Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: Pluto Retrograde

In astrology, Pluto is the god of the underworld. Pluto may have been demoted to a dwarf planet in astronomy in 2006, but it is still an astrological powerhouse. As one of the modern rulers of Scorpio, it symbolizes how we experience power, sex, death, renewal, rebirth, and hidden or subconscious forces. Pluto went retrograde on May 2nd and will stay retrograde until October 11th.

When a planet goes “retrograde,” or moves backward through the zodiac, it often brings challenges in the areas of our life that the planet represents. Communication planet Mercury creates misunderstandings and technology breakdowns when in retrograde, for example. But Pluto’s backward shift doesn’t make us confused — it makes us reflective.

Pluto is named after the Roman god of the underworld. Like its namesake, the planet Pluto rules over the shadow side of life. When it goes retrograde, it forces us to look at our own shadow side. Two of Pluto’s big themes are power and desire. With it in retrograde, now is a good time to take an honest look at how much we’re motivated by a need for recognition, money, and authority.

Pluto can stay in one sign of the zodiac for up to 21 years and retrogrades every year for anywhere from five to six months. In the last year, Pluto has been undergoing an era-defining shift in our cosmos from Capricorn to Aquarius. It represents a moment in time in which we also find ourselves somewhat straddling two worlds — the old and the new. Pluto in Capricorn is the old and Pluto in Aquarius is the new. We are dancing intimately with change. We are preparing for a new era, and Pluto retrograde is an integral part of the dance.

Some believe that in astrology, as you move further away from planet Earth into the outer planets, the frequencies of those outer planets are more subtle, more complex, and more mysterious. Pluto and its influence cannot be grasped with the mind. It represents the unseen, the mysterious, and the hidden aspects of ourselves and humanity. It represents the reserves within us that are not often journeyed to, including our shadows, darkness, and vulnerabilities.

Retrogrades in astrology represent “re” words, such as review, revise, reconsider, realign, revisit, etc. They are the one step backward to allow for the many steps forward. They are a sacred pause inviting us to look around, review who we are and the direction we are walking, integrate our past experiences, and bring closure to what is needing it.

This is all so that we can arrive present, centered, and aligned before continuing forward. Retrogrades remind us that, no matter how we try, life is not linear. Our journey is cyclic. We move sideways, upside-down, and every other direction in our outer and inner worlds.

Pluto represents the kind of cracking open that brings change down to the roots of who we are. Pluto journeys through our underworld, our psyche, our unconscious, our emotional body. Pluto excavates. It brings to light. Its retrograde shows us what is hidden within us and waiting for healing, acceptance, and closure.

Here, we are revisiting what is ready to be transformed. Throughout Pluto retrograde we may find what we have labeled “old” emotions, stories, or pain resurfacing. And while transformation is rarely easy, it is deeply nourishing.

This retrograde invites us to be vulnerable while it peels back layers to sit with what lies underneath. We are asked to witness parts ourselves we have disowned and cast into the shadow, all so that we may reach acceptance and reclaim ourselves. We are asked to sit with what has been keeping us chained, dimmed, powerless, and fearful, so that we may remember our freedom, power, and light.

Our role is that of surrender, presence, and grace, to allow our humanness to be as messy as it desires for this time. For we are quite literally taking a step back, picking apart the pieces, making a mess, and then placing them back together in a way that is aligned, empowering, freeing, and real, all in time for our forward movement. It’s time to close a chapter.

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.

Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: Meditation

There is a lot of talk in metaphysical circles about meditation. Meditation is an important part of a spiritual path, regardless of what label you use for your path. It is something I find myself recommending for many of the questions people ask me. It’s not the only answer to most questions, but it is an important part of finding those answers.

It is believed that meditating can help us lead happier and healthier lives, even if we do not take the spiritual aspects of meditation into consideration. Meditating is believed to help people sleep better, reduce stress, improve memory and focus, reduce depression and anxiety, help people feel happier overall, and boost immunity.

Typically, in spiritual and metaphysical circles, when we talk about meditation, we are using it as a mindfulness practice, a devotional practice, and/or as a way to receive messages from the universe. However, meditation can be a difficult skill to cultivate. And it’s not like riding a bike, where once you’ve learned how to do it, you can effortlessly repeat it. With meditation, sometimes things go well and sometimes you cannot turn off your monkey mind, as it’s often called.

