News News Blog

Report: TVA Raised Costs on Homeowners, Lowered Costs for Industries

Southern Alliance for Clean Energy

An environmental group says TVA has been increasing costs to its smaller customers and lowering costs for its larger, industrial customers.

Over the past five years, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has charged its residential and small business customers more while charging its industrial customers less, according to a new report issued Tuesday from the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE).

The shift has added more than $1.4 billion to TVA’s smaller customers over the last five years, according to the report prepared by Synapse Energy, a Massachusetts energy economics research firm. With this, the average TVA household is paying $110 more now than it did in 2011, according to the report.

But TVA spokesman Scott Brooks said his agency gave SACE summaries of service studies to SACE, but was not asked by them to verify any numbers in their report. TVA is mandated by the TVA Act to provide electricity at the least-cost feasible, Brooks said.

“In the last five years, TVA has increased overall wholesale rates in small, measured increments to avoid putting an undue burden on our consumers,” Brooks said. “Those increases have generally been below the rate of inflation.”

Brooks said industrial customers have a slightly lower “fuel cost rate because their usage is steady and predictable.” Also, he said, they use less energy at peak times.

Memphis has been affected the least by this shift, researchers said, but that may soon change pending a decision on a 7 percent electricity rate increase now before the Memphis City Council.

Members of SACE, which is a collection of many diverse groups, said in a news conference Tuesday that the shift in costs are “theft.” Some said the TVA makes its decisions behind closed doors and that the organization refuses to release information on those decisions. The TVA is holing its residential customers “hostage,” some said. Also, future changes may move the TVA from “theft to grand larceny.”

Jimmie Garland, vice president of the Tennessee State Conference of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) said his group finds the report “troubling.”

“It’s a fact that many citizens, in particular citizens of color, in cities and rural areas across Tennessee are having to choose between paying utilities bills rather than acquiring necessary food and medicines,” Garland said. “It is wrong for any organization to have total autonomy on how residents are assessed, especially when the assessor is acting as the chief oversight authority over both the formulation of their policies and its execution.”
[pullquote-1]Garland’s last assertion is a reference to a claim oft-repeated during the SACE news conference Tuesday. The TVA is a self-regulated federal monopoly corporation, said SACE executive director Stephen Smith, that has no independent body to review rate changes like other energy providers in other regions.

TVA is a federally owned corporation created by Congress in 1933. One of its initial missions was to bring electricity to (and, thus, help modernize) the Tennessee Valley. Its service area now covers the entire state of Tennessee and parts of six other states —Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia.

No one with SACE was precisely sure why TVA board have decided to add more costs to its smaller customers and charge its largest customers less over the years. And, again, they said, no one at TVA is answering questions, noting that even Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests are going unanswered.

However, S. David Freeman, former TVA board chair and senior advisor to Friends of the Earth, said it was possible that industrial companies could switch from TVA power to generate their own power with solar installations and do it more cheaply. 

Freeman was, perhaps the loudest critic of the TVA’s current moves during Tuesday’s conference. He said the shift to benefit industry was “socking it to the poor.” The TVA “by law is required” to give preferential treatment to energy co-ops and to local utilities like Memphis Light Gas & Water, he said, not industrial customers.

“What’s happening now would make Franklin D Roosevelt turn over in his grave and scream and holler,” said Freeman, who was appointed to the TVA board by then-President Jimmy Carter.

[pullquote-2]Cost Changes
Back in August, TVA said it was planning to change the way it charges customers for its power. Among other things, the changes would lower standard energy charges across the TVA network by $1.2 billion per year and impose a a new 12 percent “fixed-cost recovery charge.”

Smith called this a “grid access fee” or a “cover charge” to use TVA equipment. Fixed fees like these are “exploding” across the Tennessee Valley right now, he said.

“These are mandatory fees that customers ave to pay before they flip on the first light bulb in the house,” Smith said. “This will create heavier burdens on residential customers while benefiting the industrial class.”

This change is likely to be debated and possibly voted upon by the TVA board in May, SACE members said.

Last year, TVA also announced a new plan that would charge customers more if they generated their own electricity or used energy efficient appliances.

