Film Features Film/TV

City Lights

Paris, Je T’aime (French for “Paris, I Love You”) is described as “a collaborative film,” and because of the high quality of its 18 short segments, shot by 22 directors in 18 different Parisian neighborhoods, it’s much more than the scrapbook-style collection of sentimental imagery and trite storytelling you might suspect. Through its wide range of tones, places, faces, and tales, the film offers a remarkable, exhilarating vision of urban life.

Because of the large number of directors and actors involved in this project, none of the short films lasts more than a few minutes, and none of the stories are directly linked, even though there are two or three brief shots at the end of the film where characters from one story recognize characters from another story. Surprisingly, such strict spatial, temporal, and narrative limits invigorate many of the bigger-name filmmakers: The Coen brothers’ darkly comic two-reeler, set in a Metro station and starring Steve Buscemi, is the most vibrant, exciting thing they’ve done in years. Wes Craven’s short, set in the Père Lachaise Cemetery, is the best-looking segment of the bunch, and it’s also one of the most whimsical; it’s a romantic short about a humorless man’s encounter with the ghost of Oscar Wilde.

Other filmmakers contribute their usual excellent work: Alfonso Cuaron’s graceful, single-take evening stroll with Nick Nolte and Ludivine Sagnier offers an antidote to the poisonous dystopia he envisioned in Children of Men, while art-house favorite Olivier Assayas (Irma Vep, Clean), whose main subject is the mixing of cultures, nations, and languages in our new global village, presents another relaxed, sad portrait of a woman (Maggie Gyllenhaal, superbly naturalistic and effortless, as always) adrift in an unfamiliar locale. Only Sylvain Chomet’s excruciating tale of two mimes in love and Christopher Doyle’s avant-garde hairstylist fantasy are less than compelling.

As this symphony of a city moves from arrondissement to arrondissement, the film takes shape as a meditation on the ways in which urban anonymity creates opportunities for reinvention. Some residents, like Bob Hoskins and Fanny Ardant in the “Pigalle” section, wander the streets at night, trying on new identities in an attempt to reawaken their old selves; others, like Catalina Sandino Moreno’s nanny in the poignant working-class vignette “Loin du 16ème,” won’t quite let their bland, thankless supporting roles entrap them. Accidents, collisions, and sudden memories also offer chances for personal and spiritual renewal.

In a lovely touch, a homely, middle-aged American tourist (Margo Martindale) best expresses not only Paris’ sense of possibility and excitement but the possibility and excitement promised by all foreign travel. Her segment, written and directed by Alexander Payne, starts out as a joke about simple-minded sightseers before blossoming into a deeply moving comment about the unlikely roots that world travelers unearth when visiting new places. As she sits on a Parisian park bench, Martindale (in impeccably bad, honking Yankee French) says, “I felt, at the same time, joy and sadness. But not too much sadness, because I felt alive.” At its frequent best, Paris, Je T’aime inspires the same response.

Paris, Je T’aime

Opens Friday, August 3rd

Ridgeway Four

Film Features Film/TV

The Simpsons dumb down from boob tube to big screen.

Ever since it debuted in the late ’80s, The Simpsons are what you use to prove that you’ve got good taste to people who don’t know you. Proclaiming fanship of the show gives you street cred from the pop-culture intelligentsia, and it’s always a good idea to keep a funny quote from an episode or some other proof of bona fides handy, just in case. For example: I named my daughter Maggie in part after The Simpsons character. See, I just proved to you that I’m smart — or lame, your reaction depending on if you yourself are smart.

So it’s curious that with The Simpsons Movie, the eagerly awaited, long-in-development big-screen version of the beloved boob-tube show, the final product isn’t the screamingly sharp, layered comedy of the smaller format writ large. Instead, the series’ cleverness has been watered down for mass consumption — it’s the dumbing down of a formula that was smarted-up mainstream humor in the first place. And this comedy by committee (15 people get writing credit for a script that reportedly went through over 100 drafts) doesn’t draw nearly enough blood.