We tend to think of meditation as sitting quietly, legs crossed with our eyes closed, listening for messages or being peaceful. And this is a great meditation technique. It is the form we see in movies or on TV, but Hollywood doesn’t explain that the people who meditate well in this way have usually spent a lot of time learning how to do so. It is not a form of meditation that many people can jump into easily when they begin the journey. If you have tried this form of meditation and it worked well for you, that’s awesome. If sitting quietly and listening for messages and not holding onto your thoughts is a little daunting for you, there are other ways of meditating.

My favorite is movement meditation. This is a great technique for those of us who struggle to quiet our minds or sit still. Movement meditation is where you perform movements with your body that do not require your attention and allow your mind to focus on your intention. Many people, me included, have found that when they are sitting still their mind is going a million miles an hour in 20 different directions. However, when we move or give our bodies something to do, our minds quiet down. Movement meditation is something you may be familiar with if you practice yoga or tai chi, but it is something we all can do. Taking a walk, dancing, or even cleaning your home can be a meditative experience if you let it. While your body is doing these repetitive movements, try to focus on what you want to manifest, the questions you would like answers to, your spirit guide that you’d like to talk to, or whatever else you need.

You can also try a focus attention meditation. With this, you are going to focus your attention on an object. You can choose anything to be your focus point, from a crystal on your altar to a scrying mirror or gazing ball to the art on your walls. Get into a comfortable position and look at your focus object. Pay attention to the thoughts or experiences you have while looking at your focus item. Some people may even begin to close their eyes at some point in the meditation and try to visualize the object in their mind. Focus attention meditation involves focusing on something intently as a way of staying in the moment and quieting your inner dialogue.

Repeating mantras or affirmations can also be a form of meditation. And those who might need a little outside help with their meditations can look online for guided meditations. These are scripted experiences that can help you reach a certain goal such as calmness, relaxation, sleep, or a deeper spiritual goal like finding a spirit guide.

I highly encourage everyone to find a meditation technique that works for them. Meditation is an important tool in our self-care and healing toolbox.

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.

Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: The Total Solar Eclipse

Monday, April 8th, brings us a special celestial event — a total solar eclipse, and one that will be visible in the United States. Some outlets are calling it the Great North American Eclipse because it is the only total solar eclipse in the 21st century that will be visible throughout the United States, Mexico, and Canada. This will also be the last total solar eclipse that can be seen from the contiguous United States until August 23, 2044. Many people are taking trips to be in the path of totality, which Memphis is just outside of. Eclipses of any kind are interesting events to watch, but they also have special spiritual meanings.

A solar eclipse is often thought of as a time of transformation. The movement of the moon between the Earth and the sun is something that does not happen often and spiritually is thought to catalyze change. The energy of a solar eclipse is believed to accelerate events, bringing to the surface issues that have been simmering and demanding attention and action.

Part of the eclipse’s properties of transformation come from the fact that the usual cycle and movement of the planets is somewhat disrupted. The obscuring of the sun’s light can symbolize a break in routine. Disruptions are often unwanted and sometimes unpleasant, but they are necessary for growth. If you are familiar with tarot, this total solar eclipse might make you think of the Tower card with its disruptions and truth coming to light.

In astrology, a solar eclipse is sometimes viewed as a powerful time for new beginnings. The eclipse is seen as a doorway to significant life changes, offering opportunities to reset, rethink, and start fresh. The blocking of the sun, a symbol of light and clarity, invites introspection and encourages individuals to look inward, reassess their paths, and make substantial changes.

Venus, the planet of love, along with the sun and moon, helps usher in incredibly positive energies during this eclipse. The April 8th total solar eclipse occurs in the sign of Aries, with the asteroid Chiron in Aries as well. Aries is the sign of fresh starts, leadership, innovation, and courage. As such, you can expect this eclipse to have a particularly strong impact on those areas of your personal life.

Chiron symbolizes the “wounded healer,” exposing our deep pain, how we address that pain, and how our own healing powers have the ability to help others. Chiron symbolizes the strength of vulnerability, encouraging us to embrace the dark and thorny spaces of our past and take action. With Chiron in action, this eclipse is also about healing your relationship with yourself. Now is the time to recover from old wounds and explore new opportunities. Luckily, the April 8th eclipse should have an empowering effect in this regard. You could feel like you can take charge of your life in ways you didn’t previously think possible.

