Sports Sports Feature

On a Role

Let’s be honest: If a less fawned-over basketball executive than Jerry West had presided over the Memphis Grizzlies’ draft last week, there might be a recall movement under way that would draw sympathy from Gray Davis. As it is, though many fans still cling to the happy myth that West is an infallible genius who works in mysterious ways, there have been plenty of questions. National media outlets such as have lambasted the Grizzlies’ draft, and West’s picks have spurred a war of words between true believers and skeptics on Grizzlies chat boards.

West’s decision to trade out of the lottery on draft night, while debatable, isn’t necessarily a bad move.

As perplexed as most Grizzlies fans likely were on draft night, the team’s moves look a little better with a few days’ perspective. Though West did indeed draft Boston College guard Troy Bell and Duke swingman Dahntay Jones significantly higher than any prognosticators had envisioned, those accusing West of trading two first-round picks for second-round talent are probably being unfair. This was a deep draft in which qualitative distinctions between picks 15-35 were highly debatable, and Bell and Jones were solidly in the first-round mix. The way the draft panned out became a worst-case scenario for the Grizzlies, with none of the likely picks for the team sliding to the Grizzlies’ draft slot at 13. With no clear pick at 13 and the cost of trading up in the draft apparently prohibitive, West’s decision to trade down — moving down three spots from 13 but up seven spots from 27 — seems sound.

Fans may legitimately wonder how Bell and Jones fit into what seems to be a crowded backcourt picture. Bell became the team’s fourth small guard under contract, joining starter Jason Williams and backups Brevin Knight and Earl Watson. The book on Bell is that he’s an explosive scorer and big-time athlete whose ability to handle the point at the next level is questionable. Bell could be another Bobby Jackson — the fearless reserve guard for the Sacramento Kings. He could also be another Will Solomon — the big-scoring combo guard from a major conference who failed to pan out as a Griz rookie a couple of years ago.

Bell graded out as the best pure athlete at the Chicago pre-draft camp, where he also showed his ability to man the point, but with the Grizzlies he may not have to. Head coach Hubie Brown intimated that he’s likely to pair Bell with Watson as the second-team backcourt, turning a style born out of necessity last season, when Gordan Giricek was traded and Michael Dickerson failed to come back from injury, into a choice.

“Last year, we played Watson and Knight together and proved that you can play a small backcourt, but you have to press,” Brown observed. The implication is that if Watson and Knight could discombobulate opposing backcourts with a pressing and trapping style, then substituting Bell, who is a little bigger than Knight but just as quick, will make the gambit even more effective. And Bell’s deeper range and penchant for getting to the line (where he’s been a near-90-percent shooter) will add needed offensive juice to the second unit.

As for Jones, a 6’6″ super-athlete with a so-so outside stroke, it would seem he’ll be stuck behind Bell and Shane Battier, who figure to be the backup wings (behind Wesley Person and Mike Miller). But Jones, at least potentially, is such a lock-down defender that one imagines Brown will find a way to get him on the floor.

“[Jones is] a highlight film, but he must improve his range from 17 feet out,” Brown said. “But we have a guy here who specializes in that.” The guy in question is assistant coach Hal Wissel, a shooting specialist brought aboard by Brown last season.

But it’s hard to envision either Bell or Jones ever becoming a star, and perhaps that’s the source of the frustration so many Grizzlies fans have expressed. Bell and Jones, while surprising picks, are safe ones, reminiscent of West’s decision to draft Drew Gooden over bigger-risk/bigger-reward athletes such as Nene Hilario and Amare Stoudamire last season. These are “class and character” guys, as West said the day after the draft, but they’re also role players, and 28-win teams need more than good role players to turn the corner.

What’s next? With the mid-level exception (about $4.8 million) and over $17 million in expiring contracts in the form of Knight, Person, and Stromile Swift, the Grizzlies could probably be a significant player in the trade and free- agent markets. The question is whether to try and make a splash now or stand pat and maximize cap room for next off-season. But that’s a different column.

