News The Fly-By

New Electric Buses Stand In for Trolleys

The neon green buses cruising the downtown and Madison trolley lines weren’t intended for use as makeshift trolleys. The new, eco-friendly hybrid-electric buses were intended to be used on the city’s bus routes.

But that was before the Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA) temporarily suspended trolley service three weeks ago after a study into trolley safety recommended a complete renovation of the trolley system.

Chris Shaw

“Originally those bright green buses were going to be introduced in June to regular route and fixed-route schedules,” said MATA spokesperson Ralph Berry. “The [green stand-in trolley] buses downtown don’t even have the MATA logo yet because they were called into immediate action.”

Fifteen green hybrid buses arrived in May, bringing MATA’s total fleet of eco-friendly buses to 45. The new buses were supposed to replace 15 regular buses that were more than 10 years old. They’re more energy efficient since their fuel ecomony is 25 percent better than that of traditional buses. They also create fewer emissions.

Now, six of those 15 green buses are acting as stand-in trolleys for at least three to six months. The other nine hybrids have replaced old buses. All of the green buses are scheduled for a new logo design to be applied this month.

Not only do the electric buses not provide the excitement of riding in a vintage trolley car, they are also unable to cover some of the exact trolley routes because the geography of the original trolley line isn’t suitable for larger buses.  

According to a statement released by MATA, the temporary “trolley line” runs along Main between Central Station and the beginning of the Main Street Mall and then makes a loop on Front and Second to complete the circuit now covered by the Main Street Trolley Route. 

A Riverfront Loop service operates along Front and then down to Riverside and back up to the south end of Main. Much of the original Riverside Loop runs along tracks that cannot be navigated by a bus. 

After two trolleys caught fire in less than six months, MATA opted to have the American Public Transportation Assocation (APTA) do a full review of the trolley system. Their findings recommended a complete overhaul of the trolleys that have been running for the past 21 years.

MATA’S Interim President and General Manager Tom Fox said suspending the trolley system was a difficult decision, but he said it was necessary to ensure public safety.

 “Our first and primary responsibility is public safety,” Fox said. “The review of the trolley system makes it clear that an overhaul or replacement of the current vehicles is inevitable, and there is no reason to delay. The report indicated that the system and basic physical infrastructure is strong, but the vehicles themselves have merely reached the natural end of their safe and efficient use without renovation.”

The renovation to the trolleys will take three to six months. The APTA review recommended that existing trolleys undergo a complete “renovation overhaul” or be replaced all together. MATA is now examining the possibility of getting some trolleys back into partial service.

“If there are some cars for which it makes long-term financial investment-sense to rectify and get the trolley program up on a limited basis, we will do it,” Fox said. “However, it is clear from the APTA independent examination that the only long-term solution is one that overhauls or replaces every trolley vehicle.”

Berry insisted the trolleys will return to downtown: “The reaction we were getting from the general public to the announcement was that people thought the trolleys were gone forever, and that’s not anywhere near true,” Berry said. “MATA feels it’s important for people to understand that the trolleys aren’t going anywhere. We are just waiting to get enough up and running before we reintroduce them downtown.”

Once the trolley system has been overhauled, the electric buses that are now running the trolley routes will be added to MATA’s fixed-route bus system.

Music Music Features

Brister Street’s New Record Label

Since forming as a make-shift production company in 2011, Brister Street Productions has quickly become one of the largest local booking agencies in town. Originally only booking “backyard house parties,” Brister Street Productions has moved on to book venues like the Levitt Shell, Newby’s, and the Abbey Church in Midtown. We caught up with Brister Street Productions creator Jack Simon to learn more about his latest endeavor, Brister Street Records.

Flyer: How did Brister Street Productions get started?

Jack Simon: I took a film class at the University of Memphis in the spring of 2011 and [used] the name ‘Brister Street Productions’ to describe the videos. I lived on Brister Street and was walking home from school one day, and I saw the street sign and took a picture of it on my phone. When I got back home I added “Productions” underneath, and it was born.

What was the first event that you ever put on?

We hosted backyard house parties for years before we ever put on an event. We never intended on being an event company. One day my friend got word of an opportunity to do a show at the Shell and after some debate we decided that we had nothing to lose so we went for it. We hosted our first public event, dubbed “Bristerfest” (Brister Street Music Festival), at the Levitt Shell on May 10, 2011. After the festival people asked, “What’s next?” so we decided to continue producing events for the public.

When did the idea to start a record label first come about?

