News The Fly-By

Fly on the Wall 1506

Verbatim I

“Well, if they would read their history book and find out what it’s all about, the ‘War of Northern Aggression’ was about taxes, it was not about slavery.

Lincoln couldn’t find a real good reason to have a war, so he decided it was all about slavery. Two different issues right there.” — Bill Dorris, Confederate art enthusiast, provocateur to FOX 17, Nashville.

Dorris was responding to questions about his recently vandalized roadside statue of Klansman, slave trader, and Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest.

Verbatim II

“If we ain’t fightin’ to keep slavery, then what the hell are we fightin’ for?” — Klansman, slave trader, and Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest.

Holy [Expletive]!

Memphis provocateur Thaddeus Matthews caught a viral wave last week when a live, profanity-laden rant on Facebook shocked viewers and non-local media outlets like Raw Story, who were unaware of the longtime radio personality’s shock-jock history.

Having reinvented himself as the foul-mouthed pastor of Naked Truth and Empowerment Ministries, Matthews made headlines for cursing out critics who don’t think it’s right for pastors to curse.

Matthews response: “I’m the cussing pastor, while your motherf*ckin’ pastor ain’t doing a godd*mn thing.”

Neverending Elvis

What the world needs now (and pretty much always) is more Elvis.

This March, we’ll be getting just that when IDW comics launches a new Bubba Ho-Tep series.

News The Fly-By

New Grizz in Town

Qualifying rounds began earlier this week for a brand new basketball team that will don the Memphis blues. But it’s unlikely you’ve ever heard any of the players’ names on ESPN.

The Memphis Grizzlies are a founding team of a new league. But it’s unlikely any of those teams will ever meet face-to-face on the floor of FedExForum.

The new league is for esports, or electronic sports — video games — and right now thousands of players from all over the world are vying to join 17 brand new basketball teams for the very first season of NBA 2K League.

Anyone who grew up around video games knows NBA 2K. The game debuted in 1999 and looks like a real, live basketball game. The teams and players are real, too, down to the mascots and tattoos.

In esports, teams compete live and, yes, people tune in to watch the games. The industry is expected to grow to $1.5 billion by 2020, and the esports audience was expected to reach 385 million by 2017.

In Memphis, the Grizzlies have hired Lang Whitaker as the general manager of Grizz Gaming, the city’s new esports team.

Got e-grit? NBA 2K League try outs are in February 2018.

“As someone who has voraciously consumed both basketball and video games for my entire life, being the general manager of Grizz Gaming is, in many ways, the culmination of my life’s work,” said Whitaker. “I always told my mom that playing video games would one day pay off. Today is that day.”

To qualify for invitation-only try outs in February, players must win 50 games in NBA 2K18’s pro-am mode and fill out an online application by the end of January. The qualifier is open to anyone in the world who is 18 or older and has a copy of NBA 2K18 on either Xbox One or PS4.

Players selected from the tryout will be drafted to league teams in March. Drafted players will get a “guaranteed, competitive salary,” according to the league’s website, benefits, and housing, meaning each player drafted for Grizz Gaming will be brought to Memphis for the season.

Players will create their own player avatar, instead of playing as Marc Gasol, for example. Each game will feature two teams in five-on-five gameplay. The games will be broadcast, though “the league is currently in media rights discussions,” according to the NBA 2K League website.

In a recent Ask Me Anything session on Reddit, the esports league’s managing director, Brendan Donohue, said salary figures have yet to be finalized, along with other details like quarter lengths, and on which console games will be played.

“Grizz Gaming provides the Memphis Grizzlies organization and our partners with a new avenue to engage with a passionate and dedicated fan base through an esports team that reflects our culture and identity,” said Jason Wexler, Memphis Grizzlies president of business operations.

NBA 2K league play tips off in May.

News The Fly-By

Art Dollars

The Memphis City Council is considering an ordinance that would change how public art dollars are spent by ensuring that a set percentage goes to local artists.

The key change of the ordinance, sponsored by council chairman Berlin Boyd, mandates that the UrbanArt Commission (UAC) awards 60 percent of dollars to local artists annually, rather than over a five year period as previously required.

