Fly On The Wall Blog Opinion

U.S. Postal Service Issues Neverending Elvis Stamp

Old young Elvis stamp

Okay, okay, it’s technically a “forever” stamp. Same idea.
U.S. Postal Service will dedicate the new Elvis Presley forever stamp August 12. At Graceland. During Elvis Week. Can we get a “hell yeah,” and an “American Trilogy,” please?

U.S. Postal Service Issues Neverending Elvis Stamp


Presley is only the sixth inductee in the USPS Music Icon Series, but the second Sun Studio recording artist. Johnny Cash became a forever stamp in 2013. Other icons in the series include Ray Charles, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Lydia Mendoza.  

Stamp in Black

Postmaster General Megan Brennan says a preview of the stamp will be available at a later date. 

Press release boilerplate from Brennan:

“Elvis is a natural addition to our Music Icon Series. His life and talents are an incredible story. Spanning from his humble beginnings in a Tupelo, Mississippi, two-room house to becoming one of the most legendary performance artists of the 20th Century, Elvis Presley’s works continues to resonate with millions the world over.”


The obvious hashtag for tweeting and such: #ElvisForever.

News News Blog

Former Memphis Police Officer Indicted for Murder

Jaselyn Grant

Former Memphis Police officer Jaselyn Grant, 34, has been indicted on a first-degree murder charge in the off-duty shooting death of her 29-year-old wife, Keara Crowder, last November.

Grant killed Crowder after a domestic dispute in their southeast Shelby County home on November 19th. Grant is also being indicted on charges of attempted first-degree murder for shooting at Crowder’s 12-year-old son as he attempted to run away from the house for safety.

She is also charged with employing a firearm during the commission of a dangerous felony and aggravated assault.

Grant is currently free on a $250,000 bond. Her case is being handled by the Shelby County District Attorney’s Office’s Intimate Partner/Domestic Violence Prosecution Unit.

News News Blog

More Money Approved for Rape Kit Backlog

More Money Approved for Rape Kit Backlog

More money could be on the way from Congress to help fight the nation’s backlog of untested rape kits.

The House of Representatives approved $4 million Tuesday for local enforcement agencies to test untested rape kits. The bill was authored by Memphis Congressmen Steve Cohen who said resources to test the kits have not always been available.

“Something is wrong with our criminal justice system when rapists are allowed to roam free, and attack other victims, simply because the evidence needed to find and convict them sits on a shelf somewhere,” Cohen said in a statement.

Grants from the new funds will be delivered through the Department of Justice’s National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative, a competitive program for state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies, prosecutor’s offices, and some other government agencies.

As of last month, 5,846 rape kits remain untested in Memphis. More than 12,000 untested kits were discovered in 2013 and 2014. More than 5,800 have received some kind of testing and that testing has resulted in 72 indictments.

Blurb Books

Steve Stern: In a Pinch

“You ain’t so special. Is alive, the Pinch, with people used to be dead.”

That’s Pinchas Pinsker talking to his nephew, Muni, who was beginning to feel like a spectacle, what with everyone in the Pinch wanting to see the new arrival. Thanks to his uncle’s help, Muni’s made it to the Jewish neighborhood north of downtown Memphis after crossing Siberia — where he’d been held for his anti-czarist sympathies — on foot.

Muni and his brethren were hardly the first Jews to arrive in Memphis. Nearly 400 years before, Rodrigo (born Ruben) da Luna of Portugal was one of the small army of men led by the conquistador Hernando de Soto, who was in search of cities of gold. But Rodrigo wasn’t a lancer or musketeer. He was a tailor. How do we know all this? Because Muni Pinsker went on to write about Rodrigo in his chronicle called The Pinch. It’s where we read the earliest known instance of what would become a Memphis trademark: its entrepreneurial spirit. For a fuller description of the enterprising and peace-loving Rodrigo, go to a brand-new book, also called The Pinch:



“The author Pinsker chronicled the moment when the rapacious conquistador, sitting astride his Barbary steed atop the Chickasaw Bluffs, looks across the broad expanse of the river that separates him from the golden cities; while from the ranks Rodrigo da Luna is thinking you could go farther and fare worse. He would have liked to try and trade with the natives — maybe swap a starveling mule for fresh fish and persimmon bread — rather than slaughter them as his captain preferred. He thought that maps made a more enduring means of marking a trail than de Soto’s method of paving it with corpses. And wasn’t the real estate atop these rust-red bluffs eminently well situated for civilized habitation? After all, what was to keep the indigenous folk, once they pointed their weapons in another direction, from becoming the tailor’s devoted clients? (“Allow me to custom-fit you for a nice suede breechclout.”) But already the soldiers and carpenters were constructing the barges that would ferry them across the river, and rather than be left behind, Rodrigo da Luna would travel with them into an even more hostile landscape and obscurer death.”

