Film Features Film/TV

Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery

During the height of the streaming boom, when Netflix, Disney, and HBO were swimming in speculative stock market money, studios looking to feed the online content machine made a lot of big deals with filmmakers. The one that raised the most eyebrows was Rian Johnson’s $469 million deal with Netflix for two sequels to the writer/director’s sleeper hit Knives Out. $234 million a pop is in line with what Johnson had to work with when he made Star Wars: The Last Jedi. But Knives Out was a classic cozy mystery in the style of Agatha Christie. There were no special effects-heavy space battles or big expensive stunt sequences. One of the reasons these kinds of stories became so popular in the early days of sound pictures is that they’re cheap to produce. How was Johnson and longtime producing partner Ram Bergman supposed to spend all that money? 

The answer presented by Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery is to give everyone Johnson’s ever wanted to work with a cameo. Serena Williams’ cameo even makes a joke of the money burn rate. As “the world’s greatest detective” Benoit Blanc (Daniel Craig) has an emergency conference with Andi Brand (Janelle Monáe) in the gym of tech billionaire Miles Bron’s (Edward Norton) island estate, a video screen in the background promises a private session with Serena. As they speak, what seems at first to be a still image of the tennis star moves slightly. Then Williams, bored with the details of a mystery she isn’t privy to, speaks up. “So you don’t want to work out?” 

No, snaps Blanc. We’re busy. 

“Whatever. I’m still on the clock,” she sighs, then returns to her crossword puzzle book. 

Edward Norton, Kate Hudson, Kathryn Hahn, Dave Bautista, Leslie Odom, Jr., Jessica Henwick, Madelyn Cline, Janelle Monáe, and Daniel Craig have a dinner party.

Serena Williams is not the only A-lister in a funny cameo. When we first see Blanc, he’s stuck inside his New York apartment during the height of the pandemic quarantine, playing Among Us on Zoom with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Natasha Lyonne, Angela Lansbury, and Stephen Sondheim — and losing. But his pandemic blues are relieved when he’s one of five people invited to a murder mystery party weekend at Bron’s palatial estate on a Greek island, known as the Glass Onion. 

The group, who Miles calls his “beautiful disruptors,” includes Claire (Kathryn Hahn), the Governor of Connecticut who is running for a Senate seat; Lionel (Leslie Odom, Jr.), lead research scientist for Miles’ rocket company; Birdie Jay (Kate Hudson), supermodel and fashion designer; and Duke (Dave Bautista), a gun-toting, men’s rights YouTube influencer. Andi, Miles’ former partner in his technology company, is also invited, but the group seems very surprised when she actually shows up. Blanc quickly susses out that these alleged old friends don’t actually like each other very much. When the murder mystery dinner party game is interrupted by a real murder, Blanc (and Johnson) are in their element. I won’t spoil what comes next, except to say that the “onion” in the title refers to layers upon layers of flashbacks that Johnson uses to reveal the mystery and its ultimate solution. 

Janelle Monáe

An all-star cast solving a murder conjures visions of bad ’70s haircuts phoning in performances. But Jonson knows how to assemble a cast with chemistry, and treats Glass Onion like a Robert Altman dinner party movie, where everyone’s having fun and giving it their all. Monáe is captivating as a woman whose secrets have secrets. Hudson disarms with a ditzy blonde routine before revealing the icy calculations beneath her facade. Odom and Hahn, used to being scene stealers themselves, are excellent, but feel a little underutilized. 

Like Knives Out, Glass Onion fronts as a frothy potboiler just out for a good time. But in its heart, it’s a scathing satire of our oligarchic ruling class. Exposing Miles, his “genius” Elon Musk figure, as a garden variety sociopathic manipulator feels particularly timely on Johnson’s part. Netflix execs might feel some buyers remorse when they see Monáe gleefully smashing the astonishingly expensive set, but we the audience get our money’s worth.

News News Blog News Feature

Finalized Parking Deal Ends Greensward Parking, Years-Long Public Saga

City leaders, the Memphis Zoo, and the Overton Park Conservancy made final Monday a parking plan that came after years of protests, battles at Memphis City Hall, and a host of proposals. It’s a plan that will forever end parking on the park’s Greensward.

Credit: Memphis Zoo, city of Memphis, Overton Park Conservancy

The zoo has parked cars on the Greensward for decades (at least since the 1980s) in a handshake agreement with city. Grumbling about the deal and the cars goes back at least as long as the deal has been in place.

