Film Features Film/TV

Of Friendship and Fury

It’s been said that roller derby is a cross between a sorority and a
gang. But in Whip It, the directorial debut of Drew Barrymore,
roller derby is both a family and an escape from family.

As a producer, Barrymore has created films that feature quirky
characters, strong female leads, and cute love stories. The only
difference is that Whip It is a cute romance between a quirky
girl and the sport she loves (and the other women who love it,

Bliss Cavendar (Ellen Page) is a reluctant pageant girl from a small
town outside Austin. She works at a barbecue restaurant with her best
and only friend, Pash (Alia Shawkat, “Maeby” from Arrested
) and longs for the day she can leave Bodeen, Texas,
behind her.

On a shopping trip to Austin, she discovers the roller derby, a
world full of badass chicks and cute boys. Bliss unearths her Barbie
roller skates and, despite being in high school, lies about her age and
sneaks off to become a derby girl.

Based on a novel by derby girl Shauna Cross, Whip It does a
good job straddling the expectations of the derby audience and what it
needs to appeal to the rest of the audience.

I’ve been involved in derby in some capacity for more than three
years, so I’m well versed in the source material. Whip It gets
most of the details exactly right: former figure skaters turned derby
girls, the skeezy guy fans, and girls comparing bruises at parties.

Derby fans might wince when Bliss ultimately joins derby over a cute
boy or that the film’s hits aren’t exactly what you’d call regulation
for flat-track derby. But for the uninitiated, it gets the camaraderie,
the athleticism, and the importance of the sport to the women who play
it completely right.

The only off-note is perhaps Barrymore’s own character, Smashley
Simpson, the film’s running sight gag and most violent skater. There
are real-life skaters who are quick to retaliate a real — or
imagined — foul with an intentional trip or even a punch,
but they generally aren’t free-spirited, happy-go-lucky hippies.

The rest of the actors are well cast in this heart-warming comedy:
Page can deadpan with the best of them, but it’s refreshing to see her
play a character with more vulnerability and warmth.

Daniel Stern is her somewhat oblivious but doting dad, and though
the story rests on the female relationships, it’s the chemistry between
Stern and Page that makes the whole thing work.

Kristen Wiig is perfect as team captain, adoring mom, and mother
figure Maggie Mayhem. And Juliette Lewis is all lanky, feral
malevolence as Bliss’ arch-enemy, Iron Maven.

Because when it comes down to it, you might join derby for the
sport, but you stay for the people.

Film Features Film/TV

Lowlifes and bottom-feeders, compellingly captured

The lowlifes and bottom-feeders in Luc and Jean-Pierre Dardenne’s
fine if taxing crime film Lorna’s Silence do not behave like
traditional movie characters. They are puzzling, frustrating,
inscrutable — and best handled as discrete collections of body
parts rather than as functioning, goal-oriented protagonists and
antagonists. Surface is all: A drug addict’s taut forearm muscles, a
hustler’s bald spot, and a mail-order bride’s flat chest register on
screen with a kind of limpid clarity seldom granted to the faces and
bodies of the starriest Hollywood stars. The shoulders, profiles, and
backs of heads in Lorna’s Silence are more weirdly expressive
than the perfectly lit, shallow-focus close-ups typical of major studio

The Dardennes’ insistence on their characters’ corporeality is
necessary early on, because the people in the film remain stubbornly
opaque for the first hour. Consider Lorna, played by Arta Dobroshi.
Dobroshi may look like Ellen Page’s androgynous, beaten-down sister,
but she’s far less expressive and open — in fact, she’s so
skilled at draining her face of emotion that even after the story kicks
in, it’s never clear what forces send her through her day. Her husband
Claudy (Jérémie Renier) — whom she treats like an
unwelcome, irksome roommate — is, in spite of his shaking,
quavering requests, just as mysterious.

After some raw exchanges between this makeshift couple, we discover
that Lorna’s tense cohabitation with Claudy is just the first part of a
crude, crass scheme designed to exploit her new status as a European
citizen and potential mail-order bride. However, as the scheme
progresses Lorna — to her (and our) shock — discovers that
she cannot behave as mercilessly as her criminal co-conspirators; a
sudden, careless act of compassion simultaneously focuses her emergent
spiritual crisis and puts her in grave danger.

While not as forceful or exciting as 2005’s L’Enfant,
Lorna’s Silence reaffirms the Dardennes’ important status as
global filmmakers (with U.S. distribution — hooray!) whose art
addresses the damaging effects of unchecked market forces on human
compassion. Their conclusions are seldom comforting or easy to parse,
and the Dardennes’ fluid handheld camerawork reinforces their
characters’ trapped and desperate circumstances. (By the way, isn’t it
nice to see a filmmaker use a handheld camera to capture intimate
moments instead of using it as a tool to manufacture intensity?) But
flashes of hope and beauty crop up from time to time — the
vibrant yellows and blues of a phone booth, a bicycle ride through the
streets, a breathless account of a potential snack-bar space.

The problematic ending is equal parts urban legend and fairy-tale
wish fulfillment, but overall the strongest passages in the film
express a feeling of deferred religious grace comparable to the
uncompromising chronicles of despair found in Flannery O’Connor’s
crueler short stories.

