News The Fly-By

Bad Medicine?

Did federal prosecutors investigate Memphis pediatrician Dr. Rande Lazar and search his office to teach him a lesson about government power or to obtain documents?

In papers filed in the federal court, Lazar’s attorneys claim that assistant U.S. attorney Kevin Whitmore told them he would get a search warrant for Lazar’s office “to teach your client a lesson that I can get documents from him any time I want to. I could search his house if I want to.”

The defense team says it’s part of a pattern of a “loss of prosecutorial objectivity” and “misuse of executive power” in the three-year federal investigation of Lazar.

Lazar, a pediatrician specializing in ear, nose, and throat problems, was indicted in January on 115 counts of health-care fraud. He has since been the subject of two front-page stories in The Commercial Appeal recounting in detail his alleged misdeeds, his medical training in Mexico, his civic contributions, and his temporary loss of operating privileges at Methodist Hospital.

The government’s indictment says Lazar performed unnecessary medical procedures on patients in the course of doing sinus surgery in order to defraud TennCare and other health-care benefit programs. As part of the alleged scheme, the government says Lazar’s billings indicated he spent 15 to 30 minutes in face-to-face visits with patients when in fact Lazar often “was with a patient no more than 10 minutes.” The government also says Lazar trained participants in a fellowship program to do the procedures and ordered them and his office staff to list him as the surgeon instead.

The case, which is expected to go to trial later this year, combines elements that could almost have been taken from hit television programs E.R. and The Practice. Lazar’s former partner is Dr. Neal Beckford, president of the Memphis Medical Association. Their former office manager, Judy Luke, is expected to testify for the government against Lazar. Luke subsequently went to work for Beckford.

The pretrial motions have featured a bitter exchange of charges between prosecutors Whitmore and Cam Jones and former federal prosecutors Marc Garber, Dan Clancy, and Joe Whitley on the defense team. Clancy was a federal prosecutor in the West Tennessee district for several years. Garber worked as a federal prosecutor in Nevada and Florida, specializing in health-care fraud. Whitley left the defense team last year to become general counsel for the Department of Homeland Security at the request of President Bush.

Before taking his new job, Whitley wrote a long letter to Larry Laurenzi, assistant U.S. attorney in Memphis. That letter has been entered in the case file.

“I do not believe any aspect of this matter is criminal in nature,” Whitley wrote.

He said Whitmore’s threat suggested the prosecutor was using the search warrant for intimidation rather than the proper purpose of obtaining evidence. He wrote that he normally deals directly with the assistant prosecutor involved in the case but was approaching Laurenzi because “I can no longer in good conscience and as counsel for our client remain silent without asking you for your guidance.”

In other documents filed this week, defense attorneys Garber and Steven Farese claim prosecutors have taken a “terrifying” view of the Fifth Amendment in a March 18th letter from Jones to Farese.

“I understand from our conversation yesterday that you now intend to assert a Fifth Amendment privilege as to these records,” Jones wrote. “That statement indicates to me that the records are incriminating. Thus, any attempt to present those articles, notes, or outlines during trial will be opposed.”

Farese and Garber argued in a motion filed this week that this is “another in a growing line of prosecutorial abuses” in the case.

Politics Politics Beat Blog

It Ain’t Over

The Shelby County Commission seemingly dealt a death blow last Wednesday to a proposal for converting The Pyramid into a casino. But did it? In all likelihood, the casino scenario, first advanced by Commissioner John Willingham, will surface for another vote in mid-April that could well reverse the verdict of Wednesday’s special session.

That session was made necessary by an objection at last week’s regular Monday commission meeting by Commissioner Marilyn Loeffel that the proposal had not been properly added to the body’s agenda at an earlier committee meeting.

That created enough confusion that commissioners agreed to defer a vote on the matter until the specially called session two days later. And Loeffel, by her own account as well as Willingham’s, used the extra time to organize a pressure campaign on commissioners to reject the proposal.

“I’ll give her her due. She’s very powerful in terms of her constituency,” said Willingham after two casino-related votes had fallen short by two votes at the Wednesday meeting. He identified that constituency as one symbolized by — but not limited to — the Bellevue Baptist Church congregation and that church’s pastor, the Rev. Adrian Rogers. Willingham added that pressure — presumably independent of Loeffel — had also come from sources close to Tunica gambling interests.

Loeffel acknowledged that she made efforts to see that her fellow commissioners heard from citizens objecting to votes that would have authorized the Tennessee General Assembly to pass casino-friendly legislation. One bill would begin a constitutional-amendment process legalizing a casino at the single site of The Pyramid. Another would legalize “games of skill” throughout the state.

