News The Fly-By

Fly on the Wall

To Wong Kar …

Thanks for everything, Norah Jones.

While discussing Jones, the sultry chanteuse and star of Wong Kar-wai’s Memphis-shot film My Blueberry Nights, the acclaimed director told The New York Times, “In Memphis … there’s something very classic about her presence. In New York, it’s very contemporary.”

Although we can’t be entirely sure, we think Wong is saying that the sublime Ms. Jones is “hot” but not, you know, “New York hot.” We also understand that Jones is a “good sport,” “one of the guys,” and has a “terrific personality!”

Well, by Memphis standards, anyway.

Pecking Orders

“[E]xpertise and commentary is free and resides just a phone call or an e-mail away,” Commercial Appeal editor Chris Peck wrote last week in an apologetic editorial explaining why he thought two recent CA articles had missed the mark. “Using experts efficiently adds substance and bulk to a news story,” Peck concluded, getting things about half right.

It should go without saying that when journalists consult experts and academics about specific problems facing Memphis, they often receive overly generalized commentary that is out of context. Likewise, media analysts have long pointed out that various think tanks and other expert-heavy groups tend to have a specific agenda to push. That’s why it’s somewhat surprising that the editor of Memphis’ daily paper would make a statement in print that might seem more appropriate to an editorial meeting.

Peck closed with a bit of fatherly advice to “all journalists who use outside experts”: “Consultants are like the bottom half of a double boiler,” he wrote. “They get all heated up but don’t always know what’s cooking.”

When asked to comment on this statement, The Fly Team’s resident editorial expert said, “That sounds like the pot calling the double boiler black.”


Rickey Peete, Edmund Ford, and Joe Cooper Charged

City Council members Rickey Peete and Edmund Ford were
charged with bribery in a federal criminal complaint Thursday.

In a separate complaint, former Shelby County Commission
candidate Joe Cooper was charged with helping drug dealers acquire cars.

A complaint is not an indictment but is an alternative way
for the government to proceed in a criminal case. An indictment could come later
following presentation of the complaint to a grand jury.

The complaint filed by an FBI agent came as a surprise and
was handled with secrecy to prevent Peete and Ford from learning about it. Peete
was at a party on Beale Street Wednesday night in preparation for Thursday’s
charity boxing match between Mayor Willie Herenton and Joe Frazier.

Peete and Ford allegedly sold their influence to help a
developer win approval for a planned development and a billboard near Interstate
240. A confidential informant who is facing indictment cooperated with the FBI
and taped both Ford and Peete. Peete allegedly got $12,000 while Ford got

The payments occurred in September and October. Ford
allegedly got his payment at his funeral home while Peete got his at his office
on Beale Street, where he is head of the Beale Street Merchants Association. The
affidavit says both councilmen were wary of being busted. The informant put
Peete’s “papers” in the bathroom of his office after Peete allegedly wrote a
note inquiring about possible cooperation with the FBI.

The planned development, which was not identified, passed
the council 9-2 in October over the objections of the Land Use Control Board and
Office of Planning and Development.

Living Spaces Real Estate

Like Money in the Bank

The old adage goes that a good investment is one that is safe as houses. Buying a home can be as wise and secure an investment as any. But some headlines across America have recently told a different story, one of housing-industry downturn, market oversaturation, and depreciation in property values. One look at the skyline in Memphis will tell you this is a city of growth. Condominium developments are going up all over downtown. But do national economic indicators of an industry slowdown include Memphis? Is an investment in a home downtown still a wise move? Is it still as safe as putting money in the bank?

Justin Fox Burks

Tom Davis is the president of Henry Turley Realtors. His company currently sells condominiums downtown at the Lofts at South Bluffs, the Shrine Building, Riverside 648, CityHouse, Turning Pointe, and Carolina Lofts. Among other things, Davis is a numbers man. He runs down sales statistics at his properties, talking occupancy percentages, sale prices, and sale prices per square foot. He sifts through recent data and narrates the story of the downtown Memphis residential market that he finds there.

For example, Davis cites a current upswing in high-end units that have been either sold or are under contract. “It’s showing that there is depth in the half-million-dollar price range in the condominium market in the South End,” Davis says, “which is positive for the condominium market. The traffic has been good; interest has been excellent.

