Politics Politics Feature

POLITICS: Tightening Up

The difference between GOP senatorial nominee Bob Corker
and his Republican primary opponents, Ed Bryant and Van Hilleary,
was in the quality and frequency of his advertising vis-à-vis theirs. For a
solid month Corker, a self-made multi-millionaire with healthy backing from his
party’s establishment, was able to introduce himself to the state’s TV viewers
as an accomplished mayor, an adroit businessman, and a friendly, somewhat
countrified fellow with an extra-nice mom.

Poor Bryant and Hilleary, both running unimaginative and
negative campaigns, might not have been able to compete even with equivalent
financing, but the fact is, they didn’t have enough campaign money to counter
the television onslaught, and they fell steadily behind. Ironically, their last
chance came in the last two weeks of the campaign when, for reasons yet to be
explained, Corker (who was well ahead in the polls at the time) took to
attacking his opponents with advertising that was not only negative but
demonstrably misleading.

Bryant and Hilleary counter-attacked, pointing out that
neutral observers expressly belied the content of Corker’s attacks and
considered them unfair. They lost anyhow, but with another month and another
million apiece, the two hapless ex-congressmen have been able to make up some

The experience is relevant to what has happened to Corker
in his current campaign against Democrat Harold Ford Jr. 


For several weeks as the general-election effort against
Ford got under way the former Chattanooga mayor ran TV commercials virtually
non-stop — but not the sort he had used to establish himself as a likeable,
trustworthy figure in the primary. Rather, he filled the airwaves with negative
attack ads, like his last ones against Bryant and Hillary.

It was almost as though he had established a groove — a
rut, rather — and couldn’t get out of it. Worse, Corker himself didn’t figure in
any of them except as a late-appearing figure whose voice-over, in accordance
with Federal Election Commission regulations, “approved” the ads. Worse yet, the
ads were as misleading as those against Bryant and Hilleary had been. Worst of
all, his new opponent, Ford, had the money to compete with him on the airwaves.

Ford was in the attack mode, too, and his own ads were no
model of fairness or accuracy, either. But he was in them, an undeniably
telegenic and persuasive presence, and that set him apart from his opponent.
Corker’s early lead evaporated, and Ford caught up and began to race ahead.

But wait!  In the last week or two, there was Corker with
his doting cutie-pie mom again, and here comes another commercial featuring the
Bobster himself, talking regular-folks common-sense talk about those blowhards
in government and how a straight-arrow businessman like himself could straighten
out all the stuff they’ve got wrong.

This reversion to best-foot-forward politics is the
apparent result of a shakeup in the Corker campaign.  Tom Ingram, a
veteran operative who has been serving as Senator Lamar Alexander‘s chief
of staff, is the new campaign manager, taking over from Ben Mitchell, and
the new ad strategy is first fruit of that change.

Perhaps coincidentally, perhaps not, the bleeding in the
Corker campaign seems to have been stanched, and now he and Ford are now trading
leads in this or that poll.

*Undeniably, Ford has momentum — the result of his
star quality and campaigning skills as well as what could turn out to be a
national buyers’-remorse reaction to the Bush administration.

But, though the fact seems to have escaped most observers
in the national media, Ford has critics within his own party — most of them on
the left, to be sure, and not nearly as numerous as his detractors imagine but,
arguably, influential beyond their numbers and, inarguably, out of love with
their party’s nominal standard-bearer.

The reason? What they see as Ford’s apostasy from
Democratic Party precepts. This includes his votes with the Republicans on such
thematic/social issues as the flagburning and marriage amendments and Congress’
mandated medical review in the Terri Schiavo case, economic issues like the
bankruptcy bill and extension of the Bush tax cuts, and a plethora of
national-policy concerns, such as Ford’s continuing support of the Iraq war
effort and his go-along votes on national-security issues.