A landscape more hostile? Rodrigo should have stuck around the Chickasaw Bluffs another 300 years.

The year was 1878: That’s when Pinchas Pinsker, himself an enterprising man, arrived in Memphis — or what was left of it. Pinchas, a peddler, had traveled from the Russian Pale of Settlement, to the Lower East Side of Manhattan, to Cincinnati, to Kentucky, down to Tennessee, where he was stopped by a soldier at a small bridge leading into Memphis, a city people were fleeing.

“What bidness you got in Mefiss?” the soldier asked Pinchas.

“Iss to make a livink, mayn beezniz,” Pinchas replied.

The soldier let Pinchas pass — right into a town in the middle of a yellow fever epidemic. But Pinchas survived after being mistaken for dead. He married the Irish girl who nursed him back to health. He established, on North Main Street, Pin’s General Merchandise. And so, to repeat:


“Is alive, the Pinch, with people used to be dead.”

Lenny Sklarew isn’t dead. But Lenny’s head does take a beating from police when he gets caught up in the riot that erupted during a march in downtown Memphis led by Martin Luther King Jr. The year is 1968, the city’s sanitation workers are on strike, and one of Lenny’s legs gets broken too. It wasn’t broken because of police action. It was because the stretcher Lenny was strapped to flew out of the ambulance carrying him to the hospital, and that stretcher traveled west down Madison and into oncoming traffic.

Lenny survives. He returns to his day job: working inside a dusty, rarely visited used bookstore on North Main — same location as Pin’s General Merchandise. But Lenny is doing his own bit in the spirit of entrepreneurship: He sells drugs to the bohemians inside the bar across the street in this once-thriving, now derelict neighborhood known as the Pinch. How do we know all this? It’s in The Pinch, but it isn’t The Pinch by Muni Pinsker (or is it?). It’s The Pinch (from Graywolf Press) by novelist (and native Memphian) Steve Stern.

Stern will be reading from and signing The Pinch (subtitled “A History”; sub-subtitled “a novel”) at Burke’s Book Store on Thursday, June 4th, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. And it will be a challenge — a challenge on Stern’s part to pick what to read from this very crowded and enormously entertaining novel (or is it a history?).

And like the city where it’s largely set (Siberia at its worst is one major detour), The Pinch comes with its own trademark. Make that trademarks, because for this gifted author — who has written about the Pinch throughout his writing career — there are plenty of stylistic markers: convoluted but masterly storytelling, eye for the tiniest but telling detail, raucous good humor, and an imagination often spilling over into mysticism. All of that in addition to the resilience of a people, which Stern captures down and across the ages.

Time itself in The Pinch? It’s as elastic as a rubber band, as twisted as a Mobius strip, with events far apart in time sometimes chronological, sometimes simultaneous. And for readers: It pays to take your time, because the bigger story in Steve Stern’s The Pinch, which can seem ever about to end, is, as with God and his relationship to his chosen people, really something else: never-ending. •

Film/TV Film/TV/Etc. Blog


Iris (2015; dir. Albert Maysles)—At long last, definitive proof of the link between shopping and immortality: Iris proves that the one who dies with the most toys doesn’t win because the one with the most toys apparently never dies. This fun, flirty, casual documentary about businesswoman/interior designer/high-class clothing empress and all-around sweetie Iris Apfel is both a glossy portrait of a great New York City character and an object lesson in the long-term health benefits of retail therapy. Apfel, a self-described “octogenarian starlet” who’s actually 93 (but who’s going to blame a pretty girl like her for fibbing about her age?), treats Maysles’ camera like an intimate acquaintance she’s known for years; she’s chatty, witty and curious but never gossipy, sarcastic or nosy. It’s easy to see why Carl, her centenarian husband of 66+ years, looks at her with ageless, amused enchantment.

It’s also easy to see why Carl lets her dress him up in whatever she thinks he looks good in. Her vaunted sense of style, like her gigantic, infinity-symbol-shaped black glasses, is loud, joyous and liberating; at times she pads herself so heavily in brightly colored fabrics, feathers, necklaces, bracelets and costume jewelry that she looks like a cross between a benevolent gay witch and a little kid sticking her head out of an overstuffed toybox. Her age-defying joie de vivre is no passing fad or put-on for the smitten cameras that surround her, and her gnarled, tree-root hands aren’t a sign of decline—they’re simply two additional accessories that go well with nearly everything.

