

DANA KEETON, THE SPOKESPERSON FOR the Department of Safety in Nashville, was on her way Tuesday morning to the Tennessee Tower, one of downtown Nashville’s looming monuments , for a Spanish class at the Tennessee Foreign Language Institute. She planned to go to work immediately afterward for what was expected to be an uneventful day.

Her language study was partly out of personal interest and partly a response to the complications that ensued from last year’s run on Department driver’s-license venues . Many of the applicants were Hispanic immigrants drawn by the temporary easing of various residence restrictions on the issuance of licenses.

“I just talked to so many Spanish-speaking people back then,” Keeton said. “I thought it would be useful to know the language.”

She was listening to the radio and, when she heard the first news broadcast of a plane hitting the first of the two World Trade Center towers in far-off New York, she had no reason to think it was anything but a freak accident. Then, about the time she reached the Tennessee Towers building and was about to park her car, she received a phone call from a colleague at the Department. “You’re starting to get some calls,” she was told.

Nevertheless, she went to class, but when the calls from workmates — relayed messages from news media wanting to know about Tennessee’s emergency plans — kept coming, she realized, “There was no point in trying to finish.” The full gravity of events — which now included another kamikaze attack on the Pentagon near Washington — was dawning on her, and, as her foreboding grew, she knew that she would spend the rest of the day, and perhaps much of the night, fielding the persistent questions of a needy state media. There would be no telling when she would get home that night.

Up in Lexington, Kentucky, meanwhile, where the Southern Governor’s Conference had ended that morning (after a speech earlier in the week by Vice President Dick Cheney) Tennessee’s governor Don Sundquist, his chief policy aide Justin Wilson, his main spokesperson Alexia Levison all were grounded and had to commandeer a car to get back to Nashville.

*IT TOOK A WHILE FOR THE SENSE OF EMERGENCY to get around. Even though there had been a partial and temporary blockade of a portion of downtown Memphis by police — for what purpose it was hard to say — the men of Engine Co. No. 2, hard by the National Civil Rights Museum, , might have been doing what they were doing on any given day. It was some two hours after the first impact of the first hijacked airliner upon the first of the twin towers in New York and no more than thirty minutes after the collapse of both towers had occurred.

Three men in black regulation/casual T-shirts were busy washing a huge fire engine parked peacefully on the fire station’s broad concrete lot. A Fire department officer and an inspector stood nearby. “Business as usual,” one said. “Of course, I don’t think you’ll see any of us going out for groceries and heading off to do routine inspections of buildings. We’ve been told to stay close,..” But, despite the sawhorse obstacles that had blocked a street or two earlier, only blocks away, there had been no reported emergencies in the downtown area or anywhere else.

Inside two fire lieutenants — Pat Pearl and Bill Shelton — had sat down to a makeshift lunch. Both had seen the events of the morning on the firehouse TV

. Pearl, a stout, mustachioed man, at first hazarded an observation that, huge as the circumstances in New York and Washington were, they amounted to little that he had not seen over and over again. “Keep in mind that death and destruction is something we see all the time in our work as firefighters,” he said.

He and Shelton began to speculate, more or less dispassionately, on the physics of the morning’s horrors — explaining,for example, that the destruction of the upper portions of the two towers would have created enough dead weight to cause the ultimate total collapse of both buildings, without any need for further sabotage. “Hold your two fingers up,” he suggested, and was clearly about to undertake a physical demonstration. “I get the point,” I said.

But at some point — probably about the time their speculation carried them into wondering how many firefighters had perished in the disasters — affect crept into the voices of Pearl and Shelton, after all. After a spell of trying to talk about the New York rescue effort in terms of “stairwell logistics, if you will,” Pearl developed what sounded for all the world like a catch in his throat — one that deepened when he was asked to estimate casualties.

Grimly, Shelton gave the final pronouncement. “There could be as many as 100,000 dead when they finally count ‘em all,” he said.

*IN 1950, WHEN HE WAS STILL A TEENAGER, Jim Brown was a Marine private involved in the march northward of United Nations forces in Korea. He was on the Yalu River — ready with his unit, as he remembers it, to make a leap north across the Yalu into China. That all changed when a huge Chinese invading force surrounded the Marines in North Korea and forced them to cut an escape route some hundred miles to safety in the dead of winter. “From November 27th, when the trap was sprung, until December 13th when I was on board a rescue ship eating pancakes, I had no meals at all,” Brown says. He went from 165 pounds to 90.

And, though his experience in Vietnam a decade and a half later never became quite so dire, Brown — a master sergeant by then — had a couple of narrow escapes there, too, at Da Nang and at Chu Lai.

All that was behind him, so he thought, at 7:45 a.m. Tuesday morning, Memphis time, when the retired city schoolteacher –having suffered nothing worse in the intervening years than the rude treatment he got from some School Board colleagues and then from the voters who turned him out of office last year — sat down at table for coffee. “Then my wife, who was watching television in the next room, yelled at me, ‘My gosh, a plane hit one of the World Trade towers!’ So I went in and was watching myself when we saw the second plane hit the second tower.”

Brown — who, like many viewing these events from the supposed “cool” medium of television, was powerfully affected — summed up his reactions later on. “My first impression was that they planted a bomb. What bothers me when I think about it is that they used our plane and our material to bomb us. That’s really scary and makes us realize how vulnerable we are.” And for Brown it was like that sniper-plagued three-week retreat through frozen Koreans hillsides or like the entirety of the Vietnam experience. “.Dealing with an enemy we can’t see and can’t understand!”

* THE REV. BILL ADKINS NEVER THOUGHT TWICE when he became acquainted with the facts of Tuesday morning’s catastrophes in New York and Washington. Though his church, Greater Imani Baptist Church, has moved to Raleigh, in the very north of Memphis, in the last year, Adkins still lives in Whitehaven, in the city’s south, where Imani, until an intermediate move to Mditown some years ago, had originated.

But he decided early on to hold a prayer vigil and, after instructing his assistants to start preparing for it, headed north on a route that took him by Memphis International Airport.