A solar eclipse is considered a powerful time for setting new intentions and manifesting goals. The energy of an eclipse can amplify your thoughts and intentions, making it an ideal time to focus on what you truly desire.

This total solar eclipse is also a great time to reflect and release those things that no longer serve you. The darkness of the solar eclipse encourages introspection. It’s a time to pause and reflect on one’s life direction, contemplate deep desires, and acknowledge aspects of life that may need transformation. Meditation or mindfulness practices during this time can lead to deep insights and heightened self-awareness. It is a moment to ponder life’s big questions, reassess your life path, and gain clarity on your personal and spiritual journey. You can use this time to consciously release these old aspects of your life. This could involve a physical decluttering of your space, a symbolic letting go of past grievances, or a commitment to change unhelpful thought patterns.

Even if you aren’t interested in the spiritual meaning of this eclipse, it is a wondrous event to behold and I encourage you to make the most of it.

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.

Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: Spring Renewal

Tuesday was the spring equinox which means that no matter what the weather is doing, it is officially spring. Each season brings us the wonders of nature and reasons to celebrate. But spring excites us in a way that the other seasons often don’t.

The spring equinox brings us officially into the light half of the year. Between the summer and winter solstices, the sun begins setting earlier and earlier every day and the nights get longer. During the dark half of the year, we may find ourselves spending more time at home or being more introspective. The light half, which slowly begins right after winter solstice, encourages us to shift our focus back to the physical world, including the physical body, literal or metaphorical fertility, and the pleasures of food, nature, and friends.

The spring equinox is a day of balance, with the daylight and nighttime hours being roughly 12 hours each. Aside from the extra sunshine, spring brings us hope and renewal. Some of the feeling of hope comes from our bodies absorbing sunlight, which affects our serotonin levels. But spiritually and emotionally, spring brings us optimism and the sense of better days to come. When the weather is nice, and the sun is shining, it is easier to believe that things will turn out well because we feel happier and more hopeful. After the darkness of winter, spring makes us feel like the world has been renewed and us with it.

We can harness this energy to help us in our lives. If we can focus the restless energy we often feel in spring, we can use it to manifest our goals and finish projects. It can be the source of motivation to help us get moving again after the slump of winter and tackle those things we’ve been putting off.

We can also work with the energy of spring to begin planning our goals for the year. Spring is thought of as the beginning of the year by some people. We know the calendar marks it as January 1st, but energetically things do not begin to move until closer to spring. In many alternative spiritual traditions, spring is when we begin to metaphorically plant our seeds for the year. Working with the natural energy of the world, if we begin planning and putting things into action now, those plans will grow more fruitful and closer to completion as the weather warms, the sun spends more time in the sky, and the plants and trees around us come back to life and grow.

You don’t need anything to begin to plant your metaphorical seeds for the year, but many of us like to have physical reminders to keep us focused on the work. And doing an action symbolically can help convince our subconscious that we are working toward and are going to accomplish our goals. If you enjoy having a physical exercise to do to help remind you of your goals, there are many things you can do. Two of the more common activities to do in spring to help focus your manifestations involve planting seeds and making eggs.

If you want to literally plant your metaphorical seeds, you will need a container, dirt, water, seeds, and/or paper. Put your dirt or soil in the container. Hold the seeds in your hands and think about the things you want to accomplish. Put those thoughts into the seeds and then bury them in the soil. If you want, you can also write down your goals and bury the paper in with the seeds or set it under the container. If you like the imagery of eggs, you can make your own version of a dyed egg. Boil your eggs and dye them a color that best corresponds to your needs. You can also draw or paint symbols or affirmations on the egg to support your intention.

We have a whole year ahead of us. Let us use it wisely and for good. Happy manifesting this spring!

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.

Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: Whole Moon Magic

Each phase of the moon has its own vibrations and types of spell work that it supports. But that does not mean that you can’t do manifestation work when the moon is waning. If you have an urgent need, no one is going to want to wait for the appropriate day during the appropriate moon phase to do a spell.

If you have a big goal in mind, you can use all the phases of the moon to work your magic for an entire month with one objective in mind. I call this whole moon magic.

