
“Unnatural Causes” Debuts Thursday on WKNO

Memphis is often listed as one of America’s unhealthiest cities. And maybe, according to one new documentary, that has as much to do with socioeconomic inequality as it does with germs or biology.

Unnatural Causes, a seven-part documentary series, asks the question: “Is inequality making us sick?” and suggests that how we are born, live, and work can make us ill.

It’s not necessarily a ground-breaking notion, but executive producer Larry Adelman notes that the United States has the worst disease outcomes of any industrialized nation and that even its middle class – yes, that’s probably you — die, on average, about three years sooner than the rich.

The first section of the documentary will air tonight. The rest will air the next three consecutive Thursdays (April 3rd, 10th, and 17th) on WKNO at 9 p.m.

To learn more about the documentary, go to the filmmakers’ website.


Craig Brewer to Direct “Gang Leader for a Day”

Add another project to Memphis filmmaker Craig Brewer’s bulging “to do” list.

Film industry trade publication Variety reported earlier this week that Paramount Vantage, the studio that produced Brewer’s last film, Black Snake Moan, has optioned the rights to Columbia University professor Sudhir Venkatesh’s book Gang Leader for a Day: A Rogue Sociologist Takes to the Streets, with Brewer attached to direct.

Sopranos writer Michael Caleo has been tabbed to handle the script, with Stephanie Allain, Brewer’s partner in his Southern Cross the Dog production company, set to produce.

But just because this project has hit the news this week, don’t expect it to begin shooting any time soon. For Brewer, who says he and Allain sought out the project and brought it to Paramount Vantage, it’s yet another project in the development pipeline.

Gang Leader for a Day, which is about Venkatesh’s years spent researching the Black Kings, a Chicago-area street gang that was involved in crack cocaine distribution, is in a similar place developmentally with another, previously announced Brewer project: the Charley Pride biopic he is developing with Hustle & Flow star Terrence Howard.

The rights to both films are owned by Paramount Vantage and are being developed via Brewer’s production company, with Brewer set to direct. In both cases, screenwriters have been hired and Brewer is waiting on a completed script. In addition to these two projects, Brewer’s long-anticipated country music film, Maggie Lynn, is also still awaiting a final studio go-ahead.

In all, Brewer has at least six projects in various states of development. Contacted this morning, Brewer, who declined to comment about the Variety story, said that he wouldn’t want to guess which project would begin shooting first.

— Chris Herrington

Politics Politics Feature

Trouble In and Out of School: Part Three — A ‘Double Dipping’ Buyout for Superintendent Herenton

The third of a three-part series. Read Part One here, and Part Two here.

lawyer Dan Norwood, whose practice, oriented to public-service cases, often
brought him into contact with the administrative team of schools superintendent
Willie Herenton, marvels even today at the financial legerdemain on display at
Memphis City Schools headquarters on Avery during the ’80s and early ’90s.

“Those guys could hide the money!” he recalls admiringly, referring not to any
graft or dishonesty but rather to the ability of the superintendent’s financial
advisers – notably then deputy superintendent Ray Holt – to disguise and channel
the various assets of MCS in such a way as to justify annual
budget requests based on scarcity while maintaining emergency “rainy day”
reserves just in case those requests were not accommodated by local government.

Thus it was that the school system during the Herenton years was able to stay in
surplus through lean times and fat, and it was by calling on the same expertise
that a beleaguered superintendent Herenton negotiated a more generous settlement
with the school board – a buyout of his contract, is what it came to – than was
publicly realized at the time.

So masked were
the conditions of Superintendent Herenton’s retirement agreement in 1991 that
even today, almost a score of years after the event, brand-new conspiracy
theories have surfaced, alleging that Mayor Herenton, by resigning and becoming
superintendent once more, would stand thereby to enhance the pension he earned
from his years of service with Memphis City Schools.

Compensation plus a full pension plus two salaries

As the theory goes, since Herenton served 28 years with MCS and was granted
another more or less honorary year as part of his 1991 settlement agreement
with the school board, he would greatly escalate his pension during his first
additional year of service should he get hired again as superintendent.

