Music Music Features

B.B. King Hospitalized in Texas

From the Galveston Daily News: Legendary blues musician Riley “B.B.” King took ill Thursday evening — possibly from some sort of infection or flu bug — prompting promoters to postpone concerts at Galveston’s Grand 1894 Opera House until he recovers.

His son and manager, Willie King, said Friday the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston would keep his father overnight for observation.

The elder King is expected to be released on Saturday, but he is gaining his strength back quickly, his son said.

“He has an infection the doctors are concerned about,” Willie King said. “It might also be a bug, but he also is diabetic and has high blood pressure and they are not comfortable releasing him right now.

“But he’s really his old self, joking around. We should have the medical test results today.”

Read the full report.

Film Features Film/TV

Li’l Film Fest Pays Tribute to Craig Brewer is calling all filmmakers to express their inner Craig Brewer. The theme for their next Li’l Film Fest short-film contest is “The Legend of Craig Brewer.”

Memphis director Brewer debuted his latest feature Black Snake Moan at the Sundance Film Festival on Wednesday night. The film is scheduled to be released February 23rd.

The Li’l Film Fest is a quarterly event, featuring films that are five minutes or less. A theme is picked for each fest, which in the past have included kung fu and the implosion of the Baptist Hospital downtown. Winners in two categories — Audience Choice Award and the Jury Award — each receive a trophy and $200.

Brewer was chosen as a theme for the fest in recognition of the exposure he’s brought the city.

Deadline for submissions is March 2nd. The festival will be March 17th.


American Idol Lightning Strikes Second Time for the University of Memphis

For the second time, a member of the University of Memphis pop group Sound Fuzion is in the running to be the next American Idol. Cheryl Humphrey, a music major at the University’s Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music, made it to the “Hollywood Round,” which will be broadcast on the Fox Network February 13 and 14. On the February 14th program, the 12 female finalists will be announced.

Humphrey is a native of Little Rock, and is pursuing degrees in recording technology and jazz performance. She joins former Sound Fuzion member Lashundra “Trenyce” Cobbins who was an Idol finalist in 2003.

Sound Fuzion director Lawrence Edwards says, “I’m not at all surprised that we have our second American Idol singer. Cheryl is extremely talented both as a singer and as a composer. She’s versatile and committed to her art.”

Sound Fuzion is an ensemble of vocalists and instrumentalists that represents the university at many functions, performs as part of the School of Music’s annual concert season, and even toured China last year.


Tennessean Wins Gold Strike World Poker Open

It was a record-breaking night at the Gold Strike Casino World Poker Open, and it ended with a new champion who was not on anyone’s top six players list.

After 121 hands and more than four hours of play, Tennessean Bryan Sumner was crowned the 2007 Gold Strike World Poker Open champion. For his first-ever tournament win, Sumner took home $913,986, a diamond-encrusted championship bracelet valued at $5,000, and a much sought-after $25,000 seat in the WPT World Championship set for April at Gold Strike’s sister property, Bellagio, in Las Vegas.

At the onset of Final Table action, there were six players: Young Cho, who was playing in his first $10K buy-in seat, started the evening with the highest chip count (2,571,000). Cho was followed by Daniel Negreanu (1,296,000), who had earlier in the tournament become WPT’s all-time money leader and was certainly a tournament favorite. Behind Negreanu, was Kido Pham (731,000), followed by Sumner (596,000), who makes his living playing poker online and earned his first-ever seat at the big table after winning a one-table $1,000 satellite. Pulling up the final two seats were Gary Krainer (514,000), J.C. Tran (181,000).

Sumner took out Negreanu in three hands of heads-up action. Negreanu took home a half-million dollars for his second-place finish.

News The Fly-By

The Year of Truth?

Apparently, 2006 was a year of lies. Heck, 2005 probably was too, and for that matter, so was 2004. But, according to Councilman Edmund Ford, things are going to be different now: “2007 is the year of truth, right or wrong.”

One might think Ford is referencing ongoing ethics reform. Changed in the wake of the Tennessee Waltz scandal, state law now requires all Tennessee municipalities to reform ethics guidelines by June. Elected officials must also file possible conflicts of interests with the state, including sources of income greater than $1,000, loans greater than $1,000, and investments greater than $10,000.

