News News Feature



I bet my summer vacation tops yours. Actually, in describing my week just past, the more apt word is “getaway” . . . and you need some context on what I mean by getaway.

My in-laws, you see, live in a tiny hamlet in central Vermont, a town with one school “district,” a police force of, oh, five, and a single solitary stoplight. And for their vacation, my in-laws — all 11 of them — wanted to get away from things. So . . . merely a three-hour flight, five-hour drive, three-hour ferry ride, and another 90-minute drive later, I found myself surrounded by this friendly bunch on the southern coast of Nova Scotia, in the blink-and-you-missed-it village of Port LaTour. If I learned nothing else during last week’s venture, I now know the place to go when you want the precise opposite of south Florida.

The best I can tell, there are two ways of making a living in Port LaTour: lobster fishing, and selling lobster traps. This is a place where natives truly are of the land — and water — on which they live. Even in mid-July, the weather is the kind only a frog could love: rainy, foggy, or overcast. The beaches are gorgeous, maybe a bit rocky, but lovely nonetheless. The water? Made my toes numb.

Southern Nova Scotia is a land that development has forgotten. On a side trip to a local beach, my father-in-law and I happened upon a deer and two fawns. The landscape is almost entirely evergreen. It’s the kind of place that — with ideal temperatures and climate — would attract googles. But with July topping off in the low seventies, ideal climate it has not. Thus, free-roaming deer.

The cool, damp air aside, the only blemish I found in and around Port LaTour was the curious lawn decor. Evidently, the locals have engaged themselves in a perpetual race for the Most Hideous Lawn Art of the Month award. (A plywood zebra?) As lush and natural as the land is, it’s especially jarring to discover a picket fence with ceramic sharks greeting you.

Sports, you ask? (This is supposed to be a sports column, right?) I drove past a ballpark on Cape Sable Island (“The Baseball Home for Shelburne County”) but can’t imagine when the locals might take the field. The Halifax Mooseheads just finished their tenth hockey season up the island a bit. And I saw a pool hall. A lobster fisherman, it would seem, has all the recreation he needs in his day job.

Thanks to the good folks at WGN and TSN (Canada’s ESPN), I did manage to stay in touch with what matters, if only from afar. (You can take the fan out of Cardinal Country) Nova Scotia is an hour ahead of the eastern time zone, so your typical Cardinal game at Busch Stadium starts at 9 pm locally. Nonetheless, I got to enjoy a pair of former Memphis Redbirds play hero in one of the Cards’ biggest wins of the season, July 20th at Wrigley Field. Albert Pujols and So Taguchi combined for seven hits and four home runs in leading St. Louis back from an 8-2 deficit to beat Chicago, 11-8, and all but eliminate the North Siders from the NL Central race. And I watched this game with a lucky flower plucked from a Port LaTour trail by my 5-year-old daughter as my 1-year-old napped in the arms of an uncle. All the vacation a guy could ask for. (Rumor is they heard the cheering at Lisa’s Cafe down the street . . . the only restaurant in town. Didn’t wake Elena, though.)

My wife, our two daughters, and I were zapped from one environmental extreme to another when we flew out of Boston on Sunday, the day before the Democratic National Convention began in Beantown. Among the subtleties Nova Scotians have going for them is their location waaaaaay off a terrorist’s radar . . . or a politician’s for that matter. No, their weather isn’t ideal, and yes, the moisture begins to seep into you after a few days under the clouds. But for a week, you can keep the sun, surf, and sand. I’ll reflect fondly on six days of fun in the fog . . . with family. A perfect getaway, if you ask me.

We Recommend We Recommend

monday, 26

ENGLISH AS SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSES. Two levels of instruction are presented Amazing Grace Lutheran Church, 1203 Ridgeway. $10. 7-8:30.

OASIS PILATES WORKSHOP. Rantos Fitness. 2858 Poplar Avenue. Free. 6 p.m.

News News Feature



Liberal media, my pink ass

NPR’s Juan Williams had a very special guest this week in the increasingly smug personage of GOP puppet master Karl Rove. In the interview Rove justified his stand against same-sex partnerships claiming that marriage, as defined by the holy union of a man and a woman, has a cultural history stretching back at least 5000 years. Well, well, well. So does slavery. So does treating fully-grown women like property. By the golden Rovian standard faddish slogans like “Liberty and justice for all” must be trivial–or at least lacking in gravitas– due to their shiny newness. If we take Rove at his word then tradition is not merely a reasonable substitute for justice, it is the Logos. But all this is beside the point.