Two of the latter occurred within the last week, as the
Memphis congressman cast yea votes on two administration-backed bills — one
extending broad authority to the president to define torture as it applies to
captured enemy aliens, the other granting the chief executive the power, in
effect, to decree warrantless surveillance. On the former bill, Ford was one of
34 House Democrats to vote as he did, on the latter one of 18.

Especially given apparent popular disenchantment with the
Iraq and with President Bush’s conduct of both it and the War on Terror
generally, Ford’s actions reignited the always-simmering discontent among his
hard-core Democratic critics, who consider Republican attack ads on Ford as too
“liberal” to be somewhere between an unintentional irony and a bad joke.

Not to talk too far out of school, but several indisputably
Republican and/or conservative sources   acknowledge the possibility that Ford’s
increasingly conservative rhetoric may be more than election-year posturing.

One GOP loyalist and
erstwhile Bryant supporter is resolutely behind Corker, but he recently
conceded, somewhat reluctantly; “Harold Ford Jr. may be as conservative as it is
possible for an African-American Democrat to be.”

Tellingly, Ford’s campaign paraphernalia does not feature
the word “Democrat,” and, in a campaign that has focused unusual attention on
the longtime Republican preserve of East Tennessee, seems almost to have
proscribed use of the word on the stump. Even in home-town Memphis, he told a
headquarters crowd back in April, “I’m not a Democrat running up to Washington
yelling ‘Democrat, Democrat, Democrat.'”

*Another issue – mainly of concern to local
Democrats but important enough to have attracted attention on the editorial page
of the Nashville Tennessean – concerns the current 9th
District congressional trifecta, in which Democratic nominee Steve Cohen
is opposed both by Republican nominee Mark White and by “independent”
Jake Ford
, the congressman’s brother, who says that, if elected, he would
caucus with House Democrats.

But in a recent radio
interview Jake Ford echoed his brother’s political ecumenism somewhat. Noting
that he was “running without a party affiliation,” the younger Ford
characterized his race as being “about people politics, not party politics,” and
said, “All too often people want you to get wound up in the issues Democrats
want you to hear about or Republicans want you to hear about. I just want to
represent the people.”

Rep. Ford himself continues to maintain a neutral posture
vis-à-vis Cohen and brother Jake. The congressman’s hesitancy has permitted the
flourishing of persistent rumors that the Ford brothers are operating their
campaigns in concert. Other than the common support of both by proud papa
Harold Ford Sr.,
there would seem to be little evidence for such an

An equally persistent rumor – also unconfirmed and
unlikely- has it that Jake Ford’s continued pursuit of the congressional seat
might be, from the Ford clan’s point of view, conditional and subject to

In any case, Ford’s Democratic critics cite Rep. Ford’s
ambiguous attitude toward the three-way congressional race as yet another
impediment to their acceptance of his own candidacy. A refrain has begun to
recur in the posting of a hard corps of anti-Ford bloggers – most of them in
Ford’s back yard of Memphis and Shelby County but some also posting out of
Nashville and elsewhere.

Why, Democratic skeptics in the blogosphere say, should we
put aside our doubts and support Harold Ford Jr. as the party nominee when he
wont’ do the same for Steve Cohen?

Meanwhile, Ford defenders among longtime Democratic
partisans are increasingly advancing another question: What’s the big deal on
Ford’s credentials? they ask. Worst-case scenario: that a Senator Harold Ford
Jr. would be an old-fashioned Southern Democratic conservative of the sort
people in these parts once took for granted. So?

*The brouhaha over disgraced former Republican
congressman Mark Foley of Florida has prompted 7th District
Democratic congressional candidate Bill Morrison to hazard the
what-did-she-know-and-when-did-she-know-it formula against heavily favored GOP
incumbent Marsha Blackburn. Morrison’s thesis: that assistant majority
whip Blackburn, like House Speaker Dennis Hastert and other members of
the Republican congressional leadership, may have had some advance inkling of
Foley’s proclivities.

That’s probably a stretch, but the fact that Morrison chose
to ask it is some indication of the impact the Foley affair might be having on
Republican fortunes.