The problem with that theory is that Herenton has already been credited with 30
years of service, with all the pension benefits which would ensue from the fact.
That was a condition that he negotiated back in 1991 as an essential part of his
retirement agreement with the school board.

That fact escaped public notice at the time but was revealed in a Flyer
cover story of February 13, 1992. The article, entitled “Double Dipping,” was
published barely a month after Willie Herenton, now fully redeemed as a public
figure, had taken the oath as Memphis mayor. Herenton, aided by Get-Out-the-Vote
efforts from then congressman Harold Ford Sr., a political rival, had become
the first African American to gain the office via election — in an upset
victory over incumbent mayor Dick Hackett that was justly regarded as epochal in
its implications.

“Double Dipping” was so titled because of its revelation that during the course
of the same year that he would be serving as the city’s fully salaried chief
executive, Mayor Herenton would continue to be carried, under the classification
“full time, active,” on the books of Memphis City Schools. He would, in fact, be
drawing his former annual MCS salary of $120,717 while being paid $100,000 to run
Memphis city government.

Moreover, this extra year of service was interpreted as being added on to a de
facto severance year – making his total 30 years officially instead of the 29
years’ worth that were announced to the public at the time of Herenton’s
retirement announcement. That “30th” year was added on in the course
of a technical supplement to the retirement package worked out between Herenton
and then acting superintendent Holt, the former deputy who had
temporarily succeeded his boss.

In effect, the buyout package was structured so as to compensate superintendent
Herenton for retirement short of a full 30 years with MCS, while simultaneously granting him
the wherewithal to claim the advantages of a 30-year retirement!

The difference, in pension benefits alone, would amount to at least $500,000
(the sum was subject to adjustments for inflation and cost-of-living increases)
over the course of the next 20 years. The retiring superintendent was also
granted $106, 616 in accrued sick leave – covering both of the extra years of
service, the severance year spoken to in the agreement and the phantom 30th

‘Some of us wanted to fire him outright’

J.C. Williams, the school board president who had signed the buyout package on
behalf of the school system (the only other signatory was Herenton), would
acknowledge the stealth nature of these financial add-on features. “I did not
know that Dr. Herenton intended to remain on the school payroll, and I did not
find out that he was still being carried until late last year,” said Williams in
February 1992, insisting that, had he known, he would not have signed the buyout

Herenton himself, when asked in 1992 about the newly unearthed terms of his
retirement package, wondered what all the fuss was about. The agreement was like
any other executive retirement package, he said, in it it was not based on
normal formulas but was “independent of the practices that govern the [school]
board’s employment of other individuals.”

Anyhow, he contended, the package was consistent with roll-over provisions
contained in his existing contract with the school board.

The new mayor could certainly not be faulted for having negotiated such
unexpectedly favorable terms. He was free to, and, in a way, it spoke to an
innate shrewdness that might serve him well in his new and challenging job as
mayor of a major urban metropolis.

Mal Mauney, who, as chairman of the school board’s personnel committee at the
time, did much of he negotiating with Herenton, commented wryly in 1992:
“Frankly, there were some of us who wanted to fire him outright. But let’s face
it, unless we struck a bargain which we could get him to agree to, he was

Mauney went on to elaborate that Herenton’s support base in the city’s
African-American community was strong and loyal and that a negative reaction from
these constituents was “something we had to take seriously.”

Regardless, that’s how one career ended, and another began – perhaps, after 16
mayoral years that have been both widely admired and widely criticized, to
recycle into a reprise of that first career.

This concludes a Three-Part series on how superintendent, later mayor, Willie Herenton came to part the ways with Memphis City Schools after what could turn out to have been his first stint with MCS.

Read Part One.

Read Part Two.

Opinion Viewpoint

Bianca Knows Best

Dear Bianca,
I teach safe sex practices to youth in Memphis. I’m very proud of this, and I feel like I’m doing good work. But I have a little conflict — I do not have safe sex with my boyfriend. We don’t use condoms at all. But we are in a committed, monogamous relationship so I don’t fear catching anything. We’re gay men, so pregnancy isn’t an issue either.

