News News Feature

The Amazon Challenge

One of my favorite financial writers, Jacob Lund Fisker, had an interesting process to determine what sort of things to own. He was on the early crest of what we might now call minimalism (though he disputes that characterization) and even today focuses on owning things he uses hourly or at least daily. He has particular contempt for things owned more than six months without being used (get rid of it), things idle for more than a year (get rid of it!), and my favorite category, “I didn’t even know I owned this” (he recommends “get rid of it!!!” with three exclamation points).

I noticed recently that order history is very detailed, can be easily extracted, and never is purged. There is nothing special about Amazon orders, or online vs. in-person buying in general, except it is rare to have such comprehensive buying info all in one place. I have Amazon purchases I can review going back to the year 2000 — a unique time capsule. Just like the addresses in my Amazon address book, it is a diary of my life and where I have been over the years. Here are some thoughts on what I see in my data from a financial perspective.

One large category is consumables like food and furnace filters, which mostly can be ignored. However, I have learned that it’s worth checking the price at local grocery stores since sometimes the cost of shipping baked in can have a big impact on the final price.

I wish I had all the money back that I spent on DVDs and CDs, since they have no place in my life anymore. I also wish I had the money back that I spent on most books — I love reading, but I could have borrowed most of these from a library (you can get anything via interlibrary loan!). Afterward, I could have bought only the ones that proved meaningful to me, as the vast majority sit idle or have been donated over the years.

One of the most satisfying categories is DIY supplies (sometimes expensive) that solved important problems and saved significant money, like a new starter for my 1999 Accord or a new faucet cartridge that saved a visit from the plumber.

My favorite category, just like Fisker, is things bought years ago and still used frequently, like the flip-flops I see sitting in the corner I bought in 2013 or my wife’s sunglasses from 2014 she still wears daily. Things in this category are shockingly few and far between. I’m actually going through the thousands of things I have bought to see how many are still in service by vintage year. Maybe we’ll have a follow-up article with some of that data — I’d like to learn how to buy more of this stuff and less of everything else.

A sad category includes the things used once or even never. Usually these are very specialized solutions that either did not work or proved to be too unrealistic or cumbersome. Sometimes they are simply impulse purchases that probably would never have been ordered if I forced myself to keep them in the cart for a week.

Even worse, there are problems that could have been solved with items on hand. For example, I have approximately a zillion HDMI cables at the bottom of a tangled bin somewhere, but I’ve continued to buy them over the years because it’s easier than tracking one down. This is probably an example of one of the worst aspects of consumerism.

My Amazon safari was eye-opening, and everyone’s experience is likely to be different. All spending decisions are based on trade-offs — spending vs. saving, time vs. money, money vs. emotions, consumption vs. conservation, and so on. Seeing the good purchases I have made was rewarding and seeing the countless purchases I have no use for today — or maybe never did — will hopefully help guide me in the right spending direction going forward.

You should take a look yourself if you use Amazon frequently — you too might find it a fun journey down memory lane as well as a sobering reflection of your own financial history!

Gene Gard is Chief Investment Officer at Telarray, a Memphis-based wealth management firm that helps families navigate investment, tax, estate, and retirement decisions. Ask him your questions or schedule an objective, no-pressure portfolio review at Sign up for the next free online seminar on the Events tab at

We Recommend We Recommend

Playback Memphis Hosts Mental Health-themed Events

Mental health concerns seem to be on everyone’s minds these days, as evidenced in this week’s cover story, and Virginia Murphy, founder and executive director of Playback Memphis, has found that true within Playback’s group of professional artists who bring audience stories to life with improvisation, dance, and music.

“We consider our work to be healing work,” she says, “but we were in a moment when we recognized even within our own very healthy organization, by most respects, we had a number of stories where mental health was a central character. … And we didn’t really have a direct way of talking about that with each other. That was true before 2021, before the pandemic, and now it’s kind of on steroids.”