“If we look at those who are pursuing energy efficiency and solar technology, they are the companies and people who can most afford it — and current electricity pricing is providing too large an incentive for them to do so,” said Cass Larson, TVA’s vice president of pricing and contracts said in a blog post last year. “Those who cannot afford to invest in cutting-edge technology are the ones left to make up the difference.”
In his blog post last year, Cass said pricing changes are needed because people are using less energy. At the same time, TVA has to maintain its massive grid to supply power. TVA has cut about $800 million in annual costs and invested in new technology (like the Allen Combined Cycle plant in Memphis), which “will help continue to lower costs.” But it’s not enough, he said.

“Even with these actions, however, when technological advancements progress to the point where more homes and businesses use less and less electricity, our current pricing structure—based mainly on usage—would not cover the costs of maintaining the grid. We need to recognize how important grid services are for those using new technology and ensure our pricing model protects the reliability and resilience the grid offers.

But Freeman, the former TVA board chair, said the agency has “huge debt,” thanks, in part at least, to decision to bet on nuclear power (and its costly power plants) in the past that didn’t pay off. Now, Freeman said TVA is saddled with those costs and is trying to pass them off to small consumers.

Also, Freeman said, when he was at the TVA in the 1970s, he and others at his level of responsibility made about $150,000 a year. Now, even on falling sales and declining profits, the TVA board approved a 3.3 percent pay increase last year for TVA CEO Bill Johnson for a total package worth more than $6.6 million annually.
Maya Smith

Bill Johnson was in Memphis last week to speak to the the Memphis City Council about some of TVA’s proposed changes.

Economic Development
One reporter on the news conference call, asked if TVA’s move to charge industrial customers less made sense as a tool for economic development. Cheaper energy costs have been one reason automobile makers and and others have said they chose to locate their plants in Tennessee.

Freeman said he and the TVA helped bring a Nissan plant to Smyrna in Middle Tennessee and “game them a rate but not at the expense of residential customers.”

“Nobody on this call is against economic development,” Smith said. “What we’re concerned about is that the TVA is shifting more of its costs onto the backs of residential customers.

“I’ve never read anything that requires hitting residential customers with these charges is necessary to accelerate economic development.”

Maya Smith

TVA CEO Bill Johnson’s visit to Memphis last week was met with protests outside Memphis City Hall.

News News Blog

Court Prohibits Sale of Confederate Statues, City Says it Was Expected

Jefferson Davis statue

After three Confederate monuments came down here in December, city officials say they expected a decision like the one made by a Davidson County chancellor Monday.

Chancellor Ellen Hobbs Lyle’s ruled that Memphis Greenspace Inc, the group that purchased the two Downtown parks and removed the statues, cannot transfer or sell the monuments.

On Tuesday, the court followed up by requiring that the city and the challenging group, Sons of Confederate Veterans set a mediation to take place before March 16 to decide on the future homes for the monuments.

The city’s chief legal officer Bruce McMullen said the administration anticipated facing legal challenges like these, but feels the city’s legal standing is solid.

“We are confident that our actions will withstand that scrutiny and those challenges,” he said in a statement Monday.

Sons of the Confederate Veterans requested to inspect the statues of Nathan Bedford Forrest, Jefferson Davis, and Capt. Harvey Mathes for damage, but the court denied permission.

Still, the Memphis Brigade of the Sons of Confederate Veterans count Monday’s ruling as a win.

“The Sons of Confederate Veterans are victorious,” the group posted to its Facebook page. “We were successful in procuring a restraining order and injunction today…The judicial, legislative, and executive branches of Tennessee have been turning a blind eye. But not this time! A judge ruled in our favor!”

Though president of Greenspace, Van Turner has received offers to take the statues, he said the group is “continuing to do exactly as the court ordered today.”

“We promise to fulfill our mission by preserving the statues, ensuring the safety of our parks, and activating our plan through collaborative programming and community engagement,” he said.

We Recommend We Saw You

Jerry Lawler gets an A

Michael Donahue

Agnes Stark and Jerry Lawler at Incognito!

Instead of dropping Hulk Hogan in a pile driver at a wrestling match at Madison Square Garden, Jerry Lawler talked about his art teacher with potter Agnes Stark at the Incognito! art show at Memphis Botanic Garden.

Lawler was one of the artists in the art show, where guests bid on artwork not knowing who actually did the artwork. All the work in the show, held Jan. 26, was unsigned; guests learned who the artist was after they bought the work.