The waxing moon phase, which is from the point of the new moon until the moon is full, is a good time to do manifestation work. As the moon appears to grow bigger in the sky each night, your magic and intention is growing along with it. The waning moon phase, when the moon is past full until the time of the new moon, is a good time to do banishing work. The full moon is the perfect time to do any workings, as the full moon lends its potency to your magic. Then there is the new moon. The new moon is when the moon either cannot be seen in the sky or can just be barely glimpsed as a crescent. The new moon phase comes after the waning moon and before the waxing moon. The new moon phase is a time to plan and prepare for your spell work, planting those metaphorical seeds. The new moon is also a time to do shadow work and take stock of ourselves.

You can work with each moon phase individually, but you can also use all of them to really tackle a situation from all sides. To do this, you want to really define what your goal is. It is always good to be specific in your spiritual workings. Let’s use prosperity for this example. Besides, who doesn’t need a little prosperity in their life?

You do not have to wait until the new moon phase to begin; you can start whenever you are ready. For this explanation, we’re going to start at the beginning. During the time of the new moon, you begin defining your goal and making sure you have all the items you’ll need to get started. If we’re working on prosperity, this is when you really figure out what you need. Is it a certain amount of money or an opportunity or a lifestyle you’re trying to create? Once the moon moves out of the new moon phase into the waxing moon phase, you begin to work on manifesting that need. Burn your candles, say your affirmations, wear your lucky socks. Do this as often as you want to for the waxing moon phase. Each phase is around two weeks long.

The full moon adds extra umph to your magic. When the moon is full, you might want to do one last, big manifestation spell for prosperity. Finish burning your money candle, spend some extra time chanting your affirmations, or spend some time in meditation to see if the universe has any guidance for you on your way to prosperity.

From the new moon to the full moon, we’ve been focusing on attracting and manifesting our desires. As the moon moves into the waning phase, we shift from attracting what we want to banishing what we do not want. Keeping our goal of prosperity in mind, when the moon is waning you can focus on banishing debt or getting rid of bad habits that cost you money. This is the time to remove things in your life that are blocking you from your goals.

Working a whole moon cycle allows you to address your needs from all sides. It is also a longer process, which means you are spending more energy on it. Giving all this energy to one goal is one of the best ways to manifest something. It makes sure the universe hears you and lets the universe know you are serious about your intentions. The new moon is coming: Are you ready to work some whole moon magic with me?

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.

Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: Amethyst

Each month has been assigned a gemstone or mineral that is associated with it and the people born in that month. The birthstone for February is amethyst, one of the most well-known gemstones out there. Ancient cultures used the stone for a variety of purposes. Amethyst means “not intoxicated” and comes from the ancient Greek word amethystos. The ancient Greeks believed that wearing an amethyst would keep them from getting drunk, although I have never seen any evidence of this.

Amethyst is a purple variety of quartz and is a fairly common stone, but that does not mean it is not a powerful or useful stone. In fact, I often joke that amethyst does it all and is very handy to have around.

One of amethyst’s most sought-after properties is it’s perceived ability to help soothe emotions and provide a peaceful environment. Amethyst is thought to help ease anxiety and stress, making it a great stone to have at work or at home. It is believed to aid in decision-making and mental focus, bringing a clarity of mind. This may tie back into purported beliefs that amethyst can prevent intoxication. Having an amethyst with you to aid in clear mental functions may mean that you are less likely to want a drink or to overdo it when you do drink.

Many gemstones have spiritual properties based on their color. Each color has a meaning and an energy, and color plays a large part in our lives. We use color often in the spiritual world, but color psychology is a very real thing in the mundane world. Many companies use color in their logos and ads to send messages to us at a subconscious and emotional level. Purple is a color that is associated with authority, the Divine, spiritual endeavors, creativity, wisdom, peace, and the crown chakra. Taking the color purple into consideration, amethyst would be a good stone for all of these intentions.

Amethyst is a great stone to use for increasing your intuition and connecting with the Divine. Amethyst is one of the stones associated with the crown chakra, which is the chakra that connects you to Spirit, aids in personal transformation, and helps you realize your own divinity and the divinity of humanity. Amethyst also works indirectly to help increase your spirituality. It is believed by some to calm your fears while raising your hopes and lifting your spirit. Releasing your fears and maintaining a positive attitude is a good way to raise your vibrations, which leads to being more connected to Spirit. And the more in tune with Spirit you are, the better your intuition will be.

Nothing in life ever fits easily into just one box, and amethyst is no exception. Yes, it is purple and it is great for all the calming and spiritual intentions of purple, but amethyst does even more. Breaking the color rule, amethyst is a good stone to use for protection. Some people believe that amethyst can protect against a psychic attack. So it may not be the best stone to save your car from getting broken into, but it would be useful to protect your energy. It is thought that amethyst transmutes the negative energy directed at you into loving and protecting energy.