As such, the group has turned its attention to seeking clarity for the sake of mental health and has invited the community to join in this pursuit with its Listening for a Change Week. “It’s an initiative on our part to explore new pathways and partnerships for mental health and healing through the arts,” Murphy says. “We know that we have this incredible therapeutic tool, and we feel like it’s an untapped resource in our community.”

For the Listening for a Change Week, Chesney Snow, a New York City-based, award-winning performing artist and pioneer in beatbox culture, will lead a choreopoem workshop, open to the public, this Thursday. The workshop will give insight into sharing personal stories and using art as a medium for social healing. The event will also include excerpts of Snow’s original choreopoem performance, The Unwritten Law, which explores the artist’s personal journey “from a legacy of incarceration to fatherhood, homelessness to Harvard, to ultimately starring on Broadway.”

After the workshop, Playback will host a free community gathering with Snow at 5:30 p.m. at the Frayser Community Development Corporation garden. You do not have to attend the workshop to join, and light refreshments will be available.

On Saturday, Snow will join in a Playback performance with audience members sharing a personal story or reflection for the ensemble cast of actors, dancers, musicians, and poets to reimagine on the stage. “It’s done in the service of building empathy and awareness,” Murphy says. “You may share a story and see it played back and may see something you hadn’t really considered before. … Not everyone shares, and if you’re in the role of witness, that’s a really important role as well. It helps a lot with perspective.”

After the performance, Jennifer Balink of Kindred Place will facilitate a conversation to reflect on the shared experience of the performance. Murphy says, “We want people to walk out after and feel like they are taking away something that will nourish and support them out of the theater.”

Choreopoem Workshop led by Chesney Snow, Frayser Community Development Corporation, Thursday, August 25, 2-5 p.m.

Listening for a Change: Memphis Matters, TheatreSouth at First Congregational Church, Saturday, August 27, 7 p.m., $10-$30.

Opinion The Last Word

Uncritical Political Discourse

Tuesday primary elections are a routine occasion of frustration for many Americans. August 16, 2022, continued this trend. Central questions included ideas about the amount of power still wielded by Donald Trump, whether the accomplishments of the Biden administration have been promoted enough, and whether election results can be trusted.

Many pundits point to Trump-endorsed Harriet Hageman defeating Rep. Liz Cheney as more proof that Trump is in control of the Republican Party. Ten Republicans in the House of Representatives voted to impeach Donald Trump for inciting the January 6th Capitol insurrection; four retired rather than face reelection, four lost to Trump-backed opponents, and two advanced to the general election.

This requires a critical analysis. Let’s look at a few elements.

Results from a 2019 CivicScience survey help to articulate the complicated mess that uncritical analysis creates. The survey revealed troubling information about how bias and prejudice problematize political decision-making.

For example, 56 percent of respondents said that schools in America shouldn’t teach Arabic numerals (which, as every schoolchild should know, are the numerals we all use every day and throughout American education, i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4 … ). While they do not claim that this indicates a stunning level of both ignorance and commitment to purblind prejudice, that should be quite obvious.

We’ve all seen the uproar over critical race theory, which at its core is simply a commitment to teach pupils the truth about American history. The truth is what students need. They can decide for themselves what they believe to be good, great, bad, or evil. But Fox News and Republicans call for a ban on such teaching.

Some of this obdurate, willing ignorance is rooted in a kind of tribalism. This can be an uncritical acceptance of dogmatic positioning and dishonesty in the name of loyalty to group, but has no authentic place in a democracy. If I go along with my tribe (e.g., progressives, conservatives) uncritically, I am both lazy and cowardly.

I’m lazy when I don’t fact-check my “leaders.”

I’m cowardly when I do fact-check them, find their errors, and fail to alter my position accordingly.

A lazy and cowardly democracy is no democracy at all.

Continued loyalty to Donald Trump presents a departure from democratic norms and an embrace of fascism. He introduces falsehoods and repeats lies of others when it seems to serve him.

The acceptance of QAnon conspiracy theory — demonstrably false by any due-diligence, reasonable standard — into the Republican party has created a GQP that values allegiance to party over country. Facts and truth have taken a sideline; hence, we see a deeper movement toward authoritarianism.