Did Juan Williams, who works for an institution frequently criticized for its excessive liberality, call Rove on his bullshit? He did not. Williams gobbled Karl’s pernicious spew and, happy as an old goat in a room full of anthropomorphic sex toys, moved right along to the next talking point. Objective journalism has been out of fashion for a long time now. The best you can hope for is neutrality, and that’s exactly what William’s provided. The difference between objective and neutral reporting? It’s difference between a journalist and a stenographer and Williams was taking damn fine dictation.

I can’t be mad at Rove for championing a 5000-year-old tradition of cultural oppression. Pandering to the basest elements of the lowest common denominator has always been one of this mighty kingmaker’s strongest suits. But Williams’ performance was revolting.

The Smell of Fear

Or: The real scoop on the real poop

A question to Democrats: Does the Sandy Berger scandal have you shaking in your shoes? Did you recoil in horror when President Bush called Berger’s mishandling of classified documents “serious” and vowed that justice would be done? Did you have to take a valium upon reading Speaker Hastert’s litany of damning questions: “How could President Clinton’s former National Security Advisor be so cavalier?” “Was Mr. Berger trying to cover-up key facts?” and best of all, “Whose hands did [the documents] fall into?” Did you have to take to your bed when Tucker the fucker Carlson proclaimed, “There is nothing random about the documents [Berger] took. [He] stripped the files of every single copy of a single memo which detailed the Clinton administration’s response to the Y2K terror threat”?

Well don’t worry. Get out of bed. Be happy as a hog in slops. Carlson’s comments appear to be an outright fabrication as several 9/11 commissioners are already on the record saying that Berger’s actions in no way obstructed their access to information. Leaks at all levels, which are mostly at odds with all the reportage, suggest that Berger’s actions were more stupid than serious. As for Hastert, he’s the partisan hack who tried his damndest to block a two-month extension requested by the 9/11 commission in order to complete their work. So if anybody really tried to monkey wrench the report it was Hastert. And what about Bush? Well, he’s on his way to being cooked. Yeah, the polls have him in a statistical dead heat with Kerry, but that’s nothing to brag about. History shows that when an incumbent’s popularity numbers dip below 50, undecided voters tend to go with the other guy. And in spite of the media spin on the 9/11 commission’s report (“it blames neither Clinton nor Bush, that is all you need to know”) chapter 8 (ominously titled “Blinking Red) shows how Condi Rice, John Ashcroft, and President Bush were far less concerned with making terrorism key a priority than they’d like us all to believe. It’s a tragedy of bungled jobs and bad judgment. It’s a hard-boiled, and harder learned object lesson for the incurious.

Some have suggested that the months-old Berger investigation was leaked, not by Republicans hoping to deflect attention from the 9/11 Report, but by Democrats. Tin-foil hat-wearing Repubs have even floated Hillary Clinton as a likely suspect (on CNN of all places) suggesting that “Bergergate” will somehow ruin John Kerry’s chances of election, opening the door for a last minute replacement. Enter Mrs. Clenis. That, of course, is pure manure, and it should be embarrassing to the right. But it could very well be that a well-intentioned Dem spilled the beans figuring that it’s better for the story to break now than in mid-October. That take has legs, but just barely. The timing–in concert with the 9/11 Report, and on the eve of the Democratic National Convention–is just too perfect. This leak’s got Karl Rove’s peculiar stink all over it.

But who leaked what to whom, when, and even why is entirely irrelevant. All the shrill anti-Bergerisms don’t add up to much. Not at the moment anyway. It’s the barking of a wounded, cornered coyote, watching the hunter’s scope come level. That poopy smell coming out of Washington isn’t the Potomac. And only the poor, shit-scrubbing slobs in the White House laundry corps know the whole truth.

Power Failure

Or: Give up; throw down your arms, hail Caesar!

A vote creates the illusion of power, an election the illusion of Democracy. Free elections are meaningless in a society where too much information is withheld and too many facts are manipulated to fit the preordained agenda of an occupying power. And when it comes to keeping secrets, denying the public record, dodging transparency at all costs and generally behaving like an occupying power, President George W. Bush never kicks it at the ranch.

Bush fought the creation of the 9/11 commission, and when he lost that battle he refused to testify before the whole commission, and when he lost that battle he refused to testify alone, or under oath, or if anyone was recording the historic event. If the American people ever discover what the president had to say about the greatest security failure in U.S. history, the defining moment of his presidency, and the cornerstone of his reelection campaign, it will be after the November elections have fallen irretrievably into the black hole of history.

