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Living the Dream

38c3/1243629387-nascar.jpg Baby, you can drive your car on a real-live NASCAR track.

On Saturday, from 9 a.m. to noon, Memphis Motorsports Park is holding its annual “Season Ticket Holder 450.” The 450 allows season-ticket holders — which you can become the day-of for $109 adults, $50 kids — to drive their own cars, trucks, and motorcycles for four or five laps around the NASCAR track, while taking family members and friends along for the ride.

Pictures will be taken during the run and given as souvenirs to the drivers, who will also be offered complimentary barbecue from Pig N Whistle.

According to Doug Franklin, director of public relations for the park, the 450, now in its fourth year, draws between 200 and 400 participants. A pace car will lead the way, while another official car will follow the pack to keep the order. Speeds average around 40 to 60 mph.

Sing All Kinds We Recommend

On the Phone with Bill Cunningham of the Box Tops

9363/1243574335-grpold2.jpgLast week, I got to catch up with Bill Cunningham, the original bassist for the Box Tops, who, along with the group’s enigmatic lead singer Alex Chilton (best known, of course, for his post-Box Tops work with the band Big Star), guitarist Gary Talley, and drummer Danny Smythe, is slated to perform at the Memphis Italian Festival at 9:45 p.m. tonight.

Some 40 years after their biggest hit, the American Studios-recorded smash “The Letter,” hit the top of the Billboard charts, the Box Tops (seen here in their heyday, with rhythm guitarist John Evans) occasionally regroup; their last local appearance was at the Cannon Center four-and-a-half years ago.

In the downtime, Chilton catapulted to cult hero status, bouncing between Memphis, where he formed Big Star and produced the Cramps’ debut album, and New York City, where he alternately drove a cab and performed alongside Chris Stamey and Richard Lloyd during the then-nascent CBGBs scene. After landing back in Memphis in the late ’70s, Chilton joined Tav Falco’s Panther Burns and went on to record his gloriously messy roots-mined epic Like Flies on Sherbert and several subsequent critically acclaimed albums, including A Man Called Destruction and High Priest.

The 59-year old Cunningham’s non-Box Tops career has been no less stellar. After his stint in the Box Tops, he went on to have a career as a classical bassist, performing behind-the-scenes with Jim Henson’s Muppets and playing for the likes of Henry Kissinger and President Jimmy Carter. Today, Cunningham works in the international trade division for the federal government. He was happy to fill me in on his life, in — and outside of — Memphis.


Wendell’s World Grill Arrest

Due to a Tennessee Department of Revenue investigation, former co-owner and chef of Wendell’s World Beat Grill, Wendell Price Jr, was arrested May 20th in Texas.

Price is currently being held without bond and awaiting extradition to Tennessee.


Around the Blogs

What’s going on in Flyer staff blogs today? A recap of Cowboy Jack Clement’s gig at the Shell; Bruce V’s take on Wyatt “Archie” Bunker; Bianca Knows Best about single-mom adoption; and at Beyond the Arc, they’re still gabbing about the Griz draft.


Baklava, Angie’s Kitchen, and Panera Bread

Flyer food writer Pam Denney has the dish on the latest restaurant and chef news.

Opinion The BruceV Blog

Wyatt “Archie” Bunker and the Politics of Ignorance


County commissioner Steve Mulroy’s proposed antidiscrimination ordinance got lots of attention this week. The Flyer reported on the protest led by county commissioner Wyatt Bunker and several ministers, and later on the subsequent County Commission meeting where the issue was debated.

Bunker and his cohorts generated a lot of heat and not much light on the subject. They trotted out the usual fear-mongering — that, if the law passed, gays couldn’t be fired for cross-dressing or using the opposite gender’s restrooms. They said that homosexuality is a sin, and that gays are trying to force their “agenda” on god-fearing Christians. And they reiterated the threadbare argument that being gay is a “choice,” not an inherent trait, such as black skin or blue eyes.

These folks are on the wrong side of history — and of science and common decency. Even if you grant them the absurd notion that being gay is a choice, the argument against job protection still falls flat. You “choose” to be Presbyterian or Muslim or a Republican, but those choices are protected by law. You can’t be legally fired for your choice of religion or your chosen political affiliation. So why shouldn’t your “choice” to be gay be protected? It’s legal to be gay, after all.

What’s really going on, of course, is the insertion of fundamentalist religion into government affairs. These folks will tell you, ad nauseum, that they “love the sinner but hate the sin.” But “sin” is a religious concept which has no place in civic legal matters. Laws regulate criminal actions, not sin. And there’s a very good reason for that: One man’s sin is another man’s recreation. You may think it’s a sin to dance. I may not. Why should your sin be law? If you want a religious state, move to, say, a Muslim country where sin and law are interchangeable. Our forefathers saw the fallacy of such a government. That’s why one of the precepts on which the United States was founded is the separation of church and state.

Protecting someone from being fired because they are gay is a simple extension of workers’ rights. I don’t care what interpretation of the Bible you cite. It’s immaterial.

Here’s what really puzzles me: Is it possible Wyatt Bunker and these ministers don’t know any gay people? Is it possible none of their family members are gay? I can’t imagine so, but equally difficult to imagine is how, if they knew real, actual gay people, they would see this proposed law as a threat. Most of the people I know work, play, are related to, and interact with gay people every day. Protecting them from being fired for their orientation seems an obvious good thing.

Ironically, the actions of Bunker and his crowd of Bible-thumping fear-mongers make it even more obvious why such a law is necessary in the first place.


Delivered From Calipari

A few weeks back, when John Calipari high-tailed it off to Kentucky, Chris Herrington had a few contrarian thoughts about the situation. You might say he predicted the future.

Sing All Kinds We Recommend

Recap: Cowboy Jack Clement at the Levitt Shell

7b2f/1243570864-cowboyjackclement01-280x336.jpgOvercast skies and cool winds from the north: The weather couldn’t have been better for the opening night of the newly renovated Levitt Shell‘s sophomore season. By 6:30 p.m., music fans were already staking out prime real estate on the sloped lawn that has replaced the wooden benches of yesteryear, soaking up the speeches and fanfare that, in the Bluff City, seem to precede the openings of lemonade stands and political campaigns alike.

It was a perfect night to be a Memphian — or a Midtowner, to be more exact. If the audience was in a great mood, concert opener Jimmy Davis was transcendent. Volunteers were friendly without being overbearing, food vendors DeJavu and the Hi-Tone Cafe were serving up jambalaya and pizza slices, and no one frowned at the legion of dog owners who brought their four-legged friends to the park. Cowboy Jack Clement, donned in angelic white and flanked by his agile Nashville band, played hits (and near misses) that spanned his 50-plus years in the music biz, while fans like Robert Gordon, co-director of Shakespeare Was A Big George Jones Fan: Cowboy Jack Clement’s Home Movies, lolled on blankets, soaking it up.


“Becky Quick” Update

A week ago, SING ALL KINDS reported on local pop band 40 Watt Moon, who lyricized their ardor for CNBC anchor Becky Quick in the song, named, appropriately enough, “Becky Quick” … Turns out, Becky’s now a fan.

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