Film Features Film/TV

Captain America: Civil War

Another May, another superhero movie. How far along are we on this wave of superhero movies? I date it from Bryan Singer’s X-Men in 2000, although you could argue that it goes back to Tim Burton’s 1989 Batman. The studios have refined the hit-making formula, crowding all other genres out of the blockbuster space. Only Star Wars brings in that kind of business, and, as great as The Force Awakens was, it clearly showed the marks of the Disney/Marvel method. As long as the returns remain good, the culture will be papered with comic book movies — and with Captain America: Civil War opening to $673 million on a $250 million budget, there’s no sign the returns are going to fall off any time soon.

Constraints breed creativity, and as formulaic as big-time superhero movies have become, Kevin Feige has a good process in place that both delivers the corporate goods and encourages filmmakers to do good work. Two of the Jon Favreau/Robert Downey Jr. Iron Man movies have been exceptional, but the real heart of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s overarching narrative is the Captain America franchise since Chris Evans was introduced as Steve Rogers in 2011’s Captain America: The First Avenger. Directed with a classical flair by Joe Johnston, The First Avenger established Captain America as a link to the country’s most heroic period: fighting the Nazis to save freedom. Steve Rogers has become a stand-in for America’s best version of ourselves. Whether it’s a super weapon in the hands of the Red Skull in his first film or an unaccountable surveillance state in Winter Soldier, how he reacts to the problems thrown at him is in accordance with the best angels of our civic religion.

Much of the credit for the success of the Captain America movies must be laid at the feet of Evans, who plays Steve Rogers as empathetic and fundamentally decent but with a strong sense of melancholy befitting a man out of time. The series has also been bolstered by strong direction, first from Johnston and then from Joe and Anthony Russo, who plunged the stalwart super patriot into a world of spy vs. spy intrigue in The Winter Soldier. The best superhero stories come when the heroes are confronted with challenges they are not well-equipped to face and a villain with enough vision to turn the heroes’ strengths into weaknesses. Captain America, the super soldier created to fight the Nazis, the ultimate external threat, found new depth when he had to tease out friend from foe inside the government he has sacrificed everything to serve.

There are two sides to every story — Chris Evans (above) as Captain America; Robert Downey Jr. and Don Cheadle as Iron Man and War Machine.

The Russos are back at the helm for Civil War and have once again tried to tie into the zeitgeist of a divided America. 2016 gives us two blockbusters about superheroes fighting each other. The first was Zac Snyder’s dismal Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Civil War is much better in every respect, largely living up to Winter Soldier.

To defeat Superman, you must put Lois Lane in danger. He’s too powerful to beat on his own, so you have to trick him into making mistakes. Similarly, the way you defeat Captain America is to put Bucky Barns (Sebastian Stan), aka the Winter Soldier, in danger. Bucky is Steve Rogers’ only link to the life he left behind in the 1940s, and Rogers feels partially responsible for Bucky getting the Soviet super soldier treatment that transformed him into a brainwashed assassin. When Civil War opens, Bucky’s been lying low since his escape at the end of The Winter Soldier. Captain America and his revamped crew of Avengers — Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen), Vision (Paul Bettany), and Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) — are engaged in their usual business of keeping the world safe by chasing the fabulously named superterrorist Brock Rumlow (Frank Grillo). But, as usual when an “enhanced persons” donnybrook breaks out in an urban area, there are collateral casualties. In this case, a delegation of development workers from the reclusive African kingdom of Wakanda, the source of the world’s vibrainium, the material that Captain America’s shield is made from. The king of Wakanda, T’Chaka (John Kani) leads a movement to bring the Avengers under the formal control of the United Nations, and other countries, seeing the devastation wrought in the Avengers’ former battlegrounds, quickly come on board.

