Sports Sports Feature


The University of Memphis Tigers’ Saturday matinee with the DePaul Blue Demons turned out to be a fitting send-off for a stoic star who quietly climbed his way up the charts of Tiger basketball history and the Conference USA record book.

Having played under three coaches in his four years as a Tiger — often as the first and only scoring option — Kelly Wise was the center of attention for pregame ceremonies on Senior

Day. Never has a more reserved Memphis Tiger commanded the stage for himself than on this day as Wise — the lone U of M senior — walked to

center-court accompanied by his mother and grandmother to receive a framed portrait of himself, and the proper adulation of 14,000 of his

closest friends.

Still recovering from a sprained right knee that’s

limited his play of late, Wise managed to score 23 points and grab 13 rebounds as Memphis wrapped up its 2001-02 home schedule with an 88-61 drubbing of the Demons.

Appropriately enough, Wise opened the scoring with an inside bucket 40 seconds after tip-off, and the Tigers never looked back. In seizing an

18-point halftime lead, Wise displayed the kind of play that has endeared him to head coach John Calipari, but that may not be seen in tomorrow’s

box score. On consecutive possessions midway through the half, Wise penetrated the DePaul defense well within his shooting range, only to

dish the ball off to fellow big man, Earl Barron, who was fouled on each occasion.

On the defensive end, Wise quarterbacked the Tiger halfcourt trap, forcing the DePaul defense into a reactive mode and leading to transition buckets for Memphis. “He just is so active,” said Calipari after the game. “There is no halfcourt trap when Kelly’s not in there. You’ve got to be active.”

An alley-oop pass from Antonio Burks at the top of the key was jammed home by a sky-walking Anthony Rice almost eight minutes into the second

half, giving Memphis a 20-point cushion. Rice, with 14 points and a season-high 9 rebounds, was one of five Tigers to reach double figures

in the scoring column, joining Wise, Barron (15), Dajuan Wagner (20), and Chris Massie (10). DePaul — who fell to 9-17 (2-12 in C-USA) — was

led by sophomore forward Andre Brown with 21. Memphis out-rebounded the Demons, 46-30, and shot 51 percent from the field.

Already fourth in Tiger history among rebounders, Wise has climbed into the ninth slot on the all-time Memphis scoring list and is within reach

of number eight (he trails Phillip Haynes by 18 points with one regular-season game remaining, followed by the C-USA tournament and,

hopefully for the Tiger faithful, an NCAA bid). Wise’s numbers when viewed in the context of C-USA’s seven-year history are even more

impressive. He’s the conference’s all-time leading rebounder, its second-leading shot-blocker, and has more double-doubles (42) than any

player who has suited up in the 14-team league. Wise is the only player in C-USA history to accumulate 1,000 points and 1,000 rebounds.

His numbers aside, Wise should be appreciated for being a shining member of a dying breed: the four-year Division I college basketball star.

While some might argue Cedric Henderson’s case, you’d probably have to go back more than a decade, to Elliot Perry, to find a Tiger who put in four years of excellence that approach those of Wise. His university should at least consider adding a ninth retired jersey to the Pyramid

rafters. “We’re top-20 with Kelly,” said Calipari. “Top-60 without him. He did today what he does all the time. Didn’t surprise me. He covers for a lot of the players on this team.”

Having clinched C-USA’s National Divison title and now with a record of 22-7 (16-2 in The Pyramid), Memphis has a week to prepare for next

Saturday’s showdown with mighty Cincinnati. Fueled by the conference’s player of the year, Steve Logan, the Bearcats have been in the nation’s top five for most of the season and should give Memphis a nice test as the Tigers measure their worth for the conference tournament and the big dance beyond.

Calipari is prepared for a heavyweight battle with Bob Huggins’ rugged club, and he’s not afraid to meet muscle with muscle. “[Cincinnati] will take your lunch money,” said the coach, not smiling. “They walk into school and ask, ‘Do you have 50 cents?’ You’re gonna have to have a

helmet and shoulder pads. It’s the last guy standing. That’s what you do in Cincinnati.”

News News Feature


News The Fly-By


According to The Commercial Appeal, U.S. Rep. Harold Ford Jr. decided that, to determine what students need to help them achieve, he should ask the students themselves. While there can be little doubt that Ford s plan stems from genuine concern and is not just an excuse for some mighty swell photo-ops, it should be pointed out that similar experiments conducted during the 19th century quizzing inmates on how to better run the asylum proved to be unsuccessful.

