Politics Politics Beat Blog

Mayoral candidates Deidre Malone and Steve Mulroy Tout Endorsements

James Harvey (l); Mike Cody (r)

  • James Harvey (l); Mike Cody (r)

In the stew that is electoral politics, many ingredients go into the making of a winning campaign. One of them, the importance of which has long been debated (like a pinch of saffron or a dash of salt), is that of endorsements — both by individuals and by representative organizations.

Two Democratic candidates for Shelby County Mayor rushed out news this week of what they consider important endorsements of their candidacies.

Deidre Malone announced an endorsement from James Harvey, the current chairman of the Shelby County Commission and a mayoral candidate himself before withdrawing from the race.

In a press release put out by the Malone campaign, Harvey is quoted as saying, in part, “… I fully support Deidre Malone for Shelby County Mayor. She is the best candidate for the job as a business woman, a mother, a community activist and someone who understands the needs of this community, especially regarding education and healthcare….”

Simultaneously, one of Malone’s rivals in the Democratic primary, Steve Mulroy, announced this week that he had been endorsed by Mike Cody, former City Council member, U.S. Attorney, and state Attorney General, as well as a onetime candidate for Memphis mayor.

Mulroy made a point of noting that four years ago Cody had endorsed the current Republican county mayor, Mark Luttrell, the candidate whom this year’s eventual Democratic primary winner will be matched against.

And on Friday Mulroy added news of another endorsement — that of Judge Joe Brown, the former Criminal Court Judge, TV celebrity, and current candidate for District Attorney General who made headlines this week as the result of a confrontation in Juvenile Court with a magistrate who cited him for contempt of court.

Ironically, Mulroy and Brown themselves clashed somewhat during a public forum last year in which Mulroy was a panelist and Brown an audience member. Earlier this year, however, Mulroy gave Brown an enthusiastic introduction when Brown was the featured speaker at a Memphis Rotary Club luncheon.

Art Exhibit M

Chuck + George at Southfork

Chuck + George

  • Chuck + George

On a cold evening this past February, I paid my first visit to Southfork: a single-room gallery in Midtown and something of a sleeper among the city’s house galleries. Southfork is also (and more usually) the home of Lauren Kennedy, whose work with Ballet Memphis was recently spotlighted in the Flyer’s 20<30 issue.

Kennedy’s apartment is modestly sized and warmly decorated. The Southfork space occupies its own room, but Kennedy encourages artists to respond to as much of her apartment as they like. The signage for the Southfork’s current exhibition of two Texan artists — a tableau illustrated with portraits of the collaborators and their pseudonym, “Chuck + George” — hangs in Kennedy’s dining room next to unrelated posters and tchotchkes.

Kennedy founded Southfork in 2012 with the idea of a running a space where her daily life and her work with art can interact. “For the last show,” Kennedy says, “the artists worked a photo of my grandmother that means the world to me into their installation. I really love that.”

Which is not to say that the Southfork project is entirely dictated by the home-gallery aspect. Rather, Southfork, like Adam Farmer’s GLITCH or Joel Parsons’ Beige, provides artists who otherwise would exhibit at white box galleries or sterile museums with the opportunity to create and show work in an environment activated by a living space. Southfork has recently hosted micro solo shows by up-and-coming New York- and Chicago-based artists Jay Shinn and Heyd Fontenot.

The current Chuck + George (monikers of Brian K. Jones and Brian K. Scott) installation was originally created for a space at the University of Arkansas but was modified to fit Southfork, and will run there until the end of April. Kennedy says, “I love how [this show] fits kind of awkwardly in the space because it wasn’t made for Southfork … because the images are all self portraits and the work really does feel reflective of each of their personalities and the nature of their long standing relationship.

“And,” she adds, “I love how Beetlejuice-y it feels.”


The show is Beetlejuice-y or Edward-Gorey-y: The room is covered with hand-illustrated wallpaper and floorboards in the Victorian (or proto-Victorian?) style. Carnivalesque masks— self-portraits of Chuck and George—hang from the wall. In one corner, a hand-built table supports a display of sculpted fruits, all illustratively warped. Across the room, a large, outdated television set loops an animation that echoes a series of prints (the “Tablescrappin’” series) that hang around the room. The installation creates a dollhouse effect— a cold, excessive vibe, punctuated by weird mantlepiece regalia and distorted avatars.