Vehicles periodically cut deep, hard, muddy ruts on a northern edge of the Greensward, rendering it useless for recreation. Sometime around early 2014 an ad hoc group blocked-off the greensward with orange traffic cones and sat around their barrier in camp chairs, daring anyone to pass. This was the opening salvo of what would be a nearly nine-year battle between park advocates and the public, the zoo, members of the Memphis City Council, and two mayors.

Flyer columnist Bruce VanWyngarden deftly summed up the next few years in a 2021 column.

”Things started getting really heated in 2014. Park lovers formed groups: Get Off Our Lawn (GOOL) and Citizens to Preserve Overton Park (CPOP). Activists stood on nearby street corners urging zoo patrons to park on nearby streets, rather than despoiling the Greensward. Aerial photographs were taken that showed just how much of the people’s parkland was being taken over by a private entity. The pictures got national attention. Protestors were arrested. Houses all over Midtown bore signs urging Memphis to Save the Greensward.

“Then the zoo cut down some trees. [Activists held a second line for them and planted some new trees in protest.] Some activists threatened to begin spray-painting cars. A zoo sign at the park entrance was defaced. Things were tense.

“And then, in the winter of 2016, newly elected Mayor Jim Strickland managed to get both sides into mediation. After months of costly negotiation, a compromise was struck. The zoo would be allowed to enlarge its lot to 415 spaces, taking some of the Greensward, but with the great majority of the land being preserved. The zoo subsequently announced that it would build a parking garage on nearby Prentiss Place and wouldn’t need to expand its lot. Huzzah! Parking on the Greensward was a thing of the past. Peace reigned in the Kingdom.

“At least it did until last Friday night at 5:06 p.m., when the zoo and city issued a joint press release stating that the Prentiss garage project was being scrapped because it was too expensive and that the zoo would go back to the lot-expansion plan, and, oh, while it was being expanded, the zoo would once again be letting its customers park on the Greensward. Enjoy your weekend. Nothing to see here.”

No work was done, however, and not an inch of the Greensward was taken. Winter weather was rightfully blamed at the time.

Credit: Memphis Zoo

In 2018, Zoo CEO Chuck Brady — seen as a zoo-first hardliner and unrelenting negotiator — resigned. He was replaced in 2019 by Jim Dean, a native Memphian who had served as president of SeaWorld and Busch Gardens.

Credit: Memphis Zoo

Dean was largely seen as a diplomatic compromiser who helped lead the zoo, park, and city through to the new plan that got the final approval Monday. Dean was replaced this year by Matt Thompson, the zoo’s former executive director and vice president (and the Zoo Dude personality on the zoo’s social channels).

Here’s how the zoo, park, and city described the new plan in a rare joint statement after Monday’s signing of the new memorandum of understanding:

“The new plan, which has been approved by both the conservancy and zoo boards of directors, would move the zoo’s current maintenance area to the park’s southeast corner, making use of existing buildings in the northern portion of what is now the city’s general services area.

Credit: Overton Park Conservancy

“The zoo’s existing maintenance area, located along North Parkway, would then be converted into parking. Along with some re-striping of the zoo’s main lot, this reconfiguration would add the 300 spaces the zoo needs without carving out a portion of the Greensward.

“Following the creation of the zoo’s new parking lot, the Greensward will be permanently closed to overflow parking. The conservancy is exploring the creation of a walking path around the perimeter of the Greensward to make the space even more accessible and increase its recreational potential. Overton Park will also look to remediate soil damage and install some landscaping that serves as a visual barrier between the Greensward and the zoo parking lots.

“Both organizations celebrate this historic day as they announce a permanent solution to the zoo’s parking needs that not only preserves the entire Overton Park Greensward, but restores 17 acres of mostly forested parkland that has been inaccessible for decades.”

News News Blog News Feature

TN GOP Continues to Fight Covid Vaccine Mandates

Tennessee Republicans are continuing the fight against vaccine mandates, especially for healthcare workers and those in the military. 

Covid vaccine mandates began to roll out in September 2021, the first for federal contractors. A mandate came a month later for healthcare workers at facilities participating in Medicaid and Medicare programs. Another mandate came in November 2021 for Head Start employees and for employees of private-sector companies. 