Bush has stood shoulder to shoulder with Vice President Dick Cheney in refusing to dish on the Veep’s energy task force and its cozy relationship with the staggeringly corrupt Enron Cooperation. Sure, Enron, a major contributor to the Bush campaign, was feasting at the DOEs table. And sure Enron was rigging prices, facilitating at least one for-profit energy crisis, and robbing investors and employees blind. But, as our Vice President might well say, fuck that noise. Our peerless leaders, who are no strangers to no-bid cronyism, tell us everything is on the up and up. And we take their word. The only option, according to the windy right-leaning rhetoric of the day, is treason.

And let’s not forget about all the juicy, if largely irrelevant tabloid fodder: Bush’s cocaine use, the booze, the possible arrests, alleged stints in rehab, the string of failed businesses, his relationship with the bin Laden family, and the Saudi royals. And, of course, there’s the whole AWOL thing. Is it all coincidence that Bush’s public record is awash with black smudges and blatant revision? Is he that unlucky? Is he that corrupt?

And what about Valerie Plame, the outed spook? What about the false WMD claims? What about the torture memos? What about child sodomy in Iraqi prisons? What about Richard S. Foster, that poor guy in Treasury who had to keep mum about the real cost of President Bush’s fraudulently priced Medicare package or lose his job. Who else has been threatened, and regarding what? When will the president stop blowing smoke about tyrannizing things like democracy, and freedom, and God, and address head on the numerous scandals nipping at his infallible, red, white, and blue spurs? Because when you wrap yourself up in the flag while waging a war on accountability, and government transparency you don’t represent democracy. You mock it.

I’d never go so far as to say that President George W. Bush hates freedom as it applies to the Democratic process. But whether he’s aware of it or not, he certainly holds the principle in low esteem, far beneath his personal ambitions. He only wants you to know what he wants you to know, and when he wants you to know it. And that’s not how freedom works. It’s the standard set by despots, not Democracies. Of course the Bushistas get their panties in a wad whenever someone tries to brand them as a bunch of Brownshirts. Whether they choose to admit it or not this “for-us-or-with bin Laden” administration has been shopping around for a new pair of steel-toed jackboots since the beginning, and some of the footwear has come dangerously close to fitting.

News The Fly-By


Judge D’Army Bailey hoped to use online auction juggernaut eBay to sell the bathtub James Earl Ray stood in while gunning down civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. According to AP reporter Woody Baird, Bailey received an e-mail from eBay claiming that it was against company policy to list items that “graphically portray violence or victims of violence, and lacks substantial social, artistic, or political value.” [E]bay can list socially substantial, artistically relevant, and politically invaluable artifacts such as item #6310373859.

Plante: How It Looks

We Recommend We Recommend

saturday, 24

SOUTHERN VERNACULAR POETRY SLAM. A nationally certified and registered poetry slam Empire Coffee, 2 S. Main. $3 cover. 7:30 p.m.

News The Fly-By

Cycling City

With a lack of bike trails and even sidewalks in some areas, Memphis isn’t exactly the most cyclist- or pedestrian-friendly city. But representatives from the Memphis Planning Organization (MPO), along with a group of concerned cyclists and various other city representatives, are working to change that with the formation of a regional bike and pedestrian plan.

As part of the MPO’s Long-Range Transportation Plan, they’ll be working to install a network of bike lanes, multi-use trails, road-sharing routes, and new sidewalks for Shelby County and portions of DeSoto and Fayette counties. The plan, which MPO estimates will take about 20 years to implement, will be drafted by the end of the year, at a cost of $330,000 in federal funds.

“In the past, bicycling and pedestrian issues haven’t been at the top of our priority list,” said Katherine Turner, MPO’s senior planner. “So now the MPO is seeking to give residents more transportations options. Increasing bike and pedestrian facilities will also help with air pollution problems and promote good health.”

The MPO has set up a committee to assist with the planning. It includes representatives from the Memphis and Shelby County Health Department, the Wolf River Conservancy, MATA, the Revolutions Bicycle Co-op, and members of various neighborhood associations.

RPM Transportation Consultants, a planning group that has assisted both Chattanooga and Nashville with the implementation of bike and pedestrian plans, will prepare a peer city review to gather ideas for the Memphis plan. They’re also hosting a series of public meetings through the rest of the year.

The first meetings are scheduled for Tuesday, July 27th, at the First Congregational Church in Midtown and at the Bartlett Performing Arts Centre. More meetings will take place on Wednesday, July 28th, at MATA’s Central Station downtown and at Horn Lake city hall.

“In 10 years, this city is going to be a cycling mecca,” said Anthony Siracusa, a member of the planning committee from the Revolutions Bike Co-op. “There’s room here for things to grow and with this plan, a lot is going to change. Once the conditions and facilities improve, more people will be out riding in the streets, and it’ll be safer.”