“The market fluctuated a little bit toward the end of summer and the first of September, but it’s started to pick up, which has been really promising for us. … The market is ever-changing. The market is what it is and also what people perceive it to be. We work with all that. … We’ve had an upturn here in contracts and activity in October and November.”

Sales successes are diverse in terms of sale prices — and people are still snatching them up all across town. Not every development is at the same stage of readiness for residency; many condos are in earlier stages of progress. At the Riverside 648 condominium development, though, units are available for the taking. The immediate attainability is attractive to many buyers, Davis says: “We’re seeing people responding to that availability. We’ve had people close out in those units as quickly as 10 days. That’s an interesting part: People are ready to come in, they’re ready to respond, they’re looking for a piece of property that’s ready, ready to go, and ready to close.”

in the market there is still a marked increase in property values in downtown Memphis.

Davis parses statistics as if they were tea leaves, predicting the future of downtown Memphis. Some questions have been raised in recent months in regard to the health of the downtown Memphis condominium market. But, as Davis sees it, the future is bright: “There is good news out there,” he says. “We have a fairly healthy, fairly steady market.”

One of the primary charges against the market has to do with supply and demand. With so many developments going up across downtown, fears have been voiced that the market can’t bear the glut of residential property. Patti Sachenbacher is a relationship manager, or loan officer, with First Tennessee Home Loans. Sachenbacher has heard these concerns about market oversaturation. But these fears are unfounded, she says: “The market does not show signs of slowing down in the foreseeable future.”

It’s a sentiment echoed by Davis. He says the high-supply versus low-demand claim about the market is “more of a perception than a reality.” The reality, Davis says, is that many of the developments in the public mind haven’t gotten past the proposal stage yet, and those that have still have a ways to go before they will be completed.

The basis of negative views of downtown Memphis development seems to echo evidence of an industry slowdown nationwide. But the experts all seem to agree: Memphis is somewhat protected against national “bubble” trends, especially seen in markets in Florida, California, Nevada, and parts of the Northeast.

Sam Goff, director of marketing and a residential mortgage loan officer at Memphis-based Evolve Mortgage and host of WREC-AM 600’s House Calls: All Things About Mortgages, says, “Over some of the other cities, Memphis has this advantage: Our market real estate has been undervalued as compared to the rest of the nation and still is. Where you hear a lot of talk that on the coast the bubble may not have burst but it’s losing air, Memphis is not at that point. We are still so undervalued compared to other major cities that we have a long way to go.

“As a rule with Memphis, I think we’re years away from getting at that bubble,” Goff continues. “Memphis has always been a little bit insulated from the rest of the country economically because it’s a distribution center [with] medical facilities here. Those two major areas of employment go on even in downturns for the economy. We aren’t as susceptible to economic downturns as other parts of the country.”

Davis sees it similarly, saying the data used to ascertain national trends are “percentages and numbers that are where markets have been accelerated so much that they also deflated. Memphis has not ever been that type of market.”

Sam Goff

On the flip side of the good news — that the Memphis market doesn’t flounder — is news that every home investor should know: Expect gradual increases in property values rather than booming jags of appreciation. “[Overall] Memphis has plugged along for years at a 3-5 percent increase in property values for years,” Goff says. Recent condo development has done better than that historical percentage increase, though, because of higher demand in the market.

Reports of the Memphis market’s demise have been greatly exaggerated. In fact, Davis says, the opposite is true: “What’s out there right now is what’s left over of the projects that have been ongoing for two years,” Davis says. “The product that is out there is diminishing every day because it’s being sold.

“There will probably be fewer units [available] because the developments look to be down for next year compared to what they were. What will be on the market will definitely have a better chance of being sold.”

One trend Goff sees in downtown residential units is that they “represent a great investment buy for people outside of Memphis. If you talk with any of the developers, they would tell you that.” Investors from out of town are buying condos as second homes to visit on weekend vacations where they can partake in the city’s lively entertainment scene. Out-of-towners are doing it “because they understand that there’s great value in buying at this time here, that there’s a great upside,” Goff says.

Davis has seen the same trend: “We’re on a lot of [out-of-towners’] targets. We might see people from Collierville, Boston, California, and Midtown all in one day.”

