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98.1’s Zeke Logan Suffering Serious Illness

Drake Hall, of 98.1 the Max, announced this morning that his long time radio partner Zeke Logan is suffering a serious illness. 

From the Drake and Zeke Facebook page

“I want to discuss this with you, our family and friends, briefly, and say this is difficult for all of us. About 2 months ago or less Zeke was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of cancer. If you’ve been through this with your family and your friends, you know it’s not easy. It’s very hard. And we’ve all tried to maintain privacy and respect for his wife Lori and for his kids Piper and Zach and for his mom Sarah and for us and to carry on as we have as he would have wanted us to do. At this point there is nothing really to say; he is very sick and all we ask is that if you pray to something, do it for him today because it’s not going well. And whatever happens, we’re going to do all in our power to continue this in his name and for his legacy. 27 years we have been with you guys, so that pretty much is the story. So today just have a good thought for him please and we’ll see you tomorrow.”
~ Drake Hall

Drake and Zeke have been fixtures on Memphis radio for over two decades and are repeat winners of Best Radio Show and Best Radio Personality categories in the Flyer‘s annual Best of Memphis issue.