Lauren Kennedy, executive director of the UAC, said she believes the primary goals of the changes — outside of the local artist allocation — are related to transparency of the program rather than its function. — Maya Smith

UrbanArts’ Lauren Kennedy

Memphis Flyer: Do you think the changes will be better for public art in Memphis?

Lauren Kennedy: I think that all of the discussions over the last number of months have improved public understanding of our processes to some extent and focused attention on the public art landscape in our city.

It is important to highlight that greater participation from the local artist community in the city’s public art program will not just happen because of the change to the annual mandate. Investments that will be made by UAC and other organizations over the next several years to develop resources and programs that support artists will be more meaningful in developing a greater arts ecosystem in the city.

MF: How will the UAC go about contracting more local, minority, and women artists?

LK: There is an incredible breadth of talent and creativity in Memphis, but the cross-section of local artists who are actively working in public spaces gets much smaller. Some calls to artists for city-funded projects will only be open to local artists, but it’s going to take more than that.

We often see greater responses from local artists on national calls quite simply because there are more places for those calls to be seen. We are having to develop new marketing strategies to share artist calls and leverage partnerships and relationships to help spread the word. Our team will also consistently provide workshop and training opportunities to help artists navigate the submission process.

For some artists, we recognize that we have to rebuild trust and relationships where artists have felt disenfranchised. Our team is here to understand what the barriers to applying might be for artists and to removing them and opening up the process.

MF: What does the future of UAC look like?

LK: This question is at the heart of the strategic planning process that we are undertaking over the next several months, and we look forward to sharing that in the summer. The board and staff at UAC are committed to being a greater resource to artists and neighborhoods and pushing for greater equity for artists and art experiences in our city.

We also remain focused on inserting Memphis into national dialogues around art and public space and supporting creative exchanges between artists working in different contexts and media. Memphis should not operate in a bubble, and we will continue exploring how to grow public art through all the avenues available to us.

See the full Q&A at

Music Music Features

Raelyn and Willie and the Boys

Raelyn Nelson, granddaughter of Willie, makes her Memphis debut this Thursday at Lafayette’s Music Room. Purists beware: though she’s a mom of three, she exudes the rock-and-roll energy of a much younger soul, tempered by the wisdom only an outlaw grandpa can bring.

Memphis Flyer: I saw your first EP cover was an homage to the Ramones. Were they a big influence on your sound?

Raelyn Nelson: Yeah. Cheap Trick and Big Star. All the guys in the band brought that into our music. Mine are like Loretta Lynn and all the old country greats. Kitty Wells. My mom kept me pretty sheltered with music when I was younger. It was a lot of Amy Grant, a lot of Christian music, my grandpa’s music, and old country. That’s kinda where she kept me until I got into my teens, then I ventured out little bit and got into the country scene at that time. I was a big Dixie Chicks fan.

And my main influence is my grandpa. He gave me my guitar when I was 14; it’s what I’ve written all my songs on. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t even wanna sing. When my kids were babies, I was stuck at home while they were sleeping all the time. I picked up the guitar again and started writing some of the songs that you hear now.

Jonathan Bright [JB], my music partner and guitar player, had a studio, and I was just looking for a place to record these songs. I recorded two or three, and by the end, he was like, “We should write some songs together and form a combo and play!” All of the guys I originally got were already in a band with JB, very much a part of the underground rock scene here in Nashville. Those guys [JB and Preach Rutherford] and my drummer chick [Angela Lese] are all rock-and-roll based, and I’m the one who’s country. Of course, I love the hybrid of old country and rock-and-roll. It’s super fun, and everyone can’t help but get up and dance to it.

It reminds me of the cowpunk bands from the ’80s

Jason and the Scorchers were a Nashville band and kinda did the cowpunk thing. We’ve been compared to them a lot. It’s funny, because Jason is now Farmer Jason, on our Channel 8, the kids’ channel. He pops up and says, “It’s Faaaarrrmer Jason!” And he starts singing kids’ songs. That’s how I knew him. So my band guys started showing me videos of Jason and the Scorchers, and I’m like, “That is Farmer Jason from Channel 8!”