Lawsuits for each of these moves began almost as soon as they were announced. Tennessee GOP leaders either joined the fight or led the way on them all, citing “constitutional concerns about these mandates.” Some of the lawsuits prevailed, removing mandates for private employees and Head Start workers. But the GOP continues to remind about and fight the mandates, even though they are a thing of the past for most.  

This week Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti joined a coalition of 21 states to request that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) repeal the “unlawful federal vaccine mandate“ for healthcare workers. 

“Evidence continues to mount that the ongoing mandate is an unprecedented overreach of the federal government and has exacerbated shortages of healthcare workers in Tennessee and other states,” Skrmetti said in a statement. “This office will relentlessly protect Tennesseans from federal overreach.”

Skrmetti accused CMS of using the spread of the Delta variant of the Covid virus “to sidestep both notice-and-comment rulemaking” and obligations to consult with state agencies on the “unprecedented” vaccine requirement for healthcare workers. He said CMS has still not consulted the state about the situation after nearly a year.

He said the mandate now “only serves to exacerbate the shortage of healthcare workers and put vulnerable Tennesseans at risk.” Further, the mandates encroached on states’ “traditional police power” without authorization from Congress and “exceeded its authority.”

Tennessee is joined in the request with attorneys general from Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Wyoming.

Meanwhile, U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee) threw heat at the Biden Administration over military vaccine mandates and slipping in a catchphrase from television game show host Donald Trump. 

“President [Joe] Biden said it himself: the pandemic is over,” Blackburn said in a statement Monday. “So, why is his Department of Defense (DOD) willing to look at the brave men and women who volunteered to serve our nation and say ‘you’re fired’ all because they chose not to get the Covid shot?”

Blackburn said U.S. military recruitment “has reached an all time low.” Every branch of the military has struggled to meet its recruitment goals, she said, and is facing a troop deficit of 21,000 next year. Blackburn said the National Guard will be down by about 12,000 recruits next year and expects to discharge up for 14,000 by 2024 for refusing the Covid shot. 

Blackburn warned that the U.S. is depleting its armed forces, especially with a vaccine mandate that she called a “shameful waste of talented manpower,” while a “New Axis of Evil” — China, Russia, and North Korea — “grows bolder by the day.” 

“Now is not the time to drag our service members into a political battle,” Blackburn said. “Now is the time to bolster our national defense. The New Axis of Evil is threatening the safety and security of the United States and our freedom-loving partners across the globe, and our military must remain ready to respond.”

News News Blog News Feature

Just City’s ‘Court Watch’ Grades County Judges

Some of Shelby County’s criminal court judges “need to be more professional” and “less condescending,” according to Just City’s recent “Court Watch” report

Just City is a Memphis-based nonprofit that works for criminal justice reform. Its Court Watch is a project that aims to bring “transparency and accountability to the county’s criminal legal system” and reduce barriers to justice.

Though most of the judges were commended for their ability to “explain things well,” each of the four judges observed had attributes that volunteers believed they could improve on. Responses ranged from professionalism, tone, and overall courtroom energy.

Just City’s “Court Watch” report is composed of observations from volunteers, who watch and evaluate the judges in the criminal courtrooms. Judges are scored on a scale from one to four, with one being the worst and four being the best.

The rubric consists of questions such as “Did the judge give the appearance of neutrality,” “Were both the accused and victim treated fairly,” and “Did you have any issues getting in.”

While all four judges seemed to receive a four in “access,” this is the only place where all judges received a consistent high score.

Judge Lee V. Coffee scored relatively high in most areas, however his lowest score was in “ability to hear.” Coffee was commended on his ability to explain things thoroughly and his ability to control the courtroom. However, Just City volunteers believe that Coffee should “have more interaction with people,” and “give people more chances.” Coffee scored the highest out of the four judges in “timeliness.”

In terms of neutrality, Judge Chris Craft received the lowest score out of the judges being observed. While volunteers said that Craft was “friendly” and “efficient,” they also believe that Craft needs to “change his attitude.” A former client said that “he was repeatedly all over the place and disorganized.” Volunteers also observed that Craft was “blatantly disrespectful,” and that he “performs his job like he’s running a circus. Or a slaughterhouse.” 

The report also said that Craft “heavily factors race into his decisions and uses racially charged language.”

