We Recommend We Recommend

friday, 27

It s the last Friday of the month, which means it s time again for the South Main Trolley Art Tour, which includes the grand opening of the Don Newman collection and photographs from the 1930s and 1940s at Neapolitan (very cool shop); tours of WEVL radio station; music by Mark Tittle at D Edge Art Gallery & Unique Treasures; an opening for works by T.Y. Bennett at the Butler Street Bazaar; a Fashion Meets Art Party with live mannequins at Tonic; and an opening at Durden Gallery for If you are a dreamer, come in Tonight kicks off the Orpheum Classic Summer Movie Series with a screening of Casablanca. At the Hard Rock CafÇ on Beale Street, it s Flashback Friday with Pulse: A Tribute to Pink Floyd. At Newby s, it s Dazed and Confused: A Tribute to Led Zepplin. There s a Makeshift Records Benefit with Snowglobe, Andy Grooms & His Living Room, Blair Combest, and The Glass at Young Avenue Deli. Rainquake featuring Grunt, DJ Record Player, and Guitarmageddon are at the Full Moon Club. The Gamble Brothers Band is playing at The Lounge. The ever-lovely Di Anne Price is crooning her beautiful torch songs upstairs at Cielo. Pat Benetar is playing at the Gold Strike Casino down in Tunica tonight, while Blue Oyster Cult(fabulous) is at the Grand Casino. And, as always, the Chris Scott Band is at Poplar Lounge.

News The Fly-By


As beauty does, or so they say. And Elite Memphis‘ special “30 Most Beautiful People of Memphis” edition lists “Dicks Unlimited” among the community-service activities to which one of the featured beauties de votes her “time, finances, and talent.” Talent indeed! But that’s only the beginning of this saga. When Elite promises a special collector’s edition they know how to deliver. Consider the biography of the eldest member of the “Most Beautiful” clan (oh, we needn’t mention names here), who argued that she was too “old and wrinkled” to be beautiful. But Elite’s professional judges thought otherwise, and they claim that the dear lady “personifies perfect Biblical beauty” (italics ours). Could it be that the author knew his subject in the biblical sense? But, aside from all the beauty business, Elite readers will want to check out the “What They Wore” section, where one woman sports an “outit from Lost in Paradise.” As near as we can tell, no tit was actually out. And believe us, we looked pretty hard. And then, for the more serious-minded reader, there is a hard-hitting news feature focusing on the difficult ques tion, “If you were a fruit or a vegetable, what would your friends say you were and why?” (We’re not making this up, we swear.) One Pam Montesi replied that she was “the corn,” saying, “It is a very popular vegetable and is sweet to the taste.” And, of course, like its cousin the peanut, the corn never completely digests, so you get to see it again and again. Just like all the faces in Elite Memphis.

We Recommend We Recommend

thursday, 26

First of all, let us all say, Lisa Marie, we love you. We know being the daughter of the most famous man in the world hasn t been easy. And we think the world of you for opening the MIFA Presley Place housing units to help homeless persons with their transition to independence. We think it was your business and your business alone to marry Michael Jackson, despite the weirdness of it all. And we think you have great taste for falling in love with Nick Cage. But Honey, we saw your performance on the Today show the other day and, well, had to cover our ears in embarrassment. Yes, you have sold plenty of copies of your new CD, which must have required a LOT of sound engineering, because the performance on the Plaza in front of God and the world sounded nothing like the record. We think it would be in your best interest to nip this notion of a singing career in the bud. Nip it, nip it, nip it, before you become the female Vanilla Ice. We don t want people making fun of you, because we love you. We even embrace the whole Church of Scientology thing because that is your personal belief and should be respected. But to go on television and sound something akin to Cher trying to warble through a muzzle with a mouthful of peanut butter just isn t going to cut it. Our suggestion is that you just go back to being fabulous by doing nothing, kind of like Bianca Jagger. And remember, we love you. Now, on to more important things. It seems that President George W. Bush went into a store the other day and asked the clerk if they sold hot tamales. The clerk, a hermit who never watches television or reads the paper and didn t recognize him, rolled his eyes and asked him if he was one of those people from Texas. George got a little irate and asked, What do you mean, I am I one of those goofballs from Texas ? If I had come in here asking for Italian sausage, would you have asked me if I was one of those goofballs from Italy ? To which the clerk replied, No, probably not. Bush, getting more frustrated, asked the clerk, If I came in asking for and Irish whiskey, would you ask if I was one of those goofballs from Ireland? The clerk again said, Nah, doubt it. Even more frustrated, the prez asked, Well, then why did you ask me if I was one of those people from Texas ? To which the clerk replied, Because you re at Home Depot. Okay, okay. But you have to admit that it could have happened. He might have been on vacation as he is want to do so often, and was in there in the bathroom department trying to find some of those weapons of mass destruction he dreamed up. And speaking of dreaming, I have a new idea for a Bush reality television show: Strip Grammar. Since the mass media has lost all of its gonads when it comes to asking him to make sense when he answers questions in his Bushspeak, a group of them should be assigned to follow him around and every time he makes a grammatical faux pas, they would each have to remove an article of clothing. Like the other day, when he made this statement: On a personal prospective I am very impressed by the vision of the President of Brazil. He not only has a tremendous heart, but he has got the abilities to encourage prosperity and to end hunger. A personal prospective? Could someone please define this? And see, if the reality show media group had been there, that would have been good for at least a few bras and boxer shorts. Let just be careful who we want in that media group. We ll take Maureen Dowd and Matt Lauer, but we don t even want Cal Thomas removing his toupee. Like I said, one can only dream. In the meantime, here s a brief look at some of what s going on around town this week. Tonight, you can celebrate with the Grizzlies at their 2003 NBA Draft Party at the Fox & Hound as they welcome their newest additions to the team via the live telecast on ESPN, during which the Grizzlies select 13th and 27th overall in the draft. The party is free and open to the public, and features appearances by the Grizzlies dance team members, team mascot Grizz, games, and the chance to win two American Airline tickets to any North American destination. The Memphis Redbirds start their four-game run tonight against Nashville. The Dempseys are performing their crazed rockabilly act at Elvis Presley s Memphis. Tonight s Sunset Atop the Madison party on the rooftop of the Madison Hotel features live music by Holly Shelton. And last but certainly not least, at the Horseshoe Casino tonight there s a show by Tim Conway, Don Knotts, and Louise DuArt. Now, how can you pass that up?