Trump’s Tuesday victories undermine the pillars of democracy. He undermines choosing and replacing elected officials in free and fair elections. His supporters discourage active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life. The GQP attacks human rights and equality under the law.

It is an extremely important time for people to think, act, and vote. The people have the power and can reclaim guarantees for free and fair elections and affirmations for equality and human rights. Everyone needs to commit and prepare to safeguard democratic institutions and values before they’re gone.

Wim Laven, Ph.D., syndicated by PeaceVoice, teaches courses in political science and conflict resolution.

Politics Politics Feature

Naming Names

District Attorney-elect Steve Mulroy took the opportunity last week to name the members of his newly created transition team, to be chaired by outgoing County Commissioner and local NAACP head Van Turner.

Turner, who recently acknowledged that he would be a candidate for mayor in next year’s Memphis city election, promised “a thorough, top-to-bottom review of the operations, priorities, and staffing of the District Attorney’s Office.”

Other members of the transition team are: District 29 state Senator Raumesh Akbari (D); District 83 state Representative Mark White (R); Demetria Frank, associate dean for diversity and inclusion at the University of Memphis Law School; Richard Hall, chief of police, city of Germantown; Muriel Malone, executive director of the Tennessee Human Rights Commission and former Shelby County assistant DA; Kevin Rardin, retired member of the Public Defender’s Office and former Shelby County assistant DA; Mike Carpenter, director of marketing and development for My Cup of Tea; Yonée Gibson and Josh Spickler of Just City; and attorneys Jake Brown, Kamilah Turner, Brice Timmons, and Mike Working.

Paul Young (Photo: Jackson Baker)

Paul Young, the director of the Downtown Memphis Commission, gave members of the Kiwanis Club a comprehensive review of current and future projects for Downtown development on Wednesday of last week. One matter of public curiosity did not go unspoken to in the subsequent Q&A. Would he, someone asked, be a candidate for Memphis mayor next year as has been rumored?

Young’s reply: “Obviously, we’ve had a lot of conversations. And you know, it’s not time for any type of announcements or anything like that. I’m gonna continue to do the job at DMC to the best of my ability, regardless of when the season comes for the mayor’s race, but we definitely have had discussions.”

• Meanwhile, the Shelby County Republican Party, having been defeated for all countywide positions in the recent August 4th election, is doing its best to retain optimism. Looking ahead to the next go-round, the federal-state general election of November 8th, the local GOP held a fundraiser Friday at the South Memphis headquarters of the Rev. Frederick Tappan, who will oppose Democratic nominee (and recently appointed incumbent) London Lamar for the District 33 state Senate seat.

Imported for the occasion was state Senator Ken Yager of Kingston, the GOP’s Senate caucus chair, who assured local Republicans, for what it was worth, that “the Republican leadership are 100 percent committed to the election of Frederick Tappan.”

Tappan, pastor of Eureka TrueVine Baptist Church and founder of L.I.F.E. Changing Ministries, sounded his own note of commitment: “We can do this if we come together. We need one mind, have one mission, to become one Memphis. We don’t lean to the left, we don’t lean to the right.”

GOP chair Cary Vaughn, who would probably admit leaning somewhat to the right, said, “We took it on the chin a few weeks ago. But that was not the finish line. That was the starting line for November 8th, we’ve got a chance to redeem ourselves.” Vaughn mentioned several of the party’s legislative candidates, including state Senator Kevin Vaughan, state representatives Mark White and John Gillespie, and state Senate candidate Brent Taylor. “We have a chance to rectify the situation. And we have an opportunity, not just to finish, but to finish well.”

Sports Sports Feature

901 FC Fall to Birmingham Legion

Some losses sting more than others. Dropping points at home, against rivals Birmingham Legion FC, is something no fan wants to experience. And this match truly was a battle, a back-and-forth slugfest between these regional competitors who went blow for blow throughout the 90 minutes. Unfortunately, it just wasn’t the team’s day, and Memphis fell 4-2 at home against Birmingham.