After Tony Stark is confronted by the mother of a young man killed during the final battle of Avengers: Age of Ultron, he decides to back the UN resolution, known as the Sokovia Accords after the city that Ultron levitated into oblivion. But Steve Rogers disagrees. The Avengers were created to keep the world safe from superpowered bad guys, and Rogers is absolutely sure that he is the only person qualified to determine when and how those threats can be identified and neutralized. He and Stark are already on the outs when a truck bomb blows up the United Nations meeting on the Accords, and his old friend Bucky is tagged as the guy to blame. Rogers is torn between loyalties to his friend, to his government, and his own moral sense, and his path splits the Avengers into factions: the Iron Man-led, pro-accord forces, which include Black Widow, Vision, War Machine (Don Cheadle), and T’Challa, (Chadwick Boseman), aka Black Panther, the son of the slain Wakandan monarch who has vowed to kill Bucky. Standing with Captain America are Falcon (Anthony Mackie), Scarlet Witch, Ant Man (Paul Rudd), and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner). To tip the odds in his favor, Stark tracks down Peter Parker (Tom Holland), who has only been Spider-Man for six months, and recruits him with an offer of a new spider suit.

The introduction of Spider-Man, the Marvel comic book empire’s greatest character creation, is just one demonstration of how superior the Marvel touch is to the DC regime. The Russos know we’ve seen Spider-Man’s origin story onscreen twice in this century, so when Stark asks Parker how he got his powers, he just mumbles “It’s complicated,” and leaves it at that. Holland’s version of Parker is closer to Toby Maguire’s goofy persona than the Andrew Garfield iteration, which is a big improvement.

Boseman’s Black Panther is a welcome addition to the MCU. He gives T’Challa a regal bearing that suggests he would fit in on Game of Thrones. The end of Civil War charts an interesting future for him, which we’ll get to see more of in his solo movie scheduled for 2018.

The centerpiece of Civil War is a great set piece inside the evacuated Leipzig airport where the two factions go at it for what feels like a good 15 minutes. Here the Russo’s major inspiration for the film comes into focus. The Empire Strikes Back brought moral complication into the Manichaean Star Wars universe, and Civil War attempts to do the same by making Rogers choose between competing goods at every turn. While defending Winter Soldier from Iron Man, Captain America says he’s doing it because Bucky is his friend. “I was your friend, too,” the wounded Stark says.

The shifting allegiances give the Russos a chance to bounce different pairs of characters off of each other, and it’s obvious this is where their interests really lie. Especially good together are Downey and Renner, who capture the raw anger of a longtime friendship betrayed.

Civil War is massively overstuffed with characters and fragmentary storylines intended to connect to the bigger universe but which bogs down the present story. Captain America: Civil War is a fun time at the movies, and among the best of its breed, but you can be excused if you feel superhero fatigue setting in.

Opinion Viewpoint

Tear Down the Shelby County Democratic Party and Start Over

What separates the current version of the Shelby County Democratic Party (SCDP) into camps is that we have no clue what we stand for. You have the old-guard white liberals who fought against the county-primary idea in the ’80s, and there are the people who came into power with Mayor Willie Herenton in the ’90s who want to hire their folks over the old folks.

Willie Herenton

Say you are in the middle of a countywide campaign, and you are attempting to ask a friend or neighbor to vote for a Democratic candidate for one of the county offices. You get into the spiel before you are stopped and told this: “Look, I vote Democratic in the legislative and executive races, but I have a spouse/child/sibling/parent/friend who works in that office, and if the Democrat is elected, they lose their job, and they really need it. I just can’t go there with you.”

What on earth can you say to that?

Let’s look at another major problem we have: Because of the way legislative districts are drawn, there are rarely competitive races in the general elections any more. Look at this year. Outside of District 96, where Democrat Dwayne Thompson will be challenging Republican incumbent Steve McManus, what seat has the possibility of changing hands in November? None.

