
Blue Suede Booze

A California-company that personalizes bottles for corporate clients and wine clubs, is making vino a little more rock-and-roll. The company’s Graceland Cellars line, licensed by EPE, includes a new addition, the Velvet Elvis, a cabernet sauvignon in a 1.5 Liter Magnum featuring a “velvet painting” of the King. And it comes in a black velvet-lined gift box. Other Graceland wines include the Blue Suede chardonnay, Jail House Red merlot, and All Shook Up sparkling wine.

So which one goes best with a peanut butter and banana sandwich?

News The Fly-By

The Cheat Sheet

1 Playhouse on the Square holds a fund-raiser “demolition party” and then tears down the decrepit old Robert E. Lee Antique Mall (originally built as a furniture store) at the corner of Union and Cooper to make way for its new 400-seat theater. We’ve heard of great performances “bringing down the house,” but this takes that to a whole new level.

2 Heavy rains cause the University of Memphis Administration Building to flood, causing $50,000 in damages. Workers repairing the roof had left openings for rainwater to drain off. Just the opposite happened, and the rainwater drained in. Maybe the roofers should have waited a few weeks. Haven’t they ever heard that ditty about April showers?

3 Dozens of students were let out of class early at Millington High School last week. Instead of getting a holiday, they were promptly arrested as part of a sting that helped police net more than 50 drug dealers — many of them current and former students. Remember, kids, stay in school. And if it’s not a holiday, be very suspicious when the principal says you can go home early.

4 Graceland says it has no plans to buy the Zippin Pippin or the Grand Carousel from Libertyland. Okay, then how about putting them both in Tom Lee Park? What a ride! What a view!

5 FedEx founder Fred Smith donates $10 million to the Memphis Zoo to help build Teton Trek, a showcase for wild animals of the Northwest. Now Memphians can see Grizzlies at the FedExForum or grizzlies at the zoo. We won’t say which ones we think will be tougher.

Letter From The Editor Opinion

Letter from the Editor: Blackburn’s Oily Politics

I get zillions of self-serving press releases from local officeholders, including dozens from 7th District representative Marsha Blackburn. Those missives I usually ignore, since her simplistic politics appear to be somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan. But last week, she topped herself. The headline on her press release read: “High Gas Prices the Penalty for Environmental Extremism.”

Yep, it seems those damn tree-huggers are the reason your gas is at $3 a gallon. Marsha explains: “Prices wouldn’t be so volatile had we been exploring for oil on American soil and expanding our refining capacity. … But there are those in Congress who’ve fought tooth and nail to prevent any and all domestic oil exploration for 30 years.”

This is a classic straw-man argument and a huge lie. First, Congress has been controlled by the oil-industry-loving Republicans since 1994. Second, I doubt that Blackburn could name a single congressman who has fought to “prevent any and all domestic oil exploration for 30 years.”

Yes, some environmentalists and many in Congress have fought to prevent drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, but as anyone who has bothered to research that issue knows, the oil in the ANWR would provide at most a year’s supply. Hardly the answer to our energy problems.

The fact is, if Congress had listened to environmentalists and imposed higher gas-mileage standards for automakers and other conservation measures, this crisis would have been forestalled for years, and the now-floundering American auto industry would have been the better for it. But under the direction of Vice President Cheney’s secret “energy task force,” the oil industry wrote our energy policies and ignored environmentalists’ calls for energy-conservation measures. Now, profits are at an all-time high for the oil industry. No doubt, that’s also the fault of those damn tree-huggers.

So why would Blackburn send out such a travesty of the truth? The answer came in another press release two hours later. It announced that Blackburn would appear on Fox News that night to “discuss energy policy.” Argh.

I’m issuing my own press release. Here’s the headline: “Blackburn Will Say Anything To Get on Fox News.”

Bruce VanWyngarden, Editor

News The Fly-By

Bringing Home the Green

The Memphis Flyer is the winner of two 2005 Green Eyeshade Awards.

Flyer staff writer Chris Herrington received a first-place award in the Criticism category for a series of film reviews, including A History of Violence and Million Dollar Baby.

Senior editor John Branston received a third-place award in the Investigative division for his four-part series on the bizarre trial of medical examiner O.C. Smith.

Conducted by the Society of Professional Journalists, the Green Eyeshade Awards — the name derived from the visors once worn by newspaper editors — have honored the best in professional journalism in 11 Southeastern states for 56 years. This year, more than 450 entries were submitted.

The first-place winners in each major division — print daily, print weekly and monthly, television, and radio — are currently being judged to determine the Green Eyeshade “Best of Show” awards, which will be announced in May.

A complete list of winners is available on the SPJ Web site,


Burke’s Book Store Closing?

Burke’s Book Store, a Memphis institution since 1875, may be forced to close unless it can resolve its increasingly bleak financial situation.

Owners Corey and Cheryl Mesler mailed a letter to the store’s customers this week, saying “we are not generating enough revenue to pay our bills.” They cite a number of reasons: “Sales are down. Superstores are soaking up every available book dollar from independents. And people are shopping online instead of browsing.”

The Meslers say they are searching for a way to save the store, located at 1719 Poplar. Among other things, they are encouraging people to do more shopping there. In the long run, however, “it must be said right now that we need cash in the form of donations.” This may seem like a desperate move, but they point out that other communities have saved bookstores this way.

