Opinion Viewpoint

Words Heard Differently

George Bernard Shaw said England and America were two countries separated by a common language. I say that white and black Americans are in a similar fix. Statements that one side considers innocuous, the other can consider offensive. Things have gotten to the point where Bill Clinton, a president once adored by African Americans, is being accused of making racially insensitive statements. Shaw would understand. It’s not necessarily what was said, it’s the way it was heard.

To my (racially) tin ear, little that either Bill or Hillary Clinton has said this election season sounded ugly. These included the remarks that seemed to have started it all: Hillary Clinton’s banal observation that for all that Martin Luther King Jr. did, it took Lyndon Johnson’s presidency to enact a monumental civil rights law. The context was clearly her contention that despite Barack Obama’s soaring rhetoric, it takes good old experience (like hers) to get the job done. Who could possibly object to that?

Lots of people, it turned out, many of them African-American. Obama himself called the remark “unfortunate.” My own ears heard nothing untoward, and when I mentioned that to an African-American colleague, he said, to my utter surprise, that he initially took the remark as a swipe at King. I was flabbergasted. Who would take a swipe at King? A Democratic presidential candidate would have to be criminally insane to do such a thing.

It hardly seemed possible, but things went downhill from there. Bill Clinton suggested that Obama’s victory in South Carolina was akin to Jesse Jackson’s, lo these many years ago. Kapow! — as they used to say in the comic books. Again, allegations of insensitivity or racial provocation. I confess I heard something different, but this time I appreciated the complaint — an alleged attempt to racially pigeonhole Obama. The former president may have meant no such thing, but in Obamaland, Bill Clinton is widely believed to always know precisely what he is saying — too cunning a politician not to always know the impact of his words. Maybe so, but his recent record of bloopers, errors, and rhetorical pratfalls suggests otherwise.

The grievance concerning Bill Clinton was enunciated last week by Representative James Clyburn (D-S.C.), a senior African-American legislator not known for extremist statements. He called Clinton’s remarks “bizarre” and said that even back in January, he “thought the president was saying things that would anger black voters and he should chill out.”

What Clyburn might be suggesting is not that Clinton himself had picked up some racist bug but that, like some sort of political Typhoid Mary, he was spreading a disease to which he himself is immune.

This is what is believed by adherents of the Clintons-will-do-anything-to-win school of thought. I have some doubts. The Clintons will do almost anything but not something that will stain their immortal political soul. They have to know that running a racially tinged campaign would give both of them a historical asterisk that would dog them into posterity. Years ago, Georgetown University linguist Deborah Tannen wrote a bestseller, You Just Don’t Understand: Women and Men in Conversation. Its thesis was that men and women employ the same language but, somehow, hear it differently.

What is true for men and women is just as true for blacks and whites and, probably, minorities of all kinds. (Recall the Woody Allen character in Annie Hall who mishears the word “Jew” when a passerby is saying, “Did you?”) The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s former pastor, seemed to make precisely that point in his speech to the NAACP in Detroit. “The black religious tradition is different,” he said. “We do it a different way.” That “way,” as he now knows, made for an awful sound bite.

Barring some unforeseen event, Barack Obama will be the nominee of the Democratic Party. That being the case — and also as long as the nomination fight continues — race will be an issue, stated or not, in the presidential campaign. For that reason, it’s incumbent on Clinton, Obama, and, of course, John McCain to not only watch their language but — maybe more important — to watch their reaction to the language of others. We could be on the verge of a great moment of racial acceptance. It sometimes seems that only our common language stands in the way.

Richard Cohen writes for the Washington Post Writers Group.

Cover Feature News

Music Issue

Jay Reatard Grows Up

Memphis’ garage-punk rising star on rowdy fans, obsessive collectors, prospecting record companies, and a career-changing embrace of melody.

By Andrew Earles

Since his 2007 appearance at Austin’s South By Southwest Music Festival, garage-punk savant Jay Reatard (real surname: Lindsey) has become the Memphis musician with the biggest national footprint in terms of press, hype, and relentless touring.

The first album he released under the Jay Reatard moniker, Blood Visions, came out in late 2006 on In the Red records. It was a slow grower, but, eventually, word spread. Lindsey assembled a back-up band with members of local scorchers the Boston Chinks, and live shows left audiences wanting more. The record itself showed maturity and a songwriting structure that blasted new life into the previously staid relationship between punk rock and pop.

Lindsey’s first band, the Reatards, which recorded on the then-new Goner Records label, was the hot garage-punk ticket in town during the late ’90s, when clubs were ruined and neck hairs raised by Lindsey’s undying passion, intensity, and indifference to safety. Then around 2000, he formed the Lost Sounds with then-girlfriend Alicja Trout, a prolific musician in her own right.

For most of the past eight years, Lindsey has juggled at least three bands, lended his recording/production hand to a steady stream of projects, and helped run Contaminated Records with Trout or Shattered Records with later girlfriend Alix Brown (formerly of Atlanta’s Lids). Ambitious almost to a fault, Lindsey has formed or played with the Bad Times (see sidebar), Angry Angles, Final Solutions, Nervous Patterns, Terrorvisions, the re-formed Reatards, and Destruction Unit.

Another prevailing element of Lindsey’s career is his proclivity for releasing limited-run vinyl singles across a wide landscape of small labels, thus nurturing a rabid collector’s market for his work.

At different points last year, Lindsey signed on with the burgeoning indie-culture empire Vice Management, weathered attention from both indie and major labels, and began a relationship with Matador Records that is now resulting in a series of six limited-edition, vinyl-only singles. (Matador will issue a CD/LP compilation of the singles later in the year.)

Several labels vied to release the studio-album follow-up to Blood Visions. When the Flyer spoke with Lindsey last week, he had just signed a Matador contract offer that had been on the table for months, one that has him releasing two proper albums for the label, with an option for a third.

On Thursday, May 1st, he plays what has become a rare local show at the Hi-Tone Café.

Flyer: When and why did you start performing as Jay Reatard and how did this band come together?

Jay “Reatard” Lindsey: I had recorded all of these songs that didn’t fit into the Lost Sounds’ style. When [Lost Sounds] broke up, I needed some sort of format for them. I was going to make up another fake band name, like I’ve done with a ton of different projects, but Larry [Hardy, owner of In the Red] said, “Why don’t you do it solo?”

At first I got a pick-up band with a guy who had played in the Reatards with me for years. I sent him the CD and told him to learn the songs and find a bass player. I didn’t even know that guy. Then I saw the Boston Chinks in town, and thought, Man, these guys have gotten so much better than they were a year ago.

We’ve pretty much been touring for the past year. One guy quit, so we’re down to a three piece. Everything clicks now. I always thought that three people were all you need in a rock band. Three-piece bands just look better. You look up, and it’s symmetrical.

I remember Blood Visions being out for months before it got any attention. It was quiet for a while. How long?

It seems like anywhere from six months to a year. It seems like the past six months is when it’s really picked up.

Then you were the subject of a bidding war of sorts. What are some of the stories?

The first thing was, I got a MySpace message from this guy who was trying to be really inconspicuous about whom he worked for. He was asking a lot of questions, so finally I asked him to e-mail me, and his e-mail was a Universal Records address. I asked him if he was an A&R guy, and he said, “Yeah, when you get back to the states, I’d like to meet with you.” So, I met with them last July, around the time of the Pitchfork Festival.

Then Columbia Records gave me a call and said, “Rick Rubin is a big fan. He wants to meet you.” I happened to be in L.A., but things didn’t fit into his schedule, so I blew off Columbia. From there it was different indies. Vice was interested. Fat Possum, Matador.

It just came down to the slow process of trying to figure these people out and picking the best option. My gut feeling in the end was to go with Matador, the only ones keeping any of the promises they’d made along the way.

Did anyone want to re-release Blood Visions?

Fat Possum wanted to buy it from me, but it would have been an extension of me working with them, and I think that some of the major-label people down the line would have wanted to re-release it.

There was talk of cleaning it up a bit. “Can you remix it?” And I’m like, Wow, that’s funny. You really like this record. You want to put me on your label. But you want to change it? It’s like remixing the first Ramones record. It already sounds great, you know?

Whose idea was the singles series? You? Matador?

It was a mutual brainstorm. There were a lot of late-night conversations. I said, obviously, it’s going to take me a long time to figure out who I’m going to do my full-length record with, but there’s got to be a way for us to work together in the meantime.