The races are all in the primaries, which hurts because Democrats do not turn out in the primaries, thinking that the only races that matter are in November. Because our countywide races are in August, we start out at a disadvantage. Not only that, but our incumbent legislators, who are trying to turn out their voters but not those of their primary opponent, aren’t really much help. Frankly, they don’t turn out their folks in November any more, because they have already been reelected at that point.

So what does all this have to do with the SCDP? With no real strong figure in charge, the party’s executive committee is filled with the people who are looking to make money off the party on one side, and, on the other, the Old Guard who want to elect Democrats but are outvoted and overrun by those who obsess over procedural matters.

Because we have no power in Nashville and no power in the Shelby County administrative building (where there are a couple of Democratic commissioners willing to sell out the party at a moment’s notice) and because — as all who can read a newspaper know — we apparently cannot keep financial accounts, who in their right mind would give the SCDP one red cent?

This issue has been exacerbated in recent weeks by further negative publicity about unexplained financial shortages under a previous party administration and with the resignation of SCDP chair Randa Spears, who left due to an increased workload at her day job.

Yes, in seven of those years (1997-2003 and 2014), I sat on the executive committee, and I have to take partial responsibility for what has occurred. The fact remains that, with no money coming in or any real reason for there to be any money coming in, the local party, in a county with the largest Democratic voting bloc in the state, finds itself completely irrelevant.

This is why I respectfully request that the Tennessee Democratic Party and its very able current chair, Mary Mancini, put this body out of its (and our) misery and pull its charter. We really have to destroy the Party in order to save it. Get a group of good Democratic lawyers, along with solid Democrats, young and old, who have campaign experience, to rewrite the bylaws in order to drive out the leeches of the party and, for stability’s sake, to have the same number of Executive Committee members season after season.

And let’s give them time to do it. For heaven’s sakes, the Party nominee for president will carry Shelby and four other counties regardless if there is a SCDP structure in place. Same with the legislators, same with the Congresspeople.

Every second we wait is a second that we fail to have a real Democratic Party structure in the largest Democratic Party in the South outside Atlanta (Florida never counts), and we cannot truly hope to reestablish Democratic strength in Tennessee until this happens.

Steve Steffens is a longtime Democratic activist and proprietor of the well-read blog, where a lengthier version of this essay first appeared.

Film/TV Film/TV/Etc. Blog

Time Warp Drive-In: Comic Book Hardcore

This mild spring day is perfect weather for the drive-in. Fortunately, the Time Warp’s got you covered!

The theme is Comic Book Hardcore, but the first item on tonight’s program is the official premiere of episode 1 of Waif, the sci-fi serial directed by Time Warp Drive In co-host Mike McCarthy. Waif is the story of an alien stowaway, played by Meghan Prewitt, who finds herself stranded on future Earth. The sci fi serial form is perfectly suited to McCarthy’s pulpy sensibilities, and the the space-based special effects by Raffe Murray in the opening episode have a pleasing hint of the 70s BBC shops that produced classic Doctor Who and The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy.


2005’s Sin City saw OG indie auteur Robert Rodriguez’s  most significant contribution to the comic book movie genre. Rodriguez, in collaboration with famed Batman artist Frank Miller, abandoned photorealism entirely and created a dark, stylized world where Miller’s hardboiled characters and over-the-top femme fatales fit right in. It’s too bad the sequel, 2014’s A Dame To Kill For, was so godawful, because this is one of the greatest visual masterpieces of 21st century filmmaking, and a perfect drive-in feature.

Sin City

Next up is an early entry into the comic book movie sweepstakes, the 1994 adaptation of The Crow, based on the underground comic by James O’Barr. The film is infamous not so much for what happens onscreen as what happened offscreen: Its star, Brandon Lee, son of martial arts legend Bruce Lee, was killed in a still-mysterious on-set accident eight days prior to filming wrap. Viewed from a distance of 22 years, Lee’s performance has a brooding charisma that inspires all sorts of might-have-beens, and the film looks like the blueprint for the DC grimdark philosophy of superhero films.