Book Features Books

Going for Broke

Good Faith

By Jane Smiley

Knopf, 417 pp., $26

f it’s a little late to be reviewing Good

Faith — a novel released this spring — it isn’t too late to be

recommending it this summer. You can file it under “beach read”: smart, funny,

sexy, and terrifically observant, a page-turner despite its 400-plus pages but with a

head on its shoulders to set you thinking on the way we lived then to maybe

explain the way we live now.

That’s “we” so long as you’re a

member of the mid- to upper middle class in all-white, totally whitebread

America. That’s “then” as in 1982, days when

day trading was the latest thing, S&Ls weren’t belly-up, real estate values were ready

to sky-rocket, and a 40-year-old, divorced man with no children could live the

very good life on $72,000 a year.

Welcome, then, to the infant world of junk bonds and T-bill futures, faux

finishes and “teardowns,” risotto,

gnocchi, and bruschetta on the menu of what was your neighborhood Italian

restaurant, and a U.S. market for bottled water

just waiting to be tapped.

Meet Jane Smiley’s Joe Stratford, real estate agent in an unnamed state

not unlike New Jersey. He’s shrewd but not unfair. Nor is he unnice. He’s just a

guy who likes “selling old houses to decent people …

and then watching as individual lives developed in those houses”; a guy who

understands the art of the deal but a guy equally “good at shifting the balance when

things go sour” (everybody happy?); a guy

good at doing business for and with his partner Gordon Baldwin (who’s in

“sales”: houses, land, cows, antique

doorknobs, you name it), good at keeping Gottfried Nuelle (a demanding, high-quality

home builder) halfway satisfied (some of the time), and good at keeping

Baldwin’s daughter Felicity Ornquist for a few months very happy (in

and out of bed and unbeknownst to Felicity’s husband).

Stratford’s a good son too to his aging parents,

parents who are “the perfect example of the idea that

you can live up to your ideals every single day of

your life, absolutely follow the book, and still get

the wrong child.”

Wrong child? Well, Stratford’s no saint

(adulterer, healthy drinker, no stranger to making some big bucks), and

he doesn’t claim to be a saint (though he’s straight-up honest

all way ’round). But those strict (yet ungloomy) parents of his …

Yes, they follow the book, the Good Book, to the letter as members of some

unnamed Protestant sect and live out their latter

days reading the Bible aloud, praying together aloud, discussing salvation “along with

the price of tomatoes and chicken,” and

supporting some missionaries oversees. Secure in

the belief that the Lord’s path is a “source of

perennial joy,” they’ve got one thing to fear

and it isn’t those dreadful Roman Catholics. It’s the wages of sin.

“People do tend to spoil things,

don’t they,” Stratford’s mother one day

announces cheerfully. To which Stratford’s father

adds, “We can’t live in paradise, because man

is fallen. He felled himself with his own hand. Redemption doesn’t take place in

this world, Scripture says, so whatever looks like paradise can’t be, and so it isn’t. If

we look for it to be, then we are deceived, and Satan is at work.”

At work, then: Marcus Burns and his plan for “paradise”: Salt Key Farm,

a wealthy family’s former country spread (mansion, stables, gardens, the

works), which Stratford gets his hands on to divvy up as lots (middle- to

upper-middle-income homes) but Burns has his eye on to divvy

up as high-end megahouses, a golf course, a clubhouse, a set of chi-chi shops, an

elementary school — upscale all of it and never

mind the unobtained county permits and never mind that this quiet landscape of

rolling farmland and unpretentious villages ain’t seen nothing like it. But it’s what the

weekenders from New York City are in the market for, so it’s what Burns is in the

business of trying to build. His method of

financing? Stratford ain’t seen nothing like it: shady

but legal from the looks of it, the very latest in creative fund-raising and loan transfers.