The singles series became the best idea. It’s not too far-fetched from how I’d been working anyway. I’ve probably been putting out four or five singles a year for the past 10 years, so it seemed like a good idea to make it a cohesive project instead of a bunch of sporadic singles over a lot of small labels.

Have you run into a lot of people who are surprised by the format?

Yeah. I try to explain to people that it’s like an album to me but not as cohesive. There’s an aesthetic you stick to when creating [an album]. As a process, it can be grueling. It’s really fun as a songwriter to be able to go, Today, I feel like ripping off [’90s New Zealand-based enigma] Chris Knox; tomorrow I feel like ripping off the Adverts or whatever. Just jump around stylistically. I also wanted to do it as a process to help figure out what I want to do with my next album. The singles thing has given me a way to hear all of these different ideas that I have on record.

What is the run of each single?

The first single was 3,500 copies, and it sold out in a week. I was pretty impressed by that. I had no idea we’d move that many that fast. It goes in increments down from there. The second one comes out in a couple of weeks. That’s 2,700 copies. Then the next one is 1,300 on down to the last one being 400 copies.

Really? Why is it being staggered?

The idea was that the first single on Matador would be a lot of people’s introduction to what I’m doing. We wanted that one to be available. From there, I wanted to make collectable records. It’s kind of fun to watch this collector’s market that you create.

What’s the most ridiculous situation you’ve seen on eBay for one of your singles?

I did a tour single with this guy in Austria, who seemed to be an alright guy, and the agreement was that we’d do one pressing for a European tour and that I’d use the songs for something else later.

Unauthorized, he pressed it on a clear, six-inch square that plays from the inside out. He hooked his buddy up with a handful of copies and had this guy sell them on eBay, and they were consistently going for around $280 a piece. The guy was manufacturing records to go directly on eBay. He sent around nine copies to me. I gave them to people who I knew wouldn’t sell them. I lost my copy in a move. But I told the guy: Since you gave me nine copies, I’ll sell them on eBay and have enough money for a ticket to Austria to kick your ass. He chilled out after that.

In the past two years, it’s apparent that certain types of pop have had a big influence on you. What’s really blown you away?

At some point, I opened my mind to melody. As I get older, I listen to music that’s not as aggressive. I discovered this vast Flying Nun catalog that I’d never even heard of. There’s so many killer songs and so many great bands that came out of that, and it kind of changed the direction I’ve been going.

Also, I’d always hated U.K. punk rock. When I was playing in the Reatards, I thought domestic punk rock was so much better. I wrote off U.K. punk as really cartoonish. I’d never heard the Adverts until two years ago. What an amazing record [referring to the band’s 1978 debut, Crossing the Red Sea with the Adverts].

Are you going to keep Memphis as a home base?

I plan on being here for a while. People keep asking me, “Why would you stay in Memphis after all of this touring you’re doing?” Tell me one band that came from a small music scene, moved to L.A., and made their best record. I don’t think that too many people do things like that. If you take away the environment that’s inspired you, what are you left with?

More than the music of Memphis, the city itself has inspired me. I’ve always felt like Memphis has this weird, ominous cloud hanging over it. To me, that’s inspiring. I’m never bored. I always feel like I’m in danger. But to me, that’s exciting. I can’t imagine moving to another city. It would change the mood of everything.

Even though it’s really cheap to live here, there always seem to be things working against your survival.

Totally. To me, that’s a challenge. Unfortunately, that causes a lot of people to not be ambitious. Memphis artists are, historically, not the most ambitious people. They make great music but have no idea what to do with it. From the get-go, I tried to figure out how to get my music outside of the city.

For me, a lot of [the music] I like from Memphis are things that got close to breaking out, but something happened. It’s like a curse or something. I definitely love my city, I love playing here, but I’ve watched so many people expend so much energy trying to concentrate on getting a local draw and getting local press.

Can we talk about what happened last week in Toronto? [Lindsey punched an audience member at a Toronto club called the Silver Dollar after the man came on stage. The incident has been widely viewed after video of the altercation was posted on YouTube.]

Absolutely. That was the culmination of a year of people misunderstanding what I’m trying to do now. A lot of people read press and get this idea that the show is supposed to be this cathartic fuck-everything-up experience. Sometimes when I play a show, I just want to play my songs. There’s still a lot of energy. There’s just not this level of impending violence hanging over everything.

Some people decide that if I’m not freaking out enough, they’re going to try to inject something into the show that makes it this negative, violent experience. I’m fed up with it. It took me forever to save up enough money during my career to get to the point where I could afford things like a nice guitar and to have some guy pay $10 and think that entitles him to throw a beer pitcher at my guitar? I’m done.

People keep saying that they’ve seen the video on YouTube, and it doesn’t look like he did anything. When you have 350 people scaring the shit out of you, it’s like staring down the barrel of a gun. You’re a target up there. Sometimes I’m scared of the audience. I shouldn’t be. Obviously, you’re playing music to connect to your audience, but they are disconnecting by throwing things at you. I’m not going to stand up there and humor them. That’s not art or music at that point.

The kid who I punched had climbed on stage multiple times, and the last time he ran across all of my effects pedals and broke the cables. I think I was completely justified. Immediately after the show, I talked to the kid and told him that he was basically a martyr in the situation, that a lot of people were causing problems and making it impossible for us to perform, and that he just happened to be the straw that broke the camel’s back.

You played three songs and had to pack up, right?

Yeah, it’s really frustrating. It’s exciting as hell to play Toronto seven or eight times and get to the point where you are selling out a show.

One of the YouTube videos, the one viewed the most, has the punch looped several times.

I kind of have the inkling that the YouTube video is an inside job. I have a feeling that it might be someone associated with one of the companies that I work with. I can’t prove it, but I’m almost positive.

A publicity stunt?

I’m not sure. I hope not. Unfortunately, something like that generates a ton of press. There are hundreds of blogs that have reprinted my apology letter. The promoter was obviously trying to make an attempt to save his own ass. He kept calling me “Jay Refund” and that they were the “Alamo of clubs” and that Jay has us surrounded.

Sounds and Visions

Jay Reatard: a selected

By Andrew Earles

J. Allen

Jay ‘Reatard’ Lindsey (foreground) with Jeff Pope and Billy Hayes of the Boston Chinks

Grown Up, Fucked Up — The Reatards (Empty, 1999): The culmination of the first Reatards era, Grown Up, Fucked Up hints at Lindsey’s bottomless well of songwriting and is a suitable successor to the Memphis garage-punk throne vacated earlier in the decade by the Oblivians.

Bad Times — Bad Times (Goner/Therapeutic, 2001): An overlooked classic, this sonic brick-upside-the-head is an aggro-punk sucker punch from the garage-rock super group of Lindsey, Eric “Oblivian” Friedl, and “King” Louie Bankston. The cathartic, crap-fidelity steam hammer brings out the hate and will bum out those clamoring for Lindsey’s poppier side. But its power is to be appreciated.

Black-Wave — Lost Sounds (Empty, 2001): The Lost Sounds took a hard left from Lindsey’s previous garage-punk roots, steering their brutal post-punk with keyboards and electronics. The second in a four-album, five-year career, Black-Wave is the band’s biggest, best record.

Lost Sounds — Lost Sounds (In the Red, 2004): Probably because it was a little too poppy for diehards, the band’s final statement is the discography underdog and was not a critical or fan fave. The immensely enjoyable album deserves a close second look, as it occasionally represents a transitional phase in Lindsey’s songwriting, hinting at what was to come.

Blood Visions — Jay Reatard (In the Red, 2006): This wildly accomplished collection of searing pop gems will put understanding in the ears of newcomers. Blood Visions transcends the borders of garage, indie, and punk. Hooks and choruses explode from each song’s structural backbone. The shorter songs, most averaging a minute in length, are as fully realized as their longer cousins. Believe the hype.

“I Know a Place”/”Don’t Let Him Come Back” seven-inch — Jay Reatard (Goner, 2007): This is the perfect Jay Reatard single. The B-side cover of the Go-Betweens’ shambling pop heartbreaker is both telling and masterful.

“See Saw”/”Screaming Hand” seven-inch — Jay Reatard (Matador, 2008): For this release and the subsequent five singles in the series, most readers will benefit by waiting for the compilation CD/LP that will be released on Matador later this year. It’s no surprise that “Screaming Hand” is indebted to the Chris Knox vehicle, the Tall Dwarves. The garage-pop gold contrasts the poignant, lyrical statement about the tumultuous relationship between Lindsey and his father. — AE

Paradise City

At 20, Shangri-La — the little record store on Madison Avenue — has lived a rich life.