Judge Karen L. Massey received the highest score in “ability to hear,” with volunteers saying Massey “talks to you and not ‘at’ you,” and that “she’s a good listener.” Massey received lower scores when it came to her sensitivity and timeliness. A former client said “she can work on being on time, I never knew when I’d get out.” Another former client said that Massey can “work on her professionalism.” Volunteers said that Massey “has a very abrasive tone towards defendants,” and that she is “inconsistent in the way that she deals and judges individuals.”

Volunteers believe that Judge S. Ronald Lucchesi could be more consistent and can improve on expanding public defender appointments. On the report, Lucchesi is quoted as saying “ If you want a public defender, I can throw you in jail for a few days so you can qualify in this court.” While former clients believe that Lucchesi is fair and honest, others said that he needs to be more professional. Lucchesi is also noted as being inflexible and “either really kind, or really harsh.”


Grizzlies Fall to Kings 113-109

The Grizzlies played their final game before the Thanksgiving holiday, facing off against the Sacramento Kings. It did not end in the Grizzlies’ favor.  

Let’s get into it.  

This was one of the most frustrating games of the young season, and it illustrated once again just how important Desmond Bane is to this team.

Props to the Kings, who are having their best season in recent memory. Harrison Barnes remains a Grizz killer, and De’Aaron Fox seems to have picked up that vibe as well.  

Even the early return of Ja Morant, who put up a career-high 20 points in the fourth quarter, was not enough to save this game. Not having their best three-point shooter has certainly put Memphis at a disadvantage. As a team, without Bane, they shot an abysmal 27 percent from beyond the arc.  

Another area that hurt Memphis was bad ball security – they gave up 23 points off 18 turnovers.  

Here’s a (not so) fun fact: Memphis is currently the worst free throw shooting team in the league, and Tuesday was no exception, with the Grizzlies shooting 19 of 30 from the foul line. That is 11 points they left on the table in a game they lost by 4 points.  

This is becoming a pattern for Memphis.

In their 8 losses so far this season, 5 were lost by fewer points than the number of free throws missed by the Grizzlies. Fix it.  

A public service announcement from the Ministry of Making Your Fucking Free Throws

By the Numbers:  

Ja Morant had a game-high 34 points, 7 rebounds, and 6 assists, with a career-high 20 points scored in the 4th quarter.  

Jaren Jackson Jr put up 22 points, 3 rebounds, 2 steals, and 5 blocks.  

Dillon Brooks finished the night with 14 points, 5 rebounds, and 5 assists. 

John Konchar closed out with 10 points and 9 rebounds.  

Who Got Next?  

The Grizzlies will host the New Orleans Pelicans on Friday, November 25th. Tip-off is at 7 PM. 

News News Blog News Feature

Tennessee Textbook Panel Hones School Library Guidelines for ‘Age Appropriate’ Materials

Tennessee’s textbook commission moved Friday toward approving broad guidance for school districts to avoid having their books banned statewide under a new law, even as one member sought to dig into the details of how to define what is age-appropriate for students.

Commissioner Laurie Cardoza-Moore, a conservative activist, lashed out at the award-winning young-adult novel “Hatchet” as an example of one book that should be pulled under a 2022 law that aims to ensure library materials are “appropriate for the age and maturity levels” of students who may access them.

“I’m here to represent parents,” said Cardoza-Moore, who lives in suburban Williamson County, south of Nashville, where “Hatchet” was one of 31 texts challenged last year under new English language arts curriculum. 

“The content is not only too mature or inappropriate, but it is vulgar,” she said about the 1986 Newbery Award-winning wilderness survival novel. “Does this bring out the best for our students, our children?” 

But Linda Cash, who chairs the Tennessee Textbook and Instructional Materials Quality Commission, said the new law directs the appointed 11-member panel to provide guidance — not to set strict rules or regulations.

It’s also not the commission’s job, Cash said, to define what constitutes violence, sexual content, vulgar language, or substance abuse for educators and school officials who already are supposed to be screening library books and other teaching materials for age-appropriateness.

The law — one of a spate of school censorship measures passed by the GOP-controlled legislature and signed by Republican Gov. Bill Lee since 2021 — has elevated tensions over what can be taught about race, sexuality, and history in Tennessee public schools, including the extent to which books and curriculum should reflect the diversity of America’s people and ideas.

Across the nation, classrooms have become a battlefront for conservatives wanting more “patriotic” education and less instruction that touches on systemic racism, racial bias, sexuality, and gender identity.

