

Advantage, Wharton.

The Shelby County Board of Education Thursday approved Shelby County Mayor A C Wharton’s plan to build new county schools, including a controversial high school in Arlington.

The key part of the Wharton plan, approved earlier this week by the Memphis City Schools Board of Education, would let the new construction go forward without strictly following the standard funding formula for city and county schools. Instead of getting $3 for every $1 spent for new county schools, the city system would accept a package of money and existing schools in annexed areas.

The board’s action is not the last word, only the last volley in an ongoing exchange between Wharton and Memphis Mayor Willie Herenton. Herenton wants a unified school system with a countywide board. Wharton’s plan preserves the separate county system. A unified system would be the 14th largest public school system in the country.

“Bigger isn’t better, it just costs more,” said County Schools Supt. Bobby Webb.

At a Memphis City Council retreat Tuesday, Herenton argued that a unfied system would save money. Along with lawyers working for the city, the mayor also suggested the current school structure is illegal and might be dismantled by the courts.

Shelby County plans to build or expand 11 schools in the next three years, with the $45 million Arlington High School the biggest project. The total cost of all the proposed projects is $246 million.

We Recommend We Recommend

thursday, 30

First of all, and I know this has already gotten plenty of ink and television time, both locally and nationally, but let s just give it up one more time for the Memphis Grizzlies and the National Civil Rights Museum for the Martin Luther King Jr. Day basketball game and halftime ceremony on MLK Day. For those of you who missed it, it was one of the most shining moments in this city s history. And I am not saying that racism isn t still alive (ask Trent Lott), but as for one of the real reasons behind bringing the team to town to provide both blacks and whites with a common cause for bonding together I d say Memphis has done a better job of this than any other NBA market. So go, Grizzlies. Keep up the good work. Now, on a much uglier note, this thing about war. I am surprised that every country in the world isn t planning to partner together and wipe the United States off the map. Is there no way that we can gong George W. Bush? Just have someone on hand at all times and whenever he opens his mouth just bang a giant gong so that we never have to here another inane word out of his inane mouth? And even Colin Powell, who, unlike Bush, seemed to have an IQ greater than that of an avocado pit, is now saying that we re just going to do this no matter what the rest of the world thinks. And who knows about Vice President Cheney, because they have to keep him hidden away. A Bush, a Dick, and a Colin. That s what we have on our hands here, unfortunately. The Paranoid Party. If they would all follow the lead of Bush s niece Noelle, and down a few Xanax every hour or so, we wouldn t be in this mess. And it is a mess. I know as well as anyone else that people have been at war since the beginning of time and that society is basically set up for it because men are so worried about the size of their penises, but you d think that after thousands and thousands of years of it, someone would figure out that it just doesn t pay off at the end of the day to be an asshole. It s not rocket science. And besides, how are we going to win a war with soldiers, who, according to Donald Rumsfeld, add no value to the military because they aren t smart enough? I think instead of attacking Iraq, we need to help them out. And the first thing we need to do is send over a crew of interior decorators. Have you seen those palaces??!! Now, that is a crime. Sorry, but 24K gold toilets and reproduction Victorian furniture A) are simply horrid in every way, and B) are more dangerous than any nerve gas or weapon of mass destruction. And don t offer up any BS about it being a cultural thing. It is BAD TASTE. Again, have thousands of years meant nothing to these people? Forget sending Martha Stewart to prison. Send her to Iraq with some glue guns and let her rip. After, that is, she pens her new cookbook, Tart Reform. In the meantime, here s a little look at some of what s going on around town this week. Tonight, of course, is Will & Grace night, so you may just want to stay home. Or you could check out day one of the four-day b>Memphis Symphony League Decorator Sale at Park Place Mall, a fund-raiser for the symphony with items for sale by antique dealers, interior decorators, and upscale retailers. It s also day one of the four-day International Blues Challenge, with live music in many of the clubs on Beale Street.

News The Fly-By


This from the pages of Sports Illustrated: From [Grizzlies executive Jerry] West s spartan third-floor office in downtown Memphis, a universe removed from El Segundo, he can hear the flatulence of foghorns on barges along the muddy Mississippi. So is that where downtown s uh unique aroma comes from?

Politics Politics Beat Blog



If the current scramble to reconfigure the school systems of Shelby County were a board game, then the card played Tuesday afternoon by Memphis city council attorney Allen Wade would have been marked “Bombshell” in big letters on its backside.

The fine print on the other side, as Wade outlined it to a rapt audience of council members and onlookers at the council’s “retreat” at the Oaksedge complex, was that the Memphis school board, which city mayor Willie Herenton wants to abolish, has no legal right to exist in the first place.