The optimal time to invest in a home downtown is now, Davis says, After this current wave of development recedes, the next wave will necessarily be more expensive for buyers because of increases in land prices and the rising costs of labor and materials. “The people that really have an understanding of this will find that purchasing now will be a great benefit to them,” Davis says. As a result, the resale market will get a boost as supply decreases. “It’s a golden time for both [new and resale units]. From now until spring, it’s a golden opportunity. Whoever doesn’t already own should be looking to buy.”

The bottom line, Davis says, looking in his crystal ball, is positive: “The downtown market is still vibrant. What we’ve brought to the market have been successful projects, and [these] will be sold out by the middle of next year or sooner. Other projects will be able to be brought into the marketplace sometime next year. … In every market there’s a breath,” Davis says, adding that the current breath is “not a long one,” that there is already evidence that it is on the way out.

“We’re not trying to sell a pie in the sky,” Davis says. But, he adds, you can put your money in the Memphis condo market and enjoy the home and the return on investment versus the relative risk of the stock market.

Next year promises to be another interesting year for downtown Memphis development. As this most recent band of condominiums sells out, will there be a lag before the next buildings are ready for occupancy? And with that reduction in supply, will downtown see another big surge of demand versus the current steady one? It’s the kind of scenario that can drive property-value appreciation up. For those already in on the ground floor of the market, it’s good news. Of course, for those buyers in a potentially coming market of high demand and low supply, it may not be good news: The money in the bank won’t be theirs. ●


News The Fly-By

Sexual Repression

Talk about ruining the mood.

With the recent revamping of Memphis’ Organized Crime Unit (OCU), prostitution is being targeted by the Memphis Police Department (MPD). To date, the MPD has made 1,145 prostitution arrests this year compared with 993 arrests during 2005 and 777 during 2004.

“There’s a lot of avenues of vice out there to investigate,” said Lieutenant Anthony Berryhill with OCU, “but the focus will be trying to put more emphasis on cracking down on the prostitutes out on the street.”

The recent restructuring of OCU allots more resources to fighting street-level prostitution as well as all other forms of vice. The unit, which handles cases involving illegal gambling, drugs, and “knock-offs,” or counterfeit products, on the black market, was once divided into separate teams, each focusing on a specific crime.

Now the unit has three response teams that handle all vice complaints, meaning officers are able to crossover in areas that were once highly specialized. The changes bring the OCU up to speed with the MPD’s Blue Crush crime-abatement strategy, which requires officers to work closely with one another in targeting hotspots.

“You’ve got more eyes and ears at every level,” said Major Carolyn Jackson, director of the OCU. “We’ve got more resources out there focusing on everything.”

One focus will be prostitution hotspots, which have gotten harder to track as rent-by-the-hour hotels gain popularity among hookers.

“You used to see a bombardment of women on the streets, but now [they stay inside hotels],” said Berryhill. “They’ll hang out inside the hotel corridors, and then the guys that frequent [prostitutes] know they can blow their horns and a girl will come out. That keeps the girls out of sight when uniform patrol passes.”

OCU officers hope a heightened focus on prostitution will lead to other vice arrests.

“A lot of prostitutes also sell drugs, and most are probably using drugs. That will tie us back into a drug organization,” said Berryhill.

The OCU is also seeing an increase in prostitutes peddling stolen cargo from freight trucks.

“Truckers will sometimes barter their freight in return for favors from the girls,” said Jackson. Stolen interstate cargo falls under the OCU umbrella as well.

The unit will also be targeting prostitution in strip clubs. Two weeks ago, OCU officers appeared before the Memphis Alcohol Commission to testify to 35 incidents of prostitution and pornographic acts at Brooks Road’s Black Tail Shake Joint in the last six months. The beer board issued owner Charles “Jerry” Westlund a $26,000 fine, the largest fine ever given to a strip club for a violation.

One of the biggest problems OCU has with prostitution is repeat offenders. “You can go out and make X number of [prostitution] arrests per night, and within the next day or so, some of the same prostitutes will be back out,” said Berryhill. The department is currently building a better relationship with the attorney general’s office in an effort to get stiffer penalties for prostitution offenders.

Music Record Reviews

Upper-crust rappers buy into the crunk-consumption game.

