Beyond the Arc Sports

The Unibrow Cometh: Grizzlies vs. Pelicans Preview

Jerryd Bayless probably saved the Grizzlies bacon against the Celtics Monday.

  • Larry Kuzniewski
  • Jerryd Bayless probably saved the Grizzlies’ bacon against the Celtics Monday.

The Grizzlies look to maintain their undefeated record at home tonight when the newly-christened New Orleans Pelicans (née Hornets) come to town tonight for what is already the third divisional game the Grizzlies have played in the young season so far. The Pelicans come into town 1–3, with losses to the Pacers, Magic, and Suns, and a win in New Orleans over the Bobcats.

World-beaters they aren’t, but the Pelicans do have one weapon which could prove effective against the Grizzlies’ porous interior defense: Mr. Unibrow himself, Anthony Davis. In his second year in the league, Davis is so far averaging 22 points and 12 rebounds a game, and his length and athleticism around the rim make him a force to be reckoned with even given his relative lack of experience. The Grizzlies have struggled to stop guards from penetrating the paint so far this year, and they’ve also let opposing bigs do more damage than is usual for a Memphis Grizzlies defense. If they’re not focused on containing Davis—and all the while keeping the Pelicans’ guards away from the rim, because, after all, this is a team that features Jrue Holiday (acquired from Philadelphia in a draft-day trade for Nerlens Noel), Eric Gordon, and Tyreke Evans.

The Pelicans aren’t a great team yet, but they’re making moves in the right direction, trying to build a contending team in a division seemingly full of them. The Grizzlies shouldn’t have much trouble with them, but then, they shouldn’t have had much trouble with the Boston Celtics on Monday night either, and that game was far closer than either team probably expected it to be.

It remains to be seen how long it’s going to take the Grizzlies to get their act together on both ends of the court. Monday night against Boston, it seemed like the whole team was settling. Someone on Twitter—I can’t remember who or I’d just embed the tweet (UPDATE: it was Peter Edmiston)—said that the game resembled a 1/16 matchup in the NCAA tournament, where the top-seeded team didn’t even bother to prepare for the game. That’s how it felt. I won’t say that the Grizzlies weren’t playing hard, but it’s indisputable that their execution wasn’t what it should have been. If it hadn’t been for Jerryd Bayless’ 4th quarter explosion, the game could have ended in a manner that was… much less pleasing to the Griz faithful, a fanbase which already feels a little more panicked than they should be after four games.

I’m going to keep repeating the “It’s early in the season” mantra for a while. I don’t know that anything that happens in October or November is really indicative of the true character of a team. After all, the 76ers are 3–1 and have beaten the Bulls and the Heat. Things aren’t settled yet in the NBA. While every game counts, every game is not the final word in how good or bad a team is, and it’s still early enough that I’m not going to be seriously concerned about the direction in which the Grizzlies are headed until they make it out of what looks to be a tough November schedule.

Speaking of which: the Grizzlies are at home tonight against the Pelicans, they’re at home against Warriors on Saturday, and then five of the six games after that are on the road for the classic Grizzlies Early Season West Coast Road Trip (hey, remember the time Allen Iverson went on one of those and didn’t come back?). After a Monday in Indiana and a Wednesday home game against the Raptors—and the newly eyesight-adjusted Rudy Gay’s first chance to, well, see the Memphis crowd—it’s four games in six days, including facing the Clippers in L.A. on a SEGABABA[1], which is as tough of a draw as it gets in the Fall 2013 NBA. This week of home games is important for the Grizzlies because they’re going to be pushing a giant boulder up a hill for much of the next two weeks, and establishing their identity in the current home stand would go a long way toward making that less of a death march.

It should be a good game tonight. The Grizzlies and the Pelicornets always seem to play each other well, regardless of how good or bad either team is, and I expect tonight’s game to be no exception, especially given the Grizzlies’ peculiarly inchoate nature at the moment. I just hate that I won’t get another look at Kelly Olynyk’s Mike-Miller-rivaling hair.

  1. Remember, that’s the second game of a back to back, as termed by excellent Spurs blog Pounding the Rock. And technically, the Grizzlies’ four-game-in-six-night trip is a FOGASINI. Just… read the Lexicon. I think the acronymic shorthands for the NBA’s scheduling arrangements are particularly useful.  ↩

Fly On The Wall Blog Opinion

Memphis City Council Member Janis Fullilove Stopped by Police for Fabulous Driving


  • Dang!

Embattled City Council Member/Bee colony Janis Fullilove was pulled over by a Memphis police officer Tuesday for looking 30 in a 45.

“She was working it hard too,” says Officer Weston Krupke who wrote Fullilove a ticket for driving while fabulous. “She wasn’t going straight but kind of weaving back and forth in the road. Slow. Fierce.

“Damn, I just can’t stop smelling her perfume,” Krupke exclaims. “I could look at that woman all day, and that’s what makes her such a danger to herself and to other drivers.”

According to the police report it was the powerful odor of fresh polish that alerted officers to the fact that Fullilove’s nails had just been done. The nails were also extremely well manicured and shiny and the colors she’d selected beautifully complimented a generous application of electric blue eye shadow. Her rouge and lipstick were perfect, if thickly applied, and her short blonde wig was sharp and businesslike.

“She blew a perfect 10 on the fabulyzer,” Krupke says. “I had no choice but to issue the citation.”

No attempts were made to contact Fullilove who is too busy thinking about Memphis and the people she represents to be bothered.

Additional reporting by Danny Bader, a Wiseguy and regular contributor to Fly on the Wall.


