
Rep Your Alt-Weekly: Flyer Fingernails

We found a set of pretty fly fingernails on Instagram. Hannah Sayle has the scoop.

Style Sessions We Recommend

Flyer Nails

Look what we found on Instagram:


Kitschynails, whoever you are, you have our attention! Any of you Flyer fans getting inspired?


Oh, Bernie

Jack Black and director Richard Linklater team up in the off-beat, yet oddly compelling film, Bernie.


Madison Avenue Downtown to Be Reopened

Mayor Wharton has pledged that a long-closed portion of Madison Avenue downtown will be reopened this fall.


Di Anne Price

Memphis songtress Di Anne Price plays Itta Bena on Beale Wednesday.

Memphis Gaydar News


Mark Hubbard has lived with HIV for 25 years, during which time what we know about HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention has changed dramatically.

On Wednesday, May 30th at 6 p.m. at the Memphis Gay & Lesbian Community Center (MGLCC), Hubbard will address how new research is changing the way people think about HIV/AIDS and what those changes mean to the greater community.

Hubbard chaired the Tennessee Association of People With AIDS from 2004 to 2010, and he currently serves as its educational liaison. He also works with the International Rectal Microbicides Advocates. Last year, he created the HIV Empowerment and Action League to address concerns about cultural sensitivity and prevention support at Tennessee’s flagship HIV/AIDS Center of Excellence, the Vanderbilt Comprehensive Care Clinic.

Hubbard’s lecture is presented with the assistance of Planned Parenthood Greater Memphis Region. MGLCC is located at 892 S. Cooper.

News News Blog

Stretch of Madison Avenue Downtown To Open By Fall

Part of Madison has been closed since the roof on this structure collapsed after heavy rains.

  • Part of Madison has been closed since the roof on this structure collapsed after heavy rains.

The stretch of Madison Avenue closed off last March after the partial collapse of a historic building at 118 Madison is set to re-open to two-way traffic by early fall, Mayor A C Wharton announced today.

A city contractor was issued a notice to proceed today to stabilize the shared wall between 118 Madison and 119 S. Court. Wall repairs are expected to be complete by the end of July, and demolition of the Madison structure should occur soon after. Earlier demolition efforts were halted because of the possibility of damaging the shared wall.

“This situation began with the laws of gravity and has continued under the laws of men,” said Mayor A C Wharton. “We are happy today to say that we have a timeline in place for shoring up the wall, and it’s one that we hope will satisfy the property owners, the affected business interests, tourists, and local residents and motorists. We are ready for Madison Avenue to be an avenue again.”


A Very Trendy Trolley Tour

While downtown Memphis was crawling with the undead for the Sixth Annual Memphis Zombie Massacre, we found some lively style-ites milling about South Main for the May Trolley Tour. Hannah Sayle has more.

Style Sessions We Recommend

Street Style: Trolley Tour

While downtown Memphis was crawling with the undead for the Sixth Annual Memphis Zombie Massacre last Friday, we found some lively style-ites milling about South Main for the May Trolley Tour.

We spotted Kimberly at Abby Shoaf’s art exhibition at the Russian Cultural Center. Kimberly is currently getting her masters at the Memphis Theological Seminary. “I guess I would describe my style as ‘creative.’ Things don’t need to match, but they do need to have a flow,” she said. And with Nine West shoes, Express shorts, and an Old Navy top, she added, “You don’t have to spend a lot to look like you have a lot. That’s the whole creative part.”

Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

Spitz Sunflower Seeds

Spotted at the Hop In at Poplar and McLean, Spitz dill-pickle sunflower seeds. I admire the audacity.