If nothing else, the breadth and scope of The Simpsons Movie plot is suitably large. After years of environmental abuse, Springfield — the home of the Simpsons and a microcosm for all things American — is considered the most polluted town in the history of the world. This is thanks in part to Homer (Dan Castellaneta), whose dumping of a silo full of pig crap in Lake Springfield turns the water from toxic to gene-altering. On the advice of Environmental Protection Agency head Russ Cargill (Albert Brooks), a glass dome is placed over Springfield so that the city and its citizens can’t contaminate anything else. After escaping a lynch mob and the dome, the Simpsons relocate to Alaska — before the call of duty compels the family back home to save the town from destruction.

With broadsides against people of any political, religious, or cultural bent, The Simpsons Movie is suitably snarky in taking no prisoners. And by giving preference to the talents of the TV show’s regular ensemble cast of voice actors instead of bringing in a series of flash-for-flash’s sake celebrities (Albert Brooks in a significant role and Tom Hanks and Green Day in cameos are the only exceptions), the film pays tribute to the folks who got them there in the first place.

But The Simpsons Movie is written mostly for the uninitiated, with occasional insider nods to the fanatic. Tellingly, Arnold Schwarzenegger-spoof Rainier Wolfcastle, a recurring character on the TV show, has been replaced — with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The Simpsons has always been a kitchen-sink comedy effort, with gags that can cross from high- to low-brow and back in the space of a joke. Accordingly, not every goof is guaranteed to hit your particular funny bone. But by casting a wide net, each episode promises a whole slew of chuckles and usually a number of real bellybusters.

The Simpsons Movie underwhelms. Those expecting a laugh riot will likely be disappointed. It’s still The Simpsons, and that still carries with it a certain level of quality. But expect more bemused smiling than anything else. And it must be said: Flat jokes are much more forgivable when they’re free.

The Simpsons Movie

Now playing

Multiple locations

Opinion The Last Word

The Rant

The evolution of excuses for blundering into and maintaining the Iraq war is becoming comical. The first excuse was weapons of mass destruction. Do you remember the constant talk about weapons of mass destruction, “the worst weapons in the hands of the worst dictator”? Do you remember how President Bush said the sole reason for the war was to disarm Saddam Hussein? Do you remember how we were warned about a smoking gun that could be a mushroom cloud? Do you remember how Iraq was an “imminent” threat to the world? Do you remember how a 65-year-old dictator, widely acknowledged as not the smartest guy in the world, was compared to Hitler, who had put together a regime and an army that conquered Europe?

Well, oops. Not a single weapon of mass destruction was found in the country. Furthermore, the Iraqis had said there were no weapons of mass destruction. To cover their behinds, U.S. officials started peddling the story that Saddam wanted people to believe he had weapons of mass destruction. That U.S. lie didn’t fly because Saddam and his government repeatedly denied that the weapons existed. Furthermore, Iraq had invited in U.N. inspectors who were verifying the absence of weapons, which was one reason Bush forced the inspectors out by going to war. He had to start his war before the inspectors proved his bogus intelligence amounted to a pack of lies.

Enter the second excuse: Bush wanted to spread democracy in the Middle East, starting with Iraq. That never progressed past elections because, as everyone familiar with the country knew or should have known, a vote would elect a Shia majority with two fractious minorities, Kurds and Sunnis. This is the government that has proven to be totally ineffective. It also greatly increased the influence of Iran. It has sparked the civil war in Iraq.

Bush lately has hinted that his faith in democracy is weakening by implying that a reasonable authority would be acceptable. Trouble is, the U.S. can’t even find a dictator willing to take the job, given the present situation.

Now, when the issue has become getting Americans home from a war that has lasted longer than World War II, the final excuse is to trot out the empire’s favorite ambiguity: stability. If we leave Iraq, instability will result. It’s hard to believe anyone can say that with a straight face. Iraq is unstable already. It’s in the midst of civil war, with a million refugees and displaced people, hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded, its economy a total wreck, and virtually all work on repairing the infrastructure at a standstill.

Ironically, the last time Iraq was stable was when Saddam was in power. Iraq is unstable because we made it unstable. We destroyed Iraq’s infrastructure, its economy, and its government. We did. One of the most shameful lies peddled by the Bush administration has been to blame the poor state of Iraq’s infrastructure on Saddam. We destroyed that infrastructure with wars, bombings, and medieval sanctions. The miracle is that with all we were doing, Saddam managed to produce more electricity and more oil than our occupation has been able to produce.

