Music Music Features

Dead Soldiers at the Hi-Tone

After much anticipation and a few minor setbacks, the “big room” at the new Hi-Tone location on Cleveland finally opens this Saturday, August 3rd, when like-minded locals Dead Soldiers and Bottom of the Bottle will perform.

Dead Soldiers (pictured) has been touring regularly in recent months in support of the band’s fine debut album, All the Things You Lose, which was self-released earlier this year. According to singer/guitarist Michael Jasud, the opportunity to be the first on the Hi-Tone’s new stage is a tremendous honor for the outlaw-country outfit.

“We are extremely excited to be inaugurating the big room at the new Hi-Tone, after presiding over the legendary, yet little-known last performance on the original Hi-Tone stage,” he says. “This night will certainly mark the beginning of a new chapter in Memphis live music venues and the life of the venerable Hi-Tone name. I really hope people come out to support this long-running Memphis institution’s new life.”

Relative newcomers Bottom of the Bottle will serve as the evening’s opening act. Fronted by songwriter/bassist Jamison Powell, the group is musically similar to Dead Soldiers but with a raunchier, party-band edge. Dead Soldiers and Bottom of the Bottle play the Hi-Tone (412 N. Cleveland) on Saturday, August 3rd, at 9 p.m. Admission is $10.

Music Music Features

Local Record Roundup

American Blues, The Star Killers, (Fly The Light)

The Star Killers are a relatively new Memphis band that has been making waves of late thanks to its powerful live show and a dedicated fan base. Back in March, the Star Killers unveiled this solid debut LP, American Blues, and the band’s profile has continued to rise on its strength ever since.

The record opens with the gorgeous, mostly acoustic track “Dallas,” setting a tone for things to come — solid melody, intense musical dynamics, and heavy emotional content. And though the band cites “blues-inspired indie rock” as its genre, the more obvious touchstone is mid-’90s emo/indie-rock similar to groups like Sunny Day Real Estate, Jimmy Eat World, and Jejune.

American Blues stumbles a bit here and there when it strays from the emo/indie formula, as it does on the slightly out-of-character (and apparent Old 97’s lift) “Love Song Blues,” but succeeds more often than not. Highlights include washed-out mid-tempo rockers like “Call It Quits,” “Vertical Cities,” and “Cancer Is My Best Friend.” Grade: B+

BloodyCupid, LovelandDuren (Edgewood Recordings)

LovelandDuren is the latest project from Memphis power-pop cult figure and singer-songwriter Van Duren, who is still probably best known for his great 1977 debut record Are You Serious?, as well as his work in the 1980s with the new wave-ish pop group Good Question. Here, Duren is joined by fellow local singer-songwriter Vicki Loveland. The duo’s collaborative debut, BloodyCupid, is a slickly polished affair, sometimes a bit overly so. But Duren remains a master craftsman of McCartney-esque pop hooks, and the songs where his voice dominates — “Line in the Sand,” “Private Sky,” and “There Goes the Floor,” for instance — truly shine the brightest on this collection.

My principal complaints, all production-nerd nit-picking aside, are that Loveland — a genuinely gifted vocalist, without a doubt — occasionally over-sings a tad as a lead vocalist and that a few of the songs venture into a rootsier territory that doesn’t quite work for me. But the album definitely has its moments, thanks to Duren’s undeniable pop chops and both performers’ skill with vocal harmony. Grade: B

“Sainte Marie” b/w “Pe-Paw” Hartle Road (self-released)

Every once in a while, a band seemingly comes out of nowhere, and such is the case (at least for me) with Hartle Road. I had never heard anything from or about the North Mississippi indie-rock quartet when I found the group’s debut single in the bins of my local record shop. But its charmingly handwritten label and home-made promotional poster in the window made me curious enough to give it a chance, and now I’m glad that I did.

On both sides of the 45, which was tastefully produced at Bruce Watson’s (Fat Possum Records) Dial Back Sound studio in Water Valley, Mississippi, by Matt Patton, the group comes off a bit like the early, pre-disco Bee Gees or post-Don Kirshner Monkees — simple, lightly somber pop songs with occasional psychedelic touches. In particular, the chorus on the A-side, “Sainte Marie,” just screams to be sung by a Gibb brother — in the best possible way. I look forward to hearing more from these guys in the near future. Grade: A-

Starting Gate The Memphis Dawls, (self-released)

As their burgeoning career continues to develop, the Memphis Dawls just keep getting better and better, not only in terms of songwriting maturity and confidence within their chosen musical style (throwback country/folk) but especially when it comes to vocal interplay between the group’s primary trio of guitarist Holly Cole, cellist Jana Misener, and multi-instrumentalist Krista Wroten.

