From the MPD:
On Thursday, July 22, 2010 a family member of Lorenzen Wright filed a missing persons report with the Collierville Police Department. Wright was last seen at his ex-wife’s house on Sunday, July 18th shortly before midnight.
Through the course of the Collierville Police Department’s missing person’s investigation, it was discovered that a 911 call was placed from Wright’s phone in the early hours of July 19th. After extensive examination, investigators determined that the call was made from the area south of Poplar Pike and west of Hacks Cross Rd.
Due to the potential overlapping of several jurisdictions, the Collierville Police Department requested to meet with representatives from adjoining agencies. On Wednesday July 28th at 9:00am Collierville PD, the Germantown PD, the Shelby County Sheriffs Department and the Memphis Police Department’s Homicide Bureau met to discuss the investigation.
At this meeting, coordinated by the Collierville Police Department, each agency committed resources to assist in searching for any evidence related to the 911 call and the missing person’s investigation.
Collierville and Germantown investigators combed the areas and interviewed witnesses while the Memphis Police Department’s Air Support Unit searched the area from the air and the Shelby County Sheriffs Department deployed search dogs in the wooded areas.
At approximately 2:20 PM on Wednesday July 28, 2010 Shelby County Emergency Services Search and Rescue located the body of Lorenzen Wright off of Callis Cutoff between Hacks Cross Rd and Germantown Road in Southeast Memphis. Memphis Police Department Homicide investigators made the scene and took over the investigation. Through identification of dental records, the Shelby County Medical Examiner has officially identified the victim as that of Lorenzen Wright. The cause of death has been ruled as homicide by gunshot wound.
The Memphis Police Department will continue this investigation. As is done in every homicide investigation, investigators continue to work around the clock to bring justice to Mr. Wright and his family.
Additional details will be released when appropriate and available; many details which the media have reported will not be commented on. Maintaining the integrity of all information and evidence related to the investigation of any crime is essential. Leaks and the dissemination of false information can have serious, detrimental effects on the pursuit and prosecution of those responsible for this crime.
He wasn’t there to receive the endorsements or to comment on them, but interim county mayor Joe Ford got the official blessings Thursday of the Tennessee Equality Project and the Sierra Club.
The joint endorsements were conveyed in a press conference at the Golf Clubhouse at Overton Park. In addition to Jonathan Cole, who spoke for the TEP, and Sue Williams, who read a statement on behalf of both Ford and the Sierra Club’s other endorsee of the day, county commissioner Steve Mulroy, attendees were state Senator Beverly Marrero, environmental activist Scott Banbury, and Mulroy.
The Sierra Club statement, written by club chair Nancy Brannon, praised Democrat Ford for his “regular meeting with nearly 60 members of the environmental community, who are addressing environmental and community issues on several fronts, and coordinating with administrative staff.”
Ford was commended for pushing forward with the Sustainable Shelby plan of former county mayor (now Memphis mayor) A C Wharton and for numerous other services.
Mulroy, a Democratic incumbent who is in a reelection race with Republican opponent Rolando Toyos, was cited for his “proven record of supporting the environment, “ including work on behalf of “higher air quality standards and to get funding for tire recycling and cleanup of illegal dumps.”
Cole said the TEA “proudly” endorsed Ford. “We do this because we believe he is going to make a commitment to being an equality advocate as mayor and proceed to protect the rights of gay, Lesbian, and transgendered citizens of Tennessee….We believe Joe Ford is the right person to do that as mayor.”
In a televised debate with Republican opponent Mark Luttrell earlier this month, both Ford and Luttrell had answered “no” when asked if they favored passage of an ordinance banning discrimination against gays, Lesbians and transgendered persons. An ordinance to that end has been introduced on the city council by Janis Fullilove and Mulroy, who secured passage of a non-discrimination resolution on the commission last year, has indicated he will try again to pass a binding ordinance.
Both Cole and Mulroy said they had been assured Ford was now fully in support of such an ordinance. Mulroy said that Ford had suggested in a private conversation that he had meant to say “no comment” at the debate rather than “no” outright.
All five attendees at the press conference expressed support for Councilwoman Fullilove for persistence in the presence of threats and harassment.
In expressing thanks at receiving the endorsement of both organizations, Mulroy said, “What is really important about today is what it says about the county mayor’s race….Joe Ford is a true progressive. If reelected, he will take Shelby County forward in a progressive manner.”
In what seemed an oblique contrast between the incumbent and his opponent, Mulroy said Ford would bring into county government “intelligent, progressive professionals, not Tea Party hacks.”
A few weeks ago, I wrote about Memphis City Schools’ Teacher Effectiveness Initiative and what it could mean for both the city and the state of Tennessee.
