Politics Politics Feature

‘Suspicious’ Morris Takes Drug Test, Challenges Others to Do So

That Mayor Willie Herenton won’t debate is a vexation to
opponent Herman Morris, as is the fact that the mayor apparently is willing this
year to go without additional fundraisers or polling or possibly even
conventional campaigning. But what really seems to get Morris’ goat is that
Herenton won’t submit to a drug test. (Nor, for that matter, has anybody but
Morris himself so far.)

A week ago, the former MLGW head issued a challenge to
other mayoral candidates to submit to a drug test so as “to help assure the
public that each one of us is healthy and fit to serve,” as he put it in a
follow-up press conference at his headquarters Friday.

Morris had his test Thursday and presumably passed it with
flying colors – though he didn’t divulge the results on Friday. The other
candidates haven’t been tested, and, Morris said Friday, “I can’t understand
why.” Did he have reason to believe that one of them might flunk such a test? “I
don’t have a particular reason to believe it except they they all seem to be
suspiciously avoiding it,” he said. “It’s not a big thing. If we request one of
every employee in city government, we who desire to lead the city should at
least be willing to lead by example.”

Morris said the test should consist of a “battery of tests” that would measure
either illegal drugs or legal prescription drugs – “anything that might impair
your judgment or get you to act out of the norm.”

“You can’t lead by shadow-boxing,” Morris said. “At some
point, you have to step into the ring.”

At the press conference, Morris announced that he would be
an “easy access” mayor, with a listed phone number he might answer himself. He
promised weekly public forums at city hall, regular monthly press conferences,
open public records, and efforts to make available video streaming “live and
real-time” of city meetings.

Asked what he might do about crime, Morris pledged greater
collaboration with the Sheriff’s Department and with the police agencies of
other county municipalities. He expressed scorn of “eleventh-hour efforts and
59th-minute campaign initiatives” to clean up vacant lots and other
eyesores and to close down crack houses.

He said he would be prepared as mayor to deal with “a new
kind of crime,” committed by criminals who were “younger, more gang-related and
drug-ingested, more violent and callous in use of handguns.”


Get to Know The Bouffants

Cover bands are often overlooked. Members can change from one day to the next, and people tend not to notice so long as they keep on cranking out familiar hits.

But thanks to mile-high bouffant wigs, flashy sequin gowns, and lots of makeup, Memphis’ Bouffants aren’t the average party band. Their presentation is nearly as important as the Motown and Stax soul covers they perform at special events around town.

Get to know the ladies behind all that hair in “The Bouffants Undressed” at Theatre Memphis Friday and Saturday night. They’ll be leaving their clothes on, but the wigs will stay backstage as the four-piece female outfit performs in a relaxed cabaret-style setting.

For more on the Bouffants, go here.

Get the details in the Flyer’s searchable listings.

News The Fly-By

Fly on the Wall

Emmy for JT?

Hey, girl, Justin Timberlake’s got somethin’ real important to give you. So, just sit down and listen to how he earned an Emmy nomination singing this song on Saturday Night Live. Girl, you know you’ve been listening for such a long time, and now J-Tim’s ready to lay it on the line. It’s not Christmas, but his heart is open wide. He’s gonna give you something so you know what’s on his mind: a gift real special, so take off the top. Take a look inside — it’s his dick in a box.

Between Justin’s boxed lunch, and Triple Six’s pimping, Memphis really is in a position to become the raunch-and-roll capital of the United States.

Bush Whackers

In the beginning, there were strip clubs. And then there were sexy maid services. Then there was the brouhaha over a topless car wash. Now, for the right price, Memphis’ Tiger Time Lawn Care will send beautiful, bikini-clad lawn-care workers to mow and trim your grass. It’s not clear whether or not Tiger Time’s beauties are allowed to trim the bushes, however, as there may be a city ordinance maintaining that workers in SOBs (sod-oriented businesses) stay at least 12 inches away from the shrubbery at all times.


Mike McCarthy, Memphis’ master of sexy, low-budget sci-fi filmmaking, got a shout out in the most recent edition of Oxford American. Writer David Smay says you should watch McCarthy’s films “because you’re a horny, deep-fried, hip-wiggling, butter-bean-eating, hairdo fanatic.” He could have stopped before “deep fried.”