Tennessee was among the first few states to enact a law intended to restrict K-12 classroom discussions labeled as critical race theory about the legacy of slavery, racism, and white privilege. That field of study, typically found at the college level, explores how policies and the law perpetuate racist systems.

This year, as book challenges and bans increased, lawmakers passed the governor’s plan requiring periodic library reviews “so parents are empowered to make sure content is age-appropriate.” A second measure gives the state textbook commission veto power over local school board decisions on book challenges.

Currently, several school boards are dealing with challenges and at least one lawsuit.

This week, the school board in Sumner County, north of Nashville, voted 7-3 to keep the children’s book “A Place Inside of Me” on shelves following one parent’s complaint. The book includes a poem and illustrations showing a Black child dealing with his emotions after a police shooting. 

And during a court hearing last week in Williamson County, a judge hinted that he’ll likely dismiss a lawsuit filed by a conservative parents group over curriculum that the group claims violates Tennessee’s law prohibiting the teaching of critical race theory. 

The newest law directs the textbook commission to provide guidance on age-appropriateness to districts by early December. The commission is examining model guidance from the Tennessee School Boards Association, as well as recommendations from a school librarian advisory panel, as it works with the education department to issue the new guidelines.

The law also gives the commission — which comprises teachers, administrators, and citizens — the authority to ban books statewide in response to appeals of local school board decisions about challenged materials.

In addition, the statute directs the commission to develop an appeals process, which Cash said the panel will work on in January.

But Cash, who is superintendent of Bradley County Schools, hopes there will be no need for appeals.

“I really trust and believe in our local districts to manage this process, and I think they will,” Cash told Chalkbeat.

Two school librarians who spoke before the commission on Friday said it’s “very rare” for schools to receive complaints about library books.

Katie Capshaw, president of the Tennessee Association of School Librarians, said she’s received only two complaints in nine years as a librarian. Both matters were worked out in discussions with parents, she added.

Blake Hopper, a school librarian in rural Claiborne County, said he’s fielded no complaints in nine years on the job.

Both librarians served on the commission’s advisory council to develop the new guidance. Their primary message to commissioners: Schools serve a diverse student population and need local flexibility to help their students become lifelong readers.

What might seem inappropriate for one student’s age and maturity level may not apply to another student in another city or town, they said, urging the commission not to issue blanket statewide bans.

“Our job as librarians is to get what’s best for our students,” Capshaw said.

They took issue when Cardoza-Moore said she’s heard reports that some school personnel don’t have time to properly screen books “dropped off” at their doorsteps.

“Books are not dropped off at a school,” Capshaw responded. “The way that it works is that books are chosen, which is why there’s a selection policy.”

She said librarians are trained to choose books and usually are given a budget to purchase them, or must raise the money through fundraisers.

Commissioners identified details that they want to eventually include in their guidance, such as how long the review process should last and how many times the same book can be challenged.

Meanwhile, 19 education advocacy and community organizations have banded together to form the Tennessee Coalition for Truth in Classrooms to oppose censorship of instruction and materials and “promote the teaching of truthful history in our schools.” 

“The development of false narratives and attacks on diversity and equity and inclusion efforts are causing disruptions in our schools, hindering our students’ learning, and negatively impacting teachers’ mental, social, and emotional well-being, as they’re being threatened with a range of action,” said Gini Pupo-Walker, state director of the Education Trust in Tennessee, which spearheaded the coalition.

You can watch the full commission meeting here.

Marta W. Aldrich is a senior correspondent and covers the statehouse for Chalkbeat Tennessee. Contact her at

Chalkbeat is a nonprofit news site covering educational change in public schools.

Opinion The Last Word

Tacos and Labor Abuse

Everyone loves tacos, but most of us don’t think too much about how they’re made, or who, in fact, makes them. That all changed here in Memphis, thanks to a recent story in the Commercial Appeal by veteran reporter Daniel Connolly, an expert on the local and national Hispanic community.

The Covid-19 pandemic dramatically shifted the labor market locally and nationally; employees asked for protection during the deadly phase of the infection, and many have since declined to return to unfulfilling — sometimes dangerous — minimum-wage jobs. As a result, ubiquitous “We’re Hiring” signs hang in windows across Memphis and the country.