It was there, at mid-morning Tuesday, that he saw a shocking sight — planes, rows and rows of them, pulled up and parked. “And I don’t mean just on the apron,” he said, recalling the moment hours later. “I mean on the runways! I’ve never seen anything like that. It looked like a scene out of wartime!”

As Rev. Adkins noted, the planes — all commercial airliners — included many which did not service the city but were routed here once the Federal Aviation Authority had shut down all domestic flights Tuesday.

Once into his service, before several hundred people, Adkins chose to preach from Psalm 27, which contains the key words, “When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon meÉthey stumbled and fell./Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear, though war should rise against me, in this will I be confidentÉ”

During the service, Rev. Adkins said a fifteen-minute prayer,during which he asked the Lord to “send a mighty wind toNew York City, to blow away the soot and dust,” to send “a breath of air” to clean the lungs and souls of the afflicted.

After the service, he stood in the outer lobby of his church and declared emphatically, “You have to respond. God says we do not have to suffer heathen attacks and heathen rage. There are times to fight, and this is one of those times!”

As Adkins explained, many, many of his congregation were members of military units or reservists and had already been called up to deal with the emergency that morning.

“We may be on the eve of World War Three,” Adkins said solemnly.

*TODD COOPER, A 32-YEAR-OLD NATIVE MEMPHIAN whose early upbringing was in Memphis and Florida, has lived in New York for the last two years, working as an “event producer” from a high-rise home office in midtown Manhattan. His brother Trent, a record producer, phoned him about 9 o’clock EDT to tell him that a plane had slammed into one of the two World Trade towers (the “North tower,” as every coach potato learned very quickly to call it).

Inasmuch as Todd Cooper had a balcony window that had a clear line of vision to the downtown New York skyline, he put down the phone and stepped out onto it. It was from there, minutes later,as he looked at the smoldering tip of the North tower, at a distance of some two miles, that he saw, to his horror, its mate impacted by yet another airliner.

“I had complete visibility. It couldn’t have been a clearer day. I couldn’t feel it or really hear it, but I saw it perfectly,” Cooper said. And he watched stupefied as the subsequent events unfolded –the collapse of both towers, the incredible storm-like clouds of smoke which rolled from the destruction and filled the horizon, the sense — even at that distance — that the affected masses of humanity were helpless, as before some implausible and unexpected cosmic plague

.Or like something out of Hollywood. “It was like watching a movie,” Cooper said, hours later. “ I kept thinking of Deep Impact from two or three years ago, the one where a comet was aimed right at the Earth, and people were helpless to do anything about it.”

That sense of helplessness was as evident in Midtown, where Cooper — whose stock-in-trade is arranging Super Bowl parties, awards ceremonies, and the like — found his fellow New Yorkers wandering about aimlessly in a crippled, shut-down city, as it was from the more terrified versions of it seen on his TV set from the chaos in downtown.

“I’ll tell you, “ said Cooper (whose father Joe Cooper is a familiar figure in Memphis politics) “my business is big events, good times, parties. None of that seems very important right now.” He paused.” We need to pull together right now, show the world what we’re made of.” And pauased again. “Our world will never be the same.”

*THERE HAD BEEN REPORTS all day Tuesday that gasoline retailers here and there — whether on their own or at the direction of their governing corporate enterprises was not made clear — had raised their price-per-gallon to outrageous levels. The effect of such price-gouging was to victimize their already demoralized customers, whatever the rationale for it might have been, whether fear of a curtailed supply or greedy exploitation of a public somewhat inclined to panic.

But was it so? Late Tuesday night, I stopped in on a Union 76 Snack Shop around the corner from my residence in Raleigh.

One of the two attendants, who identified himself as Brian Jones, pointed out proudly that his station had kept its prices down to the previously prevailing rate. OH, there was gouging all right, over in Arkansas, or in Mississippi, or even in Cordova to the upstart suburban east, at all of which places the rate-per-gallon had allegedly climbed to as high as $4.00 a gallon.

“The boss did call today to ask what the guys across the street were charging. We always try to stay just behind them.” Jones said.

Across the street, at an Exxon station, the prices shown on the pumps had held stable as well, and they were, indeed, only a mite more than those of the Snack Shop: $1.399, $1.499, and $1.599 for the three basic grades, compared to the Unjon 76 station’s $1.379, $1.479, and $1.579. So far, so good.p>

* HUNDREDS OF PASSENGERS — MAYBE thousands — and not all of them on flights that were destined for stopovers in Memphis in the first place were routed by the FAA to permanent stops at Memphis International Airport. So a relatively huge number of people became involuntary tourists in the Bluff City, and, whether assisted by their airlines or by local authorities or on their own they filled up the city’s hotels — some 200 at the Ramada Inn on Brooks Road, very near the airport, for example, and 59 at the prestigious Peabody, some distance away in downtown Memphis

Two travelers who ended up at the famous downtown hostelry with its equally famous resident ducks were Peter McCabe and Ron Rothstein, two Chicago lawyers who had been on a Delta flight to Atlanta when their plane was directed by the FAA to land at Memphis and go no further.

McCabe and Rothstein had to cancel a noon meeting in Atlanta that might have, they implied, settled a case that seemed to be of some urgency. They sat in the lobby of The Peabody late Tuesday night, their bags packed, waiting until it was time to go down the street a bit to the Amtrack station, where they would board a 1 a.m. train back to Chicago, mission unaccomplished and perhaps even in ruins.

Rothstein shrugged. “These things are relative” McCabe explained that their Chicago flight had left at 8:10 a.m., at roughly the time that the second of New York’s twin towers had, unbeknownst to them, been slammed into. Theirs was the last flight allowed to leave O’Hair, and theylearned in-light of what had been happening in the outside world.

“But we didn’t fully understand the enormity of it until we disembarked here in Memphis,” said Rothstein..

On top of everything else, there was a reported gas leak at The Peabody at 3 p.m. that forced the hotel’s temporary evacuation. So McCabe tried to make the most of things. He headed, as so many tourists had before him, toward the legendary home of Elvis Presley. “That’s the main thing I regret, that Graceland was closed.,” he said. “They shut it down at 4 p.m., and I never got in. But I did see the Lisa Marie [Elvis’ airplane], and that was really something.”