J-Tim Again

According to New York magazine, Southern Hospitality, Justin Timberlake’s new New York restaurant, features St. Louis-style ribs. Now that’s obscene.

News News Feature

An Artist’s Best Friend

It’s hard to imagine a world without Blue Dog.

George Rodrigue, a Louisiana native, began painting the canine, originally an homage to the loup-garou of Cajun myth, two decades ago, but it feels like the blue-and-white dog has been around forever.

Born in New Iberia, in the heart of Cajun country, Rodrigue attended the University of Southwest Louisiana and studied abstract expressionism at the Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles before ultimately settling in New Orleans.

“Back then, art in Louisiana was everybody trying to copy what was coming out of New York,” he explains. “After my third or fourth trip away, I’d started realizing that Louisiana was very different from the rest of the country. I started documenting every facet of life that was pictorial. Cajun music was in a revival, there were crawfish and gumbo festivals, and I found a wealth of information right there to photograph.”

Using those images as source material, in the 1970s, Rodrigue began creating a body of work that depicted outdoor dinners under giant live oaks, Mardi Gras royalty, crawfish boils, and afternoon hayrides. Then he moved onto Louisiana’s homegrown heroes and folk legends: Evangeline, Huey Long, Paul Prudhomme, and, of course, the loup-garou or werewolf.

“I wanted to graphically interpret the history of the Cajun people, who were cut out of Canada, came to Louisiana, and stayed there,” Rodrigue says, referring to the Acadian exiles of the mid-1700s. “I wanted the people to look cut out, so I made them with sharp edges and used white to show how their inner culture was glowing. It took about five years to really get it down, but the more I came up with the formula, the more unique my paintings became.”

Rodrigue hung 25 of his creations in his gallery window when the Super Bowl came to New Orleans in 1989. “And that was it,” he says triumphantly, noting that within a week, People, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and the Today show, had catapulted his $800 paintings into the national consciousness.

“I got a better reaction the further away [from Louisiana] I’d go,” Rodrigue says of his work, which by the mid-’80s, had begun to feature Blue Dog, modeled on photos of his own pet, Tiffany, who died at the start of the decade.

Through the ’90s, Blue Dog appeared in hundreds of paintings, sharing the canvas with Louis Armstrong, Billy the Kid, and an alligator. Blue Dog wore clown makeup, Mardi Gras masks, and an Abe Lincoln stovepipe hat. Blue Dog also turned up in unexpected places, sitting on cemetery crypts, in front of the White House, and on picnic blankets with Rubenesque nudes.

Painting Blue Dog is freeing, Rodrigue says. “It’s all about shape, colors, and patterns. I was ready for it, really energized to try something new and different and really contemporary. After I painted 100 of ’em, it became a purely emotional exercise.”

Although Rodrigue has accepted commissions for Xerox and Absolut advertisements, he refuses to mass-market Blue Dog, turning his back on what’s potentially a multimillion-dollar industry.

“Everybody says make T-shirts, do this, do that, but it’s not fun for me. I won’t make keychains or icebox magnets. If I did, I’d have to quit painting, because it would no longer be a creative process.”

There are also the fans who wear homemade Blue Dog souvenirs. “Doing something that’s so popular is sometimes a double-edged sword,” Rodrigue says with a chuckle. “We’ve gone places where somebody’s sitting there with a Blue Dog T-shirt, one that they’ve downloaded and ironed on. We’ve got five lawyers working all the time, stopping people from making Blue Dog stuff and selling it on eBay.”

“Mass merchandising,” he decrees, “is for my kids and grandkids to do, but not while I’m alive.”

Although the bulk of the paintings that comprise “Blue Dog: The Art of George Rodrigue,” which opens at the Dixon Gallery and Gardens this weekend, centers around Blue Dog, the exhibit also includes early pieces and samples from Rodrigue’s more recent series of hurricane paintings, begun before Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast.

“Every five years, everything changes,” Rodrigue says. “I’m affected by life as it goes on around me. In the studio, something happens — I can’t sit and paint a happy-eyed Blue Dog when something’s going on around me.

“When I paint for myself, people say, ‘You’re gonna lose your audience.’ But I’ve never worried,” he contends. “If the paintings are sincere to me, if I care about them so much that I don’t want to sell them, people will pick up on it.”