Lawler and Stark talked about the late Helen Stahl, who was Lawler’s art teacher at Treadwell High School. She also was a friend of Stark’s.

“I’ve drawn all my life,” Lawler said. Stahl was his teacher in the 10th, 1th and 12th grades. “I majored in art. And then when I graduated in 1967 she had put together a portfolio of my work I had done in her class and submitted it to Memphis State (now University of Memphis). I won a full tuition commercial art scholarship.”

Lawler is an amazingly talented artist. Years ago, I drove to Waterford, Mississippi to his art opening at a little gallery, which was jam packed when I arrived. He draws and paints in a variety of styles.

“Crazy Mixed Up Kid” is the title of his painting in Incognito!. “It was sort of a comic book art piece,” he said. “I’m just a fan of that style art. Last year, I did a panel from a Batman comic book. And this was actually a panel from a romance comic book.”

Lawler, by the way, now can be seen on Memphis billboards with the words “Product of Public Schools.”


Michael Donahue

Miles Tamboli and his dad, Roy Tamboli, at 20 Under 30 reception

Memphis Flyer’s Twenty Under Thirty Class of 2018 was honored at a reception Jan. 24 at Old Dominick Distillery.

Each year, the Flyer devotes an issue to the best and brightest Memphians under 30. Readers nominated more than 50 exceptional young people. They were introduced and given plaques during the reception.

“It’s a huge honor to be with these people who are doing really cool things in this city where you can make a huge impact as someone under 30,” said Molly Wallace, who is building libraries in KIPP Memphis Collegiate Schools.


Michael Donahue

Memphis in May poster unveiling featuring art by Erin Harmon, right.

I’m half Czechoslovakian (my mother’s maiden name was “Strunc”), so I’m ready for this year’s Memphis in May International Festival salute to the Czech Republic.

The celebration kicked off with the unveiling of this year’s commemorative poster Jan. 25 at Memphis Brooks Museum of Art.

Memphis artist Erin Harmon, a professor of art at Rhodes College, is the artist. “The picture depicts multiple aspects of, basically, the visual culture of the Czech Republic,” Harmon said. “Art, architecture and design were things that I just got real inspired by when I was doing research on the country and culture.

“I couldn’t narrow it down to one image. It’s a collection of images in circles. The circles are interconnected. There’s a lot of motion in the picture.”

The viewer can read the images as if they’re coming out of this silhouette of a woman’s head done in Art Nouveau style in the bottom left hand corner. “I think the Czech Republic is known for Art Nouveau in its architecture and great history of graphic arts and design. And artists like Alphonse Mucha.”

The silhouette is a link to Mucha, Harmon said. “He would include a lot of heavily outlined profiles of women’s heads in his paintings. The silhouette is the actual head of a soprano. She was an actress and a singer and the first Czech star of the Metropolitan Opera – Jarmila Novotna. I found a profile shot of her from a record of hers. I traced her portrait and put her portrait in the style of Mucha.”

The pink and gold halo around her head is taken from the arches of the facade of the Jubilee Synagogue in Prague. Other sites included in the painting are Our Lady Before Tyn (Prague), The Rock Castle (Sloupe), Tepla Monastary (Tepla), The Altneuschul (Prague), San Nicolas Cathedral (Prague), and the Strahov Monastary (Prague).

Harmon also pays homage to Czech toy designer Libuse Niklova, Czech artist Egon

Schiele and graphic designer Ladislav Sutnar.

Her artwork actually is a painted paper collage. “So, it’s all painted and paper and then put back together. You can see that in the original, but it may be difficult to detect in the poster.”


20 Under 30 from Michael Donahue on Vimeo.

Jerry Lawler gets an A

Film/TV Film/TV/Etc. Blog

Music Video Monday: The Love Light Orchestra

It’s time to swing into your week with a world premiere on Music Video Monday!

The Love Light Orchestra is probably the biggest band we’ve ever featured on Music Video Monday. The band’s ten members, led by vocalist and MVM alum John Nemeth and guitarist Joe Restivo, are dedicated to reviving a sound heard in Memphis during the height of Beale Street’s importance. Sometimes referred to as “jump blues”, this kind of groovy, horn heavy, up tempo dance music was a transitional phase between big band jazz and R&B. If you were walking down Beale Street in the immediate postwar era, this is what you would hear coming out of every watering hole.