Opinion Viewpoint

[City Beat] Just Say No

It wasn’t even that close.

The latest plea for a property-tax increase on behalf of city and county schools got exactly three supporters from the 13-member Shelby County Commission. A last-gasp effort on Monday by those three members — Cleo Kirk, Walter Bailey, and Michael Hooks — failed to persuade a single colleague to change their vote.

The mood among the majority of elected officials in the city and county can be summarized as “manage the money you have.” When there’s a big news story about public money being mismanaged, there have been consequences at budget time.

Memphis Light Gas & Water learned that last year when the City Council slashed its proposed rate increase because of concerns about MLGW leadership, storm response, a bond deal with TVA, and Memphis Networx.

The city and county schools were taken to task for soaring construction costs, suburban sprawl, and ducking the issue of closing schools with low enrollments.

The Memphis Police Department, the biggest city expense after schools, is overdue for hard questioning about the corruption and incompetence in the police property room, formerly run by thieves and drug sellers. On Tuesday, the City Council’s Public Safety Committee was supposed to get a briefing, but it was postponed two weeks.

The message to all of them was basically the same: Don’t ask us for more money when you apparently waste some of what you already have.

Shelby County Commissioner Joe Ford, a former candidate for city mayor and member of the Memphis City Council, put it bluntly after listening to the last round of pleas for a tax increase, which seemed to move him about as much as an appeal from a spoiled child for an increase in his allowance.

“I’m not going to feel bad voting against a tax increase,” he said in a matter-of-fact tone of voice. When the county spends $1.1 billion on city and county schools this year, it is silly, Ford suggested, to say politicians are anti-education.

Most of his colleagues agreed. Commissioner Bruce Thompson said schools are still being built and refurbished in the inner city despite population migration to outlying areas and a small decline in overall enrollment. And he noted that completion of a study of low-enrollment schools that might be closed has been put off until after the school board election later this year. Commissioner David Lillard said he won’t consider a tax increase until something is done about the county’s growing debt, which cost an additional $30 million this year.

There are signs that Memphis and Shelby County really are going to try to do business differently. For one thing, the old racial coalitions have broken down. There were blacks and whites on both sides of the tax-increase question.

City School superintendent Carol Johnson and Shelby County Schools superintendent Bobby Webb made their case jointly. They failed, but it was a recognition of their common cause.

At City Hall, Mayor Willie Herenton finally has his own man, former city finance director Joseph Lee, at MLGW. Now they have to deliver on their promise of greater efficiency. Herenton also unveiled his latest plan for school funding at Tuesday’s meeting of the City Council. So far, he is the most prominent proponent of closing underused schools.

His problem will be to convince people that he can improve MLGW and school funding in light of the scandalous mismanagement of the police property room on his watch. Again, the question is, how are you managing what you already have?

Setting budgets is a continuous process. There’s always next year. Here are four indicators to look for in the coming weeks and months that will show how serious politicians are about change.

· What, if any, schools are recommended for closing, and who will join Herenton in supporting the call? If 350-student Manassas High School is rebuilt, as planned, it will be hard to close any other schools.

· Has the gap closed between haves and have-nots? Wealthy suburbs such as Germantown can support their own libraries, sports facilities, and auditoriums. And high schools like Houston and White Station can raise extra funds from well-to-do parents. County school board member David Pickler, a Houston High parent, ought to have pointed out that inequity when he suggested greater reliance on sports and band boosters last week.

· Are superintendents Webb and Johnson willing to support joint operation of certain schools, as Shelby County Mayor A C Wharton has proposed?

· If times are really grave, will privatization of MLGW, Shelby Farms, or Mud Island be on the table? Will Councilman Janet Hooks find any support for a payroll tax? And is former commissioner Charles Perkins correct in his view that nothing short of a state bailout can save Shelby County from its debt problems? n

Art Art Feature

Go With the Flow

Creative Journey,” the current exhibition at Thames Art and Interiors, provides a rare opportunity to track an artist’s progress. Andrea Prince’s series of acrylic ink works on paper evolves from an ornate and graphic style into subtle and intriguing abstract images.

Prince warms up the show by bejeweling a butterfly’s wing in Spiraling Series. She continues to build energy with her signature ellipses in Expansion, Chrysalis, and the exuberant Emerging. She then charges the remaining 16 paintings with complex, contrapuntal tensions.