And because Burns is a former IRS agent, he knows the rules you can break and the

rules you can’t, knows how and how not to look on paper, how to bring in the banks, how

to bring in the investors, and how to promise anybody

anything so long as what he’s promised happens to be what those anybodies

think they want — in short, the standard ropes, the new ropes (according to the

gospel of Reagan, according to the rules of deregulation), and then some.

Stratford’s no dummy. He falls in with Burns, but Burns falls short of the

promised windfall. In fact, he’s a thief. And his sister Jane’s an even better thief.

(And Felicity? Read and see.) So Stratford loses his shirt. And this will come as

anybody’s surprise?

The real surprise is this novel’s managing to make all this entertaining,

believable, accurate to the smallest detail and, in a real triumph of

characterization, make the worst of the book’s

“sinners” not wholly unlikable. (Burns

the irredeemable, for one, is no easy man to root for, so why do we, sort of,

sometimes?) But Joe Stratford … We’re to believe he shows not one ounce of

ill-will throughout these pages and especially not in the closing pages, when he’s very

nearly wiped out, living back home with his parents, being precisely the “right

child” after all? That he comes to no other

conclusion, after all he’s been through, except to say, in summary, that

there’s “grace in the material world” as he

follows the figure of Felicity 10 years later down a ski slope?

Good Faith is a quick read but maybe too compressed in its

closing scenes, too lacking in climactic punch to balance its lengthily laid-out

rising action. For its bedroom scenes alone, though, healthier examples of

full-on, adult, unneurotic sexuality you couldn’t have found this spring or

won’t find this summer.


Radioactive Future

In what may be the worst piece of legislation the Senate has

passed in decades (and they’ve had some whoppers), the Senate voted

last week for a huge corporate boondoggle that will not only help bankrupt

our country but will guarantee long-term environmental damage, a rise in

cancer rates, and thousands of years of monitoring of toxic and radioactive

waste. They did this without a single public hearing, without a debate, and

without much of a conscience.

The energy bill is a major attack on our country and the world’s future.

First, it authorizes the spending of taxpayer dollars to help build six or more

new nuclear reactors — reactors that the utilities couldn’t afford to build on their

own. The utilities and proponents of nuclear power would have us believe that,

per megawatt, nuclear power is the cheapest and the cleanest form of energy available.

In fact, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the last

five commercial reactors cost 11 times as much to build per kilowatt as

natural-gas plants. Furthermore, they aren’t at

all responsible for the cost of long-term storage of the nuclear waste they create

— waste that will have to be stored, monitored, and maintained for the

next 100,000 years.

Mind-boggling, considering that all of recorded human history is only a

fraction of that time. Imagine your reaction if your annual tax bill carried a

surcharge to maintain toxic waste left behind by Ptolemy II and Nebuchadnezzar.

Worse, the bill indefinitely extends the Price-Anderson Act, passing on

the liability for accidents at nuclear plants to the very people who will suffer the

consequences — you and me. George Woodwell, one of the preeminent

scientists in America today, recently pointed out that if it weren’t for

Price-Anderson, there wouldn’t be a single

commercial nuclear reactor in the U.S., because

they couldn’t afford the insurance. As it stands, reactor operators are required to

carry $200 million of liability coverage per reactor; damages beyond that amount

are passed on to the taxpayer.

Ironically, in a 1992 study by Sandia National Labs, commissioned in

the wake of the Three Mile Island near-meltdown, the cost of damage from a

single nuclear accident is estimated to range as high as $560 billion. Who pays? We do.

But that’s not all. Behind curtain number three is a pilot pebble

bed nuclear reactor. The utilities call pebble bed reactors “inherently safe,” because

if they loose their coolant, they don’t melt down. In fact, say the utilities, they

are so safe that the engineers don’t believe they need containment structures.

Of course, if the graphite coatings on the “pebbles” are exposed to, say,

oxygen, they’ll catch on fire, which is precisely what caused most of the radiation

exposure from Chernobyl. But don’t worry, say the utilities: It’s “inherently safe.”

If so, why do taxpayers need to substantially bear the burden of liability in

case of accidents?

Let’s not forget that if the 9/11 hijackers had taken a detour and

crashed into the Indian Point reactor cooling pool (they flew right over it), they would

likely have killed 100,000 people instead of 3,000 if the wind was blowing in

the right direction.

Outraged yet? Keep reading. The bill, a godsend to the utilities, authorizes

the pilot construction of a nuclear plant to produce hydrogen for fuel cells.

Forget that we can produce hydrogen with wind power at almost no cost; instead,

the Bush administration has in store a plan to build hundreds of nuclear plants

to produce hydrogen. We’ll have clean power for our cars, at the price of

hundreds of millions of tons of nuclear waste spread all over the country. How

helpful is that? In fact, this plan is simply a backdoor to build more nuclear

plants while they posture at being environmentally friendly.

This isn’t just about us. It’s about our children and their children, going

forward to all future generations. For some perspective, Julius Caesar was

assassinated by disgruntled senators a mere 2,000 years ago. By law, we have to

maintain and protect the waste produced by these plants for 50 times that. The

entire sweep of human history pales in comparison to the time this stuff will

be around, leaking into the environment, causing cancer and birth defects and

possibly extinction. It won’t reach its peak radioactivity for another 100,000 years.