By Chris Davis

In his novel Lost Horizon, James Hilton writes of an isolated Asian lamasery called Shangri-La, located high in the Himalayas, where the enlightened inhabitants are so filled with purpose, love, and inner peace that they have shrugged off death and become nearly immortal.

Shangri-La Records, the tiny music store on Madison Avenue in Midtown, across the street from the original Huey’s, can get a bit rowdy if the right band is playing in the parking lot. So no matter how serene Jared McStay, the store’s current owner, may seem as he sorts through new arrivals, his store can’t perfectly reflect the monastic calm ascribed to Hilton’s exotic utopia.

But the homey record shop, and its namesake indie label, celebrated 20 years in business earlier this year and has, over the years, known the touch of immortal hands like those of Charlie Feathers, the incomparable rockabilly pioneer who recorded classics such as “Tongue Tied Jill” and “One Hand Loose.” Feathers visited fans at Shangri-La shortly before he passed away in 1998.

Legendary Memphis garage rocker Sam the Sham, known for weirdo hits like “Wooly Bully” and “Lil’ Little Red Riding Hood,” has signed CDs on the porch. The savage Japanese rock-and-roll band Guitar Wolf once tore it up in the parking lot. Sub Pop recording artists the Grifters, who were, along with the Oblivians, one of the two most influential bands to roar out of Memphis in the 1990s, recorded much of their best material for the Shangri-La label. The store has since grown into a nexus for progressive musicians, preservationists, and historians alike, as well as an effective incubator for local musical talent.

For 20 years, Shangri-La has specialized in underground and edgy pop, Memphis music old and new, and vintage vinyl. It has become a true paradise for record collectors from around the world and a repository for useful, if sometimes esoteric, information, compiled for the benefit of adventurous tourists who want to immerse themselves in Memphis food, music, and culture. To that end, the record store has much in common with the fictional utopia for which it was named. And there’s something quieting, almost spiritual, about this place out of time where Memphis’ past and future collide.

One beautiful April day, McStay begins a familiar routine by sorting through a recently acquired stack of old soul and rockabilly singles, gleefully separating the good stuff from the junk. McStay, who was the principal songwriter and frontman for Shangri-La and Sugar Ditch recording artists the Simple Ones, says the current slow economy has actually had some positive impact on the store. For starters, the weak dollar has attracted bargain-hunting European tourists.

“When the Europeans ask for a discount, I tell them they got it when they got off the plane,” he jokes.

And as tragic as it may sound, whenever times get tight, record-store owners see an uptick of collectors who, for whatever reason, need quick cash and are looking to unload a lifelong collection.

A few feet away from McStay, Sherman Willmott, Shangri-La’s founder and the immodest personality behind the immodestly named Ultimate Memphis Rock and Roll Tour, prepares to hold forth on another, even older Memphis record store.

“I can’t believe nobody has torn down the Pop Tunes on Poplar,” he says, happily astonished, considering how everything else in the area has been modernized in recent years. “It’s been there for 60 years,” he continues. “It’s got to be one of the oldest record stores in the country.”

Willmott, who turned the store’s keys over to McStay five years ago to pursue his tour business and to expand Shangri-La Projects, recounts Pop Tunes’ pivotal role in the creation and evolution of the Hi Records label, which recorded Al Green’s most famous material. He worries that the historic location isn’t long for the world.

“When it finally is torn down, that’ll be a big chunk of my tour just gone,” he complains, bemoaning the fact that it’s a big Elvis stop too since the King shopped for records at Pop Tunes and his last job as an anonymous civilian was at Crown Electric, originally located just across the street from Pop Tunes.

“Hey, look at this,” McStay says, interrupting Willmott’s sermon by holding up a 45 rpm single with a cherry-red label. “It’s a Charlie Feathers on the Holiday Inn label,” he says.

“That’s pretty good,” Willmott responds, acknowledging that while he’s seen his share of Feathers singles and Holiday Inn singles, he’s never seen a Charlie Feathers on Holiday Inn before. It’s a perfect Shangri-La moment.

“One funny thing about the record store,” Willmott says, standing amid neatly organized crates of vintage vinyl, his arms spread out like an evangelical minister calling souls to Christ. “When it started, vinyl was virtually dead. The market (chain stores mainly) was rushing to rid itself of vinyl and vinyl bins, and the CD-reissue/box-set craze was just beginning. Now, almost 20 years later, most of the chain stores are gone. Wal-Mart, Target, and iTunes, as well as electronics dispensers like Best Buy, are the big sellers for Top 40. And many of the independent stores are throwing in the towel or reducing their total number of stores. Shangri-La Records has outlived most of the industry. And that’s pretty impressive for a store that began at the end of the vinyl era. And look at Goner Records in Cooper-Young. It’s going strong too, so Memphis is lucky to have not just one but two great record stores that are thriving.”

How Rhodes College’s big mistake led to Shangri-La’s conversion

Willmott, a graduate of Memphis University School, never intended to open a record store. In fact, the music business was the furthest thing from Willmott’s mind when he finished his undergraduate degree at Williams College and moved back to his hometown. His plan was something much weirder. In 1988, before there was a Hi-Tone Café or a Young Avenue Deli or any of the things easily associated with Memphis’ Midtown-centric rock-and-roll scene, Willmott opened a New Age-friendly relaxation center, offering massages as well as an opportunity to float in the kind of sensory-deprivation tanks featured in Ken Russell’s hallucinatory 1980 film Altered States. The business also offered a curious treatment called a brain tune-up, which Memphis musician Tav Falco once described as getting “psychodelicized.”

In a 1998 interview with The Memphis Flyer, 611 band member Brian Collins recalled putting on the special tune-up glasses. “You closed your eyes … and it was like when you’re riding in a car with the sun going down through some trees, the way the light plays on your eyelids,” he said. “You start to hallucinate.”

Willmott, who considers the center’s entire first year to have been a big waste of time and money, has pointed to the proliferation of day spas and described his relaxation center as being ahead of its time. Still, after 18 months in the relaxation business, Willmott realized that he wasn’t going to make his fortune from brain tune-ups or sensory-deprivation tanks.

Fortunately for Willmott (though virtually nobody else), in 1990 Rhodes College’s excellent community radio station, WLYX 89.3, was shut down by President James Daughdrill along with the whole of the college’s media department as part of what some have called a liberal purge. The one fortunate byproduct of the station being closed was the glut of used records that suddenly hit Memphis. Willmott, who once hosted a popular show on WLYX, acquired many of them. Shangri-La’s original inventory was culled from WLYX’s vast, diverse music library. Soon, Willmott had converted his shop into a full-time record store.

611 & The Grifters

In the late 1980s, a ramshackle house at 611 Patterson was occupied by a bunch of University of Memphis art students who liked nothing more than to smoke pot, take acid, and jam until the neighbors called the cops. The house became a fertile breeding ground for a group of musicians who would go on to be members of such memorable groups as the Simple Ones, Professor Elixir’s Southern Troubadours, the Idiot Patrol, and the Joint Chiefs. And it was the hangout of choice for members of K-9 Arts and the Grifters, as well as various folkies and assorted groupies.

Sculptor and installation artist Libby Pace was producing a lot of rock-and-roll shows at the time, and, on her recommendation, Willmott decided to record and release three songs by the Patterson house’s spacy house band, 611. It turned out to be a disaster since the band, which included future folkies Brian Collins and Michael Graber, as well as Two Way Radio drummer Joey Pegram, broke up immediately after playing their record-release party. Still, the artifact is a deliciously silly collection of stumbling songs about magic mushrooms, complicated relationships, and a Saturday-morning kids show from the ’70s called Land of the Lost.

“I don’t care how good a record is,” Willmott says. “I can’t sell it if the band’s not out there playing it.”

At the end of a long evening in 1992, a somewhat inebriated guy zigzagged through the thick blue fog of cigarette smoke and the thicker crowd of actors and artists who gather at the P&H Café on Madison Avenue every Thursday night. He was on his way to a dimly lit booth where the Grifters guitar player and co-vocalist Scott Taylor sat flicking a cigarette lighter, chugging a Zima, and chatting quietly with friends.

“I just got your CD today,” the fan blurted out, betraying, perhaps, a little too much excitement. “It’s really good,” he said, holding up a freshly opened copy of So Happy Together, the Grifters’ first LP.

