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Memphis Black Restaurant Week Kicks off March 7th

This is the sixth year for Memphis Black Restaurant Week. The weeklong event encourages Black-owned businesses to offer dining deals that will bring in new customers and raise awareness. Eat. Empower. Engage.

I already see some of my favorites on the list. I also see some local spots that are new to me. If you look through the list, you might find yourself in the same sauce of a situation. Be adventurous.

Look through the list hungry, not hangry. Event coordinator Cynthia Daniels of Cynthia Daniels & Co. says that this year many restaurant specials will be ordered for curbside pick-up or through a delivery app. If you have an issue with delivery and you are hangry, you might be tempted to give the restaurant a bad rap. Instead, take up any delivery issues with the food delivery app.

Courtesy of Bala’s Bistro

Chicken Specialty from Bala’s Bistro

In addition, Daniels says that she knows the restaurant industry as a whole is in an upheaval right now. To keep the confusion to a minimum, will post location updates.

“Every morning I’ll let you know who’s open that day and what time they’re open,” says Daniels. “It’ll be super easy. All you have to focus on is where you want to support and where you want to be eating.”

On the list of offerings, you’ll find traditional soul food, barbecue, and fried chicken, alongside sophisticated fusions and African cuisine. Try them all and get a taste of what our Black-owned Memphis restaurants have to offer.

Memphis Black Restaurant Week, for participating locations visit, starts Sunday, Mar. 7, and continues through Mar. 13.

Opinion The Last Word

All Things Being Equal: We Are Becoming the Internet

Tech has given voice to anyone who can log into venues like Twitter, Facebook, or even the Flyer website — myself a case in point. This is where the egalitarian rubber hits the road, whether it’s Arab Spring, the January D.C. insurrection, any number of Kardashians, Greta Thunberg, Donald Trump — or a window curtain brushing over a keyboard.

Once upon a time (by cracky) one had to pass an editor’s desk and the printer’s mama to have an opinion published. Now with a keystroke, your opinion and anyone else’s is sent to infinite outlets to be read by infinite people. The D.C. insurrectionists may be of no more worth than lunchtime porn, but if people are logging in multiple times a day to understand their imagined body politic, then follow the money. Somebody is.

Christopher Elwell |

But are all citizens in a free society due equal attention, or at least the right to not be blocked from expressing their opinion? Why don’t we want to know what the guy sitting next to us in traffic is thinking? In the information age, there’s a profit both in cacophony and control. Social media — providing news, opinion, porn, and ads — gave a knee to the head of an already down newspaper business, once an agreed-upon source of information to most of the population, a standard such as it was, a template for debate-like interactions. But who works as a town crier anymore? Today, it’s like every window along the loosened cobblestone streets is opened at once and we are showered with points of view and can no more address one drop of rain as the next. (That’s where all those thumbs up icons come in handy.)

We had provocative pamphlets in the past, but only so much pocket space to contain the news, coupons, notes to self, and things we were too ashamed to drop on the public sidewalk. Oddly enough today, even with a handy delete button, we still keep way more of that shit than we should.

Why do we need to know what everyone else is thinking? Not just opposing opinions (seldom actually) but endless posts agreeing with us, opinions formed in history classes taught by football coaches and their assistants, or by advance-degreed teachers rooted to their 20-year-old dissertations, or by a link that has to be true because it was on that website I like. That guy paused in traffic next to us may be thinking about something really boring to almost any online community, and six months later we could meet at the snack machine at a rest stop and maybe share a Mountain Dew moment.

To this old man, opinion has outpaced thought and we reap the whirlwind. I take no personal blame for this, and profit to a degree, but I had hoped things would hang together longer, at least till I die. I might let myself think that the recent Capitol riots are a harbinger and not the storm, but that would depress the hell out of me. If I were dumber and younger, I might riot myself. So I have given some thought as to how all us pre-techies can survive such rapid change.

My first instinct is to shut the fuck up and lay low. Drive an old truck, live in the country, pay cash at the grocery. Hell, I’ve never felt calmer being able to go out in public wearing a mask and shades. So it’s not all bad news. We could ensconce into our own particular holler, stay offline, and never have to talk to the Hatfields or the McCoys or anyone else.