This clash is always one that fans put on their calendar, the build-up to each contest seeing some light, and some not so light, ribbing between the fan bases online. For those regularly outside soccer circles, there’s a saying that “form goes out the window” during a “derby” (a match between local rivals), so previous results and logic need not apply when trying to predict the outcome. It’s hard to bet against Memphis this season, but lest we forget, Birmingham are also a top team in the Eastern Conference.

Before the match, the commentators speculated that this game could be a shoot-out, and that’s exactly what happened. Memphis got the fun started early, going ahead thanks to a name that should be familiar on the score sheet from the past couple of weeks. Midfielder Leston Paul played a ball into the box, and Phillip Goodrum’s dummy allowed Luiz Fernando to take a sweet first touch into space and slot home his left-footed shot to put Memphis up 1-0 in the 18th minute.

Unfortunately, some uncertainty began to creep into Memphis’ game. We started seeing uncharacteristic mistakes on the defensive side, with players perhaps a little tired after the midweek trip to Albuquerque. Birmingham tied up the game after Anderson Asiedu drew a sloppy foul in Memphis’ box, with former USMNT forward Juan Agudelo equalizing from the spot in the 28th minute. Just a couple minutes later, Patrick Seagrist had to intervene with a headed clearance off the line to prevent Memphis going behind. But 901 FC did eventually fall behind from a corner kick just before halftime, and shortly into the second half, Birmingham extended their lead to 3-1 when Marlon Santos pounced on Rece Buckmaster’s mistake at the back and shot past Trey Muse.

Memphis did pull a goal back in the 61st minute, when Goodrum’s shot ricocheted off Jeremy Kelly and into the back of the net. But while pushing forward for an equalizer, Memphis conceded again, Birmingham restoring their two-goal cushion and seeing out the game for a 4-2 win.

It’s a disappointing loss for sure, but no cause for panic. On the balance of play, Saturday’s match was pretty even. 901 FC held 59 percent possession, taking 15 shots (10 in the box) to Birmingham’s 17 (11 in the box), and forcing the Legion into almost three times as many defensive clearances. The key differences came in just a few instances when Memphis’ concentration levels dropped, with a small number of mistakes being punished by the Legion attack. It’s not the kind of thing we see from 901 FC every week, and it’s something that coach Ben Pirmann will be quick to stamp out.

Despite the loss, Memphis emerged from the weekend holding down second place in the Eastern Conference standings on 51 points. And that top spot is still within touching distance, with frontrunners Louisville City FC sitting on 55 points, albeit having played one less game.

The playoffs surely beckon, and as it stands, Memphis can go toe to toe with any opponent they match up against. Next up are Loudoun United FC at AutoZone Park on Wednesday, August 31st. Loudoun currently sit 10th in the Eastern Conference standings and present a good opportunity for Memphis to get back to winning ways.

Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

Sneak Peek at the New Restaurant Iris

OK. I’m just going to say it. Or write it, rather. The new Restaurant Iris is going to be the prettiest restaurant in Memphis.

It’s stunning.

Owner Kelly English, who says he doesn’t know when the restaurant will open, gave me a tour of his new eating establishment at 4550 Poplar Avenue in the Laurelwood Shopping Center. It’s where the old restaurant, The Grove Grill, was located. Restaurant Iris’s former location is where English’s restaurant, Panta, now is located.

The view when I opened the door at the new Restaurant Iris almost knocked me down. Not really. But mentally. It was a jolt. In a good way.

This is what a fabulous, elegant contemporary restaurant looks like in your dreams. A lot of color and energy.  

Restaurant Iris foyer and main dining room (Credit: Michael Donahue)

You move from the green-and-white mosaic floor at the entrance into the beautiful main dining room with Italian glass fixtures that resemble colorful balloons because of the light bulbs that are run by an LED lighting system. They feature the full spectrum of colors, including blue, purple, pink, green, and yellow. English showed me how the colors can be manipulated at a control panel off the main dining room.

