Last month, Bert Gamboa, owner of the Edge District club The Complex, was arrested for his alleged role in a cocaine trafficking ring. (Gamboa was secretly videotaped taking a large payoff at the club.) Police say the Gamboa drug organization, as its been called, has been under investigation for five years. The ring, which included two of Gamboas cousins, supposedly brought millions of dollars worth of cocaine into Memphis. Yesterday, Gamboas parents released a statement asking people not to judge until their son has been judged in a court of law.
On behalf of The Complex and the Gamboa family, we would like to set the record straight. We love our son tremendously and unconditionally.
“First, let us say that we as taxpaying citizens would like to compliment the law agencies for doing their job protecting our city and its people. As a business owner we dont condone any criminal activity in and around our place of business as well as our business community of the great developing edge district, we would also like to serve notice to anyone thinking of doing something in our community of a criminal nature, we will not tolerate it! So criminals beware.
“Next, we would like to say that in light of the situation with our son; please do not judge him until he has due process of the law in this great land called America, and in the great historical city called Memphis.
“Also, we want to say thank you to all those who have shown support for our son and The Complex. For that we are truly blessed. Our agenda remains the same, and thats to help the development of this community with our vision along with our friends, and business associates to create a great atmosphere for anyone who would like to express themselves through art, entertainment, and food.
“Also to create a place for creative thinking and winding down from the day-to-day struggles of trying to make ends meet.
“We, the Gamboa family in turn would like to say that this is a great burden on our hearts and we need your prayers to help us through these trying times for us and our loved ones.
“So in closing, we are proud to say that we love Memphis and believe this city has the makings of greatness. We will continue to put our efforts toward growth and diversity to see Memphis take its rightful place at the top of the list with other great cities in the country.
“The Complex would like to say thanks to all of you that have not judged us in the court of public opinion without knowing the facts to this we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Our doors are opened to anyone and will remain open.
“With the help of God we truly believe he will guide us and protect us and give us strength to carry on. Thank you again for this opportunity and we need your prayers and welcome any help.
“On behalf of the Gamboa family, God Bless You All.