Sade at the Pyramid….Well, I’m in a quandary. Im supposed to receive my big
$300 tax-relief check this week — isn’t itpathetic that George W. Bush is
trying to pay us to persuade us not to wince in agony when we see his image or
hear his voice? — and I just can’t decide how to spend it. I thought about
buying some exotic Red Light District wear at the new Betty’s Amnesterdam shop
but A) I look a little pedculiar in red leather thigh-high boots and a thong
and B) I’m afraid one of the chidlren at the day care center directly next
door might see me. I also had an idea for a vengeful scheme: Use the money
to hire a Jolly Royal furniture truck and have it go around and park in the
driveways of the homes of all the people I’m mad at, making it look like a
delivery but I’m not mad at anyone, so that will ahve to wait….