I hope those campaign contributions from the energy companies make

the senators who voted for this bill feel better, because countless future

generations will be cursing them, giving this

Senate its own brand of immortality. It’s not a legacy I’d want to live


Charles Sheehan-Miles is executive director of the Nuclear Policy Research

Institute and the author of Prayer at Rumayla: A Novel of the Gulf


News News Feature


This being a space where people are normally used to reading about politics, I’ll start with a true story concerning politics and the late John Fergus Ryan. In 1954, the 23-year-old Ryan, an Army vet with a wife and baby, decided to have a go at what he might have called, in that peculiar Runyonesque Southern vernacular of his, the “politics game.”

A scion of North Little Rock, Arkansas, Ryan became the all-purpose factotum for an obscure no-name candidate for governor of his native state. He set up shop one day in a rented room at the old Marion Hotel, a venerable Little Rock establishment which was, and had been for decades, the center of Arkansas politics.. (It was later razed to make way for the Excelsior, a more modern hostelry where a politician name of Bill Clinton would get in trouble with one Paula Jones.)

Ryan — known to his family as Jackie and to his wife Carla, then as now a looker, as Jack — went to work. He put out word on the street that would-be office-holders should stop by the rented room at the Marion, make their campaign contributions and sign up then and there for the state job they could expect to get when Ryan’s man was elected. It was a methodology which cut out all the frills and differed from the actual patronage policies then in place only by being unvarnished and direct.

Naturally, the main state newspaper, the old Arkansas Gazette, got wind of the scheme and sent a reporter over to pose as a job-seeker. The ringer would write up an account that made the paper’s front page the next day and ended Jack Ryan’s career as a political mover and shaker.. Anybody looking at the old yellowed clip decades later would be forced to conclude two things: that John Fergus Ryan, the author, could have written it better; and that the details of the story were the sort that belonged to Ryan’s own patented genre of the down-home Gothic.

The latter point is key: John Fergus Ryan, one of those writers unique enough to have invented a style, was in his own way a realist. He wrote some non-fiction, too, mainly for Esquire, but he was at heart a fiction-writer, and his outlandish plots and cartoonish characters reflected his sense of the way things really were.

HE WAS A PRO. There was method and exactness in the way he worked — in a cramped and windowless converted pantry space smack dab in the middle of his modest Midtown house, hard by the campus of Rhodes College.. Back in the Ô70s, when I used to teach creative writing at Memphis State University, I used as one of my basic texts a weighty compilation of materials — donated by Ryan — that started as a series of random notes: the kind of isolated quotes, details, and plot sketches that originate in a writer’s notebook as elements in search of a story.

Another set of pages showed those notes as they went through a process of development, embellishment, and elaboration into the first draft of a story. Then a second draft. A third and even a fourth, all Xeroxed and replete with marginal notes and handwritten line changes.

Then the final product — the story, entitled “The Bazemore Gala,” as published in The Evergreen Review, a leading periodical of the time.

Over and over, that series of progressions from beginning to middle to end did the trick and actually got student writers to tackle what might otherwise have seemed the implausible task of translating random thoughts and apercus into fiction. It was a kind of how-to manual for them, and if you ask, say, Arthur Flowers, the distinguished African-American author of several novels by now, how he got started, he would probably cite that student exercise of 30 years ago as key to his development.

Hell, I know he would. Flowers is one of several actually flourishing writers out there in the world that I was lucky enough to help incubate, and he is on record in several interviews as naming that class as his literary point of origin. He started keeping a notebook there, and I well remember his first complete effort, a Ryanesque effort that freely combined the comic, the grotesque, and the nitty-gritty into a neo-Faustian saga of other-worldly muckers called “The Devil’s Hell of a Plan.” His literary model would have been — in fact, was — pleased.

ONCE HE CROSSED THE RIVER into Memphis, where he earned his daily bread as, first, a social worker and later as a probation officer, Jack Ryan (who had also been a Pinkerton man) became simply John Ryan, the name he was known by to most of his friends. (It is also these days well known as the name of his son, namesake, and kindred spirit, the Memphis artist John Ryan, whose two siblings, Carla and Andy, round out what is a remarkably good-natured and bright-edged clan.) The “Fergus” part, though his by birth and certainly suggestive of the pagan Gaelic elements of his psyche, was added on for literary purposes because the classic American authors he had studied in school all had three names and he meant, at some point, to join their company. He very well may.

By the time of his death last week, of long-term complications from diabetes and Parkinson’s Disease, the ailments that had made his once Falstaffian physique unwontedly frail, John Ryan had compiled a body of work that had been published and read and admired on virtually all the continents of Planet Earth. And perhaps that “virtually” is an unneeded qualifier.. Even before he attracted the attention of American critics and readers, he had been taken up by the British periodical press, where his affinities with writers like the poet A.E. Housman and the belles-lettrist P.G. Wodehouse did not go unnoticed..