Ann Parker and her team at Parker Design Studio designed the interior of Restaurant Iris. “That lighting system operates throughout the whole restaurant,” she says. “You are in control of the perfect lighting of light levels and clarity of light and color traces.”

And she says, “You will always look beautiful in the restaurant. So, be careful.”

The serpentine booths in the center give the restaurant so much movement and energy that I almost fell down again. Also in a good way.

Serpentine booths in the main dining room at Restaurant Iris (Credit: Michael Donahue)

Those who remember entering the old Justine’s restaurant will remember the chandeliers, the French-inspired antiques, and the black-and-white flooring at the entry way. Restaurant Iris achieves this same opulent sensation, but with contemporary furnishings instead of antiques. 

Both Justine’s and Restaurant Iris have that New Orleans feel. English, who everybody probably knows by know, is from New Orleans. So, the restaurant is a great reflection of the Crescent City. Come to think of it, those center booths in the main dining room are crescent shaped, actually. Was this an accident?

The whimsical and beautiful mural of a Louisiana landscape in the main dining room is by local artist Dorothy Collier. 

Dorothy Collier painted the mural in the main dining room (Credit: Michael Donahue)

But don’t get me wrong. This place feels fun. Not stiff. People are going to have a good time here. And create memories. 

“The process was to create a space that was emulating the old Iris on lots of levels,” Parker says. “And we mimicked a lot of that in some of the color tones and then taking it to the next level: an elevated level of its old location and all that will offer.”

The concept? “We were wanting to play with your senses. The food will play with your senses as much as your environment.”

When I looked to my left on entering the restaurant, I saw shelving. That’s for the restaurant’s “grab and go” grocery store, English says. It will include everything from pickles and canned goods to prepared family meals.”

When I looked to my right, I saw the spacious bar and oyster bar. In addition to ordering by the bottle, the bar will feature 29 wines, two champagnes, and two sparkling wines by the glass.

A portion of the Restaurant Iris bar (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Restaurant Iris oyster bar (Credit: Michael Donahue)

The restaurant has four private dining rooms that can accomodate both small or large groups. The mural depicting a garden party on the wall in the larger private room is spectacular.

A Restaurant Iris private dining room (Credit: Michael Donahue)
A private dining room at Restaurant Iris (Credit: Michael Donahue)
A mural of a garden party graces walls in a private dining room at the new Restaurant Iris (Credit: Michael Donahue)

The kitchen is enormous — 3,500 square feet, English says.

Restaurant Iris kitchen (Credit: Michael Donahue)

The bathrooms are gorgeous.

Restaurant Iris women’s bathroom (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Restaurant Iris men’s bathroom (Credit: Michael Donahue

And now — the food. It’s also going to be gorgeous and delicious. Executive chef Russell Casey says, “We’re going to do classic New Orleans cuisine. More upscale. Think Galatoire’s with my footprint, hand print, whatever you want to call it all through the menu.”

Restaurant Iris executive chef Russell Casey (Credit: Michael Donahue)

A menu item “closely related” to what Casey does is his “pan-seared flounder with speckled lima beans, succotash, béarnaise, and jumbo lump crabmeat.”

Casey also will feature “tons” of his sides, which will be featured à la carte. “But we’re putting that New Orleans stamp on it.”

Casey, who used to bus tables as a teenager at The Grove Grill, is amazed at the transformation of the space. He’s worked with many chefs at several restaurants, but, Stephen Hassinger, who was executive chef at the old Inn at Hunt Phelan, was his biggest inspiration. “Every person who was in that kitchen has gone on to do wonderful things. I think it starts with Stephen Hassinger. He’s been so influential in turning out some great chefs when Memphis really was kind of in its infancy stage of becoming a culinary destination. Which I think we are well on our way to if not already there instead of just a barbecue destination.”

When I asked how he felt, English said, “Great.”

“Iris will return to the true roots it set out at with added space to achieve it,” he says. “We will be a classic Creole restaurant in every sense of the term, with dishes you remember from the early years of Iris, an oyster bar, daily lunch. All of that and you get Russell Casey’s food, too.

