s best Hospitals” issue ranks Baptist Memorial Hospital 46th among the top 50 hospitals for orthopedics.

“We are so proud to receive this honor,” Baptist’s Director of Corporate Communication Echelle Lane says. “We have an outstanding staff of orthopedic physicians and are doing our best to live up to this honor.”

It’s the fourth consecutive year Baptist Memorial Hospital has been listed in the magazine. And as in the three previous years, it was named for orthopedics. One other year Baptist Hospital was named in the top 50 for neurology and neurosciences.

“I believe it’s the team atmosphere of physicians, nurses, and other staff members all working together to treat the patient that makes the hospital among the best,” Lane says. “We have an ongoing commitment here to bring in the most current technology and provide the most needed procedures for all of our patients.”

Baptist Memorial Hospital was chosen from among 6,116 hospitals for the honor. Lane says the hospital is growing, especially with the new Heart Institute being finished in September and new women’s-services hospitals opening in the Memphis area.

Vanderbilt University Hospital in Nashville has been listed in the U.S. News and World Report article a number of times for excellence in areas such as hormonal disorder, kidney disease, gynecology, and pulmonary disease. — Hannah Walton

city beat

Prescott and Macaulay Leaving ‘Birds, Jernigan Scaling Back

by John Branston

Two of the people who helped the Memphis Redbirds and AutoZone Park get off the ground and become such a success are leaving to go out on their own.

President and General Manager Allie Prescott and Jason Macaulay, who holds the same titles at the Plaza Club, announced their plans last week, although the timing is apparently coincidental. Macaulay said he learned about Prescott’s pending September departure when he read about it in the newspaper.

Prescott plans to go into business for himself, possibly in partnership with his wife Barbara, a member of the Memphis City Schools Board of Education. Macaulay, who came to the Redbirds from The Racquet Club in 1997, plans to start his own firm “to help people doing what I’m doing.”

What he does, among other things, is work long hours and weekends, and he looks forward to getting away from that part of the job.

“I like the project side of things,” said Macaulay.

He intends to remain with the Redbirds at least through the summer and continue to live in Memphis after that. Cofounders Kristi and Dean Jernigan, he said, have been “enormously supportive.”

Dean Jernigan said Prescott and Macaulay both played their roles well.

“Both are builders and creators of things. It’s just a personality type. There are creators and sustainers. And both Allie and Jason are wonderful creators of things.”

Rita Sparks and Dan Madden will take over Prescott’s duties. Rita and Willard Sparks, who helped Jernigan start Storage USA, have been involved with the Redbirds for about a month. Jernigan said they would have come aboard sooner “but I wanted to get the whole IRS thing behind us first,” referring to the tax-exempt financing of the stadium.

Madden has been a baseball man for 17 years and with the Jernigans for four years running the ballpark on a daily basis.

n On a related note, Dean Jernigan acknowledged that he is in danger of spreading himself thin between his CEO duties at Storage USA and his civic activities and plans to cut back on the latter. He has been nominated for the Public Building Authority (PBA) for the NBA arena and has led the corporate season-ticket sales effort.

“I’m definitely scaling back,” he said. “That is part of the reorganization of the Redbirds and the Plaza Club. I want to play a role on the front end with the Public Building Authority just because I think it is my duty. I don’t want the PBA to make the same mistakes I did. I wish we had done better with minority business participation. We did about 28 percent with minority firms but could have done better. I want to make sure the PBA doesn’t come out of the box being the developer. We need to hire a strong company and keep this thing out of the ditch.”

He said the authority’s first priority should be gaining public trust by being “organized so there is complete visibility with the public.”

He strongly favors the Union Avenue site for the arena over the Linden site, which he thinks would force arena patrons to navigate Beale Street “which is a wonderful adult gathering place but it is an adult gathering place.” Most of the current parking lots are north of Beale Street and Union.

n They don’t call it minor-league baseball for nothing. The Redbirds came within an out of having the side retired via pickoffs Monday night. In the midst of a three-run rally, two players were picked off second base, one with the bases loaded and nobody out, and the other with two outs and the Redbirds trailing 5-3.