A spate of published stories would be followed in the last couple of decades by three well-received novels — The Redneck Bride, Little Brothers of St. Mortimer, and Watching. Ryan also did a play or two (one I remember concerned a patient at a mental hospital who ended up taking over the institution and running it — as good a metaphor as any for the circumstances to be observed during Ryan’s life and times). And there were screenplays by others. Billy Bob Thornton, the celebrated actor/writer/director from Ryan’s native Arkansas announced plans to produce a version of The Redneck Bride, and another entrepreneur actually did make a movie in 1999 based on Little Brothers. Called The White River Kid, it starred the likes of Bob Hoskins, Antonio Banderas, and Randy Travis, and, though for various reasons it never got released in theatres, it is available as a DVD online.

THAT JOHN RYAN HAD GIFTS as an artist and that he leaves behind a legacy of literary achievement are both givens. Those who knew him, though, will most remember him not primarily for his tropes but for his friendship. It is ironic that Ryan liked to see himself characterized by his wry and often quoted aphorism, “People are no damn good.” The fact is, as a person he was damn good. Let me count some of the ways.

He was the kind of guy who, when he heard you were moving house, would come over to lend a hand. He did so for me when, as a Gazette reporter and newlywed, I settled into a Little Rock apartment in 1967. He was there moving furniture and yanking doors off their hinges to create the illusion — and, in the fact, the reality — of more space. (It is no accident that so many people remember him as having been a “bear” of a man.) He was the friend who lent me his typewriter when I rushed back to home-town Memphis after hearing the news of Dr. Martin Luther King’s death in 1968 and discovered I’d left my own machine behind.

It was that vintage instument — the same one, or so I reckoned, that produced at least a portion of his own oeuvres — on which I wrote an account that, illustrated with classic photographs from another master, the great Ernest Withers, would appear 25 years later in a special King commemorative issue of Memphis Magazine. Never did I feel myself so honored by multiple associations.

I WENT TO THE VERY MOVING memorial service at the Church on the River in the company of several members of my immediate family Monday and heard number of graceful tributes, including one that made bold to describe Ryan — a cynic and hard-boiled religious skeptic, to say the least — as having been akin, in the warmth of his heart and in the nature of his own special ministry, to Jesus himself. To that I could say amen.

With me Monday was my oldest son Marcus, who almost three decades ago was in a Memphis hospital undergoing exploratory surgery that turned up a dreadful diagnosis and an even more dreadful — and immediate — prognosis. Keeping the vigil along with me in a waiting room had been John Ryan, and he was there when Marcus’ mother and I got the news, helping to cushion the shock. He was always available in the months that followed, in which treatment and convalescence were followed by a wholly unexpected recovery for which the term “grace of God” is the only proper signifier, and I could not help reflecting this week that Ryan’s good will had been among the elements that accompanied that miracle

I also could not help reflecting that Ryan, who had been consigned to years of unaccustomed frailty by his own illnesses, was deserving of his own miracle. What he had instead was the next best thing, an attitude that — born of his own incorrigible hustler’s optimism — was literally one of never-say-die.

As he lay on his deathbed, semi-comatose, he was still thinking ahead, according to his family, still trying to figure the angles and asking about the mail, still waiting for a publisher or filmmaker here or abroad to nibble at one of his overtures, still hoping to get news that he had received one of those whopping “genius” grants from the MacArthur Foundation that he thought, not without reason, he was entitled to.

And he was still able to stay in touch with things and to keep his hand in, even very late in the game. Once, last week or so, lying abed and seemingly unconscious, he heard family members and friends grouped around him trying to recall the punchline to a joke. Struggling to lift his head, he supplied the missing phrase:

“What’s time to a pig?” he said.

Next question: What’s time to a legend?

News News Feature



The most studied piece of real estate in the county is about to get it again.

But the committee appointed this week by the county commission to study the future of Shelby Farms is a much more diverse and political group than the one proposed by former mayor Jim Rout and businessman Ron Terry a little more than a year ago.

The Rout-Terry proposal, which was shot down by the commission, was built for consensus, speed, and fund-raising ability. It would have taken control of Shelby Farms out of public hands and turned it over to a nonprofit conservancy with a privately funded $20 million endowment. The new 21-member advisory committee has more elected officials, more administration input, more women, more blacks, more developer-friendly types, and more people, period, than its would-be predecessor.

One thing it doesn’t have, for now at least, is private money, which was one of the big hooks in last year’s proposal. But that could change. Walter Bailey, chairman of the commission and the key opponent of the Rout-Terry plan, says he personally favors a Central Park model for management of 4,500-acre Shelby Farms. The Central Park Conservancy has managed 843-acre Central Park since 1998 under a contract with New York City. The conservancy has raised nearly $300 million for park operations and improvements. It has 60 board members.

What rubbed Bailey the wrong way last year was what he saw as an end-run around the commission by the former administration and a hurry-up mandate to approve what was essentially a done deal for the next 50 years. The new committee, he says, will take its time and hold meetings and hearings for a year or more.

“We don’t want people with preconceived ideas,” he said.