And let me tell you this: JB was doing a Replacements cover album, all on ukuleles. It’s a really cool album. It made me fall in love with the Replacements — I had never heard of them. Anyway, he had all these ukuleles sitting around the studio. So I was just fucking around on one, and started playing our songs on it, and I’m like “I think I wanna play this when we play!” We plug it into an amp, so it sounds like a really high guitar. And it turned into this cool thing that I can make a lot of fun moves with, ’cause it’s really teeny tiny. So I guess my whole thing is to try to be as different as possible.

It sounds like kind of a voyage of discovery for you, as you dig into stuff like the Replacements

Yeah, it’s opened my mind to all this stuff I didn’t even know about! Like the Clash. I didn’t know about the Clash, you know? Oh my god, and Joan Jett! I met her, and she’s the coolest. She’s so teeny tiny and so down to earth. Just the sweetest chick.

Has the band ever joined your grandpa on any gigs?

We played Farm Aid in 2014. And my Aunt Amy and I have plans for an Animal Aid, too, similar to Farm Aid but for animals. We actually started a nonprofit organization called Willie’s Kids, to create humane education that can be used in schools globally. To help generations be more mindful of animals. You know, it also connects with the factory farming here, ’cause it’s really bad for the environment, really bad for the animals, and really bad for us, the stuff that they’re putting into these animals. It’s just incredible, the greed for money and the over-consumption of meat that people are doing. It’s too much. We don’t need it.

Willie must be proud that you’re carrying on the tradition of being both compassionate and a little ornery.

Well, my grandpa has always said the number one rule is, “Don’t be an asshole”; number two is, “Don’t be an asshole”; and number three is, “Don’t be a fucking asshole.”
The Raelyn Nelson Band plays Lafayette’s Music Room on Thursday, January 4th at 9 p.m.

Cover Feature News

You’re Doing It Wrong: Ten Ways to Improve Your Life in 2018

How to Be Funnier

So you’re an edgy comedian? Do you really think you’re in some vanguard of shock-troop comics dropping the N-word on people for the first time? If so, you’re doing it wrong.

To borrow a line from all those Avengers movie trailers, “The world is changing.” As more and more people awaken to inequality, institutional dysfunction, and secret oppression of all kinds, it gets harder and harder for the hard-touring hack to get by on jokes about rape, the mental capacity of Polish people, or the general assumption that LGBTQ lifestyles are a punchline in and of themselves. Still, every time a comedian goes too far and gets in trouble, the cry goes up: Political Correctness is killing comedy. Memphis comics Katrina Coleman and Richard Douglas Jones recently shared a story from open mic night at the P&H Cafe about how they watched negative crowd response flip an aspiring funny guy’s punchline from something cliche and negative, to something almost empowering — and still funny!

Midtown’s a charming place, so naturally Midtowners love the pleasure of their own company. The P&H crowd is self-entertaining, and any performer who’s ever tanked there knows the sick, sinking feeling you get when the crowd starts ignoring you and talking among themselves. But the famously open and accepting bar doesn’t put up with mess and vocally rebuked a comic for his routine about how upsetting it was to see his son playing in a dress.

The joke tanked twice, but the comic kept it in his set. He even kept a bit of its original tone in order to divert expectations. But the routine’s emphasis shifted from heteronormativity to fashion. “He changed the punchline to, ‘AND HE’S CLEARLY A SUMMER,'” Coleman says emphatically. “It made the joke hilarious. Thereafter, I saw it kill at a state fair in Mississippi and multiple other places.”

There are probably some good rules to follow, like “don’t punch down.” But better joke telling may come down to how much the teller values cheap shots and cheap laughs. Comedy is craft, and there’s nothing cheap about good craftsmanship. — Chris Davis

How to Cook Tofu

Is your tofu tofunky? A flavorless and flat disappointment? We turned to the person, Ermyias Shiberou of Blue Nile and Stick ’em food truck — who makes the best tofu in town — for tips.

Those tofu kabobs off the Stick ’em truck read as sorcery. How on earth can tofu be so fatty and decadent? Shiberou achieves this by cutting a firm square of tofu into large one-inch squares and does not press the tofu at all. That extra water is what makes the inside so moist. Then he deep-fries the squares at around 350 or 375, making sure they don’t touch. When he takes them out a few minutes later, he then douses them with a marinade or dressing. I mean, lots and lots of marinade. (Shiberou’s own is a combo of soy, worcestershire, rosemary, garlic, salt and pepper, and pineapple.) The fried tofu will soak it up. He then grills it to “bring it up a notch.” The grilling caramalizes the marinade and elevates this tofu to greatness. “That’s all I know about tofu,” says Shiberou.