Currently, with about 11 million unfilled jobs in the United States and an estimated 4 million workers “displaced” from the labor market due to Covid and the continued effects of “long-Covid,” employers are scrambling for employees who now don’t want to work under pre-Covid terms. Laborers are not returning to degrading low pay that doesn’t translate to a “living wage” — or at least compensation and benefits that fully acknowledge their contributions to the business.

Americans aren’t lazy — they’re just fed up. As American corporate profits soar, a South African megalomaniac (“the richest man in the world”) buys Twitter for $44 billion, and a Portuguese soccer player grabs $167 million per year in pay and endorsements, it’s understandable why there’s little motivation to return to a $7.25 an hour job here in the U.S. Congress refuses to move on a federal minimum wage, and the Tennessee General Assembly is content with its citizens earning a pittance. Each relies on the same old tired arguments: Raising the minimum wage, they tell us with neither conviction nor data, will lead to unemployment. Reminding our friends in Congress of the 11 million jobs that are unfilled, presently, doesn’t seem to register.

Hence, the long gaze south. Connolly’s report focuses on a local restaurateur/taco operation who, like most restaurant owners in our city, has struggled in the nearly impossible labor market outlined above. Why not open our southern border to allow for labor flow from Mexico? The minimum wage there is currently the equivalent of $8 per day — or $160 per month. Given that grim reality, $7.25 per hour sounds pretty damn good.

No workable legal pathway exists to bring “low-skilled” people from Mexico here. So people cross the border illegally. Many of these people are “pulled” here by unscrupulous business owners in the United States who need a stable labor force to stay in business and by offering, via Facebook, Twitter, or some other electronic medium that penetrates borders, “a 100-percent safe trip, but without a visa.”

Working without proper documentation (a visa) in the United States is not legal, and soliciting workers with offers of a visa-less “safe trip” sounds remarkably close to trafficking. It will certainly attract the attention of the United States Department of Labor in Washington, especially when the pay advertised clearly violates federal overtime laws.

In the end, taco truck immigration diplomacy is not going to cut it. We need leadership from Washington right now because only the federal government can set, change, and update immigration policy. If we want to avoid more potential employer trafficking, reduce the flow of unauthorized border crossings, and make a dent in the 11 million unfilled jobs in the U.S., Biden will need to lead on immigration reform.

The “other side” in Congress has focused on pure nonsense for the past two years: defending a lunatic who once was president of the U.S., spewing conspiracy theories about a stolen election, and working to take rights away from women. There’s no hope they will join in for a real solution, so before losing control of the House, Biden should push for passage of the Dream Act (filibuster be damned!), which would regularize the status of millions while permanently welcoming them into the labor force.

Biden should also work to modernize our 1960s-style (i.e. outdated) visa system to attack the long backlogs of pending applications.

Both moves would require federal action. The benefits: Our contemporary labor/immigration crisis could be managed out of Washington via responsible legislation rather than from the back of a taco truck parked on Summer Avenue.

Bryce W. Ashby is an attorney at Donati Law, PLLC. Michael J. LaRosa is an associate professor of history at Rhodes College.

At Large Opinion

Hail Mary #8

Did you hear the big news?

Memphis is going to get a USFL team! The USFL, in case you’re not familiar with the latest iteration (I wasn’t), is a professional football league that had its debut season last spring with eight teams, all of which played their games in Birmingham, Alabama — which is weird, since the teams were supposedly affiliated with other cities. The Philadelphia Stars take on the Pittsburgh Maulers in Alabama in April? How does that setup not draw huge crowds?

Anyway, next spring, according to a newly signed agreement (obtained by the Daily Memphian via an FOIA request) between the city of Memphis, Liberty Stadium managers Global Spectrum, and the USFL, Memphis gets a piece of this sweet gridiron action. The new Memphis Showboats will play in the Simmons Bank Liberty Stadium, along with the possibly mighty Houston Gamblers, who will also call Memphis their home field. (When the Gamblers and the Showboats hook up, will both teams wear home uniforms? Tune in next spring and find out!) The Showboats will mostly be made up of players from the now-defunct Tampa Bay Bandits USFL team, which folded after one season.