But I feel like a hypocrite, especially since I tell the kids to use a condom EVERY time. What do you think? Should I practice what I preach? Or is not using a condom okay for two consenting, monogamous adults?

— Bareback in the Bluff City

Dear Bareback,

This is a sticky issue, and my answer may tick off the local Planned Parenthood office. But safe-sex educators hear me out.

My initial reaction to your quandary was, “Of course, you should be practicing what you preach, you hypocrite! Those poor kids look up to you, and look what you do behind their backs! If you were a governor, you’d be Elliot Spitzer!”

But then, I thought about all the married, straight people who surely don’t wear condoms years into their relationships. And since you and your partner are gay, it’s not like you can just go get married and start screwing without rubbers. You can thank your president, the conservative assholes in Congress, and the Christian Right for that one.

I think the answer to this question depends on several factors. First, have you both been tested for every STD under the sun? And did you go together? Or are you taking him at his word?

Secondly, how long have you and your partner been dating? And how serious is the relationship? Are you practically married? Would you be willing to commit to him for the rest of your life?

If you’ve been tested together, then you know he’s not lying when he says those mysterious bumps are pimples, not herpes. If you’re totally committed to one another (and I mean committed enough to be married if the closed-minded powers-that-be would let you), then I think it’s probably okay for you and your partner to forgo condoms.

If, however, there’s any doubt in your mind (or suspicion that there may be doubt in his) that you will remain loyal, I’d say better safe than sorry.

On another note, don’t let your decision affect the good work you’re doing in the community. Teaching kids about condom use is crucial. Not only does it prevent the spread of nasty STDs, but it also keeps those brats from reproducing. Good for you!

Got a problem? Bianca can solve it … or least give you crappy advice that you can choose to ignore. Send advice queries to

Film Features Film/TV

“The Band’s Visit” Bores, But Not Disappointingly

The Band’s Visit begins with a silent-movie title card: “Once — not long ago — a small Egyptian police band arrived in Israel. Not everyone remembers this; it wasn’t very important.” Seldom has an opening shot summarized a film better.

Writer/director Eran Kolirin’s new comedy is demure, modest, and simple. It’s also boring as hell, but if you don’t mind some quiet time in the theater to think for yourself while the film’s poetry leavens, it can hardly be called a disappointment …

Read the rest of Addison Engelking’s review of The Band’s Visit here.

Politics Politics Feature

Marsha Has a Primary Opponent — County Register Leatherwood

Marsha Blackburn, the Republican congressman (her preferred term) for Tennessee’s 7th congressional district, would seem unassailable at the polls. Since her first — relatively easy — primary victory in 2002 over a field of mainly well-known fellow Republicans, she has basically had nominal opposition — and that from self-sacrificing no-name Democrats in the fall.

But suddenly, with next week’s filing deadline beckoning, Blackburn faces primary opposition from a GOP office-holder, Shelby County register and former state senator Tom Leatherwood, who reckons that his day job, which isn’t up for election again until 2010, will serve as a satisfactory “parachute,” is ready to take Blackburn on this year.

“I told somebody, ‘It’s not a steep hill. I’ve just walked up to the face of the cliff,” Leatherwood jests self-effacingly. But he believes the risk (which includes possible estrangement from certain fellow Republicans) is worth taking.

Why does he think Blackburn, a rising star in Republican ranks as an assistant whip in the House of Representatives, should be opposed? “Two things. Effectiveness and ethics,” he says. He regards Blackburn as ineffective on policy matters like the national deficit (about her ranking position, he says, “We have nothing to show for it”), and he cites her “twenty private special-interest trips” to places like Aspen, Colorado, as evidence of questionable ethics.

Leatherwood has enough chutzpah to have suggested to Blackburn in a recent telephone conversation that “it’s time for her to go home.” Unsurprisingly, she declined to agree.

A substitute teacher before he upset venerable Republican state Senator Leonard Dunavant in the 1992 Republican primary, Leatherwood, who won the register’s seat in 2000, recalls being told, “You have to wait your time.” He says, “If I had ‘waited my time,’ I’d still be waiting.”

Obviously, he decided not to wait for a better time to run for Congress. “The issues facing the country are too great,” he says.

