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They say when it rains the angels are crying in heaven. Thus spake Channel 3 s hard-boiled reporter Mike Matthews. Well, the angels must have been watching a lot of chick flicks lately, he added to his Monday night report, commenting on the recent deluge that has caused flooding around the Mid-South. That s right; he said chick flicks. Matthews then moved easily from his highly scientific, almost McLuhan-esque account of how rain is actually produced in Hollywood, and got to the meat and potatoes of his story — people just don t like too much rain. In fact, people don t like too much rain so much it even makes them less charitable than they might normally be. They walk right past the Salvation Army bell ringers without so much as a second glance, Matthews reported. No doubt some people are avoiding the bell-ringers because of the Salvation Army s attempt to cut a covert deal with the Bush administration, offering to promote the president s faith-based initiatives providing they were granted special permission to circumvent existing civil rights legislation and actively discriminate against gays in the workplace. Of course, rain, angels, and chick flicks just makes for a better story, don t you think?