Or perhaps we can just agree that all this is not going to get any better. There is no YouTube channel to instruct us on how to stem or fix this glut of information. The barbarians are on either side of the gate now, each and every one with a homepage sharing supportive links — some motivated by murders by the state; others by the state forcing them to wear masks. They have met at the gate’s collapse and unwillingly, inevitably mingle. Now what? Like the internet, we may evolve into a species of our worst qualities.

Art Boone lives in Mississippi and has opinions.

Music Music Features

Rhythm of the City: John Paul Keith’s Latest is Essential Bluff City

When you put on Rhythm of the City, the new album by John Paul Keith on Italy’s Wild Honey label, you know just what city he’s talking about from the get-go. A twin saxophone attack launches a driving bulldog beat that could be an outtake from some Hi Records sessions. The background vocals, by Southern Avenue’s Tierinii and Tikyra Jackson, evoke the “blood harmony” that only singing siblings can offer. The guitar stabs could be samples from an Albert King record. And yet, with Keith’s blue-eyed-soul everyman vocals front and center, it still feels fresh. You’ve never heard all these Bluff City elements in quite the same way before.

That impression is compounded on track three, “The Sun’s Gonna Shine Again,” a soul shuffle full of airy, wistful jazz chords, topped with the electric sitar sound pioneered by guitarist Reggie Young on American Sound Studio hits like “Hooked on a Feeling.” By the time you hear the sound of a jet on the title track, you’re well situated in a Memphis of the mind, reinvented in myriad ways.

Geoffrey Brent Shrewsbury

John Paul Keith

“Once I decided that I was really gonna make a Memphis record, I had so much fun doing that,” says Keith. “Like the airplane in the title track. That’s a Box Tops reference. Al Gamble does kind of a swell on the organ there, and it was funny how well they blended, the B3 and the jet sound. [laughs] I also use a lick there that Steve Cropper does on ‘Pain in my Heart’ by Otis Redding. There’s little Easter eggs like that all over the record.”

But Keith didn’t envision that approach when he began the record. “I became more conscious that it was becoming a very Memphisy record, as it was progressing. I didn’t set out to do that, but when I noticed that, I decided to really lean into the idea. Of course, I was already gonna have horns.” Indeed, a horn-heavy approach was hardwired into both this album and Keith’s live set over the last two years or so, especially the less-often-heard combination of two saxophones.

“I got the idea to do that from Hunt Sales. I saw him play at Bar DKDC with a bunch of local guys, and he had two saxes. And I thought, ‘That’s so cool! Why didn’t I think of that?’ So I started hiring two sax players for my Beale Street gigs. And it’s real versatile. They can cover the Stax sound and nobody really notices that there’s no trumpet. But you can also do the Little Richard thing and stay in the rock-and-roll tone.”

A more classic horn section also appears. “We had the best of both worlds because we could bring in Marc Franklin on trumpet for some tunes. And he also gave me some good advice: When you have two saxes, cut the horns live with the band … because two saxes become part of the rhythm section.”

The sound of a live-tracked band also pays off with Keith’s guitar playing, some of the finest of his career. “For most of the album,” says Keith, “the guitar is one performance, one take. It’s exactly what I would play if we were playing a gig.”

And that is really where the heart of the city beats loudest here. Over his 15 years in Memphis, Keith has become a fixture on the scene, and the record smartly evokes those sweaty, blues-and Elvis-drenched nights. “When I was cutting these at Scott Bomar’s studio,” Keith notes, “he said, ‘I can really tell you’ve been playing at Graceland and Beale Street!'”

Now, those touchstones have become fundamental to Keith’s sound: “A handful of human beings playing live together, using their breath and their muscles and their brains. It’s magic. Like with the horns, I love the fact that you have a different person assigned to each note in a chord. That’s powerful! You can’t replicate that with a computer.”

