Politics Politics Beat Blog

Flyer Exclusive: Wharton Explains His Actions on the Lipscomb Matter

Mayor Wharton

The ongoing crisis involving former, now defrocked, city planning czar Robert Lipscomb seemed to come out of nowhere just as Mayor A C Wharton had entered the stretch drive of his current reelection campaign and on the brink, too, of action — locally, statewide, and elsewhere — affecting the future of the Fairgrounds TDZ project and other ongoing development projects.

In an effort to assess some of the fallout of the Lipscomb matter and to piece together just how this bombshell came to explode when it did, I talked to the Mayor in the aftermath of a breakfast reception for him at the Crescent Club on Wednesday morning

The following is a transcript of his answers to several questions I put to him and which he answered with an air of forthcomingness.

I asked what the.effect of Lipscomb’s abrupt fall from grace — a suspension followed by a firing — would be on the ongoing city projects:

Mayor: “Listen, it would be probably the height of arrogance to say ‘Aw, this won’t affect anything,’ Any time you change characters, the chemistry changes, but in terms of whether we get it done or not, I’m not concerned about that. As a matter of fact, we spent most of the day yesterday talking to experts. We just had a parade of people. You’d be surprised at the individuals from finance and real estate saying. “Hey, We’re going to pitch in. We’ll be there. Let’s get on the team. All this means too much to the city. Folks just coming out of the woodwork without having to call them, saying, we’re here for you. These are not people saying, ‘if you hire me, if you retain me, I’ll come in.’ So we’ll have the Whitehaven meeting as scheduled. We’ll have the conference on poverty tomorrow. So the world goes on. Indeed, it’s a loss. and I mean both on the personal side and the professional side.”

I asked if the new people freshly appointed to fill Lipscomb’s day-to-day jobs were temporary or permanent replacements.

Mayor: “That is yet to be answered. Right now we’re going day to day. We’re working on two tracks. The day-to-day business has to go on. We can’t miss a beat there. We can’t miss a contract. We can’t miss a bid date We have to do that. At the time same time we’re operating on another track, of 30 days to 60 days to 90 days. We’re operating on both tracks.”

The Mayor was asked to explain what appeared to be an unusual suddenness to his actions involving Lipscomb.

Mayor: “I had no allegation at any time prior to that. I guess knowing what I know as an attorney, having handled employment cases, having taught employment law for 25 years at Ole Miss, it never occurred to me, not even in the slightest, to pursue any other course. We had an allegation, and the allegation came directly to me. It hit me right in the face. I couldn’t say, ‘What did you say?’ It hit me. I mean, a lot of the time a president of a company will say, ‘Well, there was something I heard,’ but it hadn’t got to me yet. It hit me right between the eyes like a two-by-four.”

But, in the absence of investigation or legal action, given that the man was a stranger calling from Seattle with an allegation, why act at all, the Mayor was asked. Would he, for example, have acted similarly if somebody telephoned an accusation from, say, Boston, about so-and-so (an employee with a pure-as-rain reputation)?

Mayor: “Uh, I failed to include a critical detail. The report came in, it got to me on Thursday. I had talked to Director Armstrong. I didn’t want to communicate over the telephone, so we have a way of communicating by saying, ‘I need some face time.’ And he said, ‘Well, Mayor, we’re at the radio station, Clear Channel, tomorrow morning. Let’s find a place where we can talk.’  So we found a secure place, sat down. I said, ‘Now, Toney, this is a police matter. This man is alleging a crime. How do we handle it?’ I said, ‘Do I call him back?’ He said, ‘Mayor, you’ve got to call him back.’ And I said, ‘Good,’ and he said, ‘But you can’t do it by yourself. I’ll come by your office and we’ll call him together.’

“We picked up the phone and called him. I turned to someone who’s a professional. He said, ‘Mayor, we gotta go;. We’ve got to check this out.’ So it wasn’t A C wanting…here’s a man who’s a top law enforcement officer who says, ‘This is about a crime that occurred in Memphis, Tennessee.’ I had reached the same conclusion, but, again, I’m not a trained investigator, and when he listened to it, and it was a lengthy conversation…. and actually, while we were talking, I think Toney was checking out some things. And, uh, he said, ‘Mayor, we’ve got to go.’ So, anyhow, this was not A C Wharton Expert,’ but when you’re talking to a law enforcement official…”

A meaningful pause here, which was filled by my question as to what the individual in Seattle was threatening to do.