Theater Theater Feature

Trailer Park of Terror

Tommy Pine’s Shoots

and Misses

Back in its earliest days, Playwright’s Forum seemed more like Memphis playwright Howell Pearre’s own private repertory company. For the first half-dozen seasons, he was the group’s principal playwright, and he continued to contribute new pieces right up until his death in 1999. His one-act plays were often accomplished bits of traditional Southern fare, gothic-leaning with an occasional dollop of absurdism tossed in for flavor, chock-full of caustic wit and wry one-liners. His full-length plays, on the other hand, always seemed incomplete. Such is the case with Tommy Pine’s Greatest Hits, a thoroughly silly farce, currently on stage at TheatreWorks, about the funeral of a famous (and famously debauched) honky-tonk singer. Tommy Pine’s was first presented at the original TheatreWorks on South Main in 1991, but to honor Pearre, a founding member of their small but enduring company and to celebrate the close of a season dedicated entirely to locally written scripts, Playwright’s Forum has given Tommy Pine’s a less-than-stellar revival.

Of all Pearre’s meditations on the lives of the poor and tasteless, this one comes closest to veering off into total trailer-park clichÇ. Though it supposedly takes place within Nashville’s well-heeled country-music set, the author took little inspiration from the richly eccentric history of that clan, choosing instead to create broadly drawn characters from some double-wide community on the white-trash side of Toon-town. Over the course of two acts, a vast array of country-fried morons and misfits gather at a progressive (read: perfectly queer) funeral parlor to engage in an orgy of deception and backstabbing, as they squabble and plot to carve their futures from the legacy of Tommy Pine, the superstar singer who bit it in a fiery car wreck. What begins like an episode of Jerry Springer ends without resolution, like some Benny Hill rerun with characters chasing one another comically about the funeral home. It’s enough to leave even the least discriminating theatergoer wondering what the hell was that?

In spite of the meandering plot, there are a few wonderful characters and enough outstanding performances to keep things interesting. Beth Henderson is a bubble-headed delight as the dim-witted Heidi-Fay Boston (think Irlene Mandrel but dumber and sluttier). An accomplished physical comedian, Henderson gets more mileage out of a blank stare than should be allowed by law. Her sight gags alone are worth the ticket price. The always-underestimated Laurie Cook McIntosh also does a credible job as Tommy’s cradle-robbing bitch of a mother, keeping things honest even when the dialogue becomes unreal. The rest of the large (for TheatreWorks) cast ranges from adequate to awful and overacting seems to be the standard. While this was never Pearre’s best script, it still could have been much, much better.

Through July 5th.

Bat Boy Doesn’t Bite

There is a thing called chemistry. Its presence can make a scene between two bad actors completely magical. The lack of it can render a scene between two extraordinary talents flatter than an extra-flat pancake in Flatland. I can only chalk up my lack of enthusiasm for Bat Boy: The Musical to a lack of chemistry between the performers. After all, the script is loads of fun, and the performances at Playhouse on the Square are all very nearly superb. But somehow this wonderfully happy convergence of good things never generated much excitement on stage. Well, not for me anyway.

Bat Boy keeps good company. That is to say, it’s not the first musical to cloak a ham-fisted moral in sugary horrorshow kitsch. Sadly, it’s not the best either. It’s neither as colorful nor daring as The Rocky Horror Show. It’s not as overtly political or giddy as Little Shop of Horrors. For campy fun, it can’t compete with Zombie Prom. And none of these monster musicals can begin to stand up alongside the great Sweeney Todd. Still, Bat Boy makes a nice addition to the creepier side of the musical canon, and Playhouse’s production is very nearly flawless.

Taken individually, it would be difficult to say enough good things about the cast. Michael Ingersoll (Bat Boy) finds the perfect balance between the sweet and the creepy. As his love interest Shelly, Playhouse company member Angela Groeschen continues to prove why she may be the most versatile, chameleonlike actress in town. Musical heavy-hitter Leah Bray Nichols hands in one of her finest performances yet as Shelly’s animal-loving mother, and Kent Fleshman makes about the finest evil veterinarian you’ve ever seen. But taken together the ensemble fails to deliver. The stakes are never high enough. The danger is never real. Fortunately, between all the pointy ears and the horrible blood-sucking, there is just enough silliness to keep things moving in a good direction. n

Through July 27th.

Opinion Viewpoint

Bashers Redux

Sidney Blumenthal titles his account of his White House days The Clinton Wars, but it could just as easily be called The Blumenthal Wars. Reviewers have called him a Clinton “courtier,” “Sid Vicious,” a “lady-in-waiting,” and, by the strongest of implications, a liar. Yet to actually read the book brings another term to mind: “mad.” This is what Washington was during the Clinton years.