News The Fly-By

MEMernet: Snow Mess, Black Lodge, and that Sweet Memphis Water

Sign of the Times

Something about a guy loading bottled water into a truck amid snow and ice that seems so long ago.

Posted to Instagram by the city of Memphis

Black Lodge Saved

Black Lodge — the video store, concert venue, and arcade — reached its fundraising goal on Indiegogo last week. The effort was to “pay our rent until we can get to the other side of [COVID-19].” As of press time, more than 480 supporters donated $27,909.


If you know Memphis Redditor B1gR1g’s love of King Cobra, you know this is a big deal.

Posted to Reddit by B1gR1g

“The only thing sweeter than King Cobra. Cheers, y’all, and thanks to our MLGW workers.” — B1gR1g, 2021

Politics Politics Feature

Vaccine Crisis Politics: Commission Meeting Previews Next Year’s Election Divide

Not that it is, or should be, the most significant fact to emerge from last week’s COVID-19 debacle in Shelby County, but, all the same, it’s a fact: The 2022 county election has begun, with the sides  being chosen and the weapons weighed.

Much of that became obvious at a special called meeting of the Shelby County Commission on Friday, February 26th, when the 13 commissioners were given a chance to interrogate County Mayor Lee Harris regarding the Tennessee Department of Health’s charges of mismanagement of COVID-19 vaccination by the Shelby County Health Department, resulting in TDH’s yanking responsibility for allocating vaccines locally and reassigning that function to the city of Memphis.

In the course of two hours of tense and sometimes volatile questioning of Harris, who remained in his upstairs office and appeared virtually via webinar, the commissioners, most of whom were seated in their regular chamber seats in the auditorium of the Vasco Smith County Building, cleaved unmistakably along partisan lines. 

Jackson Baker

Four of the body’s five Republicans — Mick Wright, David Bradford, Amber Mills, and Mark Billingsley — directly challenged the county administration, with Bradford, Mills, and Billingsley questioning the leadership of Harris, a Democrat, and Wright demanding an accounting from Shelby County Health Department Director Alisa Haushalter, who was absent from the session and, in fact, had, as Harris announced at the meeting, tendered her resignation that very day.

Harris — who declined, as he said, to engage in “navel-gazing”— kept a solemn mien as he stressed the need to “remediate” the situation, going forward, and fielded inquiries about the imbroglio and its details, including spoilage and subsequent wastage of an alleged 2,500 doses of Pfizer vaccine, the purported stockpiling of some 30,000 doses, unauthorized vaccination of children, possible theft of vaccine from the Pipkin vaccination site, and much more.

There were references in state documents to a “power struggle” between the county and Memphis city government over vaccine administration. Harris denied knowledge of any such development, but Billingsley reinforced that meme by lengthily extolling what he portrayed as Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland‘s filling a void with a display of “leadership.”

Bllingsley, a former commission chairman, is widely regarded as being a likely GOP candidate in 2022 to oppose Harris’ re-election. Another Republican known to be considering a race for county mayor next year is the well-connected Frank Colvett Jr., the current chairman of the Memphis City Council.

In normal circumstances, partisan differences on the county commission are not hard and fast, and allegiances are formed across party lines. (So are antagonisms: One of Harris’ persistent critics is Democratic member Edmund Ford Jr., who chimed in his discontent Friday along with the aforementioned Republicans.) But there was a drawing together on the Democratic side as well; Democratic Commissioners Van Turner and Reginald Milton rose to Harris’ defense on Friday with expressions of praise for his conduct of the mayoral office.

Turner even seemed to imply that the state’s action reflected a bias of Republican state government against Shelby County as a “step-child,” and noted that equivalent vaccine mishaps in Knox County had largely escaped censure by the TDH.

The current crisis will eventually be resolved or it won’t, but in the meantime it has offered a preview of a partisan divide, which may partially heal over but is bound to become more pronounced the closer we come to election year 2022.

Cover Feature News

Crosstown’s Traffic IPA Takes the Wheel at Beer Bracket 2021

Crosstown Brewing Company’s Traffic IPA is the best craft beer in Memphis according to the more than 1,600 voters of the Memphis Flyer‘s 2021 Beer Bracket Challenge, sponsored by Wolf River Popcorn Co., Young Avenue Deli, and Farm Burger.