Chuck + George

  • Chuck + George



The “Tablescrappin’” prints, a serial collection, feature two sallow-faced, unhealthy looking characters who sit at depraved dining tables in the company of political, religious, and pop figures, all grotesqueries. The prints are well-executed and less apocalyptic than they are evocative of a fun societal underbelly. Their reference to a strange domesticity may have been only incidental, but it fits well in Southfork space.

Chuck + George will be up through the end of April. Gallery open by appointment. Email Lauren Kennedy at


Jesus Christ, Cargo Shorts

Chris Davis reviews Theatre Memphis’ production of Jesus Christ Superstar and Hattiloo’s Black Pearl.

Calling the Bluff Music

Nonprofit Uses Reggae To Help Combat Water Crisis In Africa


Inadequate access to clean drinking water is a dilemma that impacts more than 780 million people globally, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And Sub-Saharan Africa is among the areas most affected by water scarcity; 300 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa lack access to clean water, according to the United Nations-Water.

Sahel Revival is a local nonprofit determined to make clean water more accessible in poor Sub-Saharan Africa communities. And they’re using Reggae music to help achieve this goal.

This Saturday, the first annual “Live Up Fest” will take place at the Hi-Tone (422-444 N. Cleveland) to help raise awareness and support for Sahel Revival’s battle against water scarcity. The event will feature a variety of Reggae artists including Chinese Connection Dub Embassy, Roots of a Rebellion, The LTG, Kween Jasira, Juju Bushman, and more. It will start at 5 p.m. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. A portion of the funds raised will go toward constructing a water well in Sub-Saharan Africa.

“I want people to have fun and become aware [of the water crisis],” said Abdoul Ba, founder of Sahel Revival. “In case [attendees] would like to support us, they can go to our website, They can get involved by volunteering, helping us spread the word, or donating. Usually, a gift offered of $20 can give one person water for a long time. If you look at it holistically and globally, a water well can benefit 300 people. Twenty dollars is not much, but it can have a big impact on life in Sub-Saharan Africa.”

Ba hails from the Sub-Saharan African country Mauritania, an area largely covered by the Sahara desert. Only around 50 percent of its population has access to clean water and another 30 percent suffers from unemployment, according to Christian humanitarian organization, World Vision.

Ba hopes Sahel Revival can help bring social change and better living conditions to those affected by inadequate access to free clean water in his native country and Sub-Saharan Africa as a whole.

“In my city and country everybody is affected by water shortages,” Ba said. “My city suffers from yearly cholera outbreaks that leave many people dead, especially children. It’s impossible to be in my city and country without seeing [and] feeling the water shortage. [There’s also] food shortages. Where there’s no water, there will be no food, so malnutrition is also a very present problem.”

Sahel Revival in presenting the event in conjunction with Chinese Connection Dub Embassy and Brister Street Productions.

To find out more about Live Up Fest, click here
To find out more about Sahel Revival and how you can support, click here
View the video below to get more in tune with the Sub-Saharan water crisis.

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Politics Politics Beat Blog

The Brown Case: A Legal and Political Quandary

TWO QUICK UPDATES, to be elaborated on, ata: (1) Joe Brown confirms that his law school was UCLA, not Stanford; (2) The actual date and venue of his hearing for contempt charges are in limbo now , since all Shelby County judges who could hear the case have recused themselves. MTK

with NEW video, see below

Joe Browns mugshot

  • Joe Brown’s mugshot

Judge Joe Brown — whose title sums up the several phases of his career on the bench, actual, honorific, and pretended — was on the other side of the law briefly this week, as a sizeable portion of the nation’s news-watching population knows by now.

And he may end up there again, depending on the result of a scheduled April 4 hearing on his contempt citation this week in Juvenile Court and his pending sentence of 5 days’ incarceration. Brown may also, paradoxically, be helped into a position of legal authority in Shelby County — depending on how his current race for District Attorney General is affected by the fallout from the incident.

