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The Putt-Putt on Perkins

Putt-Putt in 1961

  • Putt-Putt in 1961

Mention Putt-Putt to most Memphians today, and they think of the miniature golf complex way out east, at Summer and Bartlett Road. And a fine place it is, too, with all sorts of entertainment available. I’m especially fond of the go-kart track, where you can find me most Saturday nights.

But back in the 1950s and 1960s, miniature-golf courses were considerably more basic. Just a few twists and turns in the course, maybe a few hoops to get the ball through. And you played golf, and that was it. No driving ranges or arcades or water slides or anything like that. And one of those early Putt-Putts was located on Perkins, close to Southern and the railroad tracks — pretty much where CK’s Coffee Shop stands today.

I remember this place, mainly for the bright-orange borders along the astroturf “fairways,” but I wasn’t able to find a photo of it until now, when I was leafing through a White Station High School yearbook from the early 1960s. Not a very clear picture, but it’s all I’ve got. Notice that the caption says this was “the best course in Memphis” and the Spartans shown here seem to be having one heckuva good time.

Then one day it was gone, replaced over the years with an International House of Pancakes (or some kind of pancake joint), a Johnny Rockets, maybe some other establishments. I wonder what they did with that neat “PUTT PUTT” sign that served as the obstacle on the last hole?

It’s certainly a far cry from places like Goofy Golf, which had opened about this time down in Panama City, Florida, where miniature golfers wandered through a jungle maze, their putting skills challenged by giant dinosaurs, apes, whales, and other creatures. But hey, this wasn’t the Miracle Strip — this was Memphis, where you played a hot game of golf and then cooled off with a milkshake at Shoney’s. Well, I sure did, anyway.


Lakers 99, Grizzlies 98

Kobe Bryant sunk a three-pointer with four seconds left to beat the Grizzlies at FedExForum, 99-98. Check in at Beyond the Arc for more info.

Daily Photo Special Sections

hay fever

Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

Ducks Unlimited, Memphis Barbecue Network Team Up for Contest


On March 25th and 26th, the grounds of the Ducks Unlimited headquarters will be the site of the Pigs in Flight Barbecue Competition and Festival.

“Ducks Unlimited is 73 years old this year,” says Ducks Unlimited regional director Will Johnson, explaining why the organization decided to hold a barbecue contest. “Our fund-raising model includes auctions and raffles. We were looking for new ways to engage the public.”

Johnson says that while Ducks Unlimited already has a structure in place for holding events, the barbecue contest presented new challenges. This is why they reached out to the Memphis Barbecue Network (MBN).

Beyond the Arc Sports

Griz-Lakers Game Post

Alright. After missing the thriller between the two teams at the beginning of the month, I’m in the house for Grizzlies-Lakers. I’m expecting to be repaid with a dud tonight, but hoping for a good game.

Kobe Bryant is back in the line-up for the Lakers. Lester Hudson, who gave the Grizzlies a big boost in the earlier game, will not do the same tonight, as he is inactive.

I’ll be tweeting throughout the game and will hopefully have a post-game report up later tonight (pending how much my son chooses to sleep when I get home).

Let’s do this.

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    Grassphalt Anyone?


    Is the new parking surface at the Fairgrounds going to be grass or asphalt? Neither one. It’s an artificial grass mat that will increase, not decrease the number of parking spaces, officials told the City Council Tuesday.


    Bianca Knows Best …

    and helps a woman deal with a racist mother-in-law.


    Bianca Knows Best … and Helps a Woman Deal with a Racist In-law

    Dear Bianca,

    My husband’s mother is a racist. Every time I join his family for a holiday get-together or Sunday night dinner (a regular ritual in his family), his mom can’t refrain from making some comment against black people.

    Granted, she’s from a generation that grew up when racism was more acceptable, but this is 2010. I thought people of every age had moved past making blatant racist remarks in front of others. Guess I was just naive.

    For the past few years, I’ve just put up with her ignorant comments. I quietly fume and wait until my husband and I get into our car to say anything. My husband isn’t pleased with his mother’s behavior either, but he’s learned to tolerate it. I really want to tell the woman that she’s an ignorant redneck bigot the next time she makes an inappropriate comment. My husband’s sister has impressionable young kids.

    Should I speak up or let this woman continue to make racist remarks?

    — Fed Up

    Dear Fed Up,

    I grew up in a smallish Arkansas town with a majority white population. Though many residents wouldn’t consider themselves racist, it wasn’t at all unusual to hear someone throw the n-word around or blame the town’s tiny crime problem on the few black people who lived there.

    Such sentiments were so ingrained — especially in my parents’ generation and older generations — that people often didn’t even realize they were being racist. Your mother-in-law may have been raised in a similar environment, but that’s no excuse for her behavior.

    It’s possible that no one in her family has ever spoken up about her comments. It sounds like your husband and his siblings have simply learned to tolerate it. I think you have a responsibility to let her know that you won’t stand for such remarks in your presence.

    Be gentle. She is your mother-in-law, and you’re stuck with her for a while, so don’t call her out at the family dinner table. Pull her aside and calmly tell her that you don’t feel comfortable when she makes insulting comments about people of other races. Explain that you fear perpetuating such sentiment might influence her grandchildren. You probably won’t change her beliefs, but maybe you can get her to shut her trap in front of others. Maybe.

    Got a problem? E-mail Bianca at


    Med/School Funding Swap Off

    The option of trading funding for the Regional Medical Center and Memphis City Schools between Shelby County and Memphis City governments is off the table.

    After learning that the Med needed roughly $30 million in annual funding locally, some city council members wanted to take over the Med funding in exchange for the county taking over the city’s “maintenance of effort” obligation to the city schools. The switch, in the long-term, was supposed to alleviate double taxation for city residents.

    But the obstacles proved too large.

    Sing All Kinds We Recommend

    Knowledge Bowl: St. Agnes Academy Stars vs. Craigmont Chiefs

    Saint Agnes by Ambrogio Borgognone, 1495, Detached Fresco,  Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan

    • “Saint Agnes” by Ambrogio Borgognone, 1495, Detached Fresco, Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan

    Knowledge Bowl, Match 11. St. Agnes Academy Stars vs. Craigmont Chiefs. Aired January 9th, 2010.

    St. Agnes (Red)
    Julia, Junior (Captain)
    Maggie, Senior
    Laura, Senior
    Sophie, Senior
    No alternate

    Craigmont (Blue)
    Malcolm, Senior (Captain)
    Arthur, Senior
    Caroline, Sophomore
    Jeremy, Senior
    Alternate: Lloyd


    Round One: St. Agnes 50, Craigmont 40
    Round Two: St. Agnes 80, Craigmont 50
    Round Three (Lightning Round): St. Agnes 20, Craigmont 10
    Final: St. Agnes 150, Craigmont 100

    The Game: Though low-scoring, the contest was close and certainly in contention until the end. Neither team was proficient with bonuses (St. Agnes 2 for 9, Craigmont 0 for 9) but made up for it with efficient toss-up answering in the first two rounds. The Lightning Round saw more missed questions, but certainly Craigmont was playing catch up and feeling the need to buzz in even when they didn’t know the answer.

    St. Agnes advances to play the winner of St. Mary’s/Munford.

    For the Record: I picked St. Agnes over Ripley, who was originally slated for this game instead of Craigmont.