This marks the first time Crosstown Brewing has won our challenge. Their win unseats Meddlesome Brewing Company’s 201 Hoplar’s three-year reign atop the Flyer‘s annual beer bracket contest.

Clark Ortkiese, who co-founded and owns Crosstown Brewing with Will Goodwin, says the daily objectives of running a brewery can be interesting and sometimes not. He says the beer bracket is fun, though, and the victory is exciting.

Justin Fox Burks

“It’s a people’s victory,” Ortkiese says. “It’s not people from ivory towers. It’s just regular people around town. It means an awful lot.”

Traffic was born before Crosstown Brewing was a company. Ortkiese says he and Goodwin were home brewers and found themselves gravitating to a lot of beers coming from southern California. The classic West Coast IPA is typically bitter by definition, with flavors of pine and resin. The two loved the style but wanted to turn down the volume on that bitterness. Traffic is about “that hop flavor, the aroma, and those tropical fruits; there’s some mango and passion fruit. We had the idea of that beer going for a long time,” Ortkiese says.

Crosstown Brewing’s head brewer, Stephen Tate, tasted Traffic even before he worked for the company. Ortkiese says Tate later put his stamp on it when he brewed Traffic commercially and “really improved it and gave us the beer we have today.”


This year was completely different for the beer bracket — and not just for COVID-19 reasons. We could not do some of our live events, of course. But this year we welcomed three new Memphis breweries into the contest — Beale Street, Grind City, and Hampline. Memphis hasn’t had that many new breweries open at the same time since 2013.

To get beers from nine breweries into a 32-slot bracket took some imagination. This year, each brewery selected three beers for definitive (and random) seeding. (I literally pulled the match-ups out of a hat.) They also submitted an additional beer to be possibly pulled for our wild-card match-up. 

Gone were our four bracket divisions that have, in the past, separated our bracket into very basic beer categories — light, dark, IPA, and seasonal. This year the beers commingled — stouts vs. IPAs, for example — and one match-up even found two Meddlesome beers pitted against one another.

Justin Fox Burks

The final round featured 201 Hoplar seeking a four-peat against Traffic, with Traffic emerging as the winner in a round that had more than 770 votes. 

The Memphis Flyer Beer Bracket had more than 17,000 votes this year from nearly 20 states, though most votes came from Midtown Memphis. All told, the contest had three times as many voters this year compared to 2020.

Death of the Growler

A Memphis beer era ended in late January as the Madison Growler and Bottle Shop closed its growler-filling station inside Madison’s Cash Saver. Two beer trends were responsible, according to Taylor James, vice president of sales and merchandising for Castle Retail Group, the company that owns Cash Saver. Both of them involve growlers.

That stumpy little glass jug (which you fill, drink, rinse, and bring back for a refill) sort of symbolized Memphis’ formal baptism into the local craft beer scene back in 2013. That year, lines for growler fills were long at the then newly opened Madison Growler. Growlers were one of the few ways to drink new or seasonal beers from the three new Memphis breweries that opened that year — Wiseacre, High Cotton, and Memphis Made. Madison Growler also had taps for breweries in other markets, including Nashville and St. Louis, giving Memphis a broader view of beer styles and trends outside the city.

In the ensuing years, more local breweries opened and began to can their beers. With a six-pack, unlike with a growler, there is no fear of the beer losing freshness. More local canned craft came on the market — including seasonals and the occasional one-off. No longer was the growler the go-to option for fresh, local beer.

Then, COVID-19 hit. (You knew we’d have to mention COVID, right?) That growler that used to be so socially shareable, became kinda … not.   

“The craft beer package has always been very strong, but it’s even stronger right now during a pandemic where people aren’t hanging out with folks,” James said in January. “The growler is a very sociable package. You get one. You share it with your friends. We’re not really doing that right now.”