Mayor: “Keep in mind the report reached me by telephone Thursday evening [August 21]. I then talked to Director Armstrong that Friday….The report that went to the telephone desk did contain some fairly specific information. I will not get into what he wanted. That’s part of the investigation. But, even had he not wanted anything done, I had a legal responsibility to check him out. Now, I will talk as a lawyer. The liability that the city could have been exposed to, if, after I had received that information, something else happened, even if it was two days later, imagine the consequences of that! And you don’t have to be a lawyer: If you look at Penn State, everybody to this day is probably saying, ‘Why didn’t we check that out? Why didn’t we check that out?’
“And the Catholic Church, their dioceses all around had this huge judgments, and I’m sure people are saying, you know, it seems kind of weird that we didn’t check that out. I’m not going to be in that situation. And that’s where we were.”

Wharton would not comment on persistent rumors over the years, familiar to media people and City Hall employees alike, that Lipscomb pursued a gay lifestyle, but he was firm that, prior to the fateful conversation of Thursday, August 21, he had no information regarding any improper behavior on Lipscomb’s part.

“Absolutely not,” the Mayor said. And no knowledge of what has since surfaced as a complaint filed against Lipscomb in 2010 by the individual now living in Seattle?

“Absolutely not,” the Mayor repeated.

Film/TV Film/TV/Etc. Blog

Anvil! The Story Of Anvil

Anvil! The Story of Anvil (2008; dir. Sacha Gervasi)—This not-so-distant relative of Chris Smith’s remarkable 1999 documentary American Movie is one part Metallica: Some Kind of Monster and one part This Is Spinal Tap; in fact, one scene in Anvil! takes place at Stonehenge, where the demons dwell. But what makes it less withering and more sincere than either of those great works—could you call them musicals?—is its working-class pride and DIY spirit. For whatever reason, Anvil was a pop metal band that missed its chance to ride the mid-1980s wave that washed Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, the Scorpions and others onto the shores of pop superstardom—and it’s not like they were that much worse (or better) than any of their better known peers. Maybe lead singer Steve “Lips” Kudlow wasn’t magnetic enough, although he comes off as both a true believer and a pretty decent guy throughout. What’s more likely is that, as Motörhead’s Lemmy Kilmister says, they were cursed with bad luck and bad timing.

Whatever the cause of their non-stardom, it’s clear that rock and roll has saved Lips’ life and sustained his lifelong friendship with band mate Robb Reiner (there’s that Spinal Tap connection again…). No matter what they encounter—inept foreign managers, shady club owners, indifferent record execs, dead-end day jobs—they show signs that they will endure if not necessarily prevail. Lips’ optimism is both touching and foolish in a world where one of his biggest fans shows his appreciation by getting his favorite frontman a job peddling sunglasses over the phone. Three cheers for the Asian heavy metal enthusiasts who eventually redeem Anvil’s struggles, and one more cheer for superfan filmmaker Gervasi, who chronicled his idols’ twilight (and subsequent semi-resurgence) with compassion and humor that’s almost never condescending or cheap.

Grade: A-

News News Blog

Sammons: Lipscomb Allegations ‘Sickening,’ City to Offer Free Counseling

Toby Sells

Memphis Chief Administrative Officer Jack Sammons talks to the media Wednesday morning.

Memphis officials will soon offer counseling and free assistance for any victims that come forward alleging any sexual misconduct by former city employee Robert Lipscomb.

Lipscomb resigned his post as director of the Memphis office of Housing and Community Development on Monday following an allegation of statutory rape from a minor male beginning in 2003. Lipscomb was suspended with pay from his post as director of the Memphis Housing Authority by its board Wednesday morning.

Since the original allegation surfaced Sunday night, eight more victims have come forward, according to the latest figures from Memphis Chief Administrative Officer, Jack Sammons. He said Wednesday morning that the city would announce later this week that it would provide free therapy and counseling “for victims that have been in any activity as alleged by” the original complainant.

After Sunday’s revelation regarding the sexual allegations against Lipscomb, Sammons said other possible victims have been calling the mayor’s office directly.

“I don’t care how many times you listen to one of those, it is…I mean it sends chills down you,” Sammons said.
“Listen, I’m a dad of a young male. The first call I had like that absolutely unnerved me.”