Just as inexplicably, fans didn’t get to see both gaffes on the vaunted replay screen. The Redbirds are wasting the technology by showing the same tired movie clips and guessing games between innings instead of replaying the highlights and lowlights of the previous inning. Pros can take it.

Hot Properties Real Estate

Cut the Crap

The Greeks thought there was only one sin, and they called it hubris. It translates loosely as excess. The current trend to build mega-houses is very hubristic. Learning to edit one’s life is an art long overdue a revival. It’s never too late to cut the crap and choose quality over quantity.

This house on Walnut Grove was built in 1950 as a retirement home. The intent was not just to downsize but have fewer, bigger rooms and build those very well. The second owner has lived here 15 years and updated all the systems in the house. Obviously appreciating that initial intent, the owner has made a concerted effort to keep the interior light and open. In the yard, a garden has been lovingly installed, showcasing native plants.

Restraint is evident both in and out. True to the mid-century, deep overhanging eaves protect the windows from the summer sun but admit lower winter light. A low-pitched roof and long, narrow brick emphasize the horizontal, tying the house to the land. This line is continued by planters flanking the walk and simply filled with evergreen ground-cover and a well-placed Japanese maple to announce the entry.

The spacious entry has a wall of closets and a floor of marble. The rest of the house has pale white oak. The front dining room overlooks a deep perimeter planting that buffers the views to Walnut Grove. The living room runs across the back, opening to a patio shaded by an elegant, old ironwood tree.

The renovated kitchen deserves special mention. Most of the upper cabinets were eliminated to make room for the art on the walls. At the same time, recessed can-lights were added throughout the house. Ample counters provide both work area and breakfast bar. In addition to the roll-out wire-shelved cabinets, there is exposed wire shelving for pots and pans beneath the cooktop. Glassware and dishes are stored in a glass-doored, floor-to-ceiling cabinet. The adjoining breakfast area could accommodate a cozy seating area just as well as it could a breakfast table.

Both bedrooms are generously scaled, each with two closets with built-ins. The owner has plushed them up with wool carpeting over the oak. The front bedroom has windows on two sides, while the back has windows on three. Every window frames a garden view. There’s one public bath and one in the master. Neither is stinted in size or details. Richly colored tiles are used at floor and wainscot. A narrow, inlaid wave pattern adds ornament. The vanities have rakishly retro slanted fronts that include ample storage drawers. Like the rest of the house, all of the windowsills are granite.

The rear patio is reached easily from the master bedroom, living room, and kitchen. It’s practically another room in good weather. A two-car porte cochere is angled off the rear, so as not to block views. The circular rear drive pivots around a berm planted with sun-loving sumac. The emphasis on native plants coupled with the informal, naturalistic installation makes this garden as easy-care as the house. As a showcase for a well-edited collection of furniture and art, this house is almost sinfully perfect. And that’s no bull!

Cover Feature News

What A C Stands For

God knew what He was doing when he made A C Wharton color-blind. With that small alteration He made a man who would live his life seeing things a little bit differently from the rest of us.

But if you ask A C — whose name is simply that, the letters don’t stand for anything — about his color blindness, or anything else for that matter, he’s apt to shrug, downplay the effect it’s had on him, and chalk up all of his good fortune to just being lucky. But the truth is that this 56-year-old — who’s been Shelby County’s public defender for more than 20 years, who maintains a successful private criminal defense practice and sits on the boards of Methodist-Le Bonheur Hospital and the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, and who has taught law at Ole Miss for 25 years — works very, very hard.

But it’s hard to get Wharton to acknowledge all that he’s done and all that he’s overcome to get to where he is today. He’d rather hide behind the illustrious lives of some of his better-known clients than sing his own praises. A feat that’s easy enough considering he’s represented Mayor W.W. Herenton, Senator John Ford, Tamara Mitchell Ford, Lynn Lang, Michael Hooks Sr., Michael Hooks Jr., WillieAnn Madison, Ray Mills, Stephen Toarmina, John J. Pickett III, Tic Price, and Timothy Shane Prink. Chances are, if something is a hot topic around watercoolers in Memphis, A C Wharton is probably involved at some level. But don’t count on him waiting around for the 10 o’clock news just to catch a glimpse of himself.