The upward trend continues on the Dawls’ latest two-song single, named for the epic ballad on side B, “Starting Gate.” But for my money, the more upbeat, countrified A-side, “Where’d You Go My Love,” is the real gem of the pair, if only because it’s just a bit more fun. Both cuts are winners, though, and both were beautifully produced and cut to vinyl by local recording ace Jeff Powell (the Afghan Whigs, Big Star) to boot. Grade: A-

Letter From The Editor Opinion

Letter From the Editor: We’re Memphis, We Got This

I confess to being a faithful reader of letters to the editor in The Commercial Appeal. A day seldom goes by when one or more readers isn’t bashing Memphis for its crime, taxes, education system, corruption, etc. Memphis gets compared to Detroit at least once a week.

But here’s the thing: It’s almost always someone from Eads, Olive Branch, Bartlett, Germantown, or another ‘burb who’s doing the bitching. It’s much the same with the Flyer‘s online comments. Most of those who are bashing Memphis don’t even live here anymore, if they ever did.

What is wrong with these people? I mean, we get it. You’ve moved out; your life is awesome in the suburbs. So why do you feel compelled to keep trashing Memphis like you’re a spurned lover? We didn’t dump you; you left. Get counseling, get over yourself.

Yes, Memphis has poverty and crime and our education system is a work in progress, but guess what? You can say the same thing about St. Louis, New Orleans, Little Rock, Chicago, Kansas City, Cleveland — any number of American cities. It pretty much comes with the urban territory. Mayor Wharton is an honest and decent man. The city council has a lot of engaged and sentient folks — and a couple of goofballs. Those aren’t bad odds. Bottom line: We’re not Detroit, not even close.

As John Branston pointed out in his City Beat blog last week, a May U.S. Census report says the population of Memphis grew from 647,612 in 2010 to 655,155 in July 2012. And, as Wharton said in a recent press conference, the city’s pension plan is nearly 75 percent funded, a far cry from the situation that led to Detroit’s bankruptcy. And you know what? The average household in DeSoto County has a higher total tax bill than Memphians do, thanks to Mississippi’s income tax and high vehicle registration fee.

So yeah, Memphis has issues, but those of us who live here do so because we love the place and we see what’s really happening around us, instead of some outsider’s paranoid fantasy.

We see the problems, hell, we live with them. But we also see what’s going on at Crosstown, Overton Square, Broad Avenue, Cooper-Young, South Main, Evergreen, Whitehaven, Shelby Farms, the Greenline, Stax, Overton Park, the Levitt Shell, and the Kroc Center. We see new retail, new restaurants, and new grocery stores popping up all over. We see rising home sales, an exciting and well-managed NBA team, a world-class zoo, a vibrant music and indie film scene, a thriving art community, wonderful theaters, excellent colleges, great neighborhoods, supportive corporations and businesses, a mighty river, abundant natural resources, and a future that is getting brighter, not dimming.

So chill out, ex-Memphians and haters of all stripes. Enjoy your life and quit worrying about Memphis.

We got this.

Bruce VanWyngarden

News The Fly-By

Death Becomes Them

“My name is Sharon Pavelda, and I am going to die,” said a soft-spoken woman wearing a sheer, black, button-down shirt covered in white skulls.

“Hi, Sharon!” exclaimed the 16 people gathered in the small café room at First Congregational Church before introducing themselves in the same fashion.

And so began the first meeting of the Memphis Death Café, a monthly discussion group aimed at erasing the taboo of talking openly about death. Death Cafés, loosely structured grassroots clubs that gather to discuss the philosophical concept of death rather than acting as grief support or an end-of-life planning session, have been forming across the globe for the past couple of years.

“The objective is to increase awareness of death and to encourage people to make the most of their lives,” said Cindy Garner, one of the Memphis Death Café’s co-founders. “We want to encourage younger people as well as older people to not be afraid to talk about it.”

The first Death Café was held in 2011 in the U.K. by a web developer named John Underwood who modeled the idea after “café mortels” that began in France and Switzerland about a decade ago. The movement spread to Columbus, Ohio, last year, where the first U.S. café was held at a Panera Bread.

