Opinion The BruceV Blog

Midtown Beaver Alert!!!

Midtown social media was abuzz this week — about a beaver. Local resident Star Ritchey posted photos of the toothy mammal on her Facebook page and it quickly went viral. It appears the critter is building a dam — or a home? — in the sewer near South Barksdale and Central Avenue.

Speculation arose shortly thereafter on that the beaver(s) might be responsible for a basement flooding. Dam those suspicious beavers!

There’s no evidence yet that a whole tribe of the critters might be working in Midtown sewers, but cautious homeowners might want to keep an eye on their trees for beavery bite marks.

Also possibly relevant: Has anyone seen Mae Beavers lately?

Opinion The BruceV Blog

Your Weekly Danziger

A weekly compendium of the Washington Post’s syndicated cartoonist, Jeff Danzinger.

Opinion The BruceV Blog

Memphis: America’s Fattest City

Welp, it’s official. Memphis is the fattest city in America, with almost 40 percent of its residents classified as obese. This story, from Politico, delves into America’s problem with obesity, using Memphis as its starting point. Well worth a read.

Opinion The BruceV Blog

Your Monday Danziger

Opinion The BruceV Blog

Your Weekly Danziger

This seems on target.

Opinion The BruceV Blog

Canadian PM Battles Trump to Handshake Draw

By now, alert students of President Donald Trump are aware that his handshake style is aggressive, awkward, and jerky, much like his conversational and love-making skills.

Here he is with his SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch.

And here he is performing an excruciating 18-second Sumo handshake with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Today, Trump met with Canadian dreamboat PM Justin Trudeau, who’d obviously prepped for the encounter. Watch as he grabs Trump’s shoulder to steady himself, then leans in, closing the gap between the two men and rendering Trump’s signature move —the “jerk your arm out of its socket” power ploy — impossible.

Well played, Hoser. Well played, indeed.

And now, we breathlessly await the Putin/Trump matchup.

Opinion The BruceV Blog

How Smugglers Will Circumvent Trump’s Wall

Catapults, drones, submarines, ultralight planes, tunnels. What do all these things have in common? They’re all ways that Mexican cartels use to smuggle drugs into the United States. In this story on, author Mike Pearl interviews Sanho Tree of the Drug Policy Project to get his perspective on what President Trump’s proposed border wall can — and cannot — do to halt drug trafficking.

Opinion The BruceV Blog

The AR 15 Semi-Automatic is Not an Assault Weapon. See?

In the wake of yet another brutal massacre by an assailant using an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle, many people (and a precious few legislators) are calling for a renewal of the Assault Weapons Ban that was allowed to lapse in 2005.

One of the primary arguments against this that is being used by gun lovers and the NRA is that the AR-15 semi-automatic is not an assault weapon, since the shooter has to pull the trigger for each shot. The implication being that it’s similar to your typical deer hunting rifle.

Here’s a video of an AR-15 semi-automatic being fired, just so all you tree-hugging, anti-American libtards can see the error of your ways. The weapon is obviously quite useful in case of an attack by a herd of deer or, barring that, the zombie apocalypse.

Opinion The BruceV Blog

Saturday in the Park: Scenes from Overton

Check out these shots from last Saturday posted by the Overton Park Conservancy. I think they put to rest the myth that the battle for the park is somehow an elitist struggle being conducted by “well-to-do Midtowners with too much time on their hands.”

Opinion The BruceV Blog

Behind the Scenes at a Memphis Zoo Board Meeting

Local wit and activist Jonathan Cole has created a video masterpiece. Watch and enjoy as the Memphis Zoo board and Chuck Brady finally face the truth.