News The Fly-By


The National Rifle Association is , as usual, up in arms over a special committee looking into gun safety. In this particular case the committee is led by state Representative Henry Brooks, and is, in Brooks’ own words, “Not about gun control [but raher] about children and gun safety.Given the state health department’s statistics showing that nine children died from firearm accidents in 1998 (the last year for which such statistics are available), 19 were murdered, and 20 committed suicide with a gun; it would seem that kids and guns just don’t mix.

Commenting on the committee’s search, John Harris of the Tennessee Fireatrms Association was quoted as saying, “Our theory on Henri Brooks is she doesn’t like firearms, period….She would like a perfect world where there is no cancer… and no one has guns.” Fly on the Wall would like to officially compliment Harris on his brilliant reference to an ongoing disease for which there seems to be no imediate cure. We do wonder, however, if he is also opposed to cancer research.