Politics Politics Feature

Trouble In and Out of School: Part Two — How Superintendent Willie Herenton’s Sand Castle Eroded

Part Two of a Series. Read Part One here.

So the Herenton mayoralty has morphed into Groundhog Day
— with a difference. Instead of the main character’s beginning and ending each
day the same way, with the events in between being identical from day to day,
Mayor Herenton is making the same bombshell announcement every day – but each
time with a distinct variation.

In Monday’s version, the mayor was still offering to resign
– sort of – but only on condition that he gets back the superintendent’s job
which, on Day Two or Three of this saga, had become the rationale for casting
off his City Hall job. Otherwise, apparently, he stays in the saddle. For better
or for worse.

And at day’s end, as if impatient to spring his revised
Tuesday version of this soap opera, Herenton was letting it slip, via a Channel
3 TV tease, that he had already met with School Board members — “behind closed
doors,” as the expression went. Those meetings turned out to have been with
selected members on an alleged one-on-one basis, as reported in a
Tuesday-morning article in The Commercial Appeal.

Leaving aside the question of whether these surreptitious
gatherings skirted the edge of the state Sunshine Law, they certainly seemed to
underline the seriousness of the Superintendency Hypothesis. And it made it all
the more imperative to review Willie Herenton’s history with the Memphis City
Schools – and particularly the stormy, unsettling way in which he and MCS parted
company back in 1991.

In Part One of this series, we reviewed the Eliot
Spitzer-like incident of 1989 in which an estranged paramour – a math teacher
in the school system- filed suit against the then schools superintendent,
accusing him of sexual improprieties, battery, and reneging on promises of
marriage and promotions.

Almost certainly, this misadventure damaged Herenton’s
chances of landing either of the two choice superintendent’s positions, in New
York and Chicago, for which he had been a prime – perhaps the prime –
candidate that year.

  • The OCI Report — and Sisson

    Later in 1989, the suit brought by this plaintiff, Mahnaz
    Bahrmand, was settled, and its terms and provisions have remained sealed to the
    present day. But the charges brought by Bahrmand – especially those involving
    Herenton’s alleged promises of favoritism toward her – begat suspicion of the
    superintendent on the part of a School Board that had been mostly supportive up
    to that point.

    the wake of Bahrmand’s suit, the board had commissioned a study of the school
    system’s management by a North Carolina firm, Organization Consultants Inc.
    That firm submitted a report on Sept. 25, 1989 which enumerated abundant
    instances of waste and mismanagement and which documented low morale among
    teachers and pervasive distrust of the MCS administration.

    More or less simultaneously, then Shelby County Commissioner Pete Sisson,
    chairman of the commission’s education committee, launched his own investigation
    into the school system, one which lasted, in one form or another, until the time
    of superintendent Herenton’s resignation from the system, announced October 30,
    1990, effective June 30, 1991.

    Sisson requisitioned documents concerning purported over-expenditures for
    equipment, much of which allegedly remained unused or duplicated functions
    already accounted for. The commissioner amassed evidence seeming to show
    excessive travel and preferential treatment of MCS personnel favored by Herenton
    and other administrators. Complaints from disgruntled teachers flowed in,
    charging everything from ineffective educational programs to misuse of funds to
    extra-curricular hanky-panky on the part of the superintendent and others.

  • ‘Losing Control of the Classroom’

    All of this negative attention did much to undermine the status of Herenton, who
    had enjoyed a relatively high degree of prestige throughout most of his
    administration. He had been named to a variety of corporate boards and was seen
    in much he same light locally as elsewhere in the nation, where he was a coveted
    speaker on the banquet circuit and, as previously indicated, a leading contender
    for vacant superintendent’s positions in major urban districts like New York,
    Chicago, and Atlanta.

    Much of this celebrity and respect was due to the same air of command which,
    combined with controlled affability and his professional manner, would
    contribute to Herenton’s political success in subsequent years. But much, too,
    could be attributed to his actual accomplishments.