The idea to start a label had been brewing for years. It was just a matter of how and when. When Julian [Dossett] approached me with the idea to release his album under Brister Street, it made sense.

Why start with Julian? What made you want him as your first artist?

It was a matter of fate. We met and became friends, and I was instantly attracted to his music the first time I heard him play. He’s got a really distinct voice and his style is traditional and fresh at the same time. The record, Three Poisons is some of the most killer blues I’ve heard from any artist performing today. Julian is one of the nicest people you will ever meet, and he is one of the easiest people to work with. This is a blues album, and I think it makes perfect sense to begin our label in Memphis with the blues.

Do you have any other artists in mind that you’ll be approaching next?

We do but we are keeping it under wraps at the moment until everything is solidified. Julian Dossett is our main focus for now.

If you could pick any local band to work with, who would it be?

It would be an honor to work with some of the living legends like Al Green or B.B. King. These guys have lived most of their lives in and around the music industry, and I would love to learn from them.

Do you want to keep the Brister Street record label centered on blues or is having a theme for the label not important?

Brister Street is not a genre-specific label. We just want to produce and promote music that sounds good, has feeling, and commercial appeal.

Are you going to keep the releases tied to local artists or do you hope to branch out at some point?

Memphis is a wonderful place to start. At some point we will probably branch out, but we will let that happen naturally.

You’ve thrown festivals at various local venues and now have entered the record label game. What’s next for Brister Street Productions?

Brister Street Clothing Company is another project that has been in the works for some time now. We already have a few designs for sale.


TVA Considers Retiring Coal Plant on Presidents Island

In efforts to reduce coal emissions, the Tennessee Valley Authority has proposed replacing the Allen Fossil Plant with a natural gas plant. Bianca Phillips has the story.

News News Blog

TVA Proposes Retiring Allen Fossil Plant

Tennessee Valley Authority

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is considering replacing the Allen Fossil Plant on Presidents Island, which produces power through three coal-fired units, with a new natural-gas fired plant in the same area. Memphis Light Gas & Water purchases power for the area through the TVA. The Allen Fossil Plant was completed in 1959 by Memphis Light, Gas and Water and purchased by TVA in 1984. It produces 4.8 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year, enough to supply 340,000 homes.

The TVA outlined their plans in a draft environmental assessment looking at ways to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions at its Allen Fossil Plant. In April 2011, the TVA entered into agreements with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and several states and environmental groups to reduce coal emissions.

The agency is considering either installing flue gas desulfurization systems (better known as scrubbers) at the Allen Fossil Plant to reduce emissions or just retiring it altogether by December 2018.

In a 2010 Memphis Flyer story on Shelby County’s worst polluters, TVA’s Allen Fossil Plant topped the list with emissions of more than 1.3 million pounds of pollutants in 2008, the most recent data available at that time. Data from 2013 shows that the Allen plant emitted over 4.7 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that year, and the facility is also home to coal ash impoundments that contain over 417 million gallons of toxic coal ash.

Scott Banbury, the Sierra Club conservation programs coordinator for the Tennessee chapter, wishes the TVA would look into solar and wind power rather than replacing the Allen plant with a natural gas plant.

“[In the environmental assessment], they totally leave out putting solar, like the project Bioworks is working on with the city to try and put solar panels on our buildings and all of the potential for putting solar power into the brownfield sites that we have around town, where we have empty lots, many already paved and equipped with drainage. They’re missing out on that,” Banbury said. “And they’re missing that this could be an economic boon to Memphis if we were to make decisions now about getting our power from renewable alternative sources.”

The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy applauded TVA’s proposal to retire the 55-year-old coal plant, but they would also like to see TVA put more focus on alternative and renewable power rather than natural gas.

“We welcome TVA’s decision to retire the old and inefficient Allen coal plant,” said Dr. Stephen A. Smith, Executive Director of Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. “Moving away from coal is the right decision for both public health and the environment. TVA has options on how to replace this coal plant, and we understand that natural gas is one of those options. However, we believe that TVA should take a broader perspective on replacement and look at both renewable and energy efficiency opportunities that could further reduce the use of fossil fuels in the greater Memphis area.”

There’s a 30-day public comment period on the proposal. Comments can be submitted online, mailed, or emailed by August 5th. There will be a public comment meeting on Tuesday, July 8th at Amtrak Central Station downtown from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Memphis Gaydar News

Chef John Currence’s Big Gay Mississippi Protest Dinner

John Currence

  • John Currence

Buzzfeed posted a lengthy article by Wyatt Williams yesterday chronicling Oxford, Mississippi chef John Currence’s recent Big Gay Mississippi Welcome Table dinner in New York City.