Members from the political side include commissioners Michael Hooks, Julian Bolton, Marilyn Loeffel, Tom Moss, and Bruce Thompson as well as state Rep. Henri Brooks, the city and county chief administrative officers, and Public Works director Ted Fox. From the business side, there are, among others, Union Planters Bank executive Ken Plunk, attorneys Charlie Newman and Charles Carpenter, Steve Epple from Friends of Shelby Farms, former commissioner Bridgette Chisholm, and Dawn Kinard. The chairman is Gene Pearson, director of the graduate program in city and regional planning at the University of Memphis.

Thompson was elected last year, partly on a promise to oppose commercial development of Shelby Farms. Kinard is the daughter of suburban developer Jackie Welch, the most outspoken proponent of developing part of it.

“At the corner of Germantown Parkway and Walnut Grove there needs to be a hotel,” Welch said this week.

He plans to offer to pay for a rendering of what the eastern edge of Shelby Farms would look like if the Shelby Showplace Arena, an existing restaurant, and the farmers market were replaced by a new grand entrance off Germantown Parkway, two or three hotel sites, a 50-acre lake, and other commercial sites leased by the county.

Reminded that such ideas have generally been considered political heresy in the past, he said, “The tighter the budget, the friendlier they’re going to be to it.”

Bailey said the advisory committee was created with the blessing of Mayor AC Wharton, who is on record opposing the sale and, presumably, lease of public lands to raise money for government operations. The broad makeup of the committee and its lack of a financial benefactor and driving force such as Terry could insure that Shelby Farms stays pretty much as it is for a while. The park has been under more or less continuous study since the Sixties. The private conservancy is one of many aborted ideas. A plan for a major new road and intersection in the park that was several years in the making has also been scrapped by the new administration.

Quiet controversies underlie several of the park’s bucolic and seemingly mind-your-own-business uses. On a languid summer morning the day after the commission meeting, four men were training their dogs in a pasture in the northeast corner of the park at sunrise. When told about the new committee, one of the dog trainers, Lanier Fogg, perked up like a retriever watching a shot duck.

What could possibly be controversial about dog training?

Well, trainers haul their dogs and gear in trucks, and the trucks go off the dirt roads and drive on paths through the pasture. So do horse trailers. To get to the paths they go through gates, which can be open or locked depending on park policy. If dog trainers and horsemen can drive off road, what about fishermen? Or four-wheelers? Or anybody having a picnic or looking for some privacy? And how does that impact compare with the impact of the series of eight outdoor music concerts in the park this summer and their attendant stages, light poles, and set-up crews?

In short, Fogg was very interested to know how the new committee was going to relate to the current park board chaired by Ron Terry and the current park superintendent Steve Satterfield, whose predecessor was fired by the last county mayor.

The answer, right now, is that nobody knows.

News News Feature

Cashing In

My, my, my, the great Iraqi gold rush is on, and

who should be there at the front of the line,

right along with Halliburton and Bechtel, but our old friends at WorldCom,

perpetrator of the largest accounting fraud in American history.

WorldCom, shortly to become MCI, has been given a contract worth $45

million in the short-term to build a wireless phone network in Iraq. I learned via

the Associated Press that Washington

Technology, a trade newspaper that follows computing-related sales to the U.S.

government, “found WorldCom jumped to eighth among all federal technology

contractors in 2002, with $772 million in government sales.” And that is

only counting the deals in which WorldCom is the primary contractor. It is

actually getting much more as a subcontractor.

The Securities and Exchange Commission recently reached a

settlement with WorldCom, fining the company $500 million for its $11 billion

defrauding of investors. The company did not have to admit any guilt. “The $500

million is in a sense laundered by the taxpayers,” Tom Schatz, president of

Citizens Against Government Waste, told AP.

WorldCom got the Iraq contract without

competitive bidding, to the anger of rival companies AT&T,

Sprint, and others, which actually have experience in building wireless

networks, according to AP. A WorldCom spokesman “also stressed the

company’s deep, overall relationship with the U.S.

military and government.”

Among those continuing to make a good thing out of the Iraqi war is

Richard Perle of the Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board. According to the

Los Angeles Times, last February Perle and the

board received a classified briefing on the potential for conflict in Iraq and

North Korea, including information on new communications networks. “Three

weeks later, the then-chairman of the board, Richard N. Perle, offered a briefing

of his own at an investment seminar on ways to profit from possible

conflicts with both countries,” wrote

reporters Ken Silverstein and Chuck Neubauer.

It’s a subject on which Perle is fully qualified. He was forced to resign as

the Policy Board’s chairman (though he did not resign from the board itself) in

late March after it was learned he had been employed as a consultant by

Global Crossing Ltd., then trying to get Pentagon clearance to sell itself to an

Asian concern. Perle also serves on the board of several defense contractors and is

co-founder of Trireme Partners, a venture-capital firm that invests in the

defense and homeland-security industries.

Also according to Silverstein and Neubauer, Perle’s partner at

Trireme, Gerald Hillman, has been put on the Defense Advisory Board, despite

having no background in national security or defense.

One has to scramble to keep up with the gold rush and its players.