Finally, how is it the U.S. can claim that after four years, there is no trained Iraqi army and police force able to handle security? We send kids into combat with about 16 weeks of training. And why is the U.S. building the largest embassy in the world in a Third World country that is in chaos?

What “Herbert Hoover” Bush has done is destroy the credibility of the U.S., sully our reputation almost beyond repair, demonstrate the weakness of our leadership and the vulnerability of our military, and convince many people in the world that we are an evil nation of idiots led by fools. Let’s at least hope that he destroys the Republican Party, too. It deserves a zero existence.

Charley Reese has been a journalist for 50 years.


Separated at Birth?

Us Magazine has discovered something shocking: Justin Timberlake and Ryan Phillippe could have been switched at birth.

The mag also equates Al Pacino and Adam Sandler, and even worse, Orlando Bloom and Ron Jeremy, so take it with a grain of salt. But Timberlake and Phillippe really look like they’re sharing style secrets!

Check it out for yourself when Justin performs at the FedExForum August 6th.


Muscle Men To Compete at Sam’s Town

It takes confidence to compete on stage in front of an audience. It takes nerves of steel to do so in a thong.

On Saturday, August 4th, built and bronzed athletes will convene for the 2007 “Battle on the Bluff” Bodybuilding and Figure Competition at Sam’s Town in Tunica.

Promoter and trainer Chris Caudy, who has been a bodybuilder for more than 10 years, says the competition will attract athletes not only from Tennessee but surrounding states. The 2007 Junior U.S.A. champion, Mike Horn, is also set to appear as a guest “poser.”

“It usually takes 12 to 16 weeks to prepare for a competition,” Caudy says. “Diet is the hardest part; training is the easy part.”

Each division requires extensive preparation with an emphasis on symmetry and balanced body proportions. The nine categories of competition include teen, men’s novice, men’s junior, men’s open, masters, grandmasters, women, figure, and masters figure.

Aside from enjoying the eye candy, audience members might actually benefit from the competition: Watching bodybuilders often triggers a desire in people to better their own bodies. “It’s very inspirational,” Caudy says. “The bodybuilders have worked hard for months to be on stage for minutes. After a competition, people usually call me, ready to start working out.”

Viewing the finished product of diligence and deprivation — a chiseled body — is enough to motivate even couch potatoes. “It makes people believe it’s attainable,” Caudy says. “They see these people and think, I can do this. It might motivate you not just in the gym but in other walks of life.”

“Battle on the Bluff” Bodybuilding and Figure Competition, Sam’s Town Tunica, Saturday, August 4th, 7 p.m. General admission is $27.50, $32.50 day of event. For tickets, call (800) 946-0711.

Politics Politics Feature

Bringing John McCain Back (as Justin Timberlake!?)

Okay, so presidential candidate John McCain has been disgorging campaign staff, lagging behind in fund-raising, and barely holding his own in the polls. A sad fate for a one-time front-runner!

But here’s a concrete suggestion from — of all people — the folks at a national pro-choice lobby who mean to be taking the Arizona senator to task for his anti-abortion views.

But in likening McCain to Justin Timberlake (don’t ask us why; just go see for yourself!), they may have a practical suggestion for the slumping candidate.

Food & Wine Food & Drink

No Ice Cream for You!

If this week’s Food News column got you pumped up about trying Stephen Hassinger’s homemade ice cream at the Memphis Farmers Market, too bad! Because of Department of Agriculture regulations, Hassinger will no longer be selling his dairy-based frozen treats.

In order to make ice cream for retail the Department of Agriculture demands that the producer pasteurizes his own milk. Also affected by this regulation is Russell Casey who was selling freshly made Mozzarella.

“We would have to get an on-site pasteurizer, which has a price tag in the six-figure range,” Hassinger explains.

And because that’s not really an option, Hassinger is planning on changing de La Creme to Tutti Frutti and focus on sorbets. Before he can do that, however, the Department of Agriculture will have to inspect his kitchen to make sure it complies with the standards.


Dog Shoots Memphis Man in Back: Refuses to Speak to Police

A few months ago, it was the mugshot of the girl with the giant mohawk. Last week, it was the bikini lawncare service. This week, there’s a new Memphis story that’s showing up on news sites around the globe: It’s the news item about the Great Dane who shot his owner in the back.