“And Burke’s, we are sorry to say, has come to that,” concludes their letter. “This is our plea for help. We are hoping for a positive response.”

For more information, visit the Burke’s Book Store Web site here.

Sports Sports Feature

What Should the Grizzlies Do Tonight?

The Grizzlies lost Game 1 in their playoff series against the Dallas Mavericks Sunday night, 103-93. Despite getting out-rebounded 24-6 (no, that isn’t a misprint) in a first-half in which star forward Pau Gasol scored only three points, the Grizzlies were able to get within one point of the favored Mavs in the third quarter before Dallas pulled away. Gasol rebounded with a fine second half (21 points and 6 rebounds), which the Grizzlies will need more of to pull the upset in Game 2, set for tonight in Dallas.

What adjustments should the Grizzlies make? We break it down at Beyond the Arc, the Flyer’s Grizzlies blog here.

Letters To The Editor Opinion

Letters to the Editor


John Branston’s cover story (“Homegrown Terrorist,” April 20th issue) makes it clear that we have as much to fear from people who look like “us” as we do from those dark-skinned “evil-doers” from the Middle East we’re always hearing about. The lesson: Vigilance should be color-blind and unrelenting.

Rob Hunter


Dance, Dance, Dance

It was fantastic to see the Flyer take an interest in the collaboration between New Ballet Ensemble and True Head Camp (“Breaking Barriers,” April 20th issue). NBE is energized by the talent and spirit in the True Head Camp, as we utilize our space and resources to impact lives and the art of dance in the Memphis community.

NBE studios are available to these self-taught Memphis dancers to use whether or not they choose to perform with us. Their participation in the Battle Scene in Nut Re-Mix inspired us both to continue the collaboration. In Next: Springloaded at the Buckman Theater in June, we will present a take on Stravinsky’s Petrouchka.

We want to inspire young people to bring exciting change to the culture of our community. These young people need a venue in which to practice their remarkable form of expression, further their training, and receive recognition for their skills. But contrary to the note at the end of Ben Popper’s article, Tuesday evening at NBE is not open to the public. Please call or e-mail first.

You can find contact information at or by calling 926-9225.

Katie Smythe Thinnes

Artistic Director and President

New Ballet Ensemble


The more things change, the more things stay the same. The newest sleight of hand by the Bush administration is being perpetrated to appease the critics and skeptics clamoring for changes within the White House inner circle.

Scott McClellan was asked to take a bullet for the team, and Karl Rove was transferred to a new assignment within but not outside the White House. This is not a shake-up but a shakedown, and the American people are the victims again. These changes have no bearing on the policy decisions of the White House. They are cosmetic and meant to deflect attention away from the troubles of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

But the architect, Rumsfeld, is still there. Bush’s brain, Rove, is still there. And the leaker in chief’s co-conspirator, Dick Cheney, is still there. So what has changed? If Bush were serious about change, he would show them the door. But then he would have to fire himself.

I feel for the six generals who have asked for Rumsfeld’s resignation. The Bush team treats these guys like gnats on an elephant’s ass: They swat them off and keep on trampling dissent. The generals are barking at the moon if they expect this administration to do the right thing. God himself couldn’t come down and tell these guys what to do. They think they are gods.

Joe M. SpitzerMemphis

The president is playing musical chairs with the same people who have been in his administration for years. He is trying to convince us this is new blood with new ideas. Bush’s latest bait-and-switch move was to appoint Rob Portman budget director. He said Portman had done a great job as United States trade representative. Right. We now have the largest trade deficit the world has ever seen. The Chinese have been very happy with our trade policies. They are building a huge military with our trade dollars and stolen technology. They have, with Bush’s help, taken millions of American jobs and own more than a third of our national debt. We will be the ones with our hats in our hands at the trade talks. When other nations hold our debt, the national mortgage, they hold all the bargaining power. 

The uncontrolled spending and failed policies of Bush and his appointees have created an America that is the world’s largest debtor nation.

Jack Bishop



Re: Mike Potter’s letter (April 20th issue) about replacing meat in our diet and the good it would do for the environment: If God didn’t want us to eat cows, why did he make ’em out of meat?

Jeff Golightly


Sports Sports Feature

What To Do For Game 2, Part II

David Moore of the Dallas Morning News has a prescription for improvement for the Grizzlies as they prepare for Game 2 tonight in Big D.


New Life for a Landmark

A group of Memphis developers recently played a key role in saving a historic diner in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

Four years ago, the Valenti Management Group purchased the property to build a Wendy’s and donated the 1954 diner to the American Diner Museum. They allowed the neglected eatery to remain on the site during construction of the fast-food restaurant. Just long enough for diner buff Ronald “Fezz” Linden to learn about the former Community Diner, purchase it, move it to a new location, and restore it. Oh, and to rename it “Fezz’s Diner.

It’s a complicated story with a happy ending. Read more about it here:


Get Out…

…and take the kids with you. At 7 p.m. tonight, the Sierra Club’s offering a backpacking clinic to teach you how to pack and head for the mountains. And they’ll be doling out advice on bringing the little ones along.
No word on whether that means stuffing them into your pack when they ask “are we there yet?” for the 20th time.
The clinic will be held at the Poplar-White Station Branch library at 5094 Poplar. For more info, call 826-2448.