The Memphis café was jointly launched by a group of women whose careers and interests are centered around death — Garner is a Life Cycle Celebrant, a secular officiant for milestones such as weddings, births, and funerals; Pavelda, a death midwife who helps families legally, spiritually, and physically prepare for the death of loved ones; Emily Fox-Hill, a coordinator for the end-of-life group Comfort Care Coalition; and Diana Brunner, a nurse and birth midwife who advocates for people’s rights to family-directed funerals. Garner, Fox-Hill, and Brunner are also board members of the Funeral Consumer Alliance of the Mid-South.

There are a few basic rules all Death Cafés must adhere to.

“It needs to be safe, comfortable, and confidential. It’s open to anyone, and there’s no charge. It’s free from ideology. There’s no religious focus, but things may take a spiritual direction at some points,” Garner said.

Death Cafés typically feature home-baked treats, coffee, and tea, which Garner says creates a “safe and nurturing” environment. As guests poured into the Memphis café last week, Pavelda invited them to a table dressed with a black lace tablecloth, a candle burning in a crystal skull, and all manner of cakes, brownies, and even tiramisu.

The guests were then asked to complete the following two sentences by writing their responses on slips of paper: “I could die smiling if …” and “One thing that concerns me when I think about death and dying is …”. Pavelda later read the responses aloud as an icebreaker.

Pavelda facilitated the first Death Café discussion, which touched on the lack of traditions surrounding death in Western culture, the need for better marketing of death, and ended up in a deep dialogue about when to seek medical care versus knowing when it’s time to let a loved one go.

“People have a refusal to take responsibility for death,” said one participant. “They would rather have the medical community and the funeral home industry take it away.”

And that is, at its heart, what the Death Café movement was designed to deal with — making people more comfortable with death and taking back responsibility for dealing with the process of death and dying.

“In the U.S., we have a problem with death-denying. We’ve turned everything over to the medical community and the funeral industry, because it’s difficult to talk about and it’s sad,” Garner said. “But there are so many other cultures where the family is very involved in preparation. There are other ways to look at death, and we’re trying to open up the conversation.”

Death Cafés will be held on the fourth Thursday every month in the room just off the deck on the north side of First Congregational Church. Anyone interested should RSVP to Cindy Garner at 605-9270 or

News The Fly-By

Ash Trash

The McKellar Lake of the 1950s was a family-friendly hotspot, home to skiers, sunbathers, boaters, and the occasional beauty queen from the Miss McKellar Lake pageant.

Today, the once-popular attraction, mostly forgotten by Memphis residents, has become a dumping ground for trash since much of the litter thrown into the Mississippi River flows into McKellar Lake. Each year, clean-up efforts at the lake barely make a dent in the trash problem. But trash isn’t the only thing polluting McKellar Lake.

Last Friday, the Sierra Club’s Chickasaw Group held a demonstration on the lake to voice concerns about possible pollution from the Tennessee Valley Authority’s ash ponds at the Allen Fossil Plant, which is adjacent to McKellar Lake.

Sierra Club members believe metals and toxins are escaping TVA’s ash ponds and seeping into the lake from a runoff area located near the Allen Plant. The members claim the ash runoff is contaminating both the lake and its fish.

TVA spokesman Chris Stanley claimed the utility provider follows all state regulations when it comes to checking the lake for pollutants. The TVA provides power to all of Tennessee, parts of Alabama, Mississippi, and Kentucky, and small portions of Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia.

“We meet all state-imposed regulations by doing regular checking on all of our waterways. Some of the standards have become more stringent over the years, and we have continued to meet [those]. Plus, we’re not the only production facility there [in the area around McKellar Lake],” Stanley said.

The Chickasaw Group’s demonstration was part of the national environmental organization’s “Beyond Coal” campaign, which emphasizes the problems fossil fuels cause to the environment.

The demo also came on the heels of the release of a national report from environmental and clean-water groups, including the Sierra Club, that reviewed around 400 coal-plant water permits across the country. Tennessee’s eight coal plants were included in that report, which highlighted the need for stronger coal-plant water pollution standards. The existing guidelines intended to limit toxic pollution of waterways do not cover some of the worst pollutants, Sierra Club members say.