“It was a combination of hard work and God dust,” a beaming Loeffel said of the outcome, which saw the proposals turned back by votes of 5-7-1 (Cleo Kirk abstaining in the constitutional-amendment vote) and 5-8.

Voting no on both votes were Commissioners Linda Rendtorff, Walter Bailey, Joyce Avery, David Lillard, Tom Moss, Bruce Thompson, and Chairwoman Loeffel. Yes votes came from Willingham, Julian Bolton, Deidre Malone, Michael Hooks, and Joe Ford.

The votes almost didn’t come off. After the commission had unanimously approved the other proposal on last Wednesday’s special agenda for a reorganization of county school board district lines, Moss moved to defer action on the casino votes until the commission’s regular meeting of April 12th. He was seconded by Lillard.

For a while, that seemed to be that, but Willingham pressed for a roll-call vote on the deferral, which was defeated.

After the two nay votes on the casino proposal, Thompson pointedly crossed over to Willingham’s side of the commission table, whispered in his ear, and shook his hand — an action inviting speculation from Loeffel and others that a move to reconsider the votes might be in the offing for April 12th.

If it did, the most likely converts would be Thompson and Kirk — the former of whom did acknowledge later the eloquence of remarks made Monday by Hooks to the effect that Memphis and Shelby County “already” had casino gambling — meaning the complex in nearby Tunica — without benefiting from accompanying tax revenues.

Hooks also noted that the county’s taxpayers were still on the line for $32 million worth of outstanding bonds and additional annual maintenance costs for The Pyramid, which would shortly “go dark” now that the University of Memphis basketball Tigers have completed plans to move to the new FedExForum.

“We’ve got a bone, but we don’t even have a dog in the yard,” Willingham said about nonexistent prospects for occupancy of The Pyramid, other than his proposal, in tandem with the Lakes Corporation of Minnesota, for developing it as a casino/hotel complex.

Among what seems to be a growing number of prominent Memphians advocating consideration of the idea is Convention & Visitors Bureau head Kevin Kane, who volunteered favorable testimony to a meeting of Willingham’s Tourism and Public Works committee last week.

Opponents of a casino at The Pyramid and some media sources cite Governor Phil Bredesen as also being opposed to the idea, but the governor has debunked that notion, telling local officials who have contacted him, as well as the Flyer, that while he is “not at all sure” that the idea is good for Memphis and Shelby County, he intends to be responsive to local business, political, and civic leaders on the point.

Politics Politics Beat Blog

Cutting Loose?

Responding last week to the controversy that erupted over former counter-terrorism chief Richard Clarke‘s criticism of President Bush’s handling of the war on terror, 9th District congressman Harold Ford appeared to be distancing himself from the administration’s war policies in Iraq.

Ford, who had previously expressed reservations about the conduct of the war and its aftermath but had declined to cast public doubt on the Bush administration’s bona fides, said in a telephone interview that “it now appears from what we’ve learned in the last couple of days that the president was determined to go to war in Iraq and may have exaggerated the evidence he had for doing so.”

Though the congressman, who voted for the 2002 congressional resolution authorizing military action against Iraq, continued to profess his frequently expressed belief that “we are safer with Saddam Hussein out of power,” his response still represented a deviation of sorts from the qualified support for the war that he had repeated as recently as early March in an appearance before the Germantown Democratic Club.

At that meeting, during which he had to deal with some animated and occasionally hostile questioning, Ford’s criticism of the administration was largely limited to chastising the president for retaining CIA chief George Tenet, whom the congressman blamed for faulty intelligence concerning Iraq’s weapons programs or lack of any. The blame-Tenet approach was similar to one advanced by supporters of the president’s war policy, including such active promoters as leading neoconservative Richard Perle, until recently chairman of the administration’s Defense Policy Board.

What may have been lost in the shuffle of events over the years is the fact that Ford himself was associated very early on with calls for action against Saddam’s regime. A reader calls attention to an artifact of that concern, currently featured on the Web site of the Project for the New American Century, an organization in which Perle, Under-Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, and other neoconservatives are prominent.

This is a letter to President Bush signed by Ford and eight other members of Congress, including Senators John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Trent Lott (R-Miss.) and former Senator Jesse Helms (R-N.C.). The letter, dated December 5, 2001, in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington and the beginnings of military action in Afghanistan, says in part:

“As we work to clean up Afghanistan and destroy al Qaeda, it is imperative that we plan to eliminate the threat from Iraq.

“This December will mark three years since United Nations inspectors last visited Iraq. There is no doubt that since that time, Saddam Hussein has reinvigorated his weapons programs. Reports indicate that biological, chemical and nuclear programs continue apace and may be back to pre-Gulf war status. In addition, Saddam continues to refine delivery systems and is doubtless using the cover of a licit missile program to develop longer-range missiles that will threaten the United States and our allies.”