Though they’ve only played two live gigs, emerging local rap duo Lord T & Eloise seem more like a musical performance-art act than recording artists. Visuals are intrinsic to the appeal of this high-concept act — white blue-bloods rapping about their old-money wealth, with Lord T in Victorian garb and Eloise’s skin plated in gold — whether it’s in the theatrical aspects of their live performance or the packaging of their debut album, which includes a future mock encyclopedia entry on the rise of the “Aristocrunk” movement and a “to do” list that includes such items as “Doubles vs. William & Harry,” “Work on Empathy Skills,” and, of course, “Save Rap Game.”

On Aristocrunk, Lord T & Eloise come across as something of a hip-hop equivalent of Jack Black’s and Kyle Gass’ heavy-metal comedy band Tenacious D: The attitude is too approving to be satire, with the result being more self-consciously distanced appropriation of the conspicuous consumption of hip-hop proper than a comic critique. Despite a funny Grandmaster Flash & the Furious Five reference (“Don’t push me ’cause I’m close to the edge/I’m trying not to lose my hedge fund”), you get the sense that the people involved don’t love hip-hop quite enough to kill it or to be disappointed by the spoof-worthy material the genre provides.

Rather, the intentional unintentional self-deprecation is more a spoof of the upper-crust world the characters purport to come from than of a certain sphere of hip-hop culture, with titles such as “I’m Rich,” “Make Dat Monet,” and “Goin’ Shopping” hitting their targets. (Sample lyric: “Cashmere head to toe/How many cashmeres had to die for this?/I don’t know.”)

Musically, it’s a confident, impressive record, but more atmospheric than head-bobbing. Deploying renowned Memphis opera singer Kallen Esperian for background vocals on “Penthouse Suite” and “Make Dat Monet” is an especially witty touch. And as good as the overall concept is, there’s one even more novel idea: an anti-Bush song from the perspective of a disappointed blue-blood. Lying in their marble tub watching the Iraq war go sour on CNN, Lord T & Eloise pick up their red phone to reprimand G-Dub for “gross mismanagement,” even if they are “living lax on these tax cuts.” — Chris Herrington

Grade: A

We Recommend We Recommend

Steppin’ Out

Thursday November 30

Bravo Memphis Wine Tasting

David Lusk Gallery, 6-8 p.m., $25

A wine tasting hosted by Bravo Memphis to benefit the Greater Memphis Arts Council. Winter white wines will be sampled, and gallery owner David Lusk will provide tips on art collecting.

friday December 1

Jazz for St. Jude

Memphis Drum Shop, 7 p.m., $25

An evening of music, from Gershwin to Sinatra, with performances by the Memphis Jazz Orchestra, Jane Malton, and John Prestigiacomo. Proceeds go to St. Jude.


The Cadre Building, 9 p.m., $25

Feel like dancing? Head downtown to the Cadre Building for Reanimation, featuring the hottest beats from Skylab 2000, R.A.W., and FACTOR e.

saturday December 2

Rural Route 7

Open Studio Holiday Art Tour

Various locations, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

This seventh annual holiday tour in Eads takes you to Stark Pottery, the Lugar Bronze Foundry, the Fagan Carpenter Studio, and Eads Pottery. Call 384-9132 for directions. Also on Friday from noon to 8 p.m. and Sunday noon to 5 p.m.

Memphis Arts Collective

Holiday Show

Opening Night Party

International Antique Market,

6-9 p.m.

The Memphis Arts Collective is a newly formed group with a goal of promoting local artists while supporting local charities. This show will feature fabric works, folk art, mosaics, woodworking, photographs, paintings, and more. Jim Duckworth and Jim Spake will perform at the opening, and patrons can purchase gift bags for MIFA’s senior clients.

Connections: Food

The BRIDGES Center, 7 p.m., $250

Popular fund-raiser with a five-course meal from the Beauty Shop, Automatic Slim’s, DŌ, Cielo, City Grocery, and Encore accompanied by dance pieces from Ballet Memphis.

sunday December 3

Carol DeForest and Friends Holiday Sale

Jack Robinson Gallery, noon-5 p.m.

Annual sale of work from more than 25 local artists. Sale includes paintings, candles, jewelry, bags, rugs, and more.

German Christmas Service

Trinity Lutheran Church, 210 Washington, 4 p.m.