Film Features Film/TV

“The Big Lebowski” to Screen in the Park

Voting has closed on the Indie Memphis Late-Night Movie Contest, and
the winner is The Big Lebowski. The Coen brothers’ cult comedy
will be shown on the big screen at the Levitt Shell in Overton Park on
Friday, October 9th, as part of an Indie Memphis program that will
start with Elvis Presley’s 1968 “comeback” television special and
include the Memphis Music at SXSW documentary.

Among the five candidates that were open to public voting,
Lebowski won big, garnering 38 percent of the vote. The
runners-up were Shaun of the Dead (22 percent), Dazed and
(17 percent), and Monty Python & the Holy Grail
(17 percent). Caddyshack trailed with 6 percent of the vote.

The Big Lebowski will screen at roughly 10 p.m., after the
music docs. Admission is free. In the event of inclement weather, the
screening will be rescheduled for Friday, October 16th. See for more info.

Opinion The Last Word

The Rant

I got swine flu. Five days later, I was at death’s door because my evil insurance company wouldn’t honor my
doctor’s prescription. Memo to future revolutionaries: If you require a
firing squad for the executives of the Health Insurance Plan (HIP) of New York, I’m handy
with a rifle.

I wasn’t worried at first. A little sneezing, slightly achy joints.
I figured it was my usual bout of fall allergies. But I felt worse each
day: achier, more congested, stiffer, headache, fevers. The third night
was bad. I went to bed under a pile of comforters, chattering
uncontrollably. Then nightsweats. I checked my temperature: 103.7. When
your temperature looks like a classic rock station, it’s time to see
the doctor.

My ordeal with the insurance company began when I went to fill my
prescription for Tamiflu, an anti-viral medication that is widely
considered the standard treatment for swine (and other types of)

“Your insurance isn’t going to cover this,” the pharmacist said.
“You would need a pre-approval from your doctor.”

“But that’s a prescription,” I said, motioning to the white slip of
paper in her hand.

“It’s not going to work,” she said, slowing her speech for emphasis.
“This drug is for people who have the flu.”

“Um … I have the flu.”

“You have the flu?” She looked shocked.

Because Tamiflu or another drug called Relenza can significantly
reduce flu symptoms if taken less than 48 hours after the onset of
symptoms, people have been hoarding and taking anti-viral drugs
prophylactically. Given what was about to happen to me, I admire the
hoarders. Smart.

I called my doctor and explained the situation. “Put her on,” my
doctor said.

I offered my cell phone to the pharmacist. She recoiled in horror.
“You have the flu! I’m not using your phone!” She believed I had the
flu enough to shriek like a wee girl. So why did she need to confirm it
with my doctor?

I asked my doctor to call the pharmacy. “Right away,” he

An hour passed after my doctor and pharmacist exchanged the required
bureaucratic pleasantries. She returned to the counter. “I’m sorry, Mr.
Rall,” she said, “but your doctor is going to have to call HIP to get
their advance approval. It will take him quite a bit of time. It’s
complicated, especially for doctors.”

Especially for doctors? My brain may be baked from a week of
triple-digit fevers, but I want to know:

Why the hell would an insurer make it more difficult to get the main
drug prescribed to treat the number-one most-talked-about disease in
America, one that’s a probable pandemic? Shouldn’t insurers be
shoveling these yellow and white capsules out the door, trying to keep
their own costs down by getting as many flu victims to recover as
quickly as possible?

Oh, and why doesn’t the federal government make Tamiflu available
free? Hey, President Obama: What part of “pandemic” do you not
understand? Another hour went by. My pharmacist’s phone rang. She
winked at me. “Everything should be fine now,” she said.

I was getting sicker just sitting there. My head reeled; an
invisible C-clamp tightened behind each ear. I could barely breathe. It
felt as though there were shards of glass stuck in my lungs. Every
breath hurt. I barely had enough energy to stand up and take a step. My
fingers were bluish-gray. I coughed and caught a ball of phlegm in a
napkin. It was soaked in blood.

Four hours and 12 phone calls after I arrived at the pharmacy, I
went home empty-handed. HIP’s approval still hadn’t appeared in the
pharmacy’s computer system.

When swine flu appeared in the U.S. this spring, the government
prompted hysteria, predicted the deaths of as many as 90,000 Americans.
Now they’re going to the opposite extreme, downplaying a genuine threat
by trying to ignore it. They’re no longer even tracking new cases. And
Obama administration health officials are now selling an official line:
For most people, swine flu symptoms are no worse than those of any
other flu. That isn’t quite accurate.

Lord knows, it’s not like any flu I’ve had. I spent that night
coughing up blood and downing aspirins. By way of comparison, I’ve been
thrown down two flights of stairs — and swine flu is worse. I
went back to the pharmacy in the morning. Still nothing. I called HIP.
Unsurprisingly, their voice recognition voice-mail tree had some
trouble understanding my voice by this time. But finally —
success. Sort of.

After an overnight and about two pints of phlegmy blood later, I had
my Tamiflu in hand. “$87.12,” demanded the pharmacist.

I asked her how much it would have been out-of-pocket, without
insurance. “$112,” she said.

I just read that a recent ABC News poll says that 32 percent of
Americans think the current health-care system is just peachy. Let’s
hope they don’t catch swine flu this winter.