The letter goes on to praise the “Iraqi National Congress,” a group led by then exiled figure Ahmed Chalabi, now president of the U.S.-installed Iraq Governing Council. The congress has been identified as a prime source of early allegations concerning Iraq’s possession of WMDs.

“The threat from Iraq is real, and it cannot be permanently contained,” continues the December 2001 letter. “For as long as Saddam Hussein is in power in Baghdad, he will seek to acquire weapons of mass destruction and the means to deliver them. We have no doubt that these deadly weapons are intended for use against the United States and its allies. Consequently, we believe we must directly confront Saddam, sooner rather than later. … [I]n the interest of our own national security, Saddam Hussein must be removed from power.”

Other signatories to the letter are Senators Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.), Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), and Sam Brownback (R-Kan.), and Reps. Henry Hyde (R-Ill.) and Benjamin Gilman (R-N.Y.).

Ford’s presence in such company reflects his penchant for other positions normally associated with political conservatives. The congressman, currently a national co-chair of the presidential campaign of Massachusetts senator John Kerry, the Democrats’ presumptive nominee, is a member of the congressional Blue Dog caucus, composed of conservative Democrats. He is regarded as an almost certain candidate for the U.S. Senate in 2006.

Music Music Features

Sound Advice

In 1956, Wanda Jackson, rock-and-roll’s first serious female practitioner, recorded “Let’s Have a Party,” one of the hottest rockabilly tunes ever committed to vinyl. “I never kissed a bear/I never kissed a goon/But I can shake a chicken in the middle of the room/Let’s have a party/Whoo!”

Now, what do those lyrics mean, you might ask? I haven’t the foggiest. But this is rockabilly, so it’s not about literature, it’s about getting “with it,” and in the mid-1950s nobody was more with it than Jackson. She could whine a good old country tune like a honky-tonk angel (she was discovered by Hank Thompson, after all) or she could turn around and belt out rock-and-roll like she was one of the greasy guys. While touring together, an aspiring young singer named Elvis Presley advised Wanda to drop the hillbilly act (for a little while, anyway) and get real, real gone. The impressionable teenager may have taken Presley’s advice a little too seriously. Recording first for Decca and later for Capitol, Jackson was nothing like the sweet girl singers of the day. She was not just sexy, she was frankly sexual, and her recordings, aided by hot guitar picking by the likes of Buck Owens and Joe Maphis, were music steamed with overt naughtiness.

Her record labels couldn’t quite figure out what to do with their little spitfire, and after a few hits Jackson all but vanished from the American recording scene, though she remained wildly popular throughout Europe and Asia. Her signature song, “Fuijiyama Mama,” became a huge hit in Japan in spite of (or, more likely, because of) the opening lyrics: “I’ve been to Nagasaki/Hiroshima too/The things I did to them, baby/I can do to you.”

Jackson’s most recent recording, Heart Trouble, includes appearances by such Jackson fans as Elvis Costello, Dave Alvin, and the Cramps. It showcases Jackson, the first lady of rockabilly, at her howling and growling best. If you miss Wanda Jackson when she plays the Hi-Tone CafÇ on Friday, April 2nd, you don’t deserve to have your chicken shaken, and that’s all there is to it.– Chris Davis

Athens, Georgia, rock duo Jucifer play heavy, scuzzy rock that often carries a dreamy undercurrent, but if that grunge-meets-shoegazer description sounds oh-so-’90s, it both dates the birth of the band and flies in the face of their increasing popularity, as these longtime road warriors have become college-radio stars. The band plays Memphis pretty frequently and will be back in town Saturday, April 3rd, touring behind their solid new EP, War Birds. They’ll be paired with locals The Lost Sounds, and that’s who I’m most excited by. Newly signed to relatively high-profile indie In the Red, the Lost Sounds could be ready for a boost in name recognition when they release their debut for the label later this year. This prolific outfit just keeps getting better, lacing their noisy assaults with a nuance and passion that few of their more generic garage-rockin’ scene (and now label) cohorts can match. They followed only the Reigning Sound as the best Memphis performance I saw at SXSW last month, and they should be even better back at the friendly confines of Young Avenue Deli. Hopefully, Jucifer can keep up. —Chris Herrington

Sports Sports Feature

Case Closed

With their up-and-down, death-defying, double-overtime victory over the Atlanta Hawks Monday night, the Memphis Grizzlies reached a milestone: With win number 48, they moved 20 games ahead of last season’s record, putting them on the short list for the best single-season turnarounds in NBA history.