“If there’s one thing I will not watch on TV, it’s myself,” says Wharton. “It’s vanity if you have to watch yourself on TV to see who you are. I don’t like to read about myself, either.”

All of which becomes increasingly difficult with each high-profile case Wharton takes on. So, to keep from having to watch or read about himself, Wharton stays busy with the other responsibilities he has taken on.

“I have not had a dull day in — well, I don’t think I’ve ever had a dull day,” says Wharton. “If I get bored with criminal defense, then there’s the hospital board and all the challenges that hospitals are facing these days. When I become tired of that, I can deal with my board work with higher education. When I’m bored with that, I can deal with white-collar crime, and then there’s street crime. It’s the diversity and the variety that keep life interesting.”

In addition, Wharton managed Herenton’s 1999 mayoral campaign, served as an adviser to Al Gore, and, together with his wife Ruby, has raised four children. Though he’s always maintained an active position on the perimeter of politics, Wharton shrugs off suggestions that he run for mayor, saying that he thinks Herenton is doing a fine job and there’s no need to run against him.

Herenton, for his part, thinks A C is up to the job.

“I’ve known A C for 20 years and have watched him grow in stature as a lawyer and become increasingly politically astute,” says Herenton. “If A C were to seek the office of mayor and get elected, I think the citizens would have an excellent mayor.”

Another old friend of Wharton’s, Joe Brown, known for his television program Judge Joe Brown, jokes that there’s one thing that would stop Wharton from winning the office of mayor.

“A C as mayor? He’d have to stand in line behind yours truly! Besides, the Doc [Mayor Herenton] is a good friend of mine and he’s doing a bang-up job, so I don’t imagine A C or myself would run anytime soon,” says Brown. “But A C’s the type of person who can cut across lines in Memphis with a dignified manner. If he ran for mayor, I might even be persuaded to vote for him.”

It’s no accident that Wharton is approachable, identifiable, and universally respected in this city.

“One of the reasons why I stay so busy is that if you see me in so many different channels, you won’t have time to see me from a racial perspective,” explains Wharton. “You may deal with me today in a hospital setting, tomorrow in a criminal justice setting, the next day in an educational setting. If you [work with me] in all of those channels, it’ll take a long time for things to get dull enough for you stop and say, ‘That’s a black guy.’ You’ll be more interested in the product, in what I have to say. You’ve heard the B.B. King song ‘You Better Not Look Down’? I think we all ought to be so busy that we don’t have time to look down.”

Obviously it’s a theory that’s worked well for him. But, as a black child raised in the rural middle Tennessee town of Lebanon, race was an issue Wharton became very familiar with.

Early “Training”

“My school was segregated — Wilson County Training School,” he says. “The white kids went to Lebanon High. The black kids went to training school, the white kids went to high school. That was just typical of the thought back then. The thought was that black kids didn’t need an education, they needed training. White kids would get the education. It was supposed to have been our high school but it had the name Wilson County Training School, and that speaks volumes about the kind of education we got back then. When I got to Tennessee State, I was so proud I hung my diploma in a little brass picture frame on the wall, and kids from Detroit and wherever else would see that ‘Training School’ and they’d say, ‘What did you do?’ In other states, a training school was a home for delinquents, a reformatory. They assumed that I’d committed a crime.”

The stigma that such experiences left on Wharton would stay with him. But instead of being bitter about his past, he’s taken it and turned it into fuel for his passion to educate all children.

“My high school did not have a lot of things,” says Wharton. “We never had Bunsen burners in our chemistry class. The only thing that set the chemistry room apart from the other rooms in the school was the elements chart, so I memorized that and can still recite it.”

Wharton’s eyes well up with tears and it becomes apparent that his lack of an adequate secondary education is something he’s still troubled by.