The Crow

1995’s Tank Girl is an infamous flop that destroyed careers and poisoned the reputation one of the few girl power comics on the scene in the 1990s. Lori Petty stars as the titular Tank Girl, who roams the post-apocalyptic world not so much like Furiosa as like Mad Max if he were played by Gewn Stephanie. It’s also notable for being one of the stranger roles rapper turned TV cop drama regular Ice-T has had, as he appears as a sentient marsupial mutant named T-Saint. The years have been kind to this film, imbuing it with a sense of trashy fun. Like Repo Man, it finds its salvation in a good soundtrack and some now-classic fashion.

Tank Girl

The final film on the docket is Blade, another 1990s comic book film that looks better in retrospect than it did a the time. It stars Wesley Snipes in a career-making turn as a sword-slinging vampire hunter. In this origin story, Blade, a half-human whose mother was bitten by a vampire while he was in the womb, faces off against the great character actor Stephen Dorff as a vamp set on world domination. It’s got enough stylish vampire decapitations to keep you awake into the wee hours of the drive-in. 


Music Music Blog

Weekend Roundup 62: Whitney, Reigning Sound, Breathe Carolina

Useless Eaters play DKDC on Friday, May 13th.

Good day and welcome to the 62nd edition of this here Weekend Roundup. Anyone who is anyone knows that this is the place to come for the best weekend concerts in the city. Here is everywhere you need to be for the next three days. 

Friday, May 13th.
Marcus King Band, 8 p.m. at New Daisy Theater, free.

Weekend Roundup 62: Whitney, Reigning Sound, Breathe Carolina

Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Whitney, 8 p.m. at 1884 Lounge, $15.

Weekend Roundup 62: Whitney, Reigning Sound, Breathe Carolina (2)

Useless Eaters & The World, 10:30 p.m. at Bar DKDC, $7.

Weekend Roundup 62: Whitney, Reigning Sound, Breathe Carolina (3)

Saturday, May 14th.
Reigning Sound, Robby Grant, DJ Hot Tub, 6 p.m. at the Harbor Town Amphitheater, $5. 

Weekend Roundup 62: Whitney, Reigning Sound, Breathe Carolina (4)

Breathe Carolina, 10 p.m. at the New Daisy, $10-20.

Weekend Roundup 62: Whitney, Reigning Sound, Breathe Carolina (8)

DECHE, Manateees, 10 p.m. at the Lamplighter, $5.

Weekend Roundup 62: Whitney, Reigning Sound, Breathe Carolina (5)

Sunday, May 15th.
Reigning Sound, 8:30 p.m. at the P&H, $5. 

Weekend Roundup 62: Whitney, Reigning Sound, Breathe Carolina (6)

The Wampus Cats, 8 p.m. at Lafayette’s Music Room.

Weekend Roundup 62: Whitney, Reigning Sound, Breathe Carolina (7)

Intermission Impossible Theater

Ignorance is Bliss: “Hay Fever” is Nothing to Sneeze At

Christina Wellford Scott (l) portrays the matriarch of the over-the-top literary, artful and theatrical Bliss family and discovers shenanigans between her husband, played by Greg Fletcher (r) and a weekend guest, played by Melissa Walker in Noel Coward’s comedy Hay Fever at Theatre Memphis on the Lohrey Stage, April 29 – May 15, 2016.

“It’s impossible to judge from their public performance whether they have talent or not. They were professional, had a certain guileless charm, and stayed on mercifully for not too long.”
— Noel Coward on The Beatles

This isn’t a review. I left Hay Fever at intermission.

Don’t judge. It was a beautiful day. Besides, I know how Noel Coward’s 92-year-old comedy of bad manners ends. Also, I think I did a pretty good job arriving on time and staying as long as I did, considering all the people who just didn’t show up in the first place.

