Beyond the Arc Sports

Free Agency Update: Hints of Lee

The NBA’s free agent season got underway today and though the actual negotiating period is still a few hours away, the situation as it could relate to the Grizzlies has come into focus a little bit:

Carlos Boozer deciding not to opt out of his contract with Utah took a longshot option off the table for the Grizzlies, but it may have put a more reasonable option on it in the form of Paul Millsap, whom the Jazz are now at least somewhat less likely to re-sign.

The Milwaukee Bucks surprisingly neglected to tender a qualifying offer to Charlie Villanueva, making him an unrestricted free agent and making it all but certain that he’ll be switching teams this summer.

Intermission Impossible Theater

A Wicked Ticket Lottery

54e2/1246397385-wicked.jpgSo you can’t get tickets to Wicked on the night you want to go? You’re not alone. The show, which is docked at the Orpheum through July 12, is a near sell out. But don’t despair, there’s still hope. The Orpheum is holding daily day-of-performance lotteries for a limited number of $25-dollar orchestra seats.

So how do you win? Every day, 2½ hours prior to curtain, show up to the Orpheum Theatre’s box office and have your names placed in a lottery drum. Winners will be drawn and announced 2-hours before showtime. You must be present to win and winners should be prepared to pay for their tickets in cash.

Memphis Gaydar News

Backstreet Uses Fantastic Four’s Chris Evans to Promote Friday Night Events

Yesterday, I got this flyer in my e-mail inbox from Backstreet’s mailing list:


I didn’t pay a lick of attention to the hot shirtless man pictured. I did think to myself, “It’s been too long since I’ve paid a visit to Backstreet. I should go on Fridays for the cheap beer.”

If I was more of a film buff, however, I would have noted that the hot shirtless man was none other than Fantastic Four‘s Chris Evans. Radar Online noticed and had this to say about Backstreet’s use of Evans’ image:

It may be his brother who is gay, but it’s Fantastic Four’s Chris Evans who is getting the most attention on the gay bar scene. In a flyer obtained by, a photo of the shirtless actor is front and center in the promotion for Memphis bar Backstreet.

With a jacket slung over his shoulder and a simmering glare, we can see the appeal!

A rep for the actor has yet to comment.

Hmmm…..I wonder if his brother is that hot….

Special Sections

Crescent Lake Tourist Court

92b9/1246393499-crescentlaketouristcourtpc.jpg I thought I’d share two postcards today, just to show you how confusing it can be for historians when they are trying to find an accurate image of a long-lost Memphis establishment. Or maybe it’s only confusing for me.

In the 1940s and 1950s, the intersection of Summer and White Station was a major gateway to our city, so owners opened quite a variety of attractions there that were designed to appeal to motorists — well, and Memphians, too. Nestled close to that corner were the Skateland roller-skating rink, the original Summer Drive-In (before it moved east and became the Twin, then the Quartet), a handful of small restaurants, and a rather interesting motel called the Crescent Lake Tourist Court.

The owner of the Crescent Lake was a fellow named Frank Ingalls, and he erected a row of handsome cottages around a small crescent-shaped pond. I have two postcards, and each one brags that the Crescent Lake was “recommended by Duncan Hines” and is “one of America’s finest.” The place featured steam heat and 100% air-conditioning, “each cottage with tile bath,” “attached garage with overhead locked doors,” radio and telephone, and Beautyrest mattresses and box springs. What’s more, the Crescent Lake was supposedly just “20 minutes from Main Street” (traveling at 60 mph, I imagine) and there was a restaurant “within two blocks.”

And what a bargain: A single room was just $4, and doubles went for $5 and $6.

Opinion The BruceV Blog

He’s Good Enough, He’s Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Him!


It now appears that Stuart Smalley (aka Al Franken) has won his long court battle with incumbent Norm Coleman and will be named the junior senator from Minnesota. Senate comedy gold to ensue!

Franken’s Smalley character was created as a spoof on those who are obsessed with self-help programs. Smalley was a member of several such groups, including Children of Rageaholic Parents and Overeaters Anonymous. My favorite part of the schtick was Smalley’s casual mentions of his lovers, who never appeared on-screen and who all had names that could be appropriate for either sex, such as Pat, Merle, Dale, etc.

Reportedly, Franken’s first assignment will be to the Senate Self-Esteem Committee.

Intermission Impossible Theater

Memorial Event Scheduled for Laurie Cook McIntosh

2a92/1246391577-1245245289-laurie.jpgPlayhouse on the Square wants Memphis’ theater community to come together and celebrate the life of Laurie Cook McIntosh on Monday, July 13th from 5:30 – 6:30 pm. McIntosh, a professional fundraiser, and award-winning performer passed away on Monday, June 15, after a two decade struggle with cancer.

The memorial will be held at Playhouse on the Square. Beverages will be available 30-minutes before, during, and for 30-minutes after the event.

Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

Cupcake Job, and other news

98c2/1246391918-cupcake.jpgImagine yourself in this exchange:

Whoever: So what do you do?

You: I work in an underground bakery making cupcakes.


Breaking: Elvis is Alive; Spotted at Graceland

Elvis is back (and probably ticked about the whole Michael Jackson furor). Greg Akers has definitive proof.


Bianca Knows Best …

and helps a fearful chick deal with an ex-roommate.

Sing All Kinds We Recommend

Elvis Arisen

3b9d/1246382699-elviswheelchair.jpg OMG, Ya’ll. Are you sitting down?

Elvis is alive.

I’ll say it again: Elvis. Is. ALIVE.

So sayeth Derek Clontz, an author of words on the Internet. His history-pwning revelation, replete with photos and shocking truth verbs was birthed on the www yesterday here.

What’s that? When you go to that link, the website has been taken down by WordPress for violating the terms of service? You better believe it. The fix is in, people. The vast bat-winged conspiracy has its claws in little old Derek, coz they don’t want Elvis’ #1 fans to know what really happened.