— Susan Ellis

Self-Service Checkout

There’s a reason stores like Kroger and Home Depot always have an attendant on duty near their self-checkout machines: Too many people do it wrong. You may be one of them — seldom able to get through the whole process without hitting a snag and having to timidly raise your hand to ask Charlotte for help.

It shouldn’t be that hard, really. Scan the bar-codes for your items, put them in a bag, press “PAY,” insert your debit card or a few bills, and take your receipt. Easy, right?

Oh, wait. Those bananas have to be weighed? Dang. “Ma’am?”

The important thing is not to panic. Everything you need in order to do checkout like a pro is there: a scale, a list of items and prices, a keypad. You can do this. Maybe.

The first thing to remember is not to get too ambitious. Think of the self-service line as you would the “15 Items or Less” line. In other words, don’t attempt to self-checkout $250 worth of groceries. That’s a job for Brenda over on aisle six. If you have a week’s worth of groceries, just go wait in line and look at your phone. It’ll be over before you know it.

Second, be aware that if you buy produce, you’re probably going to have to weigh it and key in an item code. Same with some baked goods. If that sounds scary, then don’t attempt it. You’ll only tick people off. If you do attempt it, you’ll have to key in a PLU number or item number from the list near the checkout machine. Or call Charlotte over, which kind of defeats the purpose.

Got some coupons? Don’t try it. Just don’t. No one wants to watch you try to key that crap in.

And finally, remember: The whole point of using the self-checkout line is to save time. If it takes you longer to checkout and bag your own groceries by yourself than it would to let a pro do it, don’t muck up the self-checkout line just to prove a point. We’re in a hurry back here. — Bruce VanWyngarden

Brush your teeth, idiot.

The words “brush your teeth” sound so … self-explanatory. You got the brush. You got the teeth. Bada-bing. Bada-boom.

I was wrong. 

I know someone once explained the correct procedure to me along the way. But it wasn’t until I was facing disappointing reports at the dentist’s office that I stumbled upon Quip. 

Reviews say it’s like “Apple designed a toothbrush,” or “Tesla’s toothbrush.” For me, it was small and used regular-old AA batteries instead of a bulky charger. So, I was in. 

The brush came with these Ikea-esque directions. But unlike Ikea’s, these directions were clear, precise, and — for me — revelatory.  

Brush at a 45-degree angle, the directions said, because brushing your teeth really means brushing your gums. Derp.

Also, they said, brush for two minutes, breaking up your mouth into four, 30-second segments. The Quip brush pulses for me at intervals for a derp-free workout.

Finally, don’t wash out your mouth after you brush. Do it, and all that fluoride goodness is washed away. — Toby Sells

Rinse & Repeat

Surely, you know how to wash your own hair by this point. But, chances are, you’re doing it wrong — and too often, according to Meagan Kitterlin, salon director of Pavo.

Kitterlin says your scalp will tell you when it’s dirty and needs a wash. Laying off washing provides some relief for taxed hair. If your hair tends to be oily, use a shampoo with an astringent. If it’s dryer, go for a creamier shampoo. You then get your hair wet, apply your product to your scalp (use less product if it’s from a salon), massage the product into a lather. “You should massage your scalp in and out of the shower. It helps prevent premature hair loss,” Kitterlin says. After you rinse the shampoo out, you’ll want to apply a conditioner or hair mask. You’ll apply it mid-length down and leave it in for the duration for the shower. Rinse that out with hot water, followed by cool water. “It adds shine and seals in moisture,” Kitterlin says.

For stretching in between shampoos, Kitterlin says, “Dry shampoo is amazing. It’s good for daily upkeep, and it adds texture.” A good dry shampoo absorbs oil and is good for freshening up after a workout.

For those with curls, Kitterlin recommends a co-wash, which is a conditioning wash that doesn’t weigh down curls. “Overwashing is kryptonite,” she says. — SE

How to Cure a Headache

After the excitement of the new year wears off, the normal day-to-day stress is bound to return. And when the stress arises for some of us, so does a throbbing, achy headache. And for me, nothing is more bothersome or distracting than that.