News News Feature


To: Allen Wastler,

Managing Editor


Dear Mr. Wastler,

I would suggest that Enron change its name to Bob. Bob imparts a sense of boyish innocence, and is virtually always a good guy. Bob is so common and ubiquitous a name that it seems to lend its bearer an innocuous cloak of anonymity – as opposed to the evil and very unique “Enron.”

Enron reminds me of Darth Vader. Both parts of the name are unsalvageable now. You’re not going to name your kid Darth, any more than you would Vader, are you? Now, by association, even the name Ron is shot. I think that the Rons of this world might want to look into a lawsuit against

Enron for mucking up their name. Ren would be the worst, though, as it would combine the En with the Ron, although Ren from Ren and Stimpy or Kevin Bacon as Ren in Footloose might be just enough to save that name from En-ruin.

Back to Bob. How many Bobs out there are negatively portrayed by the media? I think that we all sort of benefit by our association with the great Bob Hope — the nicest guy ever. Then there’s the Bob and Tom Show, and Bob the Builder — both much-loved. And there’s the immortal Bob Barker from The Price Is Right.

In a 1999 poll, Bob came in ahead of Northwest Territories as the better name for that Canadian province, but leave it to the Canadians to look a gift horse in the mouth — Bob was disqualified. There’s the not-so-new craze over NBA Bobbleheads. And, there’s bobbing for apples now there’s a wholesome activity if there ever was one.

I’ve heard there’s a bridge somewhere calle Bob. I’ve also heard that Bill Gates once wanted to name an operating system Bob, but was overruled — although that begs the question: Who is there to overrule Bill Gates?

I think that Andy Fastow and Ken Lay could benefit from name changes, as well, although Andy and Ken are pretty innocuous names themselves. Jeffrey Skilling really needs a name change. Neither “Jeffrey” nor “Skilling” is a very good name to have when you’re attempting to dodge an all-out media feeding frenzy. Jeffreys tend to be overly formal, sort of snotty, I think — like a boarding school kid you want to beat up. And Skilling — if that doesn’t bring to min thoughts of a skillet (and as a gerund, too), I don’t know what would.

In sum, Mr. Wastler, I submit that Bob is synonymous with good, and Enro could really use some of that nowadays. Why, I bet you that if Enron changed its name to Bob tomorrow, this whole sordid affair would evaporate into thin air faster than money off an Enron balance sheet.

Very truly yours,

Bob Ledyard


News News Feature



Carol and I have been good friends since high school. When we met, we were dating two guys who were in a band together and we spent a lot of time hanging out while they had band practice or played Sega. Hey, it was high school. That’s what you did. Eventually I broke up with the drummer and she broke up with the singer, but we stayed friends.

It’s been about 10 years, five moves, and probably 100 boyfriends later. I was relocated a few months ago and we live in the same city again. When I first told her the news, she seemed excited, talking about all the things we would do, how it would be like old times, yada, yada. But since I got back in town, I’ve seen her maybe two or three times. Whenever I call her, she’s always busy with her boyfriend.

I used to be able to tell when whoever she was seeing was about to dump her by how often she would call me. When they broke up, I would hear from her about once a week until she found someone new. Now that we’re in the same town I thought things would be a little different, that we’d at least have drinks once in a while. Boy, was I wrong. What bothers me even more is that I’m currently in a long-term relationship and even from the very beginning, I’ve always made time for her. I don’t feel like she’s made any for me. I’m tempted to tell her exactly how wrong she is, but something has prevented me so far.


Fed Up


You can never go back home again. I know that’s a cliché, but damn it, sometimes things are used a lot because they’re just that true. It sounds as if part of you is hurt because you expected things to be one way and they’re not. Unfortunately, that’s just what happens. You can’t go home again and you can’t blame her for expectations you had, no more than you can blame her for the weather outside.

However, you can blame her for being a self-centered bitch. I’m going to take your word on it that you really do make time for her when you’re seeing someone, because if you don’t, you’re a self-centered bitch, too. And then, really, what’s the point in you complaining? So let’s be sure the dagger doesn’t slice both ways.

