Sports Sports Feature

Grizzlies Blow Up Golden State, 144-135

Wow. Barone Ball is fun to watch.

Mike Miller hit 9 three-pointers; Damon Stoudamire had 16 assists; Pau Gasol had 24 points, 13 rebounds, and 4 blocks; Rudy Gay had 22 points; Stromile Swift had 26 points. And team president Jerry West was grinning from ear to ear, as the Grizzlies scored the most points of any team in the NBA this year in regulation. That’s 144 points, sports fans. Mike Fratello, we hardly knew ye.

For a recap and boxscore, see Sports Illustrated. For Chris Herrington’s take on all things Griz, go to Beyond the Arc, the Flyer‘s Griz Blog.


The Big Issue of 2007 is Political Leadership, not a New Stadium

Another year, another big-ticket sports proposal.

So it has been for 20 years – The Pyramid, the NFL chase, the expansion of LibertyBowl Memorial Stadium, AutoZone Park, the NBA, FedExForum, now the stadium again.

The thing about proposed new teams and new buildings is that they take so much of the oxygen out of the room. They divert the time, attention, and resources of political and business leaders and the media from other issues, no matter how much political and business leaders and the media insist that is not so.

The truth is that there is a limited amount of space in our pages and newscasts and attention spans, even if you’re Robert Lipscomb, the city’s ever-ready go-to guy. Priorities matter. Crime, for example, did not become a priority because Memphis set a record for murders in 2006 (it did not) but, rather, because some people with influence made it a priority.

On Monday, Mayor Willie Herenton served up a pitch for a new stadium sandwiched between urban blight and public safety in the context of a prayer breakfast where a speaker asserted that there is not enough religion in politics and Herenton himself said, again, that he has a divine calling to be mayor of Memphis.

Guess which story led the news.

Fortunately, the question of a new stadium can be answered quickly this time: No, not now. What’s more, the business leadership and the Memphis City Council know it, which is one reason you didn’t see any of them standing alongside Herenton Monday at his press conference.

The University of Memphis football team, the AutoZone Liberty Bowl, and the Southern Heritage Classic have made the best of a 41-year-old facility and put more than 50,000 fans into it on their best days. If the locker rooms leak, call a plumber. Besides, the biggest problem at the biggest game of the year – Memphis v. Tennessee – wasn’t wet floors or a cramped press box, it was incompetent people who didn’t open enough gates to get fans in their seats before kickoff or get them through the concession lines quickly.

But that’s not the main reason the answer should be “not now.”
The overriding issue facing Memphis in 2007 is Herenton and, secondarily, the makeup of the corruption ridden and increasingly irrelevant Memphis City Council. This is a city election year. Herenton is running for an unprecedented fifth consecutive term. All 13 city council seats will be on the ballot. Two current members are under indictment, one has resigned, and several others may decide not to run again.

Memphians and the media spend a lot of time and space discussing the merits of basketball coach Mike Fratello and his slow-down offense and assistant football coach Joe Lee Dunn and his leaky defense. Fratello, Dunn, Dana Kirk, Larry Finch, Tic Price, Charlie Bailey, Chuck Stobart, Rip Scherer – coaches routinely get canned and are often rehired by someone else where they’re a fresh face and a better fit.

A slow-down city with a leaky defense is another matter. Memphis is unique among big cities in having the same mayor for 16 straight years going on 20 straight years if the electorate is willing. Herenton knows the electorate has changed since 1991, with thousands of former Memphians, mostly white, moving outside the city limits. He doesn’t need a majority of the votes, like he got in 1995 and 2003. He only needs more than anyone else, like he got in 1991 and 1999.
Although he denied that his State of City speech was a kickoff to his reelection campaign, he made it pretty clear how he will run.

He’ll rally black ministers and their congregations and wrap himself in his compelling personal story and his religious convictions and the theme of Nehemiah on the walls of Jerusalem.

He’ll point to solid accomplishments such as the city’s bond rating, downtown housing revival, and rebuilt housing projects.
He’ll trot out white supporters such as Kevin Kane and Rick Masson. He’ll reward loyalists such as Janet Hooks, Joseph Lee, James Netters, Sara Lewis, Benny Lendermon, and Gale Jones Carson with better jobs in government or government nonprofits.