Bullying in Tennessee Schools

Louis Goggans reports on a just-released state study on bullying incidents in Tennessee schools. Memphis led the state in incidents.


Chris Davis on Chris Ellis

Memphis-bred actor Chris Ellis is also quite an artist, as Chris Davis reminds us.

Sing All Kinds We Recommend

Win Tickets to John Mayer at FedExForum

John Mayer is coming to FedExForum on Friday, November 29th with special guest Phillip Phillips.

Here’s your chance to win a pair of tickets. Just click here and fill out the form.

You can enter as many times as you like.

Winners will be notified on Friday, November 22nd via email.

Good luck!



Chubby Vegetarian to Speak at James Beard House

Justin Fox Burks and his wife Amy Lawrence have had a big year, with the publication of their book, The Southern Vegetarian and now an invite to the James Beard House. Susan Ellis reports.

Fly On The Wall Blog Opinion

A Dozen Reasons Why Memphis Actor Chris Ellis is the Greatest Thing that Ever Happened


Intermission Impossible Theater

8 Fantastic Covers of Songs from West Side Story

Have you hugged a gang today?

  • Have you hugged a gang today?

West Side Story, the Leonard Bernstein/Arthur Laurents/Stephen Sondheim classic is visiting the Orpheum for eight performances. That seemed like as good an excuse as any to pick eight fantastic covers of songs from this great American musical.

Jay and the Americans were a vocal group from Long Island. In 1960 Leiber and Stoller— the songwriting duo behind some of Elvis Presley‘s biggest hits— signed the group for United Artists and gave them “Tonight,” from West Side Story, which had just been released as a motion picture. Talk about a perfect match.

20-years after Jay and the Americans recorded “Tonight” it was covered (and pretty fantastically) by British punk/pop band The Look. The best part is a too brief keyboard solo that calls to mind “Telstar.

This noisy and frenetic version of “Officer Krupke” is from the album Punk Side Story by a band called Schlong. Yep, that’s their name.

The Muppets version of “America” celebrates the beauty and the chaos of life in the melting pot.

Selena’s take on “A Boy Like That,” seriously threatens to give club covers a good name.

“Somewhere” is easily West Side Story‘s most covered song. It has been sent up by DEVO

It has been tinkered with by Dave Brubeck

And it has been achingly covered by Tom Waits on his great 1978 album Blue Valentine.

And if you’d like a sample of what the current touring company has to offer, there’s also this…

If you have a favorite cover from WSS that I’ve left out share it with us in comments.

Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

Chubby Vegetarian To Speak at the James Beard House

Justin Fox Burks at release party for the Southern Vegetarian cookbook

  • Justin Fox Burks at release party for the Southern Vegetarian cookbook

For lunch at Chiwawa with Flyer friend Justin Fox Burks of course we ordered the Chubby Vegetarian, a terrific taco with fried avocados that is based on a recipe from the Chubby Vegetarian blog, which Burks runs with his wife Amy Lawrence.

I also got a Bianca Dog, named after my coworker Bianca Phillips, and as I was biting into this very spicy hot dog, I managed to propel the whole thing onto the floor.

That was bad news for me, but it was nothing but good news, and lots of it, from Burks on the various Chubby Vegetarian endeavors.

First, Burks and Lawrence were invited to the prestigious James Beard House in New York City to appear as part of its Enlightened Eaters series.

“How ridiculous! Such an honor!,” Burks says of the Beard event.


The New York trip will cap off a busy year for Burks and Lawrence. Their cookbook The Southern Vegetarian was released in May. More recently, they teamed up with Acre/Brushmark chef Andrew Adams to cook for a sold-out dinner that was part of ArtsMemphis’ Beauty and the Feast series. They cooked for a recent GrowMemphis fund-raiser dinner.

On Thursday, Burks leaves for Las Vegas to be a judge at the World Food Championships. And, TV host P. Allen Smith recently visited Chez Chubby Vegetarian for a couple segments set to air next spring.

Enlightened Eaters is a lunchtime series of readings and workshops. Guests can bring their lunch, but snacks are provided as well. For the Chubby Vegetarian event on December 4th, Burks will be making the snacks, something he’s particularly excited about.

Burks says they plan to talk about how living in the South has influenced his and his wife’s cooking and points to the Beard House description of the event that he says puts it perfectly: “The South’s culinary roots start in the garden.”

Geography aside, it was Burks’ decision to become vegetarian when he was a teen that led him to take up cooking. And, now all these years later, Memphis diners are starting to see the Chubby Vegetarian influence on local menus.

The Chubby Vegetarian taco at Chiwawa

Case in point is that taco at Chiwawa. He was also asked by Kelly English to come up with a few ideas for a veggie po’boy for the Second Line menu. Cafe Eclectic sought Chubby Vegetarian input as well.

“When people ask, we’re happy to help,” says Burks.

Burks says it’s both about getting people to eat their veggies and getting people together, vegetarian or not.

“It’s important that we can all sit at the same table and eat,” he says.

Memphis Gaydar News

Employment Non-Discrimination Act Moves Forward


The national Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) took a major step ahead on Monday, after a decades-long struggle between progressive and conservative politicians.

On Monday, every member of the Democratic caucus and a few Republicans in the Senate voted to move forward with the bill that would make workplace discrimination against LGBT employees illegal on a national scale.

The bill is expected to pass the full Senate. Even hardcore conservative Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah voted in favor of moving the bill forward on Monday, but Tennessee Senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker both voted against the bill. The bill may face a tough crowd in the Republican-led House of Representatives.

In 1996, the last time the Senate considered passage of ENDA, the bill failed by one vote.