After Katrina, Rodrigue founded Blue Dog Relief, creating silk-screened recovery-themed images to raise money for his battered home state. So far, he’s netted more than $1 million for United Way, the Southeast Chapter of the American Red Cross, the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities, and the New Orleans Museum of Art.

“Right away, $300,000 came in,” Rodrigue notes. “A lot of people who lost everything in Katrina wrote in and said, ‘This is the first thing I want to buy.'”

Blue Dog: The Art of George Rodrigue

At the Dixon Gallery and Gardens

July 29th-October 14th.

Lecture with George Rodrigue and his wife Wendy on Sunday, July 29th, at 2 p.m. For more information, go to or

Opinion The Last Word

The Rant

Please bear with me until the large-animal tranquilizer I just took kicks in. It had better hurry up and take effect because if I look at one more newspaper, see one more television news broadcast, or visit one more Web page that chronicles the condition of George W. Bush’s colon, I think I am going to have a nervous breakdown. Yep, it seems like every time I look up I am looking down his, well, uh, I guess there’s no other way to put it, butt. This is even worse than when Dick Cheney had some sort of foot surgery a couple of years ago and the news kept reporting on it and showing his big white flabby feet. Must all of this be a matter of public record? Can the man not have a colonoscopy in private without the world having to know about it? I know that White House “probes” are often controversial, but really, can’t we be spared this one? Surely, there is more to report on than this, like the newly enhanced interrogation program on which Bush just signed off, which probably includes making suspected terrorists read about his colon. (I know if I had to put up with it much longer I would tell all.) I guess it had to make the news because he gave up his presidential power during the roughly (ha ha, I said “roughly”) half-hour surgery. And I’m not sure which is scarier: being barraged with stories about W’s colon or the fact that Dick Cheney had complete control of the country for that length of time. At least, much like the president usually is, Cheney was relaxing at his vacation home during the operation. And, apparently, Bush had a pretty good time during all this as well. Every account reports that he was “in good humor” right after having the tube inserted into his colon, and that shortly afterward he put on a pair of jeans, had breakfast with another man, and then went for a walk with his dog and the man. Sounds like an average day on Fire Island to me. And funny, isn’t it, that his wife Laura wasn’t around for this? She was conveniently away visiting her mother for her birthday. Wife gone, anus probed, breakfast and walk with another man? Wearing jeans and probably his cowboy boots? Dick in charge and relaxing at the beach? Is this the early 1980s all over again? Does this give “Camp” David a whole new meaning? And that genius of geniuses Ann Coulter has the nerve to make remarks about John Edwards? At least he got his wife pregnant more than once. But enough of this. I am just displaying tunnel vision (ha ha, I said “tunnel”). But it does give me hope. If someone was able to get George W. Bush loosened up enough for this, maybe someone can convince him that he needs to resign from his job, take his shingle down from the Oval Office, and head back to his ranch for good and just play cowboy — or play with the cowboys. And for heaven’s sake, start drinking again.

Maybe if someone would give him a DVD of Blazing Saddles and make him watch the scene where all the characters are sitting around the campfire drinking and eating beans and passing gas he would take the idea and run with it. He would be so good at that, and I think people would actually like him. And he needs to be good at something, because he has proven that he’s not so great at what he is doing now. Maybe there would be a different kind of light at the end of the tunnel. But keep the colon healthy, George. Even if it is just for 31 minutes, we do not want the Dick in charge. No ifs, ands, or butts.


HBO Opts for Another Year of “Big Love”

HBO has renewed Big Love for a third season, which will launch in 2008.

The series, which stars Bill Paxton, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Chloe Sevigny, and Memphian Ginnifer Goodwin as members of a polygamist family hiding out in the suburbs of Utah, will begin filming in November.

Read more here. And check out this Ginnifer fansite that’s only slightly obsessively creepy.

Letters To The Editor Opinion

Letters to the Editor

Monopoly and Ghosts

I would like to start by saying that I really enjoy the Flyer and read it regularly — anticipating the next issue as soon as I’ve finished the current one. And one of my favorite reporters is Bianca Phillips.