Iris is a communal experience; watch it with a bunch of friends or in a theater with a large audience so you can enjoy the waves of delighted chortles and flabbergasted barks that break whenever Apfel appears in a new outfit. Maysles’ final film offers grandiloquence with a smile and a wink. It’s the cat’s pajamas.
Grade: A-

News News Blog

MLGW’s $240M Smart Meter Project to Get Vote

Memphis, Light, Gas, & Water’s [MLGW] $240 million smart meter implementation plan will get a vote by the Memphis City Council in two weeks after it went through a buzzsaw in a council committee Tuesday.

MLGW wants to buy more than 1 million smart meters from Germany-based Elster Solutions. The utility plans to replace most of the analog meters on its grid now with the digital smart meters. MLGW would install about 50,000 meters every four months. The project would be complete by 2020.

A smart meter team from MLGW, including its president Jerry Collins, presented its plan before the council’s MLGW committee Tuesday, armed with information about the meters’ benefits. But that didn’t stop council members and members of the public from rebuking the meters in general, and MLGW’s plan, more specifically.

“The pain of unborn babies is hard to bear,” Suhkara A. Yahweh (also known as Sweet Willie Wine, Prophet Yahweh, or Minister Yahweh), told the council’s MLGW committee Tuesday. “The heart of the people is saying no (to smart meters) but you’re not paying attention (to them). I thought you were the council of the people?”

Council member Joe Brown began council questions, worried that Elster would bring in “their own people” and not give jobs to locals “that need to work.” Collins told Brown the contract dictates 75 percent of those hired for the project here must come from Memphis and Shelby County.

Brown turned his attention, then, to the project’s price tag. Brown said he thought the price was too high, especially, as he said, since the country was still sunk in a recession.

Here’s what Brown said:

“My concern is you’re moving $240 million over five years. That’s a lot of revenue and we don’t even know who is going to be here in five years. I possibly may not be here in five years.

“What I’m saying is, that’s a lot of revenue to spend in recessionary times that we’re living in. The economy is at an all-time bleak. There is no revenue floating. We got plenty of citizens here in the city of Memphis that’s unemployed.

“The utility company basically has a strong financial base…How much is in your reserves at this time. Just tell me.”

Collins said the figure was around $150 million – $200 million, about 30 to 60 days of operating cash for the utility.

Council member Janis Fullilove began her questions and remarks by stating the obvious: she’s opposed to smart meters. Fullilove has fought smart meters for years at City Hall, even attacking MLGW president Collins personally, calling him names and often saying he has lied.

She began her remarks Tuesday by pointing out the price tag. Then, she echoed MLGW’s information that the program would be more efficient and that it would let rate-payers see their usage.

“It will also allow [MLGW] to see their usage and that’s like the government peeping in and listening in on a conversation,” Fullilove said. “It’s an intrusion.”

She said many have told her the smart-meter opt-out program isn’t working. Then she meandered to a question about how MLGW arrived at some of their savings data and then to how the meter exchange would actually work. Then she asked Collins what MLGW would do with the old, analog meters.

The question began this back-and-forth between Fullilove and Collins:

Fullilove: “I’m asking you because we hear about global warming all the time and the effect that it’s having on our environment and how we have to be more careful about what’s going on. How will that affect global warming?”

Collins: Smart meters give us the ability for our customers to use substantially less energy. When you use substantially less energy that has a positive net affect on global warming.”

Fullilove: How do they read that?

Collins: Obviously, the act of producing electrical energy is something which creates greenhouse gases. So, if you create less electricity because you use less, it has a direct benefit in terms of less production of greenhouse gases.

Fullilove: How do they read that?

Collins: If you use less electricity, that’s very easy to read.

Fullilove: How?

Collins: The meter records how much you use. You’ll either use the same amount. Or, you’ll use less. Or, you’ll use more. With smart meters you have a great opportunity for using less energy, which is measured. It’s measured every 15 minutes and you can tell when people are using less energy or the same amount.

Fullilove: Do they read the meter on the outside of their home to determine how much electricity they’re using?

Others spoke and Yahweh was the last to speak. He ended his brief remarks this way:

“(Smart meters) are a weaponized weapon, used to reduce the entire population and it does nothing but steal money out of the treasury of the city,” Yahweh said. “If you vote for it… You’re killing my babies and everything else!”

When Yahweh refused to yield the floor, even after several attempts by MLGW committee chair Berlin Boyd to bring the meeting to order, the council’s sergeant-at-arms rose and walked toward Yahweh, who stopped speaking and repeated, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” 

The committee voted against the smart meter program. So, the project will go before the full council in two weeks with a negative recommendation from the committee.