That’s a terrible, Cowardy thing to say, but I don’t mean it in a mean way. Maybe nobody gives mom the gift of theater these days. Still, I’d anticipated some Mother’s Day crowd showing up to take in the antics of Sir Noel’s mercurial mommy Judith Bliss, her quirky brood, and all their amorous and unexpected guests. Couldn’t have been more than 60 people in big room. It was shocking at first, given the momentum TM’s built with solid, sold-out productions of Into the Woods, and The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged). Then the curtain came up and I was less shocked. What transpired was never awful, but it couldn’t compete with a sunny afternoon. Or a rainy one if there was something to binge-watch with family, or marbles to be played.

Generic’s the first word. White label, black type: “THEATRE!!!” Mild strutting, intermittent fretting, a brightly-lit set so unencumbered by character it might service a number of scripts, including most Agatha Christies. Where was the personality? The joyous effervescent sparkle? The engaging eccentricity? More to the point, how hard does one have to work to make actors as accomplished as Christina Scott and Kinon Keplinger that flat uninteresting?

Something I know: Hay Fever’s funniest moments happen in the act didn’t see, when all the ill-fitting couples uncouple, recouple, and odd couple. It’s also the act where Sorrel, Coward’s handsome young bohemian, announces, “We don’t, any of us, ever mean anything,” which is true, and the very thing that makes this show crackle when it’s on, and crash when it’s not.

I’ve always had a soft spot for Hay Fever, perversely imagining it to be a direct antecedent of Richard O’Brien’s Rocky Horror Show, with Judith — a retired grand dame of the stage yearning for her comeback (and a little strange) — standing in for Frankenfurter. But it’s a snootier script and tricky, requiring bold color and just the right blend of personalities. Nothing bores like bored people, and it’s a challenge to wring gay laughter from the antics of rich brats doing beastly things we wouldn’t tolerate from peasantry — unless they were formerly rich. No matter how bold or beautiful it’s not a lot of fun watching privileged folk fight languidly against tedium, the commonplace, and the crushing weight of their own fabulousness. Not when there are fences to mend, children to tend, projects to finish, kites to fly, and sunny days to seize whenever you can seize them. Hay Fever lives and dies by the force of its charm and quirk. Both qualities seemed in short supply.

I want to repeat — These impressions don’t constitute anything like an authoritative review of Hay Fever. How could they? Even if I’d stuck around, how could they? It’s hard to play comedy in a big empty house, and even harder to watch one. Some of the show’s stiffer gags resulted from deliberate choices, but, in addition to the hour of my life I’ll never get back, I want to give this talented company the benefit of the doubt. I’m almost certain this Hay Fever’s had, and will have better days.

I’ve gone on longer than I intended because, unlike food critics who never have to say they’re sorry for not finishing the burned toast, theater hacks are expected to lick plate. So one last thing and then, with sincere apologies, I’m out. Our regional theaters are challenged with providing an experience customers can’t find elsewhere on demand. That’s not to say Theatre Memphis doesn’t do so regularly, or that there’s no room for vintage masterwork. But what we choose to do, large scale or small, requires some special quality to makes it an event. It’s at least got to be the sort of thing you want to take your mom to see.

Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

Red Koi’s Kentucky Roll

Ladies and gentlemen … here’s a sushi roll with FRIED CHICKEN IN IT!

Red Koi’s Kentucky Roll ($6.75) consists of chicken katsu, cream cheese, avocado, and honey sauce. The chicken katsu is lightly fried, making the roll crispy. The cream cheese quickly messes with you though, as the roll changes from crunchy to creamy. Then there’s the avocado and the great honey sauce with the perfect amount of sweet. 

News News Blog

Flight Attendant Indicted for Mini-Bottle Theft

A Memphis flight attendant stole mini-bottles of liquor from her airline and sold them on Craigslist, a scheme that earned her an indictment from the Shelby County District Attorney General’s (SCDAG) office on Friday. 