Since 1980, only 12 teams have accomplished this feat, and none of those historic turnarounds looks anything like the season Grizzlies fans have witnessed.

Three of these seasons can be directly connected to teams drafting the Rookie of the Year: The ’94-’95 Dallas Mavericks improved by 23 games during Jason Kidd’s ROY campaign; the ’92-’93 Orlando Magic improved by 20 games after drafting some guy named Shaquille O’Neal; and the ’81-’82 New Jersey Nets added 20 games to the win column behind the exploits of Rookie of the Year Buck Williams.

Three more of these turnaround seasons are linked to the acquisitions, through trade or free-agency, of elite talent: The ’88-’89 Phoenix Suns improved by 27 wins after free-agent signee Tom Chambers and trade acquisition Kevin Johnson both made second-team all-NBA. The ’01-’02 New Jersey Nets improved by 26 games after trading for MVP runner-up Jason Kidd. And the ’89-’90 Portland Trailblazers added 20 more wins after trade acquisition Williams finished first-team all-defense and was Top 10 in the league in both rebounding and field-goal percentage.

Two of these seasons can be attributed to the return of stars who missed most of the previous season: The ’95-’96 Chicago Bulls improved by 25 games after a player named Michael Jordan returned from retirement, and the ’91-’92 Cleveland Cavaliers added 24 wins with the return of All-Star point guard Mark Price, who had lost most of the previous season to injury.

The ’88-’89 Golden State Warriors improved by 23 games due to both Mitch Richmond’s Rookie of the Year campaign and the return to form of All-Star Chris Mullin. The ’89-’90 San Antonio Spurs improved by a whopping 35 games by adding both Rookie of the Year David Robinson and All-Star trade acquisition Terry Cummings. And the all-time champion of single-season improvement, the ’97-’98 Spurs, added 36 games to its win total by getting Robinson back from an injury that caused him to miss the entire season before and adding Tim Duncan, who not only won the Rookie of the Year but made first-team all-NBA.

The lesson here? NBA teams simply don’t make 20-game leaps without adding transformative talent. Yet that’s exactly what this year’s Memphis Grizzlies have done. And this is the beginning and end to the case for Hubie Brown as this year’s NBA Coach of the Year.

The only exception to this rule, until this year, was the ’97-’98 Boston Celtics, who improved from 15 wins to 36 in Rick Pitino’s first season as head coach, when underachieving lottery picks Ron Mercer and Chauncey Billups were the major roster additions. But all Pitino really did was get his team to play NBA basketball after the debacle of previous coach M.L. Carr. Getting a team to improve from awful to bad is not as impressive as getting a team to improve from bad to good.

For the 2003-2004 season, two NBA teams have added 20 or more wins to their ’02-’03 totals: the Denver Nuggets and your Memphis Grizzlies.

The Nuggets have gone from 17 to 38-and-counting by adding ROY contender Carmelo Anthony, signing an entirely new four-man backcourt in free-agency, and getting a full season from starting center Marcus Camby after he missed most of last season with injuries.

The Grizzlies, by contrast, returned four of five starters from the team that won 28 games last year and are the only winning team in the NBA in which none of the players on its roster have played in an All-Star game.

Put simply, the remarkable, magical transformation of the ’03-’04 Memphis Grizzlies can only be attributed to coaching. Jerry West has done a fine job of adding talent and depth to the roster and an even finer job of not giving up the talent he inherited in order to do it. He lucked out a little with James Posey (according to media accounts over the past off-season, not West’s first choice in free agency) but has manipulated the new financial nuances of team-building to exchange expiring contracts for immediate contributors such as Bonzi Wells, Bo Outlaw, and Jake Tsakalidis. But this triumph is still primarily Hubie Brown’s, who, with West’s help (and, more importantly, his unshakeable confidence and approval) has remade this team in the image of his hoops ideal.

Viewed in historical context, Hubie Brown’s achievement hasn’t merely been the best coaching job in the NBA this season but one of the finest coaching performances professional basketball has ever seen. The Brown family can start clearing their mantel now. n

Theater Theater Feature

Hooray for Jesus

There’s a short bit of streaming video running constantly at Bellevue Baptist Church’s Web site. Grainy animation provides the illusion of motion for otherwise still photographs depicting the life of Christ. Though the clip is silent, the accompanying text has been carefully assembled to remind readers of a booming Hollywood-style voiceover.

“He is despised and rejected by men,” the trailer begins. “He has borne our grief. He was wounded for our transgressions. He poured out his soul unto death. He bore the sin of many, and this spring Jesus returns to send all the bad guys back to hell with heart-stopping, heaven-sent kung-fu action.”