“That’s it,” Taylor acknowledged sarcastically, rolling the one visible eye peeping out from a dark shock of unkempt hair that obscured half of the underwhelmed rocker’s chiseled face.

“Where’d ya buy it?” he asked pointedly, like a man with a big chip on his shoulder.

“Shangri-La,” the fan answered, surprised by both the question and the furious snarl that accompanied it. “Is there somewhere else you can buy it?”

“That’s good,” Taylor said somewhat approvingly. “Maybe Sherman can make a little money at least.” He then dismissed his speechless visitor with an icy, monocular glare.

Taylor is famously gregarious and his uncharacteristically terse behavior resulted from a frustrating record deal he, singer/songwriter Dave Shouse, inventive bassist/songwriter Tripp Lamkins, and powerhouse drummer Stan Gallimore made with Chicago’s Sonic Noise label. All of the Grifters were a little raw at the edges and ready to turn to Willmott, a friend, longtime advocate, and occasional business associate. He’d produced the band’s first release — under the moniker A Band Called Bud — a split flexi-disc distributed in the very first edition of Kreature Comforts, a ‘zine-style traveler’s guide to Memphis. His new Shangri-La label had also just put out a pair of astonishing Grifters singles: “Soda Pop”/”She Blows Blasts of Static” and “Corolla Hoist”/”Thumbnail Sketch.” Next came a couple of underground-classic LPs: 1993’s One Sock Missing and 1994’s Crappin’ You Negative.

The Grifters’ relationship with Shangri-La lasted until the group finally signed with Sub Pop in 1996. During that time, the band toured relentlessly and were widely considered one of the pillars of an indie-rock movement that included more enduring artists like Guided by Voices and Pavement.

“The Grifters are still our best-selling band,” Willmott says. According to McStay, he’s regularly asked by out-of-town customers who don’t know how to use the Internet when the next Grifters record is coming out.

Who You Calling

“I was working on making the Wilroy Sanders CD and the documentary video The Last Living Blues Man when I started working for Stax,” Willmott says of the period beginning at the end of the 1990s and continuing into the first part of the new century. Shangri-La Projects was turning its attention to rootsier artists like the Fieldstones’ guitarist Sanders, a master of the minimal barroom shuffle and an alleged author of the blues standard “Crosscut Saw.”

“While I’ve done a bit of preservation stuff lately, everything I have done salutes the past but also includes the present and future,” Willmott insists, afraid of being pigeonholed as some “just looking at the past” kind of guy.

“Even the History of Garage Rock CD series brought things up to current times,” he says, referring to Shangri-La’s popular survey of garage rock in Memphis from the 1960s through the 1990s.

“The [next] Memphis Pop Music Fest [I’m putting together] will be two days long instead of one,” he adds.

“The main thing I’m working on now is promoting the new Antenna Shoes Generous Gambler CD, with a worldwide distribution deal that allows for downloads in virtually every country and with every company possible,” Willmott says.

There was no Internet when the Grifters were making waves at Shangri-La.

“Now I’ve got the best distribution I’ve ever had,” Willmott brags contentedly.

From the store’s earliest days as a relaxation center, Willmott and Shangri-La Projects have published Kreature Comforts. Each issue has begun with a somber disclaimer reminding tourists that, “as with any area rich in history, it is easier to tell visitors to Memphis where things used to be.” “This is a guide to what’s left,” the opening passage concludes.

When Willmott talks about the longevity of Pop Tunes, it seems as though he has a hard time wrapping his head around the idea that something like Willie Mitchell’s recording studio or a historic record store might find some way to perpetuate itself without intervention.

“Record stores just don’t last for 60 years,” he says. But apparently they do last for 20, at least, and thrive in spite of all early predictions.

Where They At?

By Chris Davis

For 20 years, Shangri-La has been an incubator for Memphis talent. Several of the record store’s first-generation staff members, who worked at the store from 1988 to 1998, have gone on to make a big impact on the local music scene. Andria Lisle and Andrew Earles have become published music writers in a variety of local and national publications (including this one) while delving into the record business as label-owners (Lisle’s Sugar Ditch) or performers (Earles’ two-disc comedy set Just Farr a Laugh is coming out this spring). Bassist Scott Bomar went from laying down a groove in cult surf-rock band Impala to giving local soul legends a second life in the Bo-Keys and scoring movies for Hustle & Flow director Craig Brewer. Eric Friedl, a founding member of the Oblivians, transferred his record love from clerking at Shangri-La to opening his own store, Goner Records. — CD

In the Mix

By Chris Davis

In addition to the Grifters’ catalog and the other Shangri-La-released products mentioned in this story, here are a few other items worth seeking out:

Man With Gun Lives Here: This eponymous 12-song captures the thundering hardcore barrage and insane math-rock changes that made Man With Gun the crusty, dreadlocked progenitors of a theatrical DIY scene that included groups such as Cop Out, His Hero Is Gone, and the incredible Taintskins.

Wattle & Daub — Strapping Fieldhands: This CD is chock-full of brilliantly weird pop like Pavement used to make. Is there anything more romantic than comparing your lover’s eyes to oscilloscopes while begging her to love you in increments?

I’ve Lived a Rich Life — Jeffrey Evans: Though actually released by Symphony for the Record Industry, this talky, autobiographical album was recorded in the Shangri-La parking lot and features some nice pictures of the place. — CD

Justin Fox Burks

Sherman Willmott and Jared McStay

We Recommend We Recommend

Music To Our Ears

After the 2007 split of the award-winning Canadian vocal group Madrigaïa, three of its members decided to continue their musical journey with a new group, Chic Gamine. Like Madrigaïa, their music is a fusion of gospel, soul, and roots music, influenced by different cultures that emphasize the voice as the primary instrument.

The group performs African, Middle Eastern, and South American songs, as well as French-Canadian folk tunes and original compositions. They combine powerhouse vocals with percussion to create a tantalizing emotional soundscape. Their mingling melodies seep effortlessly into our ears. Listen closely and you may hear a set of spoons being pushed across a washboard or the clang of bells and other such instruments accompanying the ethereal harmonies.

Chic Gamine at the Buckman Performing and Fine Arts Center on Saturday, May 3rd, at 8 p.m. Tickets are $25.

We Recommend We Recommend

The Amazing Race

“We love watching the Tigers and the Grizzlies, and we love going to the music fest. But that’s when you’re a spectator. This is to be a participator — to be moving, to be doing things.”

Joe Royer, owner of Outdoors Inc., is talking about the 27th Annual Canoe & Kayak Race, happening this Saturday on the Mississippi River. The event draws roughly 500 participants. “There will be about 50 people training every day, trying to peak for this race,” Royer says. “Then there will be another 50, who will be good, solid canoe-club paddlers. This is their big event of the year. The [vast majority], by far, will be doing it because it’s an event to do in Memphis.”

In 2002, two-time Olympic gold medalist Greg Barton, who’ll be returning this year, set a record time of 15:39. That year was the last time the river was this high for the race. Last week, the river crested at nearly 38 feet. “The current is faster when the water’s high,” Royer says. “When the record was set, the river was in the mid-20s. The forecast right now is for it to be in the high 20s.”

Royer points out that safety is the number-one priority, with the U.S. Coast Guard, the harbor patrol, and other groups on hand to make sure everything is under control. But the river’s unpredictability is part of its appeal, Royer admits: “When I started this event, I wanted to demonstrate that people didn’t have to drive to the ocean, didn’t have to drive to the Ozarks or to East Tennessee to have recreation. We could have recreation right here in our city. The fact that the river is extreme is its best asset.”

Annual Outdoors, Inc. Canoe & Kayak Race, Saturday, May 3rd. Race starts at 10:13 a.m. Participants must register by 6 p.m. Friday, May 2nd, at any Outdoors, Inc. location. For more information, go to

Music Music Features

Friday Band Listings

Friday Schedule

Cellular South Stage

Lord t & Eloise 6:05-7:05 p.m.

Flyleaf 7:35-8:45 p.m.

Hellogoodbye 9:15-10:25 p.m.

My Chemical Romance 10:55-12:25 p.m.

Sam’s Town Stage

Amy Lavere 6-6:50 p.m.

Joan Jett & the Blackhearts 7:20-8:30 p.m.

Jonny Lang 9-10:15 p.m.

Sheryl Crow 10:45-12:15 p.m.

Budweiser Stage

Drive By 6:20-7 p.m.

Project Pat W/ Computer , Yung D, & lil Wyte 7:25-8:45 p.m.

Ben FoldS 9:15-10:30 p.m.