But let’s say you do make time for her and she doesn’t for you. There’s a couple of things you could do here. The first is to sit her down and tell her exactly how “wrong” she is. She’s choosing men over friend and that’s just not cool. Were they there when she was crying her eyes out over So-and-so? Did any of them ever accompany her to the bathroom at a restaurant or a rock concert? And where were they the last time she was gained a few pounds?

You could say all this, or similar things, until she starts crying from the shame of being “a bad friend,” but, let’s be honest, what good will it do? You might get to scream and yell and stomp around, but you might not feel any better afterwards. She’ll apologize, but be up to her old tricks by the end of the week. And then you’re faced with a friend who isn’t just a self-centered bitch, but one who won’t even pretend to care about your feelings.

I guess my advice would just be to get over it. You’ve known for a while she likes to hang out with her man — I hardly think the way the two of you met could be considered an auspicious beginning — so process that information and deal with it.

Because she really didn’t do anything wrong, except not pay enough attention to you. And there must be some reason why the two of you have stayed friends for all this time. I guess what I’m saying is downgrade her friend status. Instead of being your “good friend Carol,” think about her as your “friend Carol” or “that Carol” you know.

Or you cold just let the friendship fall fallow and maybe one day she’ll call you. It’ll probably be a day when she’s broken up with someone, but there you go.


This is rather complicated. A couple of months ago, I met this wonderful woman that I liked instantly. I did not ask her out or for her phone number because we were with a large group of people and I never really got her alone. A few days later — I use the three-day rule — I found out her email address and sent her a quick note asking her if she wanted to get together.

We have a great first date; we go hiking and then get a bite to eat at this restaurant my friend owns. I call her, again three days after our date, and invite her out, but she’s busy with work. Maybe a week later, I call her again and she tells me she’s on her way out of town but wants to get together soon and will call me as soon as she gets back into town. By this time, it’s been about a month since out first date.

She calls two weeks later and tells me that she hasn’t been in town since we last spoke, but asks if I want to go to the movies. I’m recovering from the flu, but I really like her, so we make plans for an early evening. It feels as if we’re starting from scratch, though, because it’s been so long since we last saw each other.

Since then, I haven’t seen her. I keep calling her and she returns my calls, even agrees to go out, but then something will come up at the last minute so she’ll have to cancel. We’re both young professionals working really hard to succeed so understandably we both have really busy lives. I feel like I’ve made time for her. I’m not sure she’s done the same for me. Just a few weeks ago, I ran into her on the street and we made plans to go out to dinner that evening. She was supposed to call me after she finished running some errands, so we could make more definite plans, but she never called. When I finally called her a week later and demanded to know what happened, she said she was so sorry, that her apartment had become infested with cockroaches and she spent the entire night trying to get an exterminator to come out and take care of the problem.

A few times since I known her I’ve told myself I wasn’t going to call her anymore because I don’t need to put up with her crap. But then when I do call her, even if it’s just to bitch her out, she’s so apologetic and nice that I find myself chalking up her bullshit to the difficulties of a complicated life. Am I being a chump?


Busy Bee


In a word: Yes.

I think I’m going to have to break some news to you, news that the wonderful woman wasn’t woman enough to break herself. So I’m not going to sugarcoat it; I’m not going to lie; I’m just going to lay it on the line: She isn’t attracted to you.

Now get off the floor (you can still clutch at your stomach if you want to) and let me explain. From what I’ve read of your situation, this girl thought you were funny or good-looking or rich when you first met; so she agreed to go out with you. But after spending more time with you, she deduced that you are dull or ugly or poor as dirt, and that is sadly unacceptable to her.

But. She doesn’t want to tell you that you are dull or ugly or poor; that might hurt your feelings. And besides your dullness, lack of beauty and poverty level, she likes you just fine. As a friend, you fit the bill nicely. You’re just not boyfriend material.

I think there’s a term for this, passive aggressive, but I can’t use it because I’m not a licensed, well, anything. But at any rate, when you call, she is pleasant and agrees to go out with you (you’re a nice guy, after all), but when it gets time for the real “date,” she realizes that she really doesn’t want to go out with you. Instead, she hopes that by canceling and stringing you along, you will either get the hint or get sick of her bullshit and decide you don’t want to see her anymore. And then the problem is solved.