Okay, all that stuff about kung-fu and hell — I just made that up. But you get the idea. The Memphis Passion Play isn’t just some run-of-the-mill pageant that’s being promoted. Do not expect to see a handful of bashful, Kool-Aid-stained children dressed in their parents’ bathrobes with sheets tied to their heads, adorably misremembering their lines and accidentally rewriting the Bible. This is a very serious production produced by a mega-church with deep coffers and virtually limitless resources. It’s no “pageant” whatsoever.

Though it is produced indoors (in the church’s 7,000-seat sanctuary), it is realized on the kind of epic scale usually reserved for outdoor dramas like Unto These Hills or The Legend of Daniel Boone. Lightning flashes, thunder rolls, and the production climaxes with an earthquake even the audience can feel. With a cast and crew of nearly 900, it might very well be Memphis’ largest locally produced theatrical. To provide a little more perspective, Mesa, Arizona’s 66-year-old Mormon-produced Passion play may claim to be the largest in the world. And while the Saints’ spectacle does sport a somewhat larger cast than Bellevue’s modest 300, Mesa’s combined cast and crew is only 500 strong.

On Saturday, a week before opening, the set is nearly complete. The main stage, as large as any in town, if perhaps not as deep, has been turned into a rocky hill in Jerusalem. But the set doesn’t stop there. To the left, there is a monstrously large representation of a Jewish temple. To the right, we see Pilate’s home and a smaller dwelling. The stage is filled to capacity with volunteer actors in sweats. The aisles are lined with additional dancers, the orchestra pit is full, and a robeless choir is seated down front, music in hand. There is a second, smaller stage in the auditorium for the director. He paces back and forth, joyfully barking out directions on his microphone: directions like, “Shepherds, can you sit down?” “Ladies and disciples, get ready for the stick dance.” “Judas, I really like that thing you’re doing.

“This is where we show the might of Rome,” he says, “with legions and animals.” Drums bang out a throbbing Middle Eastern rhythm. Amateur dancers whirl about, and everyone shouts, “Hooray, Jesus is coming!”

Yes, “Hooray, Jesus is coming.” It may not be the most sophisticated dialogue, but when 300 people jump up and down at the same time, the message gets across.

“We try to show the joy of Jesus,” says James Whitmire, the music minister at Bellevue Baptist who has watched the church’s Passion play grow for 22 years. “Jesus was a person,” he says. “People loved him. The Pharisees said he ‘spent too much time with sinners.’ When the crucifixion comes, we want people to say here was a God that came to earth and lived a full life.”

Whitmire recalls Bellevue’s first Passion play inside its old church in Midtown. “It was called Living Pictures,” he says. The choir stood on either side of the stage like a Greek chorus while the Passion of Christ was acted out behind a scrim. It was a simple shadow play with music. It’s now five times larger with a script and music written by members of the congregation.”

At this point, it might be helpful to remember the words of Jesus. He told the world that a widow’s pennies meant more to God than the elaborate sacrifices and loud prayers of the Pharisees. Bellevue is a gigantic organization with a sprawling campus and neighboring athletic field. There are few organizations capable of mounting such a tremendous spectacle, and given Jesus’ feelings about over-the-top displays of faith, it does give one pause.

“We’ve got a lot of members of the church who are carpenters,” Whitmire says. “It’s a core of about 70 volunteers who are carpenters, and they built the set pretty much overnight. We feed them supper at 11 [p.m.] and breakfast in the morning. They do it because of the end result. Because so many lives are changed. We have all of these women who sew and are just so talented. We have people who cook and all these wonderful ladies who provide child-care. And it’s all volunteer. They could never afford to do this on Broadway.”

Whitmire has 900 volunteers giving what they can, and in the end, it would appear, all those pennies add up. So, in the spirit of the Easter season, “Hooray for Jesus.”

The Memphis Passion Play runs April 2nd-7th at Bellevue Baptist Church.

Theater Theater Feature

Under the Rainbow

Do the monkeys fly? Yes, they fly. Well, they swing about a bit. It’s pretty tragic, really.

But does the witch fly? Oh my, yes, but only once that I recall and very early in the show. It happens fast and flawlessly and is really quite spectacular. It gives the impression that you are about to see something special. And that impression is not entirely false.

But does the witch melt? Oh God, yes, yes, yes, of course the witch melts. What a stupid, stupid question. You simply cannot do The Wizard of Oz if the witch doesn’t melt. It is a law, most likely. Next?