Wade passed out copies of his legal opinion that two conditions — the failure to renew a 99-year charter creating the school board in 1869 and state laws distinguishing between “special school districts” so chartered and municipal systems — made the currently constituted city school board null and void.

Though some partisans of Herenton’s proposal to dissolve the board in favor of county control of all schools were delighted (notably council member TaJuan Stout-Mitchell), members of the Memphis school board itself seemed unfazed.

Deni Hirsch, who attended the retreat as a spectator, merely noted, “We’re here. It’s a fact,” while her colleague Lora Jobe responded later, “Wade needs to research a little longer. Obviously we exist.”

And even Wade seemed to acknowledge that , just as certain published rules of thermodynamics preclude a bumblebee’s ability to fly but did not prevent such a thing occuring, the council lawyer’s mere statement would not by and of itself cause the school board — which this week ratified a rival reorganization plan proposed by Shelby County mayor A C Wharton — to up and go away. Just as one still encounters bumblebees in the air, so one can find school board members meeting, drawing their modest pay, running for election — and making policy on the wing.

Herenton, who made a pitch for his single-district proposal to the council members — similar to one he had made previously to Shelby County legislators — scoffed at the action of the school board, which he had castigated for a solid month before formally proposing its dissolution last week.

“In its wisdom,” the board had approved the Wharton plan, Herenton noted sarcastically , pointedly adding, “and I use that term advisedly.” In the county mayor’s plan, the city board would enable the construction of new school facilities in Shelby county by waiving its right to its share of capital construction funding, according to the state Average Daily Attendance (ADA) formula which allocates such finds to the city and county on a 3:1 ratio.

Both the mayor and city finance director Joseph Lee made the case to council members that costs of maintaining a unitary school system in place of separate city and county systems would be more economical in the long run. They acknowledged, as did Wade, that the means to achieving a unitary system would involve a “transfer” of authority from the city board to the Shelby County school board, not an arbitrary surrender of the city board’s charter, achieved presumably by popular referendum.

A presentation in favor of the Herenton proposal by public relations executive Becky West was greeted skeptically by several council members, who saw its polled conclusions seemingly favoring the plan to be based on what council members Janet Hooks and Tom Marshall called “skewed” — or leading — questions.



The state’s financial crunch, warned about by a cost-cutting Governor Phil Bredesen last week, is likely to cut quite close to home. Or so believes Rufus Jones, the able city lobbyist who served more than a decade in the state House of Representatives before leaving to make an unsuccessful run

for Congress in 1996.

“If we don’t heal this split, we’re going to be losing dollars. Every which way,” said Jones at a Tuesday lunch at

the University of Memphis, which followed a meeting of the Shelby County delegation with various government officials.

The “split,” as Jones defined it, is the widening gap in opinion between spokespersons for the city of Memphis on one hand and variouscounty entities on the other over the issue of education specifically, how to amend relations between the Memphis school system and the Shelby County system.

Both Memphis mayor Willie Herenton and county mayor A C Wharton were heard from by the legislators, as were various suburban mayors, speaking more or less as a body. Neither the twain nor the triad met, and that is more or less what Jones had in mind.

Disunity over the school-reorganization issue — Herenton proposes consolidation, the suburban mayors are adamant against it, and Wharton splits the difference — is an impediment to agreements on a variety of other issues for which the city and county need state aid.

The newly elected chair of the legislative delegation, Rep. Carol Chumney of Midtown, is still hopeful that the various conflicts can evolve into a regional consensus, however. To this end she has proposed broadening delegation contacts in Nashville with those of adjoining Tennessee counties and in Memphis with those of counties in adjoining states.

“We need more people sitting at the table. From all around,” Chumney said this week. “We need a combined urban-suburban consensus on the school issue.” Though she ran for county mayor last year on a platform which emphasized city/county consolidation, she is leery of solutions like that proposed by Herenton which emphasize a sudden dissolution of divisions into one unitary school system.

“It’s always a good idea to get the facts out before rushing forward with something,”said Chumney, who noted that Herenton had proposed many dramatic initiatives in the past, only to “drop them like a hot potato.” Of the Memphis mayor’s current proposal to unify the schools by abolishing the Memphis school board by referendum, legislative action, or whatever other means proves necessary Chumney observed skeptically, “Is this a serious thing? Or just the idea of the week.?”

Economic ideas like the desirability of impact or development fees should get a fair hearing before consolidation, lest the city and county property tax be counted on to pay for increased short-term costs, Chumney said.