He said many of the callers’ stories are consistent with the original complaint against Lipscomb. But, he said, many of the callers get angry and hang up before they can be transferred to CrimeStoppers. Sammons said the mayor’s office is trying the best they can to remove itself from that part of the investigation and pushing all similar calls to CrimeStoppers.

“I’m not an investigator; I’m not the police director but we’re trying to be sensitive to these victims,” Sammons said, noting one reason the mayor’s office will offer free help to possible victims.

That the MPD investigated the original complaint in 2010 made headlines Tuesday. The male accusing Lipscomb told The Commercial Appeal that the MPD swept his complaint under the rug. When asked about that Wednesday, Sammons said, “I don’t think so at all.”

He said he read much of the email traffic from that time period about the case. MPD made several attempts to locate the male but could not. They located his aunt, who pointed them to the Union Mission, where the male was known to stay.

“The young man was homeless,” Sammons said. “We have a lot of homeless people in this community and it’s not like there’s a directory of them that we can contact.”

With that, Sammons said the investigation hit a roadblock, even though MPD made a “diligent effort to find him.” That is, until about two weeks ago.

“He called in; it was like a cold call into (Memphis Mayor A C Wharton’s) office,” Sammons said. “We take these kinds of things very seriously.”

Sammons said the male now has a job in Seattle and has been getting counseling, which is one of the reasons he came forward with the allegations against Lipscomb.

Wharton and MPD director Toney Armstrong talked to the male by phone on Friday, Aug. 21. He was unavailable by phone for the next three days so Wharton sent Armstrong and two sex crimes investigators to Seattle. They interviewed the male on Wednesday, Aug 26.

Late Sunday evening, Wharton sent a statement to the media that he had relived Lipscomb of his duties without pay. Late Monday evening, Lipscomb resigned from the post.

“As a government official and as a father, this is sickening to me,” Sammons said of the allegations against Lipscomb. “The thought of having someone who engages in this type of behavior against young, defenseless people is abhorrent to my core. I’m going to work night and day to make sure the youth in this community are protected against predators like this.”

Music Music Blog

Dead Soldiers Premiere “Wicked River” Video

Dead Soldiers

Local country act Dead Soldiers released their first official music video a few days ago, and it’s for the song “Wicked River.” You might recognize “Wicked River” from the band’s All the Things You Lose album released in 2013. The video is part of the “Live From Cleveland Street Series”, so hopefully that means more videos are coming soon. Check out “Wicked River” below. 

Dead Soldiers Premiere ‘Wicked River’ Video

News News Blog

MHA Chair Defends Lipscomb Pay: Allegations ‘Horrendous’ But ‘He Has Not Been Convicted’

Robert Lipscomb was suspended with pay Wednesday morning from his job as the director of the Memphis Housing Authority [MHA].

Some discussion followed the part of the deal that would give Lipscomb pay during his suspension. But only one member of the MHA board, William Stemmler, voted to suspend Lipscomb without pay.

Lipscomb MHA salary is about $136,000, paid largely through federal funds. 

MHA board chairman Ian Randolph said after the meeting that the decision to continue to pay him came down to the will of the board.

“They decided they felt better paying Robert (Lipscomb),” he said. “These, at present, are allegations. They are horrendous but he has not been convicted as of today.”

Randolph said the MHA board of commissioners is now in the process of its own disciplinary process regarding Lipscomb. The outcome of that process will be likely known during another specially called meeting of the MHA board on September 16.

The board also approved to appoint Maura Black Sullivan, now the city’s deputy chief administrative officer, as MHA’s interim director. 

Black Sullivan said she is proud of MHA’s work and will strive MHA make Memphis “that shining city on the hill that we all dream it will be.”

Black Sullivan said she can start her new job immediately on a full-time basis. Memphis Chief Administrative Officer Jack Sammons said Memphis Mayor A C Wharton’s office recommended Black Sullivan to the post and that she continue to be paid her current salary. Black Sullivan’s pay in 2014 was $117, 032.50, according to city records.

Before the board took any votes Wednesday, MHA chairman Ian Randolph, made a brief statement.

“Over the years MHA has risen to a high-performing status and has been upheld as a model agency throughout the country,” Randolph said. “Our employees have worked hard with our private partners to change the face of public housing as we know it in this city. This board’s goal is to maintain our high level of performance and delivery to our customers. We are making every effort to ensure our agency and its projects continue to move forward.”