“We really wanted to maximize the space we had — both in the dining rooms and the kitchen — to best support our team. I think we have done that. Ann Parker and team have done a phenomenal job of bringing a space that did not exist in Memphis to life that we think will be a great complement to the larger restaurant community that we already have here.”

Kelly English, owner of Restaurant Iris (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Restaurant Iris in Laurelwood Shopping Center (Credit: Michael Donahue)
Film Features Film/TV

Indie Memphis Youth Fest Spotlights New Generation of Filmmakers

From its inception 25 years ago as a forum for Memphis filmmakers to show their work, Indie Memphis has had artist development as a big part of its mission. The ultimate expression of that mandate is the Youth Film Fest. Now in its seventh year, the Youth Film Fest returns in-person this Saturday, August 27th, after two years of meeting virtually. 

The one-day fest will be held Downtown at the Orpheum Theatre’s Halloran Centre. This year’s keynote speaker will be Craig Brewer, director of Hustle & Flow and Coming 2 America. Brewer is a Memphis filmmaking pioneer who wrote, directed, and produced his first movie The Poor & Hungry here in 2000. He will be speaking on the subject of storytelling and the importance of understanding not only what techniques will move the audience, but also why and how each story is being told. 

During the spring and summer, the Indie Memphis CrewUp program brings together groups of students between grades 7 and 12 to create a short film under the tutelage of a professional to screen at the Youth Film Fest. This year’s batch of nine films, all produced with budgets of $500, will screen at 12:15 p.m. A second batch of 11 short films created by Mid-South students will screen at 5 p.m. The audience will vote for their favorite film, which will win a $300 prize. The winner of the jury prize will receive $500. 

A new production grant program modeled on the highly successful IndieGrants awards $5,000 to one youth filmmaker for a short-film proposal. The first Youth Grant winner in 2019 was Janay Kelley. Her film “The River” will make its world premiere at 2 p.m., accompanied by an informational session about the requirements of the grant program. 

Workshops will be held throughout the afternoon, including makeup with Mandie J, production design and title graphics with Mica Jordan, stunt choreography with Jyo “Six” Carolino, directing actors with Princeton James, cinematography with Jason Thibodeaux, and the delightfully titled “Producing & Other Weird Jobs” with Sharrika Evans. 

The day will end with a group dinner and trivia contest at 6:45 p.m., and the awards show at 7:30 p.m. 

Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, August 27th. Passes, which can be either in-person or, for those unable to attend, virtual, are available at the Indie Memphis website. 

We Recommend We Recommend

Blues & Brews at Grind City Fest

This weekend, Grind City Brewing Company is hosting its first-ever Grind City Fest in a collaborative effort with Mammoth Live and local promoter Nick Barbian to bring live music back to Uptown Memphis. The two-day festival will consist of blues and bluegrass performances, headlined by the Grammy-winning Infamous Stringdusters on Friday, and Greensky Bluegrass on Saturday. 

Other performances will include Saxsquatch, The Travelin’ McCourys, Here Come the Mummies, The Wild Feathers, Kyle Nix & the 38s, and local acts Cyrena Wages and Dirty Streets.

The festival has been a year in the making, with the idea for the festival originating in a casual conversation between Barbian, who recently opened Big River Market in the South Main neighborhood, and Grind City Brewing founder Hopper Seely. “We were literally just out there at Grind City Brewing Company having a couple beers, looking at a great skyline of Downtown Memphis and this beautiful, just shy of two-acre lawn,” Barbian says, “and we were like, ‘We should do music out here.’”

(Credit: Grind City Brewing Company)

The hope, Barbian explains, is to promote more live entertainment in the area. “This fest is definitely a preview of things to come. This is hopefully just the beginning. We want to bring more music back to Uptown, especially because that is such a developing part of the city right now, and having the brewery up there is such a great asset.”

Tickets can be purchased in advance at or at the door. Single day passes cost $35, and two-day passes cost $65. Children, 12 and under, get in free. VIP tickets are available for $125 and include early access to the venue, one free beer per day, free parking, access to the tap room and patio, a preferred viewing area, private bar and restrooms, limited edition laminate, an expanded beer menu, and complimentary Grind City Brewing tastings. 