Things are relative, all right.

*EPILOGUE: Two years ago I spent a golden week in New York with my wife and two daughters, then aged 8 and 10 and fully deserving, as I saw it, of first-hand experuience with some of the monuments of their great country. On the second or third day, we got to the top of the Empire State Building (or to the main observation deck, anyhow.). To our disappointment, there was such a fog that morning that literally nothing could be seen in any direction — a flash here and there of what looked like river, or a momentary glimpse of a nearby building. But there was no chance of showing the girls the two great towers that were due south at the tip of Manhattan Island — on top of one of which their parents had stood on a memorable day back in 1983..

We waited and waited, and the fog never lifted. So, after an hour or so, Linda, Julia, and Rose were all inside the gift shop trying to buy souvenirs –little miniature Empire State Buildings that had caught the girls’ eye.

It was then that, waiting outside with stiff-necked determination for the haze to clear, I caught a break. The two twin shapes in the distance began to materialize through the thick mist, even to gleam a bit, and I rushed inside to the gift shop and demanded that Linda and the girls come out and see.

Tell you the truth, Julia and Rose were probably annoyed at having their shopping interrupted But they came, and they saw. There was perhaps a ten-second window of opportunity before the vapors closed in on the buildings again, and they were gone — for good, as it turned out, forever to remain in the unseen distance, dissolved in the mist of memory.


Sports Sports Feature


photo by Janell Davis

“Cheerleading, I’ve always thought, is not so much a real sport as a pleat-skirted excuse for attention-starved girls who want to make it with the first string quarterback. I’ve long believed that cheerleaders aren’t real athletes, just frustrated acrobats with great lungs. They wear bows in their hair and seriously discuss things like “spirit fingers.” And dance teams? Come on, they’re just mute cheerleaders. So when the Flyer received a press release about the open auditions for the Memphis Grizzlies Dance Team, how could I resist? It would be hilarious.

I faked a resume (5 years of hip-hop dance experience was required) and had the Flyer’s art department mock up a professional-looking headshot. They had a blast photoshopping my face and the resume was quite possibly the best fiction I’ve ever written. In it I discussed how I had experience “integrating innovative dance techniques into traditional environments.” — i.e., making up shit on the dance floor. And I copied my “hobbies” section straight from the Laker Girls website, stealing such tasty morsels as “I enjoy dog watching (watching?) and working with underprivileged children,” from the bio of an actual Laker girl.

I’m a tough chick, a kickboxer. My girliness only shows itself in a sincere love for make-up, clothes, and women’s magazines. And I’ve always been a tomboy. At age six my dance teacher asked me to quit ballet classes after I royally ruined the recital. Incidentally, that same year my troop leader asked me to quit the Brownies. She said something about a bad attitude.

So to prepare for the try outs, I watched the cheerleading movie “Bring It On” four times and agonized over my audition outfit. The day of the

audition, what I lacked in talent and experience, I made up for in look and attitude.

The press release said that women should wear “beige tights, dance trunks, and a sports bra.” I had beige tights, leftover from a Halloween costume, and I certainly had sports bras — even some cute ones. But “dance trunks” I

wasn’t so sure about. I guessed that they were those bloomery-underweary looking things that all the girls in “A Chorus Line” wear. And, digging

through my workout wear, I found a pair that looked right enough. However, when I put them on over the tights and practiced dancing in the mirror, I realized that the insta-wedgie look wasn’t an attractive one on me. So I improvised dance trunks by rolling up the legs of some boy shorts.

Seriously, it looked cute.

Arriving at 8:57 (registration was from 8:30 to 9:00) was a very smart, though unintentional, move. My number, 126, was one of the last ones to be given out and the audition would go according to number. The poor eager girl who got there first was screwed.

I expected to find a room full of washed=up high school cheerleaders, strippers craving legitimacy, and leg-warmered dancers who had perfected their “jazz hands.” Minus the leg warmers I was right on with the last category, and there were a few washed up cheerleaders, but no (obvious) strippers.

Everyone was stretching and practicing little dance moves, each trying to psyche out everyone around them. Knowing that none of my karate moves would impress the dancers, I focused on dazzling them with my stretches, and it must have worked on a few of the girls standing around. At one point pre-audition, just after we’d been shown the routine, two BAP-ish women (big

hair, big booties, gold teeth) approached me and asked if I would teach it to them. Only able to momentarily bask in their appreciation of my

stretches, I quickly had to tell them that I would if I could, but that I, too, was totally clueless.

At this admission one of the women said, “Girl, I thought they said hip-hop dancing. This shit is ballet.” My sentiments exactly. I came ready

to percolate, to butterfly, to slide, bounce, booty shake and squat dance low on the floor. I soon realized that none of this would be enough. If you couldn’t pirouette, do gazelle-ish flying leaps, and back handsprings — all in perfect time to the music — you had as much chance of making the team as a dwarf does of playing in the NBA.

We were all gathered up and introduced to the choreographer, a pixie-ish woman who, we were told, was once a Laker Girl herself – a.k.a., a goddess in the cheerleading hierarchy. Moreover, she later went on to choreograph for the Laker Girls. Which led to her also choreographing videos for “Paula Abdul and Janet,” (apparently no last name required). Everyone present

aaahed audibly and then whispered, “Oh my God, Janet,” to each other – in noticeably reverential tones. I was definitely in over my head.

We were told that the first cut would come after everyone performed for the judges, who were seated at table on the long side of the basketball court. The routine was shown to us, again and again and again.

“Pah-duh-beret, sha-ta-say”- (these are my phonetic spellings), the choreographer ordered. My first thought was, ‘Does she know she’s not in

Canada anymore and that we speak English here?’ But looking around and realizing that many of the girls knew what these words meant reaffirmed my

notion that showing up for this try-out had been a BIG mistake. All I could figure was that you do a little kicky thing, spin left once, spin right

twice, spin left again, spin right again, throw your hands out, throw your hands up, and step back. As you might guess, I didn’t make it past the first cut. In fact, the first cut eliminated most everyone over 30, wearing Princess Reeboks, spandex bike shorts, or — like me — who simply fancied themselves to be extraordinary night club dancers.

