Music Music Features

“Tune In” Thursday at the HiTone

Finally, those of us with 9-to-5 gigs can see some live music before midnight.

On Thursday night, Beale Street Caravan presents its “Tune Into Memphis” Showcase, the first in a series of lineups featuring local bands who’ll be recorded for future radio play on Beale Street Caravan, the most widely-distributed blues radio show in the world.

Thursday’s showcase features the last Chance Jug Band, Delta Highway, the Bluff City Backsliders, and John Paul Keith and the One Four Fives.

Music begins at 8 p.m., (really!) and tickets are $7 at the door.

Want to know more? Check out the BSC website.

News The Fly-By

Q & A: Bill Gibbons

New Orleans has made some recovery since Hurricane Katrina ravaged the city in 2005. The population is almost 70 percent of what it was before the hurricane. In some parts of the city, especially in the tourist-friendly French Quarter, the only evidence of the storm are T-shirts that say, “I survived Hurricane Katrina.”

But the Orleans Parish district attorney’s office has yet to bounce back. In the first half of this year, many felony cases were dismissed, due in part to inadequate staffing levels. In other cases, key witnesses never returned to the city after Katrina.

Then last month, after a federal judgment levied $3.7 million against the office for firing 42 white employees, New Orleans district attorney Eddie Jordan resigned.

Shelby County district attorney Bill Gibbons and four other D.A.’s from across the country spent November 12th to 16th in New Orleans evaluating the local office and meeting with judges, community leaders, and law enforcement. In the next 60 days, the group will recommend how to repair the Orleans Parish office.

Bianca Phillips

Flyer: How did Katrina affect the Orleans Parish office?

Gibbons: In the first half of 2007, over half of their homicide cases were dismissed, as well as over half of their robbery cases. A lot of those were pre-Katrina cases.

[Missing witnesses] ranged from people who were on the scene and needed to testify about a particular crime, to former police officers no longer on the force. On the other hand, the office did not have the adequate staff and resources to locate witnesses who may still be in New Orleans.

Is crime on the rise in New Orleans?

They have a very high homicide rate and a fair amount of drug trafficking. The levee issue [people not returning because they aren’t sure the city is safe from storms] has been replaced by the crime issue as the major hurdle in persuading people to come back to New Orleans.

Was the D.A.’s physical office destroyed in Katrina?

The office was about six feet under water. Since then, it has been closed, and it’s my understanding that there’s a serious mold problem. It’s probably going to need to be gutted and totally redone.

For now, they’re in temporary office space. They don’t have an office-wide e-mail system. They have three to four employees sharing telephones. They don’t have enough computers for the office staff. The office is operating off of folding picnic tables.

On top of all that, the D.A. resigned.

[New Orleans D.A. Eddie Jordan] had been sued for race discrimination as a result of terminating a fairly large number of employees when he took office. They were primarily investigators and victims-service assistants, as well as support staff. The federal district court recently ruled that the assets of the office could be seized to satisfy that judgment.

Who’s running the office now?

An interim D.A. was appointed, Keva Landrum-Johnson. I’m pretty impressed with her. I think she’s smart, tough, and savvy. She faces more challenges than any D.A. in America right now.

A federal judge froze six of the office’s bank accounts this month as the first step in seizing the $3.7 million. Is that having any effect?

They had great difficulty making payroll last week. They’ll face the same problem at the end of this month. My guess is that they will end up securing a loan to pay off all or part of the judgment.

Why did you go to New Orleans?

The National District Attorneys Association was looking for D.A.’s from cities similar in size to New Orleans, as well as cities that may have something in common with New Orleans. In our case, we’re larger in city population than New Orleans, but our metropolitan area is about the same size. And Memphis has so many commercial and cultural ties with New Orleans.

What did you do?

We interviewed as many stakeholders as we could. We talked to the interim D.A. and to her key staff members. We talked to the police chief and other key people in the police department, Mayor Nagin, various judges, and representatives of the business community.

We’re not trying to come up with some five-year strategic plan for the D.A.’s office. We were more of a MASH unit that comes in and identifies some specific things that could be done in the immediate future.

Could New Orleans’ problems affect Memphis?

New Orleans is our sister city, so what happens down river affects us here. If New Orleans can make some headway on its crime problem, I think that will benefit us in the long run.