The Love Light Orchestra recorded their album for Blue Barrel Records live at Bar DKDC, with Grammy-winning engineer Matt Ross-Spang at the controls, and cameras on hand to capture the action. Here is the world premiere of “See Why I Love You” from The Love Light Orchestra, directed by Laura Jean Hocking.

Music Video Monday: The Love Light Orchestra

If you would like to see your music video featured on Music Video Monday, email

Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

A Sneak Peek at the Gray Canary

It was the hottest ticket in town. Marc Gasol was there! I had to invite myself.

Saturday evening saw a soft opening of the Gray Canary, Michael Hudman and Andy Ticer’s latest restaurant in the Old Dominick Distillery.

The decor is stark chic — with interesting light fixtures and art. Dark wood four tops, booths along the wall with a stunning view of the bridge and river. Lots of gray accents. There are sound buffers on the ceiling, but it is still quite loud.

The food is centered around an opened fire. I approve. On the current menu is octopus and clams. The country ham was praised as was the hearty t bone steak. I had the Maitake Mushroom — charred mushrooms with an eggy mayonnaise. An interesting dish, sour/rich, loved the char.

One thing the boys have in the bag is their cocktails and pastries by Kayla Palmer.

Can a girl marry a cobbler? I’m in love.

Gray Canary is opening Wednesday at 5 p.m.


From My Seat Sports

The Brady Bowl

Ben Hershey, Unsplash

“If the Super Bowl is the ultimate game, how come there is another one next year?”
— Dallas Cowboys running back Duane Thomas (1972)

Five quick angles to make this Sunday’s football game not seem like the rerun you think it is.

• In terms of reliability, New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady trails the sun, seven seas, and Betty White. And by some distance. Since Brady entered the NFL in 2000, a whopping 10 Super Bowls have been played without him. Trent Dilfer and Brad Johnson quarterbacked teams to the Lombardi Trophy and a franchise younger than Brady — the Carolina Panthers — played for the championship in Super Bowl 50. Should he win three Super Bowls in four years for a second time, we’ll always wonder . . . why not four in a row, at least once?

• Much has been made locally about two former University of Memphis kickers facing one another in Super Bowl LII. Philadelphia Eagle rookie Jake Elliott broke most of the Tiger records established (between 2002 and 2005) by New England Patriot veteran Stephen Gostkowski. How unlikely is this toe tangle? Gostkowski came to the U of M initially as a pitcher for the baseball team. Elliott was a tennis star in high school. It can be said these Tiger alumni will be on American sport’s biggest stage but playing their alternative sports.

• This still-young century has been an era for drought-ending championships. The Boston Red Sox, Chicago White Sox, Chicago Cubs, Kansas City Royals, and Houston Astros have all won World Series that ended droughts of at least 30 years. LeBron James brought Cleveland its first major championship of any kind in a half-century. Among the 32 NFL franchises, only two — the Lions and Cardinals — have played longer without claiming a title than the Eagles, who last were crowned kings when Chuck Bednarik tormented quarterbacks in 1960.

Tom Brady, of course, is the chief reason Philadelphia hasn’t won a championship in 57 years, having led the Patriots to victory over the Eagles in Super Bowl XXXIX after the 2004 season. Brady has won Super Bowls over two franchises that have never won championships (Carolina and Atlanta). He pays no attention to drought sentiment, having suffered his own 10-year dry spell between wins in Super Bowl XXXIX and Super Bowl XLIX. That World War II veteran the Eagles saluted during the NFC Championship? He can wait until Brady’s finished.

• Sunday’s game will be the seventh rematch in Super Bowl history. (We have to count Steelers-Cowboys twice, as the franchises have played each other in three Super Bowls.) This will be the second-longest stretch between meetings — 13 years —among those rematches. (Pittsburgh and Dallas waited 17 years between Super Bowl XIII and Super Bowl XXX.) Somehow, Tom Brady remains the quarterback for the Patriots, 13 years after Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb seemed to run out of gas in the fourth quarter. McNabb was 28 years old in Super Bowl XXXIX. Brady, we all know, is now 40 years old. He’s closing the distance on Betty White, if not the sun.