Usually I give in, reach for a bottle of Excedrin, and pop two of them. But, in the spirit of the new year, I’ve been trying some natural, healthier ways to nip my headaches in the bud.

But, before we talk remedies, let’s talk prevention. If you experience a lot of headaches, maybe start with asking yourself these two questions: First, are you drinking enough water each day? That could be a contributing factor to your headaches. Coffee, sugary drinks, and alcohol can further dehydrate you, too. So pour yourself a glass or eight of water and drink up.

Second, are you getting enough hours of sleep? Lack of sleep or irregular sleep patterns can trigger a headache like nothing else. On the flip side, too many hours of sleep can also cause one. The best thing to do is to figure out how many hours of sleep your body needs and consistently try to get that amount.

When the headache has already kicked in, here are two remedies that I find useful.

Massage a drop of either peppermint or eucalyptus oil on your temples, forehead, or wrists. Tension will be released, and your headache will likely subside.

Try stretching. Tension headaches can be caused by staying in the same position for too long. I once read that hunching over a computer screen, can put up to 30 extra pounds of pressure on your neck. So every 30 to 60 minutes at work, get up, stretch — dance if you have to. Just keep moving.

— Maya Smith

Google Better

Google gets you. But speak its language, and it’ll really get you. 

Looking for Imagine Vegan Cafe but don’t wanna see all that “Buttholegate” stuff? Just put hyphens in front of the stuff you don’t wanna see. So, you’d type: imagine vegan memphis -buttholegate -babies -toddler -naked. (After some Googling, that was, seriously, the only search recipe that DID NOT yield items related to Buttholegate. Wow.)

Want to see stuff that only contains the word “Buttholegate?” Just throw it in quotation marks. So, you search: “buttholegate” and relive summer 2017, when times were simpler.

Finally, want to see every time the word “Buttholegate” has appeared in the Flyer? Google it like this: buttholegate 

It’ll bring up every time the word has appeared on our site. I tried it. Here’s the result: Flyer: 2, Commercial Appeal: 0. Your move, CA. — TS

How to Play Piano

This lesson is not for everyone. Memphis is crawling with accomplished musicians who are not afraid to learn a song and perform it. But I encounter so many who are. My brother, a theoretical physicist, once saw me play and confessed, “I’m amazed that you can do that!” People are far too mystified by music. It’s a holdover from those childhood piano lessons.

One of my favorite books is How to Play the Piano Despite Years of Lessons (Cannel & Marx, 1976), its point being that sight-reading will not necessarily help you keep music in your life. Photographer William Eggleston, who has improvised and played by ear since he was four, likens sight-reading to typing, which gives short shrift to all the classical and session musicians of the world but contains a kernel of truth: Sight-reading alone is not enough. For many it’s a barrier to simply playing — and listening.

What my favorite piano book says in 240 pages, Jim Dickinson says in two. In his recent (posthumous) memoir, I’m Just Dead, I’m Not Gone, he describes a childhood encounter with a man he referred to privately as “the Phantom.” Sitting briefly at the Dickinson family piano, the Phantom turned to young Jim and revealed a secret: “Everything in music is made up out of codes.” As Dickinson writes, “I thought, ‘Codes … Secret codes!!! Like Captain Midnight.'”

“This is how you makes a code,” said the Phantom. “You take one note, any note. Then you goes three up and four down, just like in poker. Three up and four down and you gots a code.” As Dickinson explains, “Of course, he meant chord … a major triad.” But “code” is more appropriate. It’s what stymies would-be tunesmiths who humbly think they could never play
a song.

Learn some “codes” and bash out a song. Just remember, Jim broke the code, and Jim was a maker. Be like Jim. — Alex Greene

Win an Internet Argument Many of us have spent years engaged in running arguments across the internet, trying to desperately to convince our fellow Americans to turn away from encroaching fascism. How’s that been working out?

Obviously, we need to get better at changing people’s minds. Here, according to science, are some tips:

1. STAY CALM: Yes, it feels good to yell at your opponents. It’s also counterproductive. You want them contemplative, not defensive. If you look hostile, you risk activating their tribal instincts and shutting out your words.