“Education deprivation is the worst thing you can do to a child,” he continues. “When you think of depriving a child — who hasn’t done anything to anybody — of an education, that’s hard. We’re doing that now. We’re doing that with college kids. They’re getting watered-down educations. That hurts and nobody can see it. They don’t know what we’re doing to them. The fact of the matter is that we’re giving them a piss-poor wannabe education and they can’t compete. I’m not even talking about them competing against kids from Massachusetts and wherever else. I’m talking about them competing against kids from Georgia, Kentucky, West Virginia, and soon from Mississippi.

“It hurt when I found myself in college and kids from Detroit were having to show me how to do percentages and fractions, not to mention algebra and calculus. And don’t talk about physics. The kids from Detroit had learned this and were helping me do my homework. It ought to be downright illegal. It ought to be criminal,” he says. “Once you lose those learning moments, you cannot go back and recapture them. If I make them available to you later on, you feel awkward and embarrassed. It’s a stigma that you always carry with you. I’m still putting my building blocks together, learning things I should have learned by now.” Even getting to college wasn’t easy for Wharton. At times it seemed like only his parents believed he was smart and capable enough to be a college man, and even Wharton often had doubts.

“Back at my high school, the principal knew that he wanted his son, Skippy, to attend college and become an engineer. So the principal started teaching Skippy and Bobby Joe Jenkins, Skippy’s best friend, classes like algebra and calculus in the little clinic room each morning. My mother heard about it and she told me, ‘Brother’ — that’s what everyone called me — ‘you ought to ask Mr. Bryant if you can take those classes that he’s teaching Bobby Joe and Skippy.’ One day I finally got my nerve up and I approached the principal. He always sold popcorn between classes to raise money for things like cheerleading uniforms, so that day I decided that I would buy a bag of popcorn and that would be my entree. Keep in mind that the principal was always bigger than life; principals were giants. So I went up to him and I said, ‘Mr. Bryant, my momma said that I should ask you if I can take those classes you’re teaching Bobby Joe and Skippy.’

“He didn’t mean anything by it, but he had a very loud, authoritative voice and he said, ‘No, no, that’s just for boys who are going to college.’

“It wasn’t anything personal against me, he just never thought I would be going to college. And every day in college when I was struggling through my math classes, I relived that moment. Once you get that kind of rejection, you don’t fully recover.”

Despite the rejection, despite economic circumstances, despite a widespread lack of faith in his abilities, Wharton did manage to get a scholarship to Tennessee State University but only after overcoming yet another obstacle.

“I’ll never forget that year I had a summer job, making 35 cents an hour raking rocks on a white man’s farm on Tater Peeler Road. That road is still there, by the way, right off the expressway near the new mall. Legend has it that the road is so rocky that a farmer had a load of potatoes in his wagon and started down that road and by the time he got to downtown Lebanon, all the potatoes were peeled. That year, come late August I had to go register for college and I said to the man, ‘I can’t be here tomorrow because I have to go register.’ Well, my daddy worked for the same man. Keep in mind that I’m a child and this is a white man. The man said to me, ‘Boy, you ought to come on to work, you can go to school anytime. You need to be at work tomorrow.’ I get home and my daddy is sitting down taking off his shoes and I just kind of blurted it out: ‘Daddy, I’m supposed to register tomorrow, but Mr. Taylor says I ought to come to work.’ The next morning he says to the man, ‘I understand that you told Brother that he didn’t have to go register for school.’ My daddy said, ‘I work for you, so I’ll do what you tell me. But I run my house, and I’ll tell my son whether to register for school or not.’ On one hand I was so proud of my daddy, but on the other hand I was afraid that my daddy might lose his job and it would be my fault.”

Turning to the law

It was a racial incident, an intense explosion of hate manifested in the beating of a black man and witnessed by a young Wharton, that caused him to decide on the legal profession.

“Around ’61 or ’62, I didn’t really know what to do for a living. I knew I was too skinny to do a lot of physical work and I kept reading about the civil-rights demonstrations in Nashville and attorney Z. Alexander Looby and all that he was doing in the state of Tennessee. About that time I saw Bob Jr. Peaks walking down College Street in Lebanon on a Saturday.” (Wharton explains that “in the country the Jr. comes in the middle of your name” instead of at the end.)