Sports Tiger Blue

Memphis Tiger Trivia

Eight former Memphis Tigers have played in at least 300 NBA games: Vincent Askew, Tyreke Evans, Penny Hardaway, Larry Kenon, Elliot Perry, Derrick Rose, Shawne Williams, and Lorenzen Wright. Only one NBA franchise has suited up four of these players. Which franchise, and who were the players?

Answer to post Thursday.

Blurb Books

Summer Kicks Off with Two Ways To Promote Literacy in Memphis

Barbecue: What could be more Memphis? Promoting literacy in Memphis: What could be better for the city? Combine the two and you get the first annual “Books & BBQ,” which will be at the Agricenter on Saturday, June 6th, from 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. It’s only $3 for adults, but children 12 and under get in free. Parking too is free. And the food: It’s from Baby Jack’s BBQ and Central BBQ.



But that’s not all. There will be authors selling their books, and professionals will be leading free business workshops (but preregistration required) for adults looking for lessons in branding and marketing. There will be live music and spoken-word performances. And in the Youth Corner, more than 300 new children’s books will be given away, with Curious George, Rocky the Redbird, and Sheldon of the Memphis RiverKings for kids to meet.

Among the sponsors for “Books & BBQ” are Youth United Way, Hyundai, Boost Mobile, Kroger, Vantage Point Golf Center, Chick-fil-A, and Lasting Expressions Portraits. But the driving force behind the event is one woman, Angela Cole, a writer herself but a frustrated one when she set out to publish her own inspirational book and saw the hurdles to publication firsthand.

“I’m an author and ran into a lot of challenges getting my book published,” Cole said. “There are people who take advantage of authors. People who aren’t reputable. I needed a central network: writers, publishers, and graphic artists in one place.”

That’s what helped to inspire the “Books & BBQ” event. But Cole’s other important order of business was promoting literacy — and doing it in a fun way. After two early sponsors, including Youth United Way, came on board, other sponsors followed.

“If we can get people to the Agricenter on Saturday, we can also get them behind our cause: literacy,” Cole said. “We can do something positive here. We can dream bigger. But we can also have fun doing it!”


For detailed information on all the activities at “Books & BBQ,” go to its website.

Summer is for fun and for reading thanks also to Porter-Leath, which will be distributing, for free, two children’s books with Memphis themes: Perre Magness’ We Live in Memphis!, which will go to the 4,500 students in Porter-Leath’s preschool programs, and Grace Hammond Skertich’s Goodnight Memphis, which will be donated to a hundred or so preschool classrooms.

Both titles are designed for children up to 5 years old, and the idea behind the book distribution is to encourage school-readiness skills and to promote language-rich households, especially during the summer months, when learning retention is critical.

“When kids are read to, listen to words, and talk about the stories, it helps prepare them for a lifetime of learning,” according to Karen Harrell, vice president of Early Childhood Services at Porter-Leath, which has seen measurable results among its Head Start and Early Head Start students thanks to its early literacy initiatives.

For more on Porter-Leath’s programs for at-risk children in Memphis, visit the website. As the organization, which has operated for more than 160 years, puts it in their motto: “Better Children. Better Families.” Better Memphis too. •

News The Fly-By

Q&A with Noura Jackson’s Attorneys

Noura Jackson recently asked her attorney, “What do you mean? You can just talk to your car and not hold the phone?” She didn’t know until recently who Mike Conley is. She couldn’t believe the Memphis Grizzlies were bigger than the University of Memphis Tigers.

Jackson has been out of touch for nearly 10 years, incarcerated since she was 17. Now 27, she’ll likely walk out of jail soon.

She was convicted in 2009 of the 2005 stabbing death of her mother, Jennifer Jackson. That conviction was overturned by the Tennessee Supreme Court last year, which cited then-Assistant District Attorney Amy Weirich with suppression of evidence in the case and illegal statements in her closing argument against Jackson.

Attorney Valerie Corder has worked on Jackson’s case at no charge for the past 10 years. Attorney Michael Working joined Corder on the case in November.

Corder said prosecutors “cheated and lied” in Jackson’s first trial. But, more importantly, she said they ignored physical evidence that she believes points to other, more likely suspects.

Flyer: Why did you take this case?

Valerie Corder: What was compelling to me was that you have a child born and raised in our community, who was simply abandoned by the structure of the community that should have been supporting her.

Michael Working: There’s really a shift in the law about some very basic principles about our country and our justice system at issue here. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know Noura over this case, and I really like Noura a lot. … But the case was bigger than Noura.