2. ASK “WHY?”: Don’t try to talk your opponents out of their position — help them talk themselves out of it. Drill down into their reasoning by asking them to articulate it. Then they can find the holes themselves. Be prepared to do the same.

3. K.I.S.S.: Keep It Simple, Stupid. Fox News reasoning is so effective because it demands very little mental work except blaming the “Other” for all problems. The less mental energy the listener expends, the more persuasive they will find the argument. Remember: The brain is like a muscle. It literally burns energy to think, and when it works too hard, it gets sore. When a student says “calculus makes my brain hurt,” they’re being literal. Keep your sentences as short and simple as possible: noun, verb, object. The less energy they burn understanding your words, the more energy will be available for reasoning.

4. REFRAME THE ARGUMENT: Sun Tzu says, “Whoever is first in the field and awaits the coming of the enemy shall be fresh for the fight.” Choose the battlefield. Make your position the default position, and make them come to you. This is why plutocrats call the estate tax the “death tax” — it changes the argument from “Why should people have excessive wealth they didn’t earn?” to “Why should dead people pay taxes?”

5. SMILE WHEN YOU SAY THAT: If you’re face to face, make eye contact. Nod. Encourage empathy. Point out areas where you are in agreement. Compliment them. “That’s a good point, but …”

6. BE A GOOD WINNER: People can be stubborn because they’re afraid of looking stupid. Allow your opponent to back down from their position gracefully. Give them a way to save face. Your default mode should not be “You’re wrong!” It should be “Join us!”

7. KNOW YOUR REAL AUDIENCE: The hard truth is, you’re probably not going to change the mind of the person you’re arguing with. The guy who comes out swinging in defense of white supremacy is likely not persuadable, but there will be other, more persuadable people who will be reading your words and watching how you conduct yourself in the argument. Even if you lose the battle with this particular troll, a solid rhetorical style can still win the war. — Chris McCoy

On Figuring Things Out

The advice I consider most relevant to the theme of this week’s cover story came from good ole Sergeant Rollins, the kind-hearted World War II vet and Army careerist who oversaw my R.O.T.C. instruction way back in the day at Central High School. “There’s the right way, the wrong way, and the Army way,” he informed us, and that paean to transcendent authority made as much sense to me then as a paradox can.

I choose to apply that same kind of thinking to the issue of how one finds a solution, any solution, or courts Lady Luck. And make no mistake: She’s out there, somewhere, in the warp and woof of Einstein’s universe, just outside the reach of Newton’s logic and the doomed presumption of those mathematical “systems” that habitual gamblers think they can apply to the workings of fate.

“By-the-numbers” can only take you so far.

Consider how one reaches any conclusion. You start building premises slowly and methodically: Point Number One, hmmm; Point Number Two, okay; and you keep this up all the way to, say, Point Number Seven, when, all of a sudden, your mind abandons the whole pile-up, you let go (or surrender, if you will), and with a swoop of unpremeditated intuition, you are transported all the way to Point Number Ten, the Eureka! The tell. The reveal.

That wasn’t you who did it, it was the aforesaid Lady Luck who filled in your blanks, or, if you want to keep things gender-free it was the IT of Zen. There’s the right way, the wrong way, and, er, The Way. And, baby, it don’t belong to you. — Jackson Baker

Sports Tiger Blue

UCF 65, Tigers 56

There was a time — not long ago — when the Memphis Tigers dominated the UCF Knights. When Memphis beat UCF last January at FedExForum, it extended a Tiger winning streak in the series to 11 games (dating back to the 2011-12 season). Those days appear to be over.

In pulling away over the game’s final eight minutes tonight in Orlando, UCF extended the Tigers’ losing streak to three games and earned its third straight win in the series (including a 30-point gut-kicker in last March’s American Athletic Conference tournament). The Knights improve to 11-4 with the victory (2-1 in the AAC), while the Tigers drop to 9-6 (0-2). Memphis has lost its first two league games for the first time since the 2003-04 season.

A.J. Davis led UCF with 16 points and Ceasar DeJesus added 14. Junior guard Kareem Brewton led Memphis with 15 points off the bench while fell transfer Kyvon Davenport scored 11.