Rachel Trevor, 28, stole nearly 1,500 of those little bottles of rum, vodka, gin, whiskey, and other alcoholic beverages. She was arrested in November and now faces criminal charges of theft of property over $10,000, unlawful sale of alcohol, unauthorized transportation of alcohol, and unauthorized storage of liquor for sale.  

Investigators with the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission said that after a flight Trevor would put the small bottles in her bag and then posted them for sale on Craigslist.

The bottles typically sell for $8 each on the airlines. Trevor was selling them for $1 each, investigators said.

She was arrested after agents made undercover purchases of the mini-bottles of liquor.

Beyond the Arc Sports

Beyond the Arc Podcast, #52: Head Coach Hullabaloo

This week on the show, Kevin and Phil talk about:

  • Last week’s Lost Episode
  • What was the Grizzlies’ motivation for letting Dave Joerger go?
  • Are the Grizzlies really disorganized? What about the successful season of moves they just had?
  • This is a make or break summer for the Grizzlies’ front office.
  • Will Joerger make it with the Sacramento Kings? Can he keep DeMarcus Cousins happy?
  • Will Scott Skiles be considered for the Grizzlies’ head coaching job? Who else?
  • Would David Blatt be a bad hire?

The Beyond the Arc podcast is available on iTunes, so you can subscribe there! It’d be great if you could rate and review the show while you’re there. You can also find and listen to the show on Stitcher and on PlayerFM.

You can call our Google Voice number and leave us a voicemail, and we might talk about your question on the next show: 234-738-3394

You can download the show here or listen below:

Politics Politics Beat Blog

State Safety Commissioner Gibbons to Return to Memphis in Dual Role


As Dr. K.B. Turner of the University of Memphis Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice and other officials looked on, state Safety Commissioner Bill Gibbons expressed enthusiasm Thursday about his soon-to-be new duties in Memphis. Gibbons will have a dual position as Crime Commission president and director of the new Public Safety Institute at the University.

Some five years after departing his position as District Attorney General for Shelby County to become state Commissioner of Safety and Homeland Security. Bill Gibbons has come home. And, as before, he will be at the forefront of local crime-control efforts.

This time, however, his title will be the dual one of president of the non-profit Memphis Shelby Crime Commission and director of the new Public Safety Institute, to be housed in the University of Memphis School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy.

The announcement of Gibbons’ new position had been contained in a news release on Wednesday from the office of Governor Bill Haslam, who had hired Gibbons away for his state duty in 2011, and it was made official in a Thursday-afternoon ceremony at the Urban Child Institute in the presence of numerous representatives of local government and law enforcement and of the University.

Gibbons will continue in his state office through August 31 and will assume his new duties on September 1.

In a press release passed out to the media, UM president M. David Rudd expressed pride in the new partnership with the Crime Commission and noted, “The U of M has a strong history of research using technology and analytics to pioneer new ways to prevent and solve crime. We are excited to be able to contribute to a reduction in crime in the Memphis area. This is an important step in advancing the growth and development of our community.”

More informally, Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland, who had been involved in the joint discussions leading to the creation of Gibbons’ new positon, resorted to an athletic metaphor in remarks at the ceremony. Noting that the University had apparently scored previous coups in its engagement of highly touted new football and basketball coaches, Strickland called the hiring a “home run,” and, in relation to the other hires, a “triple play.”

(Parenthetically and coincidentally, this week’s Flyer editorial took note of the previous University hires in similar fashion.)

Subsequent speakers among the numerous officials celebrating the Gibbons appointment kept to the “home run” metaphor as a legitimate indicator of the group enthusiasm.

In his own remarks, Gibbons expressed gratitude to Governor Haslam for allowing him to serve at the state level, where, in addition to heading the Department of Safety, he also chaired the Governor’s Public Safety Subcabinet. “I love my job,” he said, but was looking forward to his new duties, which, he hoped, would allow him to have a continuing relationship with his erstwhile colleagues in state government.

