News The Fly-By


Picture yourself in the city council s chamber, the place where so many of the decisions that affect our fair city are made with great care and tremendous caution. Now imagine that same hallowed council chamber filled to bursting with hundreds of burly ironworkers sporting their finest union T-shirts, for such was the case at last week s council meeting when an untold number of workers showed up hoing to get the lowdown on presumably forthcoming arena contracts. Unfortunately, the union reps had arrived too soon. As Councilman Ricky Peete was quick to point out, no discussion of the arena contracts was slated for this meeting. CoundilMan Joe Brown also addressed the workers in a patriotic, pro-union speech so impassioned it brought a hush over the crowd. A lone, excited voice cut through the awed silence: the salty, strong voice of an American ironworker. My titties just stood up, the voice said. I think my titties just stood up.