But, though ethics reform may make 2007 a year of truth, Ford was talking about investigating whether buildings on the former Libertyland site were removed illicitly. During a City Council committee meeting, parks director Cynthia Buchanan maintained that the only buildings taken from the property were borrowed log cabins. Ford contends that he saw other buildings — ostensibly city property — being removed.

I’m not saying he’s right or wrong, but, um, Pot, have you met Kettle?

Ford, along with Councilman Rickey Peete, was indicted on federal bribery charges last year. Both have maintained their innocence. And, as their colleagues on the council have often pointed out, a person is innocent until proven guilty.

Even so, Ford doesn’t see anything wrong with leasing a car with the help of noted developer Rusty Hyneman.

It’s that attitude, fairly common among the council — that gifts and favors are okay — that will stall true ethics reform.

When a developer helps you lease a car that you wouldn’t be able to afford otherwise, that creates a conflict of interest. Not only are you “friendly” with that person, but you’re indebted to them. Otherwise the state wouldn’t be asking for a list of any loans more than $1,000.

During the council’s first session on ethics reform at a meeting last week, local attorney Lucian Pera told council members they would have to decide what constitutes a conflict of interest and, if in the case of one, how it will be addressed. Will it be strictly prohibited? Or explicitly permitted? Will it be permitted if you disclose it? Will council members who disclose conflicts be required to recuse themselves on certain issues?

Council members can choose to deal solely with propriety or can include the appearance of propriety (or impropriety, as the case may be).

Pera also reviewed the current policy with the council, stating that many sections were “aspirational” in nature and lacking consequences.

When some council members tried to censure Peete and Ford and formally ask them to resign, they were outvoted, helped in part by Ford’s own “nay” votes. Even if the votes had gone another way, nothing substantially different would have occurred. Censures don’t come with any penalty. You can formally ask someone to resign all you want, but it doesn’t mean they have to.

Councilman Brent Taylor asked Pera if there were provisions in the new law for types of punishment, saying the public doesn’t want something purely aspirational.

“All we can do is censure. We can’t remove other council members. We can’t fire them,” said Taylor. “I’ve heard that we need to put teeth in [our ethics policy], but all we’re allowed to have are dentures.”

I think an aspirational law seems sort of an oxymoron. What is it saying: We hope you don’t take a bribe, but it’s okay if you do? What about: We hope you don’t run a red light? Or, we hope you don’t shoot anyone?

Those seem more like recommendations than laws.

It will be interesting to see what rules and punishments, if any, the council enacts in the coming year of ethics reform.

Here’s an interesting side note: According to the Chinese calendar, 2007 isn’t the year of truth but the year of the pig.

Of course, I’m hoping for the best.

News The Fly-By

Q and A: Chris Robinson

Robert “Chris” Robinson became a “sign-holder” for the Little Caesars at Park and Mendenhall with one clear goal: to make money. The job was simple: Stand on the street corner, hold the sign, and move some pizza. Once Robinson hit the streets, according to one manager, he became “the best sign-holder” they’ve ever had.

By angling the sign across his body, wedging one side under an arm, and fiercely strumming its front, he fashioned an air guitar. Robinson then cranked up the volume on his mp3 player and began rocking out, giving countless commuters a memorable — albeit wholly unexpected — ride home.

Robinson’s act has made him a local celebrity. As blogs sing his praises and word-of-mouth directs drivers to East Memphis to see him for themselves, Little Caesars is reaping the profits — and loving every minute of it.

— by Christina Leatherman

Flyer: What’s with the air guitar?

Robinson: If I just stood out there and did nothing, that would be pretty boring. I have to do something to make things fun for myself.

I got out there and I was like, wait … here’s a sign with two holes. I could put my hand here. And that was it.

Have you ever caused a traffic accident or hurt someone else while on the job?

I’ve never hurt anybody else. … Sometimes, my friends will ride by and I’ll mess with them. You know, I might kick over their heads when they’re not looking. A couple of times I’ve fallen over!

I know you don’t reveal your work music, but Who are your musical inspirations?

Well, if I told you that, then you would know what I’m listening to …

I mean, like, heavy metal or …

Well, it’s not like I’m listening to classical out there. [It’s] basically anything with a guitar.

What about more classic rock: Pink Floyd or Metallica?

Okay, I’m gonna go ahead and spill it — just for you. I love Metallica. Most of the stuff on my mp3 player is Metallica.

Could you do this without your mp3 player?

I could, but boy, would I think I was crazy!