Gibbons paid tribute to President Rudd as a “can-do” leader and to the University as a progressive, forward-looking force in a Memphis community that, he said, “I care about more than any other place in the world.” He made reference to Strickland’s emphasis on crime control as a primary issue locally and said he was in full agreement. He said he “rejected” the notion that the city’s current crime rate was something the community had to accept as a norm.

Music Music Features

A New Booker in Town

Three weeks ago, the resurrected Overton Square music venue and restaurant Lafayette’s Music Room made a significant organizational change, hiring longtime Memphis music supporter John Miller as its new director of events.

Miller, a native Memphian and former lawyer, has spent the last decade or so working behind the scenes in the local music business. In 2007, he was hired by the label Archer Records to work on copyrights, publishing, and project management. He then moved to the now-defunct Memphis Music Foundation in 2010 as a coordinator for the nonprofit group’s Music Resource Center.

“I jumped at the chance to work with an even more diverse scope of local artists,” Miller says.

“There was also a good team in place there [at the Memphis Music Foundation], most of whom I still work with in some capacity from time to time.”

After four years of service that saw Miller consult and advise countless local musicians on a variety of projects, as well as represent the Memphis music scene at big-time music conference trade shows like South by Southwest and the National Association of Music Merchants, the Memphis Music Foundation was absorbed into David Porter’s Consortium MMT, and Miller was temporarily left without a steady paycheck. But rather than pack it in for another career or city, Miller hung around. He founded his own seven-inch vinyl singles label, Misspent Records, and then started working behind the counter at Shangri-La Records, where he has risen to the title of general manager.

Chris Shaw

Lafayette’s Music Room

“Having never been on the retail side of music sales, it seemed like a great opportunity to learn another side of the business, and again work with some really solid Memphis folks,” Miller says.

In that time, Miller continued to work with local musicians on everything from legal issues, to booking, to distribution, all for little or no reward. Last year, he also curated musical acts for the Indie Memphis Film Festival, creating much-needed paying gigs for many local musicians.

“Memphis is full of people who volunteer their time for causes and needs across the board,” Miller says. “You’re never promised success, financial or otherwise, and it may sound cliche, but choosing to invest yourself in something you care about and seeing it grow can be its own reward. I’ve always believed that it’s more important to put in the work and see where it can go rather than sit around and worry about the ultimate outcome. Over the years that’s served me well, allowing opportunities to learn a lot and work with a ton of extremely talented people.”

Now Miller will be devoting a great deal of his energy toward booking and promoting shows at Lafayette’s (though he will also be staying on at Shangri-La and Misspent).

Early on, patrons complained about volume levels in Lafayette’s as well as the occasionally odd/out-of-place booking, and the bands complained about sound issues and occasionally unengaged crowds. Most, if not all, of the technical issues have since been resolved, and Miller intends to address the other issues with a more focused, Memphis-centric approach to booking and event planning.

“With its location in the heart of Midtown and its history, Lafayette’s has been and should be a place where great Memphis musicians can be heard any day of the week,” he says. “That’s the goal going forward for sure. We’ll still host out-of-town touring bands that are a good fit, but we want to make sure that we feature the depth and breadth of talent that lives, works, and plays right here at home.”

Whether this new approach to talent buying clicks at Lafayette’s remains to be seen, but, regardless, Miller will continue to work for and on behalf of Memphis musicians.

“Misspent has a few things on the horizon right now,” Miller says. “I’ll still be up at Shangri-La a good amount. I really enjoy being able to work there and meet folks from around the globe who are drawn to the current and historical music scenes we have. Hearing their excitement about finally being in Memphis helps keep a perspective on how fortunate I’ve been to work with the musicians in this town.”

“Now I find myself booking for Lafayette’s. I like new opportunities, and in Memphis it seems like there is always something different to do if you’re willing to take a chance and see where it goes.”