Another indication of problems on the GOP ranch is the fact
that 9th district congressional candidate White felt free last week,
during President Bush’s fund-raising stopover here for Corker, to challenge the
president for not responding to White’s suggestion of a joint tour of Memphis’
inner city. “Why
he will not follow me there is beyond me,” said Republican White, who hopes to
take advantage of the Cohen-Ford split but needs to pry loose from traditionally
Democratic African-American votes.


Pretty in Pink

Film director Craig Brewer is using his celeb status to promote breast cancer awareness. He’s partnered with the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation to kick off its “Passionately Pink for the Cure” Campaign by directing a public service announcement.

The 30-second commercial will feature Shelby County mayor AC Wharton, Grizzly Mike Miller, Beauty Shop chef Brett “Shaggy” Duffee, musician Muck Sticky, and local breast cancer survivors. It will debut on Tuesday, October 3rd, during a broadcast of WREG’s “Live at 9″ from Peabody Place. Audience members are encouraged to wear pink. For more, go here.


“Vacate Now”

Many of the paintings in “Vacate Now!” Bobby Spillman’s exhibition at L Ross Gallery, roil with energy. Fires flash, lightning bolts, and toy airplanes blast across the surface of his canvases.

“Against the Wind,” one of the show’s strongest works, is a rush of emotion and energy. The day after several tornadoes roared across the Mid-South and his father had a heart attack, Spillman loaded a brush with white, yellow, and pink oils. In one spontaneous, continuous gesture he swirled the paint diagonally across 72-by-66 inches of canvas and created a multi-hued whirlwind.

Read Flyer critic Carol Knowles’ take on this and other current exhibits here.

Sports Sports Feature

FROM MY SEAT: A Statement, but of What?

Other than the one-mile-per-hour traffic leading west to
the Liberty Bowl, the last day of September had the makings of a near-perfect
football Saturday in Memphis. (And if you wonder, football fans, why the NFL
passed up Memphis 14 years ago, it has much to do with that kind of traffic
lag.) With the 15th-ranked Tennessee Volunteers in town — loved by thousands at
the Liberty Bowl in orange, loathed by thousands more in blue — the University
of Memphis had a national stage (thanks to the ESPN cameras) for what has come
to be called a “statement game.” Still looking for its first 2006 victory over a
Division I-A foe, coach Tommy West’s Tiger squad had two weeks to prepare for
the cross-state SEC behemoth that continues to be the dismissive big brother to
the ever-aspiring local program. It was a game to narrow a gap, to open a few
more eyes.

Then the Vols’ James Wilhoit kicked off.

Forty-one points, 324 Erik Ainge passing yards, and but
a single UT punt later, Memphis had suffered the second worst drubbing in the
21-game history of this one-way series. Only a touchdown pass from Martin
Hankins to Duke Calhoun with less than four minutes to play prevented the first
shutout in the six-year West era. And the game was every bit as ugly as the
final score.

“This was on me,” said a composed West after the game.
“I did a very poor job of preparing our football team for this kind of game. The
fact is, they were the more physical team, and we didn’t help ourselves by a lot
of missed assignments. I still think this can be a good football team, so I have
to find a way to make it a good team, and bring them along.”

It’s never a good sign when the home team’s punter is
the star of the game. The Tigers’ Michael Gibson booted his way closer to the
Ray Guy Award by averaging more than 50 yards on his seven kicks, including two
of 70 yards and three that pinned Tennessee inside its own five-yard-line. But
the boost in field position wasn’t nearly enough to slow the Vols’ offensive

Quite honestly, a football staff couldn’t have picked a
worse game to open the lid on a new defensive scheme. Having taken over the
recently fired Joe Lee Dunn’s chores, West’s aggressive defense merely looked
confused as one Vol receiver after another found gaps in coverage, all the while
losing the struggle along the line as well. After the game, West admitted the
defensive transition is an extra hurdle his team has to leap.