Through the Looking Glass loops and weaves together stones, bricks, flowers, electrical grids, microscopic life, sky, and layers of memory. This labyrinth of lenses, portals, and transparencies offers the viewer Prince’s fleeting impressions and a look deep into her wider vision.

Up, Down, Round and Round maps a unique geological history of the world: layers of sea beds, salt floes, and rich deposits of ore that are topped off by a ribbon of viscous purple. Here, perhaps, is the flow of lava. Or is it blood? The map’s midsection depicts the surface of the earth as irregular sloping plots of land that bring to mind small communities whose members settled at the bends of rivers, planted hillside gardens, and honored seasonal cycles. Some of the plots are new spring-green. Others are brown from tilled earth or a too-hot summer. Other plots turn rusty orange from the approaching winter. This color is repeated at the map’s top left. Here the earth is stripped down to its ores, and all other nuances of color and life disappear. Top right a series of rectangular grids complete the map as industry transforms the world into planned communities, malls, and parking lots.

Cancan demonstrates Prince’s ability to layer her compositions without muddying colors or chocking flow. In this work, the sky is filled with transparent half-circles edged with blue wings. It’s a dynamic, resonant work, bringing to mind flying or the flip of a dancer’s skirt.

Evocative shapes fill Spaces in Between as well. Tall, lean rectangles look like skyscrapers in a night sky. Other rectangles reach up and morph into circles on the face of a floating icon that could be an egg or a space pod. With energetic form, Prince puts us in a place somewhere between science fiction and the probable future.

Untitled (Tree) tells a story about exploration and discovery. Within a circular format, the deep furrows of a tree flow like rivulets through pale gray atmosphere. At the center of the composition, the tree disappears into an opaque and velvety void created by thick application of blue-black acrylic inks. Lush pink and red flowers at the top of the tree’s canopy become descending, looping, concentric ovals. Prince describes this synthesis of two universal archetypes — ying-yang and the tree of life — as “endless cycles and labyrinths reflecting life’s paths, choices, and search for understanding of self.”

Down Deep, one of the most successful paintings in the show, stands as a visual metaphor for the creative process. Prince’s palette becomes calmer and more Zen as she takes us deep into mind and matter. New moons float in a light taupe sky; lines in gray-brown earth suggest burrowing moles and earthworms. Down deeper you’ll find lotuses at various stages of unfolding. Deeper still are geometric circuitries — the hard wiring of mind and matter. At bottom, the form of a monk in robes bows his shaved head in deep meditation. Here is the place where nothing is coveted but awareness and where prolonged concentration leads to an intimate knowledge of how the mind works. In such a place as this, Prince’s creative ideas flow freely. n

Creative Journey” at Thames Art and Interiors through July 24th

News The Fly-By

The Blotter

We’re not going to touch this one: Police were called July 15th after three women stole about $800 worth of clothing from an Express store. From the report: “The suspects are known as the ‘skirt ladies,’ because they have been caught shoplifting before and have been banned from the mall. The complainant had no knowledge of the ban. The complainant observed a suspect with her hand down her skirt. Complainant asked the suspects if they needed any help.” The skirt ladies told her no and ran out of the store.

If there’s one place you should feel safe : A man told police his pocket had been picked July 14th while standing in line at 201 Poplar. He was waiting to go through security at the county’s criminal justice center when someone took his wallet from his back pocket.

Deep breath now, in and out: A man trying to sell a $10,000 sapphire ring through a newspaper ad agreed to meet an interested buyer at St. Francis Hospital. The potential buyer described himself as a doctor and wore blue scrubs and a mask. He asked the seller if he could take the ring and show it to his co-worker. The “doctor” and the ring never returned.

A for knowledge of current events; F for execution: Police responded to a blackmail/extortion complaint July 18th. Two females had called a man and said they were going to accuse him of inappropriate sexual conduct with his students at Wooddale High unless he paid them $20,000. The suspects, however, did not tell the victim how he was supposed to give them the money.

News The Fly-By

Be Our Guest

The University of Memphis Student Government Association is looking to liven up its list of speakers this fall with an appearance by filmmaker and political activist Michael Moore.

Justin Lawhead, assistant dean of Student Affairs, referred all questions to the university’s communications department, where administrators were involved Tuesday in meetings on the subject. At press-time, department employee Matt Timberlake confirmed that an invitation had been extended to Moore for a fall appearance. Timberlake said that the invitation was an SGA idea. Details will be forthcoming if Moore accepts.

Moore’s latest documentary, Fahrenheit 9/11, examines President Bush’s motives for waging war in Iraq, the relationship between the Bush family and Saudi royalty, and the administration’s handling of the events leading up to and following the September 11th attacks.