Film Features Film/TV


As I write this, my almost-3-year-old daughter is having the bedding in her room changed over to a Disney Princess theme. She’s Disney Princess mad. Apparently, so is every other American girl age 2 and up, judging by the myriad products offered for purchase by the Mouse Factory this holiday season — Cinderella, Snow White, Aurora, Ariel, and a handful of others making up the Disney retail blitzkrieg. I am, quite simply, worn out by Disney Princess sensory overload.

So with that qualification, on to my review of Enchanted, the new animated/live-action Disney film about a princess who gets sent to the real world (our world) by a wicked queen, with a dashing prince following to rescue her. Though I was primed to see it as a cynical cash-in on a popular brand, I’m obliged to report the opposite: Enchanted is an excellent family film that touches upon and updates an iconic cinematic formula without diminishing it. Take that, Cinderella III: A Twist in Time!

Enchanted starts off animated, showing the beautiful Giselle (Amy Adams) pining away in song for a prince with whom she can share true love’s kiss. Jump to Prince Edward (James Marsden), the dashing heir to the Andalusian throne, who hears her song and rushes to her side to complete it with his own lyrics. Once met, they fall immediately in love and get set to marry right away.

Fearing the loss of her power, Edward’s stepmother, the evil Queen Narissa (Susan Sarandon), tricks Giselle into a portal that sends her to New York City, where she becomes live-action amid the ugly cacophony of product placement in Times Square. Edward and a chipmunk follow to rescue Giselle, and the Queen’s lackey, Nathaniel (Timothy Spall), follows to foil their efforts. Things get off-formula, though, when Giselle meets and starts falling for Robert (Patrick Dempsey), a single-father divorce lawyer.

In New York, confronted with such prosaic mechanisms as showers and buses, the Disney protagonists turn out to be functional idiots. This is more a mild commentary on the studio’s history of simple-stroked characters than it is an entrée into mean-spirited humor, though. As a postmodern take on cinematic fairy tales, Enchanted recalls the Shrek films, particularly Shrek the Third‘s booty-kickin’ princesses. But where Shrek dripped with sarcasm and irony, Enchanted chooses to entertain with cheerful, positive storytelling. Its beneficence is maybe the film’s greatest strength as a family film. Instead of relying on bodily functions to make the kiddies laugh or smug literary allusions to get to the parents, Enchanted goes old-school: engaging the whole audience, together, with a solid story, character-derived humor, and palatable themes.

In the wonderful 2005 film Junebug, Adams played charming, funny, rustic, and a little naive, creating what seemed like a real person from her script directions. In Enchanted, Adams has to go the opposite direction, this time asked to embody a fictional icon based on the same set of characteristics. Once again, she hangs the moon. With giant, doe eyes and piles of red hair, Adams is perfectly cast. But it’s the spirit she brings that’s so winning.

I haven’t seen Patrick Dempsey acting since 1991’s one-two punch of Run and Mobsters. (I don’t partake in Grey’s Anatomy.) I never thought I’d say this, but Dempsey brings a degree of maturity to his role. His deft application of world-weariness (but wanting to believe) is probably as important in making Enchanted good as Adams’ charming daffiness.

Add original music by the multi-Oscar-winning Alan Menken and Stephen Schwartz, traditional 2-D animation methods, and narration by Julie Andrews, and Enchanted fits quite nicely in the Disney canon.


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Memphis Selling For Less

From South Memphis to Southwind, Memphis is losing value. Two people who ought to know say so. Both are professionals, and neither is an alarmist or a naysayer.

One of them is Shelby County asssessor Rita Clark, whose job is putting a dollar value on houses, buildings, and land for tax purposes. The other is auctioneer John Roebuck of Roebuck Auctions, one of the leading real estate auction firms in the South.

They calculate value differently. Clark and her staff use computer models, comparables, sales histories, and first-hand “windshield” inspections. Roebuck wields a microphone and a gavel and stands in front of a group of buyers and opens the bidding.

But they’ve come to the same conclusion: Real estate prices are declining, which reverses a long trend of increasing values.

“Memphis is a strange city that does not dip and rise like other parts of the country,” Roebuck said. “Right now, Memphis is down about as far as I can remember in 30 years.”

He said people are leaving the city, demand for housing is low, and there is a surplus of new homes and condos. Even the owners of some million-dollar homes are turning to auctions as a way to unload their property.

“Auctions get a bad rap,” Roebuck said. “An auction typically brings the true market value that day. Appraisals are just one man’s opinion.”