“In the first quarter, I tried to help them too much,”
said West. “I was dealing pretty good, bringing linebackers. But they hit some
creases with their running game. Then when we went to more of a base defense in
the second quarter, I thought we got a little better. But then we had busted
coverages on the first two series of the second half. That’s my job to make sure
they can check. It was a 13-0 game, and we were a touchdown away from being
right in the game.”

Memphis fans would like to think the nullified touchdown
scored by linebacker Quinton McCrary on a first-quarter interception return
would have made a difference. (The touchdown, which would have given the U of M
a 7-3 lead, was wiped out when defensive end Corey Mills was called offsides.)
The play would have given the blue side of the stadium something to cheer —
other than a Gibson punt — but it would merely have interrupted the romp.

Things don’t get easier for West’s bunch. If you think
Memphis has had trouble with Tennessee (five straight losses now), remember the
program’s six-game skid against this weekend’s opponent, the Blazers of UAB. And
as a conference foe, UAB is actually a more critical rival than UT for the
Tigers to confront. Unless his defense takes considerable strides in a week’s
time, and Hankins supplants Gibson as the most talked-about Tiger with a ball in
his hands, West is staring at a 1-4 record before an October 14th “showdown”
with Arkansas State at the Liberty Bowl.

“At least we have a game on tape now,” noted West, “to
show them how it works, and what needs to be done. You have to trust the
defense, and run the defense. It can get worse before it gets better, but I
stand by the decision [to dismiss Dunn].

“We’re trying to find a way to win a football game. We
have to find a way to get a win, and I think we’ll do that. This was ugly, and
it kills me. But we have to go to work now and get ready for the next one. We’re
not where we’d like to be, but I think we’ll probably get some leaders out of
this. When it’s going good, it’s easy.”


Future of the South

October 6th is the deadline to register for “The Future of the South” conference, presented by the University of Mississippi Center for the Study of Southern Culture.

The conference, being held November 1-3 at the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Center in Little Rock, will focus in part on the role cultural centers and museums in defining communities within the lower Mississippi Delta.

For more information, go here.



Memphis is not exactly the place where you can step out on the street and hail a cab, so it’s a tad surprising that Yellow Cab is celebrating 150 years of business in Memphis on Thursday.

According to a press release: “Yellow Cab got its start in Memphis in 1856, when Patterson Transfer & Storage Company started business here, transporting passengers by stagecoach. In 1926, the company purchased the Yellow Cab Company, which consisted of a fleet of 50 cabs, 26 Drive UR-Self cars and four trucks. The company later split into two different companies, Patterson Storage and Yellow Cab, both of which are still going strong today.”

Sports Sports Feature

Carney in Barcelona

No, not a carnival — Rodney Carney! For a few days, at least, Pau Gasol isn’t the only basketball player with ties to both Barcelona and Memphis. Rodney Carney — last winter an All-America at the University of Memphis, now a rookie with the Philadelphia 76ers — is in Spain for the start of his first NBA training camp. And he’s posting a blog on life as an NBA novice. Check it out here.

Best of Memphis Special Sections

Staff Picks

Best Under-Recognized Hit Single: Three 6 Mafia’s “Stay Fly.” In the wake of their surreal performance and chaotic victory at this year’s Academy Awards, Memphis hip-hop stars Three 6 Mafia have become thought of primarily for their Oscar-winning Hustle & Flow anthem (and headline writer’s best friend) “It’s Hard Out Here for a Pimp” and as emerging media stars from guest spots on Entourage and Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip to their own upcoming MTV reality series. But lost in all the hype is the group’s artistic growth, best typified by the insistent, musically eloquent, epic “Stay Fly,” the most commercially and critically successful single from a Memphis-based artist since Al Green’s prime. These guys court their cartoonish image, but they’re increasingly accomplished music makers too.