But, b/c of scheduling conflicts, one thing that was never included in the story was how Memphis came to be awarded more than $90 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
About a year and a half ago, the foundation began a request for proposals from certain school systems among the nation’s roughly 15,000.
“We decided we wouldn’t go with the very largest systems and we wouldn’t go with the smallest systems,” says Colleen Oliver, senior program officer for the foundation.
Because of the foundation’s focus on issues of poverty and access, they also wanted school systems with a certain level of poverty, and in states where student growth could be used to measure teacher effectiveness.
The end result was about 22 school systems, of which MCS was one, that Gates approached about the idea of partnering with them.
Earlier in the week, a friend mentioned that Forty Carrots, the East Memphis kitchenwares store, had closed.
I stopped by the store, and, sure enough, it was empty.
Tim Sampson opines on the saga of Shirley Sherrod in this week’s Rant.
DeAngelo Williams rushed for more than 200 yards in nine games over his last two seasons with the Tigers (2004-05). Before his arrival, how many times had a Memphis back gained 200 in a game?
• Dave Casinelli (210) in 1963
• Skeeter Gowen (260) in 1969
• Larry Porter (206) in 1990
Technically speaking, Tony Horne left Memphis in 2004 after a two-year stint teaching theater at Rhodes College. Fortunately for Memphis theatergoers, Horne, a U of M alum who had previously served as executive producer for the now-defunct Memphis Black Repertory Company, has never been able to stay away for very long. He directed Trouble in Mind, which was the last show produced at the old Circuit Playhouse on Poplar before it became the Evergreen Theatre. He’s directed Crumbs from the Table of Joy, Jar the Floor, No Niggers, No Dogs, No Jews, Crowns, and For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf. Now Horne, who is currently a theater professor at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, has returned to Memphis to work on two very different performance projects. He is producing a bare-bones version of Beauty’s Daughter at the Evergreen Theatre and directing a similarly lean production of The Wiz to open the Hattiloo Theatre’s 2010-11 season.
“It’s a funny thing when you’re a part of a creative community,” Horne says. “I grew up here and took my MFA here. The relationships I’ve made are lifetime relationships. It’s an honor that people in Memphis keep asking me to come back to do things. It serves a triple purpose: I get to keep growing creatively, I get to come back and visit my friends and family, and it all helps me build my tenure package to help me keep my job in Wisconsin.”
Horne says this most recent trip is special for him because it marks a return to producing in Memphis. His production company, the Mosaic Group, which was born from the ashes of Memphis’ Black Rep, is co-producing Beauty’s Daughter with Milwaukee’s Uprooted Theatre Company. “[The Black Rep] was rehearsing For Colored Girls when it folded,” Horne explains. “I went ahead and produced it myself with a lot of help from [Playhouse on the Square’s executive producer] Jackie Nichols. I had to make up a company name, so I called it the Mosaic Group. I put my own personal phone number on all of our posters, and I would go out late at night and put flyers on people’s car windows. I also prayed a lot.”
Uprooted, Horne’s producing partner, was formed in 2009 by four African-American artists, including one student at the university where Horne teaches and one alum. “Their first season was small but impactful,” Horne says. “Milwaukee has a large African-American population, but that’s not reflected in the local theater community. The artists who started Uprooted wanted to do something about that, which is very much how Memphis artists do things. Memphis artists don’t wait for somebody else. If they want to do something, they just go ahead and do it.”
Beauty’s Daughter, a performance monologue that New York Times theater writer Wilborn Hampton once compared to Dante’s journey through hell, was created by poet and performance artist Dael Orlandersmith. It was Uprooted’s first production with company member Marti Gobel playing the various roles Orlandersmith had originally written for herself.
“I was just blown away by what I saw,” Horne says, explaining why he chose to bring Gobel in to re-create the performance, instead of casting a Memphis artist. “This business is all about creating relationships,” he says. “I want Uprooted and the Hattiloo to have a relationship. I want to introduce [Gobel] to Playhouse on the Square.”
Horne is currently splitting his attention between his work as a producer on Beauty’s Daughter, which opens at the Evergreen Theatre on August 5th, and his work as a director on The Wiz, which opens at the Hattiloo on August 19th.
“I have to focus on the basic story [of The Wiz],” Horne says, acknowledging the challenges of doing a big musical in a space as small as the Hattiloo. “I recently did a children’s theater production of the show with 16 children and seven adults. I can take the lessons I learned working on that show and apply them here. The story is simple, really. We may not have much in the way of visual spectacle, but that’s okay. It’s just a different way of telling the story.”