The beer business is a trend business, James said, and the Madison Growler rode the wave for a long time. Beer lovers shouldn’t worry, though; the gates of Cash Saver’s heavenly beer aisle will remain open and stocked with enough brands and styles to keep any craft beer fan busy. It’ll just be renamed the Madison Bottle Shop.

So Trendy

Talking with James about this in January got me thinking about beer trends. Why are fanny packs back? Nobody knows (maybe). Why was everyone drinking sours and goses that one summer? Nobody knows (maybe).

Turns out, I’m as trendy as an insecure teenager when it comes to beer. I drank all the sours and goses I could find that one summer. I still love hard seltzers (but more on that later). I fan-boyed all the hazy IPAs for a stretch. I really only dabble in dark stuff, but if you tell me there’s some must-try, bourbon-barrel-aged mushroom stout, I’m ready with a snifter in hand.   

So I wanted to know what beer everyone would be drinking this summer. What beer trends have come and gone? What beer trends have been seen in other cities that haven’t yet made it to Memphis? For answers, I went to the place where I knew Memphis beer drinkers hang out (especially in a pandemic): the Memphis Beer Drinkers Facebook group.

Right off the bat, two members of the group told me they came to Memphis from other places and, once they had a look around the craft beer scene, felt like they’d gone back in time.

“I moved out here from Colorado in 2020 and it’s been really interesting watching the local beer trends here,” said group member Emily De Wett. “I felt like I had hit ‘rewind.'”

It was the same story from group member Jalyn Ann.

“After moving here two years ago from Iowa, I felt like I, too, hit a rewind,” Ann said. “The Memphis market is highly saturated with pilsners, lagers, light beers, which, yes, is a good thing for super-hot Memphis days. I feel like the market is missing a lot of the complexity and boldness of beers that I was accustomed to in Iowa (imperial stouts and sours with bold, creative flavors).”

C-pher Bacon Mantia, an admin for the Memphis Beer Drinkers group, said Memphis is, indeed, “back a few steps from the rest of the country.” For example, the beer selection in the Boston area, where he lived for a time, was quite different from the beers found here.

Some of this, at least, goes to a bigger question about the maturity and size of the Memphis craft beer scene. Thanks to three new recently opened breweries — Hampline, Beale Street, and Grind City — Memphis now has nine craft breweries. Nashville has north of 30. This isn’t to stir up any old Memphis/Nashville rivalry; Nashville is just the closest, most-comparable city.   

Why the disparity? For this question, I turned to James. He’s worked for a craft brewery outside Memphis. He also has a high-level view of the situation as he orders beers for his company’s stores. His answer was simple:

“You take a Nashville or a [Washington, D.C.] or Seattle or Portland,” James says. “Why do they have more craft beer or local breweries? They have more people. There’s just more people and, then, you have a larger demographic of craft drinkers.”

The size of the market determines a lot, James says, when it comes to craft beer. It determines what beer brands and styles he can offer at his stores. Market size may also influence how bold local brewers will be to offer up something different, when they know it’s their IPA that keeps the lights on.

What’s Ahead?

So, what will Memphis craft beer fans be drinking this summer?

The one thing all the people I talked to for this story agreed on is that the haze craze will continue. Hazy IPAs of nearly every flavor now line the shelves wherever finer beers are sold. The soft, juicy, fruity New England IPAs are a bit easier on the palate than their bitter, aggressive West Coast counterparts. According to the Independent Craft Brewers Association’s annual survey, this makes hazy IPAs more desirable to female and younger drinkers, and that’s “a recipe for continued growth.”

Heads nodded on the haze craze when I questioned the beer people at Joe’s Wines & Liquors — associate Emily De Wett (yes, the same one), general manager Sisco Larson, and manager and beer buyer Chris Schirmer. De Wett calls them the “super hazy boys.”

In another trend with staying power, James, from Cash Saver, says we’ll again be crushing cans of seltzer around the pool this summer.

“Seltzer is not a trend,” he says. “Seltzer is a way of life.”

The market segment for those light, bubbly, fruity drinks will only get more developed, James says. Expect more regional and national varieties of seltzers soon and expect the market for them to get bigger.