Okay, smart guy, how does Playhouse on the Square pull off a tornado on stage? Please, ask a hard one next time. They do it with projection, silly. This is the 21st century. We have the technology to project a black-and-white swirl that eventually turns into a colorful swirl while little pieces of Kansas fly offstage on wires. And before you even ask, yes, the Wizard is introduced as a big green head projected on curtains. He’s more frightening on celluloid but not nearly as bizarre. And for your complete edification, everything that happens in the movie also happens in the play. That is the point of this incarnation of Frank Baum’s classic story. Okay, okay, so the Scarecrow doesn’t get set on fire, but that’s the only real deviation from MGM’s solid-gold standard.

But does it work? Well, when it works, it works. And for the kiddies in the crowd (possibly the reigning majority), it seems to work every time. Then again, when the Wicked Witch of the West has to run around stage, manually disconnecting her monkeys from their flying harnesses so they can stop swinging around helplessly and go do her evil bidding, the magic disappears. It suddenly morphs into gimmickry. And while director Shorey Walker has done what she can to make this show her own, gimmickry is really what it’s all about.

This Wizard of Oz tries to be faithful to the film. It also tries to be original. Now let’s be frank: You just can’t have it both ways. The original songs are all here (even Harold Arlen’s “Jitterbug,” a number that was shot but cut from the film). But all those songs you grew up with and know by heart have been — ahem — brought up to date. Hey, doesn’t everybody want to hear “Over the Rainbow” given a hip, new soft-rock treatment yet again? It’s difficult to think of the play’s few deviations from the source material as anything approaching improvement. In fact, this production, when not busy appropriating, fairly revels in fixing things never broken to begin with.

I assume there is no need to retell this tale. Little orphan Dorothy, raised by her uncle and aunt in Kansas, is swept away in a cyclone to the merry old fairyland of Oz, where she meets a good witch and a bad witch and a tin man and a scarecrow and a cowardly lion. I didn’t think so. And that’s part of the problem. If you’re going to almost imitate this classic film more than 60 years after the fact, there is no avoiding a touch of post-modernism. There are countless winks (and snaps and “thank ya, boys”) to the extra, occasionally subcultural meanings this too-familiar film has picked up over the years. Can anyone say “friends of Dorothy”? Fabulous. And while these self-conscious moments fly by (and well over the kiddies’ heads), they are almost annoying. Part of The Wizard of Oz’s charm is its childlike sincerity and too many winks and nudges can spoil the rainbow stew. Homage is a dish best served simply, without garnish. And po-mo or not, it’s hard to see African Americans dressed up like crows putting on a full-fledged minstrel show without your flinching just a little bit.

This past Sunday’s matinee was low on energy. The voices all seemed a little tired and shaky. Then again, anyone who goes to sit in the dark and watch a Sunday matinee on a beautiful spring day deserves everything they get. It’s a proven recipe for disappointment.

Angela Groeschen does a smashing job as Dorothy Gale, calling to mind Judy Garland without ever doing an exact imitation. Most impressively, she never lets Toto upstage her, a feat anyone who has ever worked with an animal should certainly envy. It would have been nice to see just a little more character from the actors who play Dorothy’s famous friends and a little less mugging from the Wizard. But all grumbling aside, if you want to see a nicely done live production of a movie you grew up loving, here it is. Buy your ticket, enjoy the ride. A trip to Playhouse is certainly cheaper than a day at Disney World. And it’s a heckuva lot closer, to boot.

Through April 18th

Opinion Viewpoint

A Bad Budget

The Founding Fathers entrusted Congress with the “power of the purse,” because the legislative body was viewed as the most accountable to the people. This responsibility demands honesty and candor about the nation’s finances.

Unfortunately, Congress last week passed a dishonest budget. At a time when the nation is challenged on more fronts than ever, the budget recommended by President Bush and approved by Congress fails to address many urgent priorities. It saddles future generations of Americans with mounting debt.

We can do better but only if we are candid about the fact that the policies we’ve been pursuing haven’t worked. The deficit is $521 billion this year — a record high. We’re borrowing more with little to show for it. More than 2 million jobs have been lost in the last three years, and only 21,000 were created last month. College tuition is up; gas prices are at an all-time high; and property, sales, and other local taxes are on the rise.

Hospitals are closing, 44 million people don’t have health insurance, and the Bush administration intentionally withheld the actual cost of the Medicare bill from Congress and the American people. Principals and teachers are working harder to achieve the goals of the No Child Left Behind act, but they don’t have the tools they need. Nearly half of the schools in Tennessee are falling short.

America needs a new set of priorities. The first priority is security. Money for our troops in Iraq was not included in this year’s budget even though many troops lack body armor and other essential equipment. Money for our troops should be provided up front in the budget. In addition, our military is overstretched like never before. To relieve the burden on our military and lessen our reliance on the National Guard and Reserves, we should expand the active-duty military by 40,000. And we should honor our nation’s veterans by giving them the benefits and health care they have earned through service.