The Roots 10:50-12:20 p.m.

Tennessee Lottery Blues Tent

Lurrie Bell 6-7:05 p.m.

Lil’ Ed & the Blues Imperials 7:30-8:45 p.m.

Charlie Musselwhite 9:15-10:30 p.m.

Keb’ Mo’ 11-12:20 p.m.

Soco Blues Shack

Richard Johnston 6, 8, & 10:30 p.m.

Robert “Wolfman” Belfour 7:05 & 8:45 p.m.

Band Listings

Friday, May 2

Lord T & Eloise

Cellular South Stage

6:05 p.m.

With their trademark “aristocrunk” style, this local hip-hop group cum performance-art ensemble take rap music’s conspicuous consumption to its logical, comedic conclusion: a sarcastic celebration of wealth from the perspective of rich, old (“old” as in powdered-wig old) white dudes. Look for an energetic, entertaining set from these Memphis-based pranksters.

Robert Wolfman Belfour


Cellular South Stage

7:35 p.m.

This Texas-based hard-rock band debuted in 2005 with an eponymous debut that put them on the mainstream/heavy-rock map and led to opening stints with artists such as Saliva, 3 Doors Down, and Staind. An element that sets Flyleaf apart: In a genre drowning in testosterone, they’re the rare female-fronted band, diminutive singer Lacey Mosley leading the way.


Cellular South Stage

9:15 p.m.

This California emo-punk band makes energetic, danceable rock music flavored with video-game-style bleeps and keyboard lines. Named after a phrase used by the character Screech on the tween-fave sitcom Saved By the Bell, Hellogoodbye got their start opening for scene stars such as the All-American Rejects and the Academy Is … before landing a slot on the Warped Tour.

My Chemical Romance

Cellular South Stage

10:55 p.m.

Lord T & Eloise

Absolutely beloved by a segment of young music fans, this New Jersey-based rock band became one of the biggest acts in their corner of the music universe over the past few years, inspiring young fans (if not critics) much as Nirvana did a decade and a half ago. Led by theatrical frontman Gerard Way, My Chemical Romance traffics in aggressive, bold music that also remains melodic pop. In turning nü-metal angst into a more progressive, sugary brand of anthemic teen-friendly rock, the band draws on myriad musical and cultural influences — emo, pop-punk, goth-metal, ’80s alternative like the Cure and the Smiths, ’70s prog rock à la Queen and Pink Floyd — and melds it into something contemporary and distinctive.

Amy LaVere

Sam’s Town Stage

6 p.m.

My Chemical Romance

Once one of the Memphis music scene’s emerging stars, LaVere transcended the local last year with her second album, Anchors & Anvils. LaVere doesn’t have a showy American Idol voice but is a sharp, rich interpretive singer, especially on such sure shots as her own “Killing Him” (one of the best album-openers on any 2007 record) and drummer Paul Taylor’s personal, perceptive “Pointless Drinking.” Smart, sexy, swaggering, funny — this star turn was the highlight of Memphis music in 2007, and, with the expert support of Taylor and guitarist Steve Selvidge, LaVere brings those same qualities to the stage, and then some.

Joan Jett &
the Blackhearts

Sam’s Town Stage

7:20 p.m.

One of the most important female rockers ever, Jett’s classic, thrashy, three-chord rock-and-roll evokes the Rolling Stones, AC/DC, and glam rock, but her distinctive, sneering presence and buzzsaw bubblegum sensibility are all her own, making her one of rock’s most enjoyable sounds. Jett got her start as a teenager with the Los Angeles ’70s girl band the Runaways but became a major star in the early ’80s, recording borderline classic albums Bad Reputation and, with the Blackhearts, I Love Rock-n-Roll, the defiant title single off the latter becoming one of the decade’s signature hits.

Jonny Lang

Sam’s Town Stage

9 p.m.

Amy Lavere

An instant sensation when his major-label debut, Lie to Me, came out in 1997, the then-teenage Lang was a fiery blues guitarist from the unlikely hometown of Fargo, North Dakota. More a live showman than a radio hit-maker, Lang has released only three albums since. But, a “kid” no more at age 27, he’s matured into a blues-rock force that can command any stage.

Sheryl Crow

Sam’s Town Stage

10:45 p.m.

Jonny lang

In a pop-music culture so youth-focused, Sheryl Crow has been a consistent hit-maker for 15 years in an old-fashioned but sturdy classic-rock/folk-rock style — a purveyor of straightforward, guitar-driven songs in an early-’70s (Eagles, Bonnie Raitt, etc.) mode. In the years since Crow first broke out with her 1993 debut, Tuesday Night Music Club, the hits have been piling up, an identifiable oeuvre that should make for a satisfying set this weekend: “Strong Enough,” “All I Wanna Do,” “A Change Would Do You Good,” “If It Makes You Happy,” “Everyday Is a Winding Road,” “My Favorite Mistake,” “Soak Up the Sun,” etc.

Drive By

Budweiser Stage

6:20 p.m.

This New York-based emo quartet has been on the road opening for My Chemical Romance and will join them on the Friday night schedule at this year’s Beale Street Music Fest.

Project Pat, with
Computer, Yung D, &
Lil Wyte

Budweiser Stage

7:25 p.m.

Sheryl Crow

Shortly after longtime Three 6 Mafia affiliate Project Pat wrapped up three years in a federal penitentiary on a concealed-weapons charge, he released Crook By Da Book: The Fed Story. Now the MC, creator of memorable tunes such as “Chickenhead” and “Don’t Save Her,” is back at the grind, swiftly releasing a second post-jail-stint album, Walkin’ Bank Roll, in 2007. For this appearance, he’ll be joined by other Three 6 Mafia-connected cohorts, most notably rapper Lil Wyte, a prominent solo artist in his own right.

Ben Folds

Budweiser Stage

9:15 p.m.

Project Pat

North Carolina’s Ben Folds is something of a Gen X answer to Billy Joel or Elton John — a melodically gifted songwriter and piano player but also a snide, smart-alecky songwriter. Folds first made his mark as the frontman for Ben Folds Five, a three-piece band that banged out catchy, clever, piano-driven alt-rock tunes and became something of a sensation riding the final crest of the ’90s alternative boom with the album Whatever and Ever Amen. Folds has more often performed as a solo artist this decade, as heard on albums such as Rockin’ the Suburbs and Songs for Silverman.

The Roots

Budweiser Stage

10:50 p.m.

Ben Folds

The Roots are hip-hop’s unofficial house band. When Jay-Z needed a live band to record an MTV Unplugged concert, he called the Roots. When Dave Chappelle was looking for a band to anchor his Block Party, he called the Roots. But, led by drummer/bandleader Amir “?uestlove” Thompson and rapper Tariq “Black Thought” Trotter, the Roots are first and foremost music makers on their own: a band with eight full-length studio albums, each packed with funky, gritty, increasingly experimental grooves and sharp, smart rhymes.

Lurrie Bell

Tennessee Lottery Blues Tent

6 p.m.

This Chicago bluesman is an explosive guitarist in the mode of Buddy Guy and Otis Rush. He’s recorded for many of the genre’s trademark labels and comes to the Beale Street Music Fest on top of his game, nominated for Best Guitarist and Traditional Blues Male Artist of the Year in the upcoming Blues Music Awards.

Lil’ Ed & The Blues

Tennessee Lottery Blues Tent

7:30 p.m.

The Roots

Lil’ Ed & the Blues Imperials are the preeminent Chicago blues party band, purveyors of house-rockin’ electric blues in the mode of Elmore James and Hound Dog Taylor. Led by the fiery, flamboyant slide-guitar playing of leader Lil’ Ed Williams, this band has been converting blues clubs and festivals the world over into sweaty would-be rent parties since the ’80s.


Tennessee Lottery Blues Tent

9:15 p.m.

Like perhaps no other current blues musician, the trajectory of harmonica player Charlie Musselwhite’s life and career mirrors that of the music itself — Mississippi to Memphis to Chicago to California. Now, at age 64, Musselwhite is a grand old man of the blues, a versatile roots artist who has, over the years, incorporated elements of country, jazz, gospel, and Tex-Mex into his music.

Keb’ Mo’

Tennessee Lottery Blues Tent

11 p.m.

Born Kevin Monroe, Keb’ Mo’ is a Los Angeles-based acoustic-blues performer who became one of the genre’s great crossover success stories. Partly modeling himself after Robert Johnson, the journeyman musician released eight albums since 1994 and has established himself as one of the rare modern blues artists to consistently cross over to mainstream rock and pop fans.