Schirmer, from Joe’s, says he’s seeing non-alcoholic beers on the trend horizon, too. For that, he reckons pandemic homesteading may have made some drinkers more health-conscious, plus a Dry January that perhaps spilled into Dry February. But it may be, too, that people just want to drink more beer.

“My assistant, Jake, made a good point,” Schirmer says. “Sometimes he wants to start drinking when it’s a nice day like this at 3 in the afternoon. But you don’t want to be asleep by 6 p.m. or 7 p.m., right?”

Non-alcoholic (NA) beers have been around a long time. (Anyone fancy an O’Doul’s?) But beer companies are brewing more flavorful NAs these days. Niche craft breweries like Bauhaus, Athletic, and Surreal focus specifically on NAs. But bigger breweries are headed to the space, too. Watch shelves soon for the IPNA (non-alcoholic IPA) from Lagunitas. James says the trend could aid those who want to drink but not consume alcohol for myriad reasons.

“Craft beer has become such a part of everyone’s social life that those people can easily feel left out,” he says.

The Joe’s crew says they’re seeing beer/wine crossovers all over the place, too. Ciders are hitting hard, maybe drawing in some wine drinkers. Pet Nat (short for Pétillant Naturel), a sparkling wine, is selling well, and is a way some beer drinkers are crossing over into wine.   

India Pale Lagers are “flying off the shelves,” Schirmer says. Larson says he’s starting to see low-alcohol farmhouse-style beers (like a saison) make a comeback. These trends, they say, are cyclical and come back in a way that’s like “what’s old is new again.”

One trend De Wett and I are both glad has not made it to Memphis is lactose. It’s, basically, milk added to beer to make it creamier and sweeter.

“Thank goodness,” she says. “I feel like I can really appreciate the hazy IPA because now we’re not doing, like, a strawberry milkshake IPA every other day.”

One trend De Wett hopes makes it to Memphis is more ownership diversity in the craft beer scene. Beale Street Brewing is the city’s first Black-owned brewery. The brewery and its moves, like the collaboration with 8Ball and MJG, have “brought a new type of beer customer into our store that we didn’t have before,” Larson says.

A grassroots effort to diversify the craft beer crowd is underway in Nashville. The Black Beer Experience is a Facebook group and a social club with events like panel discussions focused on inclusion in craft.

COVID-19 has kept De Wett out of the city’s many taprooms, she says. So she’s not exactly sure about the demographic makeup of their customers. But she knows Memphis is a majority Black city and that most American breweries are owned and run by white people, a fact backed up by survey results from the Brewers Association. De Wett says a group like The Black Beer Experience could bring more Black customers to local breweries.

“Black people love craft beer, too, and I think sometimes breweries are missing that,” she says. “It’s not intentional. It’s because there’s literally no representation in the brewery. So it’s like, how can we see that change?”

Sports Tiger Blue

Tigers 73, USF 52

The Tigers cruised to their sixth straight win Tuesday night at USF – and their ninth victory in ten games — to set up a huge clash this Sunday in Houston. Sophomore guard Boogie Ellis led the way with 18 points, hitting five of eight attempts from three-point range. The win was a dramatic improvement for the Tigers from the teams’ first meeting, a game won by a single point by Memphis at FedExForum on December 29th. The Tigers are now 15-6 overall and 11-3 in the American Athletic Conference while USF falls to 8-11 (4-9).

USF Athletics

Boogie Ellis

The Bulls missed 11 straight field-goal attempts in the first half and the Tigers enjoyed a 13-point lead (36-23) at the break. The Tigers extended the lead to 20 points eight minutes into the second half and continued to apply the clamps defensively, holding USF to 32 percent shooting. (The Bulls missed 15 of their 18 three-point attempts.)

DeAndre Williams scored 13 points and pulled down 10 rebounds for the Tigers, his second straight double-double. Lester Quinones added 12 points and seven rebounds. D.J. Jeffries came off the bench to put up nine points, four rebounds, and four assists. The Tigers played their second game without junior guard Alex Lomax, sidelined by an injury to his left ankle.