The Tigers led at halftime (22-21) despite shooting 32 percent and committing 10 turnovers during the game’s first 20 minutes. They limited the Knights to one-of-11 shooting from long range, only to see UCF hit five of seven three-point attempts after halftime.

The Tigers shot 39 percent from the field and didn’t get their normal boost from point guard Jeremiah Martin (four points on one-of-six shooting). Freshman Jamal Johnson hit a pair of three-pointers to give Memphis a 33-30 lead early in the second half, but they were Johnson’s only two field goals of the game.

The Tigers return home Saturday for their first AAC game this season at FedExForum. Tipoff against Tulsa is scheduled for 3 p.m.

Music Music Blog

Tonight: Julien Baker on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Nolan Knight

Julien Baker

Riding on the critical and popular acclaim for her latest album, Turn Out the Lights, Julien Baker will have her biggest audience ever tonight when she appears on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Her performance is bound to reach two to three million viewers, but no pressure, home girl!

Her new record, recorded at Ardent, features arrangements at times rather more elaborate and lush than her debut. Yet she typically performs solo, and many consider that her strength: drawing audiences in to her meditations on love, rejection, God, rage, and redemption. So while it’s doubtful she’ll replicate the piano- and cello-tinged ensemble pieces captured on tape at Ardent, it won’t matter. She will be, as Rebecca Haithcoat wrote in Vice, “alone onstage… no sets, no backup singers, just a girl, her guitar, and the weight of crosses she seems too young to bear.” That was what earned her her first fan base, and it will certainly win over more hearts tonight.

As one fan told the Village Voice, anticipating Baker’s stunning New York performance at the Bowery Ballroom in 2016, “Prepare for the saddest, most fucking amazing night of your life.” And yet a closer listen also reveals a quiet strength that transcends self-pity. One feels her gathering her will to exorcise her frailties and pain. And that may be one key to her ever-growing appeal, as she takes her laments and desires to a global audience this year, with shows ranging from Japan to England, including the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall in March.

Julien Baker appears on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert tonight, January 3rd, at 10:35 pm CST on CBS.

Tonight: Julien Baker on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Music Music Blog

Listen Up: Swedish Gun Factory sings!

Michael Donahue

Swedish Gun Factory: Isaac Middleton and Thomas Bergstig

Feet and hands are a big part of Swedish Gun Factory. But those guys who tap dance while they play musical instruments also open their mouths and sing on occasion.

Thomas Bergstig and Isaac Middleton, who comprise Swedish Gun Factory, sing on their album ”Chris Raines.” Except to hit the piano’s damper pedal or maybe keep the beat at times, their feet take a backstage to their voices.

They also write the music.

“I have so many songs that are just sitting around,” Middleton said. “I’ve had a few people I could show them to and be like, ‘Hey, I wrote this song.’ But nothing really could happen with it. Thomas was the first one that was like, ‘OK. Bring me your songs. Let’s work on it.’ And it actually turned into something.”

Middleton wrote his first song, which was about a masquerade party, when he was 15. “I had just read ‘The Scarlet Pimpernel’ and it just meant so much to me I guess that I had to write a song about it. I’ve been writing ever since then.”

He described the song as “just singer-songwriter, folky. Whiny music, really. Very Death Cab for Cutie feel.”

Middleton got into recording towards the end of high school. “I started recording in my room a lot. I had some people who were older than me that kind of showed me the ropes of like, ‘This is an interface. This is a microphone. You can use this to record.

“Once I got into programs like Ableton Live and Logic Studio I definitely got more into electronic music. I still have a big place in my heart for that kind of stuff. As I learned piano I started writing more piano-based songs.”

Middleton also got into some “bad habits” as far as songwriting. “I was just always sad about some girl. So, all my songs were just sad girl songs of ‘Why won’t you be with me?’ Or ‘We’re not together because of this.’ I would just get so depressed listening to my own music.”

That’s changed. “I’ve kind of revamped that a little bit and tried not to be so sad with my music. I feel like people want to listen to stuff that lifts them up more. I mean it can be sad, but the subject matter should be on a happier note. At least for me.”

Bergstig began writing music when he was 12. “I wrote piano pieces when I was 12, but I didn’t sing, really,” he said. “I started singing when I was like 17. Maybe then I started writing songs more. I bet they were similar to his songs, too. The were really whiny.”