You can also use amethyst to attract love. It can help promote love in all of its forms, as well as provide stability and protection to an existing relationship. Amethyst can help you understand what you need from a relationship and encourage you to find balance with your partner and work in service to the relationship. Amethyst is a stone that pairs well with other gemstones and combining it with rose quartz for love work is a heady combination.

If you need a gemstone that can do it all for you, look no further than this month’s birthstone. Amethyst is usually available in jewelry, carvings, and specimen pieces, so you can find the right fit for your needs and space. Let’s embrace the power of amethyst and manifest a peaceful, healing year.

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.

Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: Attraction Magic

February is the month we associate the most with love and romance thanks to Valentine’s Day.

Regardless of the history of Valentine’s Day — or how you feel about the holiday — it is not a bad thing to be reminded of love this time of year. We have finally settled back into our normal routines after the holidays, which could be a bit of a letdown. Taking a bit of an emotional break in mid-February to celebrate love in any of its forms can help break up the monotony.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to attract love and manifest it in your life. Everyone deserves to find a loving partner if that’s what they want. Maybe this Valentine’s Day you’re not looking for romance, but instead a little more self-love. This can be a good time energetically to work on self-love as much as it is an opportune time to work on romance.

Often when we hear the word “attraction,” we think of romance. But when it comes to spell work, attraction magic can be about much more than love. Attraction magic is any work that you do to manifest something in your life, be it love, money, an opportunity, or a specific item.

Attraction magic can be one of the easiest and one of the most difficult types of magic to do. To oversimplify, you can work attraction magic by simply wanting something really, really hard and focusing on having it. However, attraction magic is also easy to undo without meaning to.

Many of us are good at self-sabotaging, even if we don’t mean to be. When we are working on manifesting something it can be easy for us to negate the work we have been doing with our thoughts, comments, and actions. That does not mean that we do not want what we are trying to attract. But it can mean that we feel like we are unworthy of what we are trying to manifest. If we feel like we don’t deserve something or that something is impossible for us, those insidious feelings and thoughts can subconsciously undo your attraction work. No matter how many times you burn a candle or write a petition, if you don’t believe in what you’re asking for all the way to your core, you might not get it. If you are trying to manifest a new job with spell work but then tell your friends that you probably won’t get the job, you just undid all your hard work.

We all have insecurities. And most of us will likely have moments of doubt when we are trying to attract something into our lives. I don’t believe that a single occurrence will completely erase your attraction work. But if you don’t catch yourself in those moments of doubt and correct your thinking, eventually it could overwhelm your magic.

Self-love work is an ongoing work that we must do in our lives. Having more self-love and self-confidence can make any manifestation work you do easier and more potent. When you genuinely love yourself and are confident in your abilities, this will be reflected in your energy and your magic.

Regardless, don’t be afraid to attract and manifest the things that you want and need. Even if your self-love or confidence isn’t at an all-time high, that does not mean you do not deserve love or that you are not capable of loving someone. Just be sure to manifest someone who will help bolster those feelings in yourself.

One of my favorite, tried-and-true spells for attraction is to make a list. First, decide what you need or want to attract. Then write a list of all the qualities or attributes you want or need from that thing. Be realistic about it though, and understand that the list is a compromise. There’s not one person or job or thing that is going to be absolutely perfect, so you will not get everything on your list.

As we grind our way toward Valentine’s Day, don’t get caught up in the hype of the commercial holiday. Focus on your needs and desires, and manifest it with attraction magic.

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.

Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: Your Tarot Card for 2024

Getting a tarot reading near the beginning of the year is a common practice for those interested in tarot. Many people like to get a glimpse of the year ahead. Another way you can incorporate tarot is by finding your personal card, which can help summarize the energy of the coming year. And if you did get a new year’s reading, it can help confirm that message or clarify parts of the reading. Finding your tarot card can be a quick way to know what to expect and it is something everyone can do, even those who are not tarot enthusiasts. 