However, in the cover story about her night at Magnolia Manor (July 12th issue), I don’t feel that she accurately reported the events that occurred that night, in particular, that reported game of Monopoly, in which I was her opponent. Though she is correct in reporting that she declared defeat before the game was finished, she did not add that, in fact, I was building houses and she had nothing. Her surrender was merely to avoid the embarrassment of a very real defeat.

I am sure that her omission of the real story can be attributed to her fear of “Annie” pulling the covers off and not a deliberate act to mislead the public. I do not ask for any type of retraction, just a chance to state the truth.   

Greg Withrow


Charley Reese

Thank you to the Flyer for publishing Charley Reese’s “Rant” in the July 19th issue — the article that contrasted the character of the Roosevelts and Truman with our present leader. I only wish it had been longer.

Ron Harper


In the July 19th issue of the Flyer, Bruce VanWyngarden poses a good question regarding some politicians’ acts: Were our politicians already behaving immorally before being elected, or is the system (lobbyists, endless fund-raising, etc.) responsible for their attitudes?

For me, a very good answer to that question can be found in the
same issue. In his “Rant,” Reese mentions Viktor Frankl’s findings that even a hellish experience such as the Holocaust didn’t change anybody: Those who were bad remained bad; those who were good remained good.

What an enlightening combination for the same issue.

Pablo Rogina


Love In Action

As reported by the Flyer (The Fly-by, July 19th issue), Love In Action was recently protested by people claiming that our ministry to young men and women is in violation of their individual rights.

It should not be surprising that some young people question and resist the labels placed on them. We firmly believe in their right to examine those labels and investigate the life options available to them.

The Love In Action “Family Freedom Intensive” helps young people and their parents understand the emotional and relational factors that actuate sexual identity. Not every young person decides against accepting a gay identity after completing the course, but each has expressed greater understanding of themselves and they feel better understood by their families.

We are proud to see these families leave our ministry better equipped to respect and understand each others’ ideals and differences. While we unequivocally respect rights of protest, it is our hope that the rights of individuals to explore their sexual identities and examine their options will be afforded the same respect.

Josh Morgan, Communications Manager

Love In Action


Right Said Fred

I would just like to voice my approval of Fred Thompson. I am a 20-year-old student who has lived in Memphis practically all my life. I am frustrated every day by the change in moral views. We have changed from a youth of integrity to a youth that thinks it is “cool” and “acceptable” to hate the government and not express any interest in politics.

We need a man of integrity and good moral value like Thompson. He stands by his word and votes with his heart on every occasion, not just the way his political party tells him to. He already has my vote, even though he hasn’t declared that he is running for president.

I will stick my neck out and say that he would be a great choice to be in the White House.

James Luna



The Orpheum To Hold “Garage Sale”

At this garage sale, chandeliers will provide the lighting.

On Friday, July 27, The Orpheum Theatre will host a summer garage sale consisting of office furniture, theater merchandise, show posters, and Broadway show memorabilia. Vendors and artisans can also rent tables for the day.

The sale will last from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Other Orpheum events on Friday include Happy Hour from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. and a screening of the classic movie Gone with the Wind at 7:15.

Backstage tours will take place throughout the day.

To participate as a vendor, call 525-7800. To order tickets for the garage sale, call 525-3000.

Music Music Features


As curator of the first Memphis Pops Festival, happening Saturday, July 28th, at the Hi-Tone Café, Shangri-La Projects owner Sherman Willmott has assembled a lineup of past, present, and future talent that showcases a genre sometimes overlooked when Memphis music is discussed. With the legacy of blues, soul, and rock-and-roll looming over the city’s music history, Memphis’ contribution to the pop genre tends to be neglected. And by “pop,” I mean pop rock, power-pop, and the garage or punk variations of pop. I do not mean Survivor.

A cursory survey of Memphis pop would probably begin with the Box Tops, where a teenaged Alex Chilton led his band through such ’60s hits as “The Letter” and “Cry Like a Baby.” That band helped launch a scene in the ’70s that included Chilton’s classic cult band Big Star, the Hot Dogs, Cargoe, the Scruffs, Tommy Hoehn, Van Duren, Chilton’s solo career, and Calculated X. It might also include the late ’80s/early ’90s when nascent incarnations of the Simpletones and the Grifters were putting their own twisted spin on pop. But another key band in the history of Memphis pop was the Crime.