For more information, visit or @grindcityfest901 on Facebook or Instagram. 

Lineup is as follows:

Friday, August 26

Saxsquatch | 5 p.m.

The Travelin’ McCourys | 6 p.m.

Here Come the Mummies | 7:30 p.m.

Infamous Stringdusters | 9:15 p.m.

Saturday, August 27

Cyrena Wages | 3:15 p.m.

Dirty Streets | 4:30 p.m.

Kyle Nix | 5:35 p.m.

Wild Feathers | 7 p.m.

Greensky Bluegrass (set 1) | 8:15 p.m.

Greensky Bluegrass (set 2) | 9:45 p.m.

News News Blog News Feature

With Clerk’s Offices Closed to “Clean Up the Mess,” Wanda Halbert Goes to Jamaica

Shelby County Clerk Wanda Halbert is in Jamaica this week, her offices are closed to catch up on the controversial backlog of license plate requests from citizens, and the Tennessee Comptroller is having none of it

Halbert has been under fire for weeks as requests for Tennessee’s new plates have gone unfulfilled and lines stretch down the sidewalks at her offices. Halbert has given numerous excuses for the backlog, winning her a vote of no confidence by the Shelby County Commission. 

However, she was re-elected in August and vowed to clear the backlog. To get there, she made the move to close her offices for two separate weeks. That move was called “unusual” by Tennessee Comptroller Jason Mumpower recently. 

On the first day of the closure, Mumpower’s office confirmed that Halbert was out of the country, in Jamaica, while her staffers were left to “clean up the mess.” 

Here’s the statement Mumpower’s office tweeted this afternoon:       

“The Comptroller’s office has confirmed that Shelby County Clerk Wanda Halbert is currently out of the country in Jamaica.

“This comes as the Shelby County Clerk’s Office has closed its offices this week to “catch up” on a backlog of work. 

“The clerk’s trip shows a lack of leadership and concern for her staff who are left to address the backlog without her presence in the office. It also shows a lack of respect for the citizens of Shelby County who are forgoing many of the clerk’s services this week in hopes that she is addressing her office’s deficiencies during the closure.” 

“The clerk’s decision to travel to Jamaica this week shows that her apologies were meaningless,” said Comptroller Jason Mumpower. “Her decision to take a trip damages her credibility and shows a complete lack of awareness. The clerk is [absent without leave] while her staff is left behind trying to clean up the mess.” 

Film Features Film/TV

Music Video Monday: “Baby Teeth” by Don Lifted

Music video auteur Don Lifted has a hot new offering from his 325i album.

“‘Baby Teeth’ was written and produced before ‘The Rope’ and before the concept of 325i was fully a thing,” he said. “We were trying different sounds based on the things I was feeling at the time. I wasn’t in a deal yet, but I knew it was highly likely. I was angry. I’m still angry. That’ll be a recurring theme for a few years.”

The multi-hyphenate artist directed “Baby Teeth,” with frequent collaborators Studio One Four Three producing. Sam Leathers, who has lensed for the Don in the past, is the cinematographer. The truly impressive production design and makeup is by Ahmad George; the spooky masks were created by D. D. Issac.

“For the video I wanted to create something that represented the alchemical process I’m physically and spiritually going through,” Don Lifted says. “I’ve been living through very violent transitions and growth processes for the last few years. Many of the lessons I’ve needed to learn I haven’t due to my own human weakness and doubt systems around me. These moments second guessing my path caused truths to be revealed to me in ways that left scars instead of me being able to elevate without the physical and emotional pain. Sacrifice is always required but it doesn’t always involve suffering. I’m closer to learning that lesson. This visual is me trying to represent those stages and all the parts within me operating at their maximized selves through loneliness, trauma, ostracism. … Each absorbing and changing their physical presentation toward a new form of enlightened self.” 

If you would like to see your music video on Music Video Monday, email