Do you think she committed the crime?

VC: There is no physical evidence that she was in any way involved. Quite the contrary, the physical evidence establishes that somebody else entirely separate and different from her was involved.

MW: There was a complete willingness to ignore the science, to ignore the real evidence. Anyway you slice it, the first trial was a public slut-shaming and character assassination of a young girl who hadn’t even started her life yet.

VC: [The trial tactic was]…we’ll trust that you won’t care whether she did it or not. You’ll dislike her so much, you’ll wish to punish her anyway. The Supreme Court said … that was a completely reprehensible trial tactic and the trial judge shouldn’t have permitted that evidence, and we will not permit it if there is a retrial.

What was Noura’s response to the plea deal?

VC: Her first comment was, “But they’re never going to try and find who really killed my mother.” In her childlike mind, she believed if she was acquitted at another trial, they’ll have to actually investigate this from the point of view of “Let’s see what the evidence says.” That was the bigger hurdle than, “You mean I can get out of here and have a bath and scratch a dog’s belly tomorrow?”

What will Noura do now?

MW: Going forward, I think she wants to lead a really simple life out of the public eye. I think she probably does want to do some things in terms of prison reform.

VC: Re-entry is an issue for anyone, but when you are in your formative years of being a teenager when you are institutionalized and that institutionalization lasts for 10 years, you do not develop normally. So, how do you set aside that 10-year deprivation and walk back out into the world?

Opinion Viewpoint

Uninformed Generation?

People have been saying that we are living in the information age for some time now. We are bombarded by the media with every possible type of story imaginable — international and domestic politics, economics, sports, human interest, and entertainment. I know I’m just scratching the surface.

News and information is all around us, so are the devices to access it: our phones, tablets, phablets, televisions, radios, etc. Oh yeah, now even our watches.

I’m an educator these days at a university here in town. The class I teach is a senior-level offering. The students are bright, engaged, and ready to complete their undergraduate work and get on with the next phase of their education or their professional lives.

The generation we call millennials are absolute masters of the communication devices I mentioned earlier. Most of my colleagues, friends, and I go to our children or other young people to ask for tech support on our personal devices. They’ve been using them since a very early age, so the logic is second nature to them.

Since this generation understands the operating systems of the devices that bring us all of our information and news, one might assume that they would be in tune with what’s happening in our country and elsewhere on Planet Earth. You would be wrong.

Here is what I have observed in classrooms, living rooms, restaurants, and around dining room tables: Young adults are not in tune with current events. They don’t care and, unless pressed, don’t see a good reason to invest the time and energy to become informed.

I don’t teach sociology, so I can’t really explain why this is the case. I can only share what I observe. I am sure there are exceptions. Maybe your child and their friends are just that.

The millennials at large are not without hope; that’s not the “why.” They are community-minded, so perhaps it all seems so macro to them that they choose to think micro. I do know that when I challenged my students to bring a news story to class to discuss (adding that Bruce Jenner’s transformation doesn’t count), they would almost always come to class empty-handed or throw out topics that were so broad that I could tell no pre-work had been done.

Here’s the concern: In 10, perhaps 15 years, this generation is going to be running things, making decisions that will have macro impact. There is so much to learn from the events of the day. Being aware of what is going on in the world at large — being informed — helps you form opinions. Those opinions, combined with your core values, become your compass for life.

There is something exciting about debating a news item with your child or another young person when they are armed with the facts. It’s challenging. It’s fun. And you know they have figured out that life is not a spectator sport.

I wonder if we “grown-ups in the room” have done something to turn young people off from the news. I know that I sometimes yell at the news, just like I do when I’m watching a sporting event. Perhaps my bias or occasional closed-mindedness soured my daughter.

These days, it’s important to look at a variety of news and information sources, because each source has its own agenda. You can’t just watch FOX News or CNBC or even just source your information from The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. You can’t always be that guy who says, “I was listening to NPR and they said …” Our information sourcing should be vetted, just like our friends and relationships.

Teach your children, encourage them, challenge them to share something newsworthy with you. Kardashians and Game of Thrones updates and scandals don’t count.

Remind them that their phones and tablets aren’t just for social media and gaming. All the time they spend on Facebook, Snapchat, or Twitter could be better spent looking at a news site and learning about something, something that they could even discuss at the dinner table.

It’s a two-way street. We need this generation to make sense of what’s going on. The mistakes of history don’t have to repeat themselves, if we’re all paying attention.

Frank Saitta teaches at the University of Memphis, writes, and is a consultant for the service and hospitality industry.