Unfortunately for both of you, you’ve decided to be persistent. Or you don’t have a clue. So you just keep calling. This is where the wildly implausible roach story kicks in. She might as well as said, I’m busy. I’m washing my hair. Yes, she could have a roach infestation. And perhaps she was busy the entire evening trying to get a exterminator out to her pad, maybe. But if she really wanted to see you, was wildly attracted to you, you are the man of her dreams, she would have picked up one of those cute little things called the telephone and dialed your number. And if the roaches had somehow absconded with it (they’re tricky little guys), she would’ve found a pay phone or at the very very least, e-mailed you the next day.

I’m curious to know if she understood these outings were indeed dates (Were the clues there? Like you picked her up at her house? You paid? You put the moves on her? Or were they sexless friendly outings, the kind that well-behaved Austrian children might go on in “The Sound of Music”? Was there singing?) or if she thought from the beginning that the two of you were “just friends,” only to realize later your dastardly intentions?

So cut her loose. While you may not be boyfriend material for her, she’s definitely not friend material for you.

Sports Sports Feature


The University of Memphis Tigers’ Saturday matinee with the DePaul Blue Demons turned out to be a fitting send-off for a stoic star who quietly climbed his way up the charts of Tiger basketball history and the Conference USA record book.

Having played under three coaches in his four years as a Tiger — often as the first and only scoring option — Kelly Wise was the center of attention for pregame ceremonies on Senior

Day. Never has a more reserved Memphis Tiger commanded the stage for himself than on this day as Wise — the lone U of M senior — walked to

center-court accompanied by his mother and grandmother to receive a framed portrait of himself, and the proper adulation of 14,000 of his

closest friends.

Still recovering from a sprained right knee that’s

limited his play of late, Wise managed to score 23 points and grab 13 rebounds as Memphis wrapped up its 2001-02 home schedule with an 88-61 drubbing of the Demons.

Appropriately enough, Wise opened the scoring with an inside bucket 40 seconds after tip-off, and the Tigers never looked back. In seizing an

18-point halftime lead, Wise displayed the kind of play that has endeared him to head coach John Calipari, but that may not be seen in tomorrow’s

box score. On consecutive possessions midway through the half, Wise penetrated the DePaul defense well within his shooting range, only to

dish the ball off to fellow big man, Earl Barron, who was fouled on each occasion.

On the defensive end, Wise quarterbacked the Tiger halfcourt trap, forcing the DePaul defense into a reactive mode and leading to transition buckets for Memphis. “He just is so active,” said Calipari after the game. “There is no halfcourt trap when Kelly’s not in there. You’ve got to be active.”

An alley-oop pass from Antonio Burks at the top of the key was jammed home by a sky-walking Anthony Rice almost eight minutes into the second

half, giving Memphis a 20-point cushion. Rice, with 14 points and a season-high 9 rebounds, was one of five Tigers to reach double figures

in the scoring column, joining Wise, Barron (15), Dajuan Wagner (20), and Chris Massie (10). DePaul — who fell to 9-17 (2-12 in C-USA) — was

led by sophomore forward Andre Brown with 21. Memphis out-rebounded the Demons, 46-30, and shot 51 percent from the field.

Already fourth in Tiger history among rebounders, Wise has climbed into the ninth slot on the all-time Memphis scoring list and is within reach

of number eight (he trails Phillip Haynes by 18 points with one regular-season game remaining, followed by the C-USA tournament and,

hopefully for the Tiger faithful, an NCAA bid). Wise’s numbers when viewed in the context of C-USA’s seven-year history are even more

impressive. He’s the conference’s all-time leading rebounder, its second-leading shot-blocker, and has more double-doubles (42) than any

player who has suited up in the 14-team league. Wise is the only player in C-USA history to accumulate 1,000 points and 1,000 rebounds.

His numbers aside, Wise should be appreciated for being a shining member of a dying breed: the four-year Division I college basketball star.

While some might argue Cedric Henderson’s case, you’d probably have to go back more than a decade, to Elliot Perry, to find a Tiger who put in four years of excellence that approach those of Wise. His university should at least consider adding a ninth retired jersey to the Pyramid

rafters. “We’re top-20 with Kelly,” said Calipari. “Top-60 without him. He did today what he does all the time. Didn’t surprise me. He covers for a lot of the players on this team.”