You can read the full article here, but here’s a little background. Last month, the James Beard Award-winning chef from Oxford’s acclaimed City Grocery restaurant was invited by Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant to cook in New York City for a lunch meeting between the Mississippi Development Agency (MDA) and site selectors for major corporations. The goal of the luncheon was to woo these corporations to move some or all of their operations to Mississippi.

But Bryant had recently signed into law Mississippi’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which went into effect on July 1st and provides “that state action shall not substantially burden a person’s right to the exercise of religion.” Critics of the bill fear it will be used to protect business owners who choose to discriminate against LGBT customers by claiming that serving those customers would violate their religious freedom.

Currence has been outspoken about the bill. In a New York Times article, Currence was quoted as saying, “The law sends a terrible message about the state of consciousness in the state of Mississippi. We are not going to sit idly by and watch Jim Crow get revived in our state.”

But rather than turn down Bryant’s invitation to cook for the MDA dinner in New York City, Currence went through with lunch. But he, Memphis chef Kelly English, and a handful of other celebrity chefs scheduled a protest dinner called the Big Gay Mississippi Welcome Table the next day in New York City. The Buzzfeed story recounts that affair (hint: Morgan Freeman made an appearance) in splendid detail.

According to Williams’ story, when Bryant got word of Currence’s Big Gay Welcome Table, he wasn’t pleased. Here’s an excerpt:

The response from the governor’s office was swift. The morning the news broke about the Big Gay Mississippi Welcome Table, Currence said, “I got a phone call, a dressing down by the governor’s office — they wanted to know why I would embarrass the governor like this. And then it fucking dawned on me: You assholes don’t fucking talk to me like a sixth-grader in the principal’s office, I’m a 50-year-old man. More to the point, I’m on the right fucking side of this thing. All you assholes have to do is come to dinner.”


Police and Fire Personnel Protest Cuts

Toby Sells talked to city employees who protested outside Tuesday’s City Council Meeting.


Joe Brown Taunts Weirich re Sexuality

Jackson Baker reports on an incident — and an allegation — that may haunt Joe Brown’s candidacy for District Attorney.

Politics Politics Beat Blog

“Judge Joe Brown” Uncorks a Shocker, Taunting Weirich About Her Sexuality

Brown in the website clip

  • Brown in the website clip

From May 6, when several of his endorsees in Democratic primary elections for countywide office went down to defeat until Tuesday, July 1, when, according to his pre-announced plan, Joe Brown emerged again as a putative party figurehead at a newly opened downtown campaign headquarters, the Democrats’ nominee for District Attorney General had been more or less dormant.

Brown had abandoned what, during the earlier phase of the political year, had been an active role of his as a major player on behalf of the Democratic ticket. But now, under pressure from other party members and under scrutiny by a curious media, the former “Judge Joe Brown” of a once well-watched TV arbitration program re-emerged, in full damn-the-torpedoes style.

Under the head “My Divorce Ain’t Your Business,” Brown’s campaign website published a video of the candidate, who has been rumored to be readying his private resources for the Democratic ticket’s use, addressing the matter of his finances while talking to a small group. Speaking apparently in response to a direct query from Fox 13 News regarding the current state of his affairs after going through a presumably expensive divorce, Brown tries to blow off the inquiry in the clip, changing the subject.

What he says next is jolting, indeed — especially given the widespread assumption that he is just now hoping to resume his role as a tutorial voice for his party prior to the August 7 general election and primaries for state and federal office.

Smiling wide, Brown strolls about holding a hand mike and says, obviously referencing his August 7 opponent, incumbent Republican D.A. Amy Weirich, “But they could ask her why her husband moved out and took the kids. Why a certain somebody moved in next door to her…I won’t hold it against anybody that’s their right but some in her community are on her about she needs to come out of the closet and instead of being so low down, she needs to stop being down low.”

The implication of that is as obvious as it is shocking, and the truth content of it is irrelevant. For the record, though, Fox 13 reports getting this response from Weirich spokesperson Kim Perry: “Amy and her husband are at home right now. I hope for Judge Brown’s sake and the community, that those around him will intervene to get him the help he needs.”

To be sure, Shelby County Democrats had been looking Brown’s way for a sign that he intended to resume his leadership role in a coordinated party campaign. It is doubtful that this is precisely what they expected or can welcome.