I do not mean all of Washington. After all, many Democrats fought valiantly for Bill Clinton — or, if not for him, then against Ken Starr, the moralistic prig of a special prosecutor. Ditto some members of the press, who realized that no matter what Clinton did, what was being done to him — and the presidency — was far, far worse.

But you would get little of that from most of the reviews. Barely mentioned are the censorious comments of Samuel Dash, Starr’s ethics counselor, who, in the book, characterizes the special prosecutor as a morally obsessed inquisitor. “He lacked a lot of judgment,” Dash told Blumenthal. “Starr didn’t see the difference between a sin and a crime. His judgments were distorted.” Dash says that Starr could have ended his investigation much earlier than he did. He had, really, nothing.

It certainly wasn’t for lack of trying. Starr was preceded by Robert Fiske, who was removed from office by Republican judges on account of a disabling conflict of interest — experience as a prosecutor, fair-mindedness, and estimable professionalism. Starr was succeeded by a third prosecutor, Robert Ray, another pro. The FBI was in the hands of Louis Freeh, who loathed Clinton. Various congressional committees were run by the likes of Al D’Amato, who — in the manner of naming a nunnery after Hugh Hefner — just got his name put on a Long Island courthouse. As for the news media, they went after both Bill and Hillary Clinton full-time. The result? Zip.

I know Blumenthal. He was my Washington Post colleague. But I also know most of the people who have criticized his book. They are honorable people, but many of them use the book to pick up where they left off. They have no second thoughts, no backward glance to see the mess they made or to wonder how investigative reporting and commentary went right off a cliff and into a sewer. The real scandal for the news media is that no scandal ever materialized.

So we get accusations that Blumenthal spun this or that event. What’s missing is not just an overview but a sense of astonishment. Isn’t it just plain mysterious that Newt Gingrich continues to get respectful media attention when, really, on a given day he is half-mad and almost always blowing smoke? The same could be asked of Tom DeLay, who revived impeachment when the effort flagged for lack of compelling evidence and was determined to smash Clinton — never mind what else he would destroy in the process. Yet he and other Clinton-haters wander the streets of Washington, unscarred, uncensored, but nonetheless unhinged.

The virtue of Blumenthal’s book is that it assembles in one place what happened in Washington during the Clinton years. If you are not already convinced that Clinton was guilty of multiple crimes, then Blumenthal will make you wonder all over again about how partisan politics, even cultural disagreements, got so out of hand that the government wound up in the pornography business. The Starr Report: Wrap it in plain paper, please.

There’s much to criticize in Blumenthal’s book — a detail, an omission, a partisan spin on events. But the book’s reception reminds me of the events it chronicles — a warped obsession with this or that tree when Ken Starr and his Republican allies were clear-cutting much of the forest. Blumenthal’s book, describing what a madhouse Washington became back then, has for some reason been given to the inmates to review.

Richard Cohen is a member of the Washington Post Writers Group; he is a frequent contributor to this page.

News News Feature


What threatened to be a summer-long barnburner of a budget battle came to a proximate and unexpected end Wednesday with the tell-tale vote of Republican Tom Moss in budget committee for a Democrat-sponsored tax increase.

That made the final tally 6-6, a clear indicator of the expected 7-6 favorable vote when absent Democrat Julian Bolton is added on at Monday’s meeting of the full commission. Though some haggling no doubt remained to be done that will shift the final figures around marginally, the proposed property-tax increase amounted to 32 cents for city residents and 37 cents for non-Memphis residents of Shelby County. As disgruntled Republican commissioner Bruce Thompson noted, the larger number was just barely within the ten-percent ceiling beyond which a two-thirds vote of the commission would be necessary.

“They just knew what figure they wanted to end up with. They had no idea what specifically they were voting for to get there,” observed Thompson of the ex tempore mathematics engaged in by the panel’s Democrats, notably Joe Ford and Walter Bailey, as they broke elements of the increase down into proportionate shares for the budget’s general fund, for school operations, for debt service, and for rural school bonds. The latter, a controversial 5-cent component assessed only on residents of the county outside Memphis city limits may have proved a crucial incentive for Moss.

“I wanted my schools,” Moss would say later as one of the reasons why he broke ranks with his fellow Republicans. Money raised by the bonds would finance a new high school in Arlington and improvements at various other county schools, all in the outer Shelby bailiwick which Moss shares with commissioners Joyce Avery and David Lillard.