We Recommend We Recommend

wednesday, 29

Tonight’s Brooks Museum of Art First Wednesdays at the Memphis Brooks Museum of Art features a gallery tour, a Brushmark Restaurant dinner, a champagne tasting, a presentation of video works by Memphis College of Art professor Kim Beck, and music by the Don O’Barr trio. And last but certainly not least, the ever-wonderful, ever-beautiful, ever-sweet, and ever-talented Ms. Di Anne Price is playing tonight in the lobby of the Madison Hotel. Go there and have drinks at the hotel’s Grill 83 and you’ll be set. Or don’t. As always, I don’t care what you do tonight or any other night, because I don’t even know you, and unless you can assure me that no “slammer worms” (think about that one!) are going to infest my computer, then I feel quite sure that I don’t want to meet you. Besides, it’s time for me to blow this dump and go see if we’ve invaded Luxembourg yet.

News News Feature


After almost seven years of holding down last place in local television news ratings, WPTY-TV Channel 24 is finally taking a stand with a total newscast makeover.

Some changes have already been aired, but on Super Bowl Sunday, Eyewitness News planned to unveil its new set and new graphics, intros, and music. Sister station WLMT-TV Channel 30 was also scheduled to see some changes.

“We’ve changed everything from something as subtle as the carpet in the newsroom to something as major as the anchor team,” said Jim Turpin, news director for both stations. “We’ve changed the way we look at stories, and we’re doing a lot more live coverage.”

A change in anchor personnel has already taken place over the last month. Cameron Harper and Dee Griffin replaced the old news team of Bill Lunn, Renee Malone, Michelle Robinson, and Ken Houston. Harper, who honed his skills in Phoenix, Dallas, and San Francisco, started at the end of December. Griffin, who previously anchored in Kansas City, joined the station the first week of January. They will be delivering the 5, 6, and 10 p.m. newscasts on WPTY and the 9 p.m. newscast on WLMT.

Clear Channel Television exempted the former anchors from the clause in their contracts that prohibits working on-air in a competitive market for six months following their employment at Clear Channel. Turpin says the anchors began leaving in November, staggering their exits through December. Lunn is now co-anchoring the noon weekday newscast at WMC-TV Channel 5.

“In general, anchors get credit when things go well and too much criticism when things go badly. If an incorrect graphic comes up, the viewer’s going to blame the anchor and that’s not fair,” said Turpin. “Unfortunately, our anchors were definitely being blamed by the viewers for the bad performance of the news department. I really wasn’t sure there was any way to convince Memphis that anything had changed, so we decided to start clean.”

Besides a new look, Turpin said the station will also have a renewed dedication to accuracy. He said every story will be run through an ethical filter and claimed they will never do a story in the name of ratings.

“We would rather be second to do a story and have it right than be first and get it wrong,” said Turpin. “A lot of times when breaking news reports go out in the city, they’re wrong at first, and I think that’s a sin. I think it has to stop and we’re going to be part of the solution.”

Turpin said Clear Channel spent about $750,000 on the changes to both stations.

  • A Reader Responds:

    We would rather be second to do a story and have it right than be first and get it wrong,” said Turpin. “A lot of times when breaking news reports go out in the city, they’re wrong at first, and I think that’s a sin. I think it has to stop and we’re going to be part of the solution.

    When breaking news reports first come out, if they’re wrong, it’s not necessarily because of shoddy reporting or failure to seek out correct

    information. It is because authorities do not often have a complete picture at the beginning of an incident. Is it better to give information from police sources immediately or wait until the story is sorted out and the breaking news event is wrapped up?

    The public knows that in a breaking news situation, details and complete information are sketchy. But they simultaneously expect that news agencies will give them whatever information they have at that time and will provide a more comprehensive look at an incident as the investigation continues.

    “We would rather be second to do a story and have it right than be first

    and get it wrong,” said Turpin. “A lot of times when breaking news reports

    go out in the city, they’re wrong at first, and I think that’s a sin. I

    think it has to stop and we’re going to be part of the solution.”


    When breaking news reports first come out, if they’re wrong, it’s not

    necessarily because of shoddy reporting or failure to seek out correct

    information. It is because authorities do not often have a complete

    picture at the beginning of an incident. Is it better to give information

    from police sources immediately or wait until the story is sorted out and

    the breaking news event is wrapped up?

    The public knows that in a breaking news situation, details and complete

    information are sketchy. But they simultaneously expects that news

    agencies will give them whatever information they have at that time and

    will provide a more comprehensive look at an incident as the investigation


    I guess claiming to want to wait for the whole story before telling any

    part of it gives WPTY a hall pass to be late to breaking news.