Richard Johnston

Soco Blues Shack

6 p.m., 8 p.m., and 10:30 p.m.

In recent years, Richard Johnston, a late-blooming street performer, has become one of the rising stars on the independent blues scene, winning the 2001 International Blues Challenge and releasing a best-selling debut album, Foot Hill Stomp, dedicated to — and inspired by — the late north Mississippi hill-country blueswoman Jessie Mae Hemphill. Solo, Johnston is sure to wow audiences with his world-weary howl and his picking ability on the cigar-box LoweBow, a one-stringed cousin of the electric guitar.

Robert “Wolfman” Belfour

Soco Blues Shack

7:05 p.m. and 8:45 p.m.

Robert Belfour was born and raised in the north Mississippi hill country but relocated to Memphis more than 40 years ago. His understated acoustic blues style remains largely unnoticed by local blues fans, but his albums (2000’s What’s Wrong With You and Pushin’ My Luck, released three years later) have received rave reviews around the world.

Music Music Features

Saturday Band Listings

Saturday Schedule

Cellular South Stage

Muck Sticky 2:30-3:20 p.m.

Duman 3:50-4:50 p.m.

Cat Power 5:20-6:35 p.m.

Buddy Guy 7:05-8:30 p.m.

Lou Reed 9-10:15 p.m.

Santana 10:45-12:15 p.m.

Sam’s Town Stage

Oracle and the Mountain 2:30-3:30 p.m.

Saving Abel 4-5:05 p.m.

The Whigs 5:35-6:40 p.m.

Simple Plan 7:10-8:25 p.m.

Seether 8:55-10:10 p.m.

Disturbed 10:40-12:10 p.m.

Budweiser Stage

Al Kapone 2:20-3:30 p.m.

Tegan and Sara 3:50-5 p.m.

Colbie Caillat 5:30-6:35 p.m.

Arrested Development 7:05-8:20 p.m.

John Butler Trio 8:50-10:15 p.m.

Matisyahu 10:45-12:15 p.m.

Tennessee Lottery Blues Tent

Eli “paperboy” Reed 2-2:45 p.m.

Preston Shannon 3:10-4:15 p.m.

Kenny Neal 4:40-5:50 p.m.

Backdoor Slam 6:15-7:30 p.m.

Watermelon Slim 7:55-9:10 p.m.

Pinetop Perkins & Hubert Sumlin

w/ Billy Gibson 9:35-10:45 p.m.

Bettye Lavette 11:15-12:30 p.m.

Soco Blues Shack

Richard Johnston 2, 3:30, 5:50, 7:30, & 10:45 p.m.

Blind Mississippi Morris 2:45, 4:15, 6:30, & 9:10 p.m.

Band Listings Saturday, May 3

Muck Sticky

Cellular South Stage

2:30 p.m.

This Memphis-based musical prankster matches a high-pitched, half-rapped drawl with a weed-centric, semi-utopian, NC-17-rated worldview. You may be confused, but you probably won’t be bored.


Cellular South Stage

3:50 p.m.

Representing this year’s Memphis in May honored country, Turkey, Duman is an Istanbul grunge-rock trio whose lead singer, Kaan Tangöze, first started writing songs while a college student in Seattle, learning the music from the source.

Cat Power

Cellular South Stage

5:20 p.m.

Georgia-bred indie rocker Chan “Cat Power” Marshall has been a cult favorite for more than a decade but has expanded her audience in recent years with a little help from some Memphis friends. The Greatest, which was recorded in Memphis in 2006, was a breakout record for Marshall and featured the work of several Memphis musicians, notably Hi Records guitar legend Teenie Hodges. Her latest album, a collection of mostly covers called Jukebox, continues the Memphis ties with takes on Jessie Mae Hemphill’s “Lord, Help the Poor & Needy” and Dan Penn’s “Woman Left Lonely.”

Buddy Guy

Cellular South Stage

7:05 p.m.

Once the hot young gun of the Chicago blues scene, Buddy Guy is now the elder statesman, towering over that city’s blues scene as Muddy Waters once did. A brilliant guitarist, Guy ventured south for 2001’s Mississippi-recorded Sweet Tea to show he can still excel outside the standard Chicago style. This year he’s on the big screen, stealing the show from the Rolling Stones in their concert film Shine a Light.

Lou Reed

Cellular South Stage

9 p.m.


As the frontman of the Velvet Underground, Lou Reed served as the catalyst for the punk, glam, and alternative-rock movements to come. Since going solo in the early ’70s, he’s documented subterranean urban culture on the classic “Walk on the Wild Side,” paid respects to the late Andy Warhol on Songs for Drella, and reported on urban decay in his hometown on New York. Though Reed’s catalog of challenging, literate work is immense, he’ll always be best known for the classics he penned for the Velvet Underground in the late ’60s: “Sweet Jane,” “Heroin,” “Sister Ray,” etc.


Cellular South Stage

10:45 p.m.

Lou Reed

Guitarist Carlos Santana and his eponymous band injected Latin styles into the California rock scene of the ’60s, going on to star at Woodstock and score hits with “Evil Ways” and “Black Magic Woman.” Decades later, Santana made one of the most successful comebacks rock music has ever seen with the 1999 album Supernatural. The album sold more than 10 million copies and landed 11 Grammy nominations, morphing Carlos Santana from a classic-rock legend to a modern superstar.

Oracle and the Mountain

Sam’s Town Stage

2:30 p.m.

This newish local band is a promising rock quartet whose music evokes grunge, alt-country, and contemporary indie rock in equal doses.

Saving Abel

Sam’s Town Stage

4 p.m.

This heavy Southern rock band from Corinth, Mississippi, recently made the leap from unsigned Mid-South hopefuls to major-label up-and-comers, releasing their eponymous debut on Virgin Records this spring.

The Whigs

Sam’s Town Stage

5:35 p.m.

Stefano Giovannini

Cat Power

One of the best and most buzzed-about young rock bands around, this Georgia-based indie power trio evokes such alt-rock icons as the Replacements and even Nirvana. The band’s label-released debut, this year’s Mission Control, is a deceptively simple blast of crunchy riffs, locomotive drumming, and catchy hooks.

Simple Plan

Sam’s Town Stage

7:10 p.m.

The Montreal-based pop-punk quintet Simple Plan have followed cohorts such as Blink-182 and Good Charlotte out of the scene’s underground and onto the pop charts, scoring multiple hits with their 2004 breakthrough album Still Not Getting Any.


Sam’s Town Stage

8:55 p.m.


South African alt-metal band Seether has become Music Fest regulars, making appearances over the past few years. The band broke through in America via a slot on the Ozzfest tour in 2002 and hasn’t looked back since.


Sam’s Town Stage

10:40 p.m.

Chicago-based nü-metal band Disturbed reveal elements of alt-rock and even rap like many of their genre contemporaries but also boast an


old-fashioned sensibility at times, evoking metal heroes such as Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, and Pantera.

Al Kapone

Budweiser Stage

2:20 p.m.

M-Town’s own Al Kapone possesses one of the most original voices on the city’s rap scene, but, more often than not, he’s languished in the shadows of the monolithic Three 6 Mafia. More recently, however, this hardcore gangsta rapper has stepped into the light with releases like 2003’s Goin’ All Out and his contributions to the soundtrack of the Memphis-set rap film Hustle & Flow. Lately, Kapone has been working with a live band, the Untouchables, which should make his Dirty South rhymes translate well to the big stage this weekend.

Tegan and Sara

Budweiser Stage

3:50 p.m.

The Whigs

This Canadian duo consisting of twin sisters is one of the biggest indie success stories of the past year. After a decade performing together, Tegan and Sara morphed from conventional folkies into a duo that incorporated punk and alt-rock into their sound on the 2007 breakthrough The Con, which was produced by Chris Walla of the Seattle indie band Death Cab for Cutie.

Colbie Caillat

Budweiser Stage

5:30 p.m.

California folk-pop songwriter Colbie Caillat (think Jewel crossed with Natasha Bedingfield) recorded and posted songs on MySpace a couple of years ago and suddenly became an Internet sensation. Digital word of mouth led to a deal with Universal records, which released Caillat’s debut album, Coco, last summer.

Arrested Development

Budweiser Stage

7:05 p.m.