Having clinched C-USA’s National Divison title and now with a record of 22-7 (16-2 in The Pyramid), Memphis has a week to prepare for next

Saturday’s showdown with mighty Cincinnati. Fueled by the conference’s player of the year, Steve Logan, the Bearcats have been in the nation’s top five for most of the season and should give Memphis a nice test as the Tigers measure their worth for the conference tournament and the big dance beyond.

Calipari is prepared for a heavyweight battle with Bob Huggins’ rugged club, and he’s not afraid to meet muscle with muscle. “[Cincinnati] will take your lunch money,” said the coach, not smiling. “They walk into school and ask, ‘Do you have 50 cents?’ You’re gonna have to have a

helmet and shoulder pads. It’s the last guy standing. That’s what you do in Cincinnati.”

News News Feature


We Recommend We Recommend

saturday, 23

Today s Black History Month Film Series feature at the National Civil Rights Museum is Amistad. The U of M Tigers are playing DePaul at The Pyramid. Tonight s Beale Street Zydeco Festival finds most of the clubs on Beale Street dishing up Louisiana bayou sounds. At The Peabody, tonight s Memphis Heart Gala features entertainment by Marvel Jones, Ruby Wilson, Gary Johns, and Joyce Cobb. The Red Party at Memphis Botanic Garden tonight is a Fabulous February Fantasy to benefit Hope House Day Care Center, which assists children living with or affected by HIV/AIDS. If you missed The Last Chance Jug Band at the Hi-Tone the other night, they are at Otherlands Coffee Bar tonight celebrating the release of David Evans new CD, Match Box Blues. Lucero and Burnside Exploration are at Young Avenue Deli. And last but certainly not least, the Indigo Girls are playing at the Lounge tonight in the Gibson Guitar Factory.

News News Feature

OTHER PEOPLE’S PROBLEMS: Cluing in the Clueless


Carol and I have been good friends since high school. When we met, we were dating two guys who were in a band together and we spent a lot of time hanging out while they had band practice or played Sega. Hey, it was high school. That’s what you did. Eventually I broke up with the drummer and she broke up with the singer, but we stayed friends.

It’s been about 10 years, five moves, and probably 100 boyfriends later. I was relocated a few months ago and we live in the same city again. When I first told her the news, she seemed excited, talking about all the things we would do, how it would be like old times, yada, yada. But since I got back in town, I’ve seen her maybe two or three times. Whenever I call her, she’s always busy with her boyfriend.

I used to be able to tell when whoever she was seeing was about to dump her by how often she would call me. When they broke up, I would hear from her about once a week until she found someone new. Now that we’re in the same town I thought things would be a little different, that we’d at least have drinks once in a while. Boy, was I wrong. What bothers me even more is that I’m currently in a long-term relationship and even from the very beginning, I’ve always made time for her. I don’t feel like she’s made any for me. I’m tempted to tell her exactly how wrong she is, but something has prevented me so far.


Fed Up


You can never go back home again. I know that’s a cliché, but damn it, sometimes things are used a lot because they’re just that true. It sounds as if part of you is hurt because you expected things to be one way and they’re not. Unfortunately, that’s just what happens. You can’t go home again and you can’t blame her for expectations you had, no more than you can blame her for the weather outside.

However, you can blame her for being a self-centered bitch. I’m going to take your word on it that you really do make time for her when you’re seeing someone, because if you don’t, you’re a self-centered bitch, too. And then, really, what’s the point in you complaining? So let’s be sure the dagger doesn’t slice both ways.

But let’s say you do make time for her and she doesn’t for you. There’s a couple of things you could do here. The first is to sit her down and tell her exactly how “wrong” she is. She’s choosing men over friend and that’s just not cool. Were they there when she was crying her eyes out over So-and-so? Did any of them ever accompany her to the bathroom at a restaurant or a rock concert? And where were they the last time she was gained a few pounds?

You could say all this, or similar things, until she starts crying from the shame of being “a bad friend,” but, let’s be honest, what good will it do? You might get to scream and yell and stomp around, but you might not feel any better afterwards. She’ll apologize, but be up to her old tricks by the end of the week. And then you’re faced with a friend who isn’t just a self-centered bitch, but one who won’t even pretend to care about your feelings.

I guess my advice would just be to get over it. You’ve known for a while she likes to hang out with her man — I hardly think the way the two of you met could be considered an auspicious beginning — so process that information and deal with it.