At home, we should fully invest in homeland security. The tragic attacks in Spain have underscored the need for better rail security. We should protect our ports, chemical plants, and other potential targets.

Next, we have to invest in our schools. The No Child Left Behind act promised $10 billion more for schools than the president’s budget requested. We need to fully fund education so that schools can hire more teachers, reduce class sizes, and make other investments to help kids learn.

New policies are needed to create jobs and grow the economy. Deficits threaten to crowd out private-sector investment and stifle economic growth. If we’re not careful, deficits will force interest rates and mortgage rates upward. That’s a tax on families and the economy.

It’s not smart to raise taxes on small businesses or middle-class families as the economy recovers. That is why we should lower taxes on businesses creating jobs in America and providing health care for their workers. We should cut taxes for families earning $200,000 a year or less.

Let’s be honest. We can’t afford all the Bush tax cuts. And we can’t close the deficit by reducing spending alone. The hard fact is that even if we cut out all nondefense spending, including education, health care, housing, and law enforcement, the budget would still not be balanced.

We should suspend the tax cuts for the top bracket and reform the estate tax so that small businesses, family farms, and all estates under $20 million are exempted, but we can’t afford to eliminate it entirely.

American people deserve and want us to be honest about the money we have and where it’s going. Unfortunately, the budget passed by Congress last Thursday fails that test.

U.S. Rep. Harold Ford, a Memphis Democrat, represents the 9th District of Tennessee.

News News Feature



The haggling between the Grizzlies and the University of Memphis Tigers sounds suspiciously like a mismatched couple negotiating a prenuptial agreement, knowing good and well that this thing isn’t going to work.

The terms of their move to the FedExForum isn’t a sports story, it’s a marriage story Ñ a subject many of us know a lot about without benefit of the sports page.

Therefore, the person whose insight I offer is not Stan Meadows or Michael Heisley or Mike Rose or R.C. Johnson. It’s novelist Anne Tyler, Pulitzer Prize winner and one of America’s greatest writers. For all I know, she’s never seen a pro basketball game, but, boy, does she understand dysfunctional relationships.

Near the end of her new bestseller, The Amateur Marriage, the husband looks back on his 60-year relationship with his ex-wife and attempts to explain it all to their bitter and estranged daughter:

“We did the best we could. We did our darnedest. We were just … unskilled; we never quite got the hang of things. It wasn’t for lack of trying.”

Sorry, sports fans, but a marriage of Grizzlies and Tigers looks to have all the staying power of a matchup between Larry King and Britney Spears.

The Grizzlies, like other pro teams, routinely pay multimillion-dollar contracts to benchwarmers and even ex-players like Bryant Reeves and Michael Dickerson who aren’t even in the league any more. But they’re reportedly balking at paying an annual six-figure subsidy to the U of M that is, relatively speaking, small change. Is that any way to treat the hometown partner you propose to love and cherish for the next 20 years?

Rule Number 1: Beware of the flashy stranger who sweeps you off your feet and tells you to forget your old love from the neighborhood.

The Tigers and their die-hard fans are hung up on the memory of the way they were. Wasn’t it great when sharp-shooting Larry Finch took them to the NCAA finals in 1973 and when local guys Keith, Baskerville, Doom, Vincent, and the Little General stuck around four years and went to the Final Four in 1985? Trouble is, young fans weren’t even born then, and four-year star players are rare today. Now, in desperation, the U of M has hitched a million-dollar coach to a vagabond team in a bargain-basement league.

Rule Number 2: There is nothing like the golden memory of an old flame to screw up a not-so-golden marriage.

College hoops in Memphis once filled 11,000 seats at the Mid-South Coliseum, so the Tigers got talked into buying into The Pyramid with 20,000 seats. In 1989, the fear Ñ can you believe it? Ñ was that they might only draw 12,000 or so.

Attendance these days is far below the 1989 projection. Seats sold at Tiger games has averaged 6,780, excluding Wednesday night’s game against Louisville.

Today, the Grizzlies and the Tigers understand that unless the Tiger talent and schedule improve dramatically, things could get much worse than that. Conference rival Houston, which knocked off the Tigers in the 1983 and 1984 NCAA tournament, averaged 3,808 fans last year and 2,848 this year.

Rule Number 3: A bigger mansion can’t save a bad marriage.

At the FedExForum, the Grizzlies will call the shots, tell the Tigers when they can play, control the revenue streams, and, of course, upstage their product.

Rule Number 4: Father knows best is a lousy recipe for a long-term relationship.