    Some of the superintendent’s innovations – ranging from site-based planning to
    an emphasis on optional schools – endure to the present day. Test scores of the
    district’s largely impoverished student base improved marginally, both with
    regard to a local baseline and in comparison with demographically similar
    districts elsewhere in the nation. A move to raise the number of black teachers
    and administrators relative to whites generated tensions here and there but was
    largely applauded as being in keeping with the predominantly African-American
    makeup of the district.

    Despite allegations from his critics of over-spending, Herenton was able to
    maintain surpluses from year to year, even though he usually had less funding to
    deal with than he had requested to meet the district’s needs. In the post-Bahrmand
    atmosphere and with allegations flying in the wake of the OIC study and Sisson’s
    investigation, the superintendent’s budget battles with the school board and
    with increasingly skeptical local government bodies intensified.

    the ’80s turned into the ’90s, push was so obviously coming to shove that the once
    high-flying superintendent’s days were clearly numbered. Public suspicion and
    criticism of his tenure – much of it exacerbated by an ever implicit racial
    dividing line – increased exponentially.

    the idiom of education, Willie Herenton had begun to lose control of his

    was within this mood of mounting crisis that the superintendent, in 1990, began
    behind-the-scenes negotiations with his board that would result in a de facto
    buyout of his contract – one containing controversial clauses and conditions
    that were withheld from the public when Herenton’s retirement was announced in
    late 1990.

    How mystery clauses magically turned 28 years of service into 30 years for salary and pension
    purposes; “Double Dipping,” as the ex-superintendent, even more magically,
    became mayor of Memphis.

    To be continued

    Go to Part Three.

    Read Part One.

  • Categories

    Mayor Herenton as Emily Litella? He Won’t Resign Without the Superintendent’s Job in Hand.

    How many clichés come to mind? Like the one about “shooting first and asking questions later.” It turns out, according to Amos Maki of The Commercial Appeal, who ran into Mayor Willie Herenton Monday morning at a photo op in the Hall of Mayors at City Hall, that the mayor won’t resign, after all, if he doesn’t get the school superintendent’s job.

    It reminds us of Emily Litella, the old Saturday Night Live character, played by the late Gilda Radner. “Emily” would go on in high dudgeon about something or other, then realize she was off track or had the subject wrong or was speaking prematurely, and finish by saying, “Never mind!”

    The School Board has a self-imposed deadline of July to find a permanent superintendent, and Herenton’s announced (and highly provisional) “resignation” date is July 31.

    From My Seat Sports

    FROM MY SEAT: The Quintessential Quintet

    As the
    Memphis Tigers gather steam in the 2008 NCAA basketball tournament, the
    composition of the team begins to stand out. As valuable as coach John
    Calipari’s bench has been all season — and certainly will when the Tigers face
    Michigan State on Friday — this team has been built around a prototypical
    starting five. Had Dr. Naismith taken as much care in drawing up a blueprint for
    positional expectations as he did for his original 13 rules, he just might find
    a perfect match in the 2007-08 Tigers.

    follows is a breakdown of the five standard basketball positions, first with a
    description of the job’s chief requirements, then a look at the Memphis player
    filling that role in this year’s Big Dance.

    • POINT
    GUARD (1): Ball-handling first and foremost. Court vision. Quickness, both with
    the ball and defensively. Lateral movement. Game smarts.

    ROSE: With the possible exception of Antonio Burks, Rose is the quickest player
    I’ve seen in a Tiger uniform. And he’s more under control in his drives through
    traffic than Burks was. His court vision — witness his bombs to Chris
    Douglas-Roberts on the break — draws comparisons to future Hall of Famer Jason
    Kidd. His quickness makes up for positioning errors on the defensive end, and
    he’s patient enough when forced into a half-court set to find an open shooter
    before driving into the lane. His shooting touch has been a pleasant surprise.

    SHOOTING GUARD (2): Despite its tag, this position requires a kind of
    versatility that makes the player’s shooting touch secondary at times. Must be
    able to defend big guards and even small forwards. Ball-handling a plus.
    Offensive value more from perimeter than as penetrator.