Which turned out to be a very good thing. Sure, I was disappointed and bummed out at first, but later realized that never in my life have I been so happy to fail. To succeed past the first cut was to expose oneself to further humiliation, toil, and hamstring pulling torture.

So I stuck around to watch.

As the day went on, I witnessed dozens of people expertly executing super-human feats. They sailed through the air with gravity-defying ease and danced while standing on their heads. They bounced from one corner of the floor to the other on their hands and did toe-touches ten feet off the ground. These were girls (and boys) whose resumes were real, not faked like mine; who had spent years leaning on barres, not bars; whose toe shoes didn’t have spike heels; and who wore dance trunks made by Danceskin – not just modified boy shorts.

I actually caught myself feeling guilty for all those years that I made fun of cheerleaders and laughed at girls who took dance classes. The men and women who made the final cut, I now have no problem saying, are world-class athletes, honed and toned to perfection by years of grueling practice.

It was a humbling day, to be sure, but not entirely a waste of time for me. I’m even thinking about signing up for some dance classes. Because if I learned one thing from my two counts of eight across the floor, it’s that I may be a lover and a fighter, but I ain’t no dancer.

Politics Politics Beat Blog


Lucia Gilliland and her husband, Memphis attorney Jim Gilliland are among the closest friends that Al and Tipper Gore have. Both Gillilands went to Washington after the first election of the Clinton-Gore ticket in 1992 and took jobs with the new administration — Lucia as an official advisor to the Gores in the White House and as a national director of the Women’s Leadership Forum of the Democratic National Committee, and Jim as chief legal counsel for the Department of Agriculture. Both were heavily involved in the Gore presidential campaign of 2000. Both continue to see the Gores on a friend-to-friend basis.

And Lucia Gilliland, who has more than a casual interest in what comes next and more insight than most into what that could be, thinks the former Vice President is virtually certain to seek the Democratic nomination for 2004. And when he does, actually even before he does in any formal sense, Gilliland is determined to take an active leadership role on the Tennesse end of things. “It was here that he lost the election. Florida wouldn’t have mattered if he’d carried Tennessee,” said Gilliland during a weekend conversation. And she vowed, “We won’t fall short again.”

One of the problems with Gore’s campaign in Tennessee, Gilliland said, was that he seemed to be scheduled for quick in-and-out fundraising trips (“Wham bam, thanks for the money”), but not much more. And she concurred with the criticisms of those who said Gore’s media advertising failed to be as Tennessee-specific as it could have been.

Mroeover, said Gilliland, the best way for Al Gore to wage another presidential campaign is as himself — warts and all. “But not the beard!” she said, seemingly aghast at Gore’s newest experiment with personal transformation.

“It was a mistake” for Gore to submit to the various remodeling efforts that attracted so much negative attention during the last campaign period, Gilliland said. “He’d have come off better if he’d run as the real Al Gore.” On balance, she believes, Gore’s virtues — which include intelligence, knowledgeability, dedication, and good intentions — outshine his flaws, which include a tendency to go flat at inconvenient times and an awkwardness at some of the people skills required by politics.

Gore will never be as smooth as the man whom he served as vice president for eight years, former President Bill Clinton, says Lucia Gilliland. And yes, she agrees with various post-mortems of Gore’s near-miss which suggest that he might have gone over the top if he’d involved Clinton more actively in the campaign — specifically in Tennessee and Arkansas.

The thinking of Gore’s advisers seemed to be that too much closeness to Clinton would offend “the swing voter,” Gilliland said, shaking her head and shrugging. In any case, as she noted, the former president won’t be an issue in the campaign period of 2003-4, for better or for worse.

What will be an issue is what she sees as the “terrible” record being made in economic and other policy areas by the current president, Republican George W.Bush. And if voters get a chance to choose between the two of them again, especially between a Bush who is no longer an unknown quantity and a Gore who is content to be known as he really is, “it won’t even be close.”



Circuit Court Clerk Jimmy Moore reluctantly decided this past weekend not to seek either the office of Shelby County mayor or that of sheriff.

Moore’s friend, developer Jackie Welch, had overseen polling into both possibilities. “The race could be won,” Moore said about the sheriff’s race, always the stronger possibility of the two ventures now eliminated.

Moore will now pursue a reelection race to the clerk’s job, seeking the Republican nomination as before.

Meanwhile, Mark Luttrell, director of the Shelby County Division of Corrections, is actively considering a race for sheriff, presumably as a Republican, the Flyer has learned.



A series of kamikaze-like attacks on the World Trade Center buildings in New York and on the Pentagon have caused massive destruction and the grounding of all aircraft nationwide by the Federal Aviation Authority. Both towers of the World Trade Center were hit Tuesday morning by apparently hijacked airplanes in what President Bush immediately called a terrorist attack. The Pentagon in Washington was hit by what seems to have been a third aircraft minutes later.The south tower of the World Trade Center subsequently collapsed, followed some thirty minutes later by the north tower, with incalculable loss of life. Details to follow.

For immediate breaking news reports from CNN, click here.



DANA KEETON, THE SPOKESPERSON FOR the Department of Safety in Nashville, was on her way Tuesday morning to the Tennessee Tower, one of downtown Nashville’s looming monuments , for a Spanish class at the Tennessee Foreign Language Institute. She planned to go to work immediately afterward for what was expected to be an uneventful day.

Her language study was partly out of personal interest and partly a response to the complications that ensued from last year’s run on Department driver’s-license venues . Many of the applicants were Hispanic immigrants drawn by the temporary easing of various residence restrictions on the issuance of licenses.

“I just talked to so many Spanish-speaking people back then,” Keeton said. “I thought it would be useful to know the language.”