Memphis will now travel to Houston to face the 9th-ranked Cougars Sunday. And a win could clinch an NCAA tournament berth for the Tigers, currently considered on the “bubble” by most bracket prognosticators. It’s been more than seven years since the Tigers have beaten a Top-10 team, the program’s longest such drought in more than half a century. (Memphis beat 7th-ranked Louisville on March 1, 2014.) A win in Houston would also give the Tigers a dozen AAC regular-season wins, a total they’ve only reached once before (in the league’s inaugural 2013-14 season). Sunday’s game will tip-off at 11 a.m. and be televised nationally on CBS.

News News Blog

Memphis Zoo Officials Rebut “Worst Zoos for Elephants” Ranking

Memphis Zoo/Facebook

Daisy the elephant at Memphis Zoo in a photo from February

Memphis Zoo ranked eighth on this year’s annual “Worst Zoos for Elephants” list by an animal rights organization, but zoo officials said their elephant program meets and beats professional standards.

In Defense of Animals (IDA), a California-based international animal protection organization, has released its “Worst Zoos for Elephants” list every year since 2004. Memphis Zoo made the list in 2020 mainly on the September death of elephant Tyranza. IDA said the elephant was 56 when she died.

“Memphis Zoo touted Tyranza as being the oldest African elephant in North America — but this isn’t saying much,” reads the report. “Zoos frequently argue that elephants who live to great ages, whether captive or wild, are not representative of the lifespans of most elephants. ‘Uncontrollable variables’ are another shield used by zoos against inconvenient data from studies into how long elephants live overall in zoos versus in the wild. But zoos cannot defend against one undeniable fact: all research shows elephants die far younger in zoos than in the wild.”

Zoo officials released this statement about the ranking late Tuesday:

“The Memphis Zoo prides itself on having a highly respected elephant program that exceeds both expectations and requirements by the [Association of Zoos and Aquariums, AZA]. One key facet of our program is allowing the elephants to have choice and control over their environment and we allow our elephants the choice over whether or not to shift onto exhibit, what yards they’d prefer to inhabit, and whether or not to participate in training sessions.

“Tyranza’s record-setting life is a testament to the high level of care she received while at the Memphis Zoo. Additionally, no ‘risky unprotected contact’ is allowed with elephants at the Memphis Zoo between animals and the public.

“AZA-accredited zoos are required to meet or exceed the demanding standards for elephant management and care that AZA developed in cooperation with animal welfare advocates, field researchers, and elephant experts.

“These standards are more rigorous than many national and state agencies and they’re continually reviewed, revised, and updated to ensure that the best care, management, and conservation practices are incorporated. Our program is audited regularly by unaffiliated experts in the field and passes with high marks.”

News News Blog

State: No Harm From Expired Vaccines

Tero Vesalainen | Dreamstime

A state health official said no harm will come to Shelby Countians who received an expired COVID-19 vaccine from the Shelby County Health Department, though the shot may be less effective.

Dr. Lisa Piercey, Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Health (TDH), said Tuesday, March 2nd, that many from the Memphis area have contacted her office recently, worried they received an expired dose of the vaccine. Piercey said many have a paper record of their vaccine from the health department that shows their shot had expired, sometimes more than two weeks before they received it.

Piercey said her office investigated, and she believes many of these instances can be linked to a clerical error by the health department. Many sheets with an expired date were printed and taken to a vaccine site here, she said. However, TDH is not “resting on that assertion as a final decision. We’re verifying those cases ourselves.” But she said TDH believes the “vast majority” of the cases were clerical.
State of Tennessee

Dr. Lisa Piercey

“Nothing bad is going to happen if you get an expired vaccine,” Piercey said. “The worst thing that can happen is that the vaccine is not as effective as a temperature-controlled or unexpired vaccine would be.”

A state investigation of the health department’s management of the vaccine rollout here uncovered 2,400 doses that had to be discarded because they were allowed to be defrosted but weren’t used. State health officials found six instances of these expiration events in February. The investigation results in the resignation of SCHD director Alisa Haushalter on Friday, February 26th.