Because she really didn’t do anything wrong, except not pay enough attention to you. And there must be some reason why the two of you have stayed friends for all this time. I guess what I’m saying is downgrade her friend status. Instead of being your “good friend Carol,” think about her as your “friend Carol” or “that Carol” you know.

Or you cold just let the friendship fall fallow and maybe one day she’ll call you. It’ll probably be a day when she’s broken up with someone, but there you go.


This is rather complicated. A couple of months ago, I met this wonderful woman that I liked instantly. I did not ask her out or for her phone number because we were with a large group of people and I never really got her alone. A few days later — I use the three-day rule — I found out her email address and sent her a quick note asking her if she wanted to get together.

We have a great first date; we go hiking and then get a bite to eat at this restaurant my friend owns. I call her, again three days after our date, and invite her out, but she’s busy with work. Maybe a week later, I call her again and she tells me she’s on her way out of town but wants to get together soon and will call me as soon as she gets back into town. By this time, it’s been about a month since out first date.

She calls two weeks later and tells me that she hasn’t been in town since we last spoke, but asks if I want to go to the movies. I’m recovering from the flu, but I really like her, so we make plans for an early evening. It feels as if we’re starting from scratch, though, because it’s been so long since we last saw each other.

Since then, I haven’t seen her. I keep calling her and she returns my calls, even agrees to go out, but then something will come up at the last minute so she’ll have to cancel. We’re both young professionals working really hard to succeed so understandably we both have really busy lives. I feel like I’ve made time for her. I’m not sure she’s done the same for me. Just a few weeks ago, I ran into her on the street and we made plans to go out to dinner that evening. She was supposed to call me after she finished running some errands, so we could make more definite plans, but she never called. When I finally called her a week later and demanded to know what happened, she said she was so sorry, that her apartment had become infested with cockroaches and she spent the entire night trying to get an exterminator to come out and take care of the problem.

A few times since I known her I’ve told myself I wasn’t going to call her anymore because I don’t need to put up with her crap. But then when I do call her, even if it’s just to bitch her out, she’s so apologetic and nice that I find myself chalking up her bullshit to the difficulties of a complicated life. Am I being a chump?


Busy Bee


In a word: Yes.

I think I’m going to have to break some news to you, news that the wonderful woman wasn’t woman enough to break herself. So I’m not going to sugarcoat it; I’m not going to lie; I’m just going to lay it on the line: She isn’t attracted to you.

Now get off the floor (you can still clutch at your stomach if you want to) and let me explain. From what I’ve read of your situation, this girl thought you were funny or good-looking or rich when you first met; so she agreed to go out with you. But after spending more time with you, she deduced that you are dull or ugly or poor as dirt, and that is sadly unacceptable to her.

But. She doesn’t want to tell you that you are dull or ugly or poor; that might hurt your feelings. And besides your dullness, lack of beauty and poverty level, she likes you just fine. As a friend, you fit the bill nicely. You’re just not boyfriend material.

I think there’s a term for this, passive aggressive, but I can’t use it because I’m not a licensed, well, anything. But at any rate, when you call, she is pleasant and agrees to go out with you (you’re a nice guy, after all), but when it gets time for the real “date,” she realizes that she really doesn’t want to go out with you. Instead, she hopes that by canceling and stringing you along, you will either get the hint or get sick of her bullshit and decide you don’t want to see her anymore. And then the problem is solved.

Unfortunately for both of you, you’ve decided to be persistent. Or you don’t have a clue. So you just keep calling. This is where the wildly implausible roach story kicks in. She might as well as said, I’m busy. I’m washing my hair. Yes, she could have a roach infestation. And perhaps she was busy the entire evening trying to get a exterminator out to her pad, maybe. But if she really wanted to see you, was wildly attracted to you, you are the man of her dreams, she would have picked up one of those cute little things called the telephone and dialed your number. And if the roaches had somehow absconded with it (they’re tricky little guys), she would’ve found a pay phone or at the very very least, e-mailed you the next day.

I’m curious to know if she understood these outings were indeed dates (Were the clues there? Like you picked her up at her house? You paid? You put the moves on her? Or were they sexless friendly outings, the kind that well-behaved Austrian children might go on in “The Sound of Music”? Was there singing?) or if she thought from the beginning that the two of you were “just friends,” only to realize later your dastardly intentions?

So cut her loose. While you may not be boyfriend material for her, she’s definitely not friend material for you.