Neither Lillard, who had led the months-long fight for rural school bonds as an alternative to a traditional joint funding formula favoring city schools, and Avery, who also supported the bonds proposal, were tempted to vote for the tax-increase motion, which was proposed Wednesday by Bailey after relatively perfunctory discussion.

Clearly, some prolonged behind-the-scenes negotiations had resulted in the agreement, however. County finance director Jim Huntzicker, who unveiled the basic compromise plan to the budget committee Wednesday, had privately made it clear beforehand that he expected an agreement.

Shelby County Mayor A C Wharton professed satisfaction afterward with the agreement, which hewed very closely to lines suggested last week by budget committee chairman Cleo Kirk, a Democrat. Basically, Kirk had outlined a formula involving budget cuts in the ten-percent range, a tax increase in the 30-cent range, and reluctant acceptance of the rural-school-bond proposal by the panel’s Democrats.

The plan presented by Huntzicker Wednesday conformed to that general pattern, and minor modifications by Democrats on the budget committee brought it to the form eventually voted on. Under the provisional budget agreement, the current county propety-tax rate of $3.79 for each $100 of assessed value would rise to $4.11 for Memphis residents and $4.16 for Shelby Countians elsewhere. As Commissioner Ford noted while juggling the math in his head during Wednesday’s meetings, that would amount to an additional $8 a month for the owner of a $100,000 house.

Moss acknowledged after the vote that several of his fellow Republicans on the commission were likely to be displeased with his breaking ranks to insure the success of the tax-increase package, but he said, “There’s too much partisanship on this commission. We have a social obligation to make county government work.”

Left on the table Wednesday was the prospect of pay raises for county employees, but Commissioner Michael Hooks indicated some shifting of proposed fund distributions might occur before Monday that would allocate at least a 2-cent component for that purpose.

Moss said he would support that concept, too. “It’s the least we can do,” he said, arguing that income losses to employees resulting from changes in the county’s benefit package during the last year could be offset by modest pay increases.

Politics Politics Beat Blog



NASHVILLE — Events of the last several days have greatly improved the outlook — at least in Tennessee — for two of the Democratic contenders vying for the right to challenge President Bush in next year’s presidential election.

Those two are Florida senator Bob Graham, who was in Nashville Saturday night to deliver the keynote address at Tennessee Democrats’ annual Jackson Day dinner; and ex-Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, whose recent rise in the polls has been accompanied by a surprisingly strong fund-raising surge.

The state’s two leading Democratic spokesman — party chairman Randy Button and Democratic state executive director Jim Hester — agreed after Graham’s generally well-received address on a pecking order of viables that would rank the Floridian with four other “top tier” names: Massachusetts Senator John Kerry; North Carolina Senator John Edwards; Missouri congressman Dick Gephardt; and Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman.

Missing from this provisional list of viables was Dean — but Hester hedged with an important proviso that ended up, as of Monday, being eminently invokeable. “His viability depends on whether he can get a grass-roots movement going, and what his receipts are for the quarter just ending,” had said Hester.

“Grass roots” can be defined any of several different ways. If it means neighborhood meetings, like an earnest but spottily attended and somewhat raggedy one which occurred in Memphis recently, Dean’outlook in Tennessee might be seen as marginal; if, however, it means bottom-line responses like last week’s internet poll that supposedly vaulted him to the top of the pack among the kinds of yellow dog Democrats who respond to such things, Dean has been doing very well indeed.

And, speaking of bottom lines, Dean’s 2nd quarter fund-raising of $6 million is right up there with any of his better-known rivals’ best showings during a financial-disclosure period. At that rate, Dean could be a match for anybody save Tim Russert, the host of NBC’s Meet the Press, who skewered Dean Sunday before last with prosecutorial zeal on questions relating to Dean’s positions and met several of his answers with unmasked scorn.

The general consensus was that Russert had gone — in almost the World-War-I sense of the term — over the top, but organization Democrats, especially in southern states like Tennessee, are made nervous by such facts, all probed by Russert, as Dean’s 1-Y draft status during Vietnam, his unfamiliarity with current enlistment numbers in the armed services, and his legal recognition, while governor, of civil unions involving gays and lesbians.

In the game of political scrabble, the word they’re looking to complete is “govern,” not “McGovern.”

Still, Dean has summoned up some real hot-bloodedness, both in himself and in a growing number of supporters from what he calls the “Democratic wing of the Democratic Party” — that wing which is less interested in coming to terms with the positions of the current president of the United States than in coming to grips with them, and with him.