She was listening to the radio and, when she heard the first news broadcast of a plane hitting the first of the two World Trade Center towers in far-off New York, she had no reason to think it was anyting but a freak accident. Then, about the time she reached the Tennessee Towers building and was about to park her car, she received a phone call from a colleague at the Department. “You’re starting to get some calls,” she was told.

Nevertheless, she went to class, but when the calls from workmates Ð relayed messages from news media wanting to know about Tennessee’s emergency plans — kept coming, she realized, “There was no point in trying to finish.” The full gravity of events — which now includes another kamikaze attack on the Pentagon near Washington — was dawning on her, and, as her foreboding grew, she knew that she would spend the rest of the day, and perhaps much of the night, fielding the persistent questions of a needy state media. There would be no telling when she would get home that night.

*IT TOOK A WHILE FOR THE SENSE OF EMERGENCY to get around. Even though there had been a partial and temporary blockade of a portion of downtown Memphis by police Ð for what purpose it was hard to say Ð the men of Engine Co. No. 2, hard by the National Civil Rights Museum, , might have been doing what they were doing on any given day. It was some two hours after the first impact of the first hijacked airliner upon the first of the twin towers in New York and no more than thirty minutes after the collapse of both towers had occurred.

Three men in black regulation/casual T-shirts were busy washing a huge fire engine parked peacefully on the fire station’s broad concrete lot. A Fire department offricer and an inspector stood nearby. “Business as usual,” one said. “Of course, I don’t think you’ll see any of us going out for groceries and heading off to do routine inspections of buildings. We’ve been told to stay close,..” But, despite the sawhorse obstacles that had blocked a street or two earlier, only blocks away, there had been no reported emergencies in the downtown area or anywhere else.

Inside two fire lieutenants Ð Pat Pearl and Bill Shelton Ð had sat down to a makeshift lunch. Both had seen the events of the morning on the firehouse TV

. Pearl, a stout, moustachioed man, at first hazarded an observation that, huge as the circumstances in New York and Washington were, they amounted to little that he had not seen over and over again. “Keep in mind that death and destruction is something we see all the time in our work as firefighters,” he said.

He and Shelton began to speculate, more or less dispassionately, on the physics of the morning’s horrors Ð explaining,for example, that the destruction of the upper portions of the two towers would have created enough dead weight to cause the ultimate total collapse of both buildings, without any need for further sabotage. “Hold your two fingers up,” he suggested, and was clearly about to undertake a physical demonstration. “I get the point,” I said.

But at some point Ð probably about the time their speculation carried them into wondering how many firefighters had perished in the disasters Ð affect crept into the voices of Pearl and Shelton, after all. After a spell of trying to talk about the New York rescue effort in terms of “stairwell logistics, if you will,” Pearl developed what sounded for all the world like a catch in his throat Ð one that deepened when he was asked to estimate casualties.

Grimly, Shelton gave the final pronouncement. “There could be as many as 100,000 dead when they finally count ‘em all,” he said.

*IN 1950, WHEN HE WAS STILL A TEENAGER, Jim Brown was a Marine private involved in the march northward of United Nations forces in Korea. He was on the Yalu River Ð ready with his unit, as he remembers it, to make a leap north across the Yalu into China. That all changed when a huge Chinese invading force surrounded the Marines in North Korea and forced them to cut an escape route some hundred miles to safety in the dead of winter. “From November 27th, when the trap was sprung, until December 13th when I was on board a rescue ship eating pancakes, I had no meals at all,” Brown says. He went from 165 pounds to 90.

And, though his experience in Vietnam a decade and a half later never became quite so dire, Brown Ð a master sergeant by then — had a couple of narrow escapes there, too, at Da Nang and at Chu Lai.

All that was behind him, so he thought, at 7:45 a.m. Tuesday morning, Memphis time, when the retired city schoolteacher Ðhaving suffered nothing worse in the intervening years than the rude treatment he got from some School Board colleagues and then from the voters who turned him out of office last year Ð sat down at table for coffee. “Then my wife, who was watching television in the next room, yelled at me, ‘My gosh, a plane hit one of the World Trade towers!’ So I went in and was watching myself when we saw the second plane hit the second tower.”

Brown Ð who, like many viewing these events from the supposed “cool” medium of television, was powerfully affected — summed up his reactions later on. “My first impression was that they planted a bomb. What bothers me when I think about it is that they used our plane and our material to bomb us. That’s really scary and makes us realize how vulnerable we are.” And for Brown it was like that sniper-plagued three-week retreat through frozen Koreans hillsides or like the entirety of the Vietnam experience. “.Dealing with an enemy we can’t see and can’t understand!”

* THE REV. BILL ADKINS NEVER THOUGHT TWICE when he became acquainted with the facts of Tuesday morning’s catastrophes in New York and Washington. Though his church, Greater Imani Baptist Church, has moved to Raleigh, in the very north of Memphis, in the last year, Adkins still lives in Whitehaven, in the city’s south, where Imani, until an intermediate move to Mditown some years ago, had originated.

But he decided early on to hold a prayer vigil and, after instructing his assistants to start preparing for it, headed north on a route that took him by Memphis International Airport.

It was there, at mid-morning Tuesday, that he saw a shocking sight Ð planes, rows and rows of them, pulled up and parked. “And I don’t mean just on the apron,” he said, recalling the moment hours later. “I mean on the runways! I’ve never seen anything like that. It looked like a scene out of wartime!”

As Rev. Adkins noted, the planes Ð all commercial airliners Ð included many which did not service the city but were routed here once the Federal Aviation Authority had shut down all domestic flights Tuesday.

Once into his service, before several hundred people, Adkins chose to preach from Psalm 27, which contains the key words, “When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon meÉthey stumbled and fell./Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear, though war should rise against me, in this will I be confidentÉ”

During the service, Rev. Adkins said a fifteen-minute prayer,during which he asked the Lord to “send a mighty wind toNew York City, to blow away the soot and dust,” to send “a breath of air” to clean the lungs and souls of the afflicted.

After the service, he stood in the outer lobby of his church and declared emphatically, “You have to respond. God says we do not have to suffer heathen attacks and heathen rage. There are times to fight, and this is one of those times!”