    ANDERSON: There’s a reason Calipari calls Anderson “the glue” of this team. The
    junior swingman typically guards the opponent’s top scoring threat, unless he’s
    the size of Georgetown’s Roy Hibbert. Any scoring Anderson brings is purely
    complementary, but his efficiency with the ball in his hands is stellar. He had
    a six game stretch earlier this season with 30 assists and but a single
    turnover. He’s not a great shooter, but will drop a clutch three-pointer now and
    then. Don’t bet against him under pressure.

    • SMALL
    FORWARD (3): Just as corner outfielders are expected to hit with power, small
    forwards need to score. Inside/outside threat offensively. Get to the line and
    make free throws. Among the five positions, this one has the least defensive

    DOUGLAS-ROBERTS: George Gervin, Alex English, and Adrian Dantley all but changed
    this position’s name to “smooth forward.” And CDR ain’t smooth. But his scoring
    touch in traffic, combined with a shooting range beyond the arc, would make that
    trio of NBA scorers proud. With a career free-throw percentage above 70,
    Douglas-Roberts is the best Tiger to see at the charity stripe. (We’ll forget
    that miss against USC earlier this season that should have cost the Tigers a
    win.) Only a junior, CDR is already 11th in career scoring at Memphis.

    • POWER
    FORWARD (4): Defend the paint and baseline. Block shots. Hit the boards with
    passion. Pick up junk points, second-shot opportunities.

    DOZIER: The 6’9″ Georgia native is the George Harrison of this team. He’ll never
    make an all-conference squad, he’s rarely surrounded by microphones after a
    Tiger win, but he seems to always be involved in separating his team from the
    opposition. His rebounding is second only to Joey Dorsey’s, and he’s a quiet —
    too often overlooked — scoring option (witness his 19 points against Georgetown
    and 18 against Arizona). In the game’s modern lexicon, Dozier has great
    “length,” which has great value on a team as guard-heavy as these Tigers.

    • CENTER
    (5): Defend and rebound. Rebound and defend. Correct the defensive mistakes of
    your teammates. Ball in hand, dunk it. And don’t dribble. Ever.

    DORSEY: Not since bull first met china store have we seen the kind of damage
    Dorsey administers in playing defense. If he has fewer than two fouls 10 minutes
    into a game, it’s a win for Calipari. His proclivity for foul trouble aside,
    Dorsey changes the way Tiger opponents play with his shot-blocking ability — six
    against Mississippi State on Sunday — and strength on the glass. And he’s a nice
    lob target for Tiger guards able to dribble-drive into the lane.

    blueprints won championships, this team would already have its rooms booked for
    San Antonio. Four games left to win for this to be truly a roundball
    architectural masterpiece.


    Cultural Development Foundation hosts “Breaking Bread, Breaking Barriers”

    In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the 40th anniversary of his death, the Cultural Development Foundation of Memphis (CDFM) has organized a progressive dinner program called “Breaking Bread, Breaking Barriers” that encourages folks to extend dinner invitations to others from racially and religiously diverse groups.

    The plan was set in motion by Rebecca Edwards, executive director of CDFM, with a goal of having 40 dinner parties held across the city. The hope is that many of these parties will have already taken place by April 5th when CDFM will present a concert by Grammy-winning jazz vocalist Nancy Wilson at the Cannon Center for the Performing Arts. Edwards says that since many couples will already be familiar with one another from the dinner they’ll be able to enjoy the show as friends. She says whether the dinners are held before or after the show isn’t important as long as they happen.

    Edwards says 40 years after Dr. King’s death, his dreams are still alive. “Dr. King’s goal was to get people of all races, creed, or color to join hands. As Memphians, we still struggle with that,” she says. “We want people to stop talking about it and do it — to come together and start sharing.” She hopes as an end result people will gain a new set of friends.

    Wilson’s performance Saturday will include some of the most beloved music from Dr. King’s time. The opening act for Wilson will be She Said/She Says: The History and Status on Women in Jazz.

    Edwards sees the show as a nice end to CDFM’s 2007-2008 season and a great way to introduce “Breaking Bread, Breaking Barriers” to a bigger group of people. Anyone interested in hosting a dinner party should call Edwards at 312-9787.

    By Shara Clark