The Grizzlies would like you to believe that the NBA family is strong and healthy, if not exactly wholesome. The team is playing hard, winning more than losing, and general manager Jerry West and head coach Hubie Brown are getting great reviews. But there’s definitely something dysfunctional about the NBA, even by the standards of pro sports. Seventeen head coaches Ñ the people who know the players and owners best Ñ have quit or been fired since last season. And the NBA’s star attraction, Kobe Bryant, is going on trial for rape.

Rule Number 5: Beware of the in-laws.

The FedExForum has bills. The Grizzlies have bills. Fans are going to have to help pay them. Hauling the wife and kids to the game will be a tad more expensive than an evening at, say, AutoZone Park. Like $100 more expensive. Let’s hope the economy and stock market are strong for the next 20 years.

Rule Number 6: Couples fight about money

The entertainment alternatives aren’t standing still. Reality television, the Tennessee lottery, movies, and casinos are endlessly inventive, easy to get to, and relatively cheap.

Rule Number 7: Affairs happen.

Do you see now why these love birds are already fighting about the pre-nup? They’re doing the best they can. They’re doing their darnedest. If it doesn’t work, it won’t be for lack of trying.

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thursday, 1

Okay. It s time to pay up. Since the first Grizzlies game I attended at the beginning of the season — and to the best of my recollection, it was the first time we beat the Dallas Mavericks — I have half-jokingly bet my vast fortune with many naysayers that we would make it to the playoffs this year, and made it we have. Ha! Oh yes. You know who you are. You thought I was just being a loyal fan and all but was reaching a little too high to be realistic. Ha! Thought I was just being faithful, but that my head was in the clouds. Ha! You were amazed every time I went into shock when we occasionally lost a game, telling me, Tim, we can t win every game. But we might just make it next year. Ha! Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems to me that we ve beaten the world-champion Spurs, the Lakers, the Timberwolves, the Pacers, and all of the other best teams in the league and beat some of them more than once and beat em good. This despite being crucified re lentlessly by the officials, who had it in for us since day one. To the refs I say, Ha! And to my good friend and colleague who actually thinks the Mavericks are better than the Grizzlies and routinely sends e-mails to me trying to make his pathetic case to that end, I say, Ha! I do believe that the Grizzlies have an x beside their name and Dallas does not because, well, uh, it s just that, ahahahaahh, we have a better record than they do. Ha! So you may keep your old Steve Nash. I will take Jason Williams. I hope that hot crow dog you re eating is mighty tasty. And just take a look at what our franchise has done off the court. Since the local owners got the team to Memphis, their charitable fund has donated some $13 to $14 million, mainly to programs and organizations that benefit kids. Oh, I know that Mavs owner Mark Cuban is great about this kind of thing in his own wonderful, wacky way, but come on: Look at the millions and millions of dollars our owners have sunk into this community. So to those who viewed the Grizzlies as a bunch of carpetbaggers come to town to rob us blind and get richer, I say, Ha! Ha! Ha! On a more personal level, allow me to add that the Grizzlies have been able to take politics and war and government shenanigans off my mind. Yes, when the Grizzlies are playing and so often simply humiliating the other team because of their unbridled talent and energy, I don t think about that stuff. Although I do have a friend who s a schoolteacher and she asked her little ones the other day what their fathers did for a living. She got the usual banker, fireman, salesman, etc., until she got to one little boy who said, Well, my father is a professional con artist. He s never told the truth and never done an honest day s work in his life. He bilks in no cent people out of their money and just sits back and laughs. My teacher friend, obviously shaken, got the other kids busy and then took the little boy into the hallway and asked him if that was true, to which the boy replied, No, he really works for Condolleezza Rice, but I was too embarrassed to admit that in front of everyone. Ha! Okay, so I stole that from someone and modified it for Ms. Rice, but you gotta admit the little imaginary boy has a point. And speaking of points, I do believe that the Grizzlies shooting percentage is, uh, well, hahahah, higher than that of the Mavericks, not to mention so many other teams. Okay, I am gloating. But can you blame me? And now I ll stop momentarily and get on with the real point of this with a brief look at some of what s going on around town this week. And since today is April Fool s Day, you might want to check and see if, uh, well, hahahah, the Mavericks are playing! Okay, I ll stop. And there s actually quite a bit going on, so I ll have to be brief. On stage, it s opening night of Neil Simon s Fools at Crichton College; Charles Mee s Big Love at Rhodes College; and If These Hips Could Talk, staring Billy Dee Williams, at The Orpheum. And there s a fabulous opening reception from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Stax Museum of American Soul Music for My Africa, My Soul, My Song, work by Phil Dotson, to kick off this year s Africa in April celebration.