He’ll say his directors are doing a wonderful job, all evidence to the contrary.

He’ll pay lip service to the city council, whose indignity speaks for itself.

He’ll continue his habit of belittling reporters who disagree with him or ask him questions he doesn’t like by calling them “young man” or “rookie” or “what’s her name.”

He’ll ignore the rants of Memphis bashers who live outside the city or aren’t going to vote for him anyway.

He’ll talk about big difficult issues like surplus parks and urban blight – why wait 16 years to call for a relatively modest $50-million bond issue to tackle this? – then let most of them fade away.

And, as he sometimes reminds reporters, he’ll sleep well at night because he knows that for all the whining Memphians do about the same old politicians they almost always reelect them because they have the power and the prestige and the jobs and other goodies and anyone hoping to unseat them faces long odds and long days.

And we can go back to talking about a new football stadium. — John Branston

Editorial Opinion

Flyer Cartoonist Weighs In On Football Stadium

Flyer cartoonist Mike Niblock has a unique perspective on the Mayor’s proposed stadium. Click to enlarge.


David Gest and the “Albino Hotel”

Ah, David, how we’ve missed you since you’ve been away from our humble river town. The video you’re about to click is from “I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!” and it’s simply beyond description.

Check in to the Albino Hotel, friends. The rooms are black, the bowling balls are white, and the chandeliers don’t turn on. It’s, uh, somewhere in Detroit. Or in the Twilight Zone.


Memphis Symphony Chorus Searching for a Few Good Voices

It’s not exactly American Idol, but it is a pretty classy gig. The Memphis Symphony Orchestra is holding auditions for singers to accompany the orchestra in its 2007 season.

So lay off the smokes for a few days and start practicing your best “Do Re Mi.” Try-outs are scheduled for Thursday, January 4th at First Congregational Church in Midtown. For more, check out the Flyer’s searchable listings.

Sports Sports Feature

Rockets Edge Grizzlies, 111-109

AP – Tracy McGrady scored a season-high 38 points and had nine rebounds to help the Rockets beat Memphis 111-109 on Sunday night, handing Grizzlies interim coach Tony Barone his first loss.

Juwan Howard added a season-high 22 points, and Luther Head had 18 in the Rockets’ third straight victory. They are 3-1 since Yao broke a bone under his right knee. He’s out at least six weeks.

McGrady has topped 30 points in the Rockets’ last two games without their All-Star center. On Sunday, McGrady hit 15 of 30 shots and went 5-for-8 from 3-point range.

Memphis double-teamed McGrady late in the game and he found Head open for two 3-pointers in the final 2 minutes.

Mike Miller matched a season high with seven 3-pointers and scored 32 points for Memphis in its 12th loss in 14 games. The Grizzlies lost five in a row before Barone replaced the fired Mike Fratello before Saturday’s 110-104 win over Toronto.

For recap and box score, go here.

Sports Sports Feature

FROM MY SEAT: Let’s Begin

Happy New Year. 2007 has a nice ring to it, no? (James Bond fans worldwide are dancing as you read this. Daniel Craig, by the way, is the best Bond since Connery. Check out “Casino Royale” if you haven’t already.) How many resolutions did you come up with for the next 12 months? And how many of those have you begun resolving? I think I’ve managed to come up with the most basic — and thus possibly most profound — resolution of my life: I will spend 2007 embracing beginnings.

In my topsy-turvy world of priorities, this resolution will impact the way I see, experience, and write about sports. We fans tend to be consumed with how our favorite teams and athletes FINISH a performance or game. It’s the post-mortem we all want to read or hear (and consider that grim description, as your eyes dance across the next box score). Who finished first? Who won the most games? Who raised the trophy?

I’ve come to believe that sports fans don’t give enough enthusiasm to the beginning of things. Sure, when the gentlemen start their engines, the crowd rises to its collective feet. Baseball’s opening day, football’s opening weekend . . . the spotlight is certainly brightened, but for how long?

Take last year’s St. Louis Cardinals, a team that surprised everyone but the ghost of Dizzy Dean by winning the World Series. Euphoria in Cardinal Nation! But ask any Cardinal fan worth his red, and you’ll hear that the 2006 season — the six months before the playoffs began in October — was sheer misery. After the month of April, the Cardinals lost more games than they won, and snuck into the playoffs by a tail feather when Houston lost its last game of the season. Baseball scribes were that close to placing the 2006 Cards among the most disappointing in franchise history. Then . . . euphoria.