Meanwhile, the jury of public opinion remains out. Some see the brouhaha as boosting Brown’s election chances by galvanizing his urban, Democratic, and largely African-American base, within which wariness toward Juvenile Court is a prevailing sentiment. Others see the episode as confirmation of a self-destructive, demagogic tendency that could implode his own candidacy, and other Democratic campaigns with it.

To review: The contempt-of-court charge is the result of an appearance by Brown in Juvenile Court on Monday — an improvised one, as it turns out, stemming from an unplanned appearance in court on behalf of a woman involved in a long-running child support case, and concluding with an angry confrontation with presiding Magistrate Harold “Hall” Horne.

Brown’s forthcoming hearing, before Criminal Court Judge James Beasley, could result in either dismissal or an order to serve the full five days or, hypothetically, some other sentence on the order of the inventive ones Brown himself used to dole out after he was elected a Criminal Court judge here in 1990.

As one example, he punished a convicted burglar by allowing the man’s victim reciprocal rights to ransack the burglar’s own dwelling so as to claim any item he fancied that he might find there.

It was that aspect of Brown, coupled with the notoriety he attracted as the presiding judge over an appeal for a new trial by the late James Earl Ray, convicted assassin of Dr. Martin Luther King, that attracted TV talent scouts. (Perhaps meaningfully, Brown, who saw himself as a ballistics expert, was removed from that case after he claimed publicly that Ray’s rifle could not have been the murder weapon.)

In 1998, he became the star of a widely watched and nationally syndicated TV show, the eponymous “Judge Joe Brown” — a title phrase which has a somewhat ironic connotation now — and for almost three years Brown was a constant commuter between Memphis and Los Angeles attempting to do justice to both of his day jobs. In 2001, he resigned the bench in Shelby County to devote full time to the TV program.

Just last year, Brown’s TV show was canceled after the breakdown of salary negotiations, and he was back on the scene in Shelby County, scouting out election prospects as a means of returning to public life. He considered a race for the U.S. Senate against Senator Lamar Alexander but was coaxed into the race for D.A. against Republican incumbent Amy Weirich by local Democrats, who saw him as a turnout magnet and a boost to the party ticket.

Relevant to the issue was the fact that the persona of Brown — eccentric but avuncular on the Criminal Court bench — had been transformed, over all the television seasons, into that of a domineering, overly passionate authority figure given to snap decisions and emotional outbursts. It was that latter figure that local audiences have seen within the last year at a variety of local events where Brown has figured as a central and contentious figure. It was that Brown who appeared in Juvenile Court.

The question has been, and remains, whether Brown’s celebrity, coupled with his intensity, drive, populist appeal, and flair for getting attention will ultimately be a political plus, or whether his instinct for brinkmanship will push him past the edge, with catastrophic consequences for himself and for the Democratic ticket. As the current issue heats up, both possibilities are being kindled along with it.

A parallel question has to do with the origins of the Juvenile Court flare-up. Brown himself says that he was in the court building “on other business” when a woman, recognizing him, approached him and asked for help on her case.

In his own scenario, a good-faith effort to assist the woman in what to Brown’s mind was a long-running case in which her rights were being ignored, led him to challenge Magistrate Horne’s actions and, simultaneously, the unresponsive disposition of the Court itself — a position which, coincidentally or not, resonates with a recent Department of Justice finding that has obvious political overtones.

The Court itself saw Brown’s role otherwise, as “willful conduct clearly intended to embarrass, hinder, and obstruct the administration of justice; and to derogate the court’s authority and dignity, thereby bringing the administration of law into disrepute.”

Magistrate Horne’s statement accuses Brown of attempting to “bait the court” and to “foment a riot.”

Relevant parts of the dialogue between Horne and Brown can be heard here: [audio-1]

Even as Judge Beasley will be asked to adjudicate the matter, parallel questions preoccupy political observers: Was Joe Brown acting spontaneously or out of calculation? Was his rage actual or feigned? Politically, will he have gained or lost from the incident? Has he activated his following in a legitimate cause, or ignobly caused a polarization damaging to the community?

Judge Beasley’s verdict will come on April 4th, but another verdict, that of the electorate at large, will come on August 7, date of the Shelby County general election.