In 1992, West Coast so-called gangster rap was rampant, but an alternative emerged out of left field in the form of Arrested Development: a sprawling, rootsy, Afrocentric crew whose breakthrough hit “Tennessee” was a master stroke they could never repeat. A decade later, rapper Speech got the group back together, releasing the album Since the Last Time in 2007.

The John Butler Trio

Budweiser Stage

8:50 p.m.


Arrested Development

From an opening act for the Dave Matthews Band to a platinum-selling headliner, Australian jam band the John Butler Trio mine American roots music and rollicking, bluesy pop. The group’s third studio album, Grand National, runs the gamut of contemporary pop, as Butler tries on hip-hop, reggae, and full-on rock for size.


Budweiser Stage

10:45 p.m.

David Moore

Richard Johnston

On the surface, Matisyahu seems like a joke act — a Hasidic Jew celebrating his culture and religion via Jamaican reggae. But this high school Deadhead is serious. His second studio album, Youth, even went on to garner a Grammy nomination for Best Reggae Album.

Eli “Paperboy” Reed

Tennessee Lottery Blues Tent

2 p.m.

Raised in the unlikely environs of Brookline, Massachusetts, this blue-eyed soul singer spent time in Clarksdale, Mississippi, after high school to get a real musical education. Reed’s new album, Roll With You, demonstrates an ease with classic ’60s soul that should place him near the top of the soul revival scene.

Preston Shannon

Tennessee Lottery Blues Tent

3:10 p.m.

Preston Shannon, a longtime Memphis blues/soul singer/guitarist and Beale Street bandleader, will help the Beale Street Music Festival earn its name by bringing some modern Memphis sounds to the Blues Tent.

Kenny Neal

Tennessee Lottery Blues Tent

4:40 p.m.

Baton Rouge swamp-blues stalwart Kenny Neal has long been one of the top names in contemporary blues. After growing up in a blues family around stars such as Buddy Guy and Slim Harpo, Neal has graduated to their level on his own. He recorded for Alligator Records for most of the past two decades but recently released Let Life Flow, his debut for another venerable blues label, Blind Pig.

BackDoor Slam

Tennessee Lottery Blues Tent

6:15 p.m.

Hailing from the Isle of Man, Backdoor Slam, featuring Davy Knowles on guitar and mandolin, Adam Jones on bass, and Ross Doyle on drums, will rock the Beale Street Music Fest with a sound that harkens back to earlier British blues-rock exports.

Watermelon Slim

Tennessee Lottery Blues Tent

7:55 p.m.

Watermelon Slim hardly fits the blues archetype. He’s a Vietnam vet, former trucker, and recipient of a master’s degree. Watermelon Slim also has channeled his creativity into a second career as a blues musician, releasing a protest album called Merry Airbrakes shortly after his stint in the service. Fast-forward three decades, and you’ll find Watermelon Slim and his band riding the wave of their terrific album The Wheel Man.

Pinetop Perkins & Hubert Sumlin with Billy Gibson

Tennessee Lottery Blues Tent

9:35 p.m.

Memphis harmonica master Billy Gibson must be living right to share the stage this weekend with two certified blues legends: The 94-year-old Pine-top Perkins is a boogie-woogie piano master who once replaced Otis Spann in Muddy Waters’ band. The 76-year-old guitarist Hubert Sumlin is a youngster by comparison and cut his teeth as the great Howlin’ Wolf’s primary guitar foil.

Bettye Lavette

Tennessee Lottery Blues Tent

11:15 p.m.

One of the better recent comeback stories on the roots-music scene, Bettye Lavette was a cult-fave soul singer in the ’60s but never broke through. An active live performer into the ’90s, Lavette found her way back into a studio this decade and recorded with the rock band the Drive-By Truckers for her deep-soul testament The Scene of the Crime.

Richard Johnston

Soco Blues Shack

2 p.m., 3:30 p.m., 5:50 p.m.,

7:30 p.m., and 10:45 p.m.

Tegan and Sara

Richard Johnston has become one of the rising stars on the independent blues scene, winning the 2001 International Blues Challenge and releasing a best-selling debut album, Foot Hill Stomp, dedicated to — and inspired by — Jessie Mae Hemphill.

Blind Mississippi Morris

Soco Blues Shack

2:45 p.m., 4:15 p.m., 6:30 p.m., and 9:10 p.m.

Known as the “Real Deal on Beale,” Blind Mississippi Morris is a longtime staple of the contemporary Memphis blues scene, keeping the modern version of the Memphis sound anchored in its Delta roots.

Music Music Features

Sunday Band Listings

Sunday Schedule

Cellular South Stage

Carney 2:20-3:25 p.m.

Rue Melo 3:55-4:55 p.m.

Gavin Degraw 5:25-6:35 p.m.

Finger Eleven 7:05-8:15 p.m.

Fergie 8:45-10:15 p.m.

Sam’s Town Stage

Billy Lee Riley 2:30-3:30 p.m.

Duman 4-5 p.m.

Jerry Lee Lewis 5:30-6:30 p.m.

Aretha Franklin 7-8:05 p.m.

Michael McDonald 8:35-10:05 p.m.

Budweiser Stage

Pete Francis 2-3 p.m.

Umphrey’s McGee 3-4:40 p.m.

Michael Franti & Spearhead 5:10-6:20 p.m.

O.A.R. 6:50-8 p.m.

The Black Crowes 8:30-10 p.m.

Tennessee Lottery

Blues Tent

Calvin Cooke 2-3:05 p.m.

SamuEl James 3:30-4:40 p.m.

Nick Moss & the Flip tops 5:05-6:20 p.m.

Magic Slim & the Teardrops 6:45-8 p.m.

Doyle Bramhall 8:30-10 p.m.

Soco Blues Shack

Richard Johnston 2, 4:40, 6:20, & 8 p.m.

Robert “Wolfman” Belfour 3:05, 5:30, & 7:05 p.m.

Band Listings Sunday, May 4


Cellular South Stage

2:20 p.m.

This Los Angeles quartet led by a couple of brothers (guitarists Reeve and Zane Carney) plays bluesy, classic-style rock and just released their debut record, Nothing Without You, on Interscope Records.

Rue Melo

Cellular South Stage

3:55 p.m.

Named after its Paris-raised lead singer, this California quartet mixes rock, R&B, and hip-hop on singles such as “Check It Out” and “Smooth Brotha.”

Gavin DeGraw

Cellular South Stage

5:25 p.m.

Alice Stevens

Doyle Bramhall

This New York singer-songwriter hit in 2003 with a mainstream rock style that came across as a more sophisticated Matchbox Twenty or a more muscular Maroon 5 (a band with whom DeGraw shared a label). After scoring a huge pop hit with the single “I Don’t Want To Be” from his debut album, Chariot, DeGraw returned this year with an eponymous follow-up album.

Finger Eleven

Cellular South Stage

7:05 p.m.

These Canadians are melodic modern-rockers who met in high school and have been recording under the Finger Eleven moniker for more than a decade, finally breaking through in the U.S. in 2003 with the surging, emotional Top 40 hit “One Thing.”


Cellular South Stage

8:45 p.m.

Gavin Degraw

Maybe pop music’s most unlikely current superstar, Fergie was a showbiz kid (with roots in both kiddie television and teen pop) who, at around age 30, joined the Black-Eyed Peas just before the group crossed over from underground hip-hop to mainstream pop. When Fergie went solo with 2006’s The Duchess, few expected her to surpass the popularity of her band, but nearly two years later, the album continues to produce radio and video hits such as “London Bridge,” “Fergalicious,” “Big Girls Don’t Cry,” and “Glamorous.” Fergie hasn’t always been taken seriously as she’s climbed the entertainment ladder, but she’s taken it to the bank. And her colorful, acrobatic stage presence helps her translate her pop/hip-hop/R&B sound to the stage.

Billy Lee Riley

Sam’s Town Stage

2:30 p.m.

Born across the river in Pocohontas, Arkansas, Billy Lee Riley remains one of the wildest rockers to have ever sprung from Memphis’ own Sun Studio. Although he never hit as big as Elvis or Jerry Lee Lewis, Riley’s original tunes like “Flying Saucer Rock’n’Roll” and “Red Hot” are considered landmarks of the rockabilly genre to this day. Riley remains a consummate performer and a perennial crowd pleaser who never fails to delight audiences at the Beale Street Music Festival.


Sam’s Town Stage

4 p.m.

Representing this year’s Memphis in May honored country, Turkey, Duman is an Istanbul grunge-rock trio whose lead singer, Kaan Tangöze, first started writing songs while a college student in Seattle, learning the music from the source.