Best Reason to Support Local Music: Quality and Diversity. With another round of hand-wringing over the perceived underperformance of the Memphis & Shelby County Music Commission/Foundation upon us, it’s helpful to recognize that — despite failing to live up to the unrealistic expectations of the past — the local music scene is in pretty good shape, with plenty of great music being made by artists all across the commercial and genre spectrum. So support local music because there’s plenty of good music to support, not out of respect for the legacy or mere civic obligation.

Best Reason to Not Support Local Music: Having a Life. Though touring local musicians claim Memphis isn’t unusually extreme in this regard, late start times — especially for weeknight shows and especially at the smaller clubs most likely to host the best local or touring bands — alienate regular music fans with kids and/or day jobs, making many shows prohibitive for people whose social lives don’t revolve around late-night bars.

Best Bold Move: Trading Shane Battier. With attendance down a 1,000 people per game and fan complaint at an all-time high, Jerry West made his boldest move since hiring Hubie Brown four seasons ago. In trading the team’s most popular player for 19-year-old rookie Rudy Gay, West took the right kind of gamble: Sacrificing the safety of a dependable role player for the high-risk/high-reward hope of a kid with true star potential.

Best Grizzlies Gripe to Roll Your Eyes At: The Infamous $4 Bottle of Water. A dull, slow-down style of play. A league-record playoff drought. Concession quality. These are all reasonable complaints made about the Memphis Grizzlies in the past year. But concession prices? Have Grizzlies fans been to the movies lately? Concessions prices are exorbitant everywhere — the Grizzlies are not at all unusual in this regard.

Best Local Sports-Talk Radio Segment: “The Haters” on The Chris Vernon Show. Making a mockery of the usual bluster and gimmickry of most sports-talk radio, ESPN Radio 730-AM’s Chris Vernon and regular guest Gary Parrish (formerly of The Commercial Appeal, currently of spend every Wednesday afternoon (between 4 and 5 p.m.) comically attacking those who are “better looking and more successful” or just luckier than they are, often with hilarious, envelope-pushing results. A recent fave: Parrish “hating” on Pennsylvania citizens successfully evacuated by FEMA during flooding this summer: “I want to see some white people on the roof.”

Best One-Time (?) Concert Event: The Ponderosa Stomp. New Orleans’ venerable roots-music festival relocated to the Gibson Music Showcase this year in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, bringing a host of great soul, blues, and country acts to play before an adoring crowd of locals and music fans from around the country who’d made a special trip. Highlight of highlights: Fifties’ New Orleans soul star Clarence “Frogman” Henry, who spent most of his set sitting down and held the entire room in the palm of his hand.

Best Reason to Put Harold Ford Jr. in the Senate: Subpoena Power.


Body I.D.ed as Memphis rapper

A body found in an overgrown ditch in Olive Branch last week has been identified as Marcus Turner. According to, this could be the same Marcus Turner, known as “SS Boy” of Grenade Posse. While the autopsy results have not yet been released, speculation abounds on whether SS Boy was the victim of a homicide. For more details, click here.

Sports Sports Feature

Meet the New Boss?

In a surprise, the Memphis Grizzlies media day opened not with a statement by Jerry West, but with a joint press conference between current majority owner Michael Heisley and former Duke University basketball player Brian Davis, who leads an investment group that has agreed in principle to purchase Heisley’s 70-percent share of the team. If Davis’ group — which includes former Duke teammate and NBA player Christian Laettner along with other unnamed investors — does buy a majority share of the team, the deal is unlikely to be consummated until early 2007. The current local minority owners have 60 days to exercise their right of first refusal over Heisley’s majority share. Then the purchase would have to be vetted and approved by the NBA league offices. But appearing side-by-side today, Heisley and Davis both seemed confident the sale would go through, which would make Davis only the second African-American majority owner in the NBA. Davis also pushed the ball forward on a number of other angles to what will be a huge ongoing story: Will the team move? What’s Jerry West’s future? How can the new group avoid the losses that Heisley reportedly suffered? Will Christian Laettner play for the Grizzlies?