As Adkins explained, many, many of his congregation were members of military units or reservists and had already been called up to deal with the emergency that morning.

“We may be on the eve of World War Three,” Adkins said solemnly.

TODD COOPER, A 32-YEAR-OLD NATIVE MEMPHIAN whose early upbringing was in Memphis and Florida, has lived in New York for the last two years, working as an “event producer” from a high-rise home office in midtown Manhattan. His brother Trent, a record producer, phoned him about 9 o’clock EDT to tell him that a plane had slammed into one of the two World Trade towers (the “North tower,” as every coach potato learned very quickly to call it).

Inasmuch as Todd Cooper had a balcony window that had a clear line of vision to the downtown New York skyline, he put down the phone and stepped out onto it. It was from there, minutes later,as he looked at the smoldering tip of the North tower, at a distance of some two miles, that he saw, to his horror, its mate impacted by yet another airliner.

“I had complete visibility. It couildn’t have been a clearer day. I couldn’t feel it or really hear it, but I saw it perfectly,” Cooper said. And he watched stupefied as the subsequent events unfolded Ðthe collapse of both towers, the incredible storm-like clouds of smoke which rolled from the destruction and filled the horizon, the sense — even at that distance — that the affected masses of humanity were helpless, as before some implausible and unexpected cosmic plague

.Or like something out of Hollywood. “It was like watching a movie,” Cooper said, hours later. “ I kept thinking of Deep Impact from two or three years ago, the one where a comet was aimed right at the Earth, and people were helpless to do anything about it.”

That sense of helplessness was as evident in Midtown, where Cooper found his fellow New Yorkers wandering about aimlessly in a crippled, shut-down city, as it was from the more terrified versions of it seen on his TV set from the chaos in downtown.

“I’ll tell you, “ said Cooper (whose father Joe Cooper is a familiar figure in Memphis politics) “my business is big events, good times, parties. None of that seems very important right now.” He paused.” We need to pull together right now, show the world what we’re made of.” And pauased again. “Our world will never be the same.”

*THERE HAD BEEN REPORTS all day Tuesday that gasoline retailers here and there — whether on their own or at the direction of their governing corporate enterprises was not made clear — had raised their price-per-gallon to outrageous levels. The effect of such price-gouging was to victimize their already demoralized customers, whatever the rationale for it might have been, whether fear of a curtailed supply or greedy exploitation of a public somewhat inclined to panic.

But was it so? Late Tuesday night, I stopped in on a Union 76 Snack Shop around the corner from my residence in Raleigh.

One of the two attendants, who identified himself as Brian Jones, pointed out proudly that his station had kept its prices down to the previously prevailing rate. OH, there was gouging all right, over in Arkansas, or in Mississippi, or even in Cordova to the upstart suburban east, at all of which places the rate-per-gallon had allegedly climbed to as high as $4.00 a gallon.

“The boss did call today to ask what the guys across the street were charging. We always try to stay just behind them.” Jones said.

Across the street, at an Exxon station, the prices shown on the pumps had held stable as well, and they were, indeed, only a mite more than those of the Snack Shop: $1.399, $1.499, and $1.599 for the three basic grades, compared to the Unjon 76 station’s $1.379, $1.479, and $1.579. So far, so good.p>

* HUNDREDS OF PASSENGERS — MAYBE thousands — and not all of them on flights that were destined for stopovers in Memphis in the first place were routed by the FAA to permanent stops at Memphis International Airport. So a relatively huge number of people became involuntary tourists in the Bluff City, and, whether assisted by their airlines or by local authorities or on their own they filled up the city’s hotels — some 200 at the Ramada Inn on Brooks Road, very near the airport, for example, and 59 at the prestigious Peabody, some distance away in downtown Memphis

Two travelers who ended up at the famous downtown hostelry with its equally famous resident ducks were Peter McCabe and Ron Rothstein, two Chicago lawyers who had been on a Delta flight to Atlanta when their plane was directed by the FAA to land at Memphis and go no further.

McCabe and Rothstein had to cancel a noon meeting in Atlanta that might have, they implied, settled a case that seemed to be of some urgency. They sat in the lobby of The Peabody late Tuesday night, their bags packed, waiting until it was time to go down the street a bit to the Amtrack station, where they would board a 1 a.m. train back to Chicago, mission unaccomplished and perhaps even in ruins.

Rothstein shrugged. “These things are relative” McCabe explained that their Chicago flight had left at 8:10 a.m., at roughly the time that the second of New York’s twin towers had, unbeknownst to them, been slammed into. Theirs was the last flight allowed to leave O’Hair, and theylearned in-light of what had been happening in the outside world.

“But we didn’t fully understand the enormity of it until we disembarked here in Memphis,” said Rothstein..

On top of everything else, there was a reported gas leak at The Peabody at 3 p.m. that forced the hotel’s temporary evacuation. So McCabe tried to make the most of things. He headed, as so many tourists had before him, toward the legendary home of Elvis Presley. “That’s the main thing I regret, that Graceland was closed.,” he said. “They shut it down at 4 p.m., and I never got in. But I did see the Lisa Marie [Elvis’ airplane], and that was really something.”

Things are relative, all right.

*EPILOGUE: Two years ago I spent a golden week in New York with my wife and two daughters, then aged 8 and 10 and fully deserving, as I saw it, of first-hand experuience with some of the monuments of their great country. On the second or third day, we got to the top of the Empire State Building (or to the main observation deck, anyhow.). To our disappointment, there was such a fog that morning that literally nothing could be seen in any direction — a flash here and there of what looked like river, or a momentary glimpse of a nearby building. But there was no chance of showing the girls the two great towers that were due south at the tip of Manhattan Island — on top of one of which their parents had stood on a memorable day back in 1983..

We waited and waited, and the fog never lifted. So, after an hour or so, Linda, Julia, and Rose were all inside the gift shop trying to buy souvenirs –little miniature Empire State Buildings that had caught the girls’ eye.