• I’ll preemptively duck (twice) as I write this, but among this country’s four major team sports (excluding MLS soccer), the Super Bowl is the easiest championship to win. If you can ignore the ruined knees and damaged brain cells, of course. The NFL regular season is merely four months, two-thirds the length of Major League Baseball’s. The top two seeds in each conference can win the Super Bowl by winning just three playoff games, and after a week off to prepare for the first.

Baseball’s opening playoff round — a wild-card game, followed by a best-of-five series — is a trap door. If your ace loses Game 1, he may not pitch another inning. In the NBA (as predictable as it’s become), the champion must win 16 games in two months. Same for the winner of hockey’s Stanley Cup, as brutal a sport, in many ways, as football . . . minus the week off between games.

So take heart, NFL fans outside New England. Your team will, in fact, win a Super Bowl. You may just need to wait until Tom Brady is LII years old.

Sports Tiger Blue

#9 Cincinnati 62, Tigers 48

The most consistent quality of a good basketball team is a strong defense. The Cincinnati Bearcats have climbed into the nation’s top 10 with an oxygen-depleting defense that, entering Saturday’s game at FedExForum, allows opponents merely 56.6 points per game. The 9th-ranked Bearcats held Memphis eight points under that average, allowing the Tigers only 14 field goals and, more telling, just four assists. You cannot pass the ball through a defender. Memphis learned this lesson for a second time this season as Cincinnati improved to 19-2 and a perfect 8-0 in the American Athletic Conference.

“We played more aggressive and assertive in the second half,” said Tiger point guard Jeremiah Martin, who led Memphis with 20 points exactly a week after a violent fall injured his right hip in a loss at Tulsa. “We stopped them 11 out of 12 [possessions during one stretch], but we have to do even more to beat a team like this.” The loss is only the second the Tigers have suffered this season when Martin scores 20 points.
Larry Kuzniewski

Jeremiah Martin looking for a passing lane.

Cincinnati held the Tigers to 29-percent shooting in taking a 34-21 lead at halftime, twenty minutes in which Memphis missed seven of eight attempts from three-point range. An 11-2 run over the first eight minutes of the second half closed the margin to four points (36-32), capped by senior forward Jimario Rivers’s first three-pointer of the season. (Another highlight may be the Tigers’ play-of-the-year to date: junior Kyvon Davenport pulled down a defensive rebound, dribbled the length of the floor, and dunked the ball through a crowd of Cincinnati defenders to make the score 34-28.)

The Bearcats connected on four three-pointers over a three-minute stretch to expand the lead back to double-digits (48-34), plenty to cruise over the game’s final eight minutes. The Tigers’ shooting percentage of 31.1 percent is their lowest this season and wasn’t helped by missing 12 of 29 shots from the free-throw line. (Cincinnati committed 27 fouls.)

As for silver linings, Memphis played Cincinnati all but even (28-27 Bearcats) in the second half, not quite a month after losing to the same team by 34 points on the road. The largest crowd of the Tigers’ season to date — 12,223 announced — played a role in closing the gap, at least according to two of the principals.

“We really appreciate the crowd,” said Tiger coach Tubby Smith. “They did a fantastic job, and really helped our guys raise their intensity. We bounced back and competed in the second half.”

“It was kinda new to us,” added Martin. “We have our loyal fans, but the atmosphere [tonight], they helped us. It’s like having a sixth guy on the floor.”

Senior forward Gary Clark led Cincinnati with 18 points and pulled down nine rebounds. Jacob Evans added 14. Kareem Brewton came off the bench and scored 10 points in 36 minutes for Memphis. (Starter Raynere Thornton played only six minutes and, according to Smith, was partly affected by a recent death in his family.)

The Tigers dropped to 13-8 with the loss and are now 4-4 in AAC play.

“If we made free throws, and cut back on turnovers against one of the best defensive teams in the country, we’re capable,” said Smith. “We just need to play more as a team. When you see only four assists, you know we’re not sharing the ball like we should. We’re not catching it, ready to shoot. But a lot of that has to do with Cincinnati and how hard they played.”

“We can’t kill ourselves over losses,” added Martin. “Be positive. Get ready for South Florida.” The Tigers travel to Tampa for their next game where they’ll play USF Wednesday.