Now in its 28th year, this event features traditional German sacred music.

monday December 4

Booksigning by Frank Jones

Burke’s Book Store, 5-6:30 p.m.

Frank Jones, who wrote a column on investing for The Commercial Appeal, will sign A Penny Saved … Is Impossible, a book about understanding investments and other financial matters.

Opening for “Memphis Rhythms”

Theatre Memphis, 5:30-8 p.m.

Opening for an exhibit of recently restored photos from the Center for Southern Folklore’s archives. Blind Mississippi Morris will perform.

tuesday December 5

Booksigning by Leslie Carpenter

Davis-Kidd Booksellers, 6 p.m.

Leslie Carpenter signs At Home Café: Great Food and Fun for Everyone, a cookbook designed to get the whole family involved in mealtime.

The Cheetah Girls

FedExForum, 7 p.m., $26.50-$36.50

Live performance from the Cheetah Girls of the popular tween-girl book series and Disney Channel movie.

Editorial Opinion

Where Credit Is Due

Fair is fair. If a dip in the city’s bond rating is news and political ammo for Memphis City Council members, then a rise in the bond rating is also news.

Within the last two weeks, two ratings agencies (Fitch Ratings and Standard & Poor’s) boosted their outlook on Memphis debt to “positive” and gave Memphis a grade of “A”. Not headline-making stuff these days but worth noting. Last year, the rating was lowered due to a $25 million general-fund operating deficit. Some saw that as an indication of general decline throughout the city and incompetence at City Hall.

The reports cite such things as a significant operating surplus, improved general-fund balance, central business-district redevelopment, increased property tax values, and a diverse economy led by FedEx.

On a down note, there’s some gibberish which appears to be either skepticism or hedging on the part of the rating agencies. Standard & Poor’s, for example, writes that “offsetting factors include the city’s significant historical deterioration in its financial performance and general-fund position,” while Fitch “remains concerned that the expenditure reductions may be difficult to sustain over a longer term” and that income levels are still lower than the state average while unemployment is higher.

So what does it mean? One, a property tax next year is unlikely. Two, criticism of the Herenton administration as fiscally irresponsible will be harder to make. And, three, the proposed annexation of two suburban areas with a total of 35,000 residents will probably be put off for at least a year, if not longer, on the “leave well enough alone” theory.

Anyway, the mayor, the finance directors, and the City Council did their job. Memphis is out of the financial fires for the time being, and that’s good.

A New Ball game

This Friday marks the date when the current owners of the Memphis Grizzlies will have to match an offer from an out-of-town group seeking to buy the team. This is, in the most literal sense of the phrase, a big deal.

Many questions are still unanswered, including some that are quite basic: For example, just who else is in the group headed by former Duke players Brian Davis and Christian Laettner? How solid is their financing? And most important, how “basketball smart” are they? Disturbing reports emerged about the group’s intentions to cut back payroll and possibly put the Grizzlies’ only true star, Pau Gasol, on the trading block. Coming from the same bunch that early on suggested with a straight face that Laettner would come out of retirement and play for the Grizzlies, there is ample reason for concern.

A lot of Memphians worked very hard to get the city its first major-league franchise. Now that we’ve built an arena and a playoff team, we need to work equally hard to make sure the new owners have what it takes to play ball in the big leagues.

Living Spaces Real Estate

The Bookshelf

Investment in a home is a huge commitment with an equally sized potential for profit. But don’t just take our word for it. Here are five books already released or coming out soon that offer advice that can guide you to a great buy and a wise investment. — Greg Akers

Make Money in Abandoned Properties: How to Identify & Buy Vacant Properties & Make a Huge Profit (Wiley)

Chantal Howell Carey and Bill Carey

Now Available


Working under the axiom that one man’s trash is another’s treasure, this book swears to be the only reliable and comprehensive guide to abandoned-property investment. It provides “ten tips for finding abandoned properties, five techniques for locating owners, five keys to the foolproof offer, and four ways to obtain financing.”

The Wall Street Journal: Complete Real-Estate Investing Guidebook (Three Rivers Press)

David Crook

December 2006


Don’t let the author’s name fool you: Crook is the editor of The Wall Street Journal Sunday, which is syndicated in newspapers around the globe. This book claims to be the authority on real estate investing and teaches you how to avoid schemes, get financing, make contacts, find the right properties, and more.