    Elizabeth Berman (formerly of WMC)

    Assignment Editor

    KING 5 TV

    333 Dexter Ave N

    Seattle, WA 98109

    Elizabeth Berman (formerly of WMC)

    Assignment Editor

    KING 5 TV

    Seattle, Washington

  • Categories
    We Recommend We Recommend

    tuesday, 28

    Tonight’s Starving Artist Dinner and Auction at Melange is a fund-raiser for Playhouse on the Square’s educational and outreach theater programs and features a six-course dinner, wine, and an auction. And back at the Blue Monkey it’s < b >Fred, Bobby, and Hunky Rusty .

    From My Seat Sports

    Our Pat

    Tennessee is a big state, as in looooooong. There is a history as thick as blood with friction, rivalry, and partisan politics over the almost 400 miles between Memphis and Knoxville. Many local sports fans would rather have their toenails removed by hand than share a rooting interest with a Nashvillian, let alone those “hill people” in Big Orange Country. But as long as the Bluff City sits on this side of the Mighty Miss, this is one Memphian — one Tennesseean — who likes to claim Pat Summitt as our own.

    The appreciation of a great coach requires different powers of observation than those we use to watch a top athlete in his or her prime. We, as fans, must take several steps back and view the canvas from afar; allow the subtle, individual brush strokes to blend into a larger image that, under the right hand, becomes a masterpiece. Even if its tint is distinctly orange.

    “Living legend” is among a sportswriter’s most overused alliterative crutches, so pardon me as I pull it out of the clip file. The moniker fits Summitt like a pair of well-worn hightops. On January 14th, the head coach of the University of Tennessee Lady Vols became the first women’s basketball coach to accumulate 800 career wins. (Only three men have done so, North Carolina’s Dean Smith setting the standard with 879 victories.) Summitt has won six national championships in Knoxville, second only to John Wooden’s 10 with UCLA. (The former Pat Head’s 13 trips to the Final Four are one more than the Wizard of Westwood can claim.) Considering she’s only 50 years old, my money says Summitt will be the first Division I coach to win (deep breath) 1,000 games.

    In a day when loyalty in sports is measured more with a stopwatch than a calendar, Summitt’s 29 years at UT are astonishing. Hired as a graduate student to coach the Lady Vols in 1974, Summitt had the good fortune of being in the right place at the right time. Title IX had just been implemented, opening brand new doors for female student-athletes. And UT was among the first Division I colleges to create an athletic department devoted solely to women’s sports. Backed by such an institution — and fueled by her own competitive energy spawned as a player at UT-Martin and a 1976 Olympic silver medalist — Summitt had the means to recruit the kind of talent that turns a basketball team into a basketball program.

    Strange as it may seem now, Summitt was once seen as a coach who couldn’t win the big one. She took the Lady Vols to the Final Four three times before winning her first title in 1987. She’s since won championships she shouldn’t have (her 1996-97 team entered the NCAA tournament with 10 losses) and championships that seemed preordained (her 1997-98 squad went 39-0). She’s known disappointment, as her 1998-99 team — with two players who would win Naismith awards as the nation’s best — fell in the regional finals. No matter how big the win or unsettling the loss, though, Summitt has remained dignified, forthright, and Orange to the core.

    “You have to understand . . . I have never lived or worked in any place but Tennessee,” wrote Summitt in her 1997 book, Reach for the Summit. “And I’ve never cared to be in much of any place but Tennessee.” This is

    a woman who, when she went into labor during a recruiting trip to Pennsylvania in 1990, insisted on being flown back to Tennessee so her son, Tyler, could be born in the Volunteer State. (The recruit was impressed. After matriculating at Notre Dame, Michelle Marciniak transferred to UT and was the Lady Vols’ point guard during their run to the 1996 national title.)

    Another overused term for sporting greats is “pioneer.” But as women continue to gain stature in a world of sports with far too much testosterone; as the audience for women’s basketball continues to spread worldwide; as opportunities for scholarships and professional careers (in everything from women’s hockey to beach volleyball) continue to expand, the connection to Pat Summitt becomes an easy one. Your great-grandparents may tell you stories about Connie Mack and John McGraw. Your grandpa may rock on his porch touting the great George Halas. But who will you tell your grandchildren about? “There was this lady — a legend, really — and she sure looked good in orange.”

    News The Fly-By

    COME ON!