The Crime’s heyday was ’80 through ’84, when they released the “Do the Pop” single and the 12-inch EP Crash City USA. Headlining the Memphis Pops Festival are Crime founders Jeff Golightly and Rick Camp, reunited in the form of the new band Everyday Parade, which recently wowed a small crowd at the Buccaneer and should certainly prove to be a highlight of the evening. A brand-new set of Everyday Parade material will be released on CD later this year.

Another surprise on the comeback trail is the Tim Lee 3, featuring the founding member of ’80s jangle-pop stalwarts the Windbreakers. The advance tracks from the band’s upcoming album sound like outtakes from the Dream Syndicate’s classic ’80s album The Days of Wine and Roses.

Yesterday and today: the Crime and Everyday Parade

Representing a younger generation at the Memphis Pops Festival is a who’s who from the hooky end of the local indie scene.

Though currently based in Brooklyn, Viva L’American Death Ray Music for years used various Memphis bars to craft and tighten an evolving, catchy post-punk sound that puts most of their new neighbors to shame. Death Ray is another band on the bill that will be gracing the world with a new album sometime soon.

Antenna Shoes is the rare case of a “supergroup” equaling the sum of its parts, with Steve Selvidge, Paul Taylor, and members of Snowglobe knocking out widescreen power-pop like it’s a walk to the drugstore. The band is currently shopping around a debut album.

Vending Machine’s King Cobras Do, released back in February, is hands-down this writer’s favorite local record in recent memory. Backing Robby Grant for Saturday’s Vending Machine slot will be brother Grayson, Quinn Powers, and longtime drummer Robert Barnett.

The most ubiquitous version of pop-punk can be found blasting from the speakers at your nearest Hot Topic. A better version can be found on a Carbonas record. Channeling what made the Buzzcocks and late-’70s DIY punk great, the Carbonas may be from Atlanta, but they’re honorary Memphians due to regular live visits and a single on Goner Records. The third Carbonas full-length album will be released on Goner in time for Christmas.

Emcee Zac Ives (co-owner of Goner) and DJ Buck Wilders will be filling the spaces in between the bands. Revelers are encouraged to get the festivities started early with an afternoon pre-show at Shangri-La Records. Starting at 3 p.m. on Saturday and concluding just in time to grab a quick nap before heading over to the Hi-Tone, the lineup is as follows: Nice Digs, Arch Rivals, Wallendas, and the Perfect Fits. A seven-inch compilation featuring Viva L’American Death Ray Music, Vending Machine, Antenna Shoes, and the Carbonas will be given away at the show. The EP is a co-release by Shangri-La Projects, Shangri-La Records, and Goner Records. With burgers and hot dogs served throughout the evening (somehow, the perfect power-pop food!), it will be interesting to see how many copies emerge covered in drunken food smudges. As an added bonus, Ardent Records: 40 Years Story, former Commercial Appeal music writer Larry Nager’s documentary on the studio/label that birthed many of the best ’70s pop records, will kick off the evening.

There’s no such thing as overdosing on great pop, as a successfully catchy song happens to be the hardest piece of music to write. Regardless, it’s a safe wager that the Memphis Pops Festival will succeed in filling the fans’ ravenous need for timeless hooks.

Memphis Pops Festival

With Everyday Parade, Vending Machine, Antenna Shoes, Viva L’American Death Ray Music,

The Tim Lee 3, and The Carbonas

The Hi-Tone Café

Saturday, July 28th

Door opens at 6 p.m.; admission is $10


Memphis Artists Dominate EW’s List

In Entertainment Weekly’s ranking of the top love songs of all time, fully 20 percent of the Top 20 have connections to Memphis. Redding, Cash, Green, and of course, the King.

In fact, three of the top five songs have Memphis connections. At number five is Al Green’s “Let’s Stay Together;” at four is the Memphis-born Aretha Franklin’s “(You Make Me Feel Like) a Natural Woman);” and at number two is Elvis’ “Can’t Help Falling in Love,” of which EW writes: “Guaranteed to get anyone with half a heart all shook up. Beneath the lyrics is the unsettling suggestion that matters of the heart are largely dictated by fate; Presley’s placid vocal signals that’s fine by him.”

EW‘s number one love song is “God Only Knows” by the Beach Boys.

Check out the list here.