Nothing Down for Women: The Smart Woman’s Quick-Start Guide to Real Estate Investing (Free Press)

Robert G. Allen and Karen Nelson Bell

January 2007

For the woman on the go, this book swears it can give the basics of real estate investment in short chapters that can be read and fully understood in less than five minutes. It includes scripts for communications with buyers and sellers and templates for sales ads.

The Complete Guide to Purchasing a Condo, Townhouse, or Apartment: What Smart Investors Need to Know — Explained Simply (Atlantic Publishing Company)

Susan Smith Alvis

January 2007


This book guarantees an easy overview on this specialty market, including what to expect from the many people involved (realtors, condo boards, attorneys, bankers) and hints and tips on what to look for and how to avoid common mistakes.

Beyond the Bubble: How to Keep the Real Estate Market in Perspective — And Profit No Matter What Happens (AMACOM)

Michael C. Thomsett and Joshua Kahr

February 2007

$16.95Are you considering real estate investment but afraid that the bubble will burst? This book will help you distinguish between the facts and the myths of real estate investment. Published by AMACOM, the book publishing division of the American Management Association, this book also offers ideas for what to do even when sales hit a slump. ●

Sports Sports Feature

George Lapides Donates Sports Memorabilia to U of M

The University of Memphis announced Tuesday that sportscaster George Lapides has made a major donation to the university. The press release follows:

Former Memphis Press Scimitar sports editor and current WHBQ-AM radio talk show personality George Lapides has made a cash and gift donation to the University of Memphis athletic department which will generate funds for future athletic department projects designed to aid the student-athlete.

“My wife Barbara and I have always felt that those of us who have made our livings and provided for our families in Memphis, especially those of us who have lived and worked here for most or all of our lives, should give whatever they can afford back to the community,” Lapides said.

Lapides’ gift to the Tigers includes his sports memorabilia collection, which is made up in part of the old Memphis Press Scimitar sports library, as well as items from former All-American Bo Jackson’s professional career in Memphis.

“I feel very fortunate that I’ve been able to do something to which I first aspired when I was in the fifth grade at Vollentine School — that is, work in journalism, and I know that whatever success I’ve enjoyed has helped enable Barbara and I to make contributions to some of the causes we feel strongly about,” he continued.

“A major reason for any success I’ve had is that I have been able to cover hundreds, maybe thousands, of athletic events sponsored by the University of Memphis. And that’s why when R.C. Johnson asked me to make an additional contribution to the university, I agreed — with Barbara’s consent and blessing — to do it. There are four or five entities, some profit and some nonprofit, that rank near the top of the list of what has made Memphis a better place for us to live and the University of Memphis is certainly high up on that list.”

Items from Lapides’ sports collection are expected to bring sizable bids during future U of M athletic auctions. Expected to generate interest are Jackson’s Memphis Chicks jerseys (home and away), his first in professional baseball. Lapides obtained the uniform parts during his tenure as president and CEO of the Memphis Chicks. Also donated were a new set of Ben Hogan irons, complete with long iron hybrids.

“I want to thank George and Barbara for their generosity not only to the University but the City of Memphis as well,” said Tiger Athletic Director R.C. Johnson. “George’s name has long been synonymous with athletics in the Mid-South and his dedication to the Tigers and our athletic programs has never wavered.

“As our way of saying thank you to George and Barbara, we are naming Associate Athletic Director Bob Winn’s office in their honor. We will have a plaque mounted at the entrance of the room so that our visitors, our student-athletes and those athletes who will come in future years, will know they are in a special place made possible by some very special friends.”


Jerry Lee Lewis on the Today Show

Jerry Lee Lewis rocked NBC’s Today Show this morning, looking a bit worse for wear but sounding like a million bucks. Unfortunately, most of us working stiffs missed it, since it didn’t air until well after 9 a.m. Thanks to the wonders of the Web, you can watch the Killer’s performance here.

Sadly, what you won’t get to see is Meredith Veira’s version of dancing, which she inflicted on viewers all morning whenever the “Great Balls of Fire” teaser music played. It’s hard to describe, but the term “Crazy Arms” comes to mind.

Click the second photo to see what Jerry Lee thought about Meredith’s dancing chops.