At the demonstration, club members and their supporters took a boat to the Allen Plant. They also took several kayaks and canoes into the middle of the lake to present a banner, which read “Let’s Move TVA Beyond Coal,” in front of the Allen Plant. The Sierra Club has long urged TVA to shift its focus from fossil fuels to renewable energy, such as solar and wind power.

Scott Banbury, the chapter’s conservation chair, said he would like to see Memphis become a more sustainable city.

“We’re not known for being the most environmentally sensible town. You can tell we’re making strides through bike lanes and community gardening, but in terms of really paying attention to water and air pollution, we’re pretty slack,” Banbury said.

News The Fly-By

What They Said

About “More on the Cohen Matter”:

“I’m happy for the young lady that her real daddy is an oilman. But really I don’t know why she or any of her relatives or family friends think discussing this in public contributes to their dignity. We have the Ewings for that kind of thing.” — Brunetto Latini

About “Out of the Picture” and incentives for local filmmakers:

“Tennessee government is too busy legislating morality to concern itself with increasing state revenue. Who can blame filmmakers for going to Georgia and Louisiana? They’re clearly not wanted here.” — jmiller

About “Lois DeBerry: Legislative Pioneer, Party Leader, and Doughty Fighter”:

“I knew she had been very ill, but I am very sad to hear of her passing. She was a decent, kind, and very generous lady who served her people with distinction. Rest in peace and well done, Ms. DeBerry.” — arlingtonpop

About “Wharton Says Memphis Is No Detroit”:

“I wonder if the hot-air wind bags in Detroit say we’re nothing like Memphis.” — lifespalette

Comment of the Week:

About “Demolition Certain for Nineteenth Century Club”:

“The outrage seems to be more over what will become of the property than what is being lost. Which, to me, guts the argument. Once you say ‘It’d be okay if it wasn’t being turned into X,’ then you pretty much have no argument.” — Joey Hack

News The Fly-By

Voices Raised

For victims of domestic violence, a voice can be a very powerful thing.

Hence the name of the new domestic violence survivor advocacy group, VOICES. Made up of about 20 domestic violence survivors, VOICES aims to stamp out silence about domestic violence and give victims the strength and resources to break free from their abusers.

“My story of violence and abuse began in 1978. It didn’t end until 2005,” VOICES member Mary Ann Carmack told a room of fellow members and reporters at a press conference last Thursday. “I was 18 years old, and after a brief and intense courtship, I married my husband. Within a week, he found a photograph and went into a rage because there were pictures of boys from my high school. He referred to them as my former lovers. He proceeded to hit me, push me down the stairs, and kick me until I got up and ran out the front door.”

Carmack, along with VOICES members Miea Williams and Joyce Parkinson, shared their harrowing experiences as victims of domestic violence.

Williams was married to a pastor and recovering addict who beat her so badly doctors told her she was lucky to be alive. Parkinson found herself in a cycle of physical and sexual abuse that carried on from her first husband to her second. All three women describe the transition from victim to survivor as one of finding their voice.

“When I finally wrenched myself free of this situation, it was the hardest thing I’d ever done,” Carmack said. “Now I can use my voice to be a voice for those who still live in fear of violence.”

VOICES is housed in the Family Safety Center at 1750 Madison and connects victims with a large safety net, which includes resources such as counseling and legal support at the Shelby County Rape Crisis Center, the YWCA of Greater Memphis, the Shelby County Crime Victims Center, and the Exchange Club Family Center.

Vernetta Eddleman, manager of the Shelby County Crime Victims Center, estimates that the Memphis Police Department receives around 25,000 calls related to domestic violence each year.

“Some of these are repeat calls, but many are not,” Eddleman said. “And for every one victim who calls, there are two or three other victims who don’t.”

The phone call or police report is only the beginning, Eddleman said. Getting out of the relationship is a process, one that many victims cannot do on their own.

“You are more likely to be a victim of homicide after you leave,” she said. “That’s why you have to have a plan.”

This is where organizations like VOICES can point victims in the direction of the information and support they need to leave abusive situations safely. But simply acknowledging that domestic violence exists and happens to people of all races, genders, and classes may be the first and most important step to bringing domestic abuse to light.

“You live in silence. You live in fear and isolation,” Carmack said. “But the perpetrator of violence and abuse cannot succeed without your silence. You think and hope that your silence guarantees your life. It doesn’t.”