Jerry Lee Lewis

Sam’s Town Stage

5:30 p.m.

Way back in 1957, this Bible college dropout from Ferriday, Louisiana, was determined to become Sam Phillips’ next discovery. His first single, the pumping piano tune “Crazy Arms,” did moderately well. Then all hell broke loose when Lewis cut “Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On” at Memphis’ Sun Studio. Onstage, the Killer fulfilled every parent’s worst nightmare, delivering a solid mule kick to his piano bench and shaking his hips in a frenzy. Lewis reinvented himself as a straight country star in later decades, but a slow-building rock-and-roll comeback (which began with the late-’80s big-screen biopic Great Balls of Fire and includes his induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame) has rightfully restored Lewis to his position at the forefront of rock royalty.

Aretha Franklin

Sam’s Town Stage

7 p.m.

With Sam Cooke, Otis Redding, and, more recently, Ray Charles and James Brown all departed, the uncontested “Queen of Soul” is far and away America’s greatest living soul and R&B artist. The Memphis-born Franklin unleashed her gospel-trained pipes on a series of records in the late ’60s and early ’70s — albums such as Lady Soul and Spirit in the Dark, classic singles such as “Respect” and “Chain of Fools” — that stands as one of the absolute peaks of recorded pop music. In the decades since, she periodically pops up to remind everyone of her greatness — in the mid-’80s with the modern-soul classic Who’s Zoomin’ Who?, in the late ’90s with the post-hip-hop Master’s course A Rose Is Still a Rose. No fan of travel, Franklin’s live appearances are few these days. Don’t miss it.

Michael McDonald

Sam’s Town Stage

8:35 p.m.

C. Baldwin


The voice behind Doobie Brothers hits such as “What a Fool Believes” and “Taking It to the Streets,” McDonald’s buttery baritone was a defining sound for laid-back California rock in the ’70s. And that voice made a swift transition to the adult end of Top 40 in the ’80s (such as “On My Own,” his hit duet with Patti LaBelle) and into adult-contemporary today as his baby-boomer audience ages along with him. McDonald tours regularly today and remains quite popular in the Memphis market.

Pete Francis

Budweiser Stage

2 p.m.

Michael McDonald

Francis was the frontman for the Vermont-based ’90s cult band Dispatch, going solo early this decade as a folkish singer-songwriter who sounds something like a male Joni Mitchell, with rock and reggae elements.

Umphrey’s McGee

Budweiser Stage

3 p.m.

This is not your typical jam band: Expect Midwesterners Umphrey’s McGee to channel Frank Zappa or King Crimson at the Beale Street Music Fest this weekend. Consummate live performers who often play songs by Toto, Snoop Dogg, and Metallica, they cut their first studio album, Local Band Does O.K., in 2002 and have been prolific since with a series of studio albums, live records, and compilations.

Michael Franti &

Budweiser Stage

5:10 p.m.

Michael Franti first appeared in the early ’90s as the voice behind the leftist, alternative hip-hop duo Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy. Now fronting the San Francisco-based band Spearhead, Franti’s music is more diverse, adding blues, rock, folk, and reggae to his hip-hop template for a kind of black roots music. His husky, charismatic baritone and fiercely political worldview remain.


Budweiser Stage

6:50 p.m.

Pete Francis

This gentle, Maryland-based jam band went under the radar to build a massive live following in much the way Phish did. After years of hard touring on the jam and college circuits, O.A.R. can now fill Madison Square Garden, as witnessed on their new double-disc, double-DVD document of a recent sold-out concert at the venerable venue.

The Black Crowes

Budweiser Stage

8:30 p.m.


These Atlanta rockers hit it big right off the bat with their 1990 debut, Shake Your Money Maker, giving a Southern-fried, neo-classic twist on the authentic hard-rock template Guns N’ Roses had recently taken platinum. Eighteen years later, the band remains active and relevant, perhaps more than ever to Memphis audiences via the presence of the band’s new hotshot guitarist: North Mississippi Allstar Luther Dickinson. Dickinson lends his considerable chops to the Crowes’ latest album, Warpaint, and will be joining them onstage this year at the Beale Street Music Festival.

Calvin Cooke

Tennessee Lottery Blues Tent

2 p.m.

Sometimes dubbed “the B.B. King of gospel steel guitar,” Cooke is a Detroit-based church musician who has recently brought his gospel blues public with a debut album produced by the like-minded Robert Randolph.

Samuel James

Tennessee Lottery Blues Tent

3:30 p.m.

A rising star in the world of traditional blues from the unlikely home of Portland, Maine, James is a young African-American blues player whose light acoustic style evokes country blues, jug bands, and ragtime, as heard on his recently released debut album, Songs Famed for Sorrow and Joy.

Nick Moss &

the Flip Tops

Tennessee Lottery Blues Tent

5:05 p.m.

The Black Crowes

Guitarist Nick Moss spent a decade as a sideman on the Chicago blues scene, including a stint in Jimmy Rogers’ band, before setting out to form his own band earlier this decade. The band, which released the two-disc, 21-song epic Play It ‘Til Tomorrow last year, has been labeled a modern version of the classic Paul Butterfield Blues Band of the ’60s. Moss & Co. are nominated for Album of the Year, Band of the Year, and Best Guitarist in the upcoming Blues Music Awards.

Magic Slim &

the Teardrops

Tennessee Lottery Blues Tent

6:45 p.m.

A classic Chicago blues band, Magic Slim & the Teardrops have been a staple of the Windy City scene since the mid-’60s and are still going strong, as witnessed by their three nominations at this year’s Blues Music Awards, including Band of the Year.

Doyle Bramhall

Tennessee Lottery Blues Tent

8:30 p.m.

Texas bluesman Doyle Bramhall has been a force on that state’s blues scene for decades, learning from the likes of Jimmy Reed and playing alongside the Vaughan brothers, Jimmie and the late Stevie Ray. After playing in a variety of Texas blues bands for decades, Bramhall finally started recording solo material in the ’90s.

Richard Johnston

Soco Blues Shack

2 p.m., 4:40 p.m., 6:20 p.m., 8 p.m.

Richard Johnston, a late-blooming street performer, has become one of the rising stars on the independent blues scene, winning the 2001 International Blues Challenge and releasing a best-selling debut album, Foot Hill Stomp, dedicated to — and inspired by — the late north Mississippi hill-country blueswoman Jessie Mae Hemphill. Solo, Johnston is sure to wow audiences with his world-weary howl and his picking ability on the cigar-box LoweBow, a one-stringed cousin of the electric guitar.

Robert “Wolfman” Belfour

Soco Blues Shack

3:05 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 7:05 p.m.

Belfour was born and raised in the north Mississippi hill country but relocated to Memphis more than 40 years ago. Belfour’s understated acoustic blues style, considered a link between Junior Kimbrough and R.L. Burnside by Fat Possum producer Bruce Watson, remains largely unnoticed by local blues fans, but his albums (2000’s What’s Wrong With You and Pushin’ My Luck, released three years later) have received rave reviews around the world.

Music Music Features

Jay Reatard Grows Up

Since his 2007 appearance at Austin’s South By Southwest Music Festival, garage-punk savant Jay Reatard (real surname: Lindsey) has become the Memphis musician with the biggest national footprint in terms of press, hype, and relentless touring.

The first album he released under the Jay Reatard moniker, Blood Visions, came out in late 2006 on In the Red records. It was a slow grower, but, eventually, word spread. Lindsey assembled a back-up band with members of local scorchers the Boston Chinks, and live shows left audiences wanting more …

Read the rest of Andrew Earles’ profile of the Memphis rocker.

Music Music Features

Beale Street Music Fest: The Bands, The Music, The Line-up

The Beale Street Music Fest will divide acts among four stages — with an added “blues shack” this year — in Tom Lee Park, a 33-acre site that sits at the base of historic Beale Street and stretches along the majestic Mississippi River.

Friday night’s lineup features a diverse trio of heavyweight headliners that may force eclectic music fans into a tough decision …

Get all the dope on this weekend’s Memphis in May Music Fest here.

Opinion Viewpoint

Hillary, Obama, Sex, Beer, and Strippers

I was out of town last week on my annual trout-fishing trek to the deep woods of Pennsylvania. (You know, the place where Obama saw his shadow, and now we have six more weeks of Hillary.) I was off the grid — no Internet, no cell phone — just my gun and my religion and a four-weight fly-rod. And beer …

Read Bruce VanWyngarden’s column from this week’s Flyer.