    First returns on the new Super Bowl commercials unveiled during Sunday s Tampa Bay-Oakland game are that they are an unusually tacky, uninventive bunch although there is a certain undeniable charm in watching two members of the Osbourne family morph into Donnie and Marie Osmond. (Now what was that product?) Meanwhile, what can be done to rid us of those even tackier Xerox commercials, which turn up every Sunday during the morning political talk shows, that begin with some old authoritarian frump setting himself up for a put-down from some modernized smug platitude-spouting geek. Talk about a plague on both houses!

    Politics Politics Beat Blog


    Now more than ever, the Tennessee State Legislature face great challenges in addressing the wounded economy, budget shortfalls, growing needs of working families, and the new costs of heightened security and the threat of war. As President of WAND, the parent organization of the national multi-partisan network The Women Legislators’ Lobby, we are very concerned about the cuts in the Federal Budget to provide money for a war in Iraq and the wrong message that is being sent to our children. WiLL helps provide the big picture on federal policies and programs affecting our state, and offers creative solutions and fresh ideas necessary for effective leadership.

    We face one of the worst fiscal crises in years. States have at least a collective $17.5 billion budget gap to fill before fiscal year 2003 ends, and this is after the vast majority of states have imposed significant cuts to balance their budgets in addition to imposing taxes to increase revenue. Tennessee is no exception, with an $400 million budget gap this past fiscal year and a 1cent increase in sales tax for this year. More hard times lay ahead as we debate or finalize additional budget cuts for the next fiscal year. At the same time, the unemployment rate in Tennessee continues to grow with an increase from 4.2% to 5.6% over the past year.

    In Tennessee, the federal government contributes 33% to our state budget. This money pays for schools, public assistance, roads, health care and other programs important to Tennessee residents. While Tennessee struggle through our fiscal crises and budget cuts, the federal government’s spending cuts threaten to make it even more difficult for Tennessee to meet its people’s needs. Under a White House budget plan that Congress will take up in the next month, spending for domestic programs other than homeland security would be held at $316 billion in the current fiscal year, the same as last year. Overall the total amount in federal formula grant programs to states would be cut by $2.4 billion (accounting for inflation), resulting in serious losses to local communities. It is expected that this frugal approach will continue in the FY2004 budget that Mr. Bush will propose next month.

    Under The propose federal budget for FY 2003 Tennessee will lose:

  • Highway Planning and Construction——– $177,927,780

    Airport Improvement Program $ 760,600

    Workforce Investment Act $ 6,423,140

    Low-Income Energy Assistance Program $ 4,617,040

    Elementary & Secondary Education $ 19,689.820

    Clean Water Revolving Fund $ 22,100,700

    Drinking water Revolving Fund $ 687,180

    Additionally, many programs important to families such as the child Care and Development Block Grants have been level-funded. In other words, once inflation is taken into account, those programs will have less money and provide fewer services.

    As a member of the Tennessee General Assembly, I understand that federal grants and payments to public schools, local law enforcement agencies, universities, research laboratories, our state highway department are all crucial to the state budget, and that this virtual freeze on domestic spending hurts our communities.

    During the past year, Congress and the White House neglected welfare re-authorization, an extension of unemployment benefits, and an extension for the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, which is incorporated into TennCare in Tennessee. The total increase cost in military spending to the state of Tennessee will be $612 million. Just with nuclear weapons alone, costing $16.5 billion and Tennessee’s burden of this cost is $219 million. This amount would buy:

  • Head Start for 32,047 Tennessee Children

  • Health Care coverage for 137,509 Tennessee youth

  • Affordable housing units for 3,123 Tennessee families

  • Teachers for 5,101 Tennessee elementary classrooms

    In addition to the $80 to $100 billion cost for the war on Iraq, experts have weighed in on the reconstruction efforts during the recent hearings on Iraq. According to Samuel Berger, Senior Policy Advisor during the Clinton Administration, the re-building of Iraqi economy would range from $50-$150 billion. Scott R. Fell, retired colonel and expert on post-conflict reconstruction, argued that significant material and personnel resources would be required for reconstruction. He stated, that security, humanitarian and emergency aid, transitional administration, civil service and other components or reconstruction would cost from $15 to $25 billion over the next decade. The U. S. had much international support during the Gulf War. Allies picked up almost 90% of its cost. However, this war does not have international support. Many allies have made it clear that they are not in favor of a preemptive strike. Germany and Saudi Arabia, among the largest cash and in-kind contributors of the Gulf War, have indicated their complete opposition to in invasion. The people in Tennessee and across this nation should expect to pay for most of the war as well as reconstruction. The federal budget decisions directly impact our constituent’s daily lives and that when cuts are made our state programs for women and children disproportionately bear the budget ax. We have been taught down through the years to defend ourselves should some one strike us. Is a preemptive strike against Iraq setting the right kind of example for our children?