Food & Wine Food & Drink

Caffeine Fix

Jeremy Harris, owner of Memphis’ newest local roastery, Reverb Coffee Company, wasn’t always a fan of the dark, heady brew.

“I didn’t even drink coffee until after college,” says Harris, who opened shop in April. He’s a Memphis native who returned to his home in 2012 from missionary work abroad with a newfound passion for coffee and the knowledge to back it up. Harris was inspired to launch his own roastery after helping to start a coffee shop for a nonprofit in Malaysia.

“I read blogs and watched videos and studied everything coffee,” he says. “That’s where I got the basic knowledge, and I decided to bring it back here to Memphis.”

Harris renovated a room in the small backhouse behind his grandparents’ home near Bartlett. There, he set up his simple roastery — the roaster itself was the most expensive investment — and started experimenting in small batches. Six different beans from Costa Rica, Colombia, Guatemala, Tanzania, Burundi, and Sumatra are kept pure; Harris says he’s committed to single-origin roasting, in which beans are not blended to create certain flavor profiles.

“I take one bean from one country and leave it all by itself and let that bean stand for itself and showcase its flavor,” he says. “It’s another way to be transparent with customers and let them know exactly what they’re getting.”

As for his preferred brewing technique, Harris says he opts for the pour-over method.

“It’s really unadulterated and straightforward,” he says. “You can get all the essence of what the coffee is supposed to be, because you have more control over temperature and how long you brew.”

Reverb Coffee Company beans, whole bean and ground, are available for $10 per 12-ounce bag at Trolley Stop Market and Maggie’s Pharm. Harris is working to create more wholesale connections and partner with local coffee shops and restaurants. Eventually, he’d like to open some coffee shops of his own. For now, he’s content to work in his grandparents’ backyard, where his grandfather stops in for a cup of coffee and a chat whenever he likes.

Reverb Coffee Company,

When he came face to face with the possibility of retirement, Ahmad Sharif did what anyone would do. He consulted the immortal wisdom of the TV show Cosby.

“In the show, Bill Cosby retired and opened a coffee shop,” Sharif says. “In that coffee shop, he could sit around with his friends all day and swap lies and drink coffee and enjoy their time. As my time came around, that episode came back to me. I’ve been drinking coffee all my life. Ever since I was 14, my dad would get me up every morning with a cup of coffee, and that was our time to sit around and talk.”   

Sharif’s coffee shop, The Grindz Coffee & Tea, is geared toward older patrons looking for a place to relax, without the bustle of chain coffee shops like Starbucks. He’s situating his prices below Starbucks prices as well but tapping into Pacific Northwest coffee expertise by sourcing his beans from Longbottom Coffee in Oregon. In addition to the coffee drinks, the Grindz sells deli sandwiches as well as pastries from the nearby Pat-A-Cake’s Bake Shop.

He says so far he’s had a lot of return customers, primarily people who live on or around Dexter Road, the part of Cordova where the Grindz is located. And this local vibe is what Sharif was hoping for. He also lives in the neighborhood, and his coffee shop is a way for him to bring the surrounding community together.

“It’s a small, family-friendly neighborhood operation,” Sharif says, adding that both his wife and son work at the shop. “I’m not trying to compete with Starbucks, not by a long shot. I just want to provide a neighborhood meeting spot.”

The Grindz is open Monday through Saturday from 6:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.

The Grindz Coffee & Tea, 8195 Dexter in Cordova (203-7840)

Opinion Viewpoint

Kardashian Politics

There once was an America that cared about great things, important things that affected people’s lives. We once believed that selling arms to a hostile nation so as to funnel money to Central American death squads was at least as important as whether or not a president lied about an affair.

Once upon a time, there had to be some actual wrongdoing before we declared something to be a scandal. Some moral or ethical lapse, some illegal behavior. Maybe even a victim, if it wasn’t asking too much. That was before our taste for scandal grew so insatiable that we started seeing scandals that weren’t even there.

Is it scandalous that Anthony “Carlos Danger” Weiner seems incapable of replying to a text message without sticking the phone in his pants at some point? Yes, by any definition. There are victims of his behavior. Not every woman he has sent pictures to consented to receive them, making him the high-tech version of the creepy guy wearing a trench coat in the park on a warm, sunny day.