A tarot deck is divided into two groupings — the major arcana and the minor arcana. The major arcana cards represent the pivotal events of our lives, the structure of the bigger picture. The major arcana is made up of some of the most well-known tarot cards. These are the cards you’re likely to see used in movies or shows, but there are only 22 cards in the major arcana. Some of those include The Fool, The Magician, The Empress, Death, and The Moon. The minor arcana cards, which make up the bulk of the deck, tend to be more about the daily details of your situation. This is not to say they aren’t important, just that they represent the people, tasks, decisions, and events that fill our everyday experiences. These are the small details that add color and texture to the big picture of our lives. And if there is ever something in a tarot reading that you do not like and want to change, making adjustments to minor arcana messages is much easier than trying to change the direction of any major arcana cards in that reading. The minor arcana is the portion of tarot that is made up of suits much like playing cards — swords, wands, cups, and pentacles. 

To find out which card is your card of the year, all you will need is your phone. For this exercise, we are only going to focus on the major arcana portion of the tarot deck. Although there are 22 cards, they are numbered 0-21. When you do the math to get the number correspondence for your card, you will want a number between 1 and 22. It is impossible to get a 0 when you are adding numerical values higher than 0 together. To compensate for not being able to have 0 as a number, if your final number is 22, then that means The Fool card, card number 0, is your card for the year. 

The first thing you will do is add your birth month and day to the current year, 2024. Let’s look at an example. For our example, we’ll use a birthdate of February 10th. You can add 02 (for the month of February) plus 10 (for the day) plus 2024. If you add 02+10+2024, you get 2036. 2036 is much bigger than numbers 1–22, so we will need to reduce this number. Next, we will add 2+0+3+6, which gives us 11. Using this method, card number 11 — the Strength card — will be your card for the year. 

You could also let the universe decide what your card of the year is by simply selecting a random tarot card from your deck. If you use this method, you can use just the major arcana portion or you can use the entire deck. Shuffle your deck and then randomly pull a card. 

My personal card for the year does summarize my tarot reading for the year, as well as focuses on the big work I will need to do. It is not my favorite tarot card, but it is appropriate. If you choose to discover your card for 2024, I hope it brings you the same clarity and guidance that mine has brought to me. And if you have any tarot questions, feel free to bring them to The Broom Closet and we’ll be happy to help you out. 

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.

Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: Year of the Wood Dragon

Happy New Year, everyone! 2024 is officially here, which means there is so much to look forward to, and so much work to do. 2024 is the Year of the Wood Dragon in Chinese astrology. Chinese astrology is a traditional classification system based on the Chinese calendar that assigns an animal and its attributes to each year. The Chinese 12-part cycle corresponds to lunar years, rather than months. The Chinese zodiac is represented by 12 animals and their elements. Chinese mythology states that the Jade Emperor set up a running race for all animals to take part in. The first 12 to reach the finishing line were rewarded with a position in the lunar calendar.

In Chinese astrology, the 12 zodiac animals are each affiliated with an element — metal, wood, water, fire, earth — as they move around the zodiac cycle. When an animal reappears after 12 years its elemental affiliation will shift. For example, 2012 was the Year of the Water Dragon and 2036 will be the Year of the Fire Dragon. The dragon is the only mythological animal in this system.

In this zodiac system, wood as an element represents vitality and creativity, as well as steadiness, honesty, generosity, and calmness. The dragon represents success, intelligence, and honor in Chinese culture. The dragon is a symbol of power and wealth. Only Chinese emperors were allowed to wear imperial robes with dragon symbols. Therefore, dragons are seen as natural leaders. They can also be aggressive, ambitious, self-confident, and determined. Dragons have a strong desire to win any competition.

Those born in a wood dragon year are often full of drive and energy. They dream of changing the world and dream up creative ways to do so. If you were born in 1964, then you are a wood dragon. Those born in 2024 will also be wood dragons.

There are a lot of people who were not born in 1964, which means this is not “our” year in Chinese astrology. However, that does not mean you cannot embrace the energy of the wood dragon this year. In our Western zodiac system, we can relate to all the signs in some way and feel the movements of the planetary bodies in our lives, just as we can all embrace the wood dragon.

In 2024, all Chinese zodiac signs will experience both opportunities and challenges, as the dragon symbolizes change and adaptability in the wood element, bringing growth and renewal. The Year of the Wood Dragon is believed to be able to foster growth, progress, and abundance. The Year of the Dragon is said to bring favorable conditions for change, growth, and progress, with the dragon’s energy and the grounding influence of the wood element inspiring imagination, leadership, and new ideas. 2024 is going to be a great time for rejuvenated beginnings and setting the foundation for long-term success.