Tim Shorrock has an excellent article in the June 23rd issue of

The Nation detailing the state of play: Hundreds of major

corporations are interested in getting a piece of this pie. Meanwhile, the

invaluable Rep. Henry Waxman of California is keeping an eye on Halliburton. He

is raising questions about the company’s ties to countries that sponsor

terrorism, specifically Iraq, Iran, and Libya.

As President Bush begins his two-week, $20 million “shock and awe”

campaign fund-raising sprint, we will naturally be keeping an eye on the

connections between the campaign contributions and government contracts. And

if you think that’s too cynical, boy, have you not been paying attention.

One of the many horrors Shorrock found was a statement by

Martin Hoffman, former secretary of the Army and close adviser to Donald

Rumsfeld, on the privatization of Iraq. He told Shorrock his strategy is like that of

the strategic hamlets program in Vietnam. “That was basic economic

development,” Hoffman said.

Ooops. The only problem is that the strategic hamlet program was a

colossal failure, producing untold damage, chaos, and hatred. It was a key

reason we lost that war.

Another player with business interests in all this is Paul Bremer, the

American viceroy in Iraq. Bremer’s company is Crisis Consulting Practice, set up

after 9/11 to advise multinationals on how to handle terrorism. Naomi Klein

concludes in The Nation: “Many have pointed out that Bremer is no

expert on Iraqi politics. But that was never the point. He is an expert at profiting

from the war on terror and at helping U.S. multinationals make money in

far-off places where they are unpopular and unwelcome. In other words, he’s

the perfect man for the job.”

Other efforts to abruptly introduce a capitalist economy into a state-run

system have had awful results. The “shock therapy” applied to Russia after the

Soviet Union broke up almost destroyed the country, and it still hasn’t recovered.

Argentina went through a similar process.

So where’s a president like Franklin D. Roosevelt when we need him? “I

don’t want to see a single war millionaire created in the United States as a result

of this world disaster,” he said during World War II.

Molly Ivins writes for Creators Syndicate and the

Ft.Worth Star-Telegram.

Music Music Features

local beat

Stuart McMillin, aka Sound-boy, has high hopes for his

“Old School vs. New School DJ

Battle” Friday, June 27th, at

Neil’s, he just doesn’t expect to crown a winner. “This competition

isn’t your average DJ battle,” he explains.

“I want people to come showcase their skills in a positive environment.”

“Memphis has so much untapped talent,” McMillin enthuses, “but so

many of my friends are [so] discouraged by the drama that they forget about the

music. There are so many different cliques, [the overall DJ scene] gets divided. I’m

not appealing to one clique. I just want to get the people who like the music.”

Many of the promoters and players on the Memphis scene are people you

may not have heard of. While the Memphix collective and such people as

Jason Sims, Brad “Stylus”

Johnson, and Graflin are familiar names around town, folks

like Merlin, Double-O Dave, and Mary

Jane remain virtually unknown outside the insular DJ community.

“Mary Jane Smith is one of the most respected figures around town,”

McMillin explains. “She’s been spinning for 10

years, and she’s one of the most recognized names in the Memphis underground. She

knows her business,” he says, noting that

Smith ran Millennium Records for years. “Mary Jane has really nurtured the

scene,” McMillin adds. “She’s starting up her

own record service, Elektrik Soul Patrol. She’s a real connoisseur. Her DJ style is very

versatile, but she’s best known for techno and trance breaks.”

According to McMillin, Smith will be one of the old-school DJs on hand to

judge Friday’s battle. “She’ll be there, along

with Brad Stylus, Jason Nix, Graflin, and

DJ Armis,” he says. “We’ve also got

Jacob Braden, Brian Clark,

Analog, Merlin, and G. Dellous representing the old

school, while the new school includes Indo,

DJ Josh, and Fresh Bake. I’m hoping

these judges can give some pointers to the kids who are spinning now, just get people

focused on their music and make something happen in Memphis.”

As Soundboy, McMillin has been involved on the local DJ scene for

more than a decade. “I was a spectator on the rave scene for the first five years,” he

says. “There was so much drama associated with that scene that I went

underground. I moved out to the country —

Fisherville — and got my own equipment and learned how to play.” He threw his

first party, “One City under a

Groove, at the Last Place on

Earth in 1999.

“Since then, I’ve done about 25 one-off parties at 10 different

clubs,” McMillin says. He lists the Shell

Entertainment Complex and Fantasia as

two of his favorite venues. “It was a

reunion,” he says of one party held at Fantasia,

the beleaguered former hotspot near Madison and McLean in Midtown. “I

brought out the DJs who spun there when it was Red Square. All the heads came out,

folks who hadn’t been going out for years,”

he fondly recalls. “Any club scene is gonna

be wild,” he says, when I ask him about the potential problems that go with the

territory. “All my parties have been 18 and

up, and all my venues have been legal venues.”

“Today, the Memphis scene is divided by promoters,” McMillin claims.

“They only book DJs who are working for them, which keeps Memphis from blowing

up. There are so many extremely talented DJs here, people want to see who is the

best, not necessarily who your best friend

is.” Nevertheless, McMillin is full of praise

for several local organizations, including

Soundshock, Circuit Playground

Productions, Tha Movement, and Memphix.