His songs were filled with anxiety. “I was extremely angst-y as a teenager. I was so moody.”

Bergstig’s first song was “a poetic observation of the first snow that fell that night.”

His songs evolved. “First of all, I’m not at all depressed anymore. Like almost ever. I’m actually a very happy person. I started writing quirky songs instead. A lot of words that, to me, sound funny together. And, usually, they mean something. And sometimes it’s only I who know what they really mean.”

“Thoms is a linguist,” Middleton said. “Not first and foremost, but that’s definitely one of his traits. I think he uses that to his advantage with his songwriting.”

They began tap dancing together after they both moved to Memphis, where Bergstig was music director until he and his wife, Alexis Grace, moved to Los Angeles, and Middleton still is an actor at Playhouse on the Square. They then began letting each other hear their songs and liked what they heard.”

“Well, he has a great voice,” Bergstig said. “I’m not the best singer. I can tell you that.”

“I like his singing voice, but I mostly just like the songwriting behind it,” Middleton said. “The first time you hear it you have no idea what he’s saying. Which I think is a good thing because you have to go back and listen to it. And then you really hear the words that he’s saying. It’s very fast paced and it’s very intellectual.”

“Sudden Sinking Feeling” is one of Bergstig’s favorite Middleton songs on the new album. “He has a great nerve on that song,” he said. “It’s very interesting to me to listen to.”

Nerve? “Well, that would be a Swedish expression, I guess. I guess ‘feeling,’ but without sounding presumptuous. When you have ‘nerve’ in Sweden it’s more like you have a really good feeling and attachment to what you’re saying and what you’re singing.”

Describing his music, Middleton said, “Whatever is happening in my life eventually makes its way to my songs. Toxic relationships. Anti-political statements. But, also, I try to keep it moving in a positive direction as far as, ‘I want this,’ rather than ‘Fuck this.’”

“Hook Me Up” is one of Middleton’s favorite Bergstig songs. He feels it’s an all-out “I don’t care if this is good or bad, just do it.” “That’s kind of the mentality I feel like that song has. Thomas is very cynical and I think that comes across in his music. It’s a very uplifting song. But it’s also cynical as hell about people.”

Bergstig said his songs are about “growing up” and “coming to terms with you simply (being) an outsider and it’s perfectly OK.”

He’s only spent about eight years in the United States and Middleton, who was born in Kentucky, lived in Mexico with his missionary parents when he was 5 until he was 18. ““We’ve spent more time outside this country than inside and I think that lends itself to our feeling of not being a part of this place (but) enjoying this place a lot.”

More albums are in the future, but, Middleton said, “I enjoy writing music and I think us writing music together is great and I definitely want to do more of that in the future. But with Swedish Gun Factory, I would like to focus more on making videos and incorporating tap with instrumentation because there’s so much more you can do with that.”

As for their songs, he said, “This is music that we like to make and that’s great. But we do it for ourselves more probably.”

“It’s really just like we did this because we like to do it,” Middleton said.

Though Bergstig is in LA and Middleton is based in Memphis, the two plan to keep performing. “Individually or together we’re going to keep on doing it regardless,” Bergstig said. “But I think we both really want to be able to make a living out of it.”

“If I could do this for a living every day I would be elated,” Middleton said. “That would be great. And just have a weird cult following of really weird people who like our stuff.”

"Sudden Sinking Feeling" from Michael Donahue on Vimeo.

Listen Up: Swedish Gun Factory sings!

Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

DejaVu Closed

“I can’t do it anymore,” says chef Gary Williams.

A sign posted on the windows of downtown DejaVu read, “Happy New Years. Closed Until Further Notice. Sorry & Thank you.”

Williams says business had been dead. “It was beating me down,” he says. He’s closed the spot for good.

BUT, it’s not all bad news. Williams says some folks are working to get him back into the Florida street location — the spot where it began years ago. He’s shooting to be back open in late February or early March.

“You know me,” Williams says. “I’ll be back.”

News News Blog

Memphis Pets of the Week (Jan. 4-10)

Each week, the Flyer will feature adoptable dogs and cats from Memphis Animal Services. All photos are credited to Memphis Pets Alive. More pictures can be found on the Memphis Pets Alive Facebook page.