Every single guy on the planet at some point in their life has played air guitar, whether they admit it or not. Usually, when I see someone make fun of me, I just get out there and play even harder. If I stop, they win.

Has anybody ever thrown anything at you?

One guy threw an orange soda at me! I had to block it with my sign, but it was funny. I’ve done some pretty crazy things out there.

Letter From The Editor Opinion

Letter from the Editor: The Flyer is a Daily

Often, when I’m out and about, people will say to me: “I wish the Flyer came out every day.” My response is always the same: We do.

At, we post fresh news, gossip, politics, sports, and entertainment stories several times a day. You might say it’s all the news that doesn’t fit — or that happens in between our weekly paper editions.

For example: In the past week, readers who went on were the first to learn of Commissioner Deidre Malone’s $20,000 payment for PR work from a firm that won a school construction bid. They got the news of city attorney Sara Hall’s resignation just after it happened. They learned that pop star Pink is building a replica of Graceland in which to bury her recently deceased bulldog, Elvis. (Which is God’s way of telling Pink she has too damn much money.)

They read an on-the-scene report by Jackson Baker from Governor Bredesen’s inauguration in Nashville and a controversial column by John Branston that asked, “What are the Grizzlies really worth?” They read about Justin Timberlake’s partying at the Sundance Film Festival, Ginnifer Goodwin’s ugly Golden Globes dress, and Cybill Shepherd’s thoughts on playing a lesbian in The L Word. There were terrific Web-only columns from Chris Davis, Frank Murtaugh, “The Gadfly,” and others. (And by using the “reader comments” feature, you can tell everybody what you think about that stupid editor’s letter or Chris Herrington’s proposed Pau Gasol trades.)

The Web site has another pretty snazzy feature: searchable listings. You want to hear some blues in Midtown on Friday? Just plug in your terms, and if it’s happening, you’ll know immediately.

And, of course, all our regular in-the-paper stuff is there too, archived and searchable back to 1998. When once a week is not enough.

Bruce VanWyngarden

Letters To The Editor Opinion

Letters to the Editor

The Surge and the Fool

President Bush wants to send thousands more of our sons and daughters to Iraq (Editor’s Note, January 18th issue). This is both too little and too late. The time to put this fire out was at least three years ago. Sending more troops now is like forcing fire fighters to rush into a building that is already too far gone. It can only make the problem worse and get a lot of good people killed for no good reason.

Bruce Ralston


Editor Bruce VanWyngarden has a lot of nerve calling President Bush a “fool” in his last column. The president is privy to facts and intelligence far beyond the knowledge of the editor of a Memphis rag. Who is the real fool here?

Roger Little


When President Lyndon Johnson kept sending more troops into the quagmire of Vietnam, there was a popular song with the following lyrics: “We were neck-deep in the Big Muddy, and the damn fool keeps yelling ‘Push on.'” Sound familiar?

Jay Watkins


Where Are the Others?

Lewis “Scooter” Libby faces trial for obstruction of justice and repeatedly lying (to a grand jury). It seems strange that he would be punished for what his ex-boss, Dick Cheney, taught him by example so well. And why, if the whole administration has demonstrated this ability, is he the only one indicted for it?

Murray Hudson


What Was There Before?

Much concern has been expressed regarding the massive ice shelf that broke off into the Arctic Ocean in northern Canada. The shelf had been in place for 3,000 years, according to scientists. It has been heralded as proof of global warming.

Admittedly, the weather has been unorthodox for the last couple of decades, and this is certainly cause for concern. And I find it strange that a warm front remained in place for weeks, creating unusually warm weather in the Eastern United States while creating a dam that kept a cold front in the Midwestern and Western states. Is this someway tied to global warming?

I don’t know. There is something that I find intriguing regarding the break of the 25-square-mile ice shelf: It is 3,000 years old. That seems to indicate that it was not there before the 3,000-year window. What was there before? The only reasonable conclusion is water.

There is a theory, and that is all it is, that the earth’s climate is cyclical, having warm periods which might help explain the oil reserves in Alaska and the oil sands in Canada. I cannot comprehend with my limited knowledge on the subject how these oil deposits could have formed in arctic climates.

Maybe someone has a good explanation.  

Earl Barnett

Speedwell, Tennessee

Tax Inequities

Until the 110th Congress addresses the inequities in our tax system, we’ll continue to further plunge into the abyss of what is becoming irreversible national debt. It appears that this Congress is merely poised to put a Band-Aid on a hemorrhage.