Beyond the Arc Sports

Mike Conley to undergo season-ending surgery

Joe Murphy (NBAE/Getty Images)

The Grizzlies announced this afternoon that Mike Conley will undergo surgery on his injured heel and will miss the remainder of the 2017-18 season. From the press release:

Conley will undergo surgery to smooth a small bone protrusion in his left heel that continues to cause pain and soreness. He will be unavailable for the remainder of the 2017-18 season but is expected to make a full recovery prior to 2018-19 training camp.

It’s not surprising that Conley will be out the rest of the season—all signs were that he was unlikely to see the court anyway—but it is a surprise to see a season-ending surgery. One hopes that this surgery will (finally) correct the issues Conley has had with this for so many years.


Conley remains under contract for three more seasons. Chandler Parsons and Marc Gasol both have two years remaining on their current contracts. Parsons is now “day to day” and “making progress” alleviating his knee soreness, and JaMychal Green and James Ennis are expected to return within the next week.

Intermission Impossible Theater

You Can’t Go Wrong With “Once,” “Fences,” or “Sunset Baby”

I’ll have fuller reviews of all these plays available shortly. In the meantime I just want to encourage everybody to take advantage of an opportunity to go to the theater on a weekend when you’ll have to try extra hard to see a bad show. The mix of musicals, dramas, classics and world premieres makes for an especially rich spread. So if you’ve got a hole in your schedule this weekend, fill it. If you’ve got plans, cancel at least one. Whether you’re already a theater lover or just a little bit curious any all of these pieces will satisfy.

Once at Playhouse on the Square

Take a peek at this seconds long video. I’ll wait.

You Can’t Go Wrong With ‘Once,’ ‘Fences,’ or ‘Sunset Baby’

That clip’s from the pre-show. You know, the half-hour or so after audience members are allowed into the theater but before the show actually starts. It’s the (mostly) full cast of Once having a fiddle-sawing, guitar-picking, mandolin-strumming, box-beating, foot-stomping, tin whistle-tooting jam session. It’s fantastic and they carry the joyful Celtic momentum into this bittersweet Irish ballad of a musical that invests far more in the power of live music and honest theatrical performance than it does in Broadway spectacle.

Once is the story of a depressed young songwriter who lives with his old Da above the shop where they make Hoovers that don’t suck suck proper again. His girl’s left him for New York, and nobody’s listening to his music except for the struggling Czech immigrant who becomes his muse and chief motivator.

The ensemble’s amazing but the secret star of this Once is  simple wooden stage that looks like it was designed not to impress visually but to maximize the warm sounds of acoustic instruments and lightly amplified human voices. It’s a little like hearing guitars played inside a bigger guitar. It’s hard not to get swept up in the songs, and swept away by the story.

Highly recommended.
Sunset Baby at The Hattiloo

You want to see one really great performance? Oh baby. Decked out in fuck me boots and the war paint of a woman who lures Johns into her car in order to rob them Morgan Watson’s Nina is as hard and multifaceted as cut diamonds. It’s hard to eclipse actors as strong as TC Sharp and Emmanuel McKinney, and they both hold their own as Nina’s long absent father and gangsta boyfriend respectively. But whether she’s rolling her eyes and saying, “I love you,” or holding forth on what it really means to be “children of the revolution,” it’s hard to take your eyes off Watson long enough to look at anybody else in a tight, terrific ensemble.

Sunset Baby’s set after the death of a one time Civil Rights icon named Ashanti X who had struggled economically, becoming a less than inspiring crack addict in later years. Now that she’s dead her papers are worth more than she ever was and Nina’s long-estranged father shows up looking to get back into his daughter’s life. And for letters Ashanti X had written to him while he was in prison.

Sunset Baby is a GenX story looking at lives shaped by a stalled  Civil Rights movement, when protest gave way to politics, and old heroes became fringe figures and outlaws. It’s a little play telling a big story.

Highly recommended.
All Saints in the Old Colony at TheatreWorks

Here’s an excerpt from my review of a great fookin’ world premiere launched right here in Memphis.

All Saints in the Old Colony feels like Homokay’s New England-flavored answer to Katori Hall’s housing project drama Hurt Village. The Old Colony, Boston’s second oldest housing project, has changed quite a bit in recent years, but was once a dense cluster of brick towers populated by poor Irish families. As with Hurt Village, All Saints is set against a backdrop of gentrification and change. It tells the story of Kier, an Irish-born immigrant and disabled dock worker who, in the absence of parents, raised his siblings as best he could, making hard decisions that still haunt his malnourished, whiskey-soaked brain.