Piercey said her team and personnel from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are on the ground in Shelby County. They are pulling together data to help ensure the temperature integrity of vaccines here.

State of Tennessee

State officials will begin vaccinating those in the 1c population beginning Monday. The group includes those aged 16 and older with high-risk medical conditions like obesity, COPD, and diabetes. Piercey said this group includes more than 1.1 million Tennesseans and the state “unfortunately has high rates of chronic diseases.”

Moving into the next phase comes as a “large surplus” of vaccines are expected to flow to Tennessee in the next two to three weeks. This surge of vaccines includes the newly approved Johnson & Johnson vaccine, Piercey said.

Music Record Reviews

Dale Watson Owns His Bluff City Influences with Instrumental Tour de Force

I, for one, am crazy about instrumental albums. After a lifetime of pop radio, and rock-borne expectations in the mold of The Beatles, that’s not common, but there’s nothing like a lyric-less soundscape to put me in a state of mind that’s sweeter than words. Having said that, I’m picky. But even in the instrumental universe, Memphis brings more to the table than many cities. History leaves us with such gems as the Bill Black Combo, Willie Mitchell’s band, and the Ace Cannon oeuvre. Nowadays, we have the fine boogaloo jazz of the City Champs, and a crack band, the MDs, devoted wholly to the compositions of Booker T. & the MGs. And that’s just two among many.

Now, we have a band that’s so steeped in the Bluff City instrumental tradition they wear it on their collective sleeves: The Memphians. The only irony is that this group was the brainchild of a recent transplant, Dale Watson, who until 2017 was based in Austin, Texas. But when Dale moved in, he really moved in, taking it upon himself to renovate the classic Hernando’s Hide-a-way venue and setting up a fine retro-chic home near Graceland complete with its own recording facilities, Wat-Sun Studios.

While Watson still plays with His Lone Stars, from Texas, he’s also assembled a crew of Memphis’ finest for his more swinging nights at Hernando’s, and thus were the Memphians born.  While he’s known to sing with them, they really excel at the kind of rootsy, groovy, swinging instrumentals that you rarely hear these days, but were once the mainstay of clubs like the Hide-a-way. Tunes from the heyday of instrumentals, like Bill Justis’ “Raunchy,” or the Bill Black Combo’s “Smokie,” or Ace Cannon’s “Tuff,” are part of the Memphians’ stock-in-trade.

Now, with Watson at the helm, they carry that aesthetic into the present, with a collection of originals that could sit side by side with any of the above classics. Dale Watson Presents the Memphians is a welcome — and pitch-perfect — return to a world where melody, harmony and an irresistible groove are all you need.

It helps that the Memphians are all steeped in the same musical touchstones. All tracks were penned by Watson, except four that he co-wrote with guitarist Mario Monterosso. Joining them are local musicians Danny Banks (drums), T. Jarrod Bonta (piano), Carl Caspersen (upright bass), and Jim Spake (saxophone). Making the most of last year’s quarantine, Watson recorded the group at Wat-Sun Studios in just two days.

The mood swerves from the Duane Eddy-esque low-down twang of “Agent Elvis” or “Deep Eddy” to dreamy reveries like “Dalynn Grace” or “Serene Lee.” And thanks to Monterosso’s influence, they may have produced the only rock and roll rave-up from Memphis where the players shout in Italian — “Mi Scusi.”
Roberto Hawkins

Dale Watson

All the proceedings go down with nary a hitch or a false note, with all players at the top of their pre-70s game. Being a pianist myself (and, full disclosure, occasionally sitting on Watson’s back bench of musicos), I’m especially impressed by Bonta’s ivory-tickling, ranging from perfectly clinky high notes to rollicking boogie woogie without missing a beat, and always bringing both precision and fire to his solos.

The same goes for Watson’s precise guitar playing, but any fan of his past work takes that as a matter of course. The real revelation here is how effortlessly he’s joined by his crew of local savants to produce a classic that somehow stands outside of time.