Note: The video mentioned below has been purged from YouTube, but here are links, courtesy of Fox 13, to videos documenting Brown’s remarks:

Fly On The Wall Blog Opinion

Supreme Court Upholds Witch Burning, Throwing Stuff At Women

Following a series of recent decisions in which the nation’s highest court has upheld the Constitutional right to holler rude stuff at women and upheld the right of employers to decide what kinds of health care women should get, Justices of the United States Supreme Court today issued a series of rare sua sponte rulings on women’s rights.

The Rock People of the Supreme Court judge you harshly.

  • The Rock People of the Supreme Court judge you harshly.

In three 5-4 decisions split along gender lines, Justices Alito, Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, and swing vote Kennedy, issued decisions upholding actual and potential laws that do or could impact women.

In People v. Witches, the Court stated that states could lawfully burn women at the stake if they have a reasonable basis to believe they are “practitioners of the dark arts.” The opinion noted it was a very narrow decision that “does not apply to warlocks, necromancers, or prestidigitators. We limit today’s ruling to witches and witches only.”

In Dudes v. Mouthy Broads, the Court held that any law that prohibits men from throwing stuff at women who are too vocal in their opinions are not lawful under the little known “don’t get uppity” clause of the U.S. Constitution. “The right to chuck an apple or what not at a woman who is too full of herself is deeply ingrained in our nation’s heritage as well as our Constitution,” the opinion stated. The opinion added, in what most see as legal dicta, that “girls have cooties.”

In a final decision issued today, the Supreme Court in Kitchens v. Shoes upheld any law that would require “all females to be positioned in the cooking area of their domicile between the hours of 5 and 6 p.m. on any given day. Such laws could also require that such individuals have feet unencumbered by footwear.”

“These laws, even if they do not yet exist, form an important part of our heritage and jurisprudential history. Besides, women, am I right?”

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg authored a dissent that simply stated. “I give up.”

Joey Hack is a regular contributor to the Fly on the Wall Blog, and is a member of The Wiseguys improv troupe.

News News Blog

Police, Fire Employees Protest Benefit Cuts


Dozens of Memphis police and fire employees and their families and friends gathered in a protest outside Memphis City Hall Tuesday against what they said were unfair cuts to their benefits.

Tents, placards, and huge signs could be found in front of City Hall Tuesday. So could a swarm of public safety supporters milling around in the heat on foot or in camp chairs. The atmosphere was even festive despite the hard facts that brought the group together and despite the handful of police cruisers parked across Civic Plaza watching the crowd.

Many in the crowd wore shirts that read: “MPD, MFD – Negatively Affected.” Placards read: “”Stop Fraud” and “We Risk Our Lives, You Take Away Our Livelihoods.” One sign stuck in the ground had photos of Memphis Mayor A C Wharton, key members of his administration, and several city council members (who had voted for a budget that included cuts to employee health care benefits) that read: “Shame On You!”


Those cuts mean more money will have to come from the pockets of city employees and many retired employees to pay their health insurance premiums and more.

The protest buzzed along outside as Memphis City Council heard about possible changes to employees’ pension plans from Segal Consulting in the council’s fifth-floor conference room. Depending on what new benefit structure the council approves, some employees may see their benefits cut even further.

But Memphis Police Association president Mike Williams said everything could change — even the cuts in the healthcare benefits — as nothing is yet written in stone.

“They keep changing things as they go along even after the vote,” Williams said. “They’re still saying ‘trust me, trust me.’ Why should we trust you?”

Williams said the decision to cut the benefits should not have been made by the council. Instead, he said changes that big should have been put to Memphis voters. The changes should have at least been presented to the council just like Segal has presented the group with different pension options, he said.

LauraRae Sanders and Sherrie Hopper organized Tuesday’s protest. Sanders’ father retired from the Memphis Fire Department [MFD] after more than 37 of service. She said he still has job-related health problems but her reasons for organizing the rally were bigger than that, she said.

“I want to let citizens of Memphis know about these things (like the cuts to employee benefits),” Sanders said. “If you keep taking from police and fire (employees), they will go somewhere else. These changes directly affect you.”

Hopper’s husband is a dispatcher with the MFD and she helped organize the protest “because I just want them to stop messing with him,” noting that last year, the mayor and the council voted to cut employee salaries by 4.6 percent.

The council’s vote to cut health care benefits came two weeks ago when they approved the city budget.
The council is scheduled to take the final vote on the changes to the employee pension plan in their next meeting on Tuesday, July 15.