He expects to see “a substantial reduction” in home values in the next countywide reappraisal in 2009, leading to an overall decline in the tax base.

Clark doesn’t disagree with that evaluation.
“Absolutely,” she said, when asked if the tax base in Memphis could be shrinking, although she declined to put a number on it at this time. “We follow the market. We don’t predict the market.”

Clark will leave office next September after serving 10 years. In the 1998, 2001, and 2005 reappraisals, the total value of assessed property in Memphis increased an average of 14 percent each period. The suburbs were up even more, led by Collierville (up 24 percent in 2005) and Lakeland (up 30 percent in 2005).

Higher property appraisals are an indication of a healthy economy and provide a cushion for Memphis and Shelby County governments, which operate primarily on property taxes and sales tax. If housing prices continue to fall, lower appraisals will mean lower tax collections and less money for schools, police and teacher salaries, sports facilities, parks, and debt service.

There is also the prospect of no tax collections at all from some property owners. Memphis is one of the top foreclosure markets in the country. Foreclosures are expected to get worse in 2008 as subprime mortgages are reset at higher rates.

The usual way to balance the budget in Memphis and Shelby County is with a tax increase, but Memphians already pay the highest property tax rate in Tennessee. The smell of scandal is in the air. Houses aren’t selling. Values are declining. Mayor Herenton got only 43 percent of the vote. The 2008 City Council will have nine new members. And they’re going to increase taxes? Don’t think so.

Other signs point to a stagnant city that is getting poorer, not richer. In banking as in real estate, it looks like the big money has been made for a while. This has been an awful year for banks. The stock price of First Horizon, the last of the big Memphis-based banks, is $21 a share compared to $43 a year ago. The share prices of other regional banks with a big presence in Memphis, including Regions, Renasant, Trustmark, and Cadence, are all down at least 30 percent this year and are at or near five-year lows. FedEx, our corporate jewel, is off 15 percent so far this year.

At the risk of piling on, there is an unsettling tone in the public relations campaign to “liberate” the National Civil Rights Museum from “corporate interest domination.” Unsettling because it sounds like the preelection rhetoric of our soon-to-be fifth-term mayor who as much as wrote off the white vote. So much for public-private partnerships.

The $30 dinner entrée, the $570 a night hotel suite, the $140 Grizzlies ticket, the $45,000 SUV, the $40,000 a year college tuition, and a $30 million public boat landing look like relics of a golden age. Let’s hope Memphis can still support them a year from now, but I wonder.

Politics Politics Feature

Herenton to Break Bread with New Council at Wednesday Lunch

In what would seem to be a precedent-setting move, Mayor Willie Herenton is sitting down with his newly elected 13-member council for a get-acquainted lunch on Wednesday at the downtown Rendezvous Restaurant. The luncheon, arranged by former councilman John Vergos, the Rendezvous’s owner, is co-hosted by Vergos and former councilman and mayoral intimate Rev. James Netters.

According to a source, the luncheon is meant, among other things, to be a clear and obvious call for public peace on the part of the mayor, who famously has quarreled with council members over the years and strongly condemned the council at a memorable New Year’s Day prayer breakfast in 2004.

–Jackson Baker

Sports Sports Feature

Nutt Hotty-Toddied Wednesday

According to a report in Jackson, Mississippi’s Clarion-Ledger, Ole Miss’ new football coach Houston Nutt received a standing ovation from fans Wednesday in Oxford.

“I feel like this place can be successful. I feel like this place can win.,” he said. “I can’t wait to tell (the players) that the way you spell fun is w-i-n.”

Nutt, the University of Arkansas coach, was hired to replace Ole Miss’ Ed Orgeron who was fired Saturday after three seasons. Nutt reportedly signed a four-year deal worth $7.4 million to coach at Ole Miss.

A capacity crowd showed up Wednesday to welcome Nutt at a appearance at the university’s Gertrude Ford Center. Five-hundred were turned away when the 1,500-seat space was filled.

Read all about it here.


Shelby County Hazardous Waste Center Opens

As Rick Messere pulls up to the sheet-metal building tucked around a hidden corner on Haley Road near Shelby Farms, a group of men in bright yellow vests approaches his car. A few are pushing a plastic cart.

Messere pushes the button to pop his trunk. As the vest-wearing crew unloads about 30 cans of paint from his trunk, Messere rolls down his window.