It was then that, waiting outside with stiff-necked determination for the haze to clear, I caught a break. The two twin shapes in the distance began to materialize through the thick mist, even to gleam a bit, and I rushed inside to the gift shop and demanded that Linda and the girls come out and see.

Tell you the truth, Julia and Rose were probably annoyed at having their shopping interrupted But they came, and they saw. There was perhaps a ten-second window of opportunity before the vapors closed in on the buildings again, and they were gone — for good, as it turned out, forever to remain in the unseen distance, dissolved in the mist of memory.


Politics Politics Beat Blog


It is reasonably well known that U.S. Rep. Harold Ford Jr. of MemphisÕs 9th congressional district has become a big-time player in the cathode-tube universe of Inside-the-Beltway Washington. What is not so widely known is some of the dramas the 31-year-old third-term congressman has played in.

A road-show version of one of them, called ÒCampaign-Finance Reform,Ó came to the University of MemphisÕ Faulkner Lounge Friday, and a good time was hand by all, despite the absence, due to a prostate operation, of the dramaÕs main player, Senator John McCain (who, said Ford at one point with respectful irreverence, Òis the one that sucks up all the air timeÓ).

The other familiar cable-news faces were there, however Ð Sen. Russ Feingold, the Senate co-sponsor, with McCain of the major extant reform bill, McCain-Feingold; Reps. Chris Shays (R-Ct.) and Martin Meehan (D-Mass.), sponsors of the companion House bill Ð along with two not-so-familiar ones, Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), a legendary veteran of the Civil Rights movement; Rep. Marion Berry(D-Ark.); and Scott Harshbarger, head of Common Cause.

All had their moments in the presentation of the common cause, which was, of course, the bill to ban impose strict limits on the cornucopic, corporate-tainted Òsoft moneyÓ which the sponsors all feel restricts the civil rights of ordinary Americans and favors special interests.

Among other things, the bill would:

* Ban soft money contributions to the national political parties from corporations, labor unions and wealthy individuals.

* Provide a clear distinction between expenditures on behalf of candidates Ð which would be subject of the financial limits of federal election law — and those used to advocate issues;

* Curtail undisclosed soft-money expenditures for issue ads in the closing days of campaigns;

* Require timelier disclosures and establish stiffer penalties for violations.

As Ford and the other panelists noted, McCain-Feingold is now bottled up in the House, where members will have to approve a discharge petition in order for the bill to be considered on the floor.

At a brief press conference before the event, Ford was cited by his fellow panelists as a major force in the effort to pass McCain-Feingold. He has been the subject of several articles noting his missionary work for the bill with fellow African Americans in Congress.

ÒWhen we started a few weeks ago, there were only five African-American members willing to say they were for the bill. By the time we get to a vote, that number should be close to 30,Ó said Ford, who attributed an early reluctance by black members to a belief that soft-money contributions were a boon to black fund-raising, since individual hard-money donations at the maximum level were harder to come by.

ÒI think I finally convinced many of them that you could judge who the bill would help and who it would hurt by the people who were lined up on both sides of it,Ó Ford said.

A bit of time-space-warp commentary was provided at the forum by Rep. Shays, who told the audience that Rep. Meehan had “gotten up at 6 a.m. this morning so he could be at Gracie Mansion.” It turned up that Graceland Mansion, the home of the late Elvis Presley, and not Gracie Mansion, home of New York’s mayor, was what he meant. Meehan said that he had indeed boarded a 6 a.m. flight to Memphis so that he could check out Elvis’ house.


Politics Politics Beat Blog


U.S. Rep. Van Hilleary (R-4th), the consensus favorite to become the Republican nominee for governor of Tennessee next year, continues to speak of the administration of the man he wants to succeed, Governor Don Sundquist, as a handicap to GOP efforts to hold on to the statehouse.

In an interview two weeks ago when Hilleary was in town to address the East Shelby Republican ClubÕs Master Meal, the congressman and former Gulf War combat pilot spoke directly to the ÒdivisiveÓ nature of SundquistÕs backing of an income tax. Speaking Saturday to attendees of the Dutch Treat Luncheon at the Audobon CafŽ on Park Ave., Hilleary was somewhat more circumspect.

ÒElectability will be an issue for Republicans,Ó Hilleary said, Òconsidering the way things have been done the last few years.Ó

He would not elaborate on the reference afterward, but everyone asked about the remark Ð- event co-chairmen Ed McAteer and Charles Peete, for example — said it was clear he meant Sundquist would be a handicap to the Republican nomineee.

The subject of electability loomed large for Hilleary. He seemed to be making a point of addressing fears that have been expressed in some circles that he, though far ahead of any conceivable Republican opponent in both fundraising and political support, might not be competitive enough against former Nashville Mayor Phil Bredesen, the likely Democratic nominee.

ÒHow are you going to address that and still win?Ó the congressman asked rhetorically after invoking the specter of Sundquist and his espousal of an income tax. Saying ÒI love to be a risk tasker, but I have no intention of being a kamikaze pilot,Ó he then went on to enumerate reasons why he is confident of victory.

Reason One was that Ed Bryant, the incumbent Republican congressman in TennesseeÕs 7th district, got fully 50 percent of his vote for the Shelby County suburbs, and Hilleary suggested he would do as well. ÒItÕs a very Republican district.Ó He then pointed out that the stateÕs three easternmost congressional districts were died-in-the-woll Republican ones and that in his own 4th district he had carried all the counties that former Vice President Al Gore had in his 2000 presidential campaign.

Add to that the fact that the remaining districts, except for the 5th (Nashville) and the 9th (inner-city Memphis) were either going upscale in a way that was good for Republican candidates or were conservative and rural, and the odds were good for a conservative Republican candidacy like his own, Hilleary suggested Ð especially since, as he made it clear, he intended to paint Bredesen as a tax-and-spend elitist Democrat.