Dear reader, you may be forgiven if you are less than enthralled. I am myself extraordinarily underwhelmed. They should have called this team the Memphis Deja Vu because we’ve all been here before. Memphis is no stranger to start-up, wonky-league football teams, having been home to no less than seven through the years. Let me refresh your memory, in case you don’t still have the souvenir jerseys: Memphis Southmen, WFL (1974-75); Memphis Showboats, USFL (1984-85); Memphis Mad Dogs, CFL (1995); Tennessee Oilers, NFL (1997); Memphis Maniax, XFL (2001); Memphis Express, AAF (2019). This list doesn’t include the Memphis Pharaohs, an Arena League team that played in the Pyramid for a season in the 1990s.

Suffice it to say that all Memphis professional football teams should be required to have the words “The Short-Lived” above the team name on the jerseys. Two years for a Memphis pro football team is an “era.”

Reportedly, the prime mover for this latest Excellent Adventure in Football Fantasy is FedEx founder and chairman Fred Smith, who, bless his heart, has wanted a professional football franchise for his home city for decades. Remember the Memphis Hound Dogs, the city’s well-funded 1990s Hail Mary pass at the NFL? Smith was part of that ownership group, along with cotton magnate Billy Dunavant, billionaire Paul Tudor Jones, and Elvis Presley Enterprises. Despite the undeniably rockin’ name and lots of money, Memphis lost out to the Jacksonville Jaguars and Carolina Panthers, who had the good sense to choose cat names.

Smith then became part of the ownership group of the (obligatory “short-lived” descriptor goes here) CFL Memphis Mad Dogs, who entertained the city, sort of, for one season. Oh, Canada.

Anyway, at last week’s announcement, when Smith and Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland posed awkwardly, jointly holding an orange-ish football and wearing too-small Memphis Showboat hats, it had a kabuki theater, been-here-done-this feel. Lord help us. Who’s fired up for April minor-league football, y’all? Show of hands.

By all accounts, the city’s financial commitment to this silliness is fairly minimal: some minor upgrades to the stadium and providing office and practice space to the team — which is apparently going to be the Pipkin building. The last time most Memphians were there was when we were driving through to get Covid shots in 2020. Good times!

It should be noted for historical purposes that the original USFL lasted three (whoo!) entire seasons (1983-85). Three consecutive Heisman Trophy winners signed with the league, including Georgia senatorial candidate Herschel Walker (who said last week he would rather be a werewolf than a vampire). The league played its games in the spring for two seasons, but one influential team owner pushed relentlessly for the league to shift its games to the fall. “If God wanted football in the spring,” the owner said, closing his case, “he wouldn’t have created baseball.”

The ensuing move to a fall schedule doomed the league, which could not compete for fans or TV eyeballs with the NFL and college football. The owner whose business acumen destroyed the original USFL? It was New Jersey Generals owner Donald J. Trump. A stable genius, even back then.

Go Showboats.

Theater We Recommend We Recommend

Who’s Holiday

Every Who down in Who-ville loved Christmas a lot. But Cindy-Lou, who lives on the south side, has been through a LOT. Now living in a trailer park, she is ready to share her turbulent story, so stop by Playhouse on the Square and see Cindy, as played by Courtney Oliver, in her full glory.

“I cannot stress enough that this is not a kids show,” says director Marcus Cox. Put simply, Cindy-Lou with her unexpected past is quite unorthodox. “She asks audience members questions. There’s some food handed out. But it’s not like Rocky Horror where you can scream and shout.”

For Cox, this show marks his Playhouse directorial debut, and he’s the one who introduced the play to the crew. Before this, he’s mostly dabbled in children’s theater, but as said before, this is strictly an adults-only feature.

Courtney Oliver as Cindy-Lou Who (Photo: Playhouse on the Square)

But, fear not, Playhouse has kid-friendly productions going on this month, too: The Wizard of Oz and Junie B’s Essential Survival Guide to School are sure to woo. “We tell the stories of our full community, young and old,” says Cox. “We tell the stories of our community’s minds, hearts, and souls.”

As the regional theater for the entire Mid-South, Playhouse has to cover a large swath of land. “That requires us to do more shows, but we are proud that we have a team that can.

“People know Playhouse for edgy shows that make people cry and make people think, and all of that is vital and extremely distinct,” says Cox. “But it’s also good just to be able to relax and enjoy live theater with your family and with your friends. For Who’s Holiday, in particular, the fun never ends.”

But will your heart grow three sizes after the play? Well, only you can say, but on Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 7 p.m., you can catch Who’s Holiday, opening this Friday. To purchase tickets to this production, The Wizard of Oz, and Junie B, visit or call 937-6496.