Seen in that light, the previously unheralded Graham acquires a new luster — one that he reflected, however modestly, Saturday night. Though he came off as somewhat stiff, even staid, even a bit stuffy (and probably every other “st –” modifier one could think off), Graham was no pussy-footer on such key positions as George W. Bush’s tax cuts — “catastrophic,” he called them — and the late war with Iraq, which Graham noted that he had voted against on the solidly patriotic — and highly arguable — grounds that it was a red herring undermining the War Against Terror.

Though, on the evidence of his speech Saturday night, Graham is not an exciting presence, his manner of being stolid (yet another “st-” word) is in line both with his party’s past traditions and with its present need to pose a difference. He is also, as he reminded the audience, undefeated in several elections in the state of Florida, and, as everybody surely remembers, that Republican-leaning state is where the last Democratic presidential nominee, fairly or not, met his Waterloo. Aside from all else, Graham is on everybody’s list for vice president — the hangover from that fateful 2000 Florida countdown being one good reason.

Moreover, Graham has managed, as Button noted, to recruit a Tennessee staff containing several veterans of past political combat in the state. So have the other contenders in his and and Hester’s basic list of five. The outcome in Tennessee could be close — and complicated by the apparent rise of Dean.

Button, Hester, and other Democratic cadres in the state can barely conceal their excitement at the prospect that Tennessee, which moved its presidential primary up to February 10th, in the immediate wake of the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary, could play a decisive role in determining the Democratic nominee.

One fly in the ointment: South Carolina, which has subsequently moved its presidential-preference event to February 3rd, just after New Hampshire, giving it a chance to become the barometric Southern state instead of Tennessee.

Button and Hester both express concern, but each has an answer to the worry. Button says, “For one thing, for them to have a primary would cost $3 million, and South Carolina can’t afford that. Nor would a caucus be nearly as significant.” Hester concurs, and adds, “South Carolina’s a Republican state, not like Tennessee, which has always been evenly divided. People will be watching the results in Tennessee a lot closer.”

Maybe so In any case, key Democrats in the Volunteer State are convinced that Tennessee’s got game — unless the Palmetto state manages somehow to muck things up.



What threatened to be a summer-long barnburner of a budget battle came to a proximate and unexpected end Wednesday with the tell-tale vote of Republican Tom Moss in budget committee for a Democrat-sponsored tax increase.

That made the final tally 6-6, a clear indicator of the expected 7-6 favorable vote when absent Democrat Julian Bolton is added on at Monday’s meeting of the full commission. Though some haggling no doubt remained to be done that will shift the final figures around marginally, the proposed property-tax increase amounted to 37 cents. As disgruntled Republican commissioner Bruce Thompson noted, the increase was just barely within the ten-percent ceiling beyond which a two-thirds vote of the commission would be necessary.

“They just knew what figure they wanted to end up with. They had no idea what specifically they were voting for to get there,” observed Thompson of the ex tempore mathematics engaged in by the panel’s Democrats, notably Joe Ford and Walter Bailey, as they broke elements of the increase down into proportionate shares for the budget’s general fund, for school operations, for debt service, and for rural school bonds. The latter was the controversial component that may have proved a crucial incentive for Moss.

“I wanted my schools,” Moss would say later as one of the reasons why he broke ranks with his fellow Republicans. Money raised by the bonds, which would be paid for only by Shelby County taxpayers outside Memphis’ borders, would finance a new high school in Arlington and improvements at various other county schools, all in the outer Shelby bailiwick which Moss shares with commissioners Joyce Avery and David Lillard.

Neither Lillard, who had led the months-long fight for rural school bonds as an alternative to a traditional joint funding formula favoring city schools, and Avery, who also supported the bonds proposal, were tempted to vote for the tax-increase motion, which was proposed Wednesday by Bailey after relatively perfunctory discussion.

Clearly, some prolonged behind-the-scenes negotiations had resulted in the agreement, however. County finance director Jim Huntziger, who proposed the basic compromise plan to the budget committee Wednesday, had privately made it clear beforehand that he expected an agreement.

Shelby County Mayor A C Wharton professed satisfaction afterward with the agreement, which hued very closely to lines suggested last week by budget committee chairman Cleo Kirk, a Democrat. Basically, Kirk had outlined a formula involving budget cuts in the ten-percent range, a tax increase in the 30-cent range, and reluctant acceptance of the rural-school-bond proposal by the panel’s Democrats.