MHA also voted Wednesday to allow the city of Memphis to conduct a full financial audit of its books. Chairman Randolph said MHA is also conducting its own audit “to make sure our funds were not misappropriated.” 

News News Blog

Lipscomb Update: Wharton Taps New Leaders for HCD, MHA

Memphis Mayor A C Wharton appointed an interim director of the office of Housing and Community Development (HCD) to replace former director Robert Lipscomb, who resigned Monday on a sex crime allegation. Wharton also recommended an interim executive director for Lipscomb’s the position at the Memphis Housing Authority (MHA).

Wharton appointed HCD deputy director Debbie Singleton to lead up that organization. He has recommended Maura Black Sullivan, the city’s deputy Chief Administrative Officer, to temporarily lead MHA.

“Recognizing the significant role HCD and MHA play in the growth and development of our City, a smooth transition is imperative,” Wharton said in a statement Tuesday afternoon. “For this reason, I am appointing deputy director Singleton to be interim lead of HCD, and I have asked the MHA board to appoint Mrs. Sullivan interim executive director until new directors are appointed to lead each organization.”

Singleton has been at HCD for 20 years. She’s worked on projects ranging from Peabody Place, Sears Crosstown, the redevelopment of the Pyramid, the Fairgrounds redevelopment, the Overton Square parking garage, and AutoZone Park.

Sullivan is a longtime member of Wharton’s executive team. Before that she was deputy director of Planning and Development for Memphis and Shelby County, an assistant superintendent of Planning and Student Services for Shelby County Schools, a special assistant for the Congressman Harold E. Ford Jr, and as a family court mediator for the Shelby County Juvenile Court.

Sullivan’s position will be voted on by the MHA during their meeting tomorrow morning. 

Politics Politics Beat Blog

From the Campaign Trail: Council Candidates Knuckling Down


District 9, Position 1 City Council incumbent Kemp Conrad, who combines business with pleasure when it comes to electioneering, threw one of his patented Gatsby-like parties at his East Memphis home last week.

Doubling as a fundraiser and drawing a large and eclectic turnout,  the affair drew money into coffers that were already pretty full as the heavily favored Conrad prepared for his 2015 reelection race against a field of challengers.

The affair ended with a karaoke session.


On Monday of this week, two District 2 contenders— Rachel Knox (l) and Jim Tomasik — exchanged notes as they bumped into each other at the Flyer Saucer on Germantown Parkway. (The occasion was a “Patio Pints” fundraiser for City Council candidates Robin Spielberger (Super District 9, Position 1) and Lynn Moss (Super District 9, Position 2), who are very informally running a group campaign in tandem with Tomasik. Knox just happened by.

Each of the two pictured here has aspirations of beating the favored, GOP-supported Frank Colvett Jr.— Knox on the strength of significant support from Shelby County Democrats, Tomasik from, among other sources, discontented suburbanites recently annexed into Memphis.


Well, now, who can be opposed to this, huh? A little kumbaya on the campaign trail between Knox and  Robin Spielberger (l), a challenger to Conrad in Super District 9, Position 1 race and co-beneficiary of the “Pinto Pints” affair..

On Sunday District 5 candidate Charles “Chooch” Pickard (left) was feted at a fundraiser on East Chickasaw Parkway. Well-wishers for the architect/candidate included graphic designer Monte Shane (center) and Mark Bieber of Memphis Heritage.

News News Blog

Lipscomb’s House Searched, New Details Emerge

The Memphis Police Department (MPD) investigated Sunday’s statuary rape charge against Robert Lipscomb, the former director of the city’s office of Housing and Community Development (HCD), back in 2010.

An affidavit filed Monday for a warrant to search Lipscomb’s home said the case was assigned to an MPD investigator in February 2010, after Lipscomb’s first alleged contact with the minor in May 2003.

That affidavit gives the full history of the allegation against Lipscomb that has sent shockwaves through the community and led to nine new allegations against Lipscomb, his resignation from the city and the board of Lemoyne-Owen College, and the possible suspension of his job at the Memphis Housing Authority.

The affidavit is the statement of Sgt. James Taylor, who is assigned the MPD’s Internet Crime Against Children task force and its Human Trafficking Unit. In the affidavit, Taylor said that in 2010 a male walked into MPD’s South Main station and said he wished to file a complaint against a city employee and told officers there that he had been sexually assaulted by Lipscomb.