News News Feature


Robert Worsham may be the most significant writer to emerge from the South in the modern era. You’ve probably never heard of him, but Worsham penned a work that embodies Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s “Beneath the rule of men entirely great, the pen is mightier than the sword.” Though unpublished, unschooled, and mostly overlooked by the leaders of the movement he helped define, Worsham wrote four of the most important words ever printed.

“I Am A Man”

Don’t look at me with disdain,

For I am not a weakling, I am a man.

I stood when to stand

brought severe reprimand,

I spoke, when to speak

brought denunciations from the weak,

and brutal attacks from those in power,

But to me this was my greatest hour,

With chin thrust out and head up proud,

I stood up straight and I said out loud,

I am a man!

And I shall always defy

the oppression of mankind

until the day I die.

Worsham’s defiant verse gave the civil rights movement its most telling image, captured by acclaimed photojournalist Ernest Withers in his famous photograph. “People always want to focus on the so-called leaders,” says Withers, “but it was the contribution of the everyday man and woman, the working people, that brought us forward.”

Though few know of Worsham’s pivotal contribution, he gained fleeting recognition from an appearance on a local morning talk show, The Marge Thrasher Show, in 1988. As part of the program’s focus on Black History Month, Worsham recounted the heartbreaking incident that moved him to write I Am A Man. Thrasher was moved to tears. “I was riding the bus home, so I went to the back of the bus where I could stretch out and be more comfortable,” Worsham recalled. “A couple of young kids on the bus, black kids, saw me go to the back and called me an Uncle Tom.”

It was 1962. Memphis buses had only recently been desegregated when the kids insulted him, mistaking his seeking an unshared seat as following old custom. “I thought, How dare you say something like that to me. To me!” he says. “I am a father. I made it through hard times that would have made those little clowns run off crying for their mamas. I had helped organize strikes at the Chisca hotel and the American Finishing Company long before the movement took hold, and they would say something like that to me.”

So Worsham took out his notebook and penned the words that would so influence modern history.

Ironically, just two days before, Judge Beverly Bouche had fined him $20 for taking the law into his own hands and shoving his way onto a bus seat next to a white man. “I didn’t put my hands on him or anything,” Worsham says, “just pushed my way in so they had to move over and give me room. It was crowded, but there was enough space to slide over and give me a seat, but he wouldn’t let me sit down. Judge Bouche also gave him a $20 fine for refusing to move over.”

Recognizing his poem’s power, Worsham copyrighted I Am A Man and later gave a copy of it to local activist and friend Cornelia Crenshaw. “I gave it to her to honor people that were committed to change,” says Worsham. She used the poem as a rallying cry for Memphis’ sanitation strike.

But while the phrase commanded worldwide attention, Worsham’s contribution remained an obscure fact until his appearance on Thrasher’s program. In another ironic twist, Worsham believes his recognition actually led to his being fired from his job as director of operations for Horizons of Memphis, Inc., a janitorial service. “I couldn’t really prove it, but that’s what it was,” he says. “I knew I couldn’t sue them for being racist, so I sued them for age discrimination.”

Always a fighter, Worsham served as his own attorney in the litigation. His suit against Horizon’s owners, Robert Worsham Sr. vs. Jack Price, Et Al., was fought all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which refused to hear his pro se arguments. But Worsham claims victory in the matter. “We lost the battle but won the war. It went on for seven years. I was representing myself, but can you imagine what it cost them in attorney fees? They shut down not too long after that,” he says with a laugh. “They didn’t know who they were messing with.”

Eighty-two years old now, Worsham putters around his small home in North Memphis, joshing with his wife Gertrude, attending to his writings and reflections, and delighting in the lives of his four children. It’s been a long journey but a happy one. He feels that he should have received more recognition for his contribution to the civil rights movement but says, “I’m not really bitter about it. I haven’t had time. I have four beautiful children who all have successful careers,” he says. Retrieving a new microcassette recorder from the room that serves as his library and study, he grins and says, “My baby girl just bought it for me so I can record my writings and thoughts.”

Worsham made his living at such jobs as railroad porter, hotel operator, and tax inspector. But he has no regrets. He’s lived his life like his poem reads. “I actually got along better with white people because I looked them straight in the eye when I spoke,” he says. “I carried myself with pride and respect and received it in return.”

He is a man.