Who’s Holiday, The Memphian Room at The Circuit Playhouse, Friday, November 25-December 22, $20-$45.

Junie B’s Essential Survival Guide to School, The Circuit Playhouse, performances through December 22, $10-$35.

The Wizard of Oz, Playhouse on the Square, performances through December 22, $15-$45.

Music Music Features

Tom Paxton Embraces Collaboration

Now 85, Tom Paxton is what you might call an OG folk musician, having made his name as a songwriter in Greenwich Village before Bob Dylan even arrived from Minnesota. And so there’s a certain historical spark in speaking with him about our common love for Woody Guthrie. He surely had that same conversation with countless compatriots at the Gaslight Cafe, back in the day, especially since he’d landed there by way of his native Oklahoma. “I played football against a team from [Guthrie’s hometown of] Okemah, about 26 miles from my hometown,” Paxton remembers today. “But I actually never heard of Woody Guthrie until I went to the University of Oklahoma and started hearing his records, and he quickly became one of my heroes. I think he’s one of my biggest influences.”

Of course, part of Guthrie’s legacy is the tradition of the political or protest song, something that Paxton’s always had at the core of his craft. It’s also at the core of the annual series known as Acoustic Sunday Live, the latest version of which will feature Paxton, Crys Matthews, Susan Werner, The Accidentals, and Terry “Harmonica” Bean on Sunday, December 4th, at the First Congregational Church.

Woody Guthrie’s spirit has been with the concert series from the very beginning, when Bruce and Barbara Newman organized a tribute to Guthrie 28 years ago, featuring Paxton, Richie Havens, Odetta, and Ramblin’ Jack Elliott. Since then, each show has been a fundraiser for a local cause, and in recent years that’s been Protect Our Aquifer.

Paxton, reflecting on the cause of ensuring the purity of the Sparta or Memphis Sand Aquifer, quips, “Talk about a no-brainer! It makes you want to get a bumper sticker: ‘Like Drinking Water? Duh?!’” He’s seen innumerable citizen movements to protect sources of fresh water and feels one of his songs still rings true in that context. “The one I mainly still sing after 50 years is ‘Whose Garden Was This?’” he says. “Everything about ecology is in that song. If you want to enjoy it, you’ve got to preserve it.”

It’s yet another echo of Guthrie’s approach to folk music. “You had no trouble understanding the lyrics when he sang,” Paxton says. “And that’s always been a really important part to me. The way I feel is, I busted my butt writing these lyrics, I want to make sure people understand them.” That’s especially crucial to topical songs, he says. “You know, political and protest songs are as old as America. Now and then you’ll turn up songs that were current before or during our revolution, that were just flat-out protest songs against England and King George. Lots of them! Back during the Vietnam days, we took a lot of heat for writing songs opposing the war, but it’s a very old tradition.”

Old traditions appeal to Paxton, and his appreciation of the late Jean Ritchie spoke to that. “I visited with her in Kentucky two weeks before she passed [in 2015],” he says. “There was a song that was current back in the ’60s called ‘Passing Through’. So I wrote a verse for her: ‘Jean Ritchie of the Cumberlands, her dulcimer in hand/Came singing songs both old and new. … And she sang ’em all while she was passing through.’ She was a good, good person.”

Always generous in his praise of fellow artists, Paxton has leaned into the joys of collaboration of late. “I went for years basically just writing for myself, but the pandemic shut everything down, and if I was going to stay in touch with people, [co-writing on] Zoom was a way to do it. So I really went for it. I’ve been writing with The Accidentals, with Jackson Emmer, with my friend Cathy Fink. And it’s so satisfying that I want to keep doing it. Since the pandemic, so far I’ve co-written over 200 songs.”

He’s looking forward to the songwriters-in-the-round style of Acoustic Sunday Live, he says. “It’s great to be coming back to Memphis, and it stacks up to be a hell of a concert. You’ve got some really good people on there, like Crys Matthews and The Accidentals, and Susan Werner is absolutely dynamite on stage. And I’m bringing a colleague of mine from Colorado to be part of this, named Jackson Emmer. We’ve co-written several songs now. It’s a real kick for me, to hear young people singing a song I’ve helped to write.”

Acoustic Sunday Live, the 4th concert to Protect Our Aquifer, takes place at the First Congregational Church on Sunday, December 4th at 7 p.m. Tax deductible tickets are available at