“Perhaps Bob Jr.’s greatest sin in Lebanon was getting drunk on Saturday afternoons. He was walking up College Street, staggering, and a police officer drove up and hollered at him, ‘Get out of the street!’ and Bob Jr. jumped and fell into the ditch. The officer then told him to get out of the ditch. Well, he was drunk. He couldn’t get out of the ditch. The officer then administered the worst beating I’ve ever seen, I mean the worst, right there down in the ditch, and I saw it all happen. And so the community got up in arms and we all wanted to hire attorney Looby to represent him, and for a while we thought that he would come.”

At this his voice takes on an almost boyish animation. A natural storyteller, it’s easy to see why Wharton has been so successful as a litigator.

“We had never seen a man like Z. Alexander Looby. We wondered what kind of car he would have; it would have to be a Cadillac or Lincoln. We just knew he wouldn’t have something as common as a Studebaker or a Ford or a Chevy. Days passed and that’s all anyone could talk about. Well, as luck would have it, for some reason Z. Alexander Looby couldn’t come and he sent Avon Williams instead. Now we didn’t know much about this Avon Williams except that he was a young lawyer who was helping attorney Looby. So we started speculating about him, too. ‘Wonder what kind of car he’ll drive?'”

At the time, Looby was middle Tennessee’s best-known civil-rights lawyer and his progressive stance on controversial cases would eventually lead his detractors to burn down his house. Williams, though still unknown when Wharton first encountered him, would go on to a very illustrious career as a civil-rights lawyer himself.

“I’ll never forget the day we finally laid eyes on him. There were several false alarms, someone would run around yelling, ‘He’s coming! He’s coming!’ And eventually he did show up, driving a little black Ford. And he parked and I was so disappointed because I had bet that he’d be driving a big Cadillac. And he was a little guy. I thought that all lawyers had to be big, bad folks. Because back then, if you were white, you were big. It didn’t matter how tall you actually were. They could be shorter than you, but if they were white, they were 10 feet tall. So to go against these white men, I figured Avon Williams would have to be a big man. I pictured some gruff-talking, big man in a big car. But when he got out, he wasn’t much bigger than me and he was slender. And I thought, ‘Oh, no, they’re going to kill him.'”

But they didn’t, and as Wharton goes on to explain, the black community in Lebanon soon rallied behind him and the white community was forced to take notice.

“The trial was supposed to be held in city court but the white folks had already gotten in there and taken up all the room for spectators. So that meant that Bob Jr. was going to be tried before a room full of white folks with no black folks in there. Avon Williams stood up and said, ‘Your Honor, there’s a crowd of people outside who deserve to see this trial and I’m not trying this case unless those people get to see it.’ Well, we all thought, ‘Oh, no, he’s dead, he’s dead, he’s dead.’ But sure enough the judge said, ‘This is a trial and we’re going to have this trial wherever I say, so we’re going to move it over to the county courthouse.’

“Seeing that, something just kind of came over me. Seeing the law in the person of Avon Williams, a black man who just came into that little town and, just as confident as he was, got this white judge to say that we we’re going to have this trial where everyone could see it, that really made an impact on me. It just hit me, right then, that Avon was willing to come into that town and trust the law and use the law. And that judge, knowing that the law said that trials have to be open to all the people, was willing to buck the people in that town and move it to the county courthouse. It just hit me, right then, that’s what I really wanted to do.”

Career Moves

After finishing at TSU, Wharton attended a summer program at Harvard University aimed at recruiting young African Americans who were interested in law careers. It was there that he met Ruby, his wife. After she finished law school at Boston College, the two married. Wharton was still in law school at Ole Miss, however, and Ruby accepted a job in Atlanta, so for a time the two took turns traveling back and forth to visit each other.

Upon his graduation from law school they each took jobs in Washington, D.C., because they could work there without having to take another bar exam and they wanted to pay off their student loans. After two years, though, Wharton got a call from George Brown, now a judge here in Memphis, asking if A C would apply for the position Brown was vacating as director of legal services. Brown had become familiar with Wharton during his law school years when he was working part-time at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission office in Memphis.