He cites local promoter Treefish as his

main model. “They threw parties that were

cheap — not just a thing for teenagers to get out of the house,” he says. “People who

worked for a living could get in for $5 or $10.”

Ironically, the house music and hip-hop that McMillin spins is on CD, not

vinyl. “I’ve spun 12-inches at raves, but I like

CDs better,” he says. “I’ve gotten most of

my music from Tower Records or off the Internet, but I’ll dig anywhere that

sells CDs.” His big picks include sides from

the Quannum collective (DJ Shadow, Lyrics Born, and Blackalicious’ Chief Xcel),

Mark Farina, Basement Jaxx, and “anything”

on the After Hours label. “At the party, I’ll

be playing my own original music,” he says, “including a house mix of Missy

Elliott’s ‘Work It’ that’s pretty funky.”

“Whether someone is curious about the music or they’re already into it,

they can come have a good time,” McMillin says. “Expect 20 DJs at their best,

playing all different styles of music from house to hip-hop, drum-and-bass,

and techno. There’s gonna be a positive vibe and probably a lot of people who

haven’t been seen at these DJ events before. Old-school house heads, people from

Red Square, Fantasia, Club Visions — folks from the old Memphis rave scene.”

His number-one goal for the event? “Leaving aside the drama and focusing

on what we do best, which is playing music and dancing. We have tons of good

DJs who are just sitting in their bedrooms, getting better and better,” McMillin

says. While he’s already filled the slots for this competition, he wants to urge anyone

who’s interested in the local DJ scene to get in touch with him. “Look for

Old School Productions‘ on, or come to the party Friday,” McMillin

says. “It’s gonna be standing room only.”

“Old School vs. New School DJ

Battle,” Friday June 27th, at Neil’s, from 8:30

p.m. until 4:30 a.m. Admission is $7 or free with four canned goods for the Memphis

Food Bank.

Opinion Viewpoint

The Invertebrates

Dozens of Democrats, especially the leadership, have defected to a new party: the

Invertebrates. Their symbol is the jellyfish. Their

“I-sorta-kinda-disagree-with-W” squishiness has

made possible the triumph of the fanatical. Their opposition

to the aggressive right wing is so spineless and lacking in

confidence, it can only be described as cowardly.

Why is the leadership of the Democratic Party so

lacking in — well, leadership? Why is the party so paralyzed when

it comes to mounting any kind of credible challenge to

the Bush agenda of war without end and decimation of

the economy? It appears that, collectively, the Democratic

Party is struggling hard to straddle the right-of-center line

the Republican Party is straddling; so it is impossible to

recognize them as anything but Bush Lites.

The Democratic Party may have had all the

“moderate” it can stand. There’s nothing moderate about President

Bush and the Republican Party. As a matter of fact, a larger

agenda of fundamentally changing the role of government is

taking place in Washington, and no one is doing anything to stop it.

The problem isn’t that Democrats are on the wrong side

of the issues. They are afraid to make an issue of being on

the right side — in the middle of mainstream American thought.

For example, three out of four Americans believe the

latest round of tax cuts will not significantly reduce their

taxes, and fewer than 30 percent think the cuts are the best way

to stimulate the economy. A majority of Americans are

intensely concerned about the skyrocketing unemployment rate

and out-of-control budget deficits. But Democrats become

jellyfish when it comes to challenging a president who

consistently provides more and more tax cuts for the wealthy.

Some of them shoot out a few stinging words but, inevitably,

hitch themselves to the Republican tax-cut seaweed and float along.

On foreign policy, numbers also favor the

Democrats. The latest NBC/Wall Street Journal

poll indicates that 57 percent of Americans are opposed to investing the

billions of dollars it will take to rebuild Iraq. However,

Democrats twitter into semiliquidity when it comes to providing

forceful opposition to the potential Iraqi quagmire.

And even though weapons of mass destruction,

Saddam Hussein, and Osama bin Laden have not been found,

Democrats fear being called unpatriotic and un-American for

speaking out about the wrongheaded and arrogant way the

preemptive invasion was carried out without the support of the


And on it goes. The majority of the American

people agree with the Democrats on protecting the

environment, safeguarding Social Security, improving the quality of

education, and providing greater access to affordable health

care. They agree that corporate criminals must be prosecuted

and that corporations must start ponying up their share of

taxes instead of being given “corporate welfare.”

All of this makes the inability of Democrats to

provide alternatives and opposition to the Bush administration

even more infuriating. And shameful.

There are nine Democrats running for president in

2004. Some of them are talking tough. A few have stridently

spoken out against the destructive policies of this White House.

But many of them, as members of Congress, have

hemmed and hawed but given wholehearted support to the war

in Iraq and the tax cuts. They now expect us to believe

they will stand up to the right-wing forces that want more

tax cuts for the wealthy and more military aggression.

One of the greatest of all Democrats, Franklin

D. Roosevelt, once said, “The only thing we have to fear is

fear itself.” Heed that, all you fearful, apprehensive

Invertebrates! Else you’ll be washed-up jellyfish on the political shore

while the rest of us try to figure out how to live in a country that

is broke and at war with the next enemy-of-the-month.

Cheri DelBrocco is a local Democratic