Appendix: See the magistrate’s order here

NEW: Here is a raw video of an impromptu press conference held by Judge Joe Brown afrer his arrest and release from jail:

Sing All Kinds We Recommend

Luther Dickinson @ Shangri-La Sunday

Luther Dickinson has a new record out. It’s damn good. He’s playing at Shangri-La on Sunday at 3:30. See the April 3rd Flyer for a story on what went into Rock ‘n Roll Blues


Rape Victims File Suit

Toby Sells reports on a lawsuit filed by three victims of serial rapist Anthony Alliano against various city agencies and individuals.

News News Blog

Victims of Serial Rapist File New Lawsuit Against Memphis, Shelby County

Victims of serial rapist Anthony Alliano brought a new lawsuit against Memphis and Shelby County agencies Wednesday for damages stemming from what they say was a years-long delay in justice as law enforcement agencies mishandled their rape kits.


  • Alliano

Attorneys for the three victims are seeking “redress for special damages” for their clients as the victims experienced post traumatic stress disorder and lived in perpetual fear until Alliano was finally arrested in May 2012.

All three of the victims gave body fluid samples and DNA evidence to investigators after they were raped, according to the suit filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Tennessee. The evidence was placed in sexual assault kits and transported to city and county agents for testing, the suit says. But the local governments “failed to timely submit, responsibly handle, and make due diligence” on about 12,000 such rape kits.

Evidence from the three victims in the new lawsuit was tested years after its submission. By that time, the evidence had spoiled to the point that it could no longer be legally used, the suit says, and this violates the victims’ constitutional rights to due process and violates the equal protection clause.

The suit names the city, the county, the Shelby County Rape Crisis Center, the Memphis Sexual Assault Resource Center, former Shelby County District Attorney Bill Gibbons, current Shelby County District Attorney Amy Weirich, former Memphis Police Department (MPD) director Larry Godwin, current MPD director Toney Armstrong, and Alliano.

The new suit also acknowledges the prior suit filed against the city in December. That federal class action lawsuit was filed by an unnamed Memphis woman who said she was raped in 2001. The lawsuit brought Wednesday says its victims have specific and relevant facts and claims, which warrants a case separate from the general class action suit.

Alliano is in jail now, convicted of raping eight women, the suit says. The lawsuit goes further, though, saying Alliano is believed to have committed more than 100 rapes in the Memphis and Shelby County area with the majority of them occurring in the Cordova area.

Sing All Kinds We Recommend

Steve Martin & Edie Brickell @ Snowden Grove in August

Steve Martin and Edie Brickell are coming to Snowden Grove on August 2nd. You can buy your tickets here. You can check out Steve’s chicken-themed video from his latest album on Rounder right below these words. That’s how we roll. But WAIT! There more: Edie Brickell wrote a song about a baby thrown from a train. We got that too. Stay tuned for more concert-news gold.

Steve Martin & Edie Brickell @ Snowden Grove in August

Steve Martin & Edie Brickell @ Snowden Grove in August (2)

Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

Taco Bell Breakfast Lands in Memphis


Taco Bell launched breakfast service to locations across the country today, the occasion making a minor holiday for junk food fans who have longed for their greasy morning favorites to finally be delivered in a bag, from a window, and in taco form.

Despite the anticipation, the Memphis Taco Bell location at Third and Crump was quiet and its drive through lane was empty. I paid the $4.36 for the combo and sped away to the Memphis Flyer headquarters on Tennessee Street.

Taco Bell has been flashing photos like these in the weeks-long run-up to the breakfast launch.


  • Courtesy Taco Bell

Here’s mine.


The thing was a little tough to get out of the box. I’m not sure the waffle taco is really driving food.

How was it? Well, the waffle was chewy and vaguely sweet. The rest was that same warm, salty goodness of fast-food egg and sausage that you can enjoy if you turn your brain off. Oh, and the hashbrown was fried, salty, and what you’d expect.

Nutrition stats on the Taco Bell breakfast are plainly available on the chain’s website. But that’s hardly the point. If you’re getting breakfast in a bag, from a window, with a soft drink, you’re in a hurry, hung over, a fast-food fanboy, or just plain curious.