The plan presented by Huntziger Wednesday conformed to that general pattern, and minor modifications by Democrats on the budget committee brought it to the form eventually voted on.

Moss acknowledged after the vote that several of his fellow Republicans o the commission were likely to be displeased with his breaking ranks to insure the success of the tax-increase package, but he said, “There’s too much partisanship on this commission. We have a social obligation to make county government work.”

Politics Politics Beat Blog


(The following was broadcast nationwide on Saturday, June 28th, as the official Democratic response to President Bush’s weekly radio address. In response, the Flyer publsihed an editorial, which is appended.)

Good morning. This is Congressman Harold Ford of Tennessee.

This week the Supreme Court reaffirmed our commitment to diversity and progress. Because of this enduring commitment, our military is more cohesive and effective. Our businesses are more dynamic and competitive. And our colleges and universities are educating and enriching more people.

In short, the American family is stronger today than it was a generation ago. All of this is good.

In the majority opinion in the Michigan case, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor expressed her hope that 25 years from now affirmative action would not be needed. We all look forward to that day. Our vision is an America where all children can grow up truly believing they can achieve whatever they want — an America where the only thing that determines how far you go is your ambition and hard work.

This week, Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle and the Congressional Black Caucus welcomed hundreds of business, political and academic leaders to Washington to chart a course for a better America.

You know, part of the American tradition is for each generation to make life better for the next. So the question is, how do we make it better for our children?

Let’s be honest, there are challenges and opportunities ahead of us that must be met with leadership that inspires and invests in America’s future.

We must realize that our future will only be as bright as the decisions we make today allow it to be.

As optimistic as I am about the future, we can’t be afraid to try new approaches. We can’t have the same response to every economic challenge. Over the past three years, 3 million jobs have been lost. One million more people don’t have health insurance. And states are shutting down things and raising taxes just to balance their books.

Some people in Washington spend a lot of energy complaining about politics. That same energy could be better spent fully funding the Leave No Child Behind Act, so when school starts back in the Fall, principals, teachers, and parents can all do their jobs better.

Anyone who has been in a school knows teachers have it hard enough as it is.

We can also do better when it comes to national security. Instead of complaining about politics, people in Washington could spend their time better by reforming and strengthening our intelligence gathering.

I voted for the use of force in Iraq. We are safer without Saddam in power. But our continued security depends on our intelligence being accurate and trusted. We must ensure that it is.

We can also do better by our seniors. The prescription drug bill that the House of Representatives passed this week will privatize Medicare before the end of the decade. The better plan would not force seniors to leave Medicare to get prescription drug coverage. That is the plan my party supports.

This week we celebrate the Fourth of July. We mark the occasion by saluting the veterans and patriots who have defended our freedom. Their courage made America better for us. And it’s now time for this generation to make it better for the next.

This is Congressman Harold Ford. Thank you again for listening.

Politics Politics Beat Blog



NASHVILLE — Events of the last several days have greatly improved the outlook — at least in Tennessee — for two of the Democratic contenders vying for the right to challenge President Bush in next year’s presidential election.

Those two are Florida senator Bob Graham, who was in Nashville Saturday night to deliver the keynote address at Tennessee Democrats’ annual Jackson Day dinner; and ex-Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, whose recent rise in the polls has been accompanied by a surprisingly strong fund-raising surge.

The state’s two leading Democratic spokesman — party chairman Randy Button and Democratic state executive director Jim Hester — agreed after Graham’s generally well-received address on a pecking order of viables that would rank the Floridian with four other “top tier” names: Massachusetts Senator John Kerry; North Carolina Senator John Edwards; Missouri congressman Dick Gephardt; and Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman.

Missing from this provisional list of viables was Dean — but Hester hedged with an important proviso that ended up, as of Monday, being eminently invokeable. “His viability depends on whether he can get a grass-roots movement going, and what his receipts are for the quarter just ending,” had said Hester.

“Grass roots” can be defined any of several different ways. If it means neighborhood meetings, like an earnest but spottily attended and somewhat raggedy one which occurred in Memphis recently, Dean’outlook in Tennessee might be seen as marginal; if, however, it means bottom-line responses like last week’s internet poll that supposedly vaulted him to the top of the pack among the kinds of yellow dog Democrats who respond to such things, Dean has been doing very well indeed.