The woman in the most recent scandal has said that she always thought of Weiner as one of her heroes. Did this inspire him to redeem himself and become the man, the leader that she deserved? No, he asked if she wanted a picture of his penis. On a side note, I’ve never been so glad not to be on someone’s Christmas card list. I can’t imagine what the holiday tidings would look like.

Mayor Bob Filner of San Diego is a fast worker. Despite only having become mayor in January, he has managed to sexually harass three women to the point that they are suing him, and four more have come forward to say that he harassed them during his tenure in Congress. They tell stories of unwanted advances, involuntary kisses, groped bottoms and breasts. But it’s all okay, because he plans on getting two weeks of therapy — two whole weeks — that he believes will make him a changed man worthy of the office he refuses to resign from.

Filner lives in a fantasy world where women see groping and sexual advances as just a routine day in the office. It’s all in good fun. They come back to work every day not because they need to earn a living but because he’s just such a charming guy. That is a scandal.

No less than Gail Collins of The New York Times dropped the recent events in the life of our own Representative Steve Cohen into her July 20th column about sex scandals, even while admitting it wasn’t much of a scandal.

Here’s the summary of events, in Reader’s Digest form: Cohen’s former girlfriend tells her daughter that Cohen is her biological father. The former girlfriend then tells Cohen the same thing. Cohen bonds with the young woman in question and is “caught” sending her messages from the State of the Union address via Twitter. The man who always believed he was her father does not know about Cohen, so Cohen has to wait a few days to tell the whole story, during which time he is portrayed in the media as a dirty old man, usually while a slideshow of the young woman in a bikini played in the background.

Cohen announces what he believes to be true at the time, that he is her father. The media runs the story. (And reruns the bikini pictures.) A recent DNA test says that he is not the young woman’s father after all. The media runs the story (along with the bikini pictures) again.

If you’re looking for a victim in this and not finding one, you are not alone. A private family drama was unfortunately played out in the public eye. It is not scandalous. It is sad. There is neither victim nor villain nor vice in this story. Collins even points this out in the Times, writing, “Now, Representative Cohen’s constituents in Memphis no doubt had a lot to discuss over the dinner table. Otherwise, their lives went on exactly the same as they did before.”

There is no impropriety, no illegal behavior, and no victim. Which begs the question: Did Collins just add it to pad her word count? Would that this nation had so few real problems and real scandals that a gossip item like the Cohen saga could be worthy of the attention it has already received.

Have we Kardashianed our politics enough for this year?

Rick Maynard is a political consultant and communications specialist.

Cover Feature News

Tempest Tossed

Sweet are the uses of adversity/ Which like the toad, ugly and venomous/ Wears yet a precious jewel in his head;/ And this our life exempt from public haunt/ Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks/ Sermons in stones, and good in every thing. — William Shakespeare, As You Like It

“Sweet are the uses of adversity.”: It’s one of Shakespeare’s most famous and frequently repeated quotations. In its original context, the line is spoken by a deposed and exiled duke in the ever-popular and often relevant urban/suburban comedy As You Like It. And, although it is intended to be over-the-top and more than a touch ironical, as an enduring aphorism, it is more often used as a token of sincere comfort in troubled times.

Although the Tennessee Shakespeare Company (TSC), currently making its home in a rustic train depot on Poplar Pike in Germantown, has remained relatively healthy and viable, even in an unrelentingly tough economic climate for not-for-profit arts groups, the ambitious six-year-old company has of late experienced more than its share of adversity. So much so, in fact, that TSC’s  founding director Dan McCleary, a Germantown native, has begun to wonder whether or not his dream of operating a classical theater company in his hometown can continue as is or if, like the aforementioned duke, there may be some kind of exile in his future as well.

The tragedy played itself out in June, as Shelby County’s municipalities considered the costs and ramifications of creating their own unique school systems. Germantown’s mayor and board of aldermen, looking to trim money from the city’s budget, chose by a unanimous 5-0 vote not to restore the $70,000 in funding that served as a foundation for TSC’s extensive educational programming. The money, only a fraction of the company’s annual operating costs, had in seasons past enabled the TSC to produce special student matinees and allowed up to 20 teaching artists to take Shakespeare into classrooms. That funding had been raised by appropriating a percentage of rental fees from the city-owned Germantown Performing Arts Center.

“This vote will have devastating consequences on our ability to provide education programming for students in our community,” McCleary wrote in a statement released following the city’s decision. “The impact will be felt immediately,” he concluded.