“We had developed an affinity for Memphis,” says Ruby Wharton. “It was a place we each thought we’d like to live. But at the time we could probably count on two hands the number of black lawyers practicing in Memphis, and I know I was the only black female practicing law.”

The number of black lawyers would soon increase by one, when Wharton recruited Joe Brown for a position in the legal services office. He tells the story that Brown was supposed to come in for an interview at 9 a.m. but by lunch time he still hadn’t shown. Finally, around 4 p.m., Wharton says he saw a black man on a big motorcycle packed down with stuff and wearing jeans and motorcycle boots pull up front. He hired Brown that day. Eventually, Brown would be the Boy Scout troop leader for two of Wharton’s sons but not before he spent many, many long nights with A C and Ruby.

“I used to sleep on their kitchen floor,” says Brown. “Some nights when Ruby would start cooking, we’d all go in the kitchen, sit around on the floor, and start drinking while she cooked. Everyone would just sit on the floor. I was a bachelor then, so if I’d had too much to drink, I’d go to sleep right there on the floor.”

Aside from glowing praise for his work and his character, what you hear most about A C Wharton when you talk to his friends is that he’s an impeccable dresser. Brown even tells a story about how one day Wharton got home from church and mowed the yard in his suit, tie, and nice shoes. Considering that he keeps a shoe-shine machine in his office, it’s easy to believe that looking nice is important to this man. Some of his friends insist that due to A C’s color blindness, Ruby lays out all of his clothes for him, but she’s quick to dismiss the notion.

“I don’t lay out all of his clothes, he does a lot on his own,” says Ruby. “He’s not totally color-blind. He loves clothes and he makes no bones about it. But my husband is not a vain man. I could not be married to a vain man.”

You can e-mail Rebekah Gleaves at

Wharton for the Defense

A C Wharton has represented a veritable “who’s who” of defendants in his long career. Herewith, a partial list:

Mayor W.W. Herenton — In 1989, Wharton defended Herenton, then superintendent of Memphis City Schools, against a woman’s claims of sexual discrimination.

Senator John Ford — Having known John Ford and Harold Ford Sr. since college, Wharton has represented the state senator on numerous issues, including the controversy surrounding Cherokee Children and Family Services.

Tamara Mitchell-Ford — When the wife of state Senator John Ford was charged with vehicular assault and child endangerment after an accident that occurred in 1997, Wharton helped her get the charges dismissed.

Lynn Lang — The former head football coach at Trezevant High came under intense criticism last year for allegedly receiving $200,000 in exchange for steering football player Albert Means to the University of Alabama. Lang enlisted Wharton’s services to help him deal with each element of the investigation.

Michael Hooks Sr. — When the county commissioner was caught with drug paraphernalia earlier this year, it was Wharton who helped him avoid criminal charges in exchange for seeking rehabilitation.

Michael Hooks Jr. — In June of this year, the younger Hooks saw allegations resurface that he had purchased a stolen Rolex watch. Hooks, who thought the matter had been dropped in 1999, sought Wharton’s help in handling the situation.

WillieAnn Madison — Like John Ford, Madison hired Wharton to help her with matters related to the Cherokee Children and Family Services.

Ray Mills and Stephen Toarmina — Under the advice of Wharton, these two former Shelby County Sheriff’s deputies (Mills was chief deputy) admitted that they sold deputy jobs to others for cash.

John J. Pickett III — After being caught as the result of a federal corruption probe, this former Tunica County Sheriff pled guilty to extortion on the advice of Wharton. Pickett and several under him were said to have accepted money in exchange for protecting cocaine dealers in Tunica County.

Tic Price — The former University of Memphis basketball coach hired Wharton when he was caught having an affair with Chenoa Douglass, a 23-year-old student at the school, who Price also admitted to paying $17,000 after the affair ended.

Timothy Shane Prink — Prink, then a 20-year-old Cordova man, hired Wharton after admitting that he killed four of his family members and tried to kill a fifth.