It will also be a dynamic year with opportunities for those open to change, but it may also bring conflict and uncertainty in politics, foreign relations, and the environment, emphasizing the need for forgiveness and peaceful resolutions. Perhaps the energy of the wood dragon will reach those at the highest levels and influence them to look for peaceful conclusions to ongoing events.

We can all channel the energy of the wood dragon in 2024. Each day is a chance for a new beginning if we embrace it as such. But there is something more powerful about beginning a new year. It is easier to mark on the calendar and because we’re looking at the whole year, it feels like there are more opportunities to be seized.

This 2024, let us all strive to be more like the wood dragon. Let us focus on ways to make the world a better place. I encourage everyone to reach deep inside and find your inner dragon, your inner leader, and your motivation. We don’t know what is going to happen this year, but we can start it off on the right foot, and hopefully lay the groundwork to get us through whatever challenges the dragon has in store for us. And most importantly, let’s lead with a forgiving heart because we all need a little grace.

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.

Fun Stuff Metaphysical Connection

Metaphysical Connection: One Last Retrograde

It’s that time again. The holidays are here and so is Mercury retrograde. At least it’s the last one of the year. This retrograde began on December 13th and will last until January 1, 2024. Happy New Year! 

A retrograde is a phenomenon that happens when it appears that a planet in the sky is orbiting backwards. The planets don’t actually do this, it is more of an optical illusion. However, many people believe that during these periods the energy or properties of that planet may be behaving differently. All planets do this, but the spiritual community puts a lot of focus on the Mercury retrograde. 

The planet Mercury is thought to rule over our communication, travel, and commerce. When Mercury is in retrograde, we can often expect miscommunication, disagreements because of miscommunication, hiccups with travel plans, and inconveniences with technology. Retrogrades, especially Mercury retrogrades, often throw speed bumps in our way to make us slow down, reflect, and readjust for the next phase. 

The final Mercury retrograde of the year begins in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius and ends in Capricorn. Sagittarius is considered to be fun-loving, spontaneous, and adventurous. While Mercury is traipsing backwards through the fire of Sagittarius, you might find yourself taking risks or being reckless. This can be a good thing. If there’s a big change you’ve been avoiding, now might be the time to take that risk and do it. However, it is the holiday season where much is already expected of us. Do not let the recklessness of Mercury retrograde get you into debt with shopping. Also be mindful of overcommitting to plans or events. Many of us may feel more social this time of year, or we give into expectations and try to visit everyone. With Mercury in retrograde in Sagittarius, be careful to not overextend yourself with social calls or agreeing to things you might regret later — such as hosting a holiday dinner! 

Mercury retrograde in Capricorn is a poetic note to finish the year on. Capricorns are notoriously ambitious and expert manifesters. Lean into this as you turn your gaze toward the possibilities of a new year and take stock of all that 2023 has brought you. The earthly Capricorn energy goes well with Mercury retrograde’s need to tie up loose ends and finish up projects. If Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius caught you off guard and made you a little careless, Capricorn’s energy is here to help you clean up and get back on track. 

Capricorn is an earth sign that encourages us to be ambitious and make things happen. However, do not let Mercury retrograde in Capricorn convince you that you can do everything. When planning for the new year, or setting resolutions, be aware of the expectations you are setting up for yourself as well as time commitments. We’ve all made commitments when we were in a happy moment or feeling optimistic, just to regret those plans later. Remember that feeling this retrograde. 

The final Mercury retrograde of 2023 is going to push us to bring more balance into our lives. Are you listening to your head or your heart? While navigating this retrograde, it might be better to listen to your head but a daily balance of both is always ideal. 

And this Christmas, tighten your Santa belts because the universe has a rollercoaster for us. To top off Mercury retrograde in both an earth and fire sign, there will also be a full moon on December 26th. This full moon will be in Cancer, so get ready to feel all your feelings. Many practitioners believe that the energy of the full and new moons is a three-day window: the day before the actual new/full moon, the day of, and the day after. If you follow that school of thought, there will be a full Cancer moon on Christmas with Mercury in retrograde. 

We will survive this astrological season. The full moon and Mercury retrograde bring us challenges as well as benefits. Be mindful, be careful, be patient — and have a happy holiday season! 

Emily Guenther is a co-owner of The Broom Closet metaphysical shop. She is a Memphis native, professional tarot reader, ordained Pagan clergy, and dog mom.