“I can’t understand why they would invest so much in something for our young people and then just stop,” McCleary says. “Especially when the investment seemed to be working so well.”

“Seventy thousand dollars is a lot of money, and it was money that we put to really good use,” he says, comparing the lost funding to the company’s broader $600,000 operating budget. “On the other hand, the grant money that has been cut was almost entirely for education. And, more specifically, it was almost entirely for education for Germantown families. So, while it is a terrible loss, it’s really more of a loss for students and for education in Germantown than it is a financial loss for us as a company. Because, if I can’t raise that money from other sources, then we just won’t offer those programs anymore.”

According to an economic impact study conducted by Christian Brothers University, the Tennessee Shakespeare Company’s presence in Germantown brings $1.2 million into the community annually. “If all you’re looking for is a dollar sign, there’s that,” McCleary says. But the actual value to Germantown and Shelby County, he insists, is more subtle and sometimes difficult to quantify.

“In our first productions, I was told by some people — and yes, by some city officials — that I didn’t want to be mixing [students from different] schools at our performances,” McCleary says, as though he might be establishing a contemporary Memphis-specific setting for Romeo and Juliet, where a feud between “two noble houses” yields a grim teenage harvest. “Of course, I took that as an invitation to mix the schools,” he says, recalling his company’s first student matinee of As You Like It, which was attended by 345 students from six Memphis, Germantown, and Bartlett schools.

The teachers had instructed their students how to behave, and throughout the first half of the play, they sat quietly with their hands in their laps appreciating the work.

“It wasn’t very Elizabethan,” says McCleary, who prefers a more communal relationship between the actors and their audiences. “Children have been told by so many adults in their lives that Shakespeare isn’t something that they’ll understand, but they should go anyway because ‘it’ll be good for you.'”

Since As You Like It, TSC’s productions have often been immersive and environmental. During that first matinee, when the play’s lead characters left the court for the Forest of Arden, the audience was instructed to follow the actors out of St. George’s Episcopal Church and into a wooded area nearby. The kids, of course, ran. And when they regrouped in the great outdoors, they were no longer separated by geography or architecture. They mixed organically and were no longer passive observers grouped by individual schools with various pecking orders. They were active participants in the drama.

“It was something to see,” says McCleary, who describes perceived differences in the urban and suburban students as “ludicrous.”

TSC’s educational arm played a much greater role in audience development than anybody involved with the fledgling company anticipated.

“Children would see our shows, then they’d go home and say they wanted to come again. And then they’d bring their parents to our evening performances,” McCleary says. “We developed our audience, because teenagers would bring their parents. And now, of individuals who are also supporters, 55 percent of them are parents who came to us, because their children brought them.”

The unforeseen impact on audience development encouraged TSC to go into the schools more and to seek more state and federal funding to create opportunities for underserved communities.

“That’s not the same as underprivileged,” McCleary clarifies. “But there haven’t been a lot of professional classical opportunities for students. And now [in a season] we can readily count on 80 or 90 schools and over 15,000 students. And that’s just here in Shelby County. That doesn’t include Arkansas, Mississippi, or the rest of the state.”

The multiple educational components TSC programmed around its shows caught the attention of the National Endowment for the Arts. As soon as Germantown announced that it was cutting the company’s civic funding, the TSC became one of 40 American companies awarded a $25,000 matching grant from the NEA, through ArtsMidwest and the Shakespeare in American Communities Initiative.

The $25,000 was quickly matched, but that money is specifically earmarked to take something called the Romeo and Juliet Project into underprivileged communities.

The Romeo and Juliet Project, initially launched thanks to the generosity of the city of Germantown and since expanded via ArtsMemphis to include three Memphis City Schools, is a program designed to introduce students to Shakespeare in a theatrical, rather than literary, context.

“We know Romeo and Juliet is a part of every incoming freshman’s curriculum,” McCleary says. “It’s in the English department, not the art department. Nevertheless, you’ve got all these children reading, so we thought that if these actor-teachers could be the first to introduce Shakespeare to these ninth graders, it could really turn them on to Shakespeare. And, because this is Romeo and Juliet, in certain schools we could address pressing current social issues having to do specifically with violence and the death of peers. This was a way to get young people on their feet and talking.”

McCleary is transparent and can be outspoken.

“What we do is expensive,” he says, running down a list of expenses, from recruiting talent to creating costumes to renting facilities and equipment to engaging professional unions.