Here’s how the affidavit relays the events:

“(Redacted) stated in May 2003, he was walking to his home on Britton from a school track meet and was approached by Robert Lipscomb, who was driving a Lexus SUV, black in color. (Redacted) stated Lipscomb offered him a ride home. (Redacted) stated after getting in the vehicle, Lipscomb told him he needed to make a quick stop before going home. (Redacted) stated that Lipscomb parked his SUV on a side street and then Lipscomb grabbed him by the back of his neck and pushed his head into his (crotch) area and forced him to perform oral sex. (Redacted) stated after the sex was completed, Lipscomb gave him $60 cash and told him to call him. (Redacted) stated he got out of the SUV and left.

“(Redacted) stated after this incident, he never told anyone what happened and his family moved to south Memphis in the area of Third and Crump. (Redacted) stated after he moved, Lipscomb began contacting him and sending him money every other day via Western Union receipts. (Redacted) advised Lipscomb had bailed him out of jail on one occasion and repeatedly told him to keep his mouth shut about the sexual encounter they had together. (Redacted) advised he told Lipscomb to leave him alone or he would contact the police.”

The affidavit states that a sex crimes investigator could not locate the male accuser. But a family member said that he often slept at the Union Mission. That, according to the affidavit, was the end of MPD’s investigation in 2010.

In August, the male accuser again contacted MPD. Two officers traveled to Everett, Washington, to follow up on the complaint from 2010. In that interview, the male accuser repeated the same facts he reported in 2010 and added that he had performed oral sex on Lipscomb more than a dozen times.

MPD interviewed Lipscomb on Sunday, and he said that he knew the male from working in the community. He said that his last contact with the male accuser was in February 2015 via email.

All of that led Sgt. Taylor to believe Lipscomb’s home did contain evidence in the case and was the reason the search warrant was issued.

The Monday search of Lipscomb’s home yielded a Dell desktop computer, a black iPad mini, folders, documents, and an Olympus camcorder.  

News News Blog

Millington Police Chief Resigns Over Missing Money

Frank Tennant

Millington Police Chief Frank Tennant has resigned, and an Millington police officer has been fired as the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) looks into how $20,000 seized from a dead man’s house went missing from the Millington Police Department’s evidence room.

On August 20th, it was discovered that money was missing from the evidence room. The money was taken from the home of 59-year-old Jimmy Wayne Smith, who had died of a heart attack in his mobile home, when the police did a welfare check at his home on April 28th. Smith had about $20,000 stashed away in medicine bottles. That money was seized. But when Smith’s brother asked the police to retrieve his brother’s money, it was gone from the evidence room.

On August 31st, the city of Millington delivered a check to Smith’s family in the amount of the missing funds. But there is no word yet on what happened to the original $20,000 in the evidence room. The TBI is investigating. And now that Tennant has resigned, Millington Mayor Terry Jones and the Board of Aldermen will replace the chief at a special-called meeting on Thursday, September 3rd at 6 p.m. A statement today on Millington’s website says other police terminations may follow.

“I have the greatest respect for those who serve in law enforcement. It is a tough job,” said Ed Haley, Millington’s City Manager. “I am grateful for those who have served this community, but make no mistake, no one is immune. Where problems are found, the City of Millington will take swift and decisive action to correct.” 

News News Blog

Lipscomb Suspension Tops MHA Agenda

The suspension of Robert Lipscomb as director of the Memphis Housing Authority is that body’s first order business at a meeting tomorrow.

The board will vote to suspend Lipscomb and vote to appoint a temporary replacement of him. In fact, most of the board’s business tomorrow seems to focus on transitioning Lipscomb out of MHA’s business operations.

Late Sunday evening, Lipscomb was suspended from his job as the director of the Memphis office of Housing and Community Development after a criminal complaint alleged he had sexual contact with a minor 10 years ago. Lipscomb resigned his post at HCD on Monday evening.

More accusers stepped forward Tuesday while Lipscomb maintained his innocence in press interviews. Lipscomb also resigned his post on the board of Lemoyne-Owen College on Tuesday afternoon.

Lipscomb’s MHA position is paid for by the federal government and its board alone has the authority to suspend him.

MHA board members will also vote to change the signatory for all of its bank accounts, and update permitted personnel for its wire transfers and investment accounts.

Also, the MHA will vote on whether or not they should allow the city of Memphis to conduct a full financial audit of its books.