“Do you take old batteries?” he asks.

“Yes, we do!” replies Lisa Williams with the Shelby County Roads and Bridges Department.

Messere unloaded three year’s worth of mostly empty paint cans and some old batteries on opening day at the Shelby County Hazardous Waste Facility Tuesday morning. He was one of about 60 county residents who took advantage of the center’s first day in business.

The center takes the place of the county’s annual hazardous waste collection event. Items such as paint cans, automotive fluids, compact florescent lightbulbs, and pool chemicals are collected at the site and shipped off for proper disposal. They’ll even accept electronics, like computers and cell phones.

The center, which is funded by a combination of public and private funds, and is open every Tuesday and Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. It’s located at 6305 Haley Rd.

Acceptable items: aerosol spray cans, automotive fluids, anti-freeze, motor oil, batteries, oven and toilet cleaners, adhesives, stains and varnishes, electronics, cell phones, flammable liquids, drain cleaners, fluorescent tubes, herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, paint, pool chemicals, moth balls, insect repellent, mercury, and thermostats.

— Bianca Phillips

Politics Politics Feature

Mike McWherter No Go for Senate, Will , er, “Spend More Time” With Family

West Tennessee businessman Mike McWherter,only recently the toast of Tennessee Democrats as their likely U.S. candidate against Lamar Alexander next year, is toast in the other sense of the term now. The former governor’s son won’t run.

Here is McWherter’s statement upon opting out:

“Over the past few months, I’ve been honored to receive overwhelming support by Tennesseans from all walks of life encouraging me to run for U.S. Senate. It’s clear that people want change in Washington, D.C., and I’ve spent considerable time, especially over the past two months, exploring the possibility of running. However, after careful consideration, I’ve decided the timing just isn’t right for me or my family.

“The reality is: the demands of raising millions of dollars in short order and running an intense 12-month campaign simply are not in the best interests of my family right now. With two kids in high school, I had the choice of being able to savor every day of their remaining years at home, or missing a good part of that time on the campaign trail and in Washington. I’m choosing to focus on them.

“While I’ve ruled out running for the US Senate, I continue to be interested in public service and want to do whatever I can to help move our state and country in a positive direction. That includes lending my support to whoever the eventual Democratic nominee should be. Given the dramatic change that’s occurring in our country, and the exodus that’s occurring in the Senate, it’s clear that the time is right for a candidate who has the time and resources to take on Senator Alexander and help usher in change to Washington.

“Finally, to everyone who expressed their support during my exploratory efforts: Thank you very much. I’m fortunate to have had the support of my father, wife and children, as well as Democrat and Republican friends from across the state. I look forward to talking with them in the future as we all work to keep improving our state and nation.”

McWherter’s campaign had been expected to capitalize on the name of his father, Ned McWherter, the former two-term governor.


Pau Gasol Poops!

Well, this gives “running the floor” a whole new dimension.

Sure, some of our Christmas traditions are lousy. We’ve got gaudy and tacky decorations, that stupid fa-la-la-la a song, and retail “Christmas creep.” But in certain regions of Spain, they’ve got us beat. It seems their traditional nativity scene includes a small figurine of a defecating peasant.

This hallowed tradition has been going on since the 17th century, but recently the pooping peasant has begun to be replaced by shitting celebrities. And Memphis just happens to have a local celebrity who hails from Spain.

Yep. Everybody poops. Even Pau Gasol. There’s more about this at, including a link to pictures of pooping Popes, George Bush, and other luminaries. Spain. What a country!


Shelby County Sheriff’s Office to Sell Seized Property

Need a beat-up 1993 Dodge pickup truck? Or how about a single-engine Cessna plane? Both items will be sold in a Shelby County Sheriff’s sale on Wednesday, November 28th.

A new feature on the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office website lists items to be sold in auctions of seized property. Items range from major purchases (such as the plane) to everyday goods (i.e. computers).

Often, property is seized when a loan is defaulted. For example, a creditor could get a court order for deputies to seize a person’s real estate or other valuable goods. Most of the money from those sales goes back to the creditor, although the sheriff’s office receives a small fee for conducting the auction.

Other items are seized by the Shelby County Narcotics Bureau. Officers may confiscate a vehicle used in drug sales or a computer used to store information about stolen goods. Proceeds from those sales are used to purchase new equipment for the narcotics bureau.

For more, go to the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office website.