Issues addressed by Hilleary at the luncheon included: education, which he named as his priority and which, he said, had to be freed from the control of teachersÕ unions and dosed with accountability standards; TennCare, which had to be ratcheted down from benefit levels which made it too attractive for would-be patients, including many in other states, and too expensive for the state to administer; campaign-finance reform, which he said was unsatisfactorily addressed in the current McCain-Feingold bill, which gave workers no redress as to how their unions chose to make candidate donations; and, of course, a state income tax, which he opposes and which he called Òthe type of tax that interferes with your life the most.Ó

Sports Sports Feature


A sloppy University of Memphis Tiger defense couldn’t stop Memphis from running up the score against NCAA Division I AA University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, as the Tigers marked their first win of the 2001 season, 43-10.

The Tigers totaled an appalling 13 penalties for 110 yards over the game, with the defense accounting for most of them. The Tiger offense earned better numbers, but was still sporadic, sometimes gaining big yardage and other times looking nearly incompetent, but still earning 245 yards on the ground and 198 yards from the passing game.

Tiger running back Dante Brown had a big night, with runs of 62 and then 26 yards. The latter came on a Tiger QB Travis Anglin completion and resulted in a touchdown. Brown also ran in a five yard touchdown in the second quarter. Brown ended the night with 18 runs for 158 yards.

Anglin took advantage of the weak UTC defense passing 22 times for 15 completions, and 145 yards. Anglin also tossed in that one touchdown pass to Walker. Anglin balanced his attack by running the ball at his discretion, rushing 17 times for 78 yards, and two rushing touchdowns. The first came in the first quarter on a 2 yard run and the second came in the fourth quarter from 15 yards out, but against a tired UTC defense.

The other Tiger scores came on a safety by Tiger linebacker Coot Terry in the second quarter and on a recovered Tiger fumble by receiver Tripp Higgens on the UTC one yard line which Higgens then dove in for a score. The Tigers scored one more time in the fourth on a 12 yard pass from QB Neil Suber to receiver Tavariuo Davis.

Though physically beaten by the bigger and stronger Tiger defense, the Mocs did manage 10 points on a 34 yard field goal from the Mocs’ kicker, Ben Thompson, and then a one yard touchdown run by Mocs running back Jason Ball late in the 2nd quarter from five yards out. Mocs QB Chuck Spearman threw the ball 35 times for 17 completions and 180 yards. Ball ended the day with 24 yards on 16 runs and his one score. This is in stark contrast to Ball’s 130 yard rushing performance against fellow NCAA I AA member Samford in UTC’s first game of the season.

UTC ended the night with 30 yards rushing and 201 yards passing.

The win pulls Memphis even at 1-1 for the young season. The loss drops UTC to 1-1. The Tigers take next week off on a bye before playing South Florida at home on September 22.

Politics Politics Beat Blog


Lucia Gilliland and her husband, Memphis attorney Jim Gilliland are among the closest friends that Al and Tipper Gore have. Both Gillilands went to Washington after the first election of the Clinton-Gore ticket in 1992 and took jobs with the new administration Ð Lucia as an official advisor to the Gores in the White House and as a national director of the Women’s Leadership Forum of the Democratic National Committee, and Jim as chief legal counsel for the Department of Agriculture. Both were heavily involved in the Gore presidential campaign of 2000. Both continue to see the Gores on a friend-to-friend basis.

And Lucia Gilliland, who has more than a casual interest in what comes next and more insight than most into what that could be, thinks the former Vice President is virtually certain to seek the Democratic nomination for 2004. And when he does, actually even before he does in any formal sense, Gilliland is determined to take an active leadership role on the Tennesse end of things. ÒIt was here that he lost the election. Florida wouldnÕt have mattered if heÕd carried Tennessee,Ó said Gilliland during a weekend conversation. And she vowed, ÒWe wonÕt fall short again.Ó

One of the problems with GoreÕs campaign in Tennessee, Gilliland said, was that he seemed to be scheduled for quick in-and-out fundraising trips (ÒWham bam, thanks for the moneyÓ), but not much more. And she concurred with the criticisms of those who said GoreÕs media advertising failed to be as Tennessee-specific as it could have been.

Mroeover, said Gilliland, the best way for Al Gore to wage another presidential campaign is as himself Ð warts and all. ÒBut not the beard!Ó she said, seemingly aghast at GoreÕs newest experiment with personal transformation.

ÒIt was a mistakeÓ for Gore to submit to the various remodeling efforts that attracted so much negative attention during the last campaign period, Gilliland said. ÒHeÕd have come off better if heÕd run as the real Al Gore.Ó On balance, she believes, GoreÕs virtues Ð which include intelligence, knowledgeability, dedication, and good intentions — outshine his flaws, which include a tendency to go flat at inconvenient times and an awkwardness at some of the people skills required by politics.

Gore will never be as smooth as the man whom he served as vice president for eight years, former President Bill Clinton, says Lucia Gilliland. And yes, she agrees with various post-mortems of GoreÕs near-miss which suggest that he might have gone over the top if heÕd involved Clinton more actively in the campaign Ð specifically in Tennessee and Arkansas.

The thinking of GoreÕs advisers seemed to be that too much closeness to Clinton would offend Òthe swing voter,Ó Gilliland said, shaking her head and shrugging. In any case, as she noted, the former president wonÕt be an issue in the campaign period of 2003-4, for better or for worse.

What will be an issue is what she sees as the ÒterribleÓ record being made in economic and other policy areas by the current president, Republican George W.Bush. And if voters get a chance to choose between the two of them again, especially between a Bush who is no longer an unknown quantity and a Gore who is content to be known as he really is, Òit wonÕt even be close.Ó



Circuit Court Clerk Jimmy Moore reluctantly decided this past weekend not to seek either the office of Shelby County mayor or that of sheriff.

Moore’s friend, developer Jackie Welch, had overseen polling into both possibilities. “The race could be won,” Moore said about the sheriff’s race, always the stronger possibility of the two ventures now eliminated.

Moore will now pursue a reelection race to the clerk’s job, seeking the Republican nomination as before.

Meanwhile, Mark Luttrell, director of the Shelby County Division of Corrections, is actively considering a race for sheriff, presumably as a Republican, the Flyer has learned.