“A lot of people think this is a theater town, but it’s not,” he says, only slightly overstating his case. “People don’t move here to make a living in the theater; they move away. So we either need to be training constantly or we need to be going out of town and bringing in new talent,” McCleary says. “And I insist on paying everyone.”

When a company member asks McCleary if it really costs $100,000 to produce The Taming of the Shrew, he answers unhesitatingly in the affirmative and lists expenses.

At a time when many donor-dependent organizations are struggling, the TSC has managed to grow its earned-to-donated revenue ratio to more than 40 percent earned.

“And that’s not because donations are down,” McCleary says. “We’ve grown every year.”

In spite of this relative stability and proven nimbleness, there’s still not a lot of room in the budget for shuffling funds when disaster strikes.

“We spend a lot of time producing theater in places where theater was never intended to be produced,” McCleary says, describing a costly proposition that has resulted in extraordinary artistic opportunities and interesting partnerships with the Dixon Gallery & Gardens, the IRIS orchestra, and Shelby Farms park. The opportunities to perform in multiple locations in Germantown, but also at locations throughout Shelby County, have also created identity issues for a new company. McCleary thinks it’s time for the TSC to start seriously thinking about a permanent home. But where?

“Because we did this in Germantown, people in Memphis question whether it’s a Memphis thing,” he says, explaining his ongoing conundrum. “And when we perform in Memphis, people here question whether or not it’s a Germantown thing.”

At one time, McCleary’s proposal to create an art park and amphitheater behind the Morgan Woods Theater on Poplar Pike seemed to be moving full steam ahead. The city spent $55,000 to research the project. The TSC spent an additional $20,000. Designers were chosen, and it seemed as though McCleary’s long-range plans to create a permanent home would be realized. Only, they weren’t.

“We were told, among other things, that our design wasn’t green enough,” McCleary says with a sigh.  “And this brings us back to one of the original questions: Can the Tennessee Shakespeare Company remain in Germantown?”

McCleary says the answer is a qualified yes.

Since the vote to eliminate its education grant, Germantown has made provisions to provide the TSC with roughly $13,000 worth of in-kind facility rental at GPAC, and that helps.

“For the past five years, the city of Germantown has helped us raise our baby,” McCleary says. “I hate to see them leave us, if that, in fact, is what’s happening.”

Since the funding cut, McCleary has received what he describes as an “inordinate” number of invitations to look at facilities outside of Germantown.

“The locations have ranged from Bartlett to Collierville to downtown to Midtown to East Memphis. Some of the locations have been theaters. Some of them are empty spaces. Some of them are empty spaces that are about to get really active.”

McCleary says he’s in conversations with numerous parties, including developer Bob Loeb, who is currently rebranding Midtown’s Overton Square as a theater and restaurant district.

“We’ve expanded our board by six people, and many of them are there because of they have facility and planning expertise,” McCleary says. “So we will continue having these conversations over the course of the balance of this calendar year.”

Only time will tell how sweet are the uses of such adversity.

The Tennessee Shakespeare Company Launches its Sixth Season

The Tennessee Shakespeare Company’s sixth season includes one comedy, one tragedy, a back-by-demand Christmas show, and an original script, inspired in part by recent events.

Unto the Breach! The Un-Common Courage of William Shakespeare is an original compiled script that was added as a substitute for TSC’s usual full-cast fall production. The two-performance show in the 824-seat Germantown Performing Arts Center/Duncan-Williams Performance Hall is a benefit to help restore education funding to the community’s classrooms. Ticket revenue will go to TSC’s education program. The original script will feature TSC founding director Dan McCleary and resident artist/education director Stephanie Shine onstage together for “a 90-minute exploration of Shakespeare’s courage.” Scenes will be performed from Richard III, King Lear, Love’s Labor’s Lost, Twelfth Night, Coriolanus, The Merchant of Venice, The Winter’s Tale, Macbeth, As You Like It, and more.

The show plays September 7th and September 10th. A special all-school matinee with discounted tickets will be made possible by TSC’s sponsors on September 10th at 10:30 a.m. at GPAC.

Other season offerings include It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play in December in the Winegardner Auditorium at the Dixon Gallery & Gardens; Romeo and Juliet in January at the Germantown Performing Arts Center/Duncan-Williams Performance Hall; and The Taming of the Shrew in April in the Dixon’s Winegardner Auditorium.