Carla McDonald

All Saints in the Old Colony: real people, real problems

More specifically, it tells the story of an attempted intervention where the whole family comes together — including sister Fiona who was given up for adoption at an early age — to help Kier into a healthier lifestyle. But, in the words of playwright Sam Shepard, whose work is also reflected in All Saints, there’s no hope for the hopeless. Opportunities for temporary escape abound, but for these siblings normalcy will always be relative, and there’s no hope that these four — five, counting an offstage brother too unforgiving to appear — will ever find peace, let alone happiness.

Highly recommended. 


Theatre Memphis’ second production of Fences is another good opportunity to revisit favorite topics like exceptionalism and how badly our legacy playhouses serve Memphis’ communities of color, and how productions like this first-rate go at an August Wilson classic are the very thing we talk about when we talk about exceptions proving the rule. But I’ve buried the lead, so put those thoughts on hold long enough to consider this: No matter how overexposed Fences may be relative to some of Wilson’s consistently strong oeuvre this perfectly cast and lovingly-staged production is something you’ll want to see. Maybe more than once.

Highly recommended.

You Can’t Go Wrong With ‘Once,’ ‘Fences,’ or ‘Sunset Baby’ (2)

Perfect Arrangement

This is the only one of the bunch I haven’t seen yet, but it sounds awfully intriguing. Here’s how the folks at Circuit Playhouse are describing it.

It’s 1950, and new colors are being added to the Red Scare. Two U.S. State Department employees, Bob and Norma, have been tasked with identifying sexual deviants within their ranks. There’s just one problem: Both Bob and Norma are gay and have married each other’s partners as a carefully constructed cover. Inspired by the true story of the earliest stirrings of the American gay rights movement, madcap classic sitcom-style laughs give way to provocative drama as two “All-American” couples are forced to stare down the closet door.

Verdict: We’ll have to wait and see, but it better be good because the competition is stiff.

News News Blog

Overton Gateway Approved by City Landmarks Commission

Makowsky Ringel Greenberg

Conceptual view of Overton Gateway South from Autumn Ave

New townhouses and apartments could soon fill two vacant lots near East Parkway and Sam Cooper after a Thursday vote by the city’s landmarks commission.

The Memphis Landmarks Commission voted unanimously in favor of the near seven-acre Overton Gateway project, proposed by real estate company Makowsky Ringel Greenberg LLC.

Overton Gateway North is slated to span two acres over the northeast corner of Sam Cooper and East Parkway, while to the south of Sam Cooper, adjacent to East Parkway, Overton Gateway South is to cover about five acres.

The northern part of the project will be a three-story apartment complex with 54 units and 66 parking spots.

Overton Gateway South is planned to consist of thirteen small two- and three-story buildings, housing about 122 townhome and apartment units. There would also be 167 parking spots.

These plans were unanimously approved by the Memphis City Council in July after MRG compromised on the height of the buildings and number of off-street parking spots.

Originally, MRG planned for the building to be five stories, but received pushback from members of the surrounding neighborhood who thought the buildings would be uncharacteristically tall for the Lea’s Woods Historic District.

Residents said Thursday the project still has characteristics that don’t match the district and asked the commission not to make an exception to the standard for Overton Gateway because it’s a planned development.

Letters of opposition ahead of the meeting cited examples of “deviations” from the neighborhood’s guidelines, such as the proposed storefront-style windows and roofs with accent metal, as well as the foundation height and the overall “institutional feeling” of a three-story building.

However, a representative from Fleming Architect, one group working with MRG on the project, told the commission and meeting attendees that they are willing to compromise on roof and building materials, as well as the elevation of the buildings.

In a opposition letter, Casey Hyneman, a resident of Lea’s Wood also questioned the sustainability of an apartment complex at that intersection, pointing out the handful of existing apartment complexes in close proximity that are condemned or abandoned.

He also said that with the addition of Overton Gateway, the neighborhood would consists of 60 percent rental properties — compared to 20 percent now.

According to, he wrote, a high-renter concentration lowers the value of surrounding properties in the neighborhood by nearly 14 percent.

But, commissioner Keith Kays said he’s “been waiting a long time for something to happen at this site.”