And, speaking of bottom lines, Dean’s 2nd quarter fund-raising of $6 million is right up there with any of his better-known rivals’ best showings during a financial-disclosure period. At that rate, Dean could be a match for anybody save Tim Russert, the host of NBC’s Meet the Press, who skewered Dean Sunday before last with prosecutorial zeal on questions relating to Dean’s positions and met several of his answers with unmasked scorn.

The general consensus was that Russert had gone — in almost the World-War-I sense of the term — over the top, but organization Democrats, especially in southern states like Tennessee, are made nervous by such facts, all probed by Russert, as Dean’s 1-Y draft status during Vietnam, his unfamiliarity with current enlistment numbers in the armed services, and his legal recognition, while governor, of civil unions involving gays and lesbians.

In the game of political scrabble, the word they’re looking to complete is “govern,” not “McGovern.”

Still, Dean has summoned up some real hot-bloodedness, both in himself and in a growing number of supporters from what he calls the “Democratic wing of the Democratic Party” — that wing which is less interested in coming to terms with the positions of the current president of the United States than in coming to grips with them, and with him.

Seen in that light, the previously unheralded Graham acquires a new luster — one that he reflected, however modestly, Saturday night. Though he came off as somewhat stiff, even staid, even a bit stuffy (and probably every other “st –” modifier one could think off), Graham was no pussy-footer on such key positions as George W. Bush’s tax cuts — “catastrophic,” he called them — and the late war with Iraq, which Graham noted that he had voted against on the solidly patriotic — and highly arguable — grounds that it was a red herring undermining the War Against Terror.

Though, on the evidence of his speech Saturday night, Graham is not an exciting presence, his manner of being stolid (yet another “st-” word) is in line both with his party’s past traditions and with its present need to pose a difference. He is also, as he reminded the audience, undefeated in several elections in the state of Florida, and, as everybody surely remembers, that Republican-leaning state is where the last Democratic presidential nominee, fairly or not, met his Waterloo. Aside from all else, Graham is on everybody’s list for vice president — the hangover from that fateful 2000 Florida countdown being one good reason.

Moreover, Graham has managed, as Button noted, to recruit a Tennessee staff containing several veterans of past political combat in the state. So have the other contenders in his and and Hester’s basic list of five. The outcome in Tennessee could be close — and complicated by the apparent rise of Dean.

Button, Hester, and other Democratic cadres in the state can barely conceal their excitement at the prospect that Tennessee, which moved its presidential primary up to February 10th, in the immediate wake of the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary, could play a decisive role in determining the Democratic nominee.

One fly in the ointment: South Carolina, which has subsequently moved its presidential-preference event to February 3rd, just after New Hampshire, giving it a chance to become the barometric Southern state instead of Tennessee.

Button and Hester both express concern, but each has an answer to the worry. Button says, “For one thing, for them to have a primary would cost $3 million, and South Carolina can’t afford that. Nor would a caucus be nearly as significant.” Hester concurs, and adds, “South Carolina’s a Republican state, not like Tennessee, which has always been evenly divided. People will be watching the results in Tennessee a lot closer.”

Maybe so In any case, key Democrats in the Volunteer State are convinced that Tennessee’s got game — unless the Palmetto state manages somehow to muck things up.

News The Fly-By


Memphis publisher J. Mignonne Wright has scored a fairly large coup. Her startup publication American Magazine makes its national debut this week on the prestigious shelves of Wal-Mart. Wright has been quoted as saying, “We want to help people reconnect with the reality of what is positive about America.” And what is so positive about America that will capture the imagination of a nation and reconnect us with “reality”? Accord ing to the AP, the first issue of American Magazine offers pointers on “how to get to know your neighbors by throwing a block party,” an essay on “what makes America so special,” and our personal favorite, “an article on how Collinsville, Illinois, became home of the worlds largest ketchup bottle.” Screw that statue in New York harbor; nothing says America like a giant bottle of ketchup looming over some Midwestern town like a blazing red colossus. Do you have goosebumps yet?

We Recommend We Recommend

wednesday, 2

The Gabe and Amy Show featuring Hubby Mitchell on keyboards and Alvin Olivera on guitar. It s Open-Mic Night at Overton Park Shell. And now I must vamoose before I shoot the computer. As always, I really don t care what you do this week, because I don t even know you, and unless you can get Lisa Marie off that live stage and keep her in the studio, I am sure I don t want to meet you. Besides, it s time for me to go check on my new reality television show and see who had shed the most clothes. I sure hope it s not Willard Scott.