The truth of the matter is that Cardinal fans — or Steeler fans, or Heat fans, you name the champion — get to celebrate their greatest glory only until the next season begins. With the dawn of the 2007 season, fans of 29 baseball teams will tell you there is no baseball champion, not THIS year. Reality perhaps, but a bit clinical in an enterprise where emotion fuels a fan base.

So I’m going to celebrate the beginning of a title defense. And enjoy seeing a Cardinal team — with a few new faces — tackle a new challenge St. Louis hasn’t seen in a quarter century. (Yes, I’ll be wearing my world championship t-shirt.) Instead of being obsessed with an outcome, I choose to attach myself to a process.

Two of the preeminent teams in Memphis will welcome the concept of new beginnings more than most of us. The Redbirds had their worst season since
coming to the Bluff City in 1998, and the University of Memphis football
team suffered its dreariest campaign in 20 years. So cheer these teams —
early and often — when they return to the field. A good year to remember
that “way you play the game” cliche.

June will likely bring the dawn of a new era for the local NBA outfit, as
the Grizzlies are playing their way toward a few extra ping-pong balls in
the league’s draft lottery. Whether or not Ohio State’s Greg Oden winds up
at FedExForum, you’ll likely see a Memphis team next November that would run the current edition out of the building. (Here’s hoping this doesn’t take a trade of Pau Gasol. Some “old” valuables are worth retaining.)

This time of year, I usually find myself imagining what the next 365 days
will bring, in my life, the lives of my family and friends, in the life of
our community here in Memphis. But this year, I’m telling myself to embrace the start of the year, the beginning of something new worldwide. That journey of a thousand miles looks less daunting when we pause to enjoy the first few.

Politics Politics Feature

Herenton: ‘I’m on a Wall’

Mayor Willie Herenton used his New Year’s Day prayer
breakfast to nip at his critics, cast himself – again – as a leader with a
divine calling, and set the stage for a long and divisive public debate about a
new 50,000-seat football stadium.

Using as his theme “On The Wall,” which he said was taken
from Nehemiah building a wall around Jerusalem in the Bible, Herenton spoke to
about 400 people at Cook Convention Center. Many of them were ministers of the
black churches that are the backbone of Herenton’s political support. With the
city election ten months away, Herenton evoked the religious revival spirit of
his historic 1991 mayoral campaign.

He ended the speech by asking the audience to “stand up and
say to the mayor, ‘mayor, stay on the wall.'” Which is what most of those in the
audience did, although it was notable that only one member of the Memphis City
Council – Barbara Swearengen Holt – was in attendance.

He said he plans to run for a fifth term in 2007, and he
repeatedly used the phrase “I’m on the wall” in the way others might say “I’m on
the job” of building a better city. But after touching briefly on plans to
eliminate urban blight and add 500 new police officers, he turned to one
specific building project that is likely to overshadow all others – replacing
the 41-year-old Liberty Bowl Memorial Stadium with a new stadium, with
construction starting in 2009.

Granted that it is “Bowl Day” and the nation is celebrating
college football, but the proposal, as Herenton admitted, took even some of his
own division directors by surprise. At a press conference following his
wide-ranging speech, he insisted on taking questions only about the stadium,
even though there were no sportswriters around.

He said his earlier speech was “not a kickoff for my
campaign” and had “nothing to do with (my) reelection.” Briefly breaking his own
ground rules, he said, “I want to make it clear I’m running right now,” and
specifically asked that the message be conveyed to Memphis Flyer politics editor Jackson Baker, who wondered in an end-of-year column about how firm the mayor’s plans were. (Baker attended the breakfast but not the press conference.)

The stadium question is likely to garner headlines for a
few days and lead the city’s wish list of items before the Tennessee General
Assembly in 2007 and 2008. Herenton said he would present financing details
within 45 days, but in his speech he said “We’re going to support this
government with economic growth and not taxation.”

The so-called State of the City speech, which Herenton gave
to a secular audience last year, was vintage Herenton. It combined politics,
prayer, public policy, patronage (there was published tribute on the tables to
Rev. James Netters, Herenton’s pastor and former interim head of MLGW) and
gospel fever.

“Some of you are very nervous about what I’m going to say
today, but I want you to know I’m in a good mood,” Herenton said after being
introduced by his friend Kevin Kane, head of the Memphis Convention and Visitors
Bureau. There was a bit of laughter as Herenton continued, “Let me tell you why
I’m in a good mood.”

He then said “I love the Lord” and quoted some scripture.
Then he went to “the wall” and Nehemiah and reminded the audience of his 1991
victory that “broke historic barriers.” This, remember, was not a campaign

He took a shot at The Commercial Appeal and
columnist Wendi Thomas or “Wendi whats-her-name” as he called her for having the
audacity to make criticisms and public policy suggestions in editorials.

He then returned to the wall and Nehemiah and 1991,
pointing out that only about 3,000 white people voted for him that year. (Since
he brought it up, it should be pointed out that the audience Monday was
overwhelmingly black.) Turning religious, he said that in 1991 God asked “who
will go?” and Herenton responded, “Lord, I’ll go.”

Returning to a secular mode, he claimed credit (giving the
City Council its due) for a downtown revival, racial healing, improved public
housing, and keeping the city fiscally solvent despite what he characterized as
a minor and short-lived downswing. Memphis, he said, had a “desolate, barren,
and dead downtown 15 years ago,” which may come as news to former mayor Dick
Hackett and developers such as Jack Belz and Henry Turley as well as commercial
real estate agents familiar with the vacancy rates in downtown office towers,
which are higher today than they were in 1991.

He said he is sometimes asked why he wants to run for a
fifth term as mayor.

“It’s real simple,” he said. “I’m on a wall.”

He said he would make three announcements. The first was
his intention to seek $50 million in bonds over four years for blight removal.
Second was the new stadium. Third was public safety and 500 new police officers.

Asked after his press conference if the emphasis on the
stadium and the presence of the city’s leading stadium boosters on stage with
him indicated that it is a higher priority than blight removal, he said that is
not the case.

“We’ll get it all done,” he said.


Herenton on the Wall

Using as his theme the story of
Nehemiah “On The Wall,” Mayor Willie Herenton devoted his New Year’s Day prayer breakfast to nipping at his critics, casting himself – again – as a leader with a divine calling, and setting the stage for a long and divisive public debate about a
new 50,000-seat football stadium. For more, go here.

Politics Politics Feature

Cohen to Endorse Marrero as Successor

District 89 state representative Beverly Marrero,
who is one of two Democrats hoping to succeed  congressman-elect Steve Cohen
as District 30 state senator, got a New Year’s Day blessing from the former
senator on Monday.

Cohen, who resigned his state senate seat last month and will
be formally sworn in as U.S. Representative from Tennessee’s District 9
(Memphis) next week, was the featured speaker at the annual Prayer Breakfast of
city councilman Myron Lowery at the airport Holiday Inn, and in his brief
remarks he cited Marrero several times as someone with whom he had worked
comfortably and productively in the legislature.

That prompted Jerry Hall, a campaign associate of
the other Democrat running, former city attorney Robert Spence, to ask
Cohen a question outright: Was he planning to endorse Marrero? Cohen allowed as
how he was, both to Hall and to the Flyer. (Spence attended the last part of the Lowery breakfast,
during which the councilman had praised Cohen’s “persistence,”. Spence had previously
attended Mayor Willie Herenton‘s
New Year’s breakfast downtown.)

The new congressman, who won a crowded race to succeed
Harold Ford Jr. in the District 9 seat, thereby resolved a question that has
been hanging fire for weeks, during a period when Marrero and two other close
Cohen associates – Kevin Gallagher and David Upton – had also
considered running to succeed him. Gallagher went so far as to file for the
seat, and his name will remain on the January 25th primary ballot,
but he announced his withdrawal in Marrero’s favor last week.

The winner of the Democratic primary will be opposed by
Republican Larry Parrish in the March general election.

An interesting aspect of the Lowery breakfast was the fact that attendee Nikki Tinker, runnerup to Cohen in last year ‘s Democratic primary and a rumored opponent in 2008, made a point of working the room Monday.