Tax-avoidance schemes have been growing faster than the IRS’ ability to crack down on them. The number of companies leaving the United States each year or outsourcing their labor is accelerating at an alarming rate. The loss in tax revenue is becoming almost incalculable — exacerbated by enormous tax cuts for the wealthiest of Americans.   

According to a December 2003 report, the IRS had identified over 400,000 taxpayers involved in tax-evasion strategies that are likely illegal. Now, three years later, the problem is only getting worse.    

What has the Bush administration done to solve the problem?

They have declared that outsourcing of jobs is good for America and that tax cuts will reduce the deficit. Further, they have slashed the number of IRS auditors (charged with auditing the tax reports on multi-million-dollar incomes) in half!

Paul G. Jaehnert

Vadnais Heights, Minnesota

News The Fly-By

Senior to Soldier?

Twenty-five U.S. soldiers were killed in Iraq last Saturday, making it the third deadliest day for American soldiers since the war began. And if the president has his way, more U.S. troops will be deployed.

That may mean heavier recruitment in high schools, but a local group hopes to keep kids’ personal information out of military hands by shielding scores and phone numbers collected through the Armed Services Vocational Assessment and Battery (ASVAB) test.

An optional test administered to high school juniors and seniors by the military, the ASVAB is designed to help kids make career choices. However, the test also provides military field recruiters with information on high school students qualified for enlistment.

“We don’t have a problem with the students taking the ASVAB. What we have a problem with is the expectation that the military is going to receive all the information,” says George Grider, head of the Alternatives to the Military Project through the Mid-South Peace and Justice Center.

Grider hopes to convince the Memphis City Schools (MCS) Board to choose Option 8 districtwide, a move that would allow the students to take the test without having their scores given to the military.

The test is scheduled for February 19th through March 2nd at MCS, but not all schools offer the test. Sonja Sanes, the MCS high school guidance counseling supervisor, says the test helps determine where students are academically. She’s never heard of Option 8, but she advises students not interested in military enlistment to stand their ground.

“You can tell the recruiter you’re not interested,” says Sanes. “They can be persistent, but when they ask the second time, you need to ask who their commander is. That closes that door.”

But Grider, a military veteran, fears that students may feel pressured to join because they need money for college. He’s not opposed to voluntary enlistment, but he wants kids to make informed choices and read the fine print.

“Our objection to military recruitment is they do not honor the American values of truth in advertising or informed consent,” says Grider. Recruiters often make promises and offer incentives, though the military contract says that pay, status, allowances, and other benefits may change without notice.

A representative from the local Military Entrance Processing Command could not comment on recruitment practices.

News The Fly-By

The Cheat Sheet

Stax celebrates its 50th birthday, beginning with a big party at B.B. King’s Blues Club — uh, the one in New York City. At first, being petty, selfish types, we were kind of miffed that they didn’t begin the yearlong celebration here, but then we realized that the music that came out of that little studio on McLemore had an impact on the entire world, so we don’t mind sharing a bit of our funky soul with those uptight New Yorkers.

The city’s Environmental Court has announced a crackdown on I-240, calling it the “most littered” stretch of roadway in the city. There are so many places deserving this “honor” that we don’t know how they picked just that one. But we can remember when year after year Memphis managed to win “America’s Cleanest City” awards, so we’re happy they are going to start somewhere.

MovieMaker magazine puts Memphis on its top-10 list of Greg Cravens

cities coveted by independent filmmakers looking for the perfect combination of local talent and distinctive location. This year we are #7. We certainly deserve the honor, and — despite what we just said — don’t mind being ranked below New York City and such unique places as Las Vegas and even Albuquerque. But what was MovieMaker thinking, ranking us below Shreveport? We’ve been to Shreveport, my friends, and no matter where you go, it looks like Shreveport.

Former state senator John Ford says he can’t afford a lawyer to defend himself against the charges that he took $800,000 in bribes during the Tennessee Waltz sting. But what about that 800 grand? Can’t he use that? Oh.

An organization plans to host a Delta Fair and Music Fest at the Agricenter — at the exact same time as the Mid-South Fair. The new folks imply — if not downright accuse — the fairgrounds of being unsafe. It’s true, you know. If you eat one of those Fiddlesticks really fast, your nose can freeze.