The official story is that the dog knocked a rifle off a table and the gun went off accidentally, hitting the dog’s 21-year-old owner in the back.

Yeah, right.

“That just doesn’t pass the sniff test,” said a Memphis Police spokesperson. “What we’ve heard is that the dog had a bone to pick with his owner and the ruff stuff was no accident.”

Police made the collar last night and have now taken the dog in for questioning. So far, however, the dog hasn’t rolled over.

“We could be barking up the wrong tree here,” said the spokesperson. “He’s been kind of whiny and pissy, but he won’t speak. I guess you could say he’s got us licked, so far. But we’re keeping him on a short leash and we’re confident we’ll get the real poop out of him soon and he’ll be eating out of our hands.”

The dog is expected to hire famed Memphis law firm Barkin & Howell to represent him.

Politics Politics Feature

Bag Man Love Sentenced in Waltz Case

Admitted “bag man” Charles Love, who became a key
cooperating witness in the Tennessee Waltz investigation, was sentenced to one
year and a day in prison Thursday.

Love, a member of the Hamilton County (Chattanooga) Board
of Education for nine years, began cooperating with the government before the
investigation became public in 2005 after he was confronted with taking $28,000,
some of which he kept and some of which he gave to elected officials.

The sentence handed down by U.S. district judge Daniel
Breen is well below the sentencing guidelines of 30-37 months for the offenses
of extortion and theft of government funds with which Love was charged.

Love told Breen he regretted his actions.

“I want to state my remorse,” he said. “I want to apologize
to the people of Hamilton County and the state of Tennessee.”

Assistant U.S. Attorney Tim DiScenza told Breen that Love’s
cooperation was helpful to the government and began within two days of his being
told he was a target in the Tennessee Waltz investigation. He recommended that
Love get a reduction from the sentencing guidelines of 50 percent.

Attorney Bryan Hoss, who represented Love, said that Love
has received anonymous death threats for his cooperation with the government. He
told Breen that Love wore a wire 20-25 times during the course of the
investigation at great personal cost. He was prepared to testify against
powerful senator Ward Crutchfield until Crutchfield pleaded guilty in July.

“He (Love) has effectively been run out of the state,” said

Love was caught on tape in secret conversations with FBI
agents posing as E-Cycle executives. On one tape, he said, “Everyone has their
deal.” But Hoss said Love had not taken money illegally prior to Tennessee

“He embellished when he first met with E-Cycle about doing
this before,” Hoss said.

Love will remain free on bond. The prison where he will
serve his time has not been decided, but Breen will recommend a site close to

Politics Politics Feature

Morris Gets Leg Up from Former A C Boosters

Mayoral candidate Herman Morris’ campaign got a tangible boost Thursday as the two principal co-founders of the now defunct “Draft A C” movement — the Revs. Bill Adkins and La Simba Gray — explained they had now “recovered” and were giving their support to Morris as Memphis’ best hope for the future.

Another veteran of the draft movement, restaurateur Tommy Boggs, was on hand at the candidate’s headquarters for the announcement, while yet a fourth — former county mayor Bill Morris — was said to be on board, though absent at a University of Memphis official function.

“This is a new day for the campaign for mayor of the city of Memphis,” said Morris as he accepted the endorsements of the former “Draft A C” principals, along with several others from prominent African-American ministers.

Adkins, who said after county mayor Wharton’s disavowal of a candidacy last month that he wouldn’t be endorsing anyone else, said he changed his mind after getting three visits from Morris that convinced him of the former MLGW head’s mayoral qualities.

In a press release accompanying the press conference, Adkins coupled Morris with Wharton as potential city/county colleagues: “Just imagine what the dream team of Herman Morris and A C Wharton could do for our city.”

At the press conference, Morris renewed his call for other candidates to follow his example by taking a drug test and demonstrating they were additive-free.

He repeated an assertion he had made last week at a meeting of the Germantown Democratic Club that he was the one candidate drawing equally from both blacks and whites, but he declined to say again, as he had then, that Mayor